How To Use MyPoint Editor for SPEEDNAVI V4.

How To Use MyPoint Editor for SPEEDNAVI V4.
1. Run MyPoint Editor.exe
Open file
2. Open and Load “My Point” which collect by SPEEDNAVI V3 to show in MyPoint Editor
“My Point” for SPEEDNAVI V3 have been save into file “Basic.mgf” format which can find
in “SpeedNavi\UserData\Userpoi”
3. MyPoint Editor will load and show saved POI from file Basic.mgf. From MyPoint Editor user can
modify coordination, display icon and name
Show Edit dialogue in
MyPoint Editor
** for Malaysia-Singapore. Default "UserData" path is
4. Convert My Point
a. Convert Important My Point “HOME”, “WORK” and “FAVORITE”
Select Important My Point, Click “Save - MGF” button then select saved location to
“SpeedNavi\Nation\Tha\UserData\Userpoi” (in Version 4) Which is SPEEDNAVI V4 My Point’s
store location
b. Convert general My Point
Select any My Point which want to convert. Click “Save - KML” and “Save - GPX” to save
POI into KML or GPX formet (Any formet is OK for SPEEDNAVI V4.) select saved location to
“SpeedNavi\Nation\Tha\UserData\Userpoi” (in Version 4)
After save finish, My Point will be saved in to “SpeedNavi\Nation\Tha\UserData\Userpoi”
5. Open SPEEDNAIV V4, Then can see convert POI is showed in My Point menu
Show My Point in
Show My Point in SPEEDNAVI
V4, Convert from V3
NOTE: MyPoint Editor for SPEEDNAVI V4 can convert My Point form SPEEDNAVI version 2.5 and version
3, Any version which lower than 2.5 can’t use this MyPoint Editor.