Vol. XII. No. 1 JANUARY, 1936 THE -BRITISH JOURNAL OF. VENEREAL DISE4IZ ci Issued under the auspices of the Society for the Study of Venerea ieases Egt~f \ .. ]Ebttors; E. R. L. W. HARRISON T. MAR3 193G dLAKSO CONTENTS . . . . I. Gastro-Intestinal Syphilis By Dr. J. W. McNee . . . II. Gastro-Intestinal Syphilis (Discussion) III. Case Report: Severe Gummatous Ulceration of Face . . . . and Auricular Region . By E. T. Burke. IV. The iEtiology and treatment of Prostatitis and Vesi. . . . . . . . culitis F.R.C.S. W. K. Irwin, By V. The AEtiology and Treatment of Prostatitis and Vest. . . . . . culitis (Discussion) . . . VI. 'The Sequele of Gonorrhoea in the Male. By Kenneth Walker, F.R.C.S. . VII. First International Conference on Fever Therapy. . . . . . . . VIII. Index Medicus . . . . . . . . IX. Editorial Notes . . . . . . X. Publishers' Notices - Pate 1 4 10 29 35 43 49 50 59 60 PUBLISHED QUARTERLY SINGLE NOS.: ANNAL SUBSRPTION: 6/- 20/- CONSTABLE & CO., LTD. 10 & 12 1ORANGE STREET, LEICESTER SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.2 5524 I1>' . THE BRITISH JOURNAL OF VENEREAL DISEASES Issued under the auspices of the Medical Society for the Study of Venereal Diseases Edited by L. W. HARRISON AND E. R. T. CLARKSON Editorial Committee: THE EDITORS DR. T. ANWYL DAVIES THE PRESIDENT (Ex-officio) DR. H. M. HANSCHELL A ssisted by a Staff of Sectional Editors. Vol. XII. No. I JANUARY, 1936 CONTENTS PAGE I. GASTRO-INTESTINAL SYPHILIS By Dr. J. W. McNEE. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. . . . . . . . GASTRO-INTESTINAL SYPHILIS (DISCUSSION) . CASE REPORT: SEVERE GUMMATOUS ULCERATION OF . . . . FACE AND AURICULAR REGION By E. T. BURKE. THE AETIOLOGY AND TREATMENT OF PROSTATITIS AND . . . . . . . VESICULITIS. F.R.C.S. IRWIN, W. K. By THE ETIOLOGY AND TREATMENT OF PROSTATITIS AND . . . . . VESICULITIS (DISCUSSION) . . THE SEQUELE OF GONORRHCEA IN THE MALE By KENNETH WALKER, F.R.C.S. FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FEVER THERAPY . VIII. INDEX MEDICUS. . IX. EDITORIAL NOTES X. PUBLISHERS' NOTICES I 4 IO 29 35 43 49 . . . . . . 50 . . . . . . 59 . . . . . . 6o LONDON: CONSTABLE & COMPANY LIMITED, 10 & 12 ORANGE STREET, LONDON, W.C.2 All Rights Reserved VIII INDEX MEDICUS GONORRH(ZEA Arthritis, Gonorrhoeal. M. RATHNAVEI.U. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935.) Check to Malaria Therapy in a Case of Relapsing Gonorrhoea. LEPINAY and PEIRSON. (Ann. des Mal. Ven., I935, xxx., No. 9, p. 675.) Female Gonorrhoea treated with Flavadin. H. 0. Loos. (Derm. Zeitschr., lxxii., No. 3, P. I49.) General Paralysis in a Child Eleven Years Old. C. TORRES UMANA. (Revue Fran9. de Pidiatrie, I935, xi., No. 2, P. 237.) Gonococcal Infection from Exudates, Difficulties in Diagnosis of. ANIL CHAUDURI. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. I, p.69.) Gonococcic Serology. WM. TODOus KHAN. (Journ. of the Egyptian Med. Assoc., I935, xviii., No. 9, p. 602.) Gonococcus. What is it ? The. PAUL ASCH. (Ann. des. Mal. Ven.. I935, xxx., No. IO. P. 72I.) Gonorrheea, Diathermy in the Treatment of. G. C. HIGOUMENAKIS. (Ann. des Mal. Vein., I935, xxx., No. 9, p. 64I.) Gonorrhoea in the Female, The Treatment of. EMILY DUNNING BARRINGER. (Indian Med. GaZ., 1935, lxx., No. 4, p. 225.) Gonorrhoea. (New Results during the Period fo July, I934, to June, I935.) GUNTHER SCHIRNER. (Derm. Zeitschr., I935, lxxii., No. 4, p. 227.) Gonorrhoea of the Semen Bladder. MEGAKLES ASTERIADES. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci., No. 38, p. iI6i.) Gonorrhoea, Sub-Conjunctival Haemorrhages in. S. K. GHOSH. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. I, P. 74.) Gonorrhoea, The Management of. The American Neisserian Med. Society. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Dis., I935, i., No. 3, P. 23I.) Gonorrheea treated with Massage Injections (Blenomil), Male. CARL BRUCK. (Munch. Med. Wochenschr., I935, lxxxii., No. 40, p. I6IO.) Gonorrhoea, Treatment of Female. M. SCHUBERT and E. V. JACKMANN. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci., No. 36, p. I079.) Gonorrhceal Universal Infections, The Significance of. H. WEBER et al. (Med. Welt., I935, ix., No. 37, P. I3I5.) Gonorrhoeal Vaginitis in Children treated by Diathermy. R. J. CROSSEN. (Journ. of Pediatrics, I935, vi., No. I, P. 82.) Muller's Conglobation, Reaction in Gonorrhoea and Tuberculosis, Contribution to. MANFRED BRUYCKNER. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci., No. 33, P. 995.) Prudery, The High Cost of. WINFIELD SCOTT PUGH. (Amer. Med., I935, 4I, No. 9, P. 40I.) 50 INDEX MEDICUS Specificity of the Complement Fixation Reaction in Gonorrhoea. (Go.-K.B.R.) G. BIRNBAUM. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci., No. 48, P. I503.) Spondylarthritis Atlanto-occipitalis Gonorrhoica Acuta, Case of. R. LEWITH and M. JAROS. (Derm. Zeitschr., I935, lxxii., No. 2, p. 82.) Vulvo-Vaginitis in Girls, Treatment of (Annotation). Brit. Med. Journ., I935, No. 3909, P. iio6.) Vulvo-Vaginitis Infantum, The AXtiology of. A. CHARLOTTE Ruys. (Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc., I935, cv., No. ii, p. 862.) SYPHILIS, ETC. Adenolipomatosis, Syphilitic Origin of. PAUL CHEVALLIER. (Bull. de la Soc. Fran9. de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 8, p. I572. Allergy in Subacute Inguinale Lympho-Granulomatosis. (Frei's Intradermal Reaction). EDOUARD DE GREGORIO. (Ann. des Mal. Ven., I935, xxx., No. IO, P. 727.) Antibodies in the Urine of Syphilitics ? Are there Specific. THOMAS PREININGER. (Derm. Zeitschr., I935, lxxii., No. I, p. io.) Antisyphilitic Treatment, Appearance of Agranulosytaric Symptom Complex in the Course of. W. KLiVER. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, Ci., No. 37, P. iii8.) Aortic Syphilis, Early Diagnosis of. (Annotation.) (Lancet, I935, ccxxix., No. 5850, p. 839.) Aortitis Investigations, On Luetic. CARL MULLER. (Norsk Mag. fov Lagevidenskapen, I935, xcvi., No. 7, p. 673.) Arsenic Combinations in the late Forms of Neurosyphilis on the Therapeutic Action of Pentavalent. BERNHARD DATTNER. (Klin. Wochenschr., I935, xiv., No. 33, p. ii6i.) Arsphenamine Poisoning occurring among Negro Women. GROESBECK WALSH and COURTNEY S. STICKLEY. (Amer. Journ. Syph. and Neurology, I935, xix., No. 3, P. 323.) Atheroma of the Scrotum, New Case of Syringeal. J. R. PRAKKEN. (Acta-Dermato-Venereol., I935, xvi., No. 3, P. 262.) Birrubinemia in Syphiliographia. EDUARDO DE GREGORIO and E. L6PEZ VALIENTE. Actas Dermo-Sifilio, I935, xxvii., No. 4, P. 43I.) Bismuth Therapy, Foundations and Results of Perosal. S. SEREFIS. (Arch. f. Derm. u. Syph., I935, clxxii., Congress No., p. 87.) Bismuth Therapy in the Treatment of Syphilis. RAJENDRA KUMAR SEN. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. I, P. I7.) Bubo, Mixed. P. CHEVALLIER and S. M. COLIN. (Ann. des Mal. Ven., I935, xxx., No. 7, P. 5IO.) Carabelli's Tubercules on the Four Upper Molars in Two Brothers. J. NICOLAs and J. ROUSSET. (Bull. de la Soc. Fran9. de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 7, P. I48 (R. L.).) Cerebro-spinal Fluid, The Examination of the. E. CIAMBELLOTTI. (Giorn. Ital. di Derm. e Sifilo., I935, lxxvi., No. 3, p. 845.) Chancres, Venereal Papulous. R. G. MEDINA and J. BIGNE. (Actas Dermo-Sifilio., I935, xxvii., No. 4, p. 468.) Chancriform Lesion of the Labium in a Heredo-syphilitic Child, aged i8 Months. L. M. PAUTRIER and R. (GLASSER. (Bull. de la Soc. Fran9. de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii, No. 6, p. 8i (R. S.).) 5I BRITISH JOURNAL OF VENEREAL DISEASES Chediak's Dry Drops of Blood Test as Syphilitic Reaction, Researches on the Reliability of. HERBERT WENDEBORN. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci., No. 49, p. I543.) Clinical Examination of the Fluid of Syphilis Primary and that of Latent Neuro-syphilis. P. DE FAVENTO. (Giorn. Ital. di Derm. e Sifilo, I935, lxxvi., No. 3, p. 330.) Clinical Value of the Fluid of Syphilis. LODOvIco-ToMMASI. (Giorn. Ital. di Derm. e Sifilo., I935, lxxvi., No. 3, p. 837.) Clinical Value of Some Reactions of the Fluid of Syphilis, and specially of Donaggio's Reaction. E. CORTELLA (Giorn. Ital. di Derm. e Sifilo., I935, lxxvi., No. 3, p. 899.) Congenital Syphilis. NORMAN R. INGRAHAM, JR. (Journ. Amer. lied. Assoc., I935, cv., No. 8, P. 560.) Congenital Syphilis, Advance in the Domain of. ERICH HOFFMANN. (Klin. Wochenschr., I935, xiv., No. 42, P. I5IO.) Congenital Syphilis, Hepatic Lesions in. P. RAMACHANDRA RAO. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. 3, P. I83.) Congenital Syphilis in Children. FRANK R. SMITH, JR. (Amer. Journ. of Syphilis and Neurology, I935, xix., No. 4, P. 532.) Congenital Syphilis, The Diagnosis of. A. H. PARMELEE and L. J. HALPERN. (Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc., I935, cv., No. 8, P. 563.) Cure System of Syphilis, Therapeutic Questionnaire. E. H. BRILL et al. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci., No. 46, p. I456.) Dactylitis, Syphilitic. A. S1-ZARY et al. (Bull. de la Soc. Fran9 de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 6, p. 935.) Dermatomyositis Syphilitica. S. KAROLYI. (Zentralbl. f. Haut- i. Geschlechtskrankheiten, I935, li., No. 4, P. 242.) Donaggio's " Phenomenon of Ostacoto" in the Syphilitic Fluid. A. GLINGANI. (Giorn. Ital. di Derm. e Sifilo, I935, lxxvi., No. 3, P. 907.) Drug Fixation by Spiroch2etes, Experimental. ADOLF FELDT. (Arch. f. Derm. u. Syph., I935, clxxii., Congress No., p. 72.) Ehrlich (I854-I9I5), Paul. U. B. NARAYAN RAO. Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. I, p. i.) Epidermophythia, Practical Importance of. A. STUHMER. (Arch. f. Derm. u. Syph., I935, clxxii., Congress No., p. I20.) Epithelioma on Syphilis presented at the March Meeting, On a Case of. KOLOPP. (Bull. de la Soc. Franc de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 6, p. 70 (R. S.).) Erythema, Polymorphous Syphilitic, Secondary. P. J. MICHEL and A. CECCALDI. (Bull. de la Soc. FranC de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 7, p. I66 (R. L.).) Exclusion of Neurosyphilis by Means of the Hinton Reaction of the I Blood. J. L. GRUND. (Arch. of Derm. and Svfyh., I935, xxxii., No. 4, 569.) Eye, Syphilitic Affections of the. T. C. BASU CHOUDHARY (continued from last issue). (Indian joarn. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. 3, P. 205.) Failure in the Early Healing of Syphilis. II. J. A. FOLPMERS and H. C. KOEK. (Derm. Zeitschr., I935, lxxii., No. 3, P. I62.) Ferment Biology of Syphilis, Fresh Investigations in the. A. MARCHIONINI. (Arch. f. Derm. u. Syph., I935, clxxii., Congress No., p. P. 59.) INDEX MEDICUS Flocculation Reactions, Technique of the Coloured. H. HECHT. (Acta Dermato-Venereol., 1935, xvi., No. 3, p. 272.) Fluid of Syphilis in the Alleviation of the Secondary Syphilis, with Special Regard to the Behaviour of Ferments. A. MIDANA and F. FRANCHI. (Giorn. Ital. di Derm. e Sifilo., I935, lxxvi., No. 3, p. 933-) Framboesia and Syphilis. C. H. JOYEUX. (Arch. Dermato-Syphil., Vii., No. i, p. i.) Gold Therapy of Syphilis, Experimental Inundations and Therapeutic Results of. J. VONKENNEL. (Arch. f. Derm. u. Syph., I935, clxxii., Congress No., p. 80.) Haemangioma in the Cowper Gland under the Aspect of a Parenchymatosic Cowperitis. F. SCHMIDT LA BAUM]. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci.. No. 37, P. II07.) Hereditary Syphilis and Tubercles of the Posterior Part of the Lateral Incision. MILIAN. (Bull. de la Soc. FranQ de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 7, p. 1383.) Icterus and Syphilis. LuiS DE LA CUESTA and ENRIQUE ALISEDO. (Actas Dermo-Sifilio., I935, xxvii., No. 6, p. 657.) Importance of Determining the Diastasis of the Fluid by the Biologv <nd Diagnosis of Syphilis (Result of I,50o Cases). A. MARCHIONINI. (Giort. Ital. di Derm. e Sifilo., I935, lxxvi., No. 3, p. 889.) Infantile Congenital Syphilis during the Period of Doubt, The Diagnosis of. NORMAN R. INGRAHAM, JUN. (Amer. Journ. of Syphil. and Neurology, I935, xix., No. 4, P. 547.) Infection by Plasmodium Knowlesi (Ape Malaria) in the Treatment of General Paralysis of the Insane, Observations on. C. E. VAN ROOYEN and G. R. PILE. (Brit. Med. Journ., I935, No. 390I, p. 662.) Inflammatory Nervous Diseases (M.S., Syphilis), Traumatic Appearance of. PAUL MATZDORFF. (Klin. Wochenschr., I935, xiv., No. 38, 1935, p. I35I.) Interstitial Keratitis, Boomerang Legs and Yaws in a European Boy from the New Hebrides. C. J. HACKETT. (Med. Journ. of Australia, I935, ii., 22nd year, No. 7, p. 2I3.) Iodine in the Therapy of Syphilis, Role of. E. T. BURKE. (Arch. of Derm. and Syph., I935, xxxii., No. 3, p. 404.) Kaufmann-Wolfschen Epidermo-Phylox, Unknown Variety of the. SEBASTIAN SZATHMARY. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci., No. 43, P. 1327.) Keratoses, Hyperkeratoses and Palmo-plantary Keratodermias and their Relations with Syphilis. HoULOUssI BEHDJET. (Ann. des Mal. Ven., I935, xxx., No. 8, p. 56i.) Kline's Reaction. ALICE ULLMO. (Ann. de Derm, et de Syph., I935, 7th Series, vi., No. 6, p. 52I.) Kline's Reactions on the One Part and Bordet-Wassermann, HechtBauer, Vernes and Kahn on the other, Comparison of. ALICE ULLMO. (Ann. de Derm. et de Syph., I935, 7th Series, vi., No. 8, p. 709.) Kolmer-Wassermann Test, Changes in the Technic of the. JOHN A. KOLMER. (Amer. Journ. of Syphil and Neurology., I935, xix., No. 4, p. 48I.) Kolmer-Wassermann Test, Some Modifications of the. FRED. BOERNER and MARGUERITE LUKENS. (Amer. Journ. of Syphil. and Neeurology, I935, xix., No. 4, p. 489.) 53 BRITISH JOURNAL OF VENEREAL DISEASES Krauzosis Vulvax Treated with (Estrin. P. M. F. BISHOP. (Clin. Journ., I935, lxiv., No. IO, p. 426.) Leprosy in an Hereditary Syphilitic and in Her Child. TOURAINE et al. Bull. de la Soc. Fran9 de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 7, p. 1370.) Lichen Syphiliticus. KoGoJ. (Zentralbl. f. Haut- u. Geschlechtskrankheiten, I935, li., No. 5, P. 323.) Lipschuitz, Acute Genital Ulcer in the Male Sex. J. FERNANDEZ DE LA PORTILLA. (Actas Dermo-Sifilio., I935, xxvii., No. 9, p. 977.) Liver Injury after Inoculation Malaria, On the Question of. WILHELM MILBRADT. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci., No. 38, p. II82.) Lues Latens Seropositiva and Lichen Ruber. SCHWARZWALD. (Zentralbl. f. Haut- i. Geschlechtskrankheiten, I935, li., No. 5, p. 32I.) LUes III. FR. REJFFY. (Zentralbl. f. Haut- u?. Geschlechtskrankheiten, I935,. li., No. 4, P. 24I.) Lupus Erythematosus W.R. and Syphilis. A. POEHLMANN. (Derm. Wochensclhr., I935, ci., No. 44, p. I35I.) Lymphogranuloma Inguinale, New Clinical Experimental Results on the Question of. H. L6HE and H. SCHLOSZ-BERGER. (Derm. Zeitschr., I935, lxxii., No. 2, p. 70.) Lymphogranulomatosis Inguinalis, Remarks on the Diagnosis, Clinical Aspect and Therapy of. ALBERT WIEDMANN. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci., No. 43, P. I3I9.) Meinicke's Clarification (Ist and 2nd) Reactions on the Fluid of Syphilis. C. A. SCUDERO. (Giorn. Ital. di Derm. e Sifilo., I935, lxxvi., No. 3, p- 939.) Meinicke Reaction, is a Positive One an Indication of a Syphilitic Infection ? HANS SCHULTEN. (Med. Welt., I935, ix., No. 33, P. II99.) Mercury Inunctions. TORALD SOLLMANN et al. (Arch. of Dermatology and Syph., I935, xxxii., No. 2, p. 242.) MgCl2 Flocculation Reaction in Blood Serum, R. Bauer's. R. BAUER and 0. WOZASER. (Med. Klinik., I935, xxxi., No. 33, P. I076.) Mixed Infection Lympho-Granulomatosis-Syphilitica-Chancrosa. L. DE GREGORIO. (Actas Dermo-Sifiliograficas, I935, xxvii., No. 7, p. 80I.) Monkey Malaria in G.P.I. (Leading Article). (Brit. Med. Journ., I935, No. 390I, p. 672.) Monkey Malaria in G.P.I. W. D. NICOL. (Brit. Med. Journ., I935, No. 3902, p. 760. Nicolas-Favre Disease with Arthritis of the Hip. CARCIRO CARRASCO. (Bull. de la Soc. Franc de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 8, p. I556.) Novarseno-Bismuth Conjugated Treatment on Optic Tabetic Atrophy, Action of. A. SEZARY and C. H. COUTELA. (Bull. de la Soc. Fran9 de Derm. et de S^yph., I935, xlii., No. 6, p. 975.) Pallida-Antigen to W.R. (Gashtgens Pallida Reactive) in CerebroSyphilitic Diseases, Researches with the. GERHARD FRITZSCHE. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci., No. 50, P. I57I.) Pemphigus Vegetans ? Lues Condylomatosa. DOHNALOVA. (Zentralbl. f. Haut- u. Geschlechtskrankheiten, I935, li., No. 4, p. 244.) Post-Arsenobenzol Cutaneous Reactions. V. GOVINDAN NAIR (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. I, P. 28.) Pyrotherapy and Chemiotherapy Action compared in the Treatment 54 INDEX MEDICUS of Nervous Syphilis. D. PAULIAN. (Arch. Dermato-Syphil., I935, Vii., No. 3, p. 245.) Rapid Reactions for the Serological Diagnosis of Syphilis in the Consultation Hour of the Medical Man ? What Practical Value have the. ERNST EISKMANN. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci., No. 45, P. 138.) Reaction of Witebsky in the Cerebro-spinal Fluid. V. NICOLETTI. (Giorn. Ital. di Derm. e Sifilo., I935, lxxvi., No. 3, p. 896.) Ring of the Prepuce-Sclerosis. H. GOUGEROT and PAUL BLUM. (Bull. de la Soc. Franc de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 6, p. 904.) Rosenthal Precipitation Test with the Wassermann Reaction and the Kahn Test in Syphilis, A Comparative Study of the. L. K. YANG. (Amer. Journ. of Syph. and Neurology, I935, xix., No. 3, P. 364.) Schaudinn, Fritz, Lives of Great Men. D. V. SUBBY REDDY. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. 3, p. 248.) Search of Various Biological Reactions of the Fluid in Various periods of some Dermatoses. E. MARIOTTI and L. AYALA. (Giorn. Ital. di Derm. e Sifilo., I935, lxxvi, No. 3, P. 923.) Secondary Syphilis, Epitrochlear Adenopathy in. B. BARKER BEESON. (Arch. of Derm. and Syph., I935, xxxii., No. 5, p. 746.) Serum Reactions in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Venereal Disease, The Value of. T. E. OSMOND. Discussion. (Brit. Joamrn. of Venereal Diseases, I935, xi., No. 3, P. I9I.) Sexual Diseases (Ulcus Molle, Lymphogranuloma ing.), Prophylaxis and Sexual Knowledge. HANS DOLLKEN. (Derm. Zeitschr., I935, lxxii., No. 5, p. 288.) Skin and Venereal Diseases, Fever Therapy in. P. MULZER. (Arch. Derin. it. Syph., I935, clxxii., Congress No., p. I3I.) Skin Disinfection (Annotation.) (Lancet, I935, ccxxix., No. 5850, P. 838.) Social Hygiene in Education, The Place of. SOCRATES NORONHA. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. I, P. 7I.) Spino-cellular Cancer appearing on Old Syphilitic Gummae. MARCEL PINARD et al. (Bull. de la Soc. Fran, de Dermn. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 8, p. 1547.) Spirochaeta Pallida, On the Mutation of the. KOCH. (Arch. f. Derm. t. Syph., I935, clxxii., Congress No., p. 5I.) Staining Spirochaeta- Pallida in Single Sections of Tissue, A Rapid Method of. ARAm A. KRATIAN. (Arch. of Derm. and Syph., I935, xxxii., No. 5, P. 764.) Syphilis: Anallergy, Earlv Malignant. H. GOUGEROT et al. (Arch. Dermato-Syp,hil., I935, vii., NO. I, P. II4.) Syphilis and Marriage. (Current Comment.) (Med. Joutrn. of Aitstralia, 1935, ii., 22nd year, No. II, p). 356.) Syplhilis and the Results, Early Treatment of. JOSE Luis CARRERA. (Actas Dermo. Sifilio., I935, xxvii., No. 5, P. 547.) Syphilis and the Thyroid Body. PAUL BLUM. (Ann. des Mal. V6n., I935, xxx., No. 9, p. 657.) Syphilis as described by Joseph Jones, Physician, Archeologist and Pre-Columbian. JACOB KLEIN. Med. Record, I935, cxlii., No. 5, P. 245.) " Syphilis," Bibliography of. (Annotation.) (Brit. Med. Journ., I935, No. 390I, p. 675.) 55 BRITISH JOURNAL OF VENEREAL DISEASES Syphilis, Cisternal Puncture in. JOSEPH T. BELGRADE and CARROLL WTRIGHT. (Amer. Journ. of _Sv|ph. and Neurology, I935, xix., N(. 3, P. 344.) Syphilis Diagnosis from a Dry Drop of Blood according to Cheviak. J. WENDLBERGER and K. SCHREINER. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, ci., No. 49, P. I539.) Syphilis, Diagnostic Hints in. EDWARD PODOLSKY. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. I, P. 24.) Syphilis depend upon its Intensity ? How much does the Length of the Treatment of. E. ZURHELLE. (Derm. Zeitschr., I935, lxxii., No. 2, p. 57.) Syphilis in Children, A Review of the Recent Literature on the Treatment of. J. DHAR. (Indian Journ. of Pediatrics, I935, ii., No. 8, p. 239.) Syphilis in the American Negro, On the Incidence of. ROBERT S. JASON. (Amer. Journ. of Syph. and Neurology, I935, xix., No. 3, P. 3I3.) Syphilis, Incidence of. K. D. MANOHAR. (Indian Joitrn. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. i, p. 9.) Syphilis, Intense Treatment of. JOSE GOMEZ ORBANEJA. (Actas Dermo-Sifilio., I935, xxvii., No. 4, p. 444.) Syphilis, Latent. C. MONCORPS. (Munch. Med. Wochenschr., I935, lxxxii., No. 35, p. I4I2.) Syphilis of the Cardio-Vascular System. J. S. LANKFORD. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. 3, p. 2I8.) Syphilis of the Nervous System, Reagents of the Blood and of the Cerebro-spinal Fluid in. B. DUJARDIN et al. (Ann. di Derm. et de SYPh., I935, 7th Series, vi., No. 9, p. 82I.) Syphilis of the Nervous System, Treatment of. GORDON HOLMES. (Brit. Med. Journ., I935, No. 3909, P. IIII.) Syphilis, Reference to Works of the Year I934. W. SCHONFELD. (Derm. Zeitschr., I935, lxxii., No. 2, p. 86.) Syphilis of the Spinal Cord. N. W. WINKELMAN. (Amer. Journ. oj Syph. and Neurology, 1935, xix., No. 3, P. 378.) Syphilis Therapy, Gold Therapy a necessary Completion of the Former. W. HEUCK. (Arch. f. Derm. u. Syph., I935, clxxii., Congress No., p. 75.) Syphilis transmitted by the Sanguinary Passage. L. PIRIN and M. LEFEVRE. (Bull. de la Soc. Fran, de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 6, p. 954.) Syphilis treated Intensively by Saturation of Salvarsan. H. TH. SCHREUS. (Actas Dermo-Sifiliograficas, I935, xxvii., No. 8, p. 343.) Syphilis, Treatment of (Editorial). (Chinese Med. Journ., I935, xlix., No. 8, p. 782.) Syphilis, Treatment of, Enquiry in Five Countries. HANS MARTENSTEIN and H. GOUGEROT. (Ann. des Mal. Ven., I935, xxx., No. 7, P. 48I.) Syphilis, When is, Treated as no Longer Infectious ? W. FRIEBOES. (Med. Welt, I935, ix., No. 36, p. I30I.) Syphilis with Bismuth, Some Remarks on Present-day Treatment of. KAREL HUBSCHMANN. (Acta Dermato-Venereologaica, I935, xvil, No. 2, P. I78.) Syphilis, with Special Regard to Syphilitic Aortititis. C. H. R. 56 INDEX MEDICUS GIERTSEN. A Paper on. (Acta Medica Scan., I935, lxxxvi., No. I, p. 22.) Syphilis, Tuberculous. G. PASTAY. (Zentralbl. f. Haut- u. Geschlechtskrankheiten, I935, li., No. 4, p. 242. Syphilitic Affections, The Primary. OTTO KREN. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. i, p. 63.) Syphilitic Ana~mia with Diffuse Osteitis and Super-infection. ELMORE B. TAUBER and LEON GOLDMAN. (Amer. Journ. of Syph. and Neurology, I935, xix., No. 3, P. 339.) Syphilitic Chancre in a Girl. JULIO BEJARANO and JAVIER M. TOMEBONA. (Actas Dermo-Si/ilio., 1935, xxvii., No. 5, p. 544.) Syphilitic Women Treated in a Dispensary, The Fate of. A. TouRAINE and J. ROITENSTERN. (Bull. de la Soc. Fran9 de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 6, p. 962.) Syphiloid of the Cat, New Case of. A. HENRY and Louis BORY. (Bull. de la Soc. Franc de Derm. et de Syph., I935, xlii., No. 6, p. 923.) Thio-Arsene, Disodium Bis P. Sulfophenyl (Acetamidophenyl), Dithieo-arsenite. C. R. ECKLER and H. A. SHONLE. (Amer. Journ. of Syphil. and Neurology, I935, xix., NO. 4, P. 495.) Treatment of Syphilis by a Combination of Bismuith Salicylate and a New Arsenical Synthetic, Clinical Observations on the. S. WILLIAM BECKER and M. E. OBERMAYER. (Amer. [ourn. of Syphil. and Neurology, I935, xix., No. 4, p. 505.) Treatment of Syphilis with a New Arsenical Drug (Thio-Arsene). HARRY M. ROBINSON and JOSEPH EARLIE MOORE. (Amer. Journ. of Syphil. and Neurolo,y, I935, xix., No. 4, P. 525.) Treponema Pallidum Infection on the Metabolism of Rabbit Testis, The Effect of. RUTH M. KRAFT et al. (Amer. Joutrn. Syth. and Neurology, I935, XiX., No. 3, P. 354.) Ulceration of the Shoulder, Cancer or Syphilis, A Typical. J. NICOLAS et al. (Buill. de la Soc. Franc de Derm. et de Syfih., I935, xlii., No. 7, P. I36 (R. L.).) Urethra Duplex, Syphilitic Primary Symptom in. \V. KOCH. (Derm. Zeitschr., I935, lxxii., No. i, p. I5.) Usefulness of Clinical Microscopic Object Carrier Flocculation Reaction for the Serum Diagnosis of Syphilis, On the. JOACHIM SCHMIDT. (Klin. Wochenschr., I935, xiv., No. 37, P. I320.) Venereal Disease by Unregistered Practitioner, Alleged Treatment of. (ROBERT VIVIAN STORER. (Brit. Med. Journ., I935, No. 3909, P. II36.) Venereal Disease in the Czechoslovakian Republic, The Campaign against. KAREL GAWALOWSKI. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. I, P. 78.) Venereal Diseases, A Census of. (Medical Correspondent in Berlin.) (Brit. Med. Journ., I935, No. 3899, p. 585.) Venereal Diseases in India, Problem of. L. B. NARAYANRAO. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. I, P. 3.) Venereal Problem, The. A Plea for Adequate Treatment and Public Enlightenment. JELAL M. SHAH. (Indian Journ. of Venereal Diseases, I935, i., No. 3, p. 226.) Wassermann Reactions and Complements in the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid. M. HOMBRIA and L. VALLEJO. (Actas Dermo-Sifilio.. I935, xxvii., No. 7, p. 792.) 57 BRITISH JOURNAL OF VENEREAL DISEASES Wassermann Reaction and Their Causes, Disturbances of the. K. H. VOHWINKEL. (Derm. Wochenschr., I935, Ci., No. 38, P. II87.) Wassermann Reactions in Dermatologic Patients, Positive. HERMAN GOODMAN. (Med. Times and Long Island Med. Journ., I935, lxiii., No. 6, p. I75.) Wassermann Reaction in Fluid, On the Chemical Value of the Termoxability and Termotality of the. S. FIoCEO. (Giorn. Ital. di Derm. e Sifilio., I935, lxxvi., Bo. 3, P. 908.) White Atrophy and Cyanotic Plague by Syphilitic Capillaritis. A. TOURAINE and P. RENAULT. (Bull. de la Soc. Fran9 de Derm. et de Svph., I935, xlii., No. 7, P. I376.) Yaws and Syphilis, Are they Two Diseases or One ? The Relationship of. J. A. CARMAN. (East African Med. Journ., I935, xi., No. 5, P. I35.) Yaws, Epidermiology of. C. S. BUTLER. (Arch. of Derm. and SVph., I935, xxxii., No. 3, p. 446.) Zona Phenomenon in Complement Fixation and Its Relation to the Greater Sensitivity of the Box Type of Wassermann Reaction. The Cause of the. B. S. LEVINE. (Amer. Journ. of Syph. and Neutrology, I935, xix., No. 3, p. 367.) 58 Ix EDITORIAL NOTES THE Editors beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the following Journals, etc. British Medical Journal. The British Journal of Dermatology and Syphilis. The Journal of Experimental Medicine. New England Journal of Medicine. The Urologic and Cutaneous Review. Medical Times and Long Island Medical Journal. Annales des Maladies Ve'neriennes. Bulletin de la Societe Fran9aise de Dermatologie et de Syphiligraphie. Bruxelles Medicales. Miinchener Medizinische Wochenschrift. Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift. Giornalo Italiano di Dermatologia e Sifilologia. The American Journal of the Medical Sciences. The Prescriber. A ctas Dermo-Sifiliograficas. Liverpool Medico-Chirurgical Journal. The American Journal of Syphilis. Venereal Disease Information (U.S.A. Public Health Service). The Shield. A Review of Moral and Social Hygiene. Mother and Child. British Journal of Urology. The Canadian journal of Medicine and Surgery. The Calcutta Medical Journal. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. Indian Journlal of Venereal Diseases. Diagnostica e T ecnica di Laboratorio. Indian Medical Journal. THE FOLLOWING BOOKS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED FOR REVIEW "Actinotherapy Technique," by Sir Henry Gauvain, M.D., M.Chir. (Camb.), F.R.C.S. (Eng.). "Synopsis of Genito-Urinary Diseases," by Austin I. Dodson, M.D., F.A.C.S. V.D. 59 x PUBLISHERS' NOTICES Subscriptions to the Journal should be forwarded to the publishers, Messrs. Constable & Co., Ltd., IO & I2, Orange Street, London, W.C.2. (Annual Subscription 20/- post free.) 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