課程基本資料 系所 / 年級 臨床醫學研究所碩士 課號 / 班別 (Department/Grade-Level) 班1 年級 (Course Code) 學分數(Credits) 選 / 必修 2 學分 83M000410 / A 選修 (Elective/Required) 科目中文名稱 DryLab 論文寫作 (Course Title (Chinese)) 科目英文名稱 DryLab paper (Course Title writing (English)) 負責教師 (Instructor) 許重義 開課期間 一學期 (Course Load) 人數上限 70 人 已選人數 (Enrollment Max.) 8人 (Enrollment Taken) 可選學制(availability) 大學部 不可選 二技部 不可選 碩士班 1 年級至 4 年級 博士班 1 年級至 4 年級 修讀他所『碩士班可供博士班下修課程』是否認列為博士班畢業學分,請先向所屬研究所確認, 以免日後所修學分不予認列 請各位同學遵守智慧財產權觀念;請勿非法影印。 核心能力指標 教學綱要 一、課程概述 (Course Description) 二、教學目標 本課程以運用大型資料庫如台灣健保資料庫習得臨床研究能力, (Course Objectives) 由於健保資料庫包含長期醫療資訊,可用以從事醫學研究,包括 探索疾病的自然史,評估診斷技術、治療方法在醫療實境中的效 果等。學生可依興趣選擇研究主題,由附醫健康管理辦公室協助 資料分析。原則上修課學員在上完本課程的期末報告就是一篇論 文投稿至國際期刊。 本課程歡迎醫事人員旁聽。 This course is designed to assist students in acquiring clinical research capability by developing DryLab papers based on developing idea-initiating approaches and analytical strategies, taking advantage of the massive data banks such as Taiwan National Health Insurance database which contains comprehensive long-term healthcare information that could be applied for medical research including disease characteristics, diagnostic issues, therapeutic effects and other clinical questions. The DryLab Office in CMUH will assist data analysis after students set research topics out of their interests. Each student will have the opportunities to present their ideas in formulating the scheme for developing a DryLab paper. The data derived based on the DryLab initiatives will also be presented by the students to receive critiques from the peers and course instructors to refining the topic and modifying the direction to lead to better quality of likely publication in SCI journals. By the end of this course, the term report from every student is expected to be a manuscript ready for submission to an appropriate SCI journal. This course is open to graduate students in the Graduate Institute of Clinical Medical Science and other CMU institutes as well as healthcare professionals including physicians, dentists, nurses, pharmacists, medical and radiological technologists, and CMUH members of other disciplines. 三、先修科目 (Prerequisites) 四、教學方式 (Teaching Methods) 教師授課或演講 20%;課堂討論 80%。 Lectures 20%;Discussion 80%。 五、評量方式 課堂參與與報告/Presentations, 30%;健保資料研究提案計畫書 (Assessment) /proposals, 35%;論文撰寫/paper writing, 35%。 六、參考書目(Reference) 1. Lai SW, Liao KF, Lai HC, Muo CH, Sung FC, Chen PC. Statin use and risk of hepatocellular carcinoma. Eur J Epidemiol. 2013 May 17. 2. Hung SC, Lai SW, Tsai PY, Chen PC, Wu HC, Lin WH, Sung FC. Synergistic interaction of benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostatitis on prostate cancer risk. Br J Cancer. 2013 Mar 14; 108(9):1778-83. 3. Lai SW, Liao KF, Lai HC, Tsai PY, Sung FC, Chen PC. Kidney cancer and diabetes mellitus: a population-based case-control study in Taiwan. Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2013 Mar; 42(3):120-4. 4. Lin SY, Lin CL, Hsu WH, Wang IK, Chang CC, Huang CC, Kao CH, Liu SH. A Comparison of Cancer Incidence among Physician Specialists and the General Population: A Taiwanese Cohort Study. J Occup Health. 2013 Apr 9. 5. Chou IC, Lin HC, Lin CC, Sung FC, Kao CH. Tourette syndrome and risk of depression: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2013 Apr; 34(3):181-5. 6. Chang WC, Muo CH, Chang SN, Sung FC, Chang YJ, Kao CH. A nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study: decreased risk of stroke in cervical cancer patients after receiving treatment. Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2013 Apr 9. 7. Lin CC, Li CI, Hsiao CY, Liu CS, Yang SY, Lee CC, Li TC. Time trend analysis of the prevalence and incidence of diagnosed type 2 diabetes among adults in Taiwan from 2000 to 2007: a population-based study. BMC Public Health. 2013 Apr 9; 13:318. 8. Chou IC, Chang YT, Chin ZN, Muo CH, Sung FC, Kuo HT, Tsai CH, Kao CH. Correlation between epilepsy and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: a population-based cohort study. PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e57926. 9. Tsou YA, Lin CC, Lai CH, Wang CY, Lin CD, Chen PC, Tsai IJ, Chen CM, Sung FC, Tsai MH. Does Adenotonsillectomy really reduced clinic visits for pediatric upper respiratory tract infections? A national database study in Taiwan. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2013 May;77(5):677-81. 10. Wang IK, Muo CH, Chang YC, Liang CC, Chang CT, Lin SY, Yen TH, Chuang FR, Chen PC, Huang CC, Wen CP, Sung FC, Morisky DE. Association between hypertensive disorders during pregnancy and end-stage renal disease: a population-based study. CMAJ. 2013 Feb 19;185(3):207-13. 11. Shih HI, Lin MC, Lin CC, Hsu HC, Lee HL, Chi CH, Sung FC, Chang YJ, Kao CH. Benzodiazepine therapy in psychiatric outpatients is associated with deliberate self-poisoning events at emergency departments-a population-based nested case-control study. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2013 May 9. 12. Lee CF, Lin CL, Lin MC, Lin SY, Sung FC, Kao CH. surgical Treatment for Patients with Periodontal Disease Reduce End Stage Renal Disease Risk: A Nationwide Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study. J Periodontol. 2013 May 7. 13. Chen YK, Hung TJ, Lin CC, Yen RF, Sung FC, Lee WY, Kao CH. Increased risk of acute coronary syndrome after spinal cord injury: A nationwide 10-year follow-up cohort study. Int J Cardiol. 2013 Apr 16. 14. Lai SW, Liao KF, Lin CL, Sung FC. Association between head injury and Parkinson's disease: an observation in Taiwan. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2013 Apr;13(2):513-4. 15. Wang IK, Lin CL, Lin PC, Liang CC, Liu YL, Chang CT, Yen TH, Morisky DE, Huang CC, Sung FC. Effectiveness of influenza vaccination in patients with end-stage renal disease receiving hemodialysis: a population-based study. PLoS One. 2013;8(3):e58317. 16. Chen CW, Huang TL, Su LT, Kuo YC, Wu SC, Li CY, Chen KB, Sung FC. Incidence of subsequent hip fractures is significantly increased within the first month after distal radius fracture in patients older than 60 years. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2013 Jan;74(1):317-21. 17. Liu JH, Chen JY, Lin SY, Lin HH, Ting IW, Liang CC, Wang IK, Kuo HL, Chang CT, Huang CC, Sung FC. Comparing Survival between peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis patients with subclinical peripheral artery disease: a 6-year follow-up. Int J Med Sci. 2013;10(4):434-40. 18. Chen YK, Lin CL, Chang YJ, Cheng FT, Peng CL, Sung FC, Cheng YH, Kao CH. Cancer risk in patients with Graves' disease: A nationwide cohort study. Thyroid. 2013 Feb 19. 19. Lin MC, Lee CF, Lin CL, Wu YC, Wang HE, Chen CL, Sung FC, Kao CH. Dental diagnostic X-ray exposure and risk of benign and malignant brain tumors. Ann Oncol. 2013 Jun;24(6):1675-9. 20. Sun LM, Lin CL, Liang JA, Liu SH, Sung FC, Chang YJ, Kao CH. Urinary tract infection increases subsequent urinary tract cancer risk: A population-based cohort study. Cancer Sci. 2013 May;104(5):619-23. 21. Tsai JD, Chang SN, Mou CH, Sung FC, Lue KH. Association between atopic diseases and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in childhood: a population-based case-control study. Ann Epidemiol. 2013 Apr;23(4):185-8. 22. Lai SW, Liao KF, Lai HC, Lin CL, Sung FC. Use of proton pump inhibitors correlates with increased risk of colorectal cancer in Taiwan. Asia Pac J Clin Oncol. 2013 Jun;9(2):192-3. 23. Lai SW, Liao KF, Lin CY, Lin CL, Sung FC. Statins on the risk of gastric cancer: a population-based observation in Taiwan. Am J Gastroenterol. 2013 Jan;108(1):147-9. 24. Lai SW, Liao KF, Lin CH, Tsai PY, Sung FC. Parkinson's disease and lung cancer: a population-based case-control study in Taiwan. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2013 Jan;13(1):238-40. 25. Lai SW, Liao KF, Lai HC, Tsai PY, Lin CL, Chen PC, Sung FC. Risk of major osteoporotic fracture after cardiovascular disease: a population-based cohort study in Taiwan. J Epidemiol. 2013;23(2):109-14. 26. Chu CN, Chen PC, Bai LY, Muo CH, Sung FC, Chen SW. Young nasopharyngeal cancer patients with radiotherapy and chemotherapy are most prone to ischaemic risk of stroke: a national database, controlled cohort study. Clin Otolaryngol. 2013 Feb;38(1):39-47. 27. Wang IK, Lin CL, Chang YC, Lin PC, Liang CC, Liu YL, Chang CT, Yen TH, Huang CC, Sung FC. Effectiveness of influenza vaccination in elderly diabetic patients: a retrospective cohort study. Vaccine. 2013 Jan 11;31(4):718-24. 28. Kao CH, Sun LM, Chen PC, Lin MC, Liang JA, Muo CH, Chang SN, Sung FC. A population-based cohort study in Taiwan--use of insulin sensitizers can decrease cancer risk in diabetic patients? Ann Oncol. 2013 Feb;24(2):523-30. 美兆資料庫: 1. Nitsch D, Grams M, Sang Y, Black C, Cirillo M, Djurdjev O, Iseki K, Jassal SK, Kimm H, Kronenberg F, Oien CM, Levey AS, Levin A, Woodward M, Hemmelgarn BR; Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium. Associations of estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria with mortality and renal failure by sex: a meta-analysis. BMJ. 2013 Jan 29;346:f324. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f324. Review. PubMed PMID: 23360717; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3558410. 2. Gunnell D, Chang SS, Tsai MK, Tsao CK, Wen CP. Sleep and suicide: an analysis of a cohort of 394,000 Taiwanese adults. Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 2013 Apr 2. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 23546638. 七、學習網址 (Learning Websites) 六 、教學進度 (Course Schedule) 2013/9/11 DryLab 資料庫介紹及 宋鴻樟 許重義 提案策略 Introduction on DryLab databases and proposals (Sung,Fung-Chang ) strategies 2013/9/18 資料分析與論文撰寫 策略 溫啟邦 Data analysis and paper writing strategies 2013/9/25 DryLab 論文實例示範 高嘉鴻賴世偉 (Kao,Chia-Hung ) DryLab data analysis and paper writing based on published papers 2013/10/2 DryLab 論文實例示範 王怡寬曾鈞宏 (WANG,I-KUAN ) DryLab data analysis and paper writing based on published papers 2013/10/9 研究計劃書討論 Proposal presentations 許重義 (Hsu,Chung-Y ) 2013/10/16 研究計劃書討論/修正 許重義 /資料分析方法/結果 (Hsu,Chung-Y ) 討論 Proposal modification, data analysis methods,results discussion 2013/10/23 研究計劃書討論/修正 許重義 /資料分析方法/結果 (Hsu,Chung-Y ) 討論 Proposal modification, data analysis method and result discussion 2013/10/30 研究計劃書討論/修正 許重義 /資料分析方法/結果 討論 Proposal modification, (Hsu,Chung-Y ) data analysis method and result discussion 2013/11/6 期中考週 Mid-term Exam week is reserved for manuscript preparation 許重義 (Hsu,Chung-Y ) 2013/11/13 研究計劃書討論/修正 許重義 /資料分析方法/結果 (Hsu,Chung-Y ) 討論 Proposal modification, data analysis method and result discussion 2013/11/20 研究計劃書討論/修正 許重義 /資料分析方法/結果 (Hsu,Chung-Y ) 討論 Proposal modification, data analysis method and result discussion 2013/11/27 研究計劃書討論/修正 許重義 /資料分析方法/結果 (Hsu,Chung-Y ) 討論 Proposal modification, data analysis method and result discussion 2013/12/4 回覆審稿意見之技巧 與注意事項 宋鴻樟 高嘉鴻 (Sung,Fung-Chang ) Techniques and notes in response to reviewers comments 2013/12/11 DryLab 論文完稿 Manuscript finalization 2013/12/18 DryLab 論文完稿 許重義 (Hsu,Chung-Y ) 許重義 Manuscript finalization 2013/12/25 DryLab 論文完稿 Manuscript finalization 2014/1/1 元旦 seminar 2014/1/9 期末考週 DryLab course overview (Hsu,Chung-Y ) 許重義 (Hsu,Chung-Y ) 許重義 (Hsu,Chung-Y ) 許重義 (Hsu,Chung-Y )
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