www.lexxion.eu/conferences/estif ents + + + Intensive Workshop How to Use Simplified Cost Options for ESI Funds? 13 - 14 November 2014 | Brussels New Rules & Regulations for 2014-2020: How to use Simplified Cost options? Calculation methods & Practical Exercises: Flat-rate Financing, Standard scale of unit costs and Lump sums Considerations for managing and Audit Authorities & Beneficiaries Setting up Simplified Cost models for ERDF Projects Compliance with Eligibility Rules, Public Procurement and State Aid Rules CoNFERENCE PROGRAMME Day 1 Thursday, 13 November 2014 8:30 Registration & Welcome Coffee 9:00 Welcome & Introduction of Participants Morning: New Rules & Calculation Methods 9:30 Afternoon: How to Implement Simplified Cost Options: National (Best) Practices 14:00 Focus on Outputs and Results: The Enhanced Use of Simplified Cost Options Developing and implementing a result-oriented approach Requirements for financial management and control Considerations and requirements for beneficiaries Benefits & risks Discussion and exchange of experiences Why use Simplified Cost options? Scope of use and new rules for ESI Funds in 2014-2020 Increasing legal certainty in the application of SCos methods for SCos: Flat-rates, standard scale of unit costs, lump sums Lessons learnt from 2007-2013 Louis Vervloet Louis Vervloet general Director, ESF-Agency Flanders, Brussels 14:45 general Director, ESF-Agency Flanders, Brussels 11:00 Coffee Break & Networking 11:30 Calculation Methods for Simplified Cost Options & Practical Exercises Flat-rate Financing: Categories of costs and rates Standard scale of unit costs Lump sums: Definition of milestones and output Requirements for financial reporting Practical exercises and calculations Setting up Simplified Cost Models for ERDF Projects & actical cases Pr Eligible costs under ERDF experiences Public Procurement and SCos Flexibility in the operation of simplified cost models Benefits, challenges and pitfalls Discussion and exchange of experiences 16:00 Discussion Round & Expert Guidance on National Practices Participants are asked to report on their ssion practices & experiences Interactive se s ce ti ac Discuss your individual on best pr questions in full confidentiality Receive expert guidance Louis Vervloet general Director, ESF-Agency Flanders, Brussels 13:00 Implementing Simplified Cost Options: Considerations for Managing Authorities & Beneficiaries Lunch Break Louis Vervloet general Director, ESF-Agency Flanders, Brussels Day 2 9:00 End of Day 1 11:30 Group Work: Best Practice and Recommendations for a Successful Use of Simplified Cost Models Friday, 14 November 2014 Implementing Simplified Cost Options: Considerations for Audit Authorities Implications for the audit procedure: Audit of methodology Specific audit trail requirements Compliance with eligibility rules, public procurement and State aid rules Errors and irregularities – How to avoid them? The European Courts of Auditor’s approach Discussion and exchange of experiences Juan Ignacio Gonzalez Bastero Head of Unit, Employment and Social Affairs - Financial Audit, European Court of Auditors, Luxembourg (tbc) 11:00 17:30 Coffee Break & Networking Practical Cases & Recommendations for a successful use of flat-rates, standard scale of unit costs and lump sums Davide Bonagurio Expert for EU Structural Funds and Cohesion Policy, Brussels; formerly Dg Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion 13:00 Lunch 14:00 End of Workshop Distribution of Certificates GENERAL INFORMATION Current Challenges for Responsible Authorities The new regulation for 2014-2020 includes a number of measures that encourage the use of simplified cost options and improves their legal certainty: Among others, more possibilities are given to apply flat rates, not only based on indirect costs, but to calculate any type of costs; more calculation methods have been introduced and the threshold for lump sums has been increased. Although the extended use of simplification methods does explicitly include ERDF programmes, programme managers often encounter difficulties in their practical use, when it comes to cost calculation and eligibilities of costs. As the use of simplified cost models and the move towards a result-based management have significant implications on the management and control of EU Funds, all responsible programming bodies – Managing, Certifying and Audit Authorities as well as Intermediate Bodies – need to familiarise with these new requirements. Receive guidance from experienced specialists Learn how to implement and apply the new rules & tools Discuss your questions in full confidentiality Exchange your experiences with colleagues from all over Europe Your Experts Juan Ignacio GONZALEZ BASTERO Louis VERVLOET Head of Unit, Employment and Social Affairs - Financial Audit, European Court of Auditors, Luxembourg (tbc) general Director, ESF Agency Flanders, Brussels Davide BONAGURIO Expert for EU Structural Funds and Cohesion Policy, Brussels; formerly Dg Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Who should participate in this Workshop? Public officials from national and regional authorities, especially from: managing Authorities Intermediate Bodies Certifying Authorities Regional and local authorities Audit Authorities Court of Auditors Beneficiaries of EU funded projects, i.e.: Private and public companies, associations, research institutes Bodies working in European Territorial Cooperation Public and private banks and other financial intermediaries International, national and local associations and networks Consultants and lawyers Just send to us your cases and questions in advance! We will forward them to our speakers, who will include your issues in the programme and answer them during the workshop. All information concerning your questions and cases will be treated confidentially. As the number of participants is limited, participants will benefit from a maximum of exchange and discussion of their individual questions. JoURNAL + + + Lexxion presents + + + Lexxion presents + + + Lexxion presents + + + Lexxion presents + + + Lexxion presents + + + Lexxion prese EURoPEAN STRUCTURAL AND INVESTmENT FUNDS JoURNAL - EStIF With the Programming Period 2014-20, the new European Structural and Investment Funds Journal (EStIF) responds to the growing need for information exchange between the various stakeholders involved. EStIF focuses on the practical aspects of implementation of Structural Funds in the European Union.The articles, written by experienced specialists from both the European institutions and national authorities, provide the readers with practical guidance and examples from various member States on how to manage, implement and control the spending of European monies. To offer a comprehensive approach to all current issues, EStIF includes various articles in different categories, namely: The New Programming Period 2014-2020 & Lessons Learnt management, Implementation & Control of ESI Funds s receive r e b i r c s b Practices and Experiences from member States’ EStIF su iscount on and Beneficiaries’ Perspectives a 10% d Country Reports ation fee Publication frequency: quarterly • Approx. 100 pages • ISSN 21 96-82 68 • Subscription rate: 198 EUR cip the parti www.lexxion.eu/estif REgISTRATIoN FoRm How to Use Simplified Cost Options for ESI Funds? VENUE Please register with: De Warande Zinnerstraat 1 | 1000 Brussels Phone: +32 2 514 30 00 Lexxion Publisher Post: güntzelstr. 63 | 10717 Berlin, germany Phone: +49 (0)30-81 45 06-27 (Juliana Veit) Fax: +49 (0)30-81 45 06-22 E-mail: [email protected] online: www.lexxion.eu/conferences YES, I will take part in the Workshop at the reduced fee for public sector: 890 EUR (excl.VAT) at the fee for private sector: 1.290 EUR (excl.VAT) I am subscriber of the EStIF journal and save 10%. Please send me information about Structural and Investment Funds issues for free. I may unsubscribe from this service any time. The participation fees include the workshop material, drinks and snacks during the breaks and lunch. VAT will be added if applicable. CANCELLATION POLICY Cancellations should be made in writing per post or fax. Please note that the full fee will be charged for cancellations received after 29 october 2014. Nomination of a substitute remains possible. A cancellation arising by reason of too small a number of participants is effected no later than two weeks prior to the conference by the organisers. In this case the participation fee will be refunded. A requirement for reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses as well as loss of working hours is not possible, unless such costs result from wantonly negligent or deliberate behaviour on the part of the organisers. Press date: 00 August 2014. Subject to alterations. For further information or online registration please visit www.lexxion.eu/conferences. Name Position/Department Institution Address Postal Code/Country Phone Fax E-mail VAT Reg. No. / No.TVA / BTW-Nr. Customer No. of EStIF-subscription Date, Signature UPComINg EVENT + + + Lexxion presents + + + Lexxion presents + + + Lexxion presents + + + Lexxion presents + + + Lexxion presents + + + Lexxion EStIF Conference: The New Cohesion Policy 2014-2020 e r ie n c e s Firs t e x p nd ement a e manag e h w it h t h of t n t at io n im p le m e p e r io d ! g ra m m in g o r p w ne Financial Instruments: Funding mechanisms, Ex-ante Assessment, monitoring & Control Integrated Territorial Approaches (ITI, CLLD, JAP) ESI Funds in compliance with State aid and Procurement rules and many more topics ... 27 - 28 November 2014 Brussels For further information and online registration, please visit www.lexxion.eu/conferences
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