* * * * Savannah News-Press • Saturday, March 4, 1995 - 3E Notice Of Sale 025 by J. Stephen Lewis Beckmonn & Lewis P.O. Bo* 9525 317TattnallSt. Savannah, Go. 314)2 912-232-3137 Stole of Georgia County of Chatham Notice of Sole Under ond by virtue of the powers contained In that certain Deed to Secure Debt executed by SANDFLY ASSOCIATES, a Georgia General Partnership, in favor of Barnard M. Port man and Jules B. Poderewski. dated May IS, 1969and recorded in the office of the clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham County, Ga... in Deed Book 142-U, Folio 196; as modified by agreement doted November 7, 1990, .as recorded in the aforesaid clerk's office in Record Book 147-V. Folio 730, and default having occurred in the payment of the debt.secured thereby the Holder has . nominated ond appointed Michael D. Marburaer, as Trus. tee, tor the purpose of collecting the indebtedness; therefore the said Trustee will sell before the door of the courthouse of Chatham County, Go., dt 133 Montgomery St., savannah, Go. between the hours* of sale, on March 7, 1995, that being the first Tuesday in March, 1995, after advertisement as provided for (a said Deed to Secure Debt, "as,is", for cash, the following described property, to wit: All those certain lots, tracts, or parcels of land situate, Wing ond^elng in the County of Chatham 'and State of Georgia, in Homestead Pork, and being known and described as:* Block 6. Cot 4; Block 9, Lot 2; Block IVLot 1; Block 12, Lot 1; Block 14, Lots 1 and 2; Block 15, . Loj 2; Block 27, Lots 3 nnri 4; Notice Of S0/e 025 025 Bloc* 33. Lot 1, Block 39, Lots J and 2; Block 43. Lot 2; Block 44, Lots 1 - 4, Block 57, Lot 3; Block 58. Lots 1 and 2. Block 58, Lots 3 and 4, Block 70, Lots 3 and 4; Block 71, Lots 1 • 4, Block 82, Lot 3; Block 83, Lot 4; Block 95; Lots 1 and 2; Block 115. Lots 1 and 2; Block 116, Lots 1 and 2; Block 116. Lots 3 and 4; Block 117, Lot 4; Block 135, Lot 1; Block 139. Lots 1 and 2; Block 139, Lots 3 and 4; Block 143, Lots 1 and 2; Block 143, Lots 3 and 4; Block 144. Lots 3 and 4; Block 147, Lot 1; Block 147, Lots 3 ond 4; Block 159, Lots 1 and 2, Block 159, Lots 3 and 4; Block 160, Lots 1 and 2; Block 160. Lots 3 and 4; Block 161, Lots 1 and 2; Block 161, Lots 3 and 4; Block 162, Lot 4; Block 163, Lots 1 and 2; Block 163, Lots 3 and 4; Block 164, Lot 1; Block 164, Lots 1 and 2; Block 167. Lots 1 and 2; Block 167, Lots 3 and 4; Block 168, Lot 2; Block 169, Lots 3 and 4; Block 179, toll; Block 181, Lois 1 and 2; Block 181, Lots 3 and 4; Block 182, Lots 1 and 2; Block IK, Lot 3; Block 183, Lots 1 and 2; Block 183, Lot 4; Block 184, Lots 3 and 4; Block IBS, Lots 1 ond 2; Block 186, Lot 1; Block 168, Lots 1 and 2; Block 168, Lots 3 and 4; Block 190, Lots 1 and 2 as shown upon the map or plat of Homestead Park prepared by Edward J. Thomas, E.C., January 2/1910, recorded In the office of the clerk of the Superior Court Court of said County in Book 10 D's, at Folios 352-353, which map further appears of record in the said clerk's office in Historical MOP Book 4, Folio 206. The property will be sold os the property of Sondfly Associates, subiect to any superior security interest and 1 all ease- Notice Of Sale 025 ments, restrictions ond od val- Mingledorff Word. Said Northorem taxes. ern 115 tot of Lot 70. University Michael D. Marburger, os Trus- Place Subdivision. Mingledorff tee for Sandfly Associates, a Ward, is bounded 05 follows: on Georgia General Porner&hlp the North by 74th Street; on the 3) Montgomery St. East by Lot 69,m said SubdiviP.O. Box 9087 sion and Ward; on the South by Savannah, Go. 31412 the Southern portion of said Lot 912-233-4175 70,m said subdivision and State of Georgia Ward; and on the West by Lot County Of Chatham 71, sold Subdivision and Word. Whereas, CHARLES H. For o more particular descripTANKSLEY, o/k/a" Charles tion of said property hereby Hayward Tankslev. ("Grant- conveyed, express reference is ors") has defaulted in the pay- hereby mode to a map or plot of ment of the, indebtedness se- some; recorded in the records cured by o Deed to Secure Debt, of the Clerk's Office of the Supedated October 2, 1992, to The rior Court of Chatham County, Carver state Bonk, o state Georgia, in Plat Record Book, banking corporation organized "O", Page 77. Sold properly Is ond existing under the laws of improved properly ond contains •her State of Georgia, recorded the improvements known os No. in Book of Deeds 156-1. Folio 257 West 74th Street, according 707. in the Office of the Clerk of to the present system of numthe Superior Court of Chatham bering houses in the City of Savannah, Georgia. County, Georgia,-'and whereas, under the provi- Together with all improvements sion of said Security Deed said and hereditaments belonging, indebtedness has immediately or in anywise appertaining become due ond payable and re- 'thereto. Terms: Cash, sale to continue from day to day until mains |n default'; Now, Therefore, pursuant sold. The best knowledge of The to the powers contained in said Deed to Secure Debt and Sup- Carver State Bank the above plemental Loan Agreement, described property is in the posThe Carver State Bank, as At* session of the said Charles H. tornev-ln-Foct of Grantors, Tanksley or tenants claiming their heirs, executors, adminis- under him. This property will be sold trators and assigns, will sell the property hereinafter described subiect to all covenants/ conditions, easements, restrictions before the Courthouse door of •Chatham County, Georgia, dur- and reservations of record to ing the legal hours of iale on the which said Security Deed and first Tuesday In March, 1995, Supplemental loan Agreement that being the 7th day of March, are inferior In terms of priority and to all unpaid taxes and as1995, to wit: All that certain lot, tract or sessments, if any. The Carver State Bonk, parcel of land situate, lying and • A« Attorney In fact for being in Savannah, Chatham Charles H. Tanksley County Georgia, known os the Northern 115 feet of Lot 70, Unialso known as versity Place Subdivision, Charles Hayward Tanksley Notice Of Sate 025 Wiseman. Blackburn & Futrell 240 West Brouohton Street Post Office Box 8501 Savannah. Georgia 31412 (912) 232-2135 State of Georgia County of Chatham Foreclosure Notice Leonard M. MASON ond Lisa W. MASON did make and execute a Deed to Secure Debt to The Coastal Bank, on MARCH 7. 1990, which Deed 'was recorded oo March 8, 1990, in Record Book 144-Z, Folio 355, of the Deed Records of Chatham County. Go.• conveying the following described real property: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being In Savannah, Chatham County, Go., and being known as Lot B of a minor subdivision of the southern portion of Tract 4, Countryside Subdivision, Brennan Ward, 5m G.M.D., as shown on a mop or plan recorded in Chatham County, Go. records in Subdivision Map Book 11-S, Page 19, which map is referred to for a more particular description of the property herein conveyed and which map is hereby incorporated into and made a part of this description by reference thereto. Said Deed.to Secure Debt secured a Promissory Note from Leonard M. Mason and Lisa W. Mason, dated November 9,1994. Said Deed to Secure Debtheld ond owned by the Coastal Bonk contains the power of said authorizing it as attorney in fact for Leonard M. Mason and Lisa W. Mason to sell the property conveyed thereby,, In order tp) satisfy the debt secured thereby after-advertising the some once a week for four weeks in the of- Notice Of Sale 025 ficial gazette of Chatham Coun ty. Go. in accordance with said power ol sale, and by virtue thereof, the undersigned will sell said property at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash on March 7. 1995, being the first Tuesday in March, 1995, at the place of public sole before the courthouse door In Savannah, Chatham County, Go., and within the legal hours of sale. The promissory note referred to above is past due and in default, and the undersigned In accordance with the terms thereof has .accelerated the payment and called the whole amount due under said note and under the Deed to Secure Debt, all QS set forth above. The debt remaining in default, this sale will be mode for the purpose of paving the same and all expenses of (his sale, including attorney's fees. The properly will be sold subiect to any outstanding od valorem taxes, any assessments, and ony liens superior to. the security deeds first set out above. Proceeds of sole'will be applied as follows: . A) To pay the expenses of the sale; B) To pay the sum secured by said Deed to Secure Debt in favor of the Coastal Bonk, including the balance due of'the promissory note referred to above; and C) The balance, if any. to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. * The Coastal Bank, as attorney in fact for Leonard M. Mason and Lisa W..Mason by Daniel C. Cohen Attorneys at Law Brannen, Searcy & Smith P.O. Box 8002 Savannah, Oa. 31412 912-234-8875 Notice Of Sale 025 State of Georgia County of Chatham Not ice of Sole Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain'bond tor title (the "Bond for Title"J from Donald E. LANIER and Emily C. LANIER ("Purchasers") lo The Johnston Corpora} ion of Savannah, Inc.. dated June 6, 1985, ond recorded in Deed Book 127-B, Folio 689, in the records ol the clerk of Superior Court of Chatham County. Go., the property therein described and all rights under the Bond for Title being transferred and assigned by The Johnston Corporation. Inc., to William E. Johnston ("Sell-' er'") by Quitclaim Deed dated July 16, 1990, and recorded in Deed Book 146-K, Folio 578, in the records of the clerk of Superior Court of Chatham County. Go., default having been made in the payment of indebtedness secured by the Bond for Title, there will be sold by the undersigned at public outcry on the first Tuesday in March, 1995, before the courthouse door in Chatham County, Go., between the legal hours of sole .to the highest ond best bidder for cash, the following described property, described in .the Bond for Title, to wit: All that certain lot, tract or parcel of.land situate, lying ond being in * the State of Georgia, County of Chatham, and being known and designated upon the map or 'plan of Phase III, Greenbrior Subdivision, as recorded in the office of 1he clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham County. Ga., in Subdivision MOP Book 3-S. Page 43, as Lot; Number Thirty (30). Reference is hereby made to said map or plan for a more complete de-. Notice Of Sale 025 SCnption of the property herein conveyed and said map or plan is expressly mode o part of this description Together with the improve ments ond appurtenances thereunto belonging or m anywise appertaining and all of the right, title, interest, or equity of redemption of Purchasers, their heirs, executors, administra tors, and assigns, in and to said property, and all of the right, title, interest, and equity of Seller in ond to said property. Terms of sale are cash. Purchaser paying Stole Transfer Tax and all applicable unpaid taxes and assessments that ore 'iens against said property superior to the lien of the Bond for Title, and subiect to all superior conveyances, easements, restrictions, or other matters of record, if ony. ' ' by Williarf) F. Johnston, attorney in fact for Donald E. Lanier and Emily C. Lanier Marvin A. Fentress , Hunter, Maclean, Exlevfc Dunn, P.C. P.O. Box 9848 Savannoh.4Sa. 31412 912-236-0261 • State Of Georgia County Of Chatham Default having occurred in payment of sums due, and in the performance of other covenants under the certain Deed to Secure Debt from RIVER LANDINGS, Inc. executed and delivered to Nationwide Mortgage Services, Inc., which Deed to Secure is dated January 27, 1993 and is recorded in the of.fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham County. Gear-, gia in Deed Book 165E, Folio 702, to which reference is hereby expressly made, the undersigned, will, under and by vir- Notice Of Sate 025 tye ol the powers contained in said Dtred to Secure Debt, sell at Public outcry before the door of tht Cholhom County Courthouse, during the legal hours of x»«e on March 7, )V9i, oil of the following described property, to wit: • Tract One All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the County of Chatham and State of Georgia, known as 37.88 Acre Portion of Cou5ton Bluff, 5th District, Chatham County, Georgia. For a more Particular description, of the property herein conveyed express referenced is hereby mode to that certain plat or map prepared by Stuckey Land Surveying doted November 8, 1984. and recorded in the office Of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chatham County, Georgia, in Plot Record Book &-P, Pate 72. This is the same property subdivided os "The Moorings", as shown by that certain map recorded in Subdivision MOP Book 7-5, Page 41, aforesold records. , Tract Two All that certain lot, tract or parcel of Land situate, lying and being in the County of Chatham. State of Georgia and being designated as 10.65 acres, more or less if hammocks and sur« rounding marshlands as shown.i on that certain plat of survey prepared by Moore Land Surveying for River Landings, Inc. dated July 19,1993and recorded in the office of the Clerk'of Superior Court of Chatham County, Georgia in Plat Book 12-P, page 177. less and except that certain portion of land disclosed on the aforementioned* Plot os Section "C". . Terms: Cash. Purchaser to pay for title, State of Georgia o 1-900-646-1500 1^800-518-0742 $1.99/per minute. You must be 18 years old to use this service. Average call length: 3 minutes, • 24 hours a day, seven days a week m^SwftmwIiifcfri Ty'yjw"1 i«p^ ^"yoi"«$ i LooMngfor Men LooMngfor B^fe&Sslfel^ f Men ot zZfif*1'-?'"s^ssg7'v«'*-Spt»Hiy*i;*s Looking for •'•'£<•<•• 5 WxSj?'v5S?w> ' tf^Xiv-zprtv- LooMngfor Women •••• Looking for Women. Looking for Women Looking for Women SBCF, Attractive N/S, SBM, ISO SWM Tender Loving Care WF.27,5'6" Someone Special Bright, Cheerful SWPM GWF, 3& 5'6", 120 Ibs. SBPF, 30 SWM, 21 DWF, 38, good sense of Blond hair, blue eyes, vary ISO SBCM, must be intel- 115 Ibs., seeking female, BM ISO SF, 25-35', -for Looking for.bright, cheer- Attorney, hobbies are sail- Would like to meet BF, for •Blue eyes, brown hair, tall, humor, loving caring, masculine, also wants lectual and stable, also for dancing and friend- friendship, possible rela- ful lady to enjoy fun with. If ing, raoquetball. Seeking • friendship, conversation, slender, hard working, seeks S/DWM, 33-40, BiCM. 062951 able-to commit to one ship. No couch potatoes. tionship. ' 046127 you fit that description, PP. P. 30-40. <K66S73 fun, -maybe more. Must ISO SWF, .21-35,--attracwilling to give all in serilove people and self. . tive, short, -slender, for 081009 call me. 049200 DWPF, 39, 5'8", N/S Honest, Paring DWM SWM, 23, Brown Hair , .069911 ous relationship. 063130 . Intelligent, fun, down-to- woman. 046401 dating.067108 SWM, 32, ISO S/DWF New Jersey 29, intelligent, shy,-but •Green eyes, 5*7" J 85 Ibs., Attractive SWF, 42 SWF, 30, 5'8", 150 Ibs. earth, youhg-at-heart, SWM, Heterosexual, 37 SBM, 27 Attractive, 25-35, N/S, I'm adventurous, varied inter- Resident, in town once a honest, caring, seeks • Therapist, college bound sensitive and compas- Seeks SWM, 18-30, for 6', brown hair, green eyes, ests, ISO honest, intelli- month. Attractive DBPM, SWF, 26-28, friendly, car- v Hobbies are anything out- 6*2", 182 Ibs. ISO SF, any son, ISO companionship, sionate. Enjoys rollerblad- fun and friendship, Must medium build. Enjoy, gent lady with equally great character, ISO B/HF,. ing, honest. For friendship. doors, ISO SWF, 25-35. race, 18-40, for friendship, #60399 possible relationship. FullSWPM, similar career, val- ing, biking, beach, walk- be open-minded. No head movies, sports, dining out, good heart. 064222 34-45, for honest friend- maybe more. 167730 ues, integrity. In St ing, latest movies, bridge, games-pleasa. 060878 sitting by the fire. 026676 SWM, 21, S'11,185-LBS, ship. Serious only.044932 figured a plus, but all GWF,28,5f10" Big Guy Simons Islands. 067079 quiet 'times,- intelligent H replies welcomed.043020 145 Ibs., RE. teacher, SWPM, 34,6V 225 Ibs. ->: WM, Mid 408 Enjoy sports, outdoors, DWM, 41, 6'1 , brown hair No Commitment conversation.' Seeking Letting Defenses Down seeking same who's goalDWM, 48, 6', 175 LbB. Brown hair, green eyes, .very athletic, medium Seeking WF, mid 40s, 5'and beard, green eyes, Got what it takes for tall, intelligent,/mature, SBPF, 31, seeks fun with ISO SWF, 30-55, who build, brown eyes, black' 5'5", 145 Ibs. or less, who country boy, seeks tall,- .oriented and. likes dining Brown, hair, blue eyes, genuine, sensitive, enthusexy SM, 24-33, race enjoys the finer things in hair, ISO SWF, .19-30. is N/S, light drinker, ready N/S, special lady, 25-39, and movies at home. Only N/S,'sense of humor, light .voluptuous DWF, 46? •. Great ' deal, no' dead siastic, fun S/DWPM, 35- open. " ' 048621 life. 048865 for relationship. 126992 interested apply. 180417 drinker, ISO DWF, 45-55, 042599 Enjoy.good.talks, 041662 for fun. heads. 046367 49, N/S, with a sense of likes dancing, .romantic . Looking For Love. humor and able to share «times., 067750 SWM,'26,5'10", leoibs.i SWF,32,6'8",127Tb8, feelings. 'Excellent comenjoys rock, music, comeFlight nurse ISO SPM, 30- municator and listener SBM, 31, N/S dy, ISO special SWF, 18- .'6'3",ISO;SBF,'18-40, N/S, 55, who- loves flying, essential. . 048385 30, for long-term relation- no. drugs, ; scuba diving, playing •please. ', A. .lijiii.aiL'^fti Intelligent ship. . • #44930 • Someone to spend quality chess. 066258 SBF seeking a mature TO PLACE a FREE print ad you must have a touchtone telephone. Call 1-800-618-0742 to place your ad. You will receive a FREE 6 line time with, movies, et Alive Circus companion.to experience -062728. SWPM, 27,6', with eclectic cetera. ad for 4 weeks. Additional lines cost |2 per line. You may fill out the People Meeting People coupon and mail it in, or fax the coupon to 1Would like to meet man the finer things as well as taste and views, seeks who sat in seat 28 CM, at simple pleasures that only Female Friend 800-597-9225. The People Meeting People coupon canibe found iivhe Savannah News-Press. / ' . " " ' • eccentric, intelligent, SBF, 23, would like to four o'clock show on. two can share. 083862 career-minded, sponta- meet, B/HCF, any age, for 2/1/95. '* 041661 SBF, 23 YOU ALSO GET A FREE VOICE MAILBOX. You will be given a 5-digit mailbox number and passcode. You must setup your mailbox and neous SWF. 22-29.046044 friendship, who likes, bar Executive Secretary ISO SPM,' 25-35, any record a greeting before you can listen to messages left for you! You will be notified of your mailbox and passcode as well as the 800 teleSWCM, 34,6'2" scenes, talks on phone,' SWF, 25, 5'4V122 Ibs., I nationality, for friendship, phone number which allows you to: 200 Ibs./Tybee resident, ' movies, dinners. 043246 need someone, .1 enjby possible relationship. Kids ISO plus-sized S/DWCF DWM; 37 movies, social drinking, O.K. Smoking O.K. , (2 - record your greeting 0 - change your passcode $j\ - retrieve your messages FREE (Mondays only) (#J • exit and hang up lady who lives in the 6', 185 Ibs., enjoys outdancing. Must be black. 067346 islands.. Let's talk and doors, dining out, travel, . 066115 Someone Special meet. The first time you call and enter your mailbox number and passcode you will be asked to setup your mailbox. To setup your mailbox you ISO.slim S/DWF, 30-40,. SBF, 22 Full-figured SBF, 29, ISO Looking For Love light drinker, smoker O.K. must identify which classification you want your greeting to play in (i.e. Men Seeking Women, press 1, etc.). Once you have setup your mailEnjoy music, travel. sensitive, secure and tall Slim SWM, 26, long hair, 063266 Seeking honest SM, for SBM, 28-35, for friendship box, and your.greeting has been screened and approved, you may retrieve your messages. If you wish to retrieve your messages more -ISO SWF, 19-32, into hard Nice Guy, DWM friendship or relationship. or more. 029860 often you may use the 900 number provided. NOTE: By placing an ad, the advertiser agrees to record a greeting. rock and comedy, for Stable, likes walks, sun081735 Attractive BF long-term relationship. rises, bicycling, music, £«^r.'r^-ffSt:^ ^^ffWKfrWKWWjjWJS' Kv*:#W'W<;W:"?j.:« '••' : •* : '•:•,•: : • • ' . • ' • . • : • • •••;••; ;•'.- .'•:••:.•• \:;;-:-f:ff^.f^-f:f:f .:>.W. • ? Beautiful PBR 48 Seeks easygoing, kind, 062861 quiet eveninqs, 40s, 5*9", Energetic, educated, ISO 'sincere SM, 23-43, who SWM ISO SWF 150 Ibs., ISO petite, N/S W/BPM, who wants enjoys outdoors, No hang-ups, looking.for S/DW.F. 35-45. 047690 someone to love, share, antiques. For companion^^ someone who isn't afraid Major Dad build future with, should ship 083333 of romance, or to show ISO zany, younger lady to be romantic. 084524 RESPONDING TO A MAILBOX Honest BF, 19 romantic feelings. 060872 share sea island lifestyle, . WW/WF, 58, 5*5" College student, enjoys FIRST Write down the five digit mailbox number of the ad you would like to respond to. .- Still Looking SWM respect, laughter, good 150 Ibs., seeks WM, 55* dancing and .dining. ISO 57", 150 Ibs., 20, ISO lite. 04596S '65, who is a down-to- humorous SBM, 19-24. SWF, 19-28, N/S. I am NEXT Call 1-900-646-1500. Listen to the system instructions carefully. Press _j to respond to a mailbox. Enter the five digit mailbox of Someone Special earth, old-fashioned gen047773 athletic, romantic, serious BM, tleman. . 046387 your choice. ' . «, ' desires single Full-figured SB Mom relations-minded only. « . _ female, to be with, share Attractive DWF > .. .. . 067720 with 5'1.r, 25, enjoys music, and to succeed with. THEN Listen to the advertiser's greeting and then press ^j to leave a message, press ^j to repeat the greeting or press the star key, ,*j, Mid 40s, ISO financially dancing, movies. ISO BM, Wealthy Mentor 087611 stable and secure handsome, well-built, 6' to exit. WM, 47, seeks slim, SWM, 26 S/DWM, 38-50, for fun over, 25-35, mature, BROWSINQ MAILBOXES IS EASY beautiful WF, 18-28, for and possible long-term friendship, more. 063258 travel and shopping 5'10", 190 Ibs, in military, CALL 1-900-646-1500 from a touchtone telephone. Listen to the system instructions carefully. Press jj to browse mailboxes; you will be ISO SWF, 21-36, who is relationship. 082529 sprees. 048462 SWM, 27, 6T' able to choose your category(ies), such as, Women Seeking Men. mature, easygoing and Pretty, Passionate Brown hair, blue eyes, SBM, 27 has many interests. Petite DWF, 4T,1 N/S, light masculine, healthy, attrac6', 230 Ibs., new to 063264 LISTEN to the advertiser's greeting and then press u to leave a message, ^J to repeat the greeting, press jj to skip ahead to the next drinker, attractive, ISO tive, ISO mature WM for Savannah area, desires SBPM, Mld-40s honest, fit S/DWM, 41 fun and hanging. 047771 . greeting; press the star key, jj, to exit. Note, you may enter one of these three choices while the advertiser's greeting is playing. friendship, maybe relaISO SWPF only, 40-55, plus, dancing, romance, IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, please call 1-800-618-0742. Live operators are available: Monday-Friday, 8 am -11 pm ET. Saturday. 11 am • 7 pm ET and Sunday tionship with SBF, 20-30. Health Partner for dining, golfing and ( outdoor activities. 048494 ,11 am 7pm£T. 049252 GWM, 5 9", 160 Ibs., romancing. Willing to Are You Lonely? seeks serious partner, 30 SWM, 19, Seeks SWF commit. Must be attracMe Too. SBF, law student plus, for healthy relation18-22, college student, tive. N/S/drugs. 043428 USE THESE ABBREVIATIONS ONLY seeks sincere SBM, 40 or ship COST CHECK ONE CATEGORY 029684 enjoys movies, talking on SWPM, 24 over, for long-term relathe phone and eating out SBM, 34, ISO SWM A-As»an ISO-ln Search Of S-Single 6 lines 4 weeks FREE Attractive, good-hearted, tionship 047095 Savannah area only. Must be handsome, very Men B-Black J- Jewish W-White I Looking for N/S ISO SWF, 21-28, to Each a dditional line ....$2.00 0167141 GWM, 35, 6', 255 Ibs. masculine, good built C-Chnstian M-Male WW-Widowed cuddle and hug. Must like Professional athlete, body, blonde hair, blue or SWM, 19, Seeks Mail to: People Meeting People D-Drvorced NA-Natrve Amencan '-Feet the great outdoors and be seeking GM, whp is also a green eyes. ISO BCM, SWF. 18-22. who enjoys mature. P.O. Box 780388 - Looking for Women F-Female N/S-Non-smoker '-Inches 043642 professional, enjoys N/S. 063054 movies and talking on the H-Hispanic P-Professwnal Ibs. -Pounds Wichita, KS 67278-0388 SWPM, 47 sports and long talks. phone. 065101 WM, 21 Attractive. financially 061303 ISO handsome WM. 23DWM, 50, ISO DWPF secure. ISO attractive SBF. Or call: 1-800-618-0742 SWM ISO Same 36, for fun and friendship I'm 5'10". 165 Ibs. profes- 25-40, for sharing, canng Heater SWM. mid 20s. 5*11", 165 067422 sional, seek slender WF, relationship. Name Bulloch m Ibs . brown hair, goodfor fun and possible rela- County area. Petite, Attractive SWF Lix>2 069366 looking, educated, hon- 40s. N/S. light drinker, Address tionship 046039 WW/WM, Senior est. ISO GWM, 18 plus. young-looking with good SBM, New To Area Une3 City Congenial widower. ISO m same qualities 042684 sense of humor, ISO honISO SWF. mother, full-fig- neat widow, who enjoys State Zip , i__4, Attractive SWM, 29 ........ r- _ . . _ ._ _ . . me est, financially secure ured welcome long-term good male company. 5'10", 140 Ibs, blue-green gentleman 048829 relationship I'm honest, Home( ) _, #46056' m eyes. ISO same. 23-33. In loving, understandable, Lne 5 Full-Figured BF SBM, 31 Daytime ( Hilton Head. Savannah 5T. 23. N/S. light drinker romantic #64449 area For good times, N/S enjoys dancing, meeting R IMPORTANT - Check One: Lne 6 SWM ISO Fun-Loving' Enjoys movies, going to a definite plus. 086630 people ISO SH/BCM. 25N/S. drug-free SWF, who the beach Seeking PF .. . I'm a fl r«t time advertiser SWM, 29 enjoys intimate nights and 25-31 For friendship 40, with children or not 026689 I'm ren owing a previous ad —— talks 069612 HIV positive. 5'8". 150 081796 DWM, 6'2", 215 Lbs. Ibs., brown hair, green BM, 33 SBF, 37, Honest, Caring (Prepay fo r all adt with more than 6 line* ) New to Savannah area eyes, nice-looking Seeks ISO SBM. 35-40. who Light-skinned. ISO SBF, ISO S/DF. to be a beach MasterCard Discover Check/Money Order same. 25-40. 081623 Visa 5'5". 100-140 Ibs , who enjoys church, movies, Card* Exp Date doesn't mind a single par- walking partner 067156 SWF, 23, ISO must love children and DWM, Late 60s ent, because. I am one SWM, who loves the out- animals. Only serious Signature 57", 160 Ibs . seeking trim 081503 doors, the beach and inquires only. 069443 WF. for companionship dancing 081990 Limerick Seeking SBCM Ads containing seiually eKpliat/impficit/anatomical language will not be accepted The Savannah News-Press reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement Ads may be submitted 046055 Wanna run with the big Attractive DWF, 35 Non-drinker, 55-65. I'm for publication only by persons 18 years ol age or older No ads will be published seeking persons under 18 The Savannah News-Press assumes no liability lor the content ol or reply lo SBF Seeking PF dog. or sit on the porch on ISO SWPM, 28-45. N/S, SBCF. 64. but look much any personal ad The customer placing the ad assumes complete liability and holds The Savannah News-Press harmless lor all costs, expenses, (including attorneys lees), liabilities and St Patrick's Day? SWM. 20-28. easygoing, active, intelligent, fit. Enjoys yoUnger. like Tina Turner damages resulting from or caused by (he publication or recording placed by the advertiser or any reply to any such advertisement By using People Meeting People the customer placing music, movies, candle- For friendship, maybe the ad agrees not to leave his/hei phone number, last name or address m his/her greeting message , • . 40s, degreed, tnm. N/S, fun-loving, people onentISO similar SWF 068821 ed \ 045617 relationship 068724» light, sunsets. 062389 How to place a People Meeting People ad Responding to a People Meeting People ad I HHIHHHHHHH "*^^^ !
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