Document 203523

MAY 1961
How To Relax
Books that discuss with candor
and helpfulness the individual
problems of sex and associations
that face young people and their
By Harold Shryock, M.D.
On Becoming a Woman
Here is a mingling of Christian idealism and scientific
frankness in dealing with an adolescent girl's unfolding sexual and emotional life that will commend itself to every intelligent reader.
Price. $2.75
A study of the factors that make for harmony in marriage. Sensible courtship, the
basis of a memorable honeymoon, the
merger of personalities, marital adjustments, and a sane attitude toward sex are
among the many subjects discussed with
sympathy and mature insight. Bound in a
beautiful gift binding.
Price, $3.50
On Becoming a Man
Every adolescent boy will find in this frank discussion
of his sexual and emotional development a spiritual
idealism that is not only practical but persuasively
attractive to noble ambitions.
Price. $2.75
Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington 12, D.C.
Please send me the following:
@ $1.75
a 1.75
La' 2.75 -------ON BECOMING A MAN
@ 3.50
Add: Postage and Insur. 15c first book, 5c
each additional book. Sales tax where necessary.
Postage and Sales Tax
___________________ ••• MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM •111•••11111••••
By A. W. Spalding
A book for parents, to help them in telling
the story of the beginnings of life to the
very youngest inquirers.
Price, $1.75
Letters From Mother Naomi
An older woman's answers to the many
questions asked by all normal girls concerning the intimate problems of everyday life
in a modern world.
Washington 12, D.C.
"Because I was nervous—a 'Grumpy Grandpa'
my doctor started me on Postum."
"My grandchildren made me realize how irritable and
nervous I was. 'Grandpa's grumpy!' I heard them whispering. Was there something wrong with my nerves?
"The doctor didn't think so. He asked if I'd been
sleeping well. I hadn't. Then he asked if I'd been drinking lots of coffee. I had. It seems many people can't
take the caffein in coffee and I'm one of them. Change
to Postum, the doctor advised. It's 100% caffein-free—
can't make you nervous or keep you awake.
"Did my grandchildren notice the difference? They
certainly did. When you sleep well, when you're not on
edge, you have lots more patience. I'm sold on Postum
—I like the way it makes me feel. You will too!"
Postum is 100% coffee-free
Another fine product of General Foods
It gives us a tremendous thrill when we think about the achievements of this
century of scientific knowhow. Jet planes, atomic energy, man-made satellites.
And one of these days, soon, man in space.
Medical science is making great gains, too, in the fight against mental illness.
Only 25 years ago most mental disorders were considered hopeless. Today mental
illness is no longer hopeless: Thousands of mentally sick people are recovering.
But there are still hundreds of thousands who cannot be helped. A treatment
which will work for one patient may not work for another. And no effective
treatment has yet been discovered for many mental illnesses.
The National Association for Mental Health, through its Research Foundation, sponsors research to improve existing methods of treatment. It supports
research to find ways of treating mental illnesses which still resist treatment.
And it promotes research to seek ways of preventing mental illness.
Support this vital research program by supporting your mental health association. Contribute generously to the Bell Ringer Campaign for Mental Health,
and . . .
Let's Conquer Mental Illness ... Next!
MAY • 1961 • VOL. LXXVI, No. 5
Assistant Editor
77th Year of Publication
Medical Consultant
Consulting Editor
Art Editor
Editorial Secretary
Editor, Braille Life & Health
BE GOOD TO YOUR FEET, Leo Rosenhouse
MENOPAUSE MOODS, Harold Shryock, M.D.
Consulting Board of Editors
VACCINES, Shirley Moffer Linde
W. Dail, M.D.
Contributing Board of Editors
J. MARK Cox, M.D.
H. L. RriTENHousa, M.D.
Circulation Manager
Field Representative
Field Representative and Advertising
LIFE AND HEALTH, copyrighted 1961 by the Review and Herald Publishing Association, Washington 12, D.C.,
U.S.A. All rights reserved. Title registered in U.S. Patent Office.
Home Health Education Service. Published monthly by the Review and Herald Publishing Association,
Washington 12, D.C. Second-class postage paid at Washington, D.C.
SUBSCRIPTION PRICES, U.S. CURRENCY, U.S., U.S. possessions, and Canada. 1 year. $5.00. Add 40c a year
elsewhere. All subscriptions must be paid for in advance. Single copy. 50 cents, U.S.A.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Send to LIFE AND HEALTH, Circulation Department, Washington 12, D.C., at least
30 days before date of the issue with which it is to take effect. Please send us your old address with
your new one, enclosing If possible your old address label, to avoid error in old and new lists.
MAY, 1961
Have just finished reading your February issue, received today, and find its
many articles extremely enlightening, especially "Heart Attack" [by Edward R.
Pinckney, M.D.], "Why I Don't Eat
Meat" [by 0. S. Parrett, M.D.], and
"Conserving Food Values" [by Lydia M.
Sonnenberg, dietitian].
Your LIFE AND HEALTH magazines are
treasured in our home, and have helped
us many times. . . .
Miami, Florida
Thousands of people like yourself are
now enjoying BAKON YEAST, the triplevalue seasoning. BAKON tastes delicious when sprinkled on buttered
toast, eggs, soups, vegetables, etc.
BAKON contains vitamins . .. supplies
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BAKON is rich in protein, carrying all
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BAKON is 100% dried Torula yeast,
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starch, no sugar, no salt, no meat.
BAKON gives you much more Vitamin
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Season with a reason...use BAKON.
Sold in health food stores for 25 years.
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BAKON YEAST, Inc. • New York 13, N.Y.
Just a note to express my appreciation
for some fine articles in the current issue
of LIFE AND HEALTH [November, 1960].
I especially enjoyed "The Road' Back,"
by Mr. Walter Frederick Westphal, and
"Painless Surgery," by Dr. Bloomquist.
Everything from the pen of Harry M.
Tippett is inspirational and thought inspiring.
Long Beach, California
Though I live in the East, I am a
reader of your magazine LIFE AND
HEALTH. I have always been impressed
by your devotion to help others improve
their lives.
Perak, Malaya
Try Delicious
Every month we receive a copy of LIFE
AND HEALTH—that medical journal we all
love to read. It provides us with a wealth
of invaluable information that is not to
be found in any of our science textbooks.
The journal keeps us posted with all the
new and modern methods by which diseases are conquered and how we can improve our health and mind.
The senior students read every article
with great scrutiny, and it is helping
them in their quest for knowledge. The
journal is kept in circulation throughout
our branches, and it is always in demand
by outsiders. It is a pity that LIFE AND
HEALTH is not circulated in our territory.
We express our thanks to the editorial
staff and circulation manager, and pray
that they will continue their good work.
JOYCE MAHABIR, Chief Librarian
St. Andrews Academy
Transparency by Grant Hellman, From Shostal
Spring! What a joyous season; how long waited for
and how truly welcome. There is no season of the year
more anticipated. After nature for months has turned
a cold shoulder on the world, she now offers a sunny
smile. Graciously the good earth smiles in response
with a profusion of flowers, buds, and birds. How
truly generous is mother earth, giving us flowers for
our enjoyment, trees for shade, and fruits in abundance for our sustenance.
With spring comes her invitation to see for yourself
her reproductive powers. Dig into her rich soil, plant
the seed, and it will pay dividends in flowers, fruit,
vegetables, and health. There are few, if any, do-ityourself projects that are as stimulating to health as
working your own garden. Try it.
Enclosed please find check for threeyear subscription to LIFE AND HEALTH,
which I can't do without.
Fort Myers Beach, Florida
I always read all the articles in LIFE
AND HEALTH, and enjoy the Family Physician items very much.
Atrch of Medicine
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Leg cramps, a frequent complaint in
the doctor's office, may be set off by a
variety of causes, and the average patient should not assume that it is simply
the old-fashioned Charley horse from a
tired or overstretched calf muscle. The
cramping may occur in the feet, calves,
and other muscles of the body. The
cramps may be caused by a serious metabolic disorder, or they may point to
early signs of arteriosclerosis and narrowing of the leg arteries. In either case,
your physician is best qualified to determine the cause and prescribe proper
Foot and leg cramps may be caused
by anything that produces an increase
or decrease in the salt or oxygen supply
of the body. Too much or too little salt
or oxygen may cause cramps. Excessive
muscular activity may cause cramps.
A person who is unaccustomed to being on his feet for long periods of time
may notice night cramps when he goes
to sleep.
The pregnant mother may notice that
in the later weeks of her gestation period,
her calves may cramp because of pressure of the baby on the blood vessels
and nerves that pass into the legs.
Diet and vitamin deficiencies may also
cause leg cramps. Too much or too little
calcium may produce cramping symptoms. The alkalosis condition from hyperventilation, or too rapid breathing,
may also tighten the muscles.
Sometimes when patients take diuretic
drugs to help them eliminate salt from
the body, these salt-depleting agents may
produce leg cramps and excessive sweating.
Circulatory deficiencies, atherosclerosis, vasospasm, varicose veins, and clots
in the lower extremities are among the
common causes of cramps. Old people
are more likely to have night cramps of
the calves than young people.
During normal muscle activity, the fibers contract at the rate of 10 or 50 per
second. In muscle cramps, the fibers contract at a higher rate, at times reaching
300 per second. The excessive tension developed in the muscle causes pain.
The treatment of leg cramps involves
diet, medication, and—most important—
physical exercise, and careful foot and
leg care. We have become a sedentary
MAY, 1961
nation, with withered legs and atrophied
big muscles. We sit to eat, we sit to drive,
we sit in the office, we sit in front of a
television, we sit to talk, we sit in church,
we sit at a ball game, we live in a sitting
Americans should use their legs more,
and they would have fewer leg cramps.
A daily walk in the fresh air would keep
your leg muscles in tone.
The diet should be low in fat, calories,
carbohydrates, and salt. It should be
sufficient in protein. Fats should be
avoided, and oils, such as sunflower-seed
oil, corn oil, soy oil, peanut oil, or olive
oil should be used instead. This diet
would reduce the blood cholesterol and
retard atherosclerosis. Whole milk should
be limited and low-fat milk substituted.
An old Chinese proverb says, "He who
takes medicine and neglects diet wastes
the skill of his physician.” Eat a wellbalanced, healthful, low-fat, low-calorie
diet, chewing slowly and thoroughly.
Many medicines have been advocated
to prevent muscle cramps. Strong narcotic drugs should be avoided. A person
who has a definite calcium deficiency
will rarely be relieved by the taking of
extra calcium. However, during pregnancy and lactation, adequate calcium
is necessary to replace the amounts taken
up by the baby. Mineral-vitamin supplements high in vitamins B, C, and D,
may help.
In severe spasm your physician may
give intravenous calcium gluconate to
bring prompt relief.
Among the medicines used are various
muscle relaxants, tranquilizers, and antihistamines.
If the patient has swelling of the calves
and legs, diuretics prescribed by his physician may be of help.
Quinine has long been used, but its
prophylactic and treatment value in leg
cramps has not been conclusively established. Quinine should be avoided by
pregnant women or people who have a
hearing or visual disturbance.
The average person neglects his feet
by wearing improperly fitted shoes. And
infrequent washing of the stockings may
permit the harboring of fungus infection.
Warm foot soaks or contrast sprays
should be taken twice daily, with massage
by a vasodilator ointment and musclestretching exercises.
The person who has a poorly fitted
shoe should see his orthopedic surgeon
for possible metatarsal pads or other appliances of value in getting good foot
Many measures are available for treating a low blood supply to the feet, but
it is dangerous to use diathermy, heat
lamps, and the like if there is poor circulation to the feet. Electrical muscle stimulation, a rocking bed, or repeated hydromassage, such as whirlpool, may be
of value.
In varicose veins the elastic bandage
and massage and elevation of the feet at
the end of a long day are helpful. Surgical tying and stripping of the veins
may also be indicated.
If there is inadequate circulation owing to arterial disease, surgical treatment
in the form of nerve blocks and interruption may be of value. In some cases
where the arteries are actually blocked,
the examination of the involved vessels
by X-ray and grafting may bring great
People having overweight problems,
anemia, diabetes, heart disease, or kidney
diseases along with artery disease should
have these difficulties checked and corrected at the earliest possible moment
that they can manage.
The so-called Berger-Allen exercises,
in which the legs are elevated for two
minutes, placed below bed level for
three minutes, placed level with the bed
for two minutes, have long been popular
for disease of blood vessels near the surface of the legs.
These exercises should be supplemented by gentle massage of the foot,
foot exercises, swimming, warm baths,
rest, and periodic elevation of the involved legs.
Leg cramping is not so simple as it
sounds. Your physician should be consulted in cases of leg cramps, and the
treatment should include a well-rounded
program including diet, medication, special foot care, and leg exercises. It may
be that surgery will be necessary, and
the earlier it is performed the better the
chance of permanent cure. •
x;A 1;0
AVE you noticed a change in the
corner grocery store? A change
in size of counters and a shift in emphasis from one food to another. The
supermarket in our area and the
neighborhood grocery store have become storage depots rather than dispensers of fresh foods.
The trend is to lengthen the counters carrying packaged goods, which
will keep for weeks, and to shrink the
size of the produce counters, where
fresh fruits and vegetables are piled.
The food freezer and its frozen vegetables, fruits, and the many preplanned, precooked, and ready-toserve dinner plates are featured. Prepared foods make for rapid, profitable
commercial enterprise, but they take
some of the fun out of shopping.
Do you get the fun out of shopping
for vegetables and fruits you once did?
Looking at pictures on a box is not
nearly so enticing as looking at fresh
green peas in the pod, even if it does
mean sitting down at the kitchen table
and shelling a potful. And sweeping
up the peas that flip onto the floor.
I well recall as a lad the beautiful
fruit and vegetable markets the Japanese operated in southern California
before the second world war. You
could walk into one of these markets
and see the fruits and vegetables arranged in neat rows being sprinkled
with a fine spray of fresh water to
keep them crisp. Celery had its salty
aroma that made your appetite tingle. Onions were lined up in neat bins
—Bermudas and the big purple Spanish onions so delicious on sandwiches.
In California the markets are different now. Not only do you have difficulty finding the Japanese farmer
and his produce market but you don't
often find fresh fruits and vegetables
in the amounts formerly offered.
Whether this new trend in American merchandising and eating habits
is good or bad, only time will tell.
For my money, fresh foods still taste
better. We do not replace all the vitamins and minerals of fresh fruits and
vegetables in any form of processed,
packaged, or canned products. Before
my readers descend on me with a
barrage of mail asking: "Isn't frozen
food better than the wilted vegetables
and overripe fruit on the markets
today?" Yes! I am sure frozen fruits
and vegetables are tastier, more appetizing, and more nutritious than old
shopworn produce.
My campaign is for the return of
the fresh-produce market, with farmers selling apples and oranges, corn
and carrots and peas, with pride, as
they did of old.
The American public is likely to
get what it wants. Although we all
want speed in cooking and meal planning, many of you will agree that
canned, dried, pulverized, frozen, homogenized, dehydrated, reconstituted,
baked, fried, preserved, artificially col-
ored, artificially flavored foods aren't
as much fun to prepare and eat as
good old-fashioned foods.
Fruit is a special problem. Because
of the long distances fruits are
shipped, too often they are picked
green. More and more oranges are
going into cans as frozen orange juice,
and fewer and fewer find their way
onto the produce counter. Is the day
coming when fresh oranges will be
hard to find?
The twentieth century of zip-zip
meal planning is making a poorly
balanced diet for many people.
Mother can plan a well-balanced meal
from tin cans, frozen food boxes, and
cellophane sacks, but the rush is so
great that she may give more thought
to the speed with which food can be
flipped from box to plate than to its
It is high time we started a crusade
for more fresh fruits and vegetables,
for greater pride in counters of colorful oranges, apples waxed and polished and glistening red, golden bananas, and in season peaches, apricots,
cherries, plums, nectarines, strawberries, and the luscious fresh fruits that
farmers on the roadside now carry
which seldom find their way into the
markets in the fresh succulent state
they should.
A revival of interest in green vegetables but less emphasis on sweets and
starchy foods would increase the vitamins and minerals in our diet and reduce our weight. Eating could be a
real adventure.
"Pass the baked potato stuffed with
onion chips and sprinkled with celery
or garlic salt!" Mother and market
will have to be convinced that you
are interested in their taking time to
feed you better.
Yours for a better supper tonight,
4A42.--7f,., 114
is right on the lake front, so you can
guess how well they like the water.
Shirley was born in Cincinnati, earned
a B.S. degree in zoology from the University of Michigan. She got her training
in writing in a couple of night school
courses and now enjoys conducting workshops in creative writing at the lake.
Minnie Worthen Muenscher ("Herbs
Instead of Salt," page 31) was born in
Lynden, Washington. She graduated
from the State College of Washington
(now Washington State University), and
was married the next year to Walter C.
Muenscher, who is emeritus professor of
botany, Cornell University. She used her
journalistic training to assist him with
his writing. Since her husband's retirement, she has written a number of magazine articles, principally on the use of
herbs and on various aspects of joyful living.
Her chief joys are her home, family,
and friends. Hobbies include gardening
and writing. In gardening she is especially interested in herbs. Her favorite
* * *
Harold Shryock, M.D. ("Family Fireside," page 24), is well known to LIFE AND
HEALTH readers for his articles on mental hygiene and family relationships.
Trained as a physician, Dr. Shryock early
chose to spend his life with medical students rather than in the practice of clinical medicine. During the twenty-three
years since he completed his internship
he has been engaged actively in the teaching of anatomy, in medical school administration, and in research.
He is chairman of the department of
anatomy of the Schools of Dentistry and
Medicine of the College of Medical
Evangelists, Loma Linda, California.
Dr. and Mrs. Shryock have always
found their greatest pleasure in the home
and with their children. The high light
of their life is the occasion when their
two granddaughters come to visit.
Writing is the prime hobby that has
claimed Dr. Shryock's spare time since
he was in college. He is an active member of the American Medical Writers'
Association. In addition to numerous
magazine articles, he now has six books
to his credit.
* * *
Science writer Shirley Motter Linde
("Vaccines," page 16) lives at Lake Lotawana near Kansas City, Missouri. Most
of the time when she isn't doing freelance writing she spends with her husband, Doug, and their son, Scott, either
on the lake sailing and water skiing or
in the lake and swimming. Their home
MAY, 1961
Martin H. Koch ("Favorite Recipes,"
page 32) is one of several chefs at the
Washington Sanitarium and Hospital, in
Takoma Park, Washington, D.C.
He was born and reared in a suburb of
Reading, Pennsylvania. With his four sisters and nine brothers he attended the
rural schools of his native State, and
later enrolled in and completed a butler's
course in New York City.
Mr. Koch has cooked in hotels, restaurants, and hospitals in Pennsylvania, Florida, and California; he also served as
cook in the U.S. armed forces before
coming to Washington Sanitarium.
Mr. Koch says his real hobby is work,
especially around his newly acquired
home in Takoma Park. Once in a long
while he will really relax by spending a
day at the beach or visiting relatives and
friends in Pennsylvania.
His desire to make foods attractive and
palatable was manifested at an early age.
writing is letters to family and friends,
to shut-ins, and to other herb lovers.
She lives three miles from Ithaca, New
York. In the last thirty-five years the
Muenschers have changed their acre of
ground from a bare meadow to a wellwooded lot. They have three married
daughters—one living in Old Town,
Maine, one in Berkeley, California, and
one in Fairbanks, Alaska—and have five
"Herbs Instead of Salt" was written
because Mrs. Muenscher has cooked without salt for the last ten years, due to
her husband's health. They have found
herbs such a happy substitute that she
wished to help make saltless food a painless experience for others. •
Don't Miss
By M. Dorothea Van Gundy
Delicious salads are a part
of every healthful diet. Mrs.
Jones gives recipes for many
varied and beautiful salads,
in the June, 1%1, issue of
PECIALISTS in foot care say that one person
in five suffers from a foot ailment. Nearly all
foot trouble can be prevented if it is treated
early enough. Surprisingly, foot fatigue—
"tired feet"—causes the nation almost as much misery
as the common cold.
You may be victim of a foot ailment and not even
know it. Perhaps you are having trouble with a persistent backache and wonder why you have it. Don't
begin thinking of kidney trouble, lumbago, or spine
ailments. Most likely you should look down at your
feet for the cause. Chiropodists, podiatrists, and orthopedists—the professional men most concerned with the
care of the feet—have learned that often they can trace
backache and nearly seventy-five other ailments to bad
The problem of foot care is considered so important that many hospitals, government agencies,
and large industrial organizations operate foot clinics, where foot hygiene and care are stressed. Even
schools are interested in seeing that youngsters get
better foot care, because it is known that one of
every two children has some foot defect by the time
he is ten years old.
If your feet bother you or you are troubled with
backache, it is time you thought of your feet. The best
way to begin is to take off your shoes and stockings and
scrutinize your feet as you stand barefoot on a hard
Look at the toes of one foot. Are they the same
size and shape as the corresponding toes of the other
foot? If the toes of the two feet do not match, and
some are small or deformed, you are undoubtedly
experiencing foot trouble.
A more narrow examination of your feet may reveal
corns, bunions, and calluses, usually caused by uneven
pressure against your feet. Take a pen and circle
every one of these growths. If you have more than
three on a foot, it would be advisable to let a specialist
in foot care treat you.
Wet your feet and examine the footprints you
make on a flat surface. If they make marks that look
like pancakes, you may have poor arches, which can
cause you much agony. Most cases of broken arches
can be corrected quickly by proper arch supports worn
inside your shoes. Accept your doctor's suggestion as
to the use of these supports in preference to recommendations made by shoe clerks. Most shoe clerks can
fit you with arch supports, but they cannot advise as
to whether your arch defect requires medical attention.
Of course you want your feet to work
for you all your life. You will have
to do your part in caring for them.
While you stand barefoot, pick up your shoes and
examine them. Are the heels run down? Are the inner
rims of the heels uneven? Is one heel higher than the
other? What about the toes? Are they wide and comfortable, or pointed and curled?
Good serviceable shoes can give you comfortable,
healthy feet, but when you buy shoes for style and
ignore their real responsibility of being a protection
to your feet, you court trouble and get it in the form
of misery.
A sensible rule in buying shoes is to see whether
there is enough toe room to wriggle your toes and
whether your heel is too loose against the back of the
shoe when you walk.
Another good thought to have while trying for a
properly fitting shoe is to search for pressure against
any part of the foot. Such pressure or confinement
near the base of the big toe can lead to a serious
bunion. A shoe that offers discomfort when new will
not likely break in to become more comfortable. The
discomfort tends to get worse.
MOst people are perplexed about hard growth of
tissue on their feet. Such callous formations—hardened deposits of tissue—can form on the surface of
the skin or beneath the skin adjacent to bone and
muscle. Corns, the most common hard growths on the
skin, are created by rubbing or pressure of shoes or
stockings against the skin. The area of irritation becomes hard, and the uneven mass causes foot pain.
Other calluses may form hard pads of tissue on
the ball, heel, or side of your feet. They can be very
painful. Don't rely on commercial remedies to treat
such foot ailments when you have the opportunity of
visiting a foot specialist or your family doctor first.
He may be able to prevent recurrence of calluses,
and may recommend certain commercial preparations
to benefit your feet.
Bunions, which are enlargements of the end of
the bones at the large joints, are caused mainly by
shoe pressure. A short shoe or an excessively tight or
thick stocking can bring on a bunion. Let your doctor
take care of this ailment.
Warts and other tissue masses on the foot should
not be pared, trimmed, or cut away with knife or
razor blade until the growths are examined by a competent doctor. The same holds true for any brightly
or darkly colored mass of tissue that makes an appearance on or beneath the skin of your feet. Foolish
cutting of tissue can lead to danger if the growth
should turn out to be a serious tumor. Leave all such
trimming to your doctor.
Among the most troublesome of foot ailments,
ingrown toenails lead the field. The big toenail
bothers people most often. An ingrown nail causes
severe pain and can lead to inflammation and infection. When the nail bed becomes irregular, the rough
nail extends into the soft tissue. The toe responds by
becoming painful and inflamed. The remedy is to cut
the nails properly and wear a comfortable shoe and
(To page 25)
If you are victim of tired feet,
MAY, 1961
Warne (71//de (haw
Though surrounded by the love of his family, a cerebral-palsied child needs
also the acceptance of society.
OW can they let that child play on a public
beach?" I heard these words less than a year
ago, and they referred to a cerebral-palsied
youngster who was playing contentedly in
the waves at the shore line. In the past eleven years
some positive effects of a widespread campaign to explain cerebral palsy have been realized, but there
is still much public ignorance of the affliction. Unfortunately, in the past, adult CP's actually have been
called revolting drunks; parents of the CP children
have been told, "Only bad, dirty people would have
a child like that."
Cerebral palsy is not a medical mystery. It is not
shameful or the result of a strain of degeneracy in
the family. Down through the years there have been
many false ideas about CP, and we can understand
the difficulty in correcting them.
In the middle of the nineteenth century, Dr. William Little, the father of orthopedic surgery in Great
Britain, wrote the first description of cerebral palsy
in medical books. He intimated that CP's were humans
with the minds of vegetables. Their poor speech and
grotesque posture gave credence to this mistaken idea.
Actually, at least 75 per cent of the palsied have an
intelligence quotient of 70 or more.
Dr. Little's unfortunate idea remained in medical
books until 1918, when there was a polio epidemic.
Dr. Winthrop Phelps, who was interested in cerebral
palsy, had many parents bring their children to him.
They thought that polio at birth was the cause of
their children's affliction. Dr. Phelps had discovered
that it was an injury to or a deficiency in the portion
of the brain that controls the motor nerves—the
nerves of movement—rather than an attack of polio.
He worked actively in the reform effort, but CP got
little attention until parents' groups got together and
aroused their doctors and the public.
There are six surviving cases of CP out of every
100,000 births. An injury to the brain that could cause
CP might occur at any time in the development of
the motor center of the brain. In prenatal develop.
ment, there may be a slip in the building blocks that
might cause a brain defect, just as there may be one
that might cause clubfoot. Some kinds of disease in
the mother before the child's birth may cause damage
to the brain cells. Injury at the time of birth or later
in life, or diseases that leave scar tissue on the brain,
may produce damage.
Cerebral palsy is not hereditary. Proof of this fact
is shown in the case of identical twins, one with CP
and the other a normal child.
There are five general types of cerebral palsy. They
are distinguished by the physical characteristics of
the motor activities. Seeing and hearing defects and
a speech disorder are commonly associated with
cerebral palsy. In all cases there is motor difficulty.
Fully 75 per cent of CP's can be rehabilitated. CP
cannot be cured, for brain cells are not regenerated.
The best thing to do is train other parts of the patient's brain to take over the functions normally performed by the injured section.
CP children are no different from other children
except that they require extensive physical training in
order to become independent people. Therapy exercises are directed toward teaching skills and eliminating deformity. Physical therapy teaches balance and
motor ability, and occupational therapy teaches manual dexterity.
Two seven-year-old youngsters I helped prepare for
their weekly Cub Scout meeting had mastered the
laces and buckles on their braces and the buttons on
their shirts.
Speech therapy is designed to improve breathing
habits and facial control. Mental growth must be
simultaneous with physical education, and self-discipline is a necessary lesson. A simple muscle act of
many CP's requires the concentration of a normal
man learning to walk a tightrope.
A man I know was an executive of a large advertising firm. He had some difficulty speaking spontaneously and in walking, but he could play the
piano and sing, never missing a note or a word.
There was a young woman who so feared to lift
a cup to her lips that she could not attempt to do
so without breaking the cup, but she was able to etch
delicate tracings on a copper dish.
Understanding of cerebral palsy is new, but the
affliction is as old as deafness or blindness. There are
references in the Bible to the palsied. King Richard
III of England was thought to have been a victim of
cerebral palsy. From the years of understanding one
can see the barrier of rejection built up through
the ages. If the spreading of knowledge continues at
(To page 23)
the rate it has taken in the past
MAY, 1961
HE first car Henry Ford built had no reverse gear.
Whether it did not occur to him as necessary or whether
he had not solved the mechanical problem involved is not
clear. One thing is sure, automotive development would
have been wrecked on its forward gears if mechanical
genius had not provided a retreat device for awkward
corners and narrow dead-end streets.
The crayfish has often been used as a symbol of incongruous retreat, and one who crawfishes on his agreements
and business deals is contemned. Yet the ingenious swimmerets of the crayfish that enable him to back with rapidity
from danger have been his greatest life preserver.
People with no capacity to withdraw from a position
once taken, who exult in a head "bloody but unbowed,"
may be more foolhardy than courageous. People who boast
that they never quit, never revise their work, never retrace
their steps, often leave a trail of misfit accomplishments and
sorry incompletions that provide commentary on the folly
of aggressiveness that brooks no retreat.
Strategic retreat is one of the most important tactics in
military maneuvers. Timely withdrawal from a hopeless
situation has often been the crucial movement that has won
a battle.
How can we translate this important principle into our
everyday affairs? Despite the assurances of work-happy philosophers, the quitter does not always lose nor the go-getter
win. There are situations that all must face, when tents
must be struck and arms stacked, no matter how bitter the
Whether the need is for a retreat, a setback, or a detour,
it could conceivably teach us something about resources
we never knew we had. We may discover assets in ourselves useful in meeting later hindrances to progress. The
proverbial tide "that leads on to fortune" may prove to be
the riptide of forces that violently contest our way.
It would be quite conducive to wisdom to know how
many ulcer cases there are in the world today induced by
the inability to yield to circumstances beyond control, how
many families have been broken up by a lack of give-andtake in the marital partners, how many business ventures
have gone on the rocks by refusing judicious retrenchments.
Old "Rear-up" O'Leary of the Montana mines where
I worked in my youth got his nickname from the time his
dumpcart failed to trip, and he commanded his mule to
rear up. It was unheard-of procedure, but the load was delivered. I'm glad Henry Ford found out about reverse
gears early in his career. How about you? •
Menopause is a merry-go-round of moods. Though glandular readjustments make people depressed, normal optimism can be regained.
HAT brings you to see me, George?" The
doctor addressed a 48-year-old businessman who had always appeared healthy,
courageous, and optimistic.
"Well, Doc, I cry," the man said reluctantly.
Even men become moody and emotional when
they are in the period of life we call the menopause.
Usually the symptoms of the menopause are more
obvious in women than men. A woman's tears flow
easily at this time of life. She may become sensitive,
mildly suspicious, morose, downcast. Days may drag
by slowly, seeming like blue Mondays.
Being moody and downcast is not limited to the
menopause. Almost everyone has occasional off days.
During the menopause these downswings occur more
frequently and are more intense than at other times of
life. Menopause moods may occur unprovoked, out
of a clear sky.
Ordinarily a person feels moody when his supply
of nervous energy runs low. It is when he loses an
argument, is rebuffed, has not had sufficient sleep, or
has been living too strenuously that he is down in the
mouth. Menopause moods are not so easily explained.
There are two factors, either of which may contribute to menopause moods. They are glandular
and emotional.
In order to understand the changes that occur at
the menopause, we need to mention four glands—the
pituitary, the sex (ovaries and testes), the thyroid, and
the adrenal. Each of these glands produces one or more
hormones that circulate through the tissues as a means
of regulating certain body functions. Each gland has
an influence on the other glands. When one is not
active enough, another may compensate by increasing
its own activity.
Someone has called the pituitary the master gland,
because it regulates the function of all other glands.
It secretes a gonadotropic hormone that stimulates
the sex glands, a thyrotropic hormone that stimulates
the thyroid, and an adrenotropic hormone that stimulates the adrenal glands.
The initial glandular change at menopause is retardation of sex glands. In a woman the ovaries cease
to produce ova (reproductive cells). After the meno14
pause is entirely complete, a woman may no longer
become a mother. In a man the sex glands are reduced
in activity, but the testes continue to produce sex
cells, though fewer, and to provide male hormones
even after the menopause, though a limited amount.
A husband and wife remain capable of enjoying the
intimate relations of marriage even after they have
passed their menopause periods.
As the sex glands slow down, the pituitary responds
by increasing its activity. It is as if the pituitary were
reluctant to allow the sex glands to decrease their
activity. The sex glands are no longer capable of
responding to the stimulation the pituitary provides.
Throughout several months during which the
pituitary is hyperactive, it produces all its hormones
in abundance. The amounts of the thyrotropic and
adrenotropic hormones are increased, even though
the thyroid gland and the adrenal glands are still
functioning as usual. This excessive stimulation by
the pituitary may cause the thyroid and the adrenal
glands to become overly active.
In a case where the thyroid gland is particularly
sensitive to increased stimulation, the person will develop nervousness, tension, rapid pulse, and emotionality. So far as the glands are concerned, it is the
temporary increased function of the thyroid that accounts for menopause moods.
Increased activity of the adrenal glands, caused
in a similar way, is presumably responsible for the
rapid changes in the body's temperature-regulating
mechanism. This explains the hot flushes, or hot
flashes, so typical of the menopause period.
The emotional factors that contribute to menopause moods center largely on the readjustments a
person's body must make as he passes from the reproductive period of his life into the period of full-blown
maturity. This transition is particularly obvious to a
woman because of the cessation of her menstrual
periods. To many a woman, this is an unwelcome reminder that youth is past.
In some cases, the menopause occurs about the
time the children reach adulthood and leave the
parents' home to establish homes of their own. The
mother, previously busy ministering to the children
in the home, now has only to contemplate the loneliness of her
empty house. She has extra time to
develop dread of old age and to
humor menopause moods.
Just as there are two factors—
glandular and emotional—that contribute to menopause moods, so
there are two factors—glandular
and emotional—that provide the
means of controlling these moods.
Glandular therapy is not a panacea. In selected cases directed by
a well-trained physician, the administration of estrogen for women
and testosterone for men may serve
to make the menopause period
much .more tolerable. These preparations supplement the natural
sex hormone produced in smaller amounts by the
lagging sex glands.
Hormone treatment must not be expected to make
young people out of middle-aged people. When administered conservatively for a few weeks at a time,
these preparations serve to soften the shock of readjustment. When such therapy is used, the pituitary
seems not to react so violently to reduction of the
sex glands. The usual symptoms of the menopause,
including menopause moods, are not so severe as they
otherwise would be.
The emotional control of menopause moods may
be gained in part by habits designed to maintain the
person in the best physical and mental health. Good
general health always boosts optimism, and a bright
outlook enables a person to counteract the tendency
to feel moody.
Here's how to promote your general health at
1. Avoid excess activity and overexertion. During
the menopause a person does not bounce back so
quickly as when he was a youth. He must learn to be
more conservative and deliberate.
2. Provide yourself wholesome exercise. The
human body thrives on a combination of physical
MAY, 1961
and nervous activity. If either is neglected, the general health suffers. Garden work, gentle stretching
exercises, and walking are forms of exercise that will
not overtax the vital organs but will maintain the
muscles in good tone and keep the tissues healthy.
3. Provide a well-balanced diet. Such a diet includes adequate amounts of vegetables, fresh fruits,
and protein food. Regulate the calories so as to avoid
obesity, common after menopause.
4. Keep your mind on the advantages of life after
menopause. For a woman, the complete ending of
menopause marks release from the obligations of
childbirth and the more active routine of homemaking. A woman may look forward to many years in
which she can do the things she has always wanted
to do.
5. Avoid unnecessary emotional stress and upsetting circumstances. When you avoid a difference of
opinion by tact or diplomacy, you gain a personal
victory and avoid much strain on your glands and
vital organs.
6. Develop control of nervousness and anxiety.
Satisfactory and permanent control of nervousness
does not depend on sedative drugs. In the long run,
(To page 23)
they exact a higher penalty
You may avoid untold ill-health, crippling, and death through vaccines.
HE spotlight turned on vaccines again recently with the announcement that doctors
were trying a vaccine against measles. The
first trials in a small group of children were
successful, but the vaccine is still a long way from
general use.
Developers of the experimental vaccine were Dr.
John F. Enders, winner of the Nobel prize for his
work with polio virus, and Dr. Samuel L. Katz of
Harvard Medical School. The vaccine, they reported,
produces fever and spots, but the children involved
in the trials went about with normal activity and
Much work has to be done to improve the vaccine
and test it in further field trials, but doctors are
optimistic about the long-sought vaccine.
Much work is involved in making a vaccine. The
organisms that cause the disease have to be killed
or weakened. This work can be done by chemicals,
heat, or growth in test tubes for many generations.
When the dead or weak germs are injected, they are
not strong enough to make you sick. They stimulate
your body's defenses to form antibodies for fighting
future invaders that might cause the disease.
Vaccines are one of medicine's biggest weapons in
the battle against disease, and doctors hope they can
be an even bigger weapon in the future.
Here are the facts on some of the vaccines under
1. Poliomyelitis. Doctors are alarmed at the number of people who have not taken advantage of polio
shots. Throughout the United States less than half
of the children under five have had three injections,
and almost a third have had no vaccine. Many people under 40 have not had the basic three injections,
and some have had no vaccine. This makes too many
people under age 40 who are not completely protected.
In the years of use, the polio shots have been found
to be effective, but the paralytic form of the disease
is increasing. This fact, said Dr. Leroy E. Burney,
Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service,
can be attributed basically to one cause—failure of
the population to take full advantage of the vaccine
in advance of a year of high polio prevalence.
Preschool children are extremely vulnerable to
the paralytic form, and especially need the vaccinations.
Dr. Albert B. Sabin of the University of Cincinnati has developed a promising oral vaccine. With
the oral polio pills, says Dr. Sabin, only one dose is
needed and immunity may last longer. It is cheaper
and easier to give and is especially useful in countries
having limited resources.
Results in field tests with the polio pills are encouraging so far. In Africa, field tests on a mass scale
were conducted with 244,000 inhabitants receiving the
pills. No sickness was reported after administration
of the pills.
Other studies on various oral polio pills were conducted on two million Colombian children, on people in the Soviet Union, Mexico, the Netherlands,
and in a group of volunteer families in a University
of Minnesota student housing project.
2. Tetanus. Every school child should be immunized against tetanus. The shots are usually combined for tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, and
polio. Some doctors recommend an annual summer
booster shot of tetanus for all children and extension
of tetanus immunization to adults, particularly industrial workers.
Tetanus is still a hazard in the United States.
Public apathy toward immunization allows hundreds
of deaths each year, mostly from minor wounds.
3. Common Cold. The biggest problem with developing cold vaccines is that so many different kinds
of germ can cause colds. Dr. Winston H. Price of
Johns Hopkins University announced the isolation
of one of the viruses that cause the common cold,
then developed a vaccine to the virus, and tested it
on hundreds of volunteer boys during epidemics in
several schools. The vaccine prevented colds caused
by the virus in 80 per cent of the boys up to eight
Another vaccine that may prevent 60 to 70 per
cent of all common colds was tested by Dr. Thomas G.
Ward at Notre Dame University. He combined eleven
different vaccines into a one-barrel shot and tested
it in field trials in schools, prisons, and industry.
4. Grippe (often called influenza). Similar to colds
are the sore throat, fever, and watery eyes of grippe,
caused by the APC viruses. A vaccine against these
viruses was developed by Dr. Robert Huebner of the
National Institutes of Health. In tests on prison volunteers it prevented 70 per cent of them from getting
grippe symptoms.
When tested on recruits at Great Lakes Naval
Training Center, it proved up to 70 per cent effective,
and at Fort Dix, New Jersey, it prevented nearly 90
per cent of respiratory illness.
5. Asian Flu. U.S. Navy and Public Health Service
scientists reported that a commercially prepared vaccine proved encouragingly effective in preventing
Asian influenza among a group of naval recruits.
More than 3,300 recruits entering training just
before the 1958 outbreak of Asian flu were studied.
Scientists inoculated a third of them with Asian strain
vaccine, a third with an older multistrain vaccine containing no Asian strain, and a. third with a harmless
salt solution. The Asian strain vaccine reduced illness
83 per cent and the multistrain 21 per cent.
6. Cancer. Viruses are being implicated more and
more as one of the causes of cancer. If viruses are a
cause, there is a possibility that a vaccine could be
In people, doctors find that antibody and immune
reactions occur with cancer, which is hopeful evidence
that a vaccine may work. Other studies show that a
vaccine made from the patient's own tumor seems to
increase his resistance to his cancer.
Much more research is needed before even a small
break-through can be expected.
7. Tuberculosis. TB is still a major problem. It
is the chief killer among infectious diseases, with
100,000 new cases every year.
The only available vaccine against tuberculosis is
BCG, made from a strain of living tubercle bacilli. It
is used extensively for mass vaccination in some countries, but not in the United States. Here, BCG is
recommended for people who are unavoidably exposed to tuberculosis, such as personnel in hospitals
and prisons, families with a tuberculosis patient living at home, and in communities where TB is a particular problem.
A new method of giving BCG was tried at the
University of Illinois. It was done, not by injection,
but by placing the subject in a closed room and spraying the BCG vaccine into the air. The vaccine is effective in most people after they have breathed the air
for thirty minutes.
8. Undulant Fever. Undulant fever, also called
brucellosis, is an infectious disease that a person can
get from goats, cows, hogs, or from drinking infected
unpasteurized milk.
A vaccine against it will successfully prevent the
disease in animals and people. Studies have shown that
mass immunization of people is practical in areas
where undulant fever occurs often. Cases have been
reduced from a third to a tenth of the usual.
9. Mumps. The Russians reported a vaccine for
mumps that gave favorable results when tested on 35,000 children in Leningrad. During an outbreak of
MAY, 1961
mumps, there were ten times more cases in unvaccinated than in vaccinated children.
10. Tick Fever. The virus that causes Rocky
Mountain spotted fever, the infection that plagues
many campers and mountain climbers in the West,
has been isolated. An experimental vaccine has been
prepared against it and is being tried in human volunteers.
These are the major vaccines under study. Which
are in common use for the general public? How often
should adults get them?
Here is an immunization schedule for adults that
was outlined in the Journal of the American Medical
Association. It gives optimum intervals for adult immunization, assuming that an adequate initial immunization series was given.
Smallpox vaccination is needed every three years.
Diphtheria immunization is not recommended for
adults except where a person shows no immunity after
exposure to special risks.
A tetanus booster dose should be given at the time
of each injury where the danger of tetanus exists, with
reinjection in the absence of injury at intervals of no
longer than five years.
Typhoid reinforcing injections are necessary every
three years.
Influenza injections should be given every year to
aged or chronically ill people.
Not enough time has gone by to learn about the
duration of protection conferred by poliomyelitis injections, but a fourth dose given not earlier than one
(To page 23)
year after the third dose could be
a vaccine can save your child from polio, it is worth while.
When you are tense during the day,
your sleep will be affected.
USCULAR relaxation is the absence of
muscle tension. In relaxation a muscle is at
complete rest, there is not the slightest
contraction. In order to relax fully you
should be able to recognize tension in your own
muscles anywhere in your body. You should learn to
discontinue it as it occurs. This control is the basic
principle of being able to relax.
A muscle consists of thousands of muscle fibers.
Each fiber is supplied by a nerve connection called a
motor nerve end plate, which is connected to a tiny
nerve fiber. Up to three hundred of the muscle nervefiber elements are attached to a main nerve fiber,
like branches on the limb of a tree.
The main nerve fiber arises from a single nerve cell
in the front part of the spinal cord. Thus a single
nerve cell may directly control a group of one hundred to three hundred muscle fibers in the muscle as far
as three feet away from it. Such a group of muscle fibers
and their nerve supply is called a motor unit. Every
muscle of your body is made up of many such motor
Every motor unit of muscle fibers will contract
vigorously in a twitchlike manner. These twitches will
be complete or entirely absent. The degree of contraction depends only on the frequency of nerve signals
arising from the corresponding nerve cell in the spinal
cord. A slight contraction results from only a few
twitches per second, a marked contraction from many
per second.
The degree of contraction of the muscle as a
whole depends also on the number of motor units
functioning. In full contraction of a muscle all the
motor units in that muscle are functioning and each
as rapidly as it can. In a weak contraction only a few
scattered units function. In complete relaxation none
are functioning.
With every muscle movement in the body there
is a chemical reaction. With every chemical reaction
in the body there is an accompanying electrical reaction, charge, force, or voltage. This is true of the
muscles of the stomach and intestines during digestion.
Such chemical and electrical reaction also occurs during brain and nerve reaction.
The electrical reaction takes the form of waves,
which can be analyzed by your doctor. They can be
recorded on paper for examination of brain activity.
In the diagnosis of heart disease the electrocardiograph may be used to record the small electrical currents from the heart.
Our primary interest is in the electrical forces,
waves, or action currents that arise from a contracting
muscle. These currents are too small to study by the
use of ordinary meters and recording devices. To
amplify the electrical forces adequately from nearly
relaxed muscle, an instrument must be used that is
able to detect vibrating forces as small as a millionth
of a volt.
The apparatus, an electromyograph, is similar to
radio in that it uses vacuum tubes to amplify. After
amplification, the vibrating forces may be indicated
by meters, they may be recorded by photography or a
pen that traces on paper moving along like ticker
tape, or they may be visualized on a cathode-ray tube
similar to a television tube.
The usual electromyograph apparatus consists essentially of two or three wires connected to the muscle
under study. Usually one of these wires ends in a
needle, which is inserted directly into the muscle.
The amplifier is a very sensitive loud-speaker that
makes the electrical waves audible, and a televisionlike cathode-ray screen makes these waves visible.
On the cathode-ray screen a spot of light travels
from left to right. Usually it is made to travel so
rapidly that the spots looks like a line. When an
electrical wave arises from the muscle, the spot travels
up and down while traveling from left to right. Thus
we find a wave.
Figure 1 shows a tracing of what would be seen on
the screen when there is no muscle activity—when
the muscle is fully relaxed. The line is smooth, with
no waves except for a slight fine movement caused by
the amplifier itself.
Figure 2 shows a tracing when there is slight contraction. Observe the shape of the waves. The type of
sound produced by the loud-speaker varies as the
waves vary, and helps in the analysis.
A careful study of the tracing in Figure 2 shows
recurrence of the same wave pattern; in fact, there are
three distinct patterns of shape and height—a, b, and
c. Each of the three patterns is from a separate motor
unit that results from the activity of three specific
nerve cells in the spinal cord. A tracing such as this
represents only slight tension in the small area of the
muscle studied.
A much more pronounced tension is illustrated in
Figure 3. In it there are so many motor units contracting that they cannot be distinguished.
Many studies using this kind of instrument have
been made to learn more about the physiology of
muscle action, sleep, and thought. These studies, observations made on patients and subjects, and observations made by the patient on himself have resulted in some valuable findings.
Electromyographic studies present evidence that
even the thought of some activity requiring movement
of a certain muscle causes an increase in the tension of
that muscle, as demonstrated by the sense of tension
and increase in electrical activity.
This has been the case with so many muscles and
varied thoughts that it appears that muscle movement
and tension may be a necessary accompaniment of
thought. The muscles of the eyes and speech appear
to be especially associated with thought. It is common
experience that thought and- emotion are reflected by
facial grimaces and movements of the body.
The idea that muscle action is necessary for
thought is affirmed by the observation of patients who
have been taught to relax all the muscles of the body,
especially of the eyes, jaws, and tongue. These patients
MAY, 1961
often say that when they have reached the stage of perfect relaxation, no thought is possible.
Scientists have demonstrated a relationship between muscle tension and internal-organ activity. It
is called reflex action. A reflex response consists of
some muscular movement resulting from stimulation
of the skin or deeper tissue, such as the tendon of the
kneecap. It depends on nerves that run from the area
stimulated to the spinal cord and -back to the muscle.
The brain takes no direct part in this process. In a
perfectly relaxed muscle there is suppression of even
these reflex contractions.
Relaxation of the muscles of the body produces
a quieting effect, and in many instances symptoms that
are due to spasm of internal organs can be relieved
by relaxation.
In everyday living we often allow vicious cycles to
be set up. Anxiety and worry cause muscle tension.
Muscle tension is likely to cause spasmodic activity
of the internal organs, and the spasm is likely to cause
undesirable symptoms, such as loss of sleep.
As if the original anxiety were not enough, worry
about the secondary symptoms may further aggravate
the condition. Such vicious cycles may be brought
under control by relaxation. See Figure 4.
It is not necessary to do an electromyogram to
(To page 21)
demonstrate an unrelaxed state.
\\ ti:
the 3amilj Yhjsician
We do not diagnose or treat disease by mail, but answer general health questions. Enclose
stamped. addressed envelope. Address: Family Physician, LIFE
Rh Blood Factor
What causes erythroblastosis in the
Erythroblastosis sometimes presents itself because of the Rh factors involved
in the mother, father, and child. This
quality of the blood was not known until
about twenty years ago. It has become so
important an observation that we find
that physicians generally test the Rh of
the mother very early. If there has been
a history, a series of tests are taken every
few weeks through the course of the pregnancy to determine whether an unfavorable condition is developing. If so, suitable steps can be taken to ward off pos-
HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C.
sible serious results in mother or child.
Sometimes children born with erythroblastosis can be helped by an exchanged
transfusion of blood shortly after they are
born. By this we mean drawing blood
from them and replacing suitable blood
so that in the course of a few hours practically all the natural blood has been removed and they have been given blood
compatible with normal health and development. We have seen this done in
some instances with gratifying results.
The Rh factor is of sufficient importance to the prospective mother that the
attending physician should closely watch,
supervise, and make repeated tests of her
No woman talks about trichomonas vaginitis, but it is a problem
to many married couples.
Courting days can be a delightful prelude to the happiest time
of life if the couple is wise.
Oil Enemas
Do you recommend oil enemas? What
can be done about oil leakage afterward?
The injection of oil by rectum often
causes a little annoyance for a few days or
weeks. One should take the injection with
the hips raised above the level of the body
and preferably while lying on the left
If the injection, which is usually three
or four ounces, is done very slowly, there
is not much tendency for it to leak away
after the first or second installation. After
injection, one should remain in this same
position in bed so that the oil can work
its way up the colon.
There is no harm in taking a day or
two for movement, in fact often this is an
advantage in establishing the normal
function of the bowel.
We have seen people develop a good
habit of bowel action by the use of oil
enemas when they have •depended on
other enemas and cathartics for twenty
r * *
Sweaty Feet
Can you suggest a remedy for odorous
sweating feet.
Delicious salads are a part of
every healthful diet. Don't miss
these varied and beautiful salads.
••+- •
The question you ask about odor of the
feet is sometimes difficult to answer. For
reasons not understood, there are periods when sweating feet become quite
odorous without apparent cause and
The best thing that can be done, we
think, is to bathe the feet frequently
with soap and water, washing them as
clean as possible, and applying an astringent foot powder. Several of such powders are available. The feet must be
cared for by frequent cleansing and
changing of socks so that damp articles
are not kept in contact with the feet and
shoes continually. •
results in irritability, inefficiency, and fi- the cause of these emotions unless you
nally disease. When you find it difficult to trust in divine leadership, protection, and
(From page 19)
sleep, you may try many measures in forgiveness. When you have corrected any
your effort to remedy the situation. Often wrong done to others your sense of doing
Simple and often casual observation is such attempts not only are worthless but right is a marvelous soother of the nerves.
adequate. There is no movement, ir- may increase the insomnia or cause some It permits restful sleep.
ritability, muscle stiffness, or tension other injury. This is especially true when
Body disturbance due to disease may
wrinkles if the muscles are perfectly re- you use sedative drugs.
cause insomnia. Sleep is difficult when
The ability to sleep and the soundness there is pain. Fatigue may be so severe as
Outward signs such as body movement, of sleep differ widely from one person to to drive away sleep. Lack of exercise may
restlessness, irritability, muscle stiffness, another. One person's sleep may not be allow the body to remain tense, so that
and wrinkles give clues of muscle tension. disturbed by loud noise. Another per- sleep is difficult. Nervous exhaustion
Muscle tension and contraction of the son's sleep may be disturbed by only a causes insomnia; physical fatigue invites
face produce wrinkles. Wrinkles may be whisper. Some people sleep quietly. Oth- sleep. Extreme hunger may cause wakepermanent or transient. They may be ers toss to and fro throughout the night. fulness, but eating a hearty meal just bethe result of prolonged tension, of strain
Sound sleep is not likely to be associated fore retiring may prevent sleep. A hot
lasting for months or years, or of a fleet- with unpleasant dreams, for it is restful. drink should relieve hunger enough to
ing emotion. Character becomes evident Sound sleep is favored by a relaxed con- invite sleep.
in the face, because the face reveals the dition when you are falling to sleep. PeoRegulation of all the factors that conhistory of emotions and the degree of con- ple suffering from inability to sleep would tribute to insomnia naturally will imtrol in the person's make-up.
prove sleep. Eliminate them wherever posbenefit from learning how to relax.
Watch yourself to detect persistent musSleep is often disturbed by modern liv- sible. The most important physical faccle tension. Are you at this moment hold- ing. Amusements and sports are likely to tor is nervous and muscular tension. If
ing any part of your body stiff in a way excite. Many motion pictures stir up the you are able to relax, you may often sleep
that is not necessary to the performance emotions to the point that sleep is im- well in spite of other aggravating condiof what you are doing? While you are possible. Competitive business is often tions. In this world there is much that
now reading, are you holding your shoul- the cause of mental tension and worry will interfere with quietude. Learn to reders and arms in a stiff position? Are you that may carry over into the small hours lax all the nerve and muscular tensions
fidgeting with something? When perform- of the night. It is important to your that you have come to think of as necesing a task, do you make many unnecessary health to control these factors.
moves? Do you talk unnecessarily? Do
You cultivate nerve and muscle relaxaFear, a guilty conscience, remorse, and
you usually maintain a one-sided conver- grief are important factors in the cause tion only by persistent and repeated pracsation? Do you startle easily at unex- of insomnia. It is impossible to remove
(To page 23)
pected noises? Do you feel nervous and,
when you stop to analyze yourself, find
that most of your muscles are drawn
tight? Do you clench the steering wheel
when you drive? If you must answer Yes
to these questions, you show evidence of
undesirable tension.
A more accurate kind of observation
is made by tension sense. To be able to
follow tension sense you need special
training, for ordinarily this sense is not
recognized. In order to learn it properly
you need personal instruction. To become
alert to tension sense is similar to learnGLOW
ing any type of skill. It requires diligent
—no need to
practice. Essentially, it is learning to recgrate'carrots
ognize the feeling of tension in the region
with Eveready!
of your body where there is muscular
CARROTTension can be observed quite easily
when there is strong contraction of musMUFFINS
cle, for example in the biceps, the muscle
so good
Billy shows off when he clenches his fist
and doubles up his arm. The detection
anymeal !
of tension sense is practiced with decreasing amounts of contraction until it can
be noticed even when there is no percepGRIDDLE
tible motion. When you become suffiCAKES
—so unusual
ciently sensitive to tension sense, you can
and nutritious
feel muscles tighten up when you merely
at breakfast!
think of contracting them.
When you learn to detect muscle tenSend for your
sion you also learn how to release it. Here are wonderful ways to give your family their
free copy today !
Thus you learn to truly .relax. By relax- needed Vitamin A! And remember, Eveready
Write: "Eveready Recipes,"
ing the sensation you feel in the muscle
Pineapple Co., Ltd.,
is the richer carrot juice because it's always
you relax the tension.
Dept. L,
San Jose 8, California
Sleep is a necessary body function. The made from midwinter California carrots.
inability to sleep is called insomnia. It
MAY, 1961
By ROBERT F. CHINNOCK, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, College of Medical Evangelists School of Medicine, Los Angeles
Polio Immunization
Is it necessary for my children to have
polio shots again this year?
At the present time it is recommended
that polio immunizations be given yearly
after the first series of shots. If it is a year
since your child had an immunization,
it is time for another.
Recently, we have heard a lot about a
new oral vaccine that will replace injections. It appears that this is a method of
immunization preferable to injections,
and it may provide more lasting protection. Even though a child had injections
of Salk vaccine, the oral preparation will
be effective when it becomes available.
Immunization against polio is helpful
in preventing the severe complications of
the disease, and it has markedly reduced
the crippling effects. Do not neglect polio
I sit by the window, sewing, looking out
Now and then at a sound or a bird going
And I see you again at a far-off window,
Lifting your head occasionally, as I.
I sit by the window with all women, past
And present, holding a thread and needle,
Looking up at the shout of children's laughter,
Perhaps, or passing birds. I sit here knowThought often runs more smoothly through
the hours
Than thread after a needle. I know how
A woman makes a garment of contentment,
Sitting here by the window, sewing now.
Pureed Baby Foods
How long is it necessary to continue
pureed baby foods?
With the ready availability of puréed
fruits and vegetables today, mothers often
use these commercial products instead of
preparing food themselves. It is entirely
proper for the mother to prepare all the
foods for her baby if she wishes to do so,
but the ease of opening a can and not
needing to clean a strainer is very appealing.
In general, foods coarser than puréed
may be started when the child begins to
put a lot of things into his mouth and to
chew on objects. This will usually be
about six months of age.
It is not necessary to give the junior
foods. Mashing with a fork or pressing
through a coarse strainer with a spoon
the cooked fruits and vegetables the rest
of the family eats is preferable to using
strained foods from a can.
As soon as practical, the baby should
learn to like food his mother prepares
rather than manufactured infant food.
The food should be simple and seasoned
only with a little salt and perhaps a
touch of butter or margarine.
My baby has frequent hiccups after
eating, and they upset him a lot. What
can I do to stop them?
It is common during the first few
months of life for a baby to have hiccups,
particularly after meals, but they should
not cause concern.
When they occur, the child may have
a bubble of gas in the stomach that needs
to come up. Picking him up and burping
him or giving him some warm water will
usually help. If it does not, do not worry.
Hiccups usually bother the parents more
than the baby. Seldom does a baby appear to be in distress or cry with them.
They may be noted occasionally while
the child is sleeping, and he should riot
be awakened in an attempt to get them
to stop.
Childhood Diabetes
Mashing the food can gradually be
abandoned as the child learns to chew.
A few particles of undigested food may
appear in the stool. They are not an indication to discontinue giving coarse
If pureed food is given too long, the
baby becomes used to the soft consistency
and does not readily accept coarser food.
It is not necessary for a child to have
teeth before starting coarse food. Some
children may be more than a year old
before getting the first tooth, and coarse
food should be started before then.
My child was recently diagnosed as having diabetes, and I have heard a lot
about the use of tablets instead of insulin.
Do you recommend that I try them on
my child?
In the last few years several preparations to be taken by mouth have been developed that have the effect of lowering
blood sugar. For adult diabetes, these
preparations often are helpful in decreasing insulin dosage and at times may make
insulin dosage unnecessary.
Childhood, or juvenile, diabetes is
quite different from adult diabetes. Oral
medicine is seldom of much benefit for
juvenile diabetes, and though the tablets
may provide some benefit, insulin is still
necessary. If tablets are beneficial, usually
they are ineffective after the child has had
diabetes two or three years.
It is a mistake not to give insulin for
juvenile diabetes. Nothing will take the
place of insulin along with an adequate
diet and proper exercise. •
(From page 21)
tice. It may require months to relax;
take heart. Skill in most manual activities
takes longer than this. Perfection in relaxing cannot be expected from the study of
these articles alone; welcome any help
that may come your way. Much depends
on your personal effort. Learning to relax
properly involves your basic habits of life.
Training yourself to respond calmly to
your varied surroundings and the conflicting tensions you meet is a first step.
Then you can more easily relax muscles
that are not needed for the task at hand.
Relaxation is really not difficult. The
real difficulty is unlearning tension. Lift
your arm. Doing so requires effort. If you
resist the motion, your effort will be
greater. Next, do not bother to lift your
arm. Let it fall limply. That is the opposite of exertion. It is relaxation. The chief
difficulty during an attempt to relax is
that you are fighting it with a corresponding effort. You are using one muscular
effort to try to relax another. Relaxation
requires no effort; it is the opposite of
effort. You are geared for action, and you
must learn how to produce inaction.
In our next and last article we will deal
with the actual technique of relaxation. •
(From page 13)
eleven years, the barrier will one day be
destroyed, and formerly cruelly rejected
children can find some happiness.
Maria Killilea in her book telling the
story of her CP daughter, Karen, lists
some rules of attitude she thinks are important to the cerebral palsied:
1. A CP is a child first, handicapped
2. The CP should receive compassion
—but pity, never.
3. There must not be overprotection,
and fear must be conquered, for fear undermines and destroys.
4. The CP's goal is to become a selfrespecting and self-supporting member of
MAY, 1961
The CP has long been labeled hopeless, but modern medicine is proving that
this is not so. The objectives of the CP
campaign are to inform, to dispel ignorance, and to encourage acceptance of
the CP.
Lack of other people's understanding
is in large measure responsible for the
fact that not more of the cerebral palsied
have made a completely satisfactory adjustment to society. Could you stand being cut to the heart by repeated rejections?
Leonard Goldenson, founder of the
United Cerebral Palsy Association, said,
"The big problem, and a costly one, is in
training . . . the public." •
parsley. gross—all
Make pitcherfuls, not glassfuls, of clear juice! Capacity unlimited, yet
unit is compact. EFFICIENCY never dreamed of. 9 sets of stainless
steel cutters incorporated in I. Pulp fine as dust. Get up to 14 oz.
juice from 16 oz. of carrots.
(Compare with other machines at $150.1
JUICER at only $89.90. Blender attachment included if ordered now.
8615 Usher Rd., Cleveland 38, Ohio
Dept. IF-LH5
(From page 15)
than justified by the temporary relief they
afford. Mild outdoor exercise during the
day, a warm bath just before retiring, and
an attitude of equanimity are rational
means of counteracting nervousness.
7. Cultivate a happy frame of mind.
Choose friends who are optimistic. Develop a hobby you enjoy. Encourage a
taste for good music. Develop confidence
and faith in divine guidance and watchcare. •
Invite Others to Listen
to the Voice of Prophecy
A King, a Dream, and You
Christ Our Prophet
Christ Our Priest
Christ Our King
May 7
(From page 17)
administered to people exposed to special
This is a general guiding schedule,
which varies according to circumstances.
For people traveling to areas where smallpox is prevalent, revaccination every six
months may be desirable. People living
in areas where typhoid is common should
get a booster dose every year.
Doctors urge that parents make sure
their children receive proper first vaccina
tions and that adults continue with their
later vaccinations. Vaccines, they say, are
one of today's best weapons in preventing
disease, and offer one of the strongest
hopes for defeating some of our still unconquered diseases. •
From Arthritic, Rheumatic Pain with
7/toidt meat
Effective help for neuritis,
colds, and "flu" with THERMOPHORE "fomentations."
Pain-soothing heat "at the snap
of a switch" gives you quick relaxation and relief from soreness.
The Battle Creek THERMOPHORE replaces messy old-style
hot packs and wet towels with
quick, convenient, moist-heat
Seat Belts Safer
Tests have shown that persons wearing
properly installed car seat belts have two
and a half times fewer injuries, and three
and a half times fewer dangerous or fatal
injuries than those who are not wearing
seat belts. •
A professional appliance, yet safely, easily used at
home. Satisfied users testify to the effectiveness of
the THERMOPHORE when moist heat is desired.
Included arc a 27" x 13" electric unit (uses AC or
DC current), two washable covers, a safety thermostat,
a switch, and a 10' cord.
Write Today for Literature
Battle Creek Equipment Co.
Dept. LH-51, Battle Creek, Michigan
Send your questions on family problems to: The Family Fireside, LIFE
HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C. Enclose stamped, addressed envelope for reply.
UARRELING is dangerous. It leads
to resentment and hatred. It may
even lead to divorce.
Then why do people quarrel? Is it beBy JUNE LEE
cause they hate each other? Hatred may
Cool as dew
encourage quarreling and quarreling
And freshly filled
may generate hatred, but usually hatred
By morning rain.
is the by-product of quarreling, not its
To my pool
In search of drink
Quarreling starts with an attempt to
A robin came,
communicate—an effort to talk things
Pruned and plucked
over. The attempt to talk is desirable,
And tidied up,
commendable. Communication is necesThen took to wing.
sary in every organization, particularly
From the spruce tree
within the family unit. But when feelings
On the hill
are on edge, when selfishness creeps in,
I heard him sing.
when emotions flare out of control, the
attempt to talk degenerates into an unhappy contest of who can say the meanest
things the fastest.
The fear of quarreling should not
keep a husband and wife from discussing
their problems and trying sincerely to
find solutions. There is one thing that is
worse than quarreling, and that is failure
to discuss. Even quarrels are preferred
to brooding.
A discussion of problems within the sequence of events in your courtship and
family need not bring husband and wife marriage.
to the brink of a quarrel. The man and
I assume that you are normal, typical
woman who are genuinely Christian in American people. I assume that you have
their attitudes can profit greatly from each other's interests at heart fundaconversations in which they express their mentally. I am confident that the reason
opinions and state their cases in an hon- you want your husband to correct perest, factual manner without the least sonal faults is that you want to be sure
show of anger.
he will be a success in life; you want
him to be well received in the family
Discovering Faults
and by your group of friends.
I would guess that yours was a happy
How can I help my husband to recognize his faults and correct them? We courtship, with each of you on your
have been married for three years, and good behavior, trying to make the most
I have come to know him pretty well. favorable impression. Before your marI have tried to help him, but he resents riage it is probable that both of you
were blind to personal faults. The attimy help. What can I do?
tude of lovers is typically tolerant and
By reading between the lines of your full of hope for the best. As lovers you
question, I should like to make a guess were confident that your home would be
on what kind of people you are and the nearly perfect.
After marriage, as you began to settle
down to the realities of everyday living,
it doubtless came to you as a shocking
revelation that your husband had some
human frailties after all. The first time
you noticed that he was impatient you
doubtless tried to explain it by saying
that he was tired. So far as carelessness
in personal neatness is concerned, you
may have blamed poor training as a
child. His tendency to procrastinate probably had you worried from the start, for
you realized it would handicap him in
his progress toward making a good living.
So you attempted to help him by giving him good wifely counsel. You had
no thought but that he would thank you
for the tip and promptly set about to
correct his weakness. You tried to be as
objective and tactful as possible as you
mentioned his tendency to put things
off. To your surprise, he did not thank
you for your trouble. He shocked you
by countering with a list of your faults.
Your first quarrel began.
Now for your question, "What can I
do?" You know by now that you can't
point out your husband's faults and tell
him how to correct them.
Place your emphasis on his good qualities. During courtship you observed only
his good qualities. Try to regain the attitude you had toward him before you
were married. He still has the old good
qualities. Look for them, and you will
find them. They are what you must use
as a foundation for future hopes.
Don't try to rebuild your husband's
personality. He is an individual in his
own right, and he may not want to be
Commend him for what he does well.
Encourage him in his interests—not
yours. Settle down to the fact that your
husband is the kind of man he is. Encourage him as tactfully as you can to
make the most of life in ways consistent
with his particular set of good qualities.
The Contest for Supremacy
How can my wife and I rise above a
contest for supremacy?
A contest for supremacy usually has
its roots in events that took place long
before marriage. It is only natural that
during courtship and before, each one
built himself up in his own estimation
as a desirable person. Each received compliments from friends on his personal
traits. Each had reason to think that his
attitudes and way of life were quite satisfactory and worth defending.
With a favorable appraisal of one's
own personality, it is natural to resist
the efforts of anyone else—even a partner in marriage—to bring about a change
in attitude and preference.
Usually just after the honeymoon the
first evidences of a contest for supremacy
appear. The husband is often more aggressive in this contest. The wife 'very
What do you give the man who has
everything? Encouragement!—Selected.
naturally offers resistance when the policies her husband advocates are different
from those she is accustomed to. For her
to give in too readily to his ideas would
be the same as admitting that she is not
as desirable a person as he. It would be
the same as conceding that her home
background, which had its influence in
making her what she is, was inferior. She
thinks she should have equal voice in
determining the policies of their home.
The greater the difference in background and attitude of a young husband
and wife, the more heated may be the
contest for supremacy. The more determined each person to establish himself
as superior, the more difficult the adjustment.
When the parents of either newlywed
live close by, an added complication is
present. It is humiliating for the new
husband or the new wife to admit to
his parents that he had to give in on a
point of difference. The parents think
that what was good enough for them
should be good enough for the newly
married couple. They may even encourage their son or daughter to hold out
on certain questions, making it more difficult for the young couple to work out
the necessary compromise.
To rise above the contest for supremacy, three things are necessary:
1. Unselfish deference for each other.
This induces a husband and wife to
place high value on harmony in their
home. It induces them to give first consideration to each other's wishes over the
wishes of parents and close friends.
2. Willingness to talk freely. To live
MAY, 1961
harmoniously, a husband and wife must
be able to talk things through without
heat of emotion. They must respect each
other's feelings and opinions. They must
find ways to talk to each other about
grievances rather than let their pet
peeves smolder and generate tension.
3. A practical concept of teamwork.
A husband and wife together should organize their home life. They should arrive at an understanding as to which
duties and responsibilities each will assume. Once the pattern of family conduct
is agreed, each should entrust to the
other his part, making sure he does his
own faithfully. •
--- improve your diet --Help yourself to a better Diet with the
ALL Stainless Steel K&K SHREDDER
JUICER where you get:
25% MORE
(From page 11)
you will get welcome relief through rest,
massage, foot baths, special shoes, and
exercises. If you suffer from other body
ailments that you suspect are caused by
your feet, seek help from a foot specialist.
The national Foot Health Council, an
educational and research group devoted
to helping the public find relief from
foot trouble, has laid down nine basic
1. Bathe your feet daily or even several
times a day. Scrub gently with a soft brush
to remove dead skin. Dry thoroughly and
use foot powder.
2. Do not wear the same shoes and
socks or stockings two days in a row.
Change during the day if the feet become wet from rain or perspiration.
3. Cut your toenails straight across,
leaving enough nail so that the edges extend past the toe flesh.
4. Wear all-leather shoes with good toe
space. Use the correct shoe for the right
occasion. Wear high heels only a few
hours at a time, and do not wear flimsy
slippers for heavy housework.
5. Be sure to buy your shoes of the
proper size and last, and socks or stockings at least half an inch longer than your
longest toe.
6. Exercise your feet with your shoes
off. Wriggle your toes. Elevate the feet
to aid circulation. Standing on• a book,
bend your toes over its edge. Pick up a
pencil with your toes.
7. Learn correct posture. Proper walking calls for your feet to' be straight
8. Examine yourself and your children
periodically for foot defects, ill-fitting
shoes, and bad walking habits.
9. Don't doctor yourself. If your feet
need attention, consult an orthopedist, a
chiropodist, or a podiatrist. They are the
only ones who can set your feet in the
right path. •
with the all Stainless Steel
at all Diet Food Stores or write to Dept.
1720 N. California Ave., Chicago 47, III.
You Need
TORUMEL YEAST has a Protein
Efficiency Ratio up to 80% higher
than Torula or Brewer's yeast. You get
vital B-complex vitamins and minerals
plus balanced Amino-Acids which
greatly increase protein utilization.
Protein can be harmful when improperly utilized; it is not how much you
take, but how much your body can use
TORUMEL, unlike many food
yeasts, is easily digested, readily assimilated. Fabulous-for-Flavor! You owe
it to yourself to try TORUMEL.
You'll like it! Morning, Noon or Night!
Available as:
POWDER—that dissolves instantly in
hot or cold water.
TABLETS—for convenient easyto-take
measured amounts.
14 es.
It not available at your Health
Food Store, order direct I rom
Jhe qotacii
This page is dedicated to all our Golden Age readers who are still young at heart.
It is designed to improve and encourage active hobbies, good diet, and outdoor exercise.
ETTER that the mind outlive the
body than the body outlive the
mind. The term
is often used
to describe the tragic case of an infant
or child whose mentality is badly damaged or lost; it is equally tragic when
an elderly person is no longer capable
of using his reasoning powers.
I have cared for many elderly people
in hospitals, and often they become hostile toward husband or wife, sometimes
refusing to see him, even though the
loved one brought a gift as a token of
his loving care and interest. These are
sad cases even to a doctor, who may be
used to witnessing human suffering. Mental suffering is often harder to bear than
physical pain.
As we get older, certain changes are
likely to occur in the body structures.
The blood vessels tend to harden, depending on three factors—hereditary
tendency, diet, and environment. We
may be able to do nothing about it if
father, mother, or grandparents died of
a stroke or became senile with arteries
of the brain foremost in developing arteriosclerosis. We can take extra precautions with the hope that it won't happen
to us, and the earlier in life we start to
prevent. it the better the chance of keeping our arteries soft and elastic.
We all know people who might best
be called worriers—always concerned
about what probably will seldom happen.
If the weather is good, it probably means
they are in for a hot or a cold spell. If
it is bad, it is too bad. You seldom catch
these people whistling or singing. The
atmosphere about them is heavy with
smog. Pessimism predisposes to almost
every ailment flesh is heir to, including
hardened arteries.
Are you one of those people who cannot rest until they run an index finger
over the door tops to be sure there is no
dust on them? I have seen people wipe
off knife, fork, and spoon before eating,
even in a first-class hotel. There is a
middle of the road, which is better than
being a worrywort. If you were born
with a high-tension nervous system that
worries at every street crossing, you had
better start practicing relaxing. You
might do as one doctor prescribed for a
nervous business administrator whom he
ordered to lean back in his swivel chair
several times a day and say ten times,
"I don't give a hang." Perhaps the good
old Bible verse might be even better:
"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace,
whose mind is stayed on thee." I like
that verse—have used it times without
number, and it works.
To combat hardening of the arteries,
it is well to start young. Recently I was
at breakfast with a doctor who is a specialist in internal medicine. The two
children at the table were using skim
milk on their breakfast cereal. The doctor remarked, "My children are going to
keep away from saturated fatty acids and
A simple merry melody I've started to compose.
It's rollicking and happy, and it will be till
the dose.
So far, I have a solo for a brook (with
chuckles in it)
And several baa's of baby lambs no bigger
than a minute;
A bullfrog and a cricket in a very odd duet,
A cheery robin chorus—and it isn't finished
But when it is, then everyone who hears
will want to sing
Or hum or whistle right along with my gay
song of spring.
cholesterol, for now is the best time to
build good arteries."
What about people who have reached
mid-life or beyond? There is all the more
reason for us to exercise care in selecting
a correct diet if we are to keep our minds
elastic and our reasoning powers intact
to a ripe old age.
It came almost as a shock to me recently to learn that even of lean meats
75 per cent of the calorie or food value
is in saturated fatty acids. This was told
me by Dr. U. D. Register and later confirmed by Dr. Mervyn Hardinge, both
well qualified in nutrition. Simply avoiding the fat meats is not the answer, but
avoiding all meats would make a heavy
contribution toward ensuring a good
blood-vessel system.
What about milk? Many people are
using skim milk to keep weight under
control. There is no reason why skim
milk or buttermilk may not serve as well
as or better than whole milk, except that
many people don't like it so well at first.
You might solve the problem of milk by
using soy milk. I find that I like it better
than cow's milk, and have reared several
babies on it. Since we discovered four
cases of leukemia in one year in the
herd of cows cared for by the husband
of one of my office nurses—all being
milked at the time the diagnosis was
made—soy milk tastes better to me than
There is an added factor in favor of
the soy milk for those who may be troubled with excessive mucous, catarrhal
conditions in nose and throat, and sinus
difficulties. I have quizzed many of my
patients for years as to whether they
have observed any relation between the
amount of milk drunk and mucous discharge from the nose and throat, and I
have come to the conclusion that in
spite of its denial even by some doctors
there is a relationship between heavy
milk drinking and mucous discharge.
We should eliminate largely or entirely
from the diet meat, animal fats, and
even egg yolks, which run high in cholesterol content.
On the other hand, fruits, juices, vegetables, and salads should reach an alltime high in the diet. The two nutrition
authorities who told me the facts about
lean meats gave me another surprise by
saying that if people were to subsist entirely on fruits, the body could still meet
its protein needs. Neither of these men
is recommending that anyone become a
An excess of protein serves no useful
purpose. Countries like our own, where
the protein in the diet is high, are where
we find the highest incidence of cardiovascular disease, with its strokes, coronaries, and related illness.
The next time one of your aging
friends succumbs to a coronary or stroke
or you hear of someone whose mind is
failing while still well able to be about,
stop, look, listen, and go to your corner
grocery store and load up your market
basket with fruit, juices, vegetables, and
salad material. These, with a little wholegrain cereal and a few legumes, will take
care of your every need, and may enable
you to reach a ripe old age and not get
lost trying to locate the bedroom in
your own home. •
TV and Genes
Smoking and Your Heart
Television viewers need not worry
about receiving a damaging dose of radiation while watching the programs. This
possibility is extremely remote.
Even from the genetic point of view,
the amount of radiation given off by the
conventional television set appears reasonable, Drs. Carl B. Braestrup and Richard T. Mooney report in Science magazine.
Field and laboratory tests have shown
the yearly average radiation dose to be at
least less than 5 per cent of the dose due
to the average natural 'background radiation to the gonads.
However, the possibility of somatic or
noninheritable injuries to people during testing and servicing of TV sets
should not be overlooked, the doctors
Their tests involved only the panel of
the television tube. Radiation transmitted by the funnel and other parts of
the tube may be greater, they suggest. A
radiation level as high as one roentgen
per hour has been measured for other
types of television tubes. Closed circuit
television, electron microscopes, and
theater projection-type TV tubes should
also be checked carefully before being
considered safe, the doctors conclude. •
Cigarette smoking has long been linked
with lung cancer. More recent research
points up the dangers of early death
from coronary heart disease in heavily
smoking middle-aged men.
"Heavy cigarette smoking may contribute to coronary heart disease and its
complications," said Dr. A. Carlton Ernstene, president of the American Heart
Association. Dr. Ernstene believes that because coronary heart disease is the leading cause
of death among the American people, its
connection with smoking should be
brought to the attention of the public.
Continuing research is seeking the relationship between cigarette smoking and
coronary heart disease, strokes, and other
aspects of heart and blood vessel disease.
Aggravation of these diseases may well
be due to the effect of nicotine, which
causes constriction of capillaries and
blood vessels, a resultant narrowing of
the blood supply to the heart, creating a
favorable situation for coronary occlusion—a cutting off of the blood supply to
the heart.
The fight against heart disease is
pointed up by the deaths of all ages that
in 1960 top 903,270, as against cancer's
259,090. •
The modern nursing home is a place where those in
need of such facilities can be assured of competent
nursing care, healthful, adequate diet, and congenial associations. It is a home away from home for loved ones
who for various reasons should have nursing home care.
Modern-day living with its related problems has created
a demand for the nursing home service. But you want
to be sure that you are entrusting your loved ones to a
home that will make every needed contribution to their
health, happiness, and general welfare.
list only homes that are properly recognized and of good
repute. For information write: LIFE AND HEALTH,
As an aid to those who desire to explore the nursing
home facilities in certain areas, we maintain a listing
service for our readers and their friends. However, we
MAY, 1961
Dept. LH-51, Washington 12, D.C., stating areas in
which you are interested.
We assume no responsibility other than to provide listing information.
SHORT time ago, I received a letter
from a home-nursing club. The members of the club were interested in learning how a cleansing enema should be
given. They thought that many other
readers of LIFE AND HEALTH might like
the information too.
When a person is in good health, he
should not need laxatives or enemas, for
a balanced diet, with adequate fruits and
vegetables, acts as a natural regulator.
Having a regular time for meals and not
eating between meals is beneficial.
Most people with a constipation problem find that eating more fruit and
drinking little with meals is a help. Try
drinking your water between meals
rather than with them. These simple
changes in diet plus thirty minutes of
brisk exercise outdoors should cause
elimination problems to disappear.
A full lower bowel and colon stimulates
the desire to empty the bowel. Normally
this reaction occurs when the waste products of the body fill the bowel. This reaction is the principle behind the enema
for cleansing. The water causes distention of the bowel, and in turn the patient
feels the need to empty the bowel.
Many physicians think that a salt solution is the enema solution of choice, but
your physician may recommend another.
The soft rubber rectal tip is better than
the hard rubber tip sold with irrigating
sets, but if the hard tip is the only one
available and the patient is able to insert
it himself, the procedure should not be
too uncomfortable. Lubricate the tip with
vaseline before inserting. Be certain the
tip is well in place before releasing the
One common mistake in giving an
enema is having the patient in a sitting
position. This means that the solution
must be under greater pressure to enter
at all, and when it does enter, it probably
pools in the lower part of the bowel. This
pooling defeats the purpose of the enema,
which is to cleanse the bowel.
The patient should be lying down, pref-
There was, of course, the gold of sun
And fathomless sky-deep blue,
And the many million leaves were one
Green harmony that grew
Into each act and word and thought.
But it wasn't only of gold
And blue and green that the day was wrought,
For there was a manifold
Wonder of white clouds casually drifting,
Of white-winged butterflies,
And of tall hollyhocks airily lifting
Steeples of white toward the skies.
erably on the left side, because the lower
part of the large bowel lies on the left
side of the abdomen. Lying on the back
or on the right side may be necessary if
there is some reason why the patient cannot lie on the left side comfortably.
After as much fluid as the patient can
tolerate has been injected, he should lie
on his back for a few minutes if possible
before attempting to get up to the toilet
to expel the solution. If the patient is
too ill to get to the bathroom, he uses
the bedpan, which should be close at
hand before the procedure is begun.
Better results are obtained if the patient's feet are warm. If they are cold before the treatment is started, a hot foot
bath will ensure greater success.
Mothers sometimes find it necessary to
give a child an enema. The procedure is
much the same for the older child as for
the adult. For the infant and very small
child, a rubber bulb syringe with a tip is
often used. A small child usually is placed
on his back, with adequate padding and
protection under the lower part of his
body. This protection is necessary because
he is not able to retain the fluid as easily
as an older person can. If good results
are obtained with the enema, the child's
abdomen will be soft and flat after the
Constipation in the infant and small
child is usually easily controlled by diet,
as with the adult. Enemas and laxatives
are not normal means of elimination, and
they should not be necessary except in
For a cleansing enema you will need:
1. An irrigating can or a hot-water bottle with tubing and clamp.
2. Small soft-rubber rectal tube or hardrubber enema tip. The hard-rubber tip
may be used as an adapter to connect the
rectal tube.
3. Vaseline for lubricant.
4. Bedpan and a cloth cover.
5. Toilet tissue.
6. Newspapers or rubber sheeting.
7. Bath towel.
8. Solution to be used. Salt solution: 1
teaspoon to each pint of water. Soda bicarbonate solution: 1 teaspoon to each
pint of water. Tap water (given at body
temperature). Usually one and one-half
to two quarts of solution is made up at a
temperature of 104° F. The solution will
be cooled somewhat as it flows through
the tubing.
Follow this procedure in giving an
I. For the ill patient. To help keep the
regular bedding clean and free from
odors, fold the bedcovers back. To keep
the patient warm, cover him with a light
washable blanket. Keep him warm and
as comfortable as possible.
2. Place rubber sheeting under the patient's hips. If it is not available, use
several layers of wide-open newspaper.
Cover the newspaper with a towel.
3. Have the patient turn on his left side
and bend his knees for best efficiency.
4. To remove the air before the tube
is inserted, allow a small amount of the
solution to run through the tube, then
close the clamp. Failure to remove the
air often causes discomfort, and it can
prevent entrance of the water because of
air lock.
Often the clip is stiff and hard to turn
on and off as quickly as you may need
to. For quick and efficient control of the
water, make a complete bend in the tubing and release the clip as you hold the
bend firmly.
5. Lubricate the tip with vaseline, and
ask the patient to insert it. If he is unable
to do so, gently insert the tip into the
rectum, turning it slightly back and forth
to ease its entrance. Do not insert it more
than three or four inches.
6. To avoid cramping and to stimulate
a normal desire to empty the bowel, permit the water to run in slowly. This
measure will allow slow distension of the
lower bowel.
7. The rate of flow is controlled by the
height of the water above the patient. To
achieve the proper gentle flow, place the
container of water about twelve inches
above the patient. Too much pressure is
built up in the bowel if the can is held
too high.
If the patient feels a desire to expel
the water, stop the flow for a few minutes,
then begin again when he is more comfortable.
8. If the patient cannot relax sufficiently to retain enough water, suggest
that he breathe deeply.
9. When the patient has received as
much water as he can take, close the
clamp on the tubing and remove the tube
gently. Usually about a quart of water
can be taken if given slowly. Wrap the
tip in toilet tissue to prevent its soiling
other articles until you can cleanse it.
It is better for the patient to retain a
smaller amount of water, even if the
enema must be repeated, than to take a
large amount, for with too much water
the bowel overdistends and the muscle
tone necessary for contraction is lost.
10. Allow the patient to go to the bathroom, or place him on the bedpan. Stay
within call and stand ready to assist him
quickly if necessary.
11. Notice whether the patient has
good elimination from the enema. If he
goes to the bathroom, ask him not to
flush the toilet. He may think he has had
satisfactory results, but you need to make
12. Remove the newspapers and towel,
and make the patient comfortable. Replace the bedcovers, and remove the thin
13. Cleanse the equipment and put it
away. Be sure the tubing and tip are
thoroughly clean.
Keep these precautions in mind:
MAY. 1961
1. Give the water slowly to prevent
cramping. Do not hold the container more
than twelve inches above the patient.
2. If the patient cannot retain the
water, place him on the bedpan while
giving the enema.
3. A soapsuds solution is not recommended, because it irritates the bowel
The reasons for giving a cleansing
enema are:
1. To stimulate peristalsis—the wavelike motion of the bowel that helps carry
the contents forward.
2. To cleanse the colon.
3. To stimulate emptying of the
bowel. •
* * *
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First Things First
"Worry is blind, and cannot discern
the future; but Jesus sees the end from
the beginning. In every difficulty He has
His way prepared to bring relief. Our
heavenly Father has a thousand ways to
provide for us, of which we know nothing.
Those who accept the one principle of
making the service and honor of God
supreme will find perplexities vanish, and
a plain path before their feet. . . . Our
lives may seem a tangle; but as we commit ourselves to the wise Master Worker,
He will bring out the pattern of life and
character that will be to His own glory."
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Portland 14, Oregon
Stone grind your flour a few hours
before baking bread and rolls....
an inexpensive way to get more
nutrition into your diet. Vitamins
are lost by oxidation in a matter
of days. Eat pure wheat processed
by you! Avoid chemical additives.
* * *
HEN pain first throws its arrows
through the heart's windows, the
shades of the soul are pulled down. Pain
holds dominion over life itself. As this
ignoble master persists in torment, there
comes a glimmer of understanding to the
tired mind.
Beauty, in her soft, sweet manner,
steals in between the shadows and cushions the hurting. Little things become
big and precious in their comforting. Pain
brings appreciation. It ushers in sympathy, love, kindness, and that key to all
hearts--understanding. The qualities of
heaven shine out more brilliantly.
In our weariness we accept the trial
because we feel mellow moods softening
and molding us. We cling fervently to
peace, joy, love, and unselfish service. In
the depth of pain lies the road to beautiful living.
We may live in a world of our own in
the presence of God. •
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Jhe Dietitian Sajs
If you have a question or problem regarding food or diet, address: The Dietitian,
LIFE & HEALTH, Washington 12, D.C. Enclose stamped, addressed envelope for reply.
HAT should I eat?" This is a question arthritis patients frequently
ask doctors. It is estimated that at least
three million people in the United
States are afflicted with arthritis of one
kind or another.
In reply to this question the doctor
probably will tell his patient that this
disease requires no special diet. He does
not mean that the general health of arBy MARK BULLOCK
thritis sufferers will not be benefited by
Within the first faint gleamings
a good diet or that it is unimportant.
Of the early morn
Diet is very important to the arthritic.
In the past, many varied and fanciful
Are traced the prophecy:
diets have been proposed for the arA new day will be born;
thritic. Often they had no scientific baAnd now the eastern sky,
sis, and their origin was in a patient's
With banners bright unfurled,
own experience with the disease.
Witnesses its birth
Among the older fanciful diets the soInto a beauteous world.
called acid fruits and vegetables were
omitted because of fear of acidosis. Ex- ".":"1"0","/"Viri'ii•••••Vii/o•iii••••
perience has shown that not only do
these foods cause no harm but they are Often these plans are dangerously lackvery much needed. They are often ex- ing in some foods.
cellent sources of important nutrients,
Rheumatoid arthritis (it is often the
especially vitamins and minerals.
crippling type) is potentially the most
Because it was believed that there was serious of the common forms of chronic
an acid tendency in arthritis, attention joint disease. The cause is unknown, but
was focused on the acid-base property of it is the object of intensive search for
food. This is not necessary. The body nutritional or metabolic associations.
has a finely adjusted regulatory mechaPatients with rheumatoid arthritis usunism that under ordinary circumstances ally lose weight and often present nukeeps the body fluids in proper balance. tritional problems, but careful studies by
With any reasonable diet, there need be scientists of carbohydrate, fat, and prono concern that this balance will be up- tein metabolism have shown no abnorset.
malities that can be considered signifiThe idea of restricting protein in ar- cant. No major change of calcium and
thritis goes back to the days when it was phosphorus metabolism is apparent, albelieved that almost all types of arthritis though an increased turnover in these
were gouty. Doctors have learned that minerals and a small increase in calcium
such restriction is not helpful in ar- loss often occurs.
thritis. Prolonged protein restriction may
At one time it seemed that our newer
actually impair the patient's health and knowledge of vitamins might solve some
sense of well-being.
of the problems of rheumatoid arthritis.
Unusual sensitiveness to certain foods Because the disease primarily affects the
has been thought to be the occasional connective tissue, ascorbic acid (vitamin
cause of chronic arthritis. Dietary plans C) was thought to be important. True,
based on this belief have been devised. this vitamin is very much involved in
the formation of certain intercellular tissues. The blood of many patients was
found to be low in vitamin C concentration, but when large doses of it were
given it did not favorably affect the
course of the disease.
Massive dosage of vitamin D for arthritis is not based on scientific .evidence,
and in no way can be considered to be
correcting a deficiency. This method of
treatment has fallen into disrepute,
largely because under controlled conditions it appears to have little if any
In spite of failure to demonstrate any
special role of nutrition in rheumatoid
arthritis treatment, it is very important
to build up the patient's general health
to the highest possible level.
Sound dietary practices provide favorable conditions for rebuilding body tissue
and muscle, and correct any deficiencies
that may be present. A diet liberal in
calories, protein, vitamins, and minerals
is usually indicated. It is most important
to see that the patient actually eats it.
Another type of arthritis known as
osteoarthritis, or degenerative arthritis,
is a disease most often associated with
advancing years. It tends to occur chiefly
in the weight-bearing joints and is more
frequent and more severe in the obese.
What role can diet play in its treatment? Only one—reducing body weight
lifts a burden from the joints. Reduction
in weight even of people who are only
a few pounds overweight is a wise measure. Reducing should be carefully done
under a doctor's supervision, for a person
needs plenty of vitamins, minerals, and
protein. The person of normal weight
should be sure that he is getting all the
nutriments he needs.
At present there is no special diet for
the treatment of arthritis. However, the
very best nutrition should be provided
to the arthritic to build up his general
health and well-being.
For the adult such a diet will include
each day the following:
Fruits: 2 servings citrus fruit or juice
1 or 2 servings of other fruits, fresh
or canned with very little sugar
Vegetables: 2 to 4 generous servings, including 1 large vegetable salad and
one dark-green leafy or deep-yellow
Milk or alternate: 2 or 3 glasses
Protein food: 2 or 3 liberal servings
Cereals and bread: 3 to 6 servings,
whole grain. •
and more we are learning to
enjoy the natural flavor of food
without oversalting. Conversely, more and
more people are forced to give up salt
entirely, and find their food flat and tasteless. Some people have to stop the use of
salt for health reasons, such as high blood
pressure, kidney disturbance, overweight,
and pregnancy. If the doctor has told you
not to use salt, you need not be discouraged. Herbs will bring new exciting
flavors to your food. You may grow the
herbs yourself and dry them for winter
use, or you may buy them at the grocery.
Certain herbs belong with certain vegetables: summer savory with string beans,
basil with tomatoes, mint with peas, parsley with potatoes, caraway with cabbage.
There are many other combinations you
may learn to enjoy. The herbs I use regularly are apple mint, basil, chives, marjoram, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage,
summer savory, and thyme. I consider
them my basic ten. In moderation any
one of them can be used with almost
any vegetable. A little caraway seed, celery
seed, cumin, dill, or tarragon is also good.
These herbs can be added to eggs or
cottage cheese. They can be used individually or several together. Marjoram,
summer savory, and thyme are good together in scrambled eggs.
Fruit is not tasteless without herbs, but
I like to add a little occasionally. Powdered mint leaves are good in apple pie,
both crust and filling. Cardamom adds a
delightful flavor to applesauce. Toasted
sesame seed is good in rice pudding and
apple desserts. Mint, caraway, coriander,
or sesame seeds can be sprinkled on fruit
desserts or salads. Use mint, basil, or rose-
MAY, 1961
mary with lemon juice in making dressing for fruit salad.
Bread without salt need not be bland
if made with whole-wheat, graham, or
rye flour, or corn meal. But in bread also
judicious use of herbs adds interest and
culinary value. We find rye bread with
fennel seed even better than rye with caraway; caraway good in whole-wheat bread;
basil in corn bread; coriander in raisin
bread. I add a mixture of dried herbs—
thyme, marjoram, chives, and parsley;
parsley, sage, oregano, marjoram, and
basil—to white bread (of course with unbleached flour it is not 'truly white bread).
The same or other mixtures of the basic
ten herbs can be used in whole-wheat
bread. Rosemary in dinner rolls, marjoram in dumplings, thyme in waffles, are
other favorites of ours.
For variety I add a little apple mint to
cereals. Peppermint or spearmint would
be just as good. A pinch per serving of
anise seed or fennel seed is tasty.
Many herbs make delicious hot drinks
or iced drinks. These are some of my
favorite herb teas: peppermint, spearmint, apple mint, catnip, lemon balm,
lemon verbena, costmary, tansy (use very
sparingly), sage, woodruff, anise, fennel
seed, and fenugreek seed. Simply pour
boiling water on a small amount of the
herb and steep for five or ten minutes. If
not strong enough, use a little more of the
herb next time.
Use only a very little of an herb until
you know whether you like it. It is easy
to use too much. Even when you cannot
be sure that you can taste the herb, you
may have enlivened the food and made
the absence of salt unnoticed. Experiment. Find out which herbs you like and
how much to use. Try new herbs and
make up new combinations of herbs. You
may yet be glad that the lack of salt has
forced you to learn the delights of cooking
with herbs. •
Packed-1# to 30# boxes
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PIECES—$1.25 per lb.
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Riverdale, Maryland
Every Penny
Wichita—Safe City
Wichita, Kansas, a well-administered
city, had the best traffic safety record
among cities in its population bracket in
the first ten months of 1960, according to
the National Safety Council.
The council's monthly analysis of traffic deaths, based on the number of deaths
for each 10,000 registered vehicles, showed
that Wichita's rate of 0.77 was the best
among cities with 200,000 to 350,000 population.
One great safety advantage pedestrians
in downtown Wichita have is that they
have walk lights set for a long-enough
interval to move the pedestrian traffic
safely, and they arrest those who do not
cross during the walk interval. •
you put in a Life and
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better health.
Please ❑ renew, ❑ enter my subscription to Life and Health today.
1 year, $5.00.
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I T IS a good idea for your baby to be
seen by a pediatrician or your family
doctor as soon after birth as possible and
again a month or six weeks later. If your
family doctor does not undertake the
care of children and he has not recommended a pediatrician, you must select
You may ask at the nearest hospital for
the names of the pediatricians on the
staff or you may write to the local department of health, the county medical society, or the State board of health.
In many communities the physicians do
not confine their practice to any one
branch of medicine. For your baby you
will be wise to choose the general practitioner who is noted for his careful technique and knowledge of children.
Once you have made the decision, stick
to it, and try not to listen to too many
complaints about him. Remember, there
are always two sides to every story, and
Meatless Scrapple
1 cup gluten
cup chopped onion
11/2 cups cooked yellow corn meal
1/4 teaspoon mace
1/2 teaspoon Accent
Salt to taste
Use basil or sage to taste if desired
By Martin Koch, Chef
Washington Sanitarium and Hospital
Mock Italian Meat Balls
3 eggs
li/2 cup nut meats ground finely
3/, cup cracker crumbs
1 or 2 sprigs parsley or sage to taste
1 small onion chopped finely
1 clove garlic
Salt to taste
Make into patties, brown quickly on both
sides, bake for 3/4 hour in tomato sauce seasoned delicately with thyme.
Italian Spaghetti Sauce
If you use mushrooms, boil the water first.
Cook the mushrooms for about three minutes.
Use a little less than i/2 cup oil for 11/2 pounds
of spaghetti. Into the oil chop 1 green pepper,
1 onion, some celery leaves, parsley, and as
much garlic as you like. Brown slightly. If
you use gluten, slice it in as soon as all these
ingredients brown. Let the gluten brown.
Remove it and put the mushrooms in for
about 15 minutes. Let simmer. Strain one can
of tomatoes and add it, also one can tomato
paste. If you use 11/2 pounds of spaghetti,
add a second can of paste. Add 1 tomato-paste
can of water, salt to taste, and 1 teaspoon
sugar. Let cook 3/4 hour. Add gluten cutlets
or mock Italian meat balls and continue cooking.
Yeast Biscuit
cup warm water
1 package yeast
1 tablespoon honey
i/2 cup soy flour
1 cup unbleached white flour
1 cup whole-wheat flour
5 rounded tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon salt
Add yeast mixture, roll 1 inch thick, cut
with a biscuit cutter, and bake at 400° F.
Braise gluten and onions to a golden
brown. Add cooked corn meal and all seasonings. Pour into a greased loaf pan and
let cool. When cold, slice as you would bread,
roll in flour, and pan fry or roll in bread
crumbs and bake at 450° F. until brown.
Pennsylvania Dutch Potpie
To 2 quarts of boiling water add:
1 medium-sized onion, chopped
3 tablespoons Mrs. McKay's Chicken
Style Seasoning
4 small potatoes cut in quarters
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
When potatoes are partially cooked, add
the dough.
Boil 3 medium-sized potatoes in salted
water. When tender, mash and add
1 egg
2 cups flour
1 tablespoon butter
1/4 teaspoon salt
Mix all ingredients together and roll about
the thickness of piecrust. Cut in 2-inch
squares and cook in the stew about 15 minutes.
Icebox Cookies
1 cup butter
2 cups brown sugar
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
31/2 cups flour
1/2 cup chopped nuts
Cream butter, add sugar gradually, then
beaten eggs. Add sifted dry ingredients, flavoring, and nuts. Mix well, form into a hard
roll of the size cooky you want. Roll in
waxed paper, put in refrigerator overnight.
Next morning slice very thin, and bake in
quick oven. If you use an unsalted shortening, add 1/2 teaspoon salt to the flour. •
the story that comes to you may be exaggerated.
If you take your baby to too many different doctors, you will lose some advantages, for it is easier for the doctor to give
good care to a baby he has seen often and
knows than to one he sees for the first
time. The record he keeps of his findings
each time he examines the baby is important. He can compare them with later
ones, and will be helped in judging how
the baby is growing and progressing.
During your first visit to the pediatrician, have a talk with him about how often he wishes to see your baby, under
what circumstances he wishes you to get
in touch with him by telephone, and what
to do in case of emergency. Talk over
with the doctor the cost of his services; it
is always best to have a definite understanding with him about it. Some pediatricians have a set fee for the first year,
including office visits and telephone calls.
Others charge for each visit and telephone call.
Before your visits to the doctor, write
down whatever you think you should tell
him and all questions you may have. It is
easy to forget during the visit. Incidents
may distract your thoughts and keep you
from remembering your well-thought-out
Keep a calendar for your baby. This
calendar is different from the usual baby
book. The baby book is kept more or less
for sentimental reasons, but the calendar
is a practical reminder and a record of
the day-to-day progress of your baby. In it
you write the time for the doctor's appointments, dates for immunization,
changes in diet, and important signs of
Before your visits to the doctor, copy
what you have written in the calendar
during the interval and take it with you.
Talk over with your doctor some of your
problems related to the general well-being of your child. Regard your doctor as
an adviser and friend, and 'talking over
these problems with him will help you
to find your own answer and save you
much anxiety. It does not matter what
the problem may be. Most doctors are
married, and have children of their own.
Regular visits to a doctor for checkups
are almost a must in the life of every
child under one year of age, for prevention is better than cure. During each
visit, the doctor will examine every part
of the baby's body. He will note whether
the skin reflects the pink glow of health,
the tissues are firm, or the abdomen is
in proper condition. He will observe the
baby's general activity and examine the
chest, paying special attention to the
heart and lungs. He keeps a special record of your baby and after each examination he records your baby's progress.
Quite as important as the physical examination is the advice covering the time
between visits. If you follow his suggestions, they should make more assured
normal growth and development and a
good state of health. He will question
you as to how your baby got along, guide
you in the selection of food, and immunize the baby against communicable
diseases. If for some good reason you cannot go to a private doctor, there are free
baby clinics now in small towns as well
as in large cities.
By means of his examination and from
information you give him, the doctor can
judge whether the baby is growing and
developing as a healthy baby should.
Even though there may not be any special problems, the doctor will wish to
know all about the infant and his routine—whether the baby has been active
and playful or listless and cross, whether
the baby sleeps well, and the pattern of
the baby's eating habits.
Because your doctor knows that during
infancy is laid the foundation of good
health throughout life, he is not only
concerned with the present but also looks
ahead and plans for a well-adjusted,
happy adulthood for your baby. Regular
visits are insurance against much unhappiness now and later.
Taking your baby to the doctor for
checkups is a good idea. I took my babies,
and I am glad I did. If nothing else, those
visits to the doctor's office gave me peace
of mind and self-assurance. What's more,
I knew that my babies were given protection against some of the dreaded chilhood diseases. •
* * *
all. Whoever said that did not have a
mother like mine nor all the mothers I
have known.
The special thing about mothers is
how much they love us. When in all
your life do you find someone as interested in you as your mother? Do you
ever find anyone who will completely
sacrifice himself for you as your mother
My mother was never one to preach
sermons to her four little girls. Biographies often give as the inspiration for
the great life of the subject a saying
heard often from father or mother. My
mother had few if any set phrases. Her
influence for good was delicate and subtle, and since I am not a subtle person
or a person to understand subtle things,
I cannot tell you how she wielded her
I never heard my mother tell a lie,
and she never told me a lie. I don't remember that she ever told me not to
tell untruths. Honesty was so much a
part of our family life that we didn't
have to mention prevarication.
My mother did have a little chat with
me once when I told her what a good
idea it would be for me to take home
for keeps a neighbor boy's Irish Mail
scooter. After that I knew it was totally
unfair to other people to take what belonged to them or to destroy anything of
Mother left a copy of a McGuffey
reader around for us girls to read, and
I never did forget "Tiny's First and Only
Lie." I decided that I would follow
Tiny's example for life. I remember not
liking Tiny's picture—she looked too
old to have the reactions she had in the
story—but I was all for her morals.
When mothers show kindness, consideration, courtesy, fairness, sensitivity to
our feelings, reverence for holy things,
respect and love for God, they don't
have to deliver lectures on morals.
There is one big reason why we should
give mothers due credit, and that is:
Not until we live a long time do we
fully appreciate them. We can't. Not until we learn that there are people who
are dishonest, unfair, cruel, selfish, ruthless, and ugly in disposition do we realize
what we have in our parents.
I am ever so glad I have a mother like
mine. I only wish I were more like
her. •
His method is to place the burned area
immediately into a basin containing tap
water, ice cubes, and the disinfectant
hexachlorophene. For burns of the head,
neck, shoulder, chest, abdominal wall, or
back, where immersion is impractical, he
applies towels chilled in a bucket of ice
The cold treatment is continued until
it can be stopped without return of pain.
The period ranges from 30 minutes to 5
Dr. Shulman said he had treated 150
patients in this manner. Most of the
burns were thermal, due to excessive heat
or cold, but some were chemical and
"In every patient thus treated, immediate gratifying relief was expressed at
once," he said.
"Whereas pain ordinarily lasts 24
hours or more in the first-degree burn, relief in these patients was immediate, and
the pain was almost totally absent by the
time the patient left the office two or
three hours later.
"The impression obtained from our experience is that, although the primary
injurious effect of the burn has taken
place, the usual inflammatory process secondary to the burn can be reduced in degree and, indeed, at times reversed by icewater therapy.
"No infections have been encountered
in those patients treated within one hour
of injury.
"The time factor between injury and
treatment determines the result. This
treatment should, therefore, be initiated
if possible by the patient or first-aid attendant at once. This would be far more
effective first-aid treatment than the usual
first-aid measure of applying butter or
grease, which will only have to be painfully removed later by the attending physician.
"It is suggested that this humane and
simple form of first-aid management of
less extensive burns should find its way
into the thousands of books, manuals,
and pamphlets on first aid throughout
our nation." •
By Mary E. Castor
has tried to tell us that
S mothers aren't special people after
Ice Water for Burns
The magazine Georgia's Health gave
this report:
Ice water has been recommended as
the best first-aid measure for any burn
covering up to 20 per cent of the body.
Writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Dr. Alex G.
Shulman, Los Angeles, said:
"My experience indicates that, whatever the subsequent management may be,
those patients who receive initial ice-water treatment fare better than those who
do not."
Although the beneficial effect of cold
in burns has been advocated off and on
for many years, he said, it has been studied seriously only since 1955.
Dr. Shulman's investigation began
nine years ago when he burned his own
hand with boiling grease.
"In the ensuing agonizing few minutes
it seemed logical to plunge the hand into
a tub of cold water," he explained.
Finding that the pain was alleviated
and the burn subsequently healed more
rapidly than expected, he decided to use
the same therapy for his patients.
MAY, 1961
Childhood Deafness
For Additional
concerning items or products
advertised in LIFE AND
HEALTH, use this check list
and return it to us.
Please send all orders for products direct
to the advertiser whose name and address
appears with the ad.
❑ Bakon Yeast
❑ Thermophore
❑ 3 in 1 Mix
❑ Torumel
❑ Nutritional Products
❑ California Carrots
❑ Shredder-Juicer
❑ Flour Mill
Complications of birth and pregnancy
are a major cause of deafness in newborn
babies and young children, so says Patterns of Disease, a Parke, Davis & Company publication for the medical profession. Findings of a study conducted
among 328 children with severe hearing
loss revealed that in one third of the
group damage could be attributed to the
prenatal or natal periods.
Complications of birth and labor
headed the list of specific causes, accounting for more than 15 per cent of all cases.
Maternal rubella, the virus that causes
German measles, was found to be the
cause of 11 per cent of cases, and Rh
incompatibility was held responsible for
7 per cent.
How early can deafness in children be
diagnosed? At a surprisingly early age
with the aid of special testing devices. In
fact, Patterns says, infants as young as
three weeks old can be tested for response
to sound stimuli. And the publication
urges the earliest possible detection, for
"differential diagnosis in infants and preschool children is necessary to rule out
such factors as mental retardation, aphasia, emotional disturbance, and psychic
deafness." •
❑ Hospital Facilities
❑ Shelled Pecans
Stress Not Cause of Heart Disease
❑ Juicefaster
❑ Listing Service
❑ Hostess Cuts
❑ Books
2, 36
❑ Radio Program
❑ Hospital Facilities
Washington 12, D.C.
Please send me free information regarding the items
checked above.
Upon this day of memories,
Of honors sung and said,
What travesty in trumpets,
Remembering where they led,
What loneliness in rolling drums,
What sad reflection when
You marched away, who never will
Come marching home again.
And I must leave this place where all
The proud words ring of war,
To think alone the gentler thoughts
Of what a spring is for—
Of blossoming and growth and sun,
Of dreams and youth and hope,
And not of hard-fought battlefields
And aching hearts that grope.
I'll think of days when you were here
Upon this grassy hill
And a soft wind rose and the spring was fair,
With you beside me still.
A group of 200 executives heard a discussion on "The Care and Preservation I'll think of nights you'd climb to watch
of the American Executive," in which
For the first pale stars above,
Dr. Irvine H. Page, research director, And how you'd whistle coming down,
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, pointed
So sure of peace and love,
out that stress is not necessarily the cause
of arteriosclerosis and heart attack. This So certain life was promising
has been much overemphasized. HighAnd safe, and yours to live,
pressure environments, in which many All unaware that soon it would
executives work, have not proved the
Be only yours to give,
cause of chronic hypertension. However,
Dr. Howard P. Lewis, professor of medi- And I will hold the dreams you held
cine, University of Oregon, said that "we
And try to bring them true
know that the blood pressure can be For other boys in years to come,
made to rise with nervous stress and that
In memory of you.
in many instances, having become elevated, it will fall under the influence of
rest and relaxation. Even though we cannot be sure this factor is the basic cause
The Blessed Hope
of hypertension in certain predisposed
people, its effects upon blood pressure are
"The Lord's care is over all His creatoo definite for us to discount its possible tures. He loves them all, and makes no
injurious effect."
difference, except that He has the most
Dr. Page also said that to avoid a heart tender pity for those who are called to
attack, a person's diet must be changed. bear life's heaviest burdens. God's chilThe unsaturate fatty acids must be made dren must meet trials and difficulties. But
palatable in the diet. The average person they should accept their lot with a cheerwill not change his diet, but must be sold ful spirit, remembering that for all that
on a new food pattern, which can be the world neglects to bestow, God Himpurchased through the usual channels at self will make up to them in the best of
favors."—E. G. WHITE.
the market or grocery store. •
HIS pert little miss is seriously intent upon becoming a helping hand to mother
during the day's duties. The combined energies of all members of the family help
to ease the burden of each one. When one becomes ill or an invalid, however short
the duration of sickness, the strain is increased proportionately on the others.
And now that summer is about to break in full force upon us, there will be much
strenuous activity—working in the garden, playing outdoor games, doing all that outside work about the house. Spring cleaning can also become quite a chore. Perhaps our
state of health needs its annual checkup too. The entire staff at the Washington Sanitarium and Hospital are ready to act as helping hands—to see that you are in the
best of health for the strenuous summer months ahead.
Today's medical services,
with the tremendous ad•
vances made possible through
research, offer a vital, satisfying career.
fat" hither," sa
ilw nre On% anywhere nearki the eighh.r. "gni +m•
harke. mid thelink t
and It is cominghe
this way. cm hear
"I And kmD
pm* running. They are
ru ing dow
t' ow
"nni q
,J an with the gathering crowd dhnror
Then she saw ie. Her own house w
'honk' and flames were already pour)
ng hroZh
"MY bh hasp'
the tried frantically. "My baby,"
The crowd was
thick aroun
d the hour.but like
, mad
b"byshe pushed and tore her way theough.
! My baby, Mn link Margie.
A fireman seized her.
dcarh no in then!" he tried. "You will kw
the lf°
I. on, go!" she cried. And with
Lth she hda never
known she had. she dragged
herself free and dashed into the flaming house, while
pr cry went up from all the waiting people.
., Loon just where to go. Dashing through
,nice and llama. the seized her precious baby. then
turned ow make her way out' But, oven
ooke. she swayed and fell. and would have
,h,ith with her lab, had not a firenun nixed
ca fried Ix, our
whit a cheer went up a, they
the lukry was saved unhormed. the
Arthur S. Maxwell is known and loved by children everywhere. His stories are admirably suited to help parents
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Care of Health
Correcting Bad Habits
Mail us a card and we will send you full particulars concerning this series of stories that
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