How to use the program Important for first use The information on this CD-ROM is structured into 700 document files according to substances and their physical properties. From the present file LB-START the user is recommended to select a substance of interest via the separate list of substances (with main groups and subgroups where substances are ordered alphabetically, or in case of lanthanides and actinides according to the atomic number of the first element ). In these list each substance is linked to a list of physical properties., from which further links lead to the document files. Within each document file bookmarks are provided to the list of references and to each figure. Further bookmarks exist for the list of properties, lists of symbols and abbreviations, and back to start Cross references to other documents or files are fully linked, too. − Red rectangles indicate the positions of the links. A fulltext search( small binocular) or a search restricted to a given file( large binocular) is also possible, but should be executed only after reading carefully the online help of the Acrobat reader and after some experience with the file structure and coding of substances and their properties. For the general introduction we refer to volume and CD-ROM III/41A1. For actual information about Landolt-Börnstein and in case of problems, questions and suggestions please consult our helpdesk [email protected] or visit us on INTERNET We wish you much success with our CD-ROM ! Important for first use, adjust your reader 3.0 to the needs of the program! For comfortable use of the program, please go to the menue file, preferences, general, the small rectangle before open cross document links in same window should be empty. Click here The right choice of this preference in your reader is important for the following reason: Normally a file is opened on a fixed page, e.g. on the first page. With the above change of your preferences the file always opens on the page which you have visited before. Example: You normally make a choice of a given substance starting from the list of substances, proceed to the list of properties, and from there to a document file. After usage of the document, e.g. scrolling etc. you can return by a single mouse click on the bookmark List of properties to that page in the list of properties from which you have opened the document data file. The same holds for the bookmark Back to start which leads to the page of the list of substances where you started from. Without the right preference you always return to the first pages of the list of properties or the start file, and from there you have to repeat your way completely. U. Neukirch*), Institut für Festkörperphysik, Bereich Halbleiteroptik, Universität Bremen, 28334 Bremen, FRG e-mail: [email protected] T. Story, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 02-668 Warszawa, Poland, D. Strauch, Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, FRG e-mail: [email protected] A. Waag, Universität Würzburg, Physikalisches Institut, 97074 Würzburg, FRG e-mail: [email protected] *) technical assistance by S. Strauf and M. Santer Landolt-Börnstein Editorial office Gagernstr.8, D-64283 Darmstadt, Germany fax: +49 (6151) 171760 e-mail: [email protected] Helpdesk e-mail: [email protected] Internet Alphabetical List of Substances This list contains all substances (compounds) for which data are provided on this CD-ROM. Chemical formulae of the compounds are generally given as listed in the respective document. The compounds are arranged according to main groups (see below). These main groups are characterized by the group numbers of the Periodic System the elements of a class of compounds are belonging to. Due to the great amount of data, boron compounds are listed separately: boron − group I compounds boron − group IV compounds boron − group II compounds boron − group V compounds boron − group III compounds boron − group VI compounds boron − lanthanide compounds boron − group VII compounds boron − actinide compounds boron − group VIII compounds IV − V − VIII compounds V − VII compounds IV − VI compounds V − VIII compounds IV − VI − VIII compounds VI − VI compounds IV − VII compounds VI − VII compounds IV −VIII compounds VI − VIII compounds V − VI compounds binary rare-earth compounds V − VI − VIII compounds Each main group is divided into subgroups in which special compounds are summarized. The subgroup titles are generally listed in alphabetical order. Within each subgroup the compounds are arranged 1. alphabetically according to the first element of the compound, 2. according to the (growing) number of the first element, 3. alphabetically according to the second element of the compound, 4. according to the (growing) number of the second element, etc. An exception are the lanthanide and actinide compounds. For these substances the order is given by their appearance in the Periodic System of the first element (i.e. by the atomic number of this element). Examples: NaB6 is listed under "boron − group I compounds", subgroup "boron − sodium compounds", after NaB5C TiS2 is listed under main group "IV − VI compounds", subgroup "chalcogenides of Ti, Zr, Hf", after Hf2Se3 ErH3 is listed under main group "binary rare-earth compounds", subgroup "rare-earth hydrides", after HoH3. Please choose your substance of interest. A click on the green rectangle next to the chosen substance (or subgroup title) leads you to a list of properties of this substance (or subgroup). From this list of properties you proceed in the same way to the selected property. boron compounds boron compounds (general data) 13s00 boron – group I compounds boron-hydrogen alloys 13s01 B12H12 BHmCln a-B(H) binary boron-lithium compounds LiB6 LiB12 (O) LiB13 Li2B12 (Td) Li3B12 Li3B14 Li5B4 Li6B19 LiB alloys 13s02 . ternary boron-lithium compounds 13s03 LiAlB14 LiBO2 LiPt3B Li2Pd3B boron-potassium compounds 13s05 KB5C KB6 boron-sodium compounds 13s04 NaB5C NaB6 NaB0.8B14 NaB15 NaPt3B1+x Na3B20 Na3Pt9B5 NaxBa1–xB6 NaxTh1–xB6 compounds with Ib elements CuxB105 13s06 . boron – group II compounds beryllium-aluminum-boron compounds 23s02 Al1.0Be0.7B22 (Be,Al)B12 boron-alkaline earth compounds 23s04 BaB6 CaB6 SrB6 boron-beryllium compounds Be0.5B5N BeB2 BeB2C2 BeB3 BeB4 BeB6 BeB9 BeB9−12 BeB12 Be2B Be4B5 Be5B 23s01 .. boron-cadmium compounds 23s06 CdB4 boron-magnesium compounds 23s03 MgAlB14 MgB2 MgB4 MgB6 MgB12 Mg2B14 boron-zinc compounds ZnB22 23s05 . boron – group III compounds Al-B compounds: AlB2, AlB4, AlB10 3s02 AlB2 AlB4 AlB10 α-AlB12 3s03 α-AlB12 α-AlB12 type compounds 3s05 (Be,Al)B12 β-AlB12 3s07 β-AlB12 γ-AlB12 3s08 γ-AlB12 AlB31, AlBeB22 AlB31 AlBeB22 3s04 . Al3B32 and AlxB105 3s09 Al3B32 AlxB105 Al-B-C compounds 3s01 Al3BC Al3BC3 Al4BxC3−x Al-C-B compounds 3s10 AlC2B12 AlC4B24 AlC4B24...26 AlC4B40 Al3C2B48, Al3B48C2, C2Al3B48, B48Al3C2 3s11 Al3C2B48 Al3B48C2 C2Al3B48 B48Al3C2 Al-Mg-B and Al-Cu-B compounds Al1.44 Mg0.65B22 AlxCuyB25 3s06 . further ternary Al-B compounds 3s12 AlB24C4 Al2.1C8B51 Al3SiB48 Al8B4C7 B51Al2C8 (MoxCr1−x)AlB boron-scandium compounds Sc-Al-B ScB2 ScB4 ScB12 ScB17C0.25 ScRu4B4 Sc2BC2 Sc2B1.1C3.2 Sc3B0.75C3 LaB6 – "ScB6"-system 3s13 . boron-yttrium and Ln3MB7 compounds (except YB66) 3s14 YAlB14 YB2 YB4 YB6 YB12 YB25 YB41Si1.2 YB44Si1.0 YB50 YCrB4 YREB6 YRh4B4 Y(Rh1−xRux)4B4 YRuB2 Y3Co11B4 RE3MB7 Y3FeB7 Y3MnB7 Y3ReB7 Gd3MnB7 Gd3ReB7 Tb3FeB7 Tb3ReB7 Dy3FeB7 Dy3ReB7 Ho3FeB7 Ho3ReB7 Er3FeB7 Er3ReB7 Tm3ReB7 YB66 YB66 3s15 . boron-lanthanide compounds boron-lanthanide compounds,general data 3Las00 see also boron-yttrium and Ln3MB7 compounds (except YB66) 3s14 La-B4 type compounds 3Las01 CeB4 PrB4 NdB4 PmB4 SmB4 EuB4 GdB4 TbB4 DyB4 HoB4 ErB4 TmB4 YbB4 LuB4 . ternary LnAlB4 tetraborides 3Las02 ErAlB4 TmAlB4 YbAlB4 LuAlB4 lanthanide hexaborides LaB6 3Las03 CeB6 3Las04 PrB6 3Las05 NdB6 3Las06 PmB6 3Las07 SmB6 3Las08 EuB6 3Las09 GdB6 3Las10 TbB6 3Las11 DyB6 3Las11 YbB6 3Las12 . lanthanide ternary hexaborides Y5−xFe2+xB6 La1−xCexB6 LaxEu1–xB6 La1−xNdxB6 La1−xPrxB6 La10B9C6 La15B14C19 CeCr2B6 Ce5−xFe2+xB6 Ce5B2C6 Ce5B4C5 Ce10B9C12 Pr5−xFe2+xB6 Nd5−xFe2+xB6 Sm5−xFe2+xB6 Eu5−xFe2+xB6 Gd5−xFe2+xB6 Gd5B2C5 Gd15B4C12 Tb5−xFe2+xB6 Dy5−xFe2+xB6 Yb2AlB6 Yb5−xFe2+xB6 LuAlB6 Lu2AlB6 Lu-Co-B R5−xCo2+x B6 3Las13 . lanthanide dodecaborides 3Las14 TbB12 DyB12 HoB12 ErB12 Er-Al-B Er-Cr-B TmB12 YbB12 LuB12 lanthanide borides of the type MB25 3Las15 YB25 TbB25 lanthanide borides of the type MB50 YB50 TbB50 3Las16 . lanthanide borides of the type MB66 SmB66 3Las17 GdB66 3Las18 TbB66 3Las19 DyB66 3Las20 ErB66 3Las21 YbB66 3Las21 MgAlB14 type borides with lanthanides TbAlB14 DyAlB14 HoAlB14 ErAlB14 TmAlB14 LuAlB14 3Las22 . boron-actinide compounds boron-thorium compounds 3Acs01 ThB4 ThB6 ThB66 ThB76 ThCrB4 ThCr2B6 ThRh4B4 boron-uranium compounds U1−x ThxB4 UB2 UB4 UB12 UT3B2 (T=Co, Ru, Ir) UOsB4 URuB4 U2MoB6 U2OsB6 U2ReB6 3Acs02 . boron-plutonium compounds 3Acs04 PuB PuB2 PuB4 PuB6 PuB12 PuB66 boron-americium compounds 3Acs04 AmB4 AmB6 ternary actinide compounds AT3B2 AT2B2 AT4B4 ATB2 ATB4 A2TB6 A = Actinoide element, T = one of the 3d, 4d or 5d transition elements 3Acs05 . boron – group IV compounds boron-carbon compounds (general remarks and special compounds) 34s01 Mo2−xMxBC (M = Rh, W, Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf) Ce5B2C6 La5B2C6 LaB2C2 Mo2−xWxBC ThB2C LuNi2B2C Sc2BC2 R5B2C5 (R = Y, Ce-Tm) BC3 B2C B8C B50C2 (B25C) B51C boron carbide (B4.3C to B~11C) 34s02 boron carbonitrides 34s03 BCxN (x = 1...5) (BN)1−xCx B11...13C32.8...4.3N . boron-germanium compounds 34s05 GeB≈90 boron-hafnium compounds 34s08 HfB HfB2 boron-silicon compounds 34s04 SiB2.89 SiB3 SiB4 SiB6 SiB12, Si1−xBx films SiB14 SiB≈36 Si11B31 boron-titanium compounds (B12)4B2Ti1.3-2.0 TiB TiB2 TiBxN1–x Ti2B5 Ti3B4 Ti–Cr–B system 34s06 . boron-zirconium compounds ZrB ZrB2 ZrB12 ZrB51 34s07 . boron – group V compounds boron-arsenic compounds 35s03 B6As (B12As2) B13As2 boron-niobium compounds 35s06 NbB NbB2 Nb2B3 Nb2B5 Nb3B2 Nb3B4 Nb3Co4B7 Nb4B3C2 Nb5B6 boron-nitrogen compounds 35s01 B6N B6N0.52O0.51 B36N24 B50N2 boron-phosphorus compounds B5P3 B6P (B12P2) B13P2 35s02 . boron-tantalum compounds 35s07 (see also "compounds with Vb elements") 35s04 TaB TaB2 Ta2B Ta3B2 Ta3B4 Ta5B6 boron-vanadium compounds 35s05 (see also "compounds with Vb elements") 35s04 VB VB2 V2B3 V3B2 V3B4 V5B6 V82B18 V84B16 V86B14 (V1−x Nbx)2B3 . boron – group VI compounds boron-chromium compounds 36s06 CrB CrB2 CrB4 CrB41 Cr2B Cr2B3 Cr3B4 Cr5B3 (Cr1−xMx)3B4 (M = W, Mo, Ta) boron-molybdenum compounds 36s07 (see also "compounds with Vb elements") 35s04 Mo1–xB3 Mo1−xCrxAlB Mo1−xTixB2 α-MoB β-MoB MoB2 MoB4 Mo2B Mo2BC Mo2B5 Mo2FeB2 Mo2NiB2 Mo3B2 . boron-oxygen compounds (BO)x 36s01 B2O 36s02 B2O3 36s01 B6O 36s03 B7O 36s03 B12O2 36s03 boron-selenium compounds 36s05 B2Se3 B13Se boron-sulfur compounds BS (BS2)n B2S2 B2S3 (B2S3)n B4S B12S B12S2−x 36s04 . boron-tungsten compounds 36s08 α-WB β-WB δ-WB WB2 WB4 WB12 W 2B α-W2B5 β-W2B5 boron uranium carbon compounds UB1−xC1+x 36s08 . boron – group VII compounds boron-halogen compounds 37s01 BBr3 BCl3 BF3 BI3 B4Cl4 B9Br9 B9Cl9 boron-manganese compounds 37s02 MnB MnB2 MnB4 MnB23 Mn2B Mn3B4 Mn4B Mn48B42 boron-rhenium compounds ReB2 Re3B Re7B3 37s04 . boron-technetium compounds TcB2 Tc3B Tc7B3 37s03 . boron – group VIII compounds boron-cobalt compounds 38s03 CeCoFe3B CeCo2Fe2B CoB CoB12 Co2B Co3−x FexB Co3B Co4CeB Co4ErB Co4HoB Co4LaB Co4PrB Co4YB Co14La2B Co14Pr2B Co77B23 Co100−xBx GdCo12B6 YCo12B6 Co-Ni-Si-B alloys RCo4B compounds (R = Y, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb) . boron-iridium compounds 38s09 IrB0.9 IrB1.15 IrB1.35 IrB3–x boron-iron compounds FeB FeB2 Fe2B Fe14Nd2B Fe14Y2B Fe75TM5B20 (TM = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni) Fe78B13Si9 Fe80B20 Fe80TM5B15 (TM = Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni) FexB100−x amorphous (glassy) Fe – B alloys 38s01 . boron-nickel compounds 38s04 NiB NiB25 Ni2B Ni3B Ni4B3 (o) Ni4B3 (m) Ni4CeB Ni4LaB Ni4PrB Ni4YB amorphous (glassy) Ni – B alloys boron-palladium compounds 38s07 Pd3B Pd5B2 boron-platinum compounds PtB Pt2B Pt3B Pt4B 38s10 . boron-osmium compounds 38s08 OsB1.2 OsB1.6 OsB2 Os2B3 boron-rhodium compounds 38s06 RhB≈1.1 Rh5B4 Rh7B3 R-Rh-B (R = rare-earth element) RRh4B4 (R = rare-earth element) boron-ruthenium compounds RuB1.1 RuB2 Ru2B3 Ru7B3 Ru11B8 38s05 . ternary borides with group VIII elements LnRh3B (Ln= Sm, Gd, Er, Yb) ScOsB2 YOsB2 YOs3B2 YRh4B4 YRuB2 LaIr3B2 LaRh3B2 LaRu2.7B2 CeCo3B2 CeOs3B2 CeIr3B2 CeRh3B2 CeRu3B2 PrRh4.8 B2 NdRh4B4 SmRh4B4 Gd3Co11B4 DyB2 DyRh4B4 HoIr4B4 HoRu4B4 38s11 . ErIr4B4 ErRh4B4 TmIr4B4 TmRh4B4 LuB2 LuOs3B2 LuRh4B4 LuRuB2 ThIr3B2 ThOs3B2 ThRh4B4 RM4B4 (R = rare-earth element; M = Ru, Rh, Os, Ir) R(Os, Ir)4B4 (R = rare-earth element) R(Rh1−x Irx)4B4 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu) RRh3B2 (R = La to Gd) RRuB4 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Lu, Y) . IV–V–VIII compounds CoSb3–xSnx 458s01 . IV–VI compounds chalcogenides of Ti, Zr, Hf, general 46s06 HfS2 46s41 HfS3 46s42 HfSe2 46s44 Hf2S3 46s40 Hf2Se3 46s43 TiS2, see Ti1+xS2 46s31 TiSe2, see Ti1+xSe2 46s33 TiSe3–x 46s32 TiTe2,see chalcogenides of Ti, Zr, Hf, general 46s06 Ti1+xS2 46s31 Ti1+xSe2 46s33 ZrS2 46s35 ZrS3–x 46s36 ZrSe3 46s39 Zr1+xSe2 46s38 Zr2S3 46s34 Zr2Se3 46s37 . binary transition metal oxides, general 46s04 titanium oxides, general 46s05 TiO, see titanium oxides, general 46s05 TiO2–x 46s28 TiO2 46s28 Ti2O3 46s29 Ti3O5 46s30 Ti4O7 46s30 Ti5O9 46s30 Ti6O11 46s30 Ti7O13 46s30 Ti8O15 46s30 Ti9O17 46s30 TinO2n–1 46s30 CrSi2 46s27 . IV–VI–VIII compounds (transition metal)-IV1.5VI1.5 compounds CoGe1.5S1.5 CoGe1.5Se1.5 IrGe1.5S1.5 IrGe1.5Se1.5 IrSn1.5S1.5 RhGe1.5S1.5 RhGe1.5Se1.5 468s01 . IV–VII compounds MnnSi2n–m 47s05 ReSi2 47s06 . IV–VIII compounds FeSi2 48s06 OsSi2 48s07 Os2Ge3 48s05 Os2Si3 48s04 Ru2Ge3 48s02 Ru2Si3 48s01 Ru2Sn3 48s03 . V–VI compounds CrP4, see V–VII compounds, group VII–tetraphosphides, general 57s02 CrSb2 56s32 MoP4, see V–VII compounds, group VII–tetraphosphides, general 57s02 chalcogenides of V, Nb, Ta, general 56s00 NbOx, see Nb2O5 56s27 NbO2 56s28 NbS3 56s19 Nb2O5–x, see Nb2O5 56s27 Nb2O5 56s27 Nb12O29, see Nb2O5 56s27 Nb22O54, see Nb2O5 56s27 Nb25O62, see Nb2O5 56s27 Nb32O79, see Nb2O5 56s27 . TaS2 56s20 TaS3 56s21 TaSe2, see chalcogenides of V, Nb, Ta, general 56s00 Ta2O5 56s29 VO2 56s25 VO2+x, see VO2 56s25 V2O3 56s24 V2O3+x,see V2O3 56s24 V2O5–x, see V2O5 56s26 V2O5 56s26 V3O5 56s22 V3O7 56s23 V4O7 56s22 V4O9 56s23 V5O9 56s22 . V6O11 56s22 V6O13 56s23 V7O13 56s22 V7O15 56s23 V8O15 56s22 V9O17 56s22 VnO2n–1 56s22 VnO2n+1 56s23 CrxV1–xO2, see VO2 56s25 MoxV1–xO2, see VO2 56s25 WxV1–xO2, see VO2 56s25 WxV2O5, see V2O5 56s26 . V–VI–VIII compounds transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 CoAsS 568s30 CoAsSe 568s33 CoPS 568s29 CoPSe 568s32 CoSbS 568s31 CoSbSe 568s34 CoSbTe 568s35 CoSb2–xTex 568s02 CoSb3–xTex 568s04 Cr1–xFexSb2 568s01 FeAsS 568s06 FeAsSe 568s09 FeAsTe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 . FexCo1–xAs3–xSx 568s04 FexCo1–xAs3–xSex 568s04 Fe1–xCrxAs2 568s01 FePS 568s05 FePSe 568s08 FeSbS 568s07 FeSbSe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 FeSbTe 568s10 FeSb2–xTex 568s11 IrAsS, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 IrAsSe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 IrAsTe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 . IrBiS, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 IrBiSe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 IrBiTe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 IrPS, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 IrPSe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 IrSbS, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 IrSbSe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 IrSbTe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 NiAs2–xSx 568s03 NiAs2–xSex 568s03 . OsAsS 568s21 OsAsSe 568s24 OsAsTe 568s27 OsBiSe 568s26 OsPS 568s20 OsPSe 568s23 OsSbS 568s22 OsSbSe 568s25 OsSbTe 568s28 OsSb2–xTex 568s02 PdPS 568s36 PdPSe 568s37 PdPS1–xSex 568s38 . RhAsS, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 RhAsSe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 RhAsTe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 RhBiS, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 RhBiSe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 RhBiTe, see transition metal-V-VI compounds, general 568s00 RuAsS 568s13 RuAsSe 568s16 RuAsTe 568s18 RuPS 568s12 RuPSe 568s15 RuSbS 568s14 RuSbSe 568s17 RuSbTe 568s19 . V–VII compounds group VII–tetraphosphides, general 57s02 MnP4 57s04 ReP4 57s05 TcP4,see group VII–tetraphosphides, general 57s02 . V–VIII compounds transition metal–V2 compounds, general 58s00 T1–xT'xV3 compounds, general 58s36 transition metal-V3 compounds, general 58s35 CoAs2 58s13 CoAs3–xSbx, see T1–xT'xV3 compounds, general 58s36 CoAs3, see transition metal-V3 compounds, general 58s35 Co1–xFexAs3, see T1–xT'xV3 compounds, general 58s36 Co1–x–yFexNiyAs3, see transition metal-V3 compounds, general 58s35 Co1–xFexSb3, see T1–xT'xV3 compounds, general 58s36 Co1–xNixAs2 58s14 Co1–xNixAs3, see T1–xT'xV3 compounds, general 58s36 . Co1–xNixSb2 58s14 Co1–xNixSb3, see T1–xT'xV3 compounds, general 58s36 CoP2 58s12 CoP3–xAsx, see T1–xT'xV3 compounds, general 58s36 CoP3 see transition metal-V3 compounds, general 58s35 CoSb2 58s15 CoSb3–xBix, see T1–xT'xV3 compounds, general 58s36 CoSb3, see transition metal-V3 compounds, general 58s35 Fe1–xCoxAs2 58s03 Fe1–xCoxSb2 58s05 Fe1–xNixAs2 58s03 Fe1–xNixSb2 58s05 . FeAs2 58s02 FeP2 58s01 FeP4 58s37 FeSb2 58s04 Ir1–xPtxAs3, see T1–xT'xV3 compounds, general 58s36 IrAsSb 58s23 IrAs2 58s22 IrAs3, see transition metal-V3 compounds, general 58s35 IrBi2, see transition metal–V2 compounds, general 58s00 IrP2 58s21 IrP3, see transition metal-V3 compounds, general 58s35 IrSb2 58s24 IrSb3, see transition metal-V3 compounds, general 58s35 . Ni1–xPdxAs2 58s27 NixPt1–xAs2, see NiSb2 58s33 NiAs2 58s26 NiP2 58s25 NiSb2 58s28 OsAs2 58s10 OsP2 58s09 OsP4 58s39 OsSb2 58s11 PdAs2, see transition metal–V2 compounds, general 58s00 PdPAs 58s30 PdP2 58s29 PdSb2, see transition metal–V2 compounds, general 58s00 PtAs2 58s33 PtBi2, see transition metal–V2 compounds, general 58s00 . PtPAs 58s32 PtP2 58s31 PtSbBi, see transition metal–V2 compounds, general 58s00 PtSb2 58s34 Rh1–xPdxAs3, see T1–xT'xV3 compounds, general 58s36 RhAsSb 58s18 RhAs2 58s17 RhAs3, see transition metal-V3 compounds, general 58s35 RhBi2 58s20 RhP2 58s16 RhP3, see transition metal-V3 compounds, general 58s35 RhSb2 58s19 RhSb3, see transition metal-V3 compounds, general 58s35 RuAs2 58s08 RuPAs 58s07 RuP2 58s06 RuP4 58s38 RuSb2 58s08 . VI-VI compounds chalcogenides of Cr, Mo, W, general 6s00 higher oxides of chromium, general 6s21 tungsten oxides, general 6s07 Cr1–xTe 6s14 CrO2, see higher oxides of chromium, general 6s21 CrO3, see higher oxides of chromium, general 6s21 CrS 6s09 CrSe 6s11 Cr2O3 6s05 Cr2S3 6s10 Cr2+xSe3 6s12 Cr3Se4 6s13 Cr5O12, see higher oxides of chromium, general 6s21 Cr6O15, see higher oxides of chromium, general 6s21 . MoO3 6s06 MoS2 6s15 MoSe2 6s16 MoTe2–x 6s17 WO2, see tungsten oxides, general 6s07 WO3 6s08 WS2 6s18 WSe2 6s19 WTe2 6s20 W18O49, see tungsten oxides, general 6s07 WnO3n–(m–1) , see tungsten oxides, general 6s07 . VI–VII compounds chalcogenides of Mn, Tc, Re, general 67s00 MnO 67s01 MnO2 67s04 MnS 67s05 MnS2 67s06 MnSe 67s07 MnTe 67s08 MnTe2 67s09 Mn2O3 67s03 Mn3O4 67s02 ReS2 67s13 ReSe2 67s14 ReTe2 67s15 TcS2 67s10 TcSe2 67s11 TcTe2 67s12 . VI–VIII compounds chalcogenides of Fe, Ru, Os, general 68s001 Fe1–xO 68s01 Fe1–xS 68s08 Fe1–xSe 68s10 Fe1–xTe 68s13 FeO 68s01 FeS1–xTex, see chalcogenides of Fe, Ru, Os, general 68s001 FeS, see chalcogenides of Fe, Ru, Os, general 68s001 FeSe2–x 68s11 FeS2 68s09 FeSe, see chalcogenides of Fe, Ru, Os, general 68s001 FeSe2 68s12 FeTe2 68s14 . Fe2O3 68s07 Fe2Se3, see chalcogenides of Fe, Ru, Os, general 68s001 Fe2Te3, see chalcogenides of Fe, Ru, Os, general 68s001 Fe3O4 68s05 Fe3S4, see chalcogenides of Fe, Ru, Os, general 68s001 Fe7S8, see chalcogenides of Fe, Ru, Os, general 68s001 Fe7Se8, see chalcogenides of Fe, Ru, Os, general 68s001 OsS2 68s18 OsSe2 68s19 OsTe2 68s20 RuS2 68s15 RuSe2 68s16 RuTe2 68s17 . chalcogenides of Co, Rh, Ir, general 68s002 CoO 68s02 Co3O4 68s06 IrS2 68s26 IrS3 68s27 IrSe2 68s28 IrSe3, Ir2/3Se2 68s29 RhS3, see also Rh2/3S2 68s23 RhSe2 68s24 RhSe3, Rh2/3Se2 68s25 Rh2S3 68s22 Rh2/3S2 68s21 chalcogenides of Ni, Pd, Pt, general 68s003 Ni1–xO, see NiO 68s03 Ni1–xS 68s30 . NiO 68s03 NiO2, see NiO 68s03 NiS2 68s31 Ni2O3, see NiO 68s03 Ni3O4, see NiO 68s03 PdO 68s04 PdS 68s32 PdS2 68s33 PdSe 68s34 PdSe2 68s35 Pt1–xS2 68s37 PtS 68s36 PtSe2 68s38 . binary rare-earth compounds rare-earth hydrides YHx 1Las11 YDx 1Las12 LaHx 1Las01 LaDx 1Las02 CeHx 1Las03 CeDx 1Las04 PrHx 1Las05 NdHx 1Las13 EuH2 1Las06 GdHx 1Las14 DyH3 1Las07 HoH3 1Las08 ErH3 1Las09 ErDx 1Las09a YbHx 1Las10 . rare-earth monopnictides and monochalcogenides YP 5Las01 LaP 5Las02 SmP 5Las03 ErP 5Las04 LuP 5Las05 SmS 6Las01 SmSe 6Las02 SmS1–xSex 6Las08c SmTe 6Las03 EuO 6Las04 EuS 6Las05 EuSe 6Las06 EuTe 6Las07 TmTe 6Las08 TmSe1–xTex 6Las08a Tm1–xEuxSe 6Las08b YbS 6Las09 YbSe 6Las10 YbTe 6Las11 . rare-earth polychalcogenides La2O3 6Las51 La2S3 6Las18 La10S14OxS1–x, La10S14O 6Las19 La2Se3 6Las20 La2Te3 6Las21 Ce2S3 6Las22 Ce2Se3 6Las23 Ce2Te3 6Las24 Pr2S3 6Las25 Pr2Se3 6Las26 Pr2Te3 6Las27 Nd2O3 6Las52 Nd2S3 6Las28 Nd2Se3 6Las29 Nd2Te3 6Las30 . Sm2O3 6Las53 Sm2S3 6Las31 Sm2Se3 6Las32 Eu2O3 6Las54 Eu2Se3 6Las33 Gd2O3 6Las55 Gd2S3 6Las34 Gd2Se3 6Las35 Tb2O3 6Las56 Tb2S3 6Las36 Dy2O3 6Las57 Dy2S3 6Las37 Dy2Se3 6Las38 Ho2O3 6Las58 Ho2S3 6Las39 Er2O3 6Las59 Er2S3 6Las40 . Tm2O3 6Las60 Tm2S3 6Las41 Tm2Se3 6Las42 Tm2Te3 6Las43 Yb2O3 6Las61 Yb2S3 6Las44 Lu2S3 6Las45 Sm3S4 6Las12 Sm3Se4 6Las13 Sm3Te4 6Las14 Eu3S4 6Las15 Eu3Se4 6Las16 Eu3Te4 6Las17 LaS2 6Las46 LaTe2 6Las47 LaTe3 6Las50 CeS2 6Las48 PrS2 6Las49 . rare-earth chlorides Y2Cl3 7Las01 La2Cl3 7Las02 Gd2Cl3 7Las03 Tb2Cl3 7Las04 Tm2Cl3 7Las05 Lu2Cl3 7Las06 .
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