There are several fees associated with telephone service that may not be familiar to you. The following descriptions will provide information about many of the taxes and surcharges that may appear on your bill. We continually update tax and surcharge rate information in accordance with local, state and federal laws and guidelines. Please place in your telephone directory for future reference. If there are any additional items on your bill that you don’t understand, please contact Customer Service. How To Read Your Residential Bill Federal Subscriber Line Charge - FCC sanctioned charge to provide for recovery of costs related to delivering long distance calls to the local telephone network. Universal Service Fund Surcharge - A surcharge imposed by the FCC, designed to keep telephone service affordable in rural and high-cost areas. State Universal Service Fund Surcharge - A surcharge imposed by some states to provide telecommunications discounts for schools, libraries, rural heath care providers, hearing impaired, and low-income consumers. Local Number Portability Charge - FCC sanctioned charge to provide for recovery of costs related to maintaining customers’ existing telephone numbers when they change telephone service providers. Federal Excise Tax - The telephone excise tax is imposed by the federal government. Effective August 1, 2006, the IRS repealed the telephone excise tax on long distance as well as bundled charges that include long distance. However, the tax still applies to most local telecommunications charges. How To Read Your Residential Bill Poison Control Surcharge - A surcharge imposed by some states to provide funding for poison control centers that provide information on poisoning issues. State, County or City Tax - A tax that may apply to all or some charges, and varies by state and/or jurisdiction. It usually takes the form of a sales tax. State or Local 911 Fee - A monthly charge to support E911 service that connects callers to police, fire and other emergency providers. This charge provides for the maintenance and upgrade of emergency communications. Relay Service Surcharge - A surcharge imposed by some states to fund telecommunications service for individuals who are speech or hearing impaired. 00069133 P.O. Box 4300 Carol Stream, IL 60197-4300 P.O. Box 4300 Carol Stream, IL 60197-4300 Account Name: Joe Customer Account Number: 000000000 Page: 2 of x Bill Date: Month Day, Year 9 Taxes, Fees and Surcharges Federal Excise Tax 0.37 (Your State) Sales Tax 1.34 CenturyLink should be notified within 90 days after the CenturyLink Bill Date of any billing discrepancies on your statement. (Your State) Infrastructure Fund Balance Forward 3 4 Account Summary 0.00 Amount Due 155.42 155.42 Month Day, Year Previous Balance 82.05 Total Amount Applied 82.05 CR Less Payment Received Mon. Day, Year - Thank You 13 Due Date 82.05 CR Current Charge Summary 7 I authorize CenturyLink to charge my Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express, savings or checking account monthly for any accrued balance on the CenturyLink account listed below. 3 CenturyLink Packages 115.66 (CenturyLink reserves the right to revoke this if the bank approval is denied) Savings Account # ______________________ Total Current Charges 155.42 (write your CenturyLink account number on a voided deposit slip and attach.) *Essential Charges 61.26 For immediate address changes please call1-xxx-xxx-xxxx: Credit Card Expiration Date: _________________ Non-Essential Charges 94.16 Account Number 000000000 Mastercard Visa Discover American DOETo Current Charges Only) Amount Due (The Due Date OnJOHN This Bill Applies 155.42 123 ANY STREET Express *Failure To Pay Essential Charges May Result In Disconnection of Basic Local Services CITY, STATE 12345-6789 ______________________________________ Total Current Charges For CenturyLink Wireline Services 32.77 **Nonregulated Charges(s) - nonpayment for NONREGULATED SERVICES OR PRODUCTS may result in the disconnection or restriction of such services, and such delinquencies may be subject to collection. Nonpayment of toll charges may result in the disconnection of toll service, and such delinquencies may be subject to collection. 10 Effective Date __________________ ) __________________ ***PLEASE FOLD, TEAR HERE AND RETURN THIS PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT*** 8 X-XXX-XXX-XXXX Financial Services / Payment Arrangements X-XXX-XXX-XXXX Repair Service 24 Hours/7/Days a Week X-XXX-XXX-XXXX Payment or Account Balance 24 Hours/7 Days a Week PLEASE REMIT PAYMENT TO: CenturyLink P. O. BOX 4300 CAROL STREAM, IL 60197-4300 JOE CUSTOMER 123 ANY STREET CITY, STATE 12345-6789 LOCAL TOLL CARRIER LONG DISTANCE CARRIER TELEPHONE COMPANY TELEPHONE COMPANY 1 Pty Residence Line 3-Way Calling 69 Call Return Call Forward Busy Call Forward No Answer Call Forwarding Voice Mail 5.00 ________ 0.55 ________ 5.55 5.00 0.55 5.55 Page: 5 of x Bill Date: Month Day, Year Subscriber Line Charge - Interstate6.50 Total Local Exchange Services 6.50 Community Plus Calling Plan4.12 18 19 **Inside Wire Maint Plan3.95 **Prorated IWM Plan From Month Day To Month Day2.56 Total Optional/FeaturesServices Total Recurring Charges **Installment 1 of 10 (Make, Model of Phone Purchased)16.00 **Shipping And Handling Month Day7.95 21 17.13 Total One-time Charges 23.95 Discounts Promotion Discount 1 month5.00CR Total Adjustments 5.00 CR Adjustments Promotion Credit for Shipping And Handling7.95CR 22 10.63 One-time Charges Prorated Charges58.46 Usage Total Amount Amount ________ ________ Recurring Charges Monthly Recuring64.95 P.O. Box 4300 Carol Stream, IL 60197-4300 Account Name: Joe Customer Account Number: 000000000 20 For 507-555-0000 this bundle includes: City __________________________ State ___________ Zip __________________ Total Monthly Amount ________ Local Service in Advance from Month Day to Month Day Visit us onlime at New Address _________________________________________________________ ) _________________ Home Phone ( Charges in this Summary are Itemized and Totaled in Other Sections of the Bill 17 CenturyLink Package Summary Signature required 6.99 Wireline Phone Detail Simple Choice Please continue to pay your bill until notified on your statement that autopay is active. 6.99 Total Recurring Charges Plan Summary __________________________ X-XXX-XXX-XXXX Services and Products X-XXX-XXX-XXXX High Speed Internet X-XXX-XXX-XXXX Dial-up Internet 507-555-0000 1.99 507-555-0000 Calling Plan Summary - Informational Only Page: 3 of x Bill Date: Month Day, Year LINE NUMBER Total For j Long Distance - 5 cents ________ Carrier Changes and Information ____________________ Work Phone ( 16 Contact Numbers 14 Date Address Information Changes 0.03 5.00 National Access Fee (write your CenturyLink account number on a voided check or copy of a Long Distance - 5 cents 2.72 7 CenturyLink Long Distance Services check and6.99 attach.) 6 Detail Page MONTHLY AUTOPAY AUTHORIZED FORM 5 CenturyLink Wireline Services 32.77 Checking Account # ____________________ Total Taxes, Fees and Surcharges Balance Forward 0.00 5 Account Name: Joe Customer Account Number: 000000000 Page: 1 of x Bill Date: Month Day, Year Current Charges Recurring Charges P.O. Box 4300 Carol Stream, IL 60197-4300 Account Name: Joe Customer Account Number: 000000000 Page: 7 of x Bill Date: Month Day, Year CenturyLink Long Distance 0.74 (Your State) Utility Gross Receipts Assessment P.O. Box 4300 Carol Stream, IL 60197-4300 Account Name: Joe Customer Account Number: 000000000 15 0.24 (Your State) Universal Fund (3.6%) FREE Enrollment! With CenturyLink’s My Account service, you can update your billing information, view and pay your bill and much more. Visit us online at 2 Page: 6 of x Bill Date: Month Day, Year Wireline Phone Detail 12 If you have any questions, please call your Customer Contact Center at the number listed on this statement. Thank you for choosing CenturyLink as your communications, high-speed Internet and entertainment provider. 1 P.O. Box 4300 Carol Stream, IL 60197-4300 Account Name: Joe Customer Account Number: 000000000 Total Adjustments 7.95 CR Usage Charges Usage for Community Plus Calling Plan 507-555-00001.92 Total Usage 1.92 Call Waiting For jcustomer this bundle includes: Account No. Amount Due By Month Day, Year: 000000000 155.42 11 High-Speed Internet 1.5M/256K Package Charges 123.41 Package Charges After Discount 108.36 Preferred Customer Discount 15.05 CR Subtotal CenturyLink Packages 108.36 Taxes, Fees and Surcharges FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR PAYMENT AUTHORIZATION: Please check here and complete reverse. Thank you. 015075550000000000000000000079507561100192000000746590 (Your State) Utility Users Tax3.98 (Your City) 911 Tax 1.56 Federal Excise Tax1.76 Total Taxes, Fees and Surcharges 7.30 Total CenturyLink Package 115.66 This is a representation of a current bill and may vary from your actual bill. If you have additional questions, please contact Customer Service. 7. Amount Due - Total amount due for the month for all services. 1. Notice to Customers - Special messages regarding your bill and upto-date information about services. 9. Page Number - Page number will be at the top of each page. 8. Remittance Address - Payment should be mailed to this address. 2. Account Name and Number - Your account name and number will appear at the top of each page. 10. AutoPay Enrollment - Enrollment form to automatically pay your monthly telephone bill by credit card, checking account or savings account. 3. Balance Information - A summary of your previous and current 11. Amount Due Date - Date current charges are due. 4. Account Summary - List of payments and credits to the account. 12. Taxes, Fees and Surcharges - Taxes, fees and surcharges applied to current bill. 5. Current Charge Summary - Summary of charge information for any applicable services. 13. Contact Numbers - Toll-free numbers for assistance. 6. Essential Charges - Charges that must be paid in order to keep dial tone connected. 14. Carrier Information - The telephone company who provides your local and long distance services. 15. Service Identifier - Section header for each service or product. on-Essential Charges - Charges for optional services not required N to keep dial tone. 16. Informational Sections - Charges in this section are itemized and totaled in other sections of the bill. This is informational only. 17. Recurring Charges - Charges that will appear on monthly, quarterly or annual statements for features. 18. Prorated Charges - Charges from the first day service begins through the end of that billing period that will make the first bill larger than future bills. 19. One-time Charges - Charges that will only appear once on your bill, for example, installation charges. 20. Discounts - Discounts from promotions or price plans. 21. Adjustments - Credits to billed charges. 22. Usage Charges - This section will appear only if detailed usage has not been selected. 00069133
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