N U C L E A R E N E R G Y NOVEMBER 2009 PHOTO COURTESY OF SEN. JOHN KERRYʼS OFFICE How to Strengthen Climate Change, Expand Nuclear, Energy Policy with New Nuclear Plants Survey Says T hree-quarters of the respondents in a recent national poll believe that emission-free nuclear energy should be expanded as one way to reduce greenhouse gases and prevent global climate change. Eighty-four percent think we should take advantage of all low-carbon energy sources, including nuclear: “We should take advantage of all low-carbon energy sources, including nuclear, hydro and renewables to produce electricity while limiting greenhouse gas emissions.” Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) introduce the Senate climate bill, which recognizes the role that nuclear energy must play in a carbon-free future. W hite House and congressional leaders working to provide the nation with a secure energy future while reducing greenhouse gas emissions recognize that nuclear energy is a necessary part of a balanced, clean energy portfolio. There is a new nuclear era coming and we need to be sure we do it right.” – Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) At an October town hall meeting in New Orleans, President Barack Obama said, “There's no reason why technologically we can't employ nuclear energy in a safe and effective way. Japan does it and France does it and it doesn't have greenhouse gas emissions, so it would be stupid for us not to do that in a much more effective way.” In an op-ed in The New York Times, Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) wrote, “While we invest in renewable energy sources like wind and solar, we must also take advantage of nuclear power, our single largest contributor of emissions-free power.” Nuclear energy already produces 72 percent of America’s emission-free electricity. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency predicts that to meet the carbon-reduction provisions in the climate change bill passed last June in the House, 187 new nuclear power plants will be needed by 2050. The U.S. Energy Information Administration says that 69 new reactors will be necessary by 2030. In the absence of this major expansion of nuclear energy in the next 30 years, the costs of electricity, natural gas and reduction of carbon 84% Agree The survey also found continuing high levels of support for renewing the operating licenses of nuclear power plants and for preparing to build new reactors: ■ 80 percent believe that nuclear energy will play an important role in meeting U.S. energy needs in the future. ■ 82 percent support license renewal for nuclear power plants that continue to meet federal safety standards. ■ 59 percent said the United States should definitely build more nuclear power plants. Climate Change Policy on page 2 Look for Insight Web Extra Online — WWW.NEI.ORG Expand Nuclear on page 6 What we’re ultimately looking for is to include the cost of climate protection into the marketplace...” – John Rowe, CEO, Exelon Corp. Climate Change Policy from page 1 emissions will rise significantly, these analyses conclude. The climate bill in the Senate contains provisions for nuclear energy development. A statement in the bill—introduced by Kerry and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.)—reads, “It is the policy of the United States, given the importance of transitioning to a clean energy, low-carbon economy, to facilitate the continued development and growth of a safe and clean nuclear energy industry ... .” Detailed provisions on this issue have not yet been fully developed, however. The electric utility industry and the Nuclear Energy Institute support a comprehensive package of nuclear energy provisions in the bill. NEI’s President and CEO Marv Fertel says, “If you want to address climate change and produce electricity, nuclear has got to be a significant part of the equation. Inclusion of a meaningful nuclear energy title by itself doesn’t get you to an agreement in Congress on climate change legislation. But at the same time, you can’t get there without it.” For nuclear energy to meet the expectations of the EPA and EIA analyses, the Senate bill must be strengthened to include the following provisions: ■ An effective, long-term financing platform is necessary to ensure deployment of clean energy technologies in the numbers required and to accelerate the flow of private investment in clean energy options. ■ Standardization in reactor design and experience gained from licensing the first advanced reactors should allow the NRC to reduce licensing schedules to two years. This can be achieved by eliminating redundancies and duplication in the licensing process and improving transparency, all without eliminating public participation. Specifically, we should build 100 new nuclear plants in the next 20 years...” – Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) ■ Federal tax stimulus would accelerate capital investment in new nuclear power plants and in the critical manpower and infrastructure necessary to build new nuclear power plants in the numbers required to significantly reduce carbon emissions. hinese President Hu Jintao told the United Nations that his country intends to use nuclear power “vigorously”—alongside energy efficiency and renewables—to combat global greenhouse gas emissions. The recent U.N. Summit on Climate Change was called by Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in preparation for talks scheduled for December in Copenhagen. Nuclear energy is expected to be included in discussions of a “clean development mechanism” that would allow developed nations to participate in, and take credit for, emission reductions in the developing world as a result of using carbon-free nuclear energy. One of the major items of contention for developed nations has been the difficulty in getting developing nations such as China and India to commit to measurable greenhouse gas reductions as their economies expand. China last year overtook the United States in total carbon emissions, even though China’s emissions remain low on a per-capita basis. Developing countries have so far balked at making firm carbon reduction commitments, which they say could slow their economic growth. 2 N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 9 PHOTOS COURTESY OF UNITED NATIONS China, India Make Nuclear Energy, Climate Change Linkage C President Hu Jintao at the U.N., announcing China’s plans to mitigate climate change— with a healthy dose of nuclear expansion. However, recognizing the importance of economic cooperation with the developed world for their own advancement, both India and China are now making some commitments, albeit soft ones. Like China, India also is explicitly connecting its aggressive nuclear energy growth scenarios to greenhouse gas reduction goals. At an international conference on nuclear energy in New Delhi, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said that if MANMOHAN SINGH India “thinks big and manages its nuclear expansion program well,” the country could have as much as 470 gigawatts of nuclear capacity by 2050, larger than the present world nuclear capacity of 370 gigawatts. “This will sharply reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and will be a major contribution to global efforts to combat climate change,” he said. China and India together account for the majority of planned new reactors as well as those under construction. China has 16 reactors under construction, and India six. China is expected to build 40 new reactors by 2020; India, 17. Major growth is also projected in Russia, with 14 new reactors, and Korea, with 10. In the United States, four to eight reactors could be built by 2020, with Britain and France adding two each. N U C L E A R E N E R G Y I N S I G H T n a quiet business park on the outskirts of Philadelphia, a round-the-clock operation quietly keeps the lights on, businesses running and factories working in some of the most populous areas from the Midwest to the Eastern Seaboard. PJM Interconnection, headquartered at Valley Forge, Pa., operates the electricity transmission system for 51 million people in 13 states and the District of Columbia—from Chicago eastward to New Jersey and as far south as North Carolina. More than 1,500 electricity generators feed power into this market, including 29 nuclear power plants. As a power pool originally formed in 1927, it was named the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) Interconnection in 1956. Now the world’s largest competitive wholesale electricity market, PJM’s objective is to manage the high-voltage electric grid and coordinate the movement of wholesale electricity in the region. Monitoring and maintaining this flow with zero error tolerance, while simultaneously running an efficient electricity market, makes its technicians the air-traffic controllers of the electric industry. These “energy traffic control operators” manage the flow of energy by dispatching electricity from various power plants in the grid according to price, cheapest first, and availability, as demand rises and falls through any given day. Daily energy price bids from all 1,500 generation units are received the previous day. Nuclear generation prices usually are among the lowest bids. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) sets and enforces PJM’s operating and reliability standards for the electric grid. FERC also oversees PJM’s second main task—to operate a fair, open and impartial wholesale energy market. The electricity grid under the care of PJM has a predominant west-to-east flow, from the lowercost and more abundant electricity generators in N U C L E A R E N E R G Y I N S I G H T PHOTO COURTESY OF PJM INTERCONNECTION Energy Traffic Controllers Keep The Lights On I PJM controls the flow of electricity for more than 50 million people in the Northeast U.S. from this high-tech control room. Nuclear energy supplies 35% of PJM’s power. the Midwest to the big power-thirsty cities along the East Coast. Twenty-nine nuclear power plants, with a total capacity of 30,500 megawatts, supply about 35 percent of the electricity used in the PJM system. Being among the lowest cost producers in the market, nuclear power plants seldom set the price in real-time energy markets. They are baseload generators—that is, they run constantly to supply electricity—and receive the price set by other, more expensive units, such as natural gasor coal-fired generation. Having a large, reliable and low-cost base of constant electric generation gives PJM the ability to use other power sources to respond to the peaks and troughs in electricity demand so that the power produced always exactly matches consumers’ use of electricity. According to PJM’s Ray Dotter, the difference in market price and generation cost helps nuclear plant owners achieve the economic value of their plants and allows for operational and capital improvements that increase plant availability. The other major sources of baseload power are coal plants. Coal and nuclear energy together comprise 59 percent of PJM’s installed generation, but they supply more than 90 percent of the energy produced in the system. There are also 2,200 installed megawatts of wind generation in the PJM grid, though in a typical daytime period, only about 400 megawatts is generated. The intermittent nature of wind power—and the fact that the greatest generation from wind typically occurs at night during periods of lowest demand—means that wind generators sometimes pay PJM to buy their electricity. In anticipation of national climate change policy that would set a price for carbon emission allowances and credits, PJM is positioning itself to be part of a new low-carbon energy market. In PJM’s near future, the Trans-Allegheny Interstate transmission line from southwest Pennsylvania to the Maryland-Virginia-D.C. region will better connect PJM’s electric generation sources to the national capital area, helping to maintain reliable power supplies and accommodate growth in that region. Completion is expected in 2011. Further in the future, plug-in hybrid vehicles could place a large-scale demand on the grid. PJM’s executive director Frank Koza says, “As many as 25 million cars could be added to the PJM system without the need for additional generating capacity—all at an equivalent cost of 60 cents a gallon of gasoline.” N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 9 3 he fast-growing need for global water supplies could be met by desalination, a process by which fresh water is extracted from the oceans. Reliable, low-emission nuclear power is an ideal power source for this process. The International Atomic Energy Agency says that more than a fifth of humanity is critically short of access to fresh water. Droughts plague large parts of the United States, and the Federal government projects that at least 36 states will face chronic water shortages within five years. One solution is to turn to a much larger source of water—the sea. Only five percent of our planet’s water is directly suitable for human consumption or irrigation; the rest is in the world’s oceans. In places like Israel and the United Arab Emirates, where fresh water is hardest to come by, desalination of sea water is being conducted on increasingly large scales. The largest U.S. plant is in Tampa, Florida, with an output of 25 million gallons per day. Desalination is a relatively simple process that entails separating the salt and minerals from sea water. There are two main methods: distillation and reverse osmosis. In natural osmosis, the saltier water inside plant cells draws in purer water from the soil through PHOTO COURTESY OF IDE TECHNOLOGIES Nuclear Desalination Helps Meet Global Fresh Water Demand T This seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) desalination plant at Ashkelon, Israel, provides 330,000 cubic meters a day of fresh water—or 100 million cubic meters a year. the cell membranes, equalizing the concentration of solutions. In reverse osmosis, electric pumps reverse the natural direction of water flow. In other words, pure water is obtained by “pumping” it out of a salty solution through a synthetic membrane against its osmotic pressure. The original “raw water” meanwhile gets more concentrated and is eventually rejected. Both distillation and reverse osmosis are very energy-intensive processes. Most desalination plants use fossil fuel-based power. Increasing attention is being paid to using nuclear reactors, given their high reliability and zero emissions of greenhouse gases. Nuclear-powered desalination has long been used on U.S. Navy submarines. India, Japan, Russia and Kazakhstan use desalination plants linked to nuclear reactors. Small and medium reactors are suitable for this application. Small-Sized Reactors Could Serve Many Uses A new class of small nuclear reactors, suitable for a variety of applications and needs, is gaining the attention of potential customers worldwide. Three trends favor the development of small reactors worldwide—the increasing need for electricity to drive economic development, a growing connection between economic security and energy security, and mounting global concern about climate change. Small and medium reactors— from 10 megawatts to 500 megawatts—find a spot at the intersection of these concerns. They could be ideal for smaller nations with less advanced infrastructures like robust national grids and 4 N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 9 manufacturing capacities and expertise. An increasing number of countries believe energy security can be achieved through nuclear energy technology and that, unlike fossil fuels, the international trade in uranium is stable and nonvolatile, says Paul Genoa, NEI’s director of policy development. Small reactors now being offered by companies such as NuScale, Babcock & Wilcox and Westinghouse use fundamental reactor technology that has been enhanced by technological development. Genoa noted their value as options for replacing carbon-emitting electricity generators and as sources to help meet electricity demand for new uses, such as off-grid power generation, powering hybrid electric automobiles, hydrogen production and water purification. Small reactor designs can be divided into two categories: those that generate electricity as their primary function, and those with other uses. Westinghouse is developing a series of small reactors to meet this variety of applications. Phil Hildebrand of the Idaho National Lab said one of these designs, a high temperature gas-cooled reactor, could replace natural gas to generate heat for industrial processes such as petrochemical refining and fertilizer production. Small Reactors on page 5 N U C L E A R E N E R G Y I N S I G H T State Initiatives Supporting New Reactor Development I Small Reactors from page 4 In the near term, small nuclear plant development would be used to generate electricity. Babcock & Wilcox has attracted attention for its mPower reactor, a 125-megawatt modular unit. Individual mPower units can be built and brought online as others are being assembled, allowing power companies to meet electricity demand incrementally. B&W’s Craig Hanson says the civil nuclear industry can benefit from its existing capabilities supplying small reactors for the U.S. Navy. Reduced size translates to reduced cost, which can decrease long-term investment needs for utilities with smaller market capitalizations. Moreover, smaller plants can overcome siting issues by N U C L E A R E N E R G Y I N S I G H T Wisconsin legislators are expected to review the state’s prohibition on new nuclear plants in coming weeks, either through a standalone repeal or through adoption of a comprehensive package of recommendations from Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle’s Climate Change Task Force, which has called for ending the ban. Several states are aggressively acting to address the issue of financing the construction of new nuclear energy plants. This is a difficult issue because, although nuclear energy provides affordable electricity for many years, permitting and construction costs are high. On the federal level, this can be mitigated by the use of loan guarantees, which reduce the cost of financing, and in turn, lower costs to consumers. States can also reduce the cost of financing— and save money for consumers—by allowing utilities to recover costs for new plants while they are under construction. In exchange for a slight increase in customers’ monthly electric bills, a new nuclear plant’s final cost can be reduced significantly and spread out in smaller cost increases. As a result, customers receive cheaper, cleaner energy from nuclear energy facilities for at least 60 years. Georgia enacted legislation in April allowing such an arrangement, at a cost of about $1.50 per repowering older coal-fired power plants, using the industrial infrastructure already in place and effecting a one-to-one swap of a carbon-emission producing plant with one that produces no emis- PHOTO COURTESY OF WESTINGHOUSE ncreasingly, states recognizing the benefits of nuclear energy have been passing various types of legislation and implementing regulations to support construction of new nuclear plants. ■ The Western Governors’ Association supports expansion of the federal loan guarantee program “to allow future private-sector investment and high-quality jobs for new nuclear projects.” ■ In Texas, legislation gives the Public Utility Commission authority to regulate decommissioning trust funds for up to six new nuclear energy plants under construction before 2015. ■ In Utah, the Renewable Energy Development Act provides incentives to develop renewable energy projects—and defines nuclear as a renewable energy source. Utah Sen. Bob Bennett (R) demonstrated support for such projects when he helped secure about $500,000 for nuclear research this year at Utah State University. Western states are not the only ones taking a look at nuclear energy. There have been efforts throughout the country to overturn 1970s-era moratoria against new plant construction. Nuclear ban repeals passed at least one legislative chamber in Kentucky and Minnesota this year, and lawmakers in Illinois, West Virginia, California and Hawaii also introduced similar repeal measures. Westinghouse’s 335-megawatt IRIS reactor. Several states (in orange) have legislation or regulations, or both, to support construction of proposed nuclear facilities, which are represented on the map with stars. month to each customer. Similar legislation was adopted in Kansas, Florida and South Carolina and considered in Oklahoma, Indiana and Missouri. In September, the South Carolina Public Service Commission (PSC) granted a request by the South Carolina Electric & Gas utility for a 1.1 percent increase in retail electric rates to help pay for two new nuclear reactors at V.C. Summer. And in October, the Florida PSC approved applications for two utilities to continue their investment in new nuclear electric generation that will power a total of 2.7 million homes. sions and has a similar capacity to produce electricity. NuScale’s 45-megawatt units use well-understood light water reactor technology. The units could be used to repower older fossil plants, to supply auxiliary or emergency power for military bases or other off-grid remote locations, or to stabilize the electric grid for intermittent sources such as wind and solar energy. Hyperion’s 25-megawatt design can be installed underground to produce electricity undisturbed for seven to 10 years. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is monitoring the increasing interest in small reactors and is building its licensing capacity as market needs are better identified. N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 9 5 newly established world-record run at the Three Mile Island (TMI-1) reactor in Pennsylvania is the most recent in a series of achievements that demonstrate the world-class reliability and safety of U.S. nuclear energy facilities. TMI-1 became the world’s first pressurized water reactor to exceed 700 days of continuous operation when it paused for refueling on Oct. 26 after a 705-day run of nonstop electricity production. “We come to work every day with safe and reliable operations as our primary goal,” said William Noll, site vice president at Three Mile Island. “TMI-1’s world-class performance is a tribute to the skill, dedication and teamwork displayed by the people who work here.” This is the second U.S. pressurized water reactor this year to set a world record for reliable operation. In February, the Calvert Cliffs 2 plant in Maryland ran continuously for 692 days. Among U.S. boiling water reactors, six have operated for more than 700 days, including LaSalle 1 in Illinois, which set the world record at 739 days in February 2006. Located in 31 states, 104 commercial reactors produce electricity for one in every five homes and businesses in America. The majority of U.S. nuclear plants operate on an 18-month cycle that enables them to coordinate refueling outages during the fall or spring, when demand for electricity is typically lower. “The safety and reliability of U.S. nuclear energy facilities is second to none,” said Marvin Fertel, president and chief executive officer at the Nuclear Energy Institute. “The world-class reliability of America’s reactors and an excellent industrial safety record demonstrate that our industry is focused on safety.” The ability of nuclear plants to operate safely and continuously from one refueling outage to the next has made nuclear the most reliable 6 N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 9 PHOTO COURTESY OF EXELON CORP. U.S. Nuclear Plants Continue WorldClass Performance A Exelon Nuclear’s Three Mile Island Unit 1 broke the world record for 705 continuous days of operation. Until it shut down for refueling October 29, it had been running nonstop since November 21, 2007. source of electricity. With an average annual capacity factor of 91.5 percent, nuclear power plants are well ahead of coal (71 percent), natural gas (42 percent), wind (31 percent), hydro (27 percent) and solar (21 percent). Capacity factor is measured as the ratio of a Expand Nuclear from page 1 ■ 68 percent said that a new reactor would be acceptable at the site of the nearest plant that is already operating. ■ 72 percent agree that U.S. nuclear power plants are “safe and secure.” The survey also found more than half of respondents—61 percent—favor the use of nuclear energy; 36 percent are opposed. Those strongly in favor outnumber those strongly opposed by 29 percent to 18 percent. The survey also found that the public is mostly unaware of current sources of electricity. Coal, natural gas and nuclear energy are the three top U.S. electricity sources. While nearly two-thirds of the respondents correctly named natural gas as one of the top three, fewer than half think of coal as a major source and only 31 percent mentioned nuclear energy. plant’s actual production of electricity to the theoretical production if the plant operated at full power all of the time. In 2008, U.S. nuclear plants achieved half of the top 50 capacity factors among the world’s 439 nuclear plants. U.S Electric Generation by Source Natural Gas Nuclear 21% 20% Coal 49% Hydro 6% Wind 1% Oil 1% Solar < 0.5% Other 2% The three sources used least are solar, oil and wind, with each contributing 1 percent or less of electricity production. However, 57 percent of the respondents listed oil as one of the top sources, 26 percent named solar and 22 percent cited wind. The survey was conducted in October by Bisconti Research Inc. with GfK Roper. A nationally representative sample of 1,000 U.S. adults was interviewed by telephone, with a margin of error of plus or minus three percentage points. N U C L E A R E N E R G Y I N S I G H T Nuclear Facilities Prove Economic Boon to the Carolinas T he Carolinas’ nuclear energy generating facilities provide over 37,000 jobs, more than $2 billion in payroll income and more than $750 million in state and local taxes, according to a new study. “Our nuclear cluster is both an important source of energy to residents and businesses, as well as a major player in Carolinas’ job and income creation,” said Clemson University’s Mark Henry, author of the study published by the South Carolina Council on Competitiveness. The report, “The Economic Impact of the Nuclear Cluster in the Carolinas,” found that the nuclear energy industry in North Carolina and South Carolina provides: ■ 37,330 jobs, including “induced” goods-andservices related employment ■ more than $750 million in state and local tax revenues ■ $2.3 billion in labor income. The study shows these benefits come from both private sector firms and public sector participation. There are seven nuclear energy facilities in the region, owned by three utilities—Duke Energy, Progress Energy and SCANA. These are supported by major firms in the nuclear supply chain, including engineering and construction services such as AREVA NP, the Shaw Group, Fluor and URS; nuclear equipment manufacturers such as GE Hitachi, Westinghouse and Siemens; other industrial supply firms such as valve, motor and pump makers, maintenance companies; and service suppliers such as security firms and laboratories. In total nuclear electricity generated last year, North Carolina and South Carolina were among the top six states in the nation. Combined, they produced more than 11 percent of the nation’s nuclear energy. South Carolina generated 51 percent of its electricity from nuclear energy, and North Carolina 32 percent. Two major public-sector activities in the region’s nuclear cluster are at the Savannah River and Barnwell sites, both of which include private sector participation. Barnwell hosts a low-level N U C L E A R E N E R G Y I N S I G H T Charlotte, N.C., is among the localities that have benefited from the tens of thousands of jobs, $2 billion in payroll income and $750 million in tax revenues provided by the local nuclear industry. radioactive waste disposal site operated by ChemNuclear under a South Carolina state license. The U.S. Department of Energy’s Savannah River Site is a major source of defense-related and commercial nuclear activities, including the processing of nuclear waste into fuel for commercial reactors. The site also houses the Savannah River National Laboratory. The three utilities in the region are planning to build as many as eight new nuclear reactors on existing and new sites. SCANA already has site work under way for two new reactors at its V.C. Summer plant in Jenkinsville, S.C. Projected growth in both the private and public nuclear sectors is expected to expand employment in the region by 46 percent and income by about 34 percent over the next 20 years. These could add up to an additional 17,000 jobs and $1.7 billion in wages and tax income during that period. Now Hear This ... I hope we can come to a reasonable compromise that advances nuclear power and allows us to finally put a price on carbon pollution. … Nuclear power’s energy security and environmental benefits have earned this industry an important place at the table.” —Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) N O V E M B E R 2 0 0 9 7 he Nature Conservancy confirms that nuclear energy uses the least land per unit of energy generated and recommends new nuclear power plants as a way to achieve carbon emissions reductions while using land efficiently. The group’s study quantifies the likely increase in land use between now and 2030 as the United States develops new energy sources while attempting to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The study bases its conclusions on the federal Energy Information Administration’s forecast of energy production under recently enacted policies, including the 2007 renewable fuel standard, and under various scenarios to set limits on carbon emissions. The Nature Conservancy says that an increase in land use for new energy production is inevitable in the next decades, and suggests that one way to mitigate “energy sprawl” is a flexible strategy that recognizes the low-carbon benefits of nuclear energy and includes the construction N U C L E A R E N E R G Y Wind - 30 Solar - 15 Nuclear - 1 PHOTO COURTESY OF SOUTH TEXAS PROJECT Nature Conservancy: Nuclear Plants Protect Against Sprawl T A typical nuclear plant takes up 1 square mile in area. Nuclear energy has the lowest impact to natural habitat of any energy source—1/15th that of solar and 1/30th of wind energy. of new nuclear plants. Other ways the group suggests limiting sprawl include reusing existing energy facility sites. Part of this philosophy, which the Nature Editor Christopher Charles Editorial Specialist Andrea Korte Graphic Designer Rafy Levy Illustrator Calvin Haden Conservancy calls “Energy by Design,” is an emphasis on efficiency and conservation, which would decrease the capacity and land needs of any new energy development. Photographer Anna Gomez Contributing Editors Mark Flanagan Lynne Neal Deanne Perez Thaddeus Swanek Nuclear Energy Insight is published bi-monthly by the Nuclear Energy Institute for policymakers and others interested in nuclear issues. NEI is the policy organization of the nuclear energy industry. © 2009 Nuclear Energy Insight and Web Extra content are available on NEI’s Web site at www.nei.org. For more information, call 202.739.8000. PJM Interconnection operates the electricity transmission system for 51 million people in the Midwest and Eastern U.S. ...... See page 3 The Carolinas’ nuclear energy facilities provide tens of thousands of jobs to the area. ............................... See page 7 Environmental Benefits Statement This publication is printed using waterless press with soy-based inks on New Leaf Reincarnation Matte, made with 100% recycled fiber, 50% post-consumer waste, processed chlorine-free. By using this environmental paper, the Nuclear Energy Institute saves the following resources annually: trees water energy solid waste greenhouse gases 38 8,303 17 1,816 3,069 fully grown gallons million BTU pounds pounds Calculated based on research done by Environmental Defense and other members of the Paper Task Force. 1776 I Street, N.W., Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20006-3708 Return Service Requested PRESORT FIRST CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PA I D WASHINGTON, DC PERMIT 827
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