How to addressing the dawn of Knowledgeable Science era : Knowledge Value (KV) linking up Knowledge Management with Theoretical Physics “You don’t have Knowledge. You are the Knowledge. You have the body” – Md Santo, 2011 - THE BIRTH OF KNOWLEDGEABLE SCIENCE ERA • From our point of view, within Knowledge Management (KM), “we are the Knowledge itself”, considering human being with their “knowing tools” evolve their Knowledge inside their (human) body with some differentiated human consciousness types from Knowledge with lower to medium and with higher consciousness respectively (see the link - “Description of Human System Bio-based KM (HSBKM) model framework” ). The process of Knowledge evolvement inside human being during the last two decades undergoes significant paradigm shift of evolution assuming to get higher and higher complexity of KM caused by rapid advancement of technology factor as well as the resulting highly nonlinearistic turbulent knowledge ecosystem factor. Therefore Knowledge and/or KM experiencing radical changes in how people should addressing the phenomenon (see the link - “KM model framework by Nature” , among others stated .... It is noted that the beginning of 21th century marked with Knowledge Management (KM) as prominent continuation of Data and Information Management. DIKW concept, stand for Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom continuum, becoming outstanding issue as well as KM becoming full blown phenomenon as a discipline entity, but marked with unique and somewhat “strange behavior” that so far, there is no acceptable and workable KM definition. Never before in human history of science, we could hardly define a learning object as in defining K as well as KM. The essence meaning of Scientific Knowledge still “blurring”, Knowledge as well as KM also challenged by : lack of clarity, absence of meaningful measures, lack of understanding of knowledge flow, complex and changing business environment, knowledge needs are context specific and differing perspectives lead to lack of alignment. It seems certainly we should find new paradigm to finding out the solution to addressing the future of K and KM ......) 1 • Certainly, unless we succeed to addressing the phenomenon of paradigm shift in Knowledge and/or KM, most likely KM will certainly lost the direction of its essential purposes and intents (“WE ARE ALL WITNESSES THE BIRTH OF KNOWLEDGEABLE SCIENCE BEYOND SCIENTIFIC ERA” ‐ ) • Therefore to seeking the (relative) Truth of Knowledge and KM, we should do skewing to the right attitude of domain within what we called as “Knowledge Truth Map” among others as follow ( from “Knowledge is the edge of Science” – ) : Scientific Knowledge era ................................. Knowledgeable Science era Until end of 20th century................................... Begining early 21th century D-I is the hub ...................................................... K-W is the hub Scientific mind set............................................... Beyond Scientific mind set Deducto-Hypothetico-Verificative...................... Evidence-based and Reverse Engineering Probability-driven................................................ Possibility-driven Relying on human senses and mind brain........ Consciousness DNA is Human limit Data-base.............................................................. Knowledge-base Seeking Good and True...................................... Seeking Right as Human Wisdom Multi Media tools................................................. Social Media 2.0 – 3.0 Learning by Doing............................................... Doing by Learning etc (Data / Information – driven)........................ etc (Knowledge-driven) RE-DEFINING KNOWLEDGE, KM AND THE IMPACT TO THEORETICAL PHYSICS • In attempt to re-defining Knowledge and KM regarding the Knowledgeable Science era, we firstly developed our Human System Biological-based Knowledge Management (HSBKM) model framework used as our Knowledge ecosystem guide. Furthermore we also developed Mobee Knowledge Competency Capability Maturity (MKCCM) model as our KM metrics ( - “Description of Human System Bio-based KM (HSBKM) model framework” ). The resulting definitions are as follow : • ......Knowledge, in broad meaning (DI – KW separated model), is the product of human / nature knowing tools, evolved as emergent property inside human being / the body acting “as complex system having consciousness, alive and behaving as subject with 2 freewill”. Contrary with Data and Information exist outside human being, non-alive and behaving as object only ( Mobee Knowledge K-base ) • .....Knowledge Management (KM) essentially is not management technique but behaving more as a living access mechanisms that can be used across any management tool type such as Total Quality Management, Learning Organization (Peter Senge’s Fifth Discipline), Benchmarking, Process Classification Framework, Business Process Reengineering, Balanced Scorecard, Business Intelligence, Information Management including Social Media platforms etc. wherein each with their specific functions to be orchestrated under KM’s consciousness. So, here we put KM in incredibly broad meaning behaving as subject with higher level than any other management tool type which is treated only as object ( and/or ). • Further impact of our Knowledge and KM definition to Theoretical Physiscs ( Cited from our article which had been accepted for presentation in the “The International Conference on Mathematics and Science “ – Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS) 12-13 October, 2011 at Majapahit Hotel, Surabaya – Indonesia ) : The existence of Nature Knowledge deduced by our experience in implementing Human System Biology-based Knowledge Management (HSBKM) model framework, and based from all the postulates we have developed, together by using Knowledge Management (KM)driven environment Psycho – Somatic thinking paradigm applied to Nature within macro / classical world level throughout quantum level covering human consciousness to quantum (knowledge) consciousness. At last initiated from KM we came up to Theoretical Physics declaring toward Knowledge as counterpart of Energy and Matter and proposing Knowon as fifth fundamental force of Nature counterparting Graviton instead of Gluon, Photon, and W-Z respectively We’d like to introduce Knowledge Value (KV) generated from Human System Biology-based Knowledge Management (HSBKM) model framework. Knowledge Value (KV) is Weighting Score (WS) method using Thurstone scale ( scaling technique that incorporates the intensity structure among indicators) beginning from 10 -38 as Planck Number applied to Knowon (Psychic / Consciousness Mediating Particle) we proposed as fifth fundamental force of Nature counterparting Graviton (Somato Mediating Particle) as fourth fundamental force (Boson force) ranging throughout WS = 5.0 as human Knowledge with Higher 3 Consciousness (KHC) and beyond. KV is mean to assessing Nature Knowledge consciousness within Knowledge continuum in the Universe. Psycho – Somatic thinking paradigm dominated our thought in developing Human System Biology-based Knowledge Management (HSBKM) model framework considering that our Postulate 1 ........“We are Knowledge Management (KM) – regulated by Nature and By Nature we are KM Model’ ( - “KM model framework by Nature”. ) could be put into practical as well as theoretical discourse regarding the Knowledge of Nature as well as Knowledge of Human . The term of Psycho representing consciousness structure aspect, and the Somatic (from Somato) term representing the physical structure aspect ( - “New Knowledge categorization : Psycho vs Somato aspects of KM” ) The following matrix diagram will describe our issues around Knowledge Management linking up with Theoretical Physics and vice-versa : Nature Knowledge – Value (KV) Map derived from Human System Biology-based Knowledge Management (HSBKM) model framework Nature Knowledge Continuum Map : Knowon Continuum Beyond Human Quantum world Classical mechanism world : Bio – Physical World World Mediating Particle (Fundamental Force of Nature or Boson Forces) : • Gluon • Photon • W,Z • Graviton (acting as “Somatic Mediating Particle” of the Universe) Physical World Non Human Bio - World Human being World 4 • Knowon (acting as “Psychic / Consciousne ss Mediating Particle” of the Universe) K-Value = 10+38 K-Value < 1.0 (Planck Number) K-Value 1.0 - Human K-Value = K-Value > 9.0 to 4.0 #Human Weighted ~ (infinity) Score (WS) = 1.0 + 3.0 + 5.0 = 9.0 • HUMAN SYSTEM BIOLOGY : HUMAN KNOWING TOOLS PRODUCING KNOWLEDGE Human Senses (Peripheral Nerves System incl. Autonomic Nerve System) as Primary Human Knowing Tools (HKT) Human Brain (Central Nerves System) as Secondary Human Knowing Tools (HKT) Human Genomic DNA (DNA Consciousness) as Tertiary Human Knowing Tools (HKT) Primary HKT producing “Knowledge with Lower Consciousness” (KLC) Secondary HKT producing “Knowledge with Medium Consciousness” (KMC) Tertiary HKT producing “Knowledge with Higher Consciousness” (KHC) KLC representing human sense-taste-feeling-feel-flavorsensation KMC representing human reason-mind-intellectintelligence-way-idea KHC representing human will – desire - wish • HUMAN SYSTEM BIOLOGY-BASED KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (HSBKM) MODEL FRAMEWORK (Partly) Within Human System Biologybased KM (HSBKM) model framework, KLC represented by KM Tools as Techno-based Within HSBKM model framework KMC represented by KM Process Framework as Human Mind-based boundary Within HSBKM model framework KHC represented by KM Standards Culture and Value as Human Organizational (Collective / 5 boundary KM KM Social) Learning-based boundary KM Weighted Score (WS) = 1.0 as value of KM Tools representing the value of KLC Weighted Score (WS) = 3.0 as value of KM Process Frameworks representing the value of KMC Weighted Score (WS) = 5.0 as value of KM Standards Culture and Value representing the value of KHC KM TOOLS component covering IT/ICT, Web 1.0 and 2.0 incl. Social Media platforms. (Referred to “Machine or Techno Learning” or to Category 7.0 (PCF – APQC**) as corporate orientation) KM PROCESS FRAMEWORK component covering Human (Tacit) Mind incl. Web 3.0 and/or Semantic Web including Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Referred to “Individual Learning” or to Category 12.0 (PCF – APQC**) as corporate orientation) Be like to human organ system as somato (physical body structure) aspect : Documents of management (tools) type exist as Explicit Codified Knowledge, Taxonomy Metadata Management + CMS = Data/Information Management (Knowledgebase) Be like to human brain as somato (physical body structure) aspect : Documents of Process Classification Framework (sources of Human Learning Competencies) exist as Explicit Codified Knowledge Source KM STANDARDS Culture and Value component covering Codified / Explicit Knowledge, Human Social Behavior, Organizational Culture (Learning Organization). (Referred to “Organizational Learning” or to Category 1.0 – 2.0 – 3.0 – 4.0 – 5.0 – 6.0 – 8.0 – 9.0 – 10.0 – 11.0 (PCF-APQC**) as corporate orientation) Be like to human genomic DNA as somato (physical body structure) aspect : Documents of Enterprise DNA = Knowledge Architecture (as Content Management System / CMS & Learning Management Syste / LMS) + Taxonomy Metadata Management exist as Explicit Codified Knowledge @2011 – Mobee Knowlegde ** Referring to PCF – APQC = Process Classification Framework – American Productivity and Quality Center as taxonomy of cross functional business process comprising 12 Categories : 1. Develop Vision and Strategy 2. Develop and Manage Products and Services 3. Market and Sell Products and Services 4. Deliver Products and Services 5. Manage Customer Service 6. Develop and Manage Human Capital 7. Manage Information Technology 8. Manage Financial Resources 9. Acquire, Construct, and Manage Property 10. Manage Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) 11. Manage External Relationships 12. Manage Knowledge, Improvement, and Change 6 Dr Md Santo – [email protected] - Medical Doctor & Ophthalmic Surgeon Consultant - Airlangga University, Indonesia - Knowledge Management (KM) dan Organizational Learning (OL) consultant – Jakarta, Indonesia - Founder Social Networking and Learning Resources Site “Mobee Knowledge CoP” - Twitter : - Linkedin : @2011 Mobee Knowledge 7
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