How to install and run the three and seven node... LRA simulator

7 December 2009
How to install and run the three and seven node dispatch, FTR and
LRA simulator
Downloading the simulator
The simulator is available through
This site is kept up to date with the latest version. Do not attempt to run the model
directly from the website: rather, right-click, save as, and run from a directory.
Software and hardware requirements
The simulator is written in Microsoft® Excel 2007 (extension .xlsm) using the built-in
Solver, so it is able to be run on most computers. A version saved as Excel 2003
(extension .xls) is provided also. Excel needs to be version 97 or later.
The simulator is easiest to use on a medium or large monitor screen: on small screens
the display may be difficult to read. If you are using multiple screens of different sizes,
make sure it is running on the primary screen, as it will size its display for that.
Configuring Excel
The simulator uses various Excel ‘add-ins’, which are
part of standard Excel but which must be manually
This has to be done once only, as they will stay
installed until manually un-installed.
Install, or check that the Analysis, VBA and Solver
add-ins are already installed, through the Add-ins
window as shown in example A.
In Excel 2003, this Add-ins window is accessed directly
through the Tools menu.
In Excel 2007, this is under the
Office Button (top left), Excel options
(bottom of Office Button menu),
to obtain a screen as shown in
example B.
Click ‘ Go’ for manage Excel add-ins
at the bottom of this screen top
obtain the Add-ins screen shown
If you have the simulator open, you
may not be able to see the Excel
menus. Close the simulator,
configure Excel, then open the
simulator again.
7 December 2009
A specific configuration issue that can sometimes occur
Excel can sometimes get confused on Solver’s whereabouts: if you get Solver error
messages in running, it will probably jump into the Macro Editor to show where it failed.
In Macro Editor, select Run/Reset or (equivalently) press the blue square button, then
toggle back to Excel.
Remove the Solver from the Add-in
library (as per previous section), press
OK, then add it in again.
If that fails, toggle back to the Macro
Editor again (or, from Excel, press AltF11 to get there).
Look in Tools/References to see the
References window. It may be that
SOLVER is marked as missing, as
shown in example C.
If so, delete it (remove tick and OK) and
add it again (find Solver, tick and OK).
The window should now mark SOLVER
as shown in example D (third row - it
may be lower on your menu).
Now return to Excel and the program
should work.
Hopefully, you only have to do this once
to set-up Excel correctly.
Running the simulator
The simulator uses macros. If Excel asks, enter “Enable Macros”. If you are running
Excel 2000, make sure that the Tools/Macros/Security/Security Levels is set to Medium
or Low. If on High, Excel will not allow the macros to run and you will get the error
message “Microsoft Visual Basic – The macros in this project are disabled”.
The simulator is write-protected for version control. If Excel asks, enter “Read Only”.
The simulator includes help functions: start with the Legal, Caution and How to use on
the top menu bar.
We hope you find the simulator informative.
If you have any problems with it, or the above installation instructions do not work,
please contact [email protected].