How to understand EPO search reports and written opinions Draft programme

How to understand EPO search reports and
written opinions
Intermediate level
Draft programme
19-21 June 2013
Thessaloniki, Greece
Thessaloniki Concert Hall
Convention & Cultural Center
25th Martiou and Paralia str.
GR 54646 Thessaloniki
Seminar reference:
Version 15-04-2013
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Room "Maurice Saltiel Hall"
09.00 Registration
Christine Bruyen, European Patent Academy, European Patent Office,
09.30 Welcome
Stratos Koutivas, Head of Search Directorate, Hellenic Industrial Property
Ronald Haffner, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
10.00 Patent language and procedures
- Patent protection and claims
- Basics terms in the patent world, their meaning and use
- Patent procedure under the EPC (European Patent Convention)
- Patent procedure under the PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty)
Gunnar Schröder, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
11.20 Coffee break in foyer in front of room "Maurice Saltiel Hall"
11.40 European search opinion (EPC) and written opinion (PCT)
- Legal basis and structure
- Prior art documents
- Novelty and inventive step
Michael Standring, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
12.50 Lunch break
at Concert Hall restaurant
14.00 Structure of a search report
- Citations and their categories
- Additional information in the report
- Practical exercise how to set up a search report
Winfried Hylla, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
15.00 Coffee break in foyer in front of room "Maurice Saltiel Hall"
15.20 Particular cases of search reports
- Different reasons for non-standard search reports
- Effects on the procedure
Ronald Haffner, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
16.30 Questions and Answers
Any questions on EPO search reports and written opinions will be answered
by a panel of experts
Michael Standring, Gunnar Schröder, Winfried Hylla, Ronald Haffner
16.45 End of lectures
17.00 Leave by bus to Science Center and Technology Museum "NOESIS"
17.30 Networking cocktail
Guided tours of the exhibition of the Noesis Museum
20.30 Departure by bus, back to Concert Hall
Thursday, 20 June 2013
Rooms "Maurice Saltiel Hall" (Flat Hall), "Conference Room 1", "Conference Room
09.00 Technical workshops - Novelty
- Exemplary case of a lack-of-novelty objection
- Exercise: analysis of claims for novelty
Workshop "Chemistry"
Gunnar Schröder, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
Workshop "Electricity-Physics"
Winfried Hylla, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
Workshop "Mechanics"
Michael Standring, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
10.30 Coffee break in foyer in front of room "Maurice Saltiel Hall"
10.45 Technical workshops - Novelty
- continued
12.30 Lunch break
at Concert Hall restaurant
Rooms "Maurice Saltiel Hall" (Flat Hall), "Conference Room 1", "Conference Room
13.30 Technical workshops - Inventive step
- Exemplary case of a lack-of-inventive-step objection
- Exercise: analysis of claims for inventive step
Workshop "Chemistry"
Gunnar Schröder, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
Workshop "Electricity-Physics"
Winfried Hylla, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
Workshop "Mechanics"
Michael Standring, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
15.00 Coffee break in foyer in front of room "Maurice Saltiel Hall"
15.15 Technical workshops - Inventive step
16.45 End of the seminar day
20.00 Seminar dinner downtown Thessaloniki
Friday, 21 June 2013
Rooms "Maurice Saltiel Hall" (Flat Hall), "Conference Room 1", "Conference Room
09.00 Technical workshops - Clarity
- Clarity objections, exercises
Workshop "Chemistry"
Gunnar Schröder, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
Workshop "Electricity-Physics"
Winfried Hylla, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
Workshop "Mechanics"
Michael Standring, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
11.00 Coffee break in foyer in front of room "Maurice Saltiel Hall"
11.15 Technical workshops - Unity
- Unity objections, exercises
Workshop "Chemistry"
Gunnar Schröder, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
Workshop "Electricity-Physics"
Winfried Hylla, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
Workshop "Mechanics"
Michael Standring, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
12.15 Lunch break
at Concert Hall restaurant
13.30 Technical workshops - Unity
- continued
14:30 Coffee break in foyer in front of room "Maurice Saltiel Hall"
Room "Maurice Saltiel Hall" (Flat Hall)
14.50 Questions and answers
Feedback session
Gunnar Schröder, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
Michael Standring, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
Winfried Hylla, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
Ronald Haffner, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
Christine Bruyen, European Patent Academy, European Patent Office,
15:10 Closing of seminar, awarding of certificates
Stratos Koutivas, Head of Search Directorate, Hellenic Industrial Property
Ronald Haffner, Examiner, European Patent Office, Berlin sub-office
15.30 End of seminar