us & how He was willing to go cially in a field like this where there & how careful & prayerful for us, bringing a deepest feeling the going is a bit tough. A local we need to be there, contrary to my heart on how dear He is Family welfare fund would be a to what some brethren have ext o U S . " - I s a l a s 4 Rosl; S. A m a r l c a . pressed & their 'care-free' (less} great idea too!" attitude!" "THE EASTER STORY": "So —Isaac ft ftuthi I n d o n w t o . - P a t a r ft L y d l a ; Indonesia. —Sotlrlat Euroea. inspiring! When reading Letters "OUR FAMILY HISTORY" "ISLAND SECRET": So good! where Dad shares a special occa- BY HO: "Has inspired our kids TK Vol. 1: "So welt-done & It's always so good to get really sion with his staff, we truly feel to sing more boldly, with more so inspiring & feeding to readl conviction man ever, particularly specific stuff on the local area!" as tho' we are being transported We could just sit for hours! It's —Jtmmfaht S,E. Asia, ( C R O P ) Ha It excellent for reviewing the impor- Into the beauty of the fellowship the part where Ho says the folks --""my » Marina, ain9.Pora. tna o n * vvno ravaa on about the kan* —THirt * S a f i n Scandinavia. Impressed upon them their respon"WE LIKE THE NEW BIGGER & unity shared by Dad & his tant points & lessons in the old oiroot ate. on tha A u w l a video.) S t a f f . " — O a b r W a. Karoni N . A m a r l c a . slbillty to reach those souls they LETTERING In the MLs, makes TK VOL. 1: "What a blessingi M L S . " —Jamual A S a r i n t Australia. fPGf Glad you got the point, were singing to with the Gospel them more pleasant to readl" It's almost like a new version of Jerry! GBY!) "THE FELLOWSHIP REV.": & not fall them, as God would "HONG KONG GOOLAGONG!' -Silas; Thailand. (Amen! Tks!) the original Vol. 1 as so many So right on! It really opened our "So exciting & so perfectly hits hold them responsible. TTL for "REFUGES"; "f have ceased new 'tittle jewels' are brought "GB SHULY'S MOM for enthe nail on the head for now in such an important lesson!" distributing Mountain House out that are easy to miss in some eyes as you don't think of Auscouraging teenager testimonies!" Freeze-dried Foods, & pray they o7ih"ele^hy"o'lder Letters" Es- tralia being demonic in that way. the Familyl We feel a real exciteAlso so much applies to India, —Lots; S.E. Asia. ment in the air about it all!" —Job ft Esther; S o u t h Pacific. can be better used in needy for- pecially touching was Tiago's —Katda ft Vasukoi Australia. as it's just full of demons & you eign & pioneer fields. Please ac- T K >lhir^t d o n - t r,8ppen by acWORLD NEWS: "Very inform"OUR FAMILY HISTORY" often come face to face with "THE FELLOWSHIP REV.": BY HO: "Very good practical ad- stive & a big help in understandcept my sincere apologies for this, c i d e n t - i n v i e w o f ^ graduation them. TG for the Lord's power vice on what we can do in our ing world affairs. Thanks! We ap"It certainly is a monumental my part in leading brethren aso f n i s $on .''_ htarl) 4 F i y . . A>la . which is so much greater than *how."* predate them!"(Tks!GBY!) cornerstone & turning point in tray. I want to do what is best the power of the Enemyl Lord - Z a t t h u ft Mornlnostar; Australia. - C h a r i t y ft A m m l , T h a i l a n d . T K Vo,# 1: our ministry, t think everyone for Him & His Family. I could "More tnan one help us to be strong in the Lord here will be so relieved to read # h -ISLANDSECRET': We were VOLUME 7: "What a blessing! not survive without your precious m'9 t have dared hope for! So & to pray without ceasing over complete! What a wonderful vis- everything!" —Tim «. F.IMK India it, & very keen to put it into prac- so happy to read this about Sing- The Lord is letting us catch up words of love & admonition. ual supplement to all those Lettice right away. The days of anapore & how the Lord sees it! „ , the Word we so sorely missed ILY&TGforyoudailyl" ters! So neatly condensed to spot- VSs. archy are gone, TTLI We do It confirms everything we've felt when we weren't tithingl TYJI" - J a i o n ; Auitralla. _[GBY!) light all the most important need each other so much, espe"HONG KONG GOOLAGONG-'' about it & the Family's ministry —JMM ft juniper, Australia. "REFUGES": "Wowl Like a points! Can't wait for morel" "It was my favourite. Many of lot of people in Asia, Aussie was •—Moriah; Pacific. PTL! HE MEYER FAILS' A Dad's comments apply to this i— the place I was thinking about national girl joined our country."—NopalTK Vol. 1: "Really liked the ** for when the going got tough! team in February, bringing But not now! I think the Devil artwork, especially of the new "H.K. GOOLAGONG": "Such RADIO 6 TV OUTREACH HELPS REAP DANGEROUS MIDEAST COUNTRY! new blood to the work. Also, From Pierre; The Mideast: artist Tiago, with his simple but an eye-opener to the Devil's can trip you off anywhere into the Lord gave us a knew disWE WOULD LIKE TO PRESEHT thinking too much about survival, explicit drawings. We're praying tricks. It makes us more careful ciple, born here, £ she's 2 TO OUR DEAR FAMILY A SHORT years old now! & prayerful what we bring into - I Wasl"-Mary 1 S.E.As,a.Mfflffl^ ! ° J V ™„"',!' ' . HISTORY OF THE WORK TH THIS —Aaron & Sunshln*! S.E. A l i a . WE'VE FOUND THAT TEACHIWG the house. An Indian friend gave COUNTRY. It started with "REFUGES": "Such an encourTKVoJ. 1: "What a dream IN SCHOOLS is quite an efus some Chinese figurine horses Faithy when she came with a agement to us poor S.E. Asia come true! The children are glued which we set on top of the tele- team to pioneer here. That %«H ficient way to reach people missionaries who can't afford here, teaching the kids the to buy farms, that we are in the to it! And it came just as most of vision. But they kept falling off was my first contact with way of the Lord as well, £ the Family & the Ho Letters, without anyone touching them right place'&'God's"goi"n5 to Took ° ° r J c h j ' d * n a ' e n o w ° ] d o r & it also supports us finan£ I knew then that that is until they all broke. We even after us!" -R.bakah, S.E. AH.. T ^ ' L U l ? bS?". » * P A,,. cially. where I belong. —Lydla w a i t (mother of 7); S.E. Asia. tried glueing them but they THE FIRST TEAH DIDH'T wouldn't stay together. Finally "REFUGES": "Such a victory! T K V o l . 1:"l'm basing our RADIO £ T.V. proved to be we put them in the trash, TYJ!" STAY HERE LONG 6 was thrown We v. stopped everything concern- c n i l d r e n . s ^ ^ o n , „ . , the most efficient outreach, out. But at least the seeds ing the refuge we have & are pre- - H . b a k k u k 2t4 •> Zlonj S,E. Asia. —Kadosn * Klshoni Ibarla. E we can now see fruits from were planted. Since then our Crystal of Joel £ Milca, paring to sell it. LHU, we were T K V o i . 1: "Such a blessing it in FFlng, soul-winning, Family has learned a lot "H.K. GOOLAGONG": "An getting so involved with it that about how to carry on in here in spite of the volatile etc. The Lord is giving us for the LIT-PIC for doing Letters eye-opener! Just can't wait for we really lost His joy & inspiraan average of 50 souls per such places as this. situation. I had this on my for disciples which we'd otherfurther revelations about the month £ a very good open tion. We feel so much closer to wise never be able to dol" TWO YEARS LATER. I met the heart until we were able to Pacific—The eyes of the Lord door for MWM. And recently Family again S decided to Him & back on the track, TYJ! start again here. - P a t a r Ss L y d l a , I n d o L I T - P I C . (St His Prophet) are in every a prodigal former disciple join in April 1975. Then in We're praying about moving on UH&LLX place, beholding the evil & the came back home at last. summer of 1977 the Lord GOOD TEAj^ (as many are here!) but don't TK Vol. 1: "So beautiful & g o o d ! " —Ben «. M l r ) a m ; S . E . Asia. opened the door again here, COUNTRY FOR GOOD HOW. Enrich THE UNSTABLE SITUATION want to make a mistake like that w c h a b | e s $ i ^ - Uave| but because of the political ed with the experiences of HERE IS MAKING PEOPLE BE "THE EASTER STORY": again, so we re waiting for Him on the road with the children, situation we had to leave the past, Joel, Milca £ litMORE RECEPTIVE TO OURuJES1 to comfirm things, to be sure!" as they can be read in the car to "One of the most beautiful Let- aga in. tle Crystal £ myself came —Lovi * Cassandra; Australia. Michael-Th without any big SAGE- so how can we leave ters I've ever read, inspiring & BUT THAT STAY HERE WAS back here £ went on patientwhen we see the fruits of "REFUGES": "Really spoke to problems such as losing loose touching, it helped me to undermy heart-not that I have a refLetters!" -John & Haiai; Australia. stand how much Jesus really loves MORE OF A SCOUTING JOB. 6 I ly but surely to prepare the our staying here? We believe came out of the experience soil, put those seeds in £ "REFUGES": "Our biggest victory of the month wai receiving 'Refuges' & getting our hearts cleaned from all that junk. GB Dad, we need him so muchl We're selling our supplies down in Australia & using the funds to print lit & set up a Home in Indortesia." uge farm, but I have been thinking a lot about it. Now I just want to move from city to city & preach. Hallelujah!" -oubiSc.idtn.vto. (Amen!/ MWM TAPES: "Wonderful, especially the 'Love Is Forever' tape. It has touched many hearts as Titus plays them while driving taxi." (Good idea!) T K V O L . 1: "I was really touched by the work of the Artists in TK Vol. 1. It's really an inspiration, all these pictures for us who can't read English." Still Bearing Fruit I with a feeling that the Lord Learning that we can be safe in the eye of the * - - — if i What The Family Says! How To Take It I The biasings of chastisement! - "The time will come, & you II know God was right! From Toni; Thailand: Dearest Dad & Maria, GBY IN JESUS' PRECIOUS NAMEI I've been thinking about writing you »o often lately to share belated lessons from your Letter to me, "The Girl Who Wouldn't". When the Letter was first published I was so emotionally hit with it that I'm sure I didn't learn half the lessons that you & the Lord were trying to teach me, but now that almost three years have gone by I'm reaping deeper lessons than ever before, TTLI I WANT TO THANK YOU AGAIN & from my heart tell you how much I appreciate all your love for me & the chastening with which you dealt with me. After reading "Healing in His Wings" today it spoke to me so to clearly about how just & true 5 are all of God's spankings. The "fiery furnace" really is God's tool to make precious gold out of our faith if we can only take it. I pray so earnestly that my faith can stand any test; trial or wait by faith for the fruits -About The Letters &Mags! ^ Tool with Mlch.llo-6»/i months, our ttrtt T h . l J « u * b i b y ! Photo by Fr **- t« t'rtj fr:*t,&M'.Pri.'.-fi)) some real victories learning to acloves Him, except what b for your sssit— Well, I daresay you cept & take what the Lord has finally found out sooner or later in store for me, knowing that "all that somehow or another it was things work together for good to good for you.-Or will yet!...So them that love the Lord". chastisement He sea that I need, „m (rnuhles or fribulations are PTL FOR HIS WONDERFUL to make me His vessel. tool for us... TTL! Cod knows WAYSI As my 2-year-old loves I REALLY BELIEVE IF I $Mf? And even tho'sometimes to sing: "Jesus' love is very wonHADNT BEEN CORRECTED it may take weeks, months, or derful!" It's such an exciting IN SUCH A SHOCKING WAY years before you know why, the time in the Family to be raising that my faith would have gone time will come, & you V know children! Thank you so much fo: God was right <* did the right all the Lord's precious words that by the wayside. I really know now how it feels to need so much thing!"("Healing in His Wings" we need so, to stay on the straight & narrow. We need you mercy of the Lord, you & the 3) IT SEEMS MY PROBLEM IS so muchl GBAKY. Love always Family, because you really realin His service,—Toni. ALWAYS THE OPINION OF ize that there's not one good P.S. I REALLY WENT THRU thing in you & how totally you MAN, LHMI Since my first Jesus baby which really helped bring I T when I heard that Keda & Yamust surrender to Jesus & His rns thru in some of my darkest suko would be coming our way loving Spirit. I'll try to sum it hours (even before she was born), to take videos of us for you. I up with these few quotes: "BUT WHATEVER THE REA-1 now have another Jesus baby thought I'd be the last person SON ALWAYS REMEMBER who is half-Thai (our first Thai you'd ever want to see. But then WHATEVER GOD DOES, HE Jesus baby in the Family)! She goes my pride againl I'm just tak DOES IT IN LOVE. <* 'gg things really looks Thai, which is really ing it by faith that Jesus has work together for good to them a bottle-breaker, or should I say changed me in your eyes 8t I realthat love the Lord IRo. 8:28). pride-smasher, as neither I nor ly pray He has! IL Yl As I just God is not going to let anything my mate look anything like her. heard on the new Daily Mighty •happen to you. His child who Please pray for me as I 'm getting tape-"God's way up is down"! (&ay> /**/.' </*•>*•' lien/ . ~> Compiled by Maria From the Monthly Reports! (& read A prayed for! GBYI-D.) FLANNELGRAPNS: "PTLI We're very inspired to hear about the Flannel graphs being done in colour! A lot of the mothers here also mentioned they were praying for that & were really happy! We will be using some of the appropriate flannel graphs on our 'Children of Love Show* teaching tapes. For example, on the next 'Holy Spirit* program I want to use T h e Elixir of Love' Flannelgraph, to teach about the Holy Spirit! Can hardly wait to see the new Flannelgraph Magi! Doing these videos I'm discovering what a wealth of printed material 81 tapes we have to work withl I've never been so inspired about teaching children since discovering teaching via video when you teach it once & you can put it to immediate use hundreds of times over & duplicate it as much as you wantl—All of the coloured Komlx & scripture verses & other materials we're using for the 'Children of Love Show* I'm laminating & using all over the walls of our Home to brighten It up & be a continual witness to all visitors, as well as teaching the children everywhere they look about the Lord & t h e W o r d ! " - Ruthlai Orient. Japanase Samaria ft A m a r l c a n Oaborah «v PRODIGAL PRODIGIES: "These letters were so heavy & are still really changing my life & having a great effect on me. Esther's problems hit my problems right on the head, tool I really want to thank Esther for repenting & fighting & that she is still going for the Lord—as it encouraged me so much that I, too, can still make i t And, as Either thanked you, Dad, 1 also need to really thank you with all my heart for turning the light on for me, too. God help me to walk the straight & narrow path that leads to a higher crown. I don't think I've ever appreciated your Words so much Dad since that series of Letters came out to help change me. I love REFUGES: "Gave us all in Australia a great wallop & with it, a great dispensation of grace to just go & obey. It's brought more respect for the Letters, to MO's Word & renewed people's love for the sheep. By the way, *Waltzing Matilda' is not our national anthem here. 'Advance Australia Fair' it tho anthem, but strangely enough, the people respect 'Waltzing Matilda' & their convicting 81 bushranging heritage more than they do 'Advancing Australia Fair' which few people know the words to & often ridicule i t . " - Row of SharoniAuitralla. REFUGES: "The info, below was gained from a documentary on ABC 2, the Government's y o u a l l ! " — Hada»hah ( N o w BrunStation, basically about civil deh t l d , fighting mora for the L o r d ) ) . fense, but very detailed, including photos taken by the Russians "DAD WAS RIGHTI I went to renew my passport & it is like of American bates here: MO was misinformed regarding the pulling teeth & i f s also alot more expensive! Thanks for the American bates in Australia. 2 of these bases, if not 3, are operwarning, Dad! Any longer & it ational 81 have been for some will be impossible."- oasis * time. Their purpose it to moniL y d l a ; Caribbean.
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