HOW TO COMPLETE THE “SPONSORSHIP MENU AND INVOICE” FORM If you wish to have only the Base Membership, place an X in the box next to that Sponsorship Level “Base”. Skip down to the “green” Sponsor information section at the bottom and fill in your company and payment information. If paying by check, submit payment in that amount. If you wish to have a Sponsorship Level that includes benefits, place an X in the box next to that Sponsorship Level “With Benefits”. Platinum and Gold Sponsorships with Benefits: After placing an X in the box next to your Sponsorship Level With Benefits, skip to the blue Benefits Section. Place a number in the box next to the benefit you wish to select. For example, if you wish to have two paid memberships, place a “2” in the box next to Membership (National and Local). The total amount for those two memberships will be entered in the “Total” Column. Continue placing numbers in the boxes next to the benefits you wish to select until you have selected all that you want. For Platinum, Add the $2,500 Platinum Sponsorship cost plus the total of the Special Benefits selected, then subtract $1,000, which is your Special Benefit allowance. For Gold, add the $2,000 Gold Sponsorship cost plus the total of the Special Benefits selected, then subtract $800, which is your Special Benefit allowance. Skip down to the “green” Sponsor information section at the bottom and fill in your company and payment information. If paying by check, submit payment in that amount. Silver and Bronze Sponsorships with Benefits: After placing an X in the box next to your Sponsorship Level With Benefits, skip to the blue Benefits Section. Place a number in the box next to the benefit you wish to select. For example, if you wish to have two paid memberships, place a “2” in the box next to Membership (National and Local). The total amount for those two memberships will be entered in the “Total” Column. Continue placing numbers in the boxes next to the benefits you wish to select until you have selected benefits that total no more than $650 for Silver or $450 for Bronze. For Silver, add the $1,500 Silver Sponsorship cost plus the total of the Special Benefits selected (up to $650), then subtract $600, which is your Special Benefit allowance. For Bronze, add the $1,000 Bronze Sponsorship cost plus the total of the Special Benefits selected (up to a maximum of $450), then subtract $350, which is your Special Benefit allowance. Skip down to the “green” Sponsor information section at the bottom and fill in your company and payment information. If paying by check, submit payment in that amount. SINGLE EVENT SPONSORSHIP Place a number in the box next to the event you wish to sponsor, indicating the number of sponsorships you wish to purchase. For example, if you wish to sponsor 4 lunch meetings at $250 each, place the number “4” in the box next to Lunch Meeting Sponsorship. Skip down to the “green” Sponsor information section at the bottom and fill in your company and payment information. If paying by check, submit payment in that amount. Corporate Sponsorship Menu and Invoice Thank you for choosing to be a sponsor of the Kansas City Chapter of IFMA Each sponsorship level has two options - Base, or With Benefits. Please place a check mark next to your selection. If you select With Benefits, go to the blue section at the bottom of the page and place a number in the box next to your benefits selections to indicate how many of that benefit you are selecting. Special pricing is available for additional benefits for Platinum and Gold Sponsors. Platinum and Gold, just deduct your benefit allowance from your total to determine the amount of your payment All Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze Sponsorships, with or without additional benefits, include: Your company's logo with a link to your company's webpage posted on the KCIFMA sidebar (logo size dependent upon sponsorship level) Your company's logo with a link to your company's webpage posted on KCIFMA's Sponsorship Webpage Newsletter Sponsorship recognition for your company's sponsorship level Sponsorship recognition at the monthly meetings on the Power Point presentation and a Thank You announcement Platinum & Gold only: Table at one program meeting for flyers and 3 minutes at that meeting to describe the services your company provides Platinum $1,500 Platinum Sponsor, Base Platinum Sponsor, With Benefits x Choose as many benefits as you like from the table below, then deduct your $1,000 Benefit Allowance to determine the amount of your payment. $2,500 Gold Gold Sponsor, Base $1,200 Gold Sponsor, with Benefits $2,000 Choose as many benefits as you like from the table below, then deduct your $800 Benefit Allowance to determine the amount of your payment. Silver $900 Silver Sponsor, Base Silver Sponsor, with Benefits Choose your benefits up to a total of $650 from the table below, then deduct your $600 Benefit Allowance to determine the amount of your payment. $1,500 Bronze $650 Bronze Sponsor, Base $1,000 Bronze Sponsor, with Benefits Choose your benefits up to a total of $450 from the table below, then deduct your $350 Benefit Allowance to determine the amount of your payment. Benefits NO. $285 TOTAL Membership (National & Chapter) Face Value Monthly Meeting Registration Valued at $20 $15 Monthly Meeting Registration Guest Valued at $30 $20 Golf Player Valued at $125 $110 4 $440.00 Golf Hole Valued at $250 2 $400.00 1 $250.00 1 *Holiday Party Sponsorship $200 $250 $250 $250 *Golf Event Sponsorship $250 2 $250.00 *Recognition at event and event promotions plus standard metal benefits for your $0.00 sponsorship level $500.00 *Lunch Meeting Sponsorship *CFM Class Sponsorship 1 $0.00 $0.00 SPECIAL BENEFITS TOTAL Single $285.00 $2,125.00 PLATINUM SPONSOR BENEFIT ALLOWANCE DEDUCT $1,000 DUE GOLD SPONSOR BENEFIT ALLOWANCE DEDUCT $800 DUE $3,625.00 Pay $2,500 + Benefits Total Selected - $1,000 Pay $2,000 + Benefits Total Selected - $800 SILVER SPONSOR BENEFIT ALLOWANCE DEDUCT $600 DUE Pay $1,500 + Benefits Total Selected - $600 BRONZE SPONSOR BENEFIT ALLOWANCE DEDUCT $350 DUE Pay $1,000 + Benefits Total Selected - $350 *These events are also available as one‐time sponsorships. Event NO. CFM Educational Class Sponsorship $250 $250 Holiday Party Sponsorship $250 Golf Event Sponsorship $250 Lunch Meeting Sponsorship SINGLE EVENT SPONSOR TOTAL TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 *Single event sponsorship includes recognition at event and event promotions only. Does not include brochure table or speaking time. Company Name for Sponsorship: Joyce Jane Doe Interiors Today's Date: 3-Nov-11 Company Address: 1000 Main Street, Suite 1000 Contact Name: Joyce Jane Doe Your Address: same as above Payment can be made by credit card or check mailed to : KCIFMA PO Box 412591 Kansas City y MO 64141 Credit Card Type: Visa Phone Number: 555-226-2222 Card Holder Name: Credit Card Number: #1234 55 223432 111 Address: same Credit Card Expiration: November 5, 2011 City/State/Zip: Overland Park, KS 62222 Three or four digit code from back: 211 Signature: IFMA TAX ID Number: 43-1450378 Joyce Jane Doe
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