MEL BAY PRESENTS GET CHUGGING HOW TO PLAY RHYTHM HARMONICA BY BEN HEWLETT & PAUL LENNON Audio Tracks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Welcome [2:19] Getting started [1:12] Choo choo chooo [2:19] Introduction to Track 5 [0:53] Choo chacka choo [2:23] Introduction to Track 7 [0:58] Doo chicka [2:41] Introduction to Track 9 [1:04] Choo diddley [2:41] Introduction to Track 11 [1:03] Chow diddley [2:14] Introduction to Track 13 [1:02] 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Introduction to Track 23 [0:59] Chicken tikka [2:20] Use of right hand [2:31] Right hand demo [1:05] Introduction to Track 27 [1:05] Zz ack-a [1:08] Introduction to Track 29 [0:51] Tikka hoo [1:25] Introduction to Track 31 [1:00] Tikka hoo, tikka duddley [1:15] Introduction to Track 33 [0:53] Hooka tikka [2:30] 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Siggy saggy [2:14] Introduction to Track 15 [1:26] Tooka chicka [3:31] Introduction to Track 17 [1:02] Zz ack-a [2:41] Introduction to Track 19 [1:03] Drrr [2:38] Introduction to Track 21 [1:19] Chuckety tickety [2:45] 34 Introduction to Track 35 [0:29] 35 Woww [1:04] 36 Introduction to Track 37 [1:01] 37 Duck [2:16] 38 Introduction to Track 39 [0:29] 39 Dog [3:49] 40 Ben's final thoughts [2:09] 41 Scuppered [3:19] © 2006 BY MEL BAY PUBLICATIONS, INC., PACIFIC, MO 63069. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. B.M.I. MADE AND PRINTED IN U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise, without written permission of the publisher. Visit us on the Web at — E-mail us at [email protected] FOREWORD The harmonica has largely been ignored as an instrument that can be easily taught in an organized way. Most people still think of it as a self-taught instrument used primarily for playing the blues. That is changing and Ben Hewlett has proved this in many schools and colleges in Southern England through his persistence and energy as he introduces his teaching methods in workshops and smaller group and individual lessons. Over 5,000 people have learned to chug with Ben! The play-along CD came from the need to have something musical and interesting to play along with at home as well as being easily accessible to anyone whether or not they had previous musical experience; particularly theoretical. This book contains the ‘chugs’ from every track on the album clearly notated as well as a transcription of the main melodies from those same tracks. The overall course focuses on particular areas of harmonica playing from ‘chugging’ (rhythm playing) to single note playing, from note-bending to new repertoire with returns to the blues. It is all clearly explained and demonstrated and most of all is fun to do. In my long association with Ben I have come to see that the diatonic (10-hole) harmonica is capable of a far greater range of styles and expression. In writing the music for the ‘Chugging’ CD I composed in a variety of styles and found that the harmonica suited all of them admirably. I heartily recommend this course for beginners and more experienced players alike and hope that the potential of this ‘humble’ instrument can be more fully realized and expanded far beyond just the blues idiom. Paul Lennon L.T.C.L. Beckenham, Kent UK Feb 2000 Ben Hewlett Paul Lennon 2 ‘CHUGGING’ Introduction Welcome to part one of the Ben Hewlett Harmonica course. The first technique we will learn is called “chugging” – playing the harmonica in a rhythmic fashion using chords, that’s two or more notes at once and using words to create the rhythms. The idea is to use this book with your CD to see how the ‘chugging’ that you are already familiar with looks on paper. This book is designed to be used along with the CD to help you read music and see how it comes alive with the recordings. Here’s how it works: First learn how to play all the ‘chugging’ phrases which only use holes 1, 2 & 3 on your “C” diatonic harmonica. All instructions are on the CD so put it in and start playing. These are found in part one of the book as well as at the beginning of each of the tunes. As a supplement you can make up your own ‘chugging’ phrases to suit the music, it is probably best to turn the balance button to the left to lose the recorded harmonica sound. Furthermore, when you can play single notes you are ready to go on to the tunes in part two. These are arranged as they appear on the CD and the suggested order of learning these pieces in order of ease is 11, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 7, and then 10 Three of the tunes have duet sections: 2, 9 & 11. These can be played by two harmonicas or even with another treble clef instrument like violin or recorder. Tablature or ‘tab’. This is the system of numbers and arrows that tells the harmonica player which holes to use and whether to blow or draw. This also includes symbols that show when to bend notes we teach bending in a later book. You will find that the first tune has ‘tab’ on every note and then in the following tunes only when ‘new’ notes appear are they also ‘tabbed’! This gives the harmonica player the chance to pencil in the tab for him or herself where necessary and then to rub it out when they’re more familiar with the notes. A full chart is on page 47. This book is dedicated to a great friend of ours and of the harmonica, Douglas Tate. Douglas Tate (1934-2005) 3 4 USE THE CD FIRST You can follow all the recorded instructions and go through the book later on. This book is a supplement of written music to be used after you’ve been through all the CD tracks. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword ................................................................................................................................................................2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................3 PART 1 – THE ‘CHUGS’ Chugs 1 (CD Track 3), 2 (CD Track 5) & 3 (CD Track 7) ....................................................................................8 Chugs 4 (CD Track 9) & 5 (CD Track 11) ............................................................................................................9 Chugs 6 (CD Track 13) & 7 (CD Track 15) ........................................................................................................10 Chugs 8 (CD Track 17) & 9 (CD Track 19) ........................................................................................................11 Chugs 10 (CD Track 21) & 11 (CD Track 23) ....................................................................................................12 PART 2 – THE TUNES 1. Choo (CD Track 3) ..........................................................................................................................................14 2. Choo chaka (duet) (CD Track 5) ....................................................................................................................16 3. Doo chicka (CD Track 7) ................................................................................................................................18 4. Choo diddeley (CD Track 9)............................................................................................................................20 5. Chow diddeley (CD Track 11) ........................................................................................................................22 6. Siggy saggy (CD Track 13) ............................................................................................................................24 7. Tooka chicka (CD Track 15)............................................................................................................................26 8. Zz ack-a (CD Track 17) ..................................................................................................................................28 9. Drrr (duet) (CD Track 19) ..............................................................................................................................30 10. Chuckety tickety (CD Track 21)....................................................................................................................32 11. Chicken tikka (duet) (CD Track 23) ..............................................................................................................34 PART 3 – TRAINSOUNDS Trainsounds introduction ......................................................................................................................................36 12. Trainsounds 1 – Zz ack-a (CD Track 27) ......................................................................................................37 13. Trainsounds 2 – Tikka hoo (CD Track 29) ....................................................................................................37 14. Trainsounds 3 – Tikka hoo, tikka duddeley (CD T. 31) ................................................................................37 15. Trainsounds 4 – Hooka tikka (CD Track 33) ................................................................................................38 16. Trainsounds 5 – Woww (CD Track 35) ........................................................................................................38 17. Duck (CD Track 37) ......................................................................................................................................38 18. Dog (CD Track 39) ........................................................................................................................................39 ‘Scuppered’ (CD Track 41) ..................................................................................................................................40 Final thoughts........................................................................................................................................................41 Biographies............................................................................................................................................................42 Harmonica tablature ..............................................................................................................................................45 6 PART 1 THE ‘CHUGS’ Here’s how the ‘chugs’ look when they’re written down as musical notes. Use holes 1, 2, and 3 for all tracks except CD track 35 (Woww). 7 1. Choo choo chooo (CD Track 3) 44 œ > ˙ œ œ Choo choo choooo, > ˙ œ choo choo choooo. BLOW ↑ DRAW ↓ 2. Choo chacka choo (CD Track 5) 44 œ Choo > œ œ > œ œ chack - a, choo BLOW ↑ first time œ œ chack - a, > œ œ œ Œ choo chack - a, choooo. DRAW ↓ on repeat 3. Doo chicka (CD Track 7) > 4 œ 4 > œ œ œ œ œ œ > œ > œ œ œ œ œ œ Do chick - a chack - a chick - a, do chick - a chack - a chick - a. BLOW ↑ first time DRAW ↓ on repeat 8
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