FACULTY OF SCIENCE GRADUATE PROGRAMMES APPLICATION INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS There are two intakes per academic year: one in January and the other in August. Please note that applications must be submitted to the departments by 15 May for the January intake, and by 15 November for the August intake respectively. A) Entry Requirements 1. Applicants who wish to pursue an MSc/PhD degree at the Faculty of Science must hold a relevant Bachelor degree with honours from National University of Singapore or Nanyang Technological University. Applicants who graduated from a university outside Singapore must hold a university degree in a relevant field, requiring a minimum of four years of study. 2. To be admitted directly to the PhD programme, local graduates should possess either a 1st Class Honours or a 2nd Class Upper Honours degree. Overseas applicants should possess an equivalent CAP, and are expected to submit their GRE/GATE and TOEFL/IELTS test scores to support their applications. B) Scholarship Information Applicants may indicate on the form if they wish to apply for NUS scholarships. The following scholarships are open to applicants to the PhD programme (full-time) only. - Lee Kong Chian Graduate Scholarship (available for August intake only) - President Graduate Fellowship - NUS Research Scholarships Information on the scholarships can be found on http://www.nus.edu.sg/admissions/graduatestudies/scholarships.php. C) How to complete the application form 1. Application Form Submit online application through https://inetapps.nus.edu.sg/gda/common/newlogin.aspx and click on “Print Online Application Form” button on the summary page after you have submitted the online application. If you are unable to submit online, you may use the attached application form. Candidates who intend to apply to more than one Department must submit separate sets of application forms. Each set of application form should be accompanied by all the supporting documents. All supporting documents, if not in English, must be accompanied by copies of the English translation of the documents. Any omission of information required in the application or supporting documents will render the application void. 2. Application Fee A non-refundable fee is payable for each application submitted. Online application: S$20 per application (inclusive of GST) Paper application: S$40 per application (inclusive of GST) 3. Transcript Request Form An official transcript of academic records is required from each university attended. You are responsible for requesting your transcript from the university concerned. Please use the transcript request form for this purpose. If you have attended more than one university, you should make photocopies of the transcript request form as required. Transcript must be sent DIRECT by university and all other supporting documents must be CERTIFIED copies. You should request your university to send the transcripts in a SEALED envelope with its flap bearing the security seal of the university and the signature of the Registrar or his representative. In the meantime, a copy of the transcript is to be included in the application materials. 4. Referee Reports For online application, referees are encouraged to submit their report online, please indicate the email contacts accurately. Alternatively recommendations from 2 academic referees can be submitted via hard copy. You should request your referees to return the forms in a SEALED envelope, with its opening bearing their signatures across it. 5. Application Acknowledgement Letter The acknowledgement letter, with your name and address clearly printed or typed, should be returned with the completed application form. 6. TOEFL, GRE and GATE Scoresheets Applicants can either: 7. (a) Submit TOEFL/GRE/GATE scoresheets certified by their universities with an original stamp; or (b) Request the NUS department to certify their scoresheets if they are in Singapore; or (c) Request ETS to send the scoresheets direct to the Department in which the research will be pursued in. Our institution code is 0677 for GRE and 9087 for TOEFL. Applicants residing in China and India should submit the Overseas Interview Form, indicating their choice of interview venue. D) Where to send the forms Please send the completed application forms and supporting documents to the department applied for: Department of Biological Sciences Faculty of Science National University of Singapore Block S3 14 Science Drive 4 Singapore 117543 Fax: (65) 6779 2486 Email: [email protected] Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science National University of Singapore Block S17 10 Lower Kent Ridge Road Singapore 119076 Fax: (65) 6779 5452 Email: [email protected] Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science National University of Singapore Block S8 3 Science Drive 3 Singapore 117543 Fax : (65) 6779 1691 Email: [email protected] Department of Pharmacy Faculty of Science National University of Singapore Block S4 18 Science Drive 4 Singapore 117543. Fax : (65) 6779 1554 Email: [email protected] Department of Physics Faculty of Science National University of Singapore Block S12 2 Science Drive 3 Singapore 117542 Fax: (65) 6777 6126 Email: [email protected] Department of Statistics & Applied Probability Faculty of Science National University of Singapore Block S16 6 Science Drive 2 Singapore 117546 Fax : (65) 6872 3919 Email: [email protected] Faculty of Science Graduate Programmes Application for Graduate Programme with/without Research Scholarship To be completed by Applicant Name of Applicant (as it appears in NRIC/Passport and underline Surname/Family name) Source of Advertisement (How did you come to know about the NUS Research Scholarship? Please quote source of advertisement, if applicable) Type of Programme (Please tick in the relevant box) PhD (Full-Time) PhD (Part-Time) MSc (Full-Time) MSc (Part-Time) Financial Assistance (Please tick in the relevant box) Research Scholarship Self-Finance (Recipients of Research Scholarship must be Full-Time students) (Documentary evidence of financial support (at least a minimum sum of S$12,000.00) in the form of a bank statement, a copy of recent payslip or a letter of confirmation from a sponsor must be enclosed.) Department / Programme Applying To (Please tick in one box only) Departments Specialized Programmes Biological Sciences Mathematics Chemistry Pharmacy Physics Statistics & Applied Probability Medicinal Chemistry Computational Science and Engineering Food Science and Technology If you intend to apply to more than one department, please submit a separate application form, together with another set of supporting documents. A non-refundable fee of S$20.00 (online application) or S$40.00 (paper application) is required for each application. Pg 1 of 14 [1] PERSONAL PARTICULARS Name (Mr / Ms) : Home Address : Postal Address : Photograph of Applicant Correspondence address if different from above ________________________________________________________________________________________ Please state expected graduation date: ________________________(DD-MM-YY) Tel No (Home) : ( ) Age : Sex : Female Tel No (Office) : ( ) Date of Birth (D/M/Y) : Fax No : ( ) Place of Birth Male : NRIC/Passport No. : Date & Place of Issue Email Address (School): Ethnic Group : : Email Address (Personal): _______________________ Citizenship (Please tick in the relevant box) Singaporean Malaysian India Singapore PR P R China Others (Specify _______________ ) For Singaporean and Malaysian only (Please tick in the relevant box) Singapore Pink Malaysian Blue Singapore Blue Malaysian Pink NS - Singaporean Only (Please tick in the relevant box) Completed (ORD : ___________ ) Disrupted Serving (ORD : ___________ ) Exempted Not Applicable Marital Status (Please tick in the relevant box) Single Separated Widowed Married Divorced No. of children ___________________ Pg 2 of 14 [2] PARTICULARS OF NEXT-OF-KIN Name (Mr / Ms) : Home Address : Relationship : Tel No (Home) : ( ) Occupation : Tel No (Office) : ( ) [3] ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (Attached certified true copies of certificates, degrees,transcripts. Graduates of foreign universities, please use the attached transcript request form for official transcripts to be sent direct from your universities) From [4] From [5] From To Institutions Attended Degree Class / Rank MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS To Organisation Membership Status SCHOLARSHIPS, PRIZES OR OTHER AWARDS RECEIVED To Details Organisation Membership Status Pg 3 of 14 [6] WORK EXPERIENCE, INCLUDE PRESENT OCCUPATION From [7] To Name & Location of Organisation LANGUAGES (Please tick in the relevant box) Spoken Fair Languages [8] Test Title & Job Description Good Written Excellent Fair Good Excellent TOEFL/GRE/GATE/IELTS SCORES Score Test Date GRE TOEFL Verbal IELTS Quantitative GATE Analytical Score Test Date Total Pg 4 of 14 [9] CONFERENCE AND JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS Number of Papers : International Journals Books Local Journals Proceedings (List Details Below and please attached top page of the publication to this application form.) Please list the details by using the following format:1) for Journal Publications: Authors, Title of the paper, Journal name, Volume, Page number (Year) 2) for Conferences: Authors, Title of the paper, Name of the Conference, Place (Date of the conference) Pg 5 of 14 [ 10 ] PROPOSED RESEARCH Proposed Research Area and Details: [ 11 ] (a) OTHER INFORMATION (Please tick in the relevant box) Have you previously applied for admission or been admitted to any postgraduate programme(s) in NUS? No Yes ( Please give details below) (b) Programme(s) applied for : Year of application : Outcome of application : Successful / Rejected (please delete accordingly) Will you be receiving financial support from other sources apart from NUS? No Yes (Please give details below) Name of Sponsor : Name of award : Period of award : (c) Length of Bond (if any) : Amount of Award : Do you still wish to be considered for admission if your research scholarship application is unsuccessful? No Yes NA If yes, you are required to provide documentary evidence of financial support (at least a minimum sum of S$12,000.00) in the form of a bank statement, a copy of recent payslip or a letter of confirmation from a sponsor. The average monthly expenditure for a single foreign graduate student is about S$1,000. (Please refer to page III of this application form.) (d) If you have applied to another department in the Faculty of Science, please state the second department which you have applied to: _____________________________________________________ Pg 6 of 14 [ 12 ] REFEREES Name: Title: Occupation: Email Address: Address: Name: Title: Occupation: Email Address: Address: [ 13 ] DECLARATION Have you ever been convicted of any offence by a court of law in any country or are there any court proceedings pending against you anywhere in respect of any offence? □ □ No Yes Are you currently, or have you ever been, charged with or subject to disciplinary action for any type of misconduct, scholastic or otherwise, at any educational institution? □ □ No Yes Are you currently, or have you ever been, under investigation or subject to enquiry in respect of any misconduct, scholastic or otherwise, at any educational institution? □ □ No Yes If your answer to any or all of the above questions is yes, please provide a full statement of relevant information on a separate sheet of paper (and attach the relevant documents). I hereby declare that all information provided by me in connection with this application is true, accurate and complete. I understand that any inaccurate, incomplete or false information given or any omission of information required shall render this application invalid and NUS may at its discretion withdraw any offer of acceptance made to me on the basis of such information or, if already admitted, I may be liable to disciplinary action, which may result in my expulsion from NUS. And I hereby authorise NUS to obtain and verify any part of the information given by me from or with any source, as it deems appropriate. Signature : Date : Pg 7 of 14 APPLICATION FEE FORM (For Graduate Research Programmes) INSTRUCTIONS The following non-refundable application fee is payable for each programme you apply for: Mode of Application Online application Paper application Application Fee S$20 per application (inclusive of GST) S$40 per application (inclusive of GST) Payment by Post Payment by post can be made by either a cheque or bank draft drawn on a bank in Singapore and made payable to ‘National University of Singapore’. The cheque or bank draft should have the sender’s name, mailing address and programme applied for written on the reverse side. Personal cheques (should be crossed) are accepted only from candidates in Singapore. International applicants are requested to send bank draft and not personal cheques. Please DO NOT send cash by post. Payment by NETS Personal payment by NETS will only be accepted at the Student Service Centre (located at Level 1, Yusof Ishak House) during 8.30 am – 5.00 pm from Monday to Friday. Applicant’s Copy (To be completed by Applicant) Name of Bank (& Cheque/Bank Draft No): ________________________________________ Degree Applied For: ____________________________________________________________ Department Applied For: ________________________________________________________ Name: ________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Office of Finance Copy Name: ________________________________________________________ ) To be completed NRIC/Passport No. (if any): _______________________________________ ) by Applicant Amount Received (inclusive of GST) : ______________________ Faculty/School: Faculty of Science Credit to GL account: WBS 530132/C-141-000-005-001 Pg 8 of 14 Faculty of Science Graduate Programmes Overseas Interview Form (Applicable only to those applying for Research Scholarship & Residing Overseas) The University usually conducts the Research Scholarship overseas interview for international applicants. These interviews will be held in February (for August Intake) and August (for January Intake), at the following venues: P.R. China - Shanghai - Beijing India - New Delhi - Chennai - Calcutta For other international applicants who are not residing in P.R.China or India, the University may arrange a separate interview. Applicants from P.R.China and India are requested to complete the following details, indicating your preferred choice of interview venue. Name : __________________________________________________ Department applied : __________________________________________________ China : □ Shanghai India : 1st choice venue ________________________ □ Beijing 2nd choice venue ________________________ Please note that applicants may not necessarily get their preferred choices. We will send you the notification of the date, time and venue of interview to your email address sometime in February (for August Intake) / August (for January Intake). You should, therefore, inform us of any change in your email address. *****PLEASE ATTACH THIS FORM WITH YOUR APPLICATION MATERIALS***** Pg 9 of 14 Faculty of Science Graduate Programmes TRANSCRIPT REQUEST FORM To: The Applicant Please complete this section of the form and send it to the Registrar (or relevant person-in-charge) of the University from which you are requesting your transcript. Applicant’s Name : Applicant’s Address : University : Date of Enrolment : Field of Study : Degree and Date of Conferment : Date of Birth : From To To: The Registrar / Person-In-Charge 1. The person whose name appears above is applying for our research scholarship and for admission to our higher degree programme. 2. The application cannot be considered without an official academic records submitted by your University. This transcript must bear the stamp of your University and the name and signature of the Registrar or authorised person. 3. Subject to the rules governing your University, the transcript should include: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Date of enrolment; A list of all subjects taken (with dates), and the grades obtained in each subject; Title of degree awarded and date of conferment; Rank in class; Interpretation or explanation of the grades, marks or scores. 4. If the transcript is in a language other than English, please provide an official translation. 5. Please send the official transcript together with this form to the applicant in a sealed envelope whose opening bear SECURITY SEALS used by the university/college. Pg 10 of 14 Faculty of Science Graduate Programmes CONFIDENTIAL REPORT ON GRADUATE APPLICANT Name of Applicant : Department Applied for : The person named above is applying to undertake research leading to a postgraduate degree. The Division of Research & Graduate Studies, Faculty of Science would appreciate your personal assessment of the candidate's intellectual ability, character and potential. All information provided will be treated in confidence. 1. How long have you known the candidate and in what capacity ? < 1 yr Capacity : 1 - 5 years > 5 years 2. 3. Among the students at a similar level, how would you rate the applicant ? Exceptional (highest 5%) Average (next highest 25%) Outstanding (next highest 5%) Below Average (lowest 50%) Above Average (next highest 15%) Unable to Judge How would you rate the applicant's proficiency in English ? Reading : 4. Spoken : Excellent Excellent Good Good Fair Fair Poor Poor What is your recommendation concerning admission ? The applicant has my highest recommendation. I recommend the applicant with confidence. I recommend the applicant with some reservation. I do not recommend the applicant. Pg 11 of 14 5. Personal report on applicant Thank you for providing this report. Referee's Name : Designation : Address : Signature : Date : Pg 12 of 14 Faculty of Science Graduate Programmes CONFIDENTIAL REPORT ON GRADUATE APPLICANT Name of Applicant : Department Applied for : The person named above is applying to undertake research leading to a postgraduate degree. The Graduate Programmes, Faculty of Science would appreciate your personal assessment of the candidate's intellectual ability, character and potential. All information provided will be treated in confidence. 1. How long have you known the candidate and in what capacity ? < 1 yr Capacity : 1 - 5 years > 5 years 2. 3. Among the students at a similar level, how would you rate the applicant ? Exceptional (highest 5%) Average (next highest 25%) Outstanding (next highest 5%) Below Average (lowest 50%) Above Average (next highest 15%) Unable to Judge How would you rate the applicant's proficiency in English ? Reading : 4. Spoken : Excellent Excellent Good Good Fair Fair Poor Poor What is your recommendation concerning admission ? The applicant has my highest recommendation. I recommend the applicant with confidence. I recommend the applicant with some reservation. I do not recommend the applicant. Pg 13 of 14 5. Personal report on applicant Thank you for providing this report. Referee's Name : Designation : Address : Signature : Date : Pg 14 of 14
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