j!How TO FILE AN ANSWER TO A DIVORCE COMPLAINT WITHOUT AN ATTORNEY As you know, from the attached letter, our office will not be able to represent you in Court in the divorce filed against you. You told us there were no child(ren) born as issue (If you and spouse do have minor children, marriage. before you use this packet.) to your call us With our limited resources, we are not able to represent everyone who asks for our help. if you can afford, to hire an attorney to help you. It is best, If you cannot afford an attorney, this packet can provide you with information on how to answer the divorce complaint so that you will have an opportunity to tell your side in Court. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU ANSWER THE COMPLAINT AND THAT YOU ATTEND EVERY HEARING AND THAT YOU KEEP THE COURT AND YOUR SPOUSE'S ATTORNEY AWARE OF YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS. We will not be your attorney in this matter. YOU MUST ANSWER THE COMPLAINT WITHIN 28 DAYS OF THE DATE YOU WERE SERVED The first page is usually the SUMMONS. It demands that you Answer the Complaint within 28 days after you are served with the Summons. YOU MUST FILE YOUR ANSWER WITHIN 28 DAYS AFTER YOU RECEIVED THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT. Immediately after the Summons should be the Divorce Complaint against you. Read the Complaint carefully. If you do not answer the Complaint in writing within 28 days after you receive it, the Court may believe what the Complaint says is true and your spouse 1 IJ could get a divorce from you and get everything they have asked for from the Court. hearing, If you do not answer and do not go to the final then you will not get your day in Court. Again, it is very important that you keep the Court and your spouse's attorney informed regarding your current address so you will receive notification of all Court hearings. I HOW TO PREPARE YOUR WRITTEN ANSWER/ Preparing a written Answer to the Complaint is easy. the Sample Answer attached to see how an Answer looks. Look at You should type or neatly write your Answer. Your answers tell the Court what you believe is wrong in the Complaint and what you would like the Court to do for you in the divorce. Blank lines have been provided in the attached Answer form for you to use (No. 6 and No. 7). put where. Look at page 8 for what to Look at the sample Answer showing how an Answer might look when it is completed. Go through the Complaint paragraph by paragraph to see if the Complaint says anything that you believe is wrong. For example, if the Complaint has the wrong marriage date, you should state in your Answer the correct date of marriage. Or if the Complaint says there are no debts from the marriage and you do not believe this is true, you should type or write in the blank lines of your Answer that you there are debts from the marriage and list them. 2 Finally, you should also write or type in your Answer what you would like the judge to do for you. Below are some things you may ask the judge to do for you: •order your spouse to help support you including providing health insurance •divide up the marital property (including debts) •order your spouse to pay some or all the marital debts •order your spouse to give you a part of any pensions or retirement benefits, if your spouse has a pension or retirement benefits •give you back your maiden name At the end of Answer, number legibly. write your name, address, and phone SIGN YOUR ANSWER. Complete the Certificate of Service by filling in the name and address of your spouse's lawyer (or your spouse's name and address if your spouse if doing the divorce him/herself) . PLEASE NOTE: Some courts may require other documents to be filed with your Answer. If other documents are required by your court, those documents are included with this packet with a cover sheet listing the additional documents required to be filed with your Answer. You should complete those documents and if they are required to be notarized, you must sign them in front of a notary. You will be copying, serving and filing those documents with your Answer in the same way and at the same time as your Answer. I HOW TO SERVE AND TO FILE YOUR ANSWER and 3 I ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS After you have prepared and signed your Answer and any other documents included, [SEE LIST ATTACHED "WHAT TO FILE"] you need to immediately make two (2) photocopies of all documents. handwrite your photocopies against you. to copies. the That same attorney who Although you do day signed MAIL the one (You cannot set Divorce of these Complaint not have to mai 1 the Answer by certified mail, you may want to ask the post office to provide you with a Certificate of Mailing, which proves you mailed the Answer on the date it was mailed, to the person to whom it was addressed. Within 3 days of mailing one copy of all documents to the attorney who filed the complaint against you, you must take the original of your Answer and your remaining photocopies to the clerk of the common pleas court that served the papers on you. Be sure that you go to the Common Pleas Court where the Complaint was filed. Take the Complaint with you to the clerk's office and show it to the clerk to confirm that you are in the right place. Then give the clerk both your original Answer (and all other documents) and your photocopies. Ask the clerk to file-stamp the original(s) and the copies and to give you a copy back of everything that you filed. The clerk will then keep the original(s), which will go into the Judge's file so that the Judge can read it. The file-stamped photocopies should be returned to you by the clerk. 4 Keep your file-stamped copies in a safe place because it is your proof that you filed your Answer in the place and on the date shown in the file stamp. It is like a receipt. IF THE CLERK REFUSES TO TAKE YOUR ANSWER, PLEASE CONTACT US IMMEDIATELY. AND THEN WHAT? After you are done with all of this, the Judge will have your Answer, the person who filed the complaint against you will have a copy of your Answer, and you will have a copy of your Answer with proof that you have filed the original with the Court. Everyone will know where you stand and what you want from the divorce. The Court will then keep you updated on what happens in your case, and the person who filed the complaint against you will know where to send any additional papers that he or she may file with the Court. You must keep the Court and the other side up-to-date on what your current address is and what your telephone number is, if you have a phone number. This is so that the Court and the other side can continue to communicate with you. If you move and do not tell the Court or the other side, they will not look for you. If any of the information you gave the Court in your answer changes, send another letter with the new information to the Clerk with the case number and parties' names and send a copy to the other side. 5 IMPORTANT! ! IF YOU ARE SENT ANY DOCUMENTS FROM THE COURT TO COMPLETE, YOU MUST DO SO BY THE TIME SPECIFIED. COURT REQUESTS. YOU MUST COOPERATE WITH ALL IF YOU RECEIVE ANY DOCUMENT WITH A NOTICE OF HEARING, YOU SHOULD GO TO THAT HEARING. The Court may schedule your case for what is called a pretrial hearing. This is an informal meeting with the Judge and the people involved in the case to see what issues in the divorce you and your spouse agree on and what issues you disagree on. The Judge will also decide how long the final hearing will take and what issues need to be decided. Eventually, divorce hearing. the Court will schedule your case for a final At that hearing you will have the opportunity to present witnesses (including yourself) and other evidence (such as copies of unpaid bills from the marriage or documents showing your spouse has a pension) about the statements in the complaint and about what you want from the divorce. After hearing evidence from both sides and deciding what evidence is admissible and what is not, the Judge will render a decision. Sometimes, the Judge gives his or her decision "from the bench" immediately after the hearing, or he or she gives the decision later, after having an opportunity to think about the case. If, after you have followed all these steps, you learn that a 6 decision has been rendered against you and you were not notified of the hearing and did not attend, please contact us immediately. Or if you believe the Court or your spouse acted improperly, give us a call right away. you acted If the Court or the person who filed against improperly and you were significantly hurt by their actions, we might be able to do something about that. Good luck! P: \Forms-Macros\Screening Manual Forms\32 (A) ( 3) Divorce Defense without children\Di vorce Answer Instructions. wpd 7 HOW TO FILL IN THE BLANKS You need to fill in the numbered blanks. 1. Blank 1 Put County divorce papers filed in. 2. Blank 2a Blank 2b Put your spouse's name. Your spouse's address. 3. Blank 3 Put Case No. 4. Blank 4 Put Judge's name. 5. Blank 5a Blank 5b Put your name. Put your correct address. 6. Blank 6 Put why your disagree with divorce or any problems you have. 7. Blank 7 Put what you want the Court to do. 8. Blank Sa Blank 8b/c Blank 8d Sign your name. Put your address. Put your phone number. 9. Blank 9 Put address of your spouse's lawyer. 10. Blank 10 Put date mailed. 11. Blank 11 Sign your name. (get from Complaint) 8 (Get from Complaint.) IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, -------1~---------------------COUNTY, OHIO -2aPlaintiff's Name CASE NO. -2b- JUDGE -3- -4- Plaintiff's address Plaintiff, vs. DEFENDANT'S ANSWER -SaDefendant's Name -5b- Defendant's address Defendant. I, the Defendant, answers the Complaint as follows: -6- 9 I ask the Court to: -7- I swear that the information contained in the foregoing Answer is true and correct to the best of my information and belief. -Sa( Sign your name) Pro se -Sb(Address) -Be(City and State) -Sd(Telephone Number) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE A copy of this document was served attorney at the following address: upon Plaintiff or Plaintiff's -9- by ordinary U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid, this -10- day of -10- -11- (Your signature) P:\Forms-Macros\Screening Manual Forms\32(A) (3) Divorce Defense without children\Divorce Answer Instructions.wpd 11 I ask the Court to: I vvan·b my husbcu110L 1-o pccv our .bi'/ls. I swear that the information contained in the foregoing Answer is true and correct to the best of my information and belief. Pl2' I se ;G ;_IV. i/Hl Sh~e.e t (Address) >!}i:r- tocu11 Ol7lo (CltY and State) XXX'- XXk-,tzX X (Telephone Number) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE A copy of this document was served upon Plaintiff or upon Plaintiff's attorney at the following address: ....::('~='>l...!_.l_!..:t:=::!c='·st.;..~_:__,-"6~t_':. ~.' i1..\.__TU.,c~,l::..::o0,:.:.';\._)-=-'_O__:_H,_______ L:..!..J I U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid, this A:\Di\"orce How To\No Kids\blankanswer.wpd by ordinary rY CASE NO. , OHIO qq-DR-OXX Plaintiff's Name 1'2. E. MAIN ST. JUDGE 'Yourz. J'uo6 E Plaintiff's address '/0 UP- TtNIJ AJ 0 r-f Plaintiff, vs. DEFENDANT'S ANSWER Defendant's Name Defendant's address ""/OU"K Tc ll1!J 0 li Defendant. I, the Defendant, answers the Complaint as follows: ·~ \Ne t.E IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, _____________________COUNTY, OHIO CASE NO. Plaintiff's Name JUDGE Plaintiff's address Plaintiff, vs. DEFENDANT'S ANSWER Defendant's Name Defendant's address Defendant. I, the Defendant, answers the Complaint as follows: I ask the Court to: I swear that the information contained in the foregoing Answer is true and correct to the best of my information and belief. Pro se (Address) (City and State) (Telephone Number) CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE A copy of this document was served upon Plaintiff or upon Plaintiff's attorney at the following address: by ordinary U.S. Mail, postage pre-paid, this ___ day of (Your signature) P:\FomlS-Macros\Screening Manual Fonns\32(A)(3) Divorce Defense without children\Blank Answer fonn.wpd FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT/MOTION FOR TEMPORARY ORDERS HOCKING COUNTY COMMON PLEAS COURT DOMESTIC RELATIONS DNISION INSTRUCTIONS This form is required in the Domestic Relations Court. If you do not fill out this form, you will not be permitted to file. Therefore, it is important that you read this form carefully and fill out all sections to the best of your ability. Page 1 1. You should fill out this form before you go to the courthouse to file it. The court will not help you in completing this form. Make sure this form is typewritten or printed neatly. At the top of this form you will need to fill in the names of the Plaintiff and Defendant (the two spouses). If you are filing the divorce, then you are the Plaintiff and your spouse is the Defendant. 2. You are the Affiant. Write your name on this blank. 3. Part A: Check off the box(es) that apply to the type of relief you are requesting the Court to grant. For example, if you are requesting child support, you would check the box "Child Support" and also the box marked residential parent allocation stating that you want custody of the child/children. You could also check the boxes for spousal support, debt allocation and legal fees if you want the court to consider ordering these on your behalf. Should you be seeking custody of the child/children then you should file with this a sworn statement (Affidavit) listing the reasons that the court should grant you custody of the children. (See Ex. 2(A)) It should be noted that you will need to fill in the appropriate blanks listing the Plaintif£'Defendant, County and Case No. You will also need to print your name on the line before the words "being duly cautioned and sworn". 4. Part B: Notice of Hearing. Leave this part blank- the Clerk will fill this in. 5. Part C: Case Information. You need to fill in your side of the table (whether you are Husband or Wife) with your name, street address, city/state/zip, telephone, Social Security number, date of birth, and age. You can fill in the other side if you want and know the information, but it is not necessary. 6. Under the colored line in the table, you must fill in all the sections. You will need to fill in your date married, when separated (if applicable), number of children, children's ages, with whom children live, number of dependents, children's address, whether your home is rented or owned, who occupies your home, and number of dependent children from previous marriage for Husband and Wife. 1. Part D: Annual Income (Again, fill in your side of the table. However, if you know your spouse's approximate income or employer you should list it under their side of the colunm.): Fill in your employer (or other source ofincome)'s name, the street address, city/state/zip, and telephone number. However, if you have information in regards to your spouse's income and employer, you should fill in the appropriate blanks. Then fill in as much as you can of the rest of the table. Write in "0" if you do not receive gross income from any of the sources. Be sure to fill in the total gross annual income where requested. You will also need to attach verification in the form of a current pay stub, W2, tax return, etc. Please note this is annual income so it must be what you make in gross income in a year. Further, if your only source of income is public benefits (OWF, SS, DA etc.) you should list it in this section. 2. Deductions From Income: You can usually find this infonnation on your pay stub or W-2 form. Be sure to fill in the total annual deductions. 3. Subtract your total annual deductions from your total gross annual income to get your total net annual income and fill it in the bottom part of the table. Page 3 1. PartE: Financial Disclosure. Here is where you will list any accounts at a bank, savings and loan, credit union, or other financial institution. You must list any of the following types of accounts: checking, certificate of deposit (CD), investment, savings, individual retirement (IRA), stock options, etc. You must list all accounts in which you have an interest, even if your name is not on the account. Therefore you must list any accounts belonging to your children. You must list any amounts of cash over $250. You must list accounts even if the balance is $0. Fill in the name of the financial institution, its address, the account number, the name on the account, and the balance. 2. Part F: Dependent Information. Here you list any biological or adoptive minor child not the subject of this action that live with you (again, only fill in your side of the chart). This would include children from a previous marriage or relationship, for example. If your spouse has children from a previous marriage or relationship, do not include them. You may include your own children from a previous marriage or relationship. Page4 Part G: Expenses You only need to fill out your side of the table. You must fill in the amount you actually pay each month for these expenses. Page 5 Part H: Debts You must list all debts owed by each party. In the "debtor" colunm, you must note whether the debt is the husband's debt, the wife's debt, or a joint debt. Show this by marking an H, W, or J in that column. In the next column, write who has possession or use of the item; for example, who is driving the car on which the debt is owed. You may estimate the principal to the best of your knowledge. Most importantly, you must fill in what you pay per month on this debt in the final column. Page6 1. Part I: Group Health Insurance For Minor Children. You do not need to complete this section if minor children are not involved in your action. However, if they are, you must. Fill in your information on your side of the table. If you get health insurance through a social services program, be sure to note that. Do not forget to fill in the summary of the benefits of your plan in the appropriate section. 2. You will need to sign where it says "Affiant" but you may only sign this form in the presence of a Notary Public. One place you might try to find a Notary Public is at your local bank. GOOD LUCK! P:\Forms-Macros\Pro se\Hocking\Common Pleas\Financial Affidavit lnstructions.wpd IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF HOCKING COUNTY, OHIO DOMESTIC RELATIONS DIVISION PI aintiff!P eti tio n er -vs-/-and- Case No.: - - - - - - - - Defendant/Petitioner FINANCIAL AFFIDAVIT/MOTION FOR TEMPORARY ORDERS/AFFIDAVIT OFHEALTHINSURANCECOVERAGE - - - - - - - - ' Affiant(s), being duly sworn, say(s): PART A- TEMPORARY RELIEF REQUESTED I am requesting the following relief: 0 Financial Disclosure Only 0 Spousal Support 0 Residential Parent Allocation 0 Debt Allocation 0 Companionship Only 0 0 Child Support 0 Legal Fees and Expenses (Amount Requested Other (Please Specify) PART B - NOTICE OF HEARING on the This matter shall come on for non-oral hearing on affidavits only (parties and counsel need not appear) day of , ___ at .m. PART C- CASE INFORMATION Husband Wife Full Name Street Address City/State/Zip Telephone Social Security No. Date of Birth/Age Number of Children S~parated Date Married When Children's Ages With Whom Children Live Children's Address Home Rented or Owned? Occupied By -- 1 Number of Dependents Number of Dependent Children by Previous Marriage- H w PARTD-ANNUALINCOME Wife Husband Employer/Source of Income Street Address City/State/Zip Telephone • $ $ Gross annual overtime or bonuses $ $ Gross annual unemployment benefits $ $ com~nsation $ $ Gross annual interest or dividends $ $ Child support received for other children $ $ Spousal support received from_prior marriae:e $ $ Other: (eg. pensions, annuities, etc.) $ $ TOTAL GROSS ANNUAL INCOME: $ $ Gross annual wages or self employment income (excludinl! overtime and bonuses). Gross annual worker's *Attach Verification- Current Pay Stub, W-2's, Tax Return, Etc. Deductions from Income Income Tax Actually PaidJ!'ederai/State!Local) $ $ F.I.C.A. $ $ MandatQ!Y_ Retirement Plan $ $ Union Dues $ $ Health Insurance Coverage $ $ Child Support Withheld From Income $ $ Spousal Support Withheld From Income $ $ TOTAL ANNUAL DEDUCTIONS: $ $ TOTAL NET ANNUAL INCOME: $ $ PARTE- FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE LIST ALL CASH AND FUNDS ON DEPOSIT IN ANY AND ALL ACCOUNTS IN ANY BANK, SAVINGS AND LOAN, CREDIT UNION OR OTHER FINANCIAL INSTITUTION. ACCOUNT MAY INCLUDE ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING: CHECKING, CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT, INVESTMENT, SAVINGS, INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT, STOCK OPTION, ETC. NOTE- YOU ARE REQUIRED TO DISCLOSE ALL FUNDS IN WHICH YOU HAVE AN INTEREST REGARDLESS OF THE NAME IN WHICH THESE FUNDS ARE HELD. INCLUDE CASH OVER $250.00. 2 N arne of Financial Institution Address Account Number Name On Account Balance PART F- DEPENDENT INFORMATION LIST EACH BIOLOGICAL OR ADOPTIVE MINOR CHILD, NOT THE SUBJECT OF THIS ACTION, LIVING WITH EITHER PARTY. (DO NOT INCLUDE THE CHILDfREN) INVOLVED IN THIS ACTION. DO NOT INCLUDE STEP-CHILDREN.) Husband's Household Child's Name Wife's Household Date of Birth Child's Name 3 Date of Birth PART G - EXPENSES STATE YOUR ACTUAL EXPENSES PER MONTH' Husband Wife $ s a. Gas $ $ b. Electric $ $ c. Phone $ $ d. Other (Identify) $ $ 3. Insurance $ $ a. Auto $ $ b. Life $ $ c. Health (Not withheld from income) $ $ 4. Uninsured Medical/Dental $ $ 5. Clothing $ $ 6. Groceries & Household Supplies $ $ a. Fuel $ $ b. Maintenance & Repairs $ $ 8. Work-Related Child Care (~ttach verification) $ $ 9. Child Support Paid For Other Child(ren) $ $ 10. Spousal Support Paid For Ex-Spouse $ $ 11. Other (Please identify) $ $ 1. Rent (Not to include mortgage payments) 2. Utilities 7. Transportation (Not withheld from income) 4 PART H- DEBTS LIST ALL DEBTS OWED BY EACH PARTY, WHETHER ALLEGED TO BE MARITAL OR SEPARATE DEBT. DO NOT INCLUDE ANYTHING LISTED IN PART GAS EXPENSES. Secured Creditors Debtor HWJ Person in Possession, Use or Occupancy Principal Monthly Installment Principal Monthly Installment Mortgage 2nd Mortga~e Auto Auto Other Unsecured Creditors Debtor HWJ 5 PART I- GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE FOR MINOR CHILDREN INSTRUCTIONS: IF MINOR CHILDREN ARE INVOLVED IN THIS ACTION, ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ABOUT THE AVAILABILITY, COST, AND COVERAGE OF GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE FOR THE MINOR CHILDREN. IF MINOR CHILDREN ARE NOT INVOLVED IN THIS ACTION, DO NOT COMPLETE PART I. Husband Wife AVAILABLE THROUGH EMPLOYER (Yes or No) AVAILABLE THROUGH NON-EMPLOYER (Yes or No) NAME AND ADDRESS OF INSURANCE COMPANY GROUP POLICY NUMBER COST TO YOU OR THE OTHER PARTY PER YEAR: (For children only) $ $ Summarize the benefits of each plan (ie. DEDUCTIBLES, CO-PAYMENTS, HMO, COMPREHENSIVE, MAJOR MEDICAL, DENTAL OPTICAL ETC. .. ). Husband's Policy: Wife's Policy: Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me this _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _. Notary Public Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me this _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ Notary Public P:\FomlS-Macros\Pro se\Hocking\Common Pleas\Financial Affidavit.wpd 6 TYPE OR PRINT ONLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR POVERTY AFFIDAVIT I. Fill in the name of the county where the action is. 2. Fill in the name of the parties to the action. 3. Leave blank the case number line unless you know the case number. 4. Fill in your name. 5. Sign your name in front of a notary if the affidavit is correct. MAKE 2 COPIES AND TAKE WITH YOUR PAPERS TO COURT IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS _ _ _ _ _ COUNTY, OHIO CASE NO. _ _ __ vs. AFFIDAVIT OF INABILITY TO PREPAY OR GNE SECURITY FOR COSTS. Sec. 2323.31 Revised Code STATE OF OHIO ) ) _ _ _ _ COUNTY) I, the undersigned, a party in the above captioned case, being first duly sworn, represent to the Court that I am unable either to prepay or give security for costs in this action and request the Clerk to accept the attached pleading herein without prepaying or giving security for costs as provided by Sec. 2323.31 of the Revised Code. In support of this request, I submit answers to the following questions: 1. What is your age? _ _ years 2. Do you have any children? _ _ If so, give names and ages. 3. What is your occupation or business? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. Are you employed?___ If so, give name and address of your employer. 5. What did you earn during the past year? 6. What are your parent's names and ages? 7. Do you own any real estate? ___ If so, give its value_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Is it mortgaged?___ If so, give the amount of the mortgage. _ _ _ _ __ 8. Do you own an automobile? ___ If so, what is the value? _ _ _ _ _ __ 9. What other things do you o w n ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - What debts are against it?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 10. Have you made an advance payment to your attorney for his services in this case? If so, how much? _____ Who paid it? 11. Do you have any securities or bank accounts? _ _ _ __ If so, give its value_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 12. Are you receiving public assistance? ___ If so, what kind? _ _ _ _ _ __ How much? _ _ _ _ _ __ Signature STATE OF OHIO ) ) ss _ _ _ _ _ COUNTY) Before me a Notary Public personally appeared_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __________ who being first duly cautioned and sworn, says the facts in the foregoing affidavit are true. NOTARY PUBLIC IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS _ _ _ _ _ COUNTY, OHIO CASE NO. _ _ _ __ vs. JUDGMENT ENTRY Upon Affidavit of the Petitioner and for good cause shown, it is hereby ordered that the Petitioner be allowed to proceed without prepayment of costs in this matter. IT IS SO ORDERED. JUDGE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE/AFFIDAVIT OF INDIGENCY Ill MONTHLY INCOME/EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Type of Income Employment {Gross) Self Household Members Spouse Total Unemployment Worker's Camp. Pension Social Security Child Support ADC Disability other Employer's Name (for all household members) Address SUBTOTAL A Phone ( IV ALLOWABLE MONTHLY EXPENSES Amount Type of Expense V. TOTAL INCOME SUBTOTAL A -SUBTOTAL B i of Caring for Inform Family Members GRAND TOTAL C D ) VII MONTHLY LIABILITIES/OTHER EXPENSES Type of Liability Rent/Mortgage Food Electric Gas Fuel Telephone Cable Water/Sewer/Trash Credit Cards Loans Taxes Owed Other VII GRAND TOTALS Amount Grand Total C Total Monthly Income Grand Total D Total Assets Grand Total E Total Monthly Liabilities and Other Expenses GRAND TOTAL E IX. AFFIDAVIT OF INDIGENCY I, being duly sworn, say: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I am financially unable to retain private counsel without substantial hardship to me or my family. I understand that I must inform my attorney if my financial situation should change before the disposition of my case. I understand that it if is determined by the county, or by the Court, that legal representation was provided for me to which I was not entitled, I may be required to reimburse the county for the costs of representation provided. Any action filed by the county to collect legal fees hereunder must be brought within two years from the last date legal representation was provided. I understand that I am subject to criminal charges for providing false financial information in connections with the above application for legal representation pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 120.05 and 291.13(A)(13), (0)(4). I hereby certify that the information I have provided on this financial disclosure form is true to the best of my knowledge. Client Signature Date Notary Public: Subscribed and duly sworn before me according to law, by the above named applicant this _ _ _ day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at , County of and State of _ _ _ _ __ Notary Signature X. JUDGE/ATTORNEY CERTIFICATION I hereby certify the above-noted client is unable to fill out this financial disclosure form and/or is unable to sign the above affidavit. I have determined that the applicant meets the criteria for receiving court appointed counsel. Judge/Attorney Signature Date
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