QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Wodnesda/ May 30, 2007 r PIi: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcdassified.com 21 Congratulations — HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIEd AD - — • * — • QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Permanent canlers are required for the following: . (Flege, Pederson, Vachon & VikerRd) (Maple Drive, Oak, & Saskatoon) (Funn St., Gemini, & North , FraserDrivej , (Belcarra, Gook, Jay & Penyard) (Hilbom) Anyone Interested in these routes please call Jaicey at 9922121. ^ Over'Stlmiation or ctiqnges ih dtiily foutines cm lead io tahtruAni destructive bBhq^^'^" 9mH7 HOURS. Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - I^riday MIIDiniEEMEinfiMS .'..30' ' toJlMiKMfnn OMMrfM— >-> ...33 •...36 - eosQULSitda BnlnntiMinnah nHiuvSeauiy lMf& Found Ptmial* 65 „ bO, .......SS .78 80 HawtToniaffacafloB 8S aawBUffltMJ "W™!! .125 ' msmmmm- *«l<»w» flppnamea.:, ~ MiaCraRi. .155 ..18S ..165 ^m. tra. ITS SRHdiagHBtBrialt COWlflBBMIIlf. Flrmmaa ;..„:, flwnod -.,.185 ,im ..................195 Pboli/Spw Rooriaa SoowploHUig. .••••>•-.i.ii Apaitmsntt .....404 Bnbilor Soils 4U BawnwilSflHa ii„...412 Cablnt/GoUaBW ^ig CommBiclal 420 CoDdH : »....>,.i 424 Daptu/FiDBqilax. 428 For Rani or Sate..... ..4S2 Haiw«ifln«liina.., .438 H O R M k—t . . 440 nitcenamiooa.,. 444 MoaUtHonut... .. 448 Modiilar Homas ..452. Boonw „ 458 floamAeoant 480 SaoIoR/Ralinnam Atom 484 SiBini Attommodailoit' ....„45a Suites . TborttlAecammodaUeB rowntmttas Tnoli.. Tn\dsorSinii »o ..215 ..220.' .229 .....230 ...JSS 240 BBSlosttOppaitDilUat CW« o«ye«»9 EdneatlaD.... .2S4 2S8 2s^ .J70 .J74 HalpWaiitad.. PMastfooai SHHvd Itadss VoUfflla«n!.._ Walk Wanted AccoinUng.. Appflaoces. /Uitoiactiw BBUdtnpSenInt Catarhv: ; OlMCera ' Claaoliig ...1 JfiTB „ ZM .290 -.302 ..304 ..380 JIO 314 i „sis ...Mt GoiKtrutOm >..........,....„ Edoc80oq/rolinlng......„ S2Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4...........32D EttantloD HeeWe „.324 FtoaimMoitgaBa -325 Handinnan tfomolnprmmeii '•»«••«•••••••••* ••832 KonwSapport ...334 HoosaSmiog Invntnsirta P3KI JanKoflal .340 Undacaptag/QantaaiDg 342 MaeMmVWflldlnB 344 Mlseellaaaouf Ssrvieas .348 MBSIO Lessons 348 PalnUnp ..858 Pavlog ......................352 Ciratognphir .......354 PiumWoB 358 ft% J*; „»siMK B£.iwm i Mall to Quesnel UnR, Box 4026, Quesnel, BCV2J3J2 7 0 .480 :; In B.G. Yukon, The Canadian Cancer Society supports research, education and patient services. Mail gifts to: 332 Front Street Quesnel, B.C.V2J2K3 ....S18 992-6551. Please include name of person being honored or name of deceased, and where to send cards. Visa/Mastercard accepted. PErSff»BM6ffO-«9 . 608 jat .«619 6» 630 ..638 I.642 .648 Equipment toBglng/nmBer Wnlng Aircrall SVPtm « . BoatiiWlartne HomsbOBtt tm Moianyeles m* fleniala Snowmobilas TUdB/Sarap The most complete coverage of Quesnel & area. Reach over 24,000 readers per week $9.60 o n e i s s u e 20 word $13.90 t w o I s s u e s classifieds $19.00 s i x I s s u e s $34.00 12 i s s u e s .660 - 8S8 , . 705 . . 715 710 Clip, Mall or Fax... Plus G S T FREE Items vnliietl at less than SlOO or pets to be given away will run Free .for 4 issues. OeSEjtVER 188 Carson Ave. Quesnel BCV2J 2A8 Ph: 992-2121 Fax; 992-5229 Name «•>*••—««>v.••hi.•••720 „ iO M T U A R Y TRIBIJTES To place an obituary tribute r k o c i C ^ O i n ^ D please call 992-2121. VOOJC/KVE/K We would like to thank, , our friends, rieighbours and "relatives", who traveled so far • to help us with our sale, May 19/07, and to all the people who made it a great success, thank-you. _ Shirley & Chuck Letoria 55 Business personal ..,..725 730 „ 735 740 745 rnmnEBUsstm Canopies 755 Cars .,.....„.,762 Cfattici '„,..:, 7M ^i?* " 774 , 4 * S • l > * > > 4 a * ( > i « v « a * f •••••(.•760 TraclB 786 Vans/Buses 792 HOncM/r^pEBS 800-849 leBalNotleas stS ' Tenders '.im I 180 Computers 220 Miscellaneous New Samsung 300 CLP co- Brother 575 thermal transfer, lour laser printer. $299.00 Used plain paper fax machine, 1 year once. Call 992-8900 evenings old $75. 992-7310 (daytime leave message) Car Shelter 10'x20' for sale. No assembly Instructions. U-take 210 Garage Sales down and take away. Offers? 485 Baker Drive, June 1st, 2nd Call 747-0442 after 3pm. ^ 2. 3. 6. 7. • 4. • -. - • 8. 10. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. 18. 19. ' Address • Additional words ^ 00. ; • Effective referrals Forms filling for Do it yo^irself Divorce WCB Claims & Appeals SmallClaims ' Criminal Pardon Human Rights Complaints Residential Tenancy Do it yourself Wills & Estates Resumes Level 2-Appeals & Assistance • • • • • • • WCB Reviews/Appeals Employment Insurance Canada Pension Plan Consumer Complaints Human Rights Certified ESL Instruction Business ESL Levels • Workshops & Seminars •Legal and Social Research • Community Development • Proposal DrafHng • Business Plans for non- profits & Small Business By Appointment Call Brendan A. Kennedy Consultant - Advocate - 747-3213 - Money Order • Visa ^ ••Print clearly and use dari< pen for good fax reproduction^* 70 Personals Petite Brunette available for discrete encounters. Quality assured 991-6256 Sat., June 2nil gam - 4pni Cams Rd. istroadonrigMon BaittenillaHwy. ' legal lirfomaOon only-No legal atMceglvai Method of Payment • Cheque iiEiGHBOURHObD Services Offered: (254- years senring the Cariboo with infonnation, advocacy, and support Post Code Ph: 20. nease print your ad with one word per line. Add 27( per word per Issue over 20 words. Bold Face type - double. Box rental $8 - Heavy duty cross country leg trainer $25. Lge. weathered Huge multi family garage sale broil king, 2 burners on left side, ladies and kids clothing like new, Farm Auction - June 23,2007 needs propane tank: $10. One kids toys and books, furniture, Start! timei 11:30 sharp. Can-, gas and one:^lectric lawnmowstereo, household items,. CD's yon Creeft Farms > located :4.2 er^$15 each;!Heavy 4 foot post and video, misc items and more! kms north of Dunkley sawmill roller with "cant" hook; $15. Cast 540 Donnelly St., 9am - Spm No or 14kms: south of Hixon. Farm pump with crank handle, spout early birds. Equipment, antique farm equipand4 foot shaft. $15. 991-0178 ment, antiques & miscellaneous. Tool sale - carpentry, plumbing, For information or list contact Entertainment centre. Walnut auto, garden. Starts Saturday BG Auctions 1-250-992-2459 or colour With glass front doors on June 2nd; until everything, sold. Larry Ga^nonl-250-998-4364. castors. Adjustable shelves for 10am - Spm. 5025 Parkland Rd. stereo components, VCR/DVD (Ten Mile Lake) slide out shelf $100.992-7310 Affordable Help When You Need It Level 1-Public Legal & Social infomiation* $mart $pender$ $hop flr$t inourCla$$ifiedPage$! Call 992-2121 215 Garden liquipment Gas Lawn Mower 3.5 HP 21" Briggs & Stratton, just serviced, $140.00 call 992-1567 220 Miscellaneous A N DD U C T Residential Morlgagei Celt: 250 302 1146 Pogcr 1 866 767 5446 Fax: 250 392 9700 Email: t<mya.WBrUig@l(l.coni FURNACE CLEANING Have You Checked Out Our Limited TiiTie Now! 170 Auctions Consulting & Support Services Cancer Society CDirmardalPrapcfly 62« CoBdOS 530 OUPtaffOWpta „ .838 Fal^s/RaRt^Bf 842 fnSalaorRad. 848 HOIItM Ukasiwn.. •••-i*>«ia>.l-.i.a.5Gtt isis Mobltet 66B MoSuiarHDRies..., .872 SP««?» : 578 imaiimm : .;'....,.,.C84 BVtltaa ......BBB Tovninnaas ™ ;..696 Tiallais PROFESSIONAL Complete Itinerary posted at: Limited space available. Call Cmadian Wantad to Hani jgt WafalMiRoa _ 492 RaittiwEMKim .*B«a8«Aote; „6D« ISrttojfl!rtia88*.„.'.,..:.„. .612 BnardJoB » FannfiiaipineBl FeBdCSaad Frau/Prodota/Raat Nowss ••••«•»»••••>••. — tfvttsloek IMPROVING YOUR ODDS AGAINST CANADA^ #1 KILLER ' Your In Memoriam gift is a lasting ; tritHite. Please mail your donations. to the address below and include yourname and address, along with• the name and address of the nextof-ldn fbr an acknowledgement card. .•.•..„....,.jia4. CoiunaitlalftBlimas Cinuasalat GaiflBDEqorpinenI MfRaUaaaoia..... 250-695-6677 www.vantmeguiding.com .472 4 Canada Tnist $750.00/person Children Free 33 Obituiiricvs 36 Thanl« • buying a liomc • obtaining a Homo Equity Line of credit I am available days, evenings and weekends to suit your schedule. Call mo for n private Tanya Warttig > Manager, consultation or pre-approval today. 5 Days of Fishing, Hiking, Sight Seeing & Relaxation & 3rd. 9am-Spm 384 368 ..35S IhKUoB. Vkid« Gardon.. • switching your inortgugc from anotlicr Financial Institution • refinancing your mortgage August 9th-13th 2007 Pondosy Bay Wilderness Resort 30 In Mcnioriiun .au If you are thinking of... North TWeedsmuir Park Obituary tributes are $45/single spot. $75/double spot and $104/triple spot and'includes archiving on our Internet site. ' • THE FACTS A B O U T R A ; S ; accepted - • We've Got The Right l\1ortgage For You! AH- Inclusive Jeffrey Klassen on receiving your Bachelor of Chemical Engineering from the University of Alberta. Jeffrey is working in Fort McMurray, Syncrude and is the son of Terry & Beverley Klassen 3 AnnouncenienLs ITTAKESA W H O L £ COMMUNITY TOltAISEACHILD or drop into our office at ^ ^ f c 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, BG^^B ABnoottccinBoiit *•*••«•-•••••••••> t a a o t S AmInmrlBs g BWtt..^. .it...... .g • .12 CtwfCb. 16 CamlRsEnait. IB CoA^lBbrtlDnx EagaBiaiBBlWaddinB .24 FvrMni Olrectpiy , zJ. : • • 3 Announcements Phone VISA — www.quesnelobserver.com S5 'I ravel Tours/Vacation Congratulations fax 250.992.5229 email [email protected] Open. IVIonday to Friday 8am-5pm W e d n e s d a y , May 30, 2007 20" RCA colour TV with remote. $85. Iron and wood bakers rack/microwave stand $50 Corner entertainment unit for 32" TV $100 Counter top dishwasher $50 992-7310 225 Music VANCOUVER TICKET SERDrummer looking for musicians VICE Located in the Hampton Inn to jam with. Phone 249-5444 HoteL Concerts, sports. Memtt Mountain, Woody Blues, The Hip, Gwen Stefani, Tim McGraw /Faith Hill, Russell Peters, Roger Waters. Mariners Hotel Accom. AvaiL 1-800-920-0887 $89.00 SpecisM? Call us today fbr details (l3 QUESNEL aRIBOO OBSERVER B4 > a I B Wednesday, May 30, 2007 Classifieds 254 Business Opportunities SUREFIRE Introducing ''Surefire Premium Grade Pellets/' • si Available for a limited time @$125.00 + tax per ton. M F o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n p l e a s e c a l l 991 Unique Franchise Opportunity. Low Overhead, High Profit Potential. Expanding Nationwide. Requires Strategic Marketing Partners (Master Franchisees) For Proven Business ConcepL 1-888-672-7266 or tpc. [email protected] -0119 CLOTHING 4-sale Clothinct Rotiiil Store Voinun, r3C I5i,-ltillt3 ol dmiycroiiscio thing.com 250-308-5092 Nurse Next Door Is Franchising in your areal Are you looking to change the lives of seniors in your community? No Healthcare exp 'nec. Visit www.nursenextdoor.ca or email kristanash® nursenextdoor.ca I 7 Bays Bright & Clean ''•%272 Juniper Rd. Quesnel South 747-005li . ' We offer o separate glass policy Tracy ADMslonot "VJR . JOHNSTON USER ASiS^ across from the Post Office ' 333 Reid St; - 992-6611 Jf —.— T o l o v E ANd B E l o v E d i s TO FEEI ThE SUN FROM b o i h s i d E S . . . DMLViscon CoaiB In and Und the perfect gHll( *. UngerfB Sizes Sma1l-4X * Adult NoveltlBS ' * Silicone Far Free Bra^ *• Men's & Ladle's Underwear DIsereSenGoarwrtBed . 105 McLean SL 992-2888 My clients sell quality.»so do I. I Call me for all your advertising needs. ill 1 Karen Powell at 992-2121 OBSERVER 258 Careers Home Staging Consultant hands-on. training . from SerenityRedesign.com. Start your own business today. Your Job: Preparing homes to sell. Your clients: Realtors, Homeowners & Investors. When: June, 2007. Where: Prince George & Kamloops BC. www.serenityredesign.com/HStraininginfo.htm - PflVfLO««lini LTO, INSURANCE^ Busy Hair & Tanning Salon located south of town (Quesnel) in growing business area. 10 styling chairs, 1 stand up tanning booth, 2 lay down. Esthetic room. Serious inquiries please call 250-991-8825 TESTDRIVE Unique opportunity to own and operate a 2008 Pete with zero down. Must have 1 year iflat deck hwy. exp. willing/able to run CANADAAJSA & possess good. refs. Owner/Operators & Company drivers welcome. Up to $3000 signing bonus.,WEST RIM, EXPRESS LINES LTD, Steve or Andre (800)663-0099 Ask us for our \ •'j.-. Most Competitive Rates\ '; , o/i Wowse Insurance. QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER THE 262 Daycare 270 Help Wanted Canadian Rocky Mountain Resorts' Buffalo Mountain Lodge located in Banff, Alberta seeks a SOUS CHEF. Reporting to the Chef, the Sous Chef provides leadership and guidance to all culinary employees. InterProvlncial Red'Seal certificate or equivalent. Min. 5 years culinary experience including fine dining. Min. 2 years supen/isory experience. Must have the ability, to communicate effectively, l?oth verbaland written. Must also have a clean criminal record and available to .work all shifts: Please submit resume to: Fax: 403-760-4495 or [email protected]. Visit www.cnnr. com, I Now Beginnings Preschool/Afterschool Center' is accepting resume for Eariy Childhood Educator. Beginning August 2007, 28-32 hours per week. Drop off or mail resume to 150 Sutherland Ave., Quesnel B.C. V2J 2R5 DRILLER BLASTER Wanted, Holbrook Dyson Logging Ltd. operates a year-round union coastal logging operation offering a full benefits package. We are "accepting applications for the following position: Driller/Blaster-operating Air & Hydraulic Drills. Applicants must be experienced and In good physical condition. Please forward resumes to: Holbrook Tyson Logging Ltd., 113-1720-14th Avenue, Campbell River, BC VOW 8B9. Fax 250-287-9259. 266 Kducalion FIRST AiDy 270 Help Wanted A PHONE DISCONNECTED? We are now offering free hqokup. Everyone approved. Call today 1 -877-852-1122, Protel ' Experienced Line Cook reReconnect quired for resort on the Sunshine Coast. Subsidized accomPlumber r School District 85 modations available. Call or fax I Port Hardy) CUPE 40/hr week resume to 604-883-2674 email: $26,82/hr plus benefit pack- gbhm®dccnet.confi age. Start immediately. Details at www.sd85,bc.ca. Closing OKANAGAN LocKsnirrH Wednesday, June 6th, Mr, Ran- compariy taking applications for dy Ball* Box 90, Port Hardy. BC FT employement. Forward reVON 2P0 Fax: 250-949-8792, sumes to Box 103 Capital News, Email: [email protected] Inqui2495 Enterprise Way, Kelowna, ries: Tel 250-949-8155, Ext.222 BC V1X7K2 COMPUTER & WORKSAFE COURSES OFA Level IH (crash course-2 weeks): June 4 & July 2, $670 Transportation (one day course): June 10 & July 8, 8-5pni, $ 108 Food Safe (Levell): June 26, $62 ^ OFA Level! (one day course): June9 &23, July;7 8-5pm, $88 mmmm BABINE FOREST PRODUCTS UMITED 1^ Northstar Lumber A division of West Fraser Mills Ltd. Northstar Lumber, A Division of West Fraser Mills Ltd., Is looking for a certified Electrician. The successful candidate will be responsible for all electrical and process control equipment on site. This includes PLC programming, preventative maintenance, capital work, trouble shooting and repairs of all equipment. Individuals are expected to work in a safe mjanner, with limited supervision. Rotating shifts will be required, Allen Bradley PLC, Mitsubishi VFD experience and kifiowledge of lumber manufacturing is an asset Steelworkers union rates and benefits packages will apply. We wish to thank you for your interest, but only selected candidates will be contacted for an interview, Please send your resume by June 30/07, Resumes should be submitted to: Human Resources Northstar Lumber PO Box 4400 Quesnel, B,C. V 2 J 3 J 4 • Fax:250-991-7805 HMM Are you 19 to 100+ years of age and want your Grade 12 Graduation?.. .come see us at Helen Dixon Centre. 241 Kinchant Streety Quesnel SdwolD!st^a28,Quesnel.BCCanada " k 4 Coiitittulng&Adult Educanon ; ; I . Office: Monday toThursday-8:00 am td4:30 pm;Friday- 8:00am to 1:00 pm ILC; Monday toThursdav - 8:00 am to 7:30 pm; Friday - 8:00 arii to 3:00 pin USED CAR MANAGER Experienced Dahgle Head . CANADA'S O L D E S T ESTAJBProcessor- Operator required. LISHED FORD DEALERSHIP IS for Menitt area; Phone Brain at Rewarding Career Opportunity In Sales... L O O K I N G FOR A QUALIFIED 250-378-6984 Fax resume to U S E D C A R M A N A G E R ; T H E IN250-378-6930 Territory Manager - Outside Saies Representative Quesnei, Britisli Columbia CenturyVallen is a buslness-to-bijsiness distributor of Industrial MRO and safety products and services. If you have the desire to achieve personal success in a growth industry, consider joining our team! DIVIDUAL W I L L B E RESPON- SIBLE FOR $1,000,000 IN INVENTORY, j2«fl/i/icarK>/w; Great knowledge of the Used Car Market Believes in customer satisfaction. Works well: in a. team environmenL Thrives under a salary/cominission incentive program. Please send -^yojir resume to: Watkin Motors 4602 27th Street Vernon, B.C. VIT 4Y6 Attn: Ross Blankley The ideal candidate is a sale's professional with a minimum of. Check us out at www.watkinmo2-3 years customer service experience within an industrial/ tors.com safety distribution environment. A proven background in building solid relationships, an ability to interact with people CLASS 1 DRIVERS to ain BC/ at ail levels and a pre-disposition to teamwork and excellent Alberta for Sokil Express Lines. customer service is required. Minimum 2 years experience; The successful candidate will have solid product knowledge, Top wages, excellent benefits. strong computer skills and the ability to manage multiple Fax resume and current driver's projects effectively both in and out of the branch. As well, a abstract 780-474-9325 willingness to travel throughout Northern British Columbia is a must. INDEPENDENT TRUCKERS Century Vallen will provide transportation and has a WANTED with reefer trailers for comprehensive benefits and compensatlonprogram. summer fish haul (good pay) Call Lome @ 604-329-4970 Interested candidates are asked to submit their resumes to : Clint Sword at: dliitsword^centuryvallenxomor: Taylor Pro Training Ltd. The BCi fexto(250)962-6131 Number One choice In Excavator and Grader operators Training; Our 5, 6 and 7 week programs. Give' you the tools needed to succeed. Student funding available 0.A.C, Call 250-860-7624 or Toll free 1-877-860-7627 Visit. CentvryVallen thanks all applicants fbrtiieirInterest; however, only our website, www.taylorprotrain-:^ candidates selected for an IntervieM will be contacted. ing.com • IN BLUE RIVER, BC Spend a summer in a resort setting beside Lake Eleanor, with access to somie of the worids most sought after mountain bike trails. Blue River is year round resort seeking service industry staff who appreciate customer service, are dynamic knd motivated individuals, LINE COOKS, SOUS CHEF, DISHWASHER*. SERVERS, HOUSEKEEPERS transportation from Cleanvater available. We offer competitive wages and pirbvlde iaccomrnodation at a norriinal rate. If Interested in any of these positions, please contact: Cynthia Nehring Phone 250-673-2415, Fax 250673-8464 Email: cnehring® wiegele.com Only applicants chosen for inten^iews will be contacted, FORESTRY ENGINEER TECHNICIANS, BRAUN: FORESTRY Consulting Senrices, Accepting applications for full time Senior and Junior Forestry "Engineering Technicians in Central/North Vancouver Island area. Computerized Mapping; FloadEng and GPS experience an asset, Erneiil resume to braunfbr®islarid,netror Fax/Phone 250-282-5503 Fully qualified hairstylist wantBablne Forost Products Umltad, a joint venture between Hampton Affiliates and Bums Lake Native Development Corporation, has a challenoino ed. Apply In person to the Goldopportunity for an innovative and higlily motivatod individual as a en Scissor, 278 S. Birch Ave., 100 Mile House, B.C. or phone Certified Millwrigilt (2 positions) 250-395-2666 We are seeking two highly motivated Journeyman Millwrights (BC and/or Interprovincial) to apply excellent technical skills and knowledge, safely and FOR ALL THE NEWS... efficiently. As part of our Maintenance Team you will provide higli quality vww.quesnelobserver.com senrlce and support to help our operations group meet our safety, production and quality goals within our automated lumber manufacturing environment Ideally, candidates have experience with the various automated operations and systems In modem Interior saw and planer mills. They will have demonstrated their abilities to apply their trade skills and knowledge effectively. Above average Interpersonal, communication and organizational skills are required. 6ood leadership skills and wori<ing within a computerized maintenance system are assets. / Our Millwrights wori< days, aftemoons and graveyards. Rate of pay is per the Steelwori<ers Agreement Qualified applicants should fonivard their resumes to the Human Resources, Bablne Forest Products Umited, P.O. Box 4000, Bums Lake, BC VOJ 1E0 or fax It to (250) 692-4595 or email to: |(arenolson®hamptonafflllates. cam prior to June 1,2007. We thank all candidates for their Interest, however only those selected for an Inten/iew will be contacted. :\ PHONE DISCONNECTED? WE ARE NOW OFFERING FREE HOOK-UP CALL TODAY! I... Head Electrician . We are looking for the following Journeymen to join our Maintenance team o'n an Alternate Shift Schedule. 983-6900 or www.sd28.bc.ca Kalesnikoff Lumber Co. Ltd. has identified an opening for a head electrician in gut operation located near Gastlegar BC. We are currently seeking an individual who has interprovincial certification and FSR with experience in sawmill and planer equipment including , PLC'S; Assets for this position include supervisory skills, computer skills, problem solving ability as well as good communication and interpersonal skills. Please include a cover letter and address applications and inquiries to Keviri Nichol; Human Resources Manager. . "Tahc Care Of Tfie land. And Tfie Land Will Tafce Care Of You." Kalesnikoff Liunber Co. Ltd. , Box 3000, Gastlegar, BC, VIN 3L8 Phone (250) 399 - 4248 Fax (250) 399 - 4249 http://www.kaIesnikoff.com email: [email protected] As Journeyman Millwmqhts; The ideal applicants will hold an Interprovincial ticket with a strong background in Hydraulics. Williams Lake Seniors Village is accepting applications fora Recreation Aide (34.hrs/weel<). Must have graduated from a recognized recreation program and have a class 4 drivers license. Previous experience would also be a definite asset. Fax resumes to 250-305-3333. Attn: Julia Glover 1-877-852-1122 PROTELRECONHECT West Fraser M i l l s Ltd. ^ Quesnel Sawmill Please mail resumes by June 4,2007 to: West Fraser Mills Ltd., 1250 Brownmiller Rd. Quesnel, B.C. V2J 6P5 Attn: Payroll/Personnel BABINE FOREST PRODUCTS LIMITED Babine Box 4000, Bums Lake, BC VOJ 1E0 Tel: 250-692-7177fee250-692-4595 raKfTffCQicra Electricians; The ideal applicants will hold an Interprovincial ticket with a strong background in Electronics and PLC based computer systems. /VQ^lQiirneyman Bablne Forest Products Limited, aTloint venture between Hampton Affiliates and Bums Lake Native Develoi^ment Corporation^ has a ctiallenging opportunity for an innovative and highly'^vated individual as a Certified Electrician Succeissful applicants in all trades will bring good troubleshooting and problem solving abilities, good communication and interpersonal skills, as well as general computer knowledge. Experience in a Sawmill and Planer environment would be an asset. . We^are looking for individuals who are motivated, take pride in their work and are very safety conscious. If you have these characteristics and desire to work as part of our maintenance team, please submit your resume to: Dunkley Lumber Ltd. P.O. Box 173. Prince George, BC V2L4S1 Phone:(250)998-4421 Fax: (250) 998-4513 Email: [email protected] Applications must be received no later than June 29.2007, /VII applications will be treated in strict confidence, , NOW HIRING We-are receiving resum§s for experienced:sawmill, planer,»: and administrative personnel. Including millwrights, electricians, equipment operators, clerical stafif and labourers. CERTIFIED MILLWRIGHTS CERTIFIEP ELECTRICIANS CERTIFIED HEAVY DUTY MECHANICS CERTIFIED PLANERMEN OR MILLWRIGHTS WITH PLANER EXPERIENCE CERTIFIED MACHINIST WITH MILLWRIGHT EXPERIENCE • Looking (or Waiter, Waitress, hostess & bartenders. Apply in person ® Ulysses. b&jiBBel^mi puhkley Lumber Ltd. operates a modern and sophisticated SPF dimension Sawmill / Planemiill facility at Strathnaver. BC, 40 km north of Quesnel, BC. Our quality lumber products ar© siold across North America and in overseas markets. Visit: www.cottonwoodhoiise.ca •Phone: 992-2071 Box 4000, Bums Uke, BC VOJ 1EO Tel: 250-692-7177 Fax: 250-692-4595 Babjne FATHERS DA^ CELEBRATION June 17 711:00 AM Dads are FREE • J o i n the Fun! www.quesnelobserver.com 270 Help Wanted Cottonwood House Historic Site ' IS NOW OPEN 7 DAYS PER WEEK KI . BS Classifieds Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.coni 258 Careers Wednesday, May 30, 2007 ' We thank all applicants In advance, however, only those selected for an inten^ew will be contacted. We are seeking a highly motivated CERTIFIED ELECTRICIAN (BC and/or interprovincial) to apply excellent technical skills and knowledge, safely and efficiently. As part of our Maintenance Team you will provide high quality sen/ice and support to help our operations group meet our safety, production and quality goals within our automated lumber manufacturing environment Ideally, candidates have experience with the various automated operations and systems in modem interior saw and planer mills. They will have demonstrated their abilities to apply their h-ade skills and knowledge; effectively, /\bove average interpersonal, communication and organizational skills are required. Good leadership skills and woridng within a computerized maintenance system are assets. Our Electricians wori< days, aftemoons and graveyards. Rate of pay is per the Steelwori<ers Agreement Qualified applicants should fonvard their resumes to the Human Resources, Bablne Forest Products Umlted,p.O. Box 4000, Bums Lake, BC VOJ 1E0, or fax n to (250) 692-4595 or email to: karenolsonQharnDtonaffillates. £fim prior to June 1,2007. We thank all candidates foV their interest however only those selected for an Inten/iew will be contacted. COMMUNICATIONS ABC is a fonward thinking telecommunication's ;company, vvith head office located in Quesnel plus five locations throughout the interior of BC, ABC is one of BC's leading private providers of Dial-up, ADSL and Wireless Internet, Cell Phones, Commercial Systems, and Web Design and Development. This dynamic organization is looking for great people to join their team in the position of: - Part-Time Retail Representative The successful candidates must demonstrate excellent people skills, oral communication, should be able to demonstrate above-average customer service skills. Preference will be given to candidates who display a strong knowledge of cellular technology, ABC offers competitive wages/ benefits and future career • growth opportunities. , ^ Resumes can be delhrered in person to: , ABC Communications > -, 248 Reid Street, Quesnel, BC 9:30 am and 5 pm AttenUonfSkySmalir or emailed to J0bs©abccomm.com " . .. B6 QOESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVEK v.- • Wednesday, May 30, 2007 THE Ph: 992-2121 THE See your ads on-line! www.bcclassificd.com 328 Finance/ Morljia^e 270 Help Wanted Sports Department Manager re- Relief Drivers: Quesnel tranquired: Responsibilities Include, sit requires casual/on call relief Inventory ordering & control, drivers. Must possess valid unMerchandising & advertising restricted class 4 or class 2 liideas, Customer service. Assets cense. Good customer relations needed. Please fax resume and should included - Mature self motivated attitude, general hunt- drivers abstract to 992-1146 ing & fishing knowledge, current PAL, 5 years minimum retail ex- LodgeHostess-enthusiasticexperience required. Wage negoti- ' trovert who knows office adminisable. Apply In person to owners tration/bartending & waitressing, ® Franks Supenriarket 2310 Hy- May - Sept. Walk away with a wad of monoyi e-mail resume to draulic Rd. [email protected] Needed to hire: Tmck driver for super B. Call Mike 249-9614 Looking to hire: Full-time salesperson. Must have excellent Cariboo Seicurlty: Now hiring computer, math & literacy skills. full & part-time security guards Expierlence In the HVAC Induswith B.S.T. 1 & 2 courses avail- try would be an asset. Duties able in Prince George. Fax re- include: shipping, receiving, essume to 250-992-3610 timation, customer service merchandising, data entry & stock Billy Barker Hotd now hiring control. Please apply in person eveningAveekend desk clerk, 27 to Canadian Western Mechanhours per week. Bring resume to ical Ltd., at 884 Front Street, front desk - Debbie. Quesnel BC Airport Inn and RV requires housekeeper, $9/hr Drop off resume to 3101 Hwy 97 N. No phone calls please. ' Community Futures is accepting applications for a summer student Administrative AssistantA'ard Maintenance. Contact • : Jennifer Cooper at 747-1212 or drop off your resume at Corn-, munity Futures, 679 Highway 97 South. Looking for farm help, full-time employment Must be experienced around cattle. Dawson Creek. B.C/250-719-9126 274 Processional Westroad. Resource Consultr ants Ltd. Is now accepting resumes from Forest Technicians. Preference will be given to individuals with a background in "Housekeeping staff required :' timber development Please fax y fop the summer season at the resume to 992-0971 • White: Cap Motor Inn and RV Park in Wells. Primarily houseSales Clerk wanted for Gold ' keepingrbut must be able to help Field. Bakery in Barkerville, fax out with other functions including resume to (250)994-3241 it the reception, the coffee shop, the laundry and other odd jobs. Wanted Full time lot attendant Applicant must be in good phys- Must have drivers abstract. Presical health, conscientious and ent resumes to Regency Chrystmstworthy. Training provided. ler 259 McLean Street $9.00 per hour + end of contract bonus. 25-45 hours per week. Central Precast is now acceptShared rental accommodation ing faxed resumes for labourer. a\/ailable. Call 250-994-3489 or positions must: be hard worthing email: [email protected] and have own transportation. Fax resume to 250-992-118a Looking for worlc? How about Mineral Processing? Cross Lake Minerals Is looking for mineral processing personnel from the Quesnel area. Agreat opportunity for those who have a good attitude and the willingness to learn In a mine that has a minimum expected life span of four years. Offered is an attractive wage and benefit package as well as daily transportation to and from the QR Mine site approx 58 Kilometers from Quesnel BC. Please send your resume to: Cross Lake Minerals PO Box 4160 Quesnel, BCV2J3J2 — or email: [email protected] 404,Apartnienls Bachelor 1 & 2 b e d r o o m suites. 1 bdrm suite In 4-plex, $395/ mo., plus utilities.'April 1 9925115 ask for Bob. Security e n t r a n c e . Get Back on Trackl Bad CriedIt? Bills? Unemployed? Need Money? We Lendll If you own your own home you qualify. 1-877-987-1420 www.pioneerwest.com Member of The Better Business Bureau From 575 Doherty Drfve 992-1195 CARE WORKER SASfReliable Service. DATE: May 22,2007 • REQUESTING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST POSITION TYPE: Youth Care Worker Call Stan Bergunder Two year Social Senrices Foundation Certificate. Two years recent related experience. Occupational 1st Aid Level 1. Class 5 BC Driver's Licence. SKILLS & ABILITIES: • • • • • Ability to communicate effectively both verbally and in writing. Ability to asses client/family interactions objectively. Ability to foliow instmctions and work independently. Ability to remain calm in stressful situations. . Facilitation skills 991-0234 Furnished room for rent, access kitchen, phone, TV. $275/ mo. 992-2061 i VISTA MANOR 484 Townhouses URK APARTMENTS 1 & 2 Bedroom suites for rent $500 - $600 . Safe, Well Maintained ' SUMMARY OF JOB DESCRIPTION:! Works with children age 0-19 who are at risk and/or special needs and their families. Under the direction of the Special Services to Children Coordinator, Youth Care Workers work on the goals of the Individual Service Contract andreportto the Ministry of Children and Family Development's Social Worker as required. On a rotation basis, Youth Care Workers co-facilitate parenting workshops with the Special Services to Children Coordinator. • / TYPE: Pemianent part-time. WAGE RATE: per the collective agreement Experienced Carpenter/Renovator, specializing in kitchen and bath renos. tiling, window/ door replacements. Call 250747-0088 Professional mom for hirel Will do cleaning, en-ands, gardening. Also offers decluttering and or- ' ganized planning. Am a working water colour artist & amateur photographer. Reliable and; bondable. 747-1177 ii 1&2&3 b e d r o o m suites. : Security e n t r a n c e . Quesnel Contact Line & Centre Society 324 Hoy Street Quesnel, BC V2J1X3 290 Work Wanted JL g fromMSO 346 Miscellaneous Services DIal-A-Phone Services: PAYING TOO MUCH? PHONE DISCONNECTED AND YOU NEED SERVICE? We can helpl Call Us Today! No Refusals! Long Distance 2.2 - 4.4 cents/min. TOLL FREE 1-866-747-3425 404 Apartments 412 Basement Suite 1 bsmt daylite suite, $475/mo., includes utilities. N/S, No pets, close to all amenities. References required. 747-3150 Walk lo schools and dovi/ntown. Secure and drug freel Quiet nelghborhoGd. Newly renovated. Call Marion @ 250 992*1224 ' fbr appt to view RIDGEWOOD ESTATES . Quesnel, BC 488 Wanted to Rent Professional mature couple seeks quality home in Quesnel area for immediate possession, excellent references. N/S, N/P. Selling your ,property? Rent to us while waiting for the sale. Prefer lease. Please call 250-9922128 after 6:30pm 506 Acreages/Lots TWO FULLY SERVICED LOTS on 2610 Dolly Varden Rd. Campbell River. Each lot 03 acre. 250282-3247. RARE LOG HOME ON ACRE1-bsmt, $450/mo., includes utili- AGE, PARKSVILLE, BC2400sqft ties, satellite, parking, floor heat- log home on 4.92 acres, 1.78 ing, F/S, blinds. Close to bus approved subdividable. Next to and shopping. Uplands area. #7 Fainway, Morning Star Golf N/S, No pets. No parties. 992Course.l 500sqn shop $900,000 7005 OBO 250-248-7737 1 and 2 bdnn apartment 3 bed: room townhouse. In west Quesnel. 992-9772 or 983-5156 CAM 992-7202 FAMILY LIVING BIG BRIGHT 3 BEDROOM, 2 LEVEL TOWNHOMES FROM $5S0M Wiotfar10%nbatm on lyr lease. for appointment to view K FORWARD TO: Christina Lausman, Executive Director. Centerline Collision a busy ICBC express repair facility in Quesnel BC requires a ticketed joumeyman autobody repair technician specializing in Collision Repair. Call Pete 250-7472887 or Fax 250-747-2897 992-7868 I START DATE: July 1,2007 278 Skilled Trades Per Month. Call Maureen tk HOURS OF WORK: Weekends, up to 20 hours per week. : 3 bdrm fully finished house in ^Uplands. 596 Pierce Cres., Double carport and garage, N/S, No pets, references required. $800/ mo. plus utilities. Available July 1st. 991-9065 456 Rooms QUALIFICATIONS: • • • • North Quesnel: 2 bedroom In 4 plex, W/D hook-up $525/mo., plus utilities. 992-7637 440 Houses STAN'S MOVING QUESNEL CONTACT LINE & CENTRE 428 Duple.\/ Fourplex Quesnei Realty 554 Houses RESIDENTIAL RENTALS • 3 bdrm. suite, fridge; stove. $700/mo. plus utilities. • 2 bdrm. tovi^nhouse. Stove, fridge, washer, dryer and dishwasher. $575/mo. plus utilities. No pets. (Cam) (Cam) Lot for sale in Southills on Neighbour' Road. 1.58 acre, city water, sewer, 2 - blocks from Dragon Lake School. Asking $129,999. 983-9037 For Sale: Beautiful 2 acres on Nonfood Rd (Bouchie Lake Quesnel) Close to school & lake. $35,000 992-1093 • 554 Houses 100 Mile. Updated 3-bed/3-bath split level home, 2 acre near Horse Lk., 9x33 greenhouse, shop & sheds, extra 100 amp service. /Asparagus & raspberries. Zoned RR3. farm or home 548 For Sale or Rem based business. $289,000.395www.propertyguys.com Wanted to buy or rent: Small 4621 #69068 house and truck shop, on approx., 5 acres. Call Mike 2499614 566 Mobiles 1/2 acre tot for sale on Beach Cres. Dragon Lake - Quesnel, B.C. Community sewer available. $45,000 (250) 747-0014 Cute & Bright 1344sq/ft., double wide mobile situated on .45 acre SIDNEY, 1995, 2bd,3ba twnhse. in desirable Red Bluff with heatGOOD CONDITION - Steps ed, wired shop. 3 bedrooms, 2 to shops. Gas fp. 5 appl's Incl. baths, n/g fireplace and hot tub $325,000 FIRM. 250-818-7228 off back deck. Includes f/s, w/d and dlshwasReFTMany updates VANCOUVER ISLAND - Beauti- within last three years including full 3/bdnn 1400sq/ft bungalow 20 mins south of Courtenay in paint, flooring, new roof ahd Fanny Bay. 1/3 acre, 1 block fenced backyard. $130,000 747to ocean. Multiple > upgrades. 0622 $320,000 Phone: 250-335-1965 Info & pictures: www.bytheown- 2 bdrm mobile home, new dryer.com/52731 wall, flooring, plumbing & electric. Some furniture included. 3 bdrm home 1108 sq/ft, with $17,500. Quesnel 747-2375 bachelor suite. Fireplace in livingroom, 2 decks, detached garage, newly fenced yard. North 578 Open House Quesnel.$139,999 992-5875 Open Housel 3176 Pederson For sale by owner: 3 bedroom Rd, South Hills; Saturday, June house with attached garage on 2nd, 11am - 3pm. Preview @ .59 acre llot in Bouchie Lake wvw.prQpertyguys.com, JD # area (Quesnel B.C.) To view call 68213. For private viewing 'call 747-4328 991-7930, 554 Houses Custom Built Executive Home in Southhills, 5 bdrms, 2 levels, 1/2 acre. I Many special features, $318,000. Call Virginia @ 7471070 , FIXED 5 YEAR RATE 5.49% Nortiflanifffi/rortgages 992-7295 For A l l Your Plumbinci Needs! 630 Horses Horse And Tack Auction:. Sunday June 10th, 11:30am. 4071 McLean Road Quesnel. Piease- consign early. Phone B.C. Auctions. 250-992-2459 250-983-5267. ' 636-&es^cl^ THE IIM D LIVESTOCK & MISC SALE: Saturday June 16th, 11:30am LENNOX'i 4071 McLean Road Quesnel. HOME COMFORT Already consigned • 3 cow calf SYSTEMS 6 R E A T pairs, Stucco wire. Phone B.C. O O R S Auctions. 250-992-2459 or 250983-5267 An Independent/fi«Vfly dealer 24 mLSBwiCE 991-0033 7 purebred speckle park cows with calves at foot plus. Registered speckle park buN. Phone 250-398-6101 1228 Crane Avenue Sunday Jnne 3,2007 2-4pm Christine Clayton 636 Livestock Hl-Valley Limousin: affordable purebred bulls for sale. All polled, quiet, packed with performance and big testicles. Must be seen 250-397-2306 642 Pets English Bulldog pup, 12 weeks old, beautiful markings. CKC Registered, wormed, high quality, purebred, yet checked. $700. For more Information Call (250) 447-6210 or email: [email protected] Looking for small sized rabbit. Netherlands or Dutch. 992-5070 Wolf Shepherd Husky puppies - ready to go. May 27th Shots & vet checked $400. 747-8340 648 Trailers interstate covered cargo trailer. ideal for transporting large motorcycles or general cargo. 10.5'x6'. single axle. 2990#GVW. Selling for $3,200. - Replacement cost over $5,000. Call (250)747-2265 after 6:00 pm. 660 Etiuipmenl Great 3 bdim home Awim legal 2 bdrtn basement suite to help wtth mortgage payments. Beautiful hardwood floors and neutral coknire, large LR wKh fireplace, and Justrenovatedkitchen. The property offers a paved drive wtth single gge, covered deck over kxsklng partially fenced yard with apple trees. Located on a quiet dead end street and a quk* walk to shopping and schools. Great spot to raise your family- Stop Ijy and have look at yoornew homo. , ForSale: Processor 1994 Komatsu PC 200-LC-6 with 550 processor head, Komatsu engine, forestry cab, clamshell guards, high lift boom in exc. condition, 10,700 hrs, $79,900. Call Pat at 2SQ-459r2435 690 Minino Placer Gold Claim on Quesnel River c/W. cabin, J.D. 400 Loader/Hoe, Diesel 4 in pump, head box & sluice on T/A Trailer, hose fittings etc. tumkey operation. $32,000. 250-791-6364 Email: [email protected] nnnafnifliiiiiiiiiiiinii ROYALUPAGE BBaBnaniflimnniin PRISM REiUTV 20S$ILAUREKrAVL 992-7111 CALL THE OBSERVER to book your BCY Blankef Classified B7 730 R V s 730 RV'S 1992 PINNACLE 30' MOTORHOME gUj. I ,L ^ - g ^ 27' WELDED ALUMINIUM BOAT ffem//?. 200 HP Volvo Diesel (low hrs), full electronics, hot water heating, galley, heads, dinette, covered deck. New Tri-axle trailer. Current sun/ey. '81 Ford Scamper Ford 4 6 0 • air ride suspension, cruise, drivers dr, leveling jock, colling & dosh olr, pwr healed mirror, 4l(w generator. Island queen size bed, 4x6 sofa bod, /umoco, hot water healer, microwave, TV & VCR,. Uke new, must seel $30,500. obo. motorhome, 21', dual fuel, 118,000 k m , new brakes, new fridge element, newer colours, very clean unit. Coll 992-2246 $8950.00.983-2056 Villi tmde for boat tractor or property. $f29,900 250-395-3835 740 Snowniohiles 21'Tandem Trailer Snowmobile w/cover: 2005 Polaris RMK 900, 166 - 50th anniversary. $14,500 plus tax new. Like new/3 rides. Sell $10,000 firm. 250-992-2169 or 250'9832105. w i t h 10'Vanguard 1984 Lund "Mr. Pike" 16' aluminum boat w/Merc 50 hp motor, Honda 10 hp motor bimini top, kicker brkt, downrigger, fish finders. live well, 3 swivel seats, 4 life Jackets, anchor, road runnertrailer. ' Ph: 992-6033. $8,000.00 c a m p e r o n it a n d 5 h i g h boy jacks. $1,500.00 747-4682 or 747-1748 21'Jayflight TVavel 20! Malibu boat w/cuddy. Hardtop, full canvas, 4.3L V6 Chev(k)bra Leg, 9.9 Honda 4 stroke, V.H.RAM/FM radio, G.P.S. map plotter, fish finder, Caulkins galvanized tandem trailer, new tires and wiring. $16,500. $15,500,250-747-1875 1998 2355 Bayliner Ciera Sunbrldge, 5.7L men;. 375 hrs FWC. Bravo I leg. 9.9 Evinmde kicker, shore power, VHP. GPS;fishfinder, galley, dinette, head, holding tank-mascerator pump out tandem galvanized trailer, too many extras to list 1991 Ford Sprinter 27' MotorfiomoG Class 460 cu. iri, 70,000 miles. New trans., n e w fridge, solar panels, air cond. $18,500.00. 249-5449 730 RVs 2005 Fleetwood Gear Box, 5Ui wheel, 37.5 ft., loaded, mint condition. $42,000.747-0920 1989 Vanguard 5th wheel, 27ft with basement model In excellent condition with all the extras & hitch. $10,000 (250) 2495210 2001 Yamaha Mountain Max 700 Asking $5,000.00 obo 250-992-6586 Trailer, q u e e n w a l k - a r o u n d b e d , l o t s o f s t o r a g e , Ige 762 Cars fridge/freezer, m i c r o , air c o n d . i o v e n , e x c e l l . c o n d . V GOVERNMENT VEHICLES, SNOWMOBILES. & QUADS $18,000 firm. 747-3236 FOR SALE BY TENDER KINGSG/VTE, ELKFORDv NELSON, PORT HARDY, COMOX, NEW HAZELTGN. CHETWYND & WELLS. VISITWWW.ICANGROURCA OR CONTACT ii^-^ SARA 877-811-8855 Asking $44,500 250-992-6066 1980 - 28' Corsair for sale, roofair, awning 454 engine $10,500. 1977 Dodge mini motorhome, 715 Boats/Marine 360 engine $2,500. 250-74710' Fiberglass boat $290, two 1584 lifejacket^ $10 each* canoe paddle $5.. small folding anchor $5.,. 1994 Travel mate camper. 8' r New 3/8" air ratchet $20. 7479" excellent condition. $7,300. 2039 747-3063 255-0750 Wednesday, May 30, 2007 www.quesnelobserver.com 715 Boats/Marine Puppies for sale $750.00 each 7/8 King Charles Cavalier/Spanieri/8 Beagle. Have 1st shots. Colour Blenheim 250-747-1316. Select your quiet quality, yearling Angus bull now - Raised In Cariboo conditions and great for calving ease. Wal-Les Famis 250-397-2814 Simple repairs or complete installations Wanted acreage or lots in Wells, Likely, Horsefly B.C. also looking for mining claims in the Cariboo or Yukon. Fax 780-635-4286 WES 992-7202 Classifieds Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! u^n^vi'.bcclassified.com 412 Basement Suite 1 bdrm. ground level basement suite in West Quesnel; utilities Included; no pets; call 992-2697 NEED MONEY NOW? IF vou HAVE HOME EQUITY. WE CAN HELPI CANT PROVE INCOME, SLOW CREDIT, BANK SAYS NOI CALL RICK AT RICK GRAVES & ASSOCIATES IN VANCOUVER 1-877557-0327 or the equivalent combination of education, training and experience. P/T person (25-30 hours) needed to assist with Quesnel office duties- including lending, collections, and day-to-day office tasks. Send resume w/wage expectation to: Cash Factory Loans Inc. Fax: 250-979-0595 or Email: [email protected] Experienced Groomer or course available. Contact Lucky Penny's Dog Grooming ©7473071 Talisman Inn: now hiring for chambermaid position. Drop resume in person to 753 Front Street No phone call please. Wanted: Mature Lockshop salesperson to serve customers, cut keys, organize and order Inventory. Must have good customer skills, be neat, organized, flexible and reliable, must be bondable. On the job training provided for key cutting and rekeying locks. Full time Mon-Frl. Till and computer experience an asset. Apply In person at Hager Lock & Alann 376 Kirichant St Quesnel. www.quesnelobserver.com QUESNEL OIRIBOO OBSERVER 1981 Empress 22' IVIotorhome, D o d g e 3 6 0 , r o o f air, a w n i n g , s l e e p s 6, r u n s o n straight p r o p a n e - n o g a s . $8,900.00 obo. Serious inquiries only 747-1393 1992, Ford Taurus, 4 doors, auto, light green; new transmission 1 (Cost $3,200) New gas pump' cost ($350). new: 5 year - battery. Asking $2,595, Private: sale. 747-5128 leave message, 1993 I Chrysler Dynasty, 116,000kms. great second vehi-. cle. Asking $3000. 747-3288 1998 bodge Neon, Green, 4 door Coupe;' automatic, 115,000km. Excellent mechanical order; new wintertires,great on fuel. I $4,50a 1-250-2976491. V '93 Lebaron, 4 dr, good condition, no nist, power window & locks. Good tireS; Asking $3000 747-3648 \ 1994 White BuIck Century. $900.255-3542 26 Foot Motor Home Class 1988 Ford Elite 124,000 km Asking 14,999 Phone 983-9037 2003 DODGE SX 2.0 SPORT Fully loaded, low k m ; warranty, 4 shidded winter tires. Asking $ 9 , 5 0 0 . CaH 747-2245
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