How To Create Your Hot Hook Hire You On The Spot!

A Simple Script That Solves The Problem Of How You
Answer The Question “What Do You Do?”
How To Create Your Hot Hook
In 3 Minutes Flat So Clients Want To
Hire You On The Spot!
Action Sheet
Have you ever tried to tell someone about your online business, or your
idea for a business, but when you did, his or her eyes glazed right
And when that happened, you felt a little self-conscious… because
you could tell they were either BORED with or CONFUSED by your idea?
Most holistic business owners struggle with how to describe what they
do online in a way that IGNITES people’s curiosity.
And if you CAN’T do this, it’s awfully hard to get clients… or get
potential joint venture partners… or get anybody to really “believe” in
what you’re doing… which can put a big fat HOLE in your profits.
In this training you’ll learn, step-by-step, how to come up with
an exciting way to describe what you do that COMPELS people to
either become clients themselves… or refer others to your
business… in just 3 minutes.
Copyright © 2010 • Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern • [email protected]
(PLUS – you’ll make it easy for other people to see what you do as
COOL and INTERESTING – which makes this process fun!)
Many “selling gurus” call this description your 30 second “Elevator
Pitch”… but it isn’t about “pitching” or selling or even using fancy words.
It’s about choosing specific language that wakes people up from
their daily “trance,” sparks their attention, and gets them interested to
know more about what you have to offer…
(And when done very well, it does all this in less than 30 seconds…;-))
But before we show you how to create YOUR Hot Hook using our simple
hot hook generator, we want to show you what you should NOT say
when someone asks you the question “What do you do?”
What You Should NOT Say!
Here’s the scenario you should AVOID like high-fructose corn syrup!!
POTENTIAL CLIENT: “So tell me, Jill, what do you do?”
JILL: “I’m a Holistic Health Coach!”
Or our fictional practitioner Jill might answer, “I’m a Life Coach!” or
“I’m a Marketing Coach!”
Why are all of these TERRIBLE answers that are guaranteed to cause
severe eye-glazing, boredom and loss of a potential client or referral?!
Here’s why….
Copyright © 2010 • Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern • [email protected]
People do not want to hear that “you are a __________” because this
does NOT tell them how you can solve their problem. It doesn’t HOOK
After this training, when a potential client or referral partner asks “What
do you do,” you’re going to have a Hot Hook that has clients practically
signing up on the spot to work with you!
You might be thinking, “That sounds great, Carey & Stacey, but how do
I create a mythical ‘Hot Hook?’”
Glad you asked. Because we’ve got a template for you that’s SO EASY
you can complete it in under 3 minutes.
How To Create Your HOT HOOK
Use our proven, step-by-step Hot Hook Template to create a catchy,
compelling and hot hook that describes what you do in a way that has
prospects practically begging to be your client!
But don’t take our word for it. Look what happened for Holistic Health
Coach Julie Sarver when she used our template…
Turn the page to see how Julia became the “It Girl” at her
networking event with her new Hot Hook….
Copyright © 2010 • Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern • [email protected]
“Everything Stacey & Carey said about how to sell
myself worked! By the end of the night, I was THE
person to meet at my networking event!”
“I was driving to a women’s networking event listening to a training
from Stacey & Carey about creating my hot hook. I listened until I got
everything related to the new template for my Hot Hook. I sat in my car
and wrote my Hook using the new template.
The first time I used it at the event I was a little nervous and went back
to the ‘I’m a health coach’ model. I swear, I could see my
colleague’s eyes glaze over and she got away from me as quickly as
possible. I used the new Hook with the very next person I met, and the
response was sooo much better. By the end of the night, I was the
person to meet at this event! Women kept grabbing their friends and
saying, ‘You need to meet Julia! Listen to what she does.’ Four women
told me they wanted to work with me and everyone I talked to
asked to sign up for my newsletter. Yeah! Thank you so much.
Everything Stacey and Carey said about how to sell myself
worked. Amazing!”
Julia Sarver
Owner/Founder of Glow Health Coaching and Holistic Health Coach
Copyright © 2010 • Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern • [email protected]
Here’s the magic template…
Hot Hook Template
1. I help/show/teach… [Your ideal client]
2. Problem They Want To Solve… [What are they moving AWAY
Hint: Be specific in describing the situation they find themselves
3. So They Can… [Specific Result – What are they moving
Hint: Try to name a positive change they will experience in their
day-to-day life.
4. In/With/Without/While [Specific convenience or pain they want to
5. Optional Finish: Do you know anyone who… [Recap]
Let’s take a look at how the template looks when it’s all tied together in
one powerful script.
Turn the page to see the Hot Hook script and samples of Hot
Hooks in action….
Copyright © 2010 • Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern • [email protected]
Hot Hook Plug-and-Play Script…
I help [insert who you work with] [insert specific problem they
want to solve] so they can [insert result] without [specific
convenience or pain they want to avoid].
Want to see examples of Hot Hooks? Check these out….
Examples Of Hot Hooks In Action:
“I show women in their 30s [ideal client] how to lose those last
stubborn 10 pounds [result] so they can fit into their skinny jeans
[change in day-to-day life] without starving themselves [pain they
want to avoid].”
“I show men in their 50s and 60s how to heal Diverticulitis so
they can eat what they love without having surgery or walking
around with a colostomy bag.”
“I help new moms lose those last 15 lbs so they can get their prebaby body back in as little as 90 days – without dieting,
deprivation or military exercise. Do you know any new moms who
want to lose 15 lbs quickly?”
“I help people with Type 2 Diabetes lose 25 lbs so they can get
healthy without all those torture diets that don’t allow you to eat
sweets anymore.”
“I help busy professionals instantly double their energy so they
can get more done in less time while avoiding the 3pm crash. Do
you know anyone who wants to know what and how to eat to
double their energy right now?”
Copyright © 2010 • Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern • [email protected]
Use Your Hot Hook To Get New Clients & Referrals!
Ready to create your Hot Hook and get a flood of new clients and
referrals in under 3 minutes?
Then invest 3 minutes of your time to take these simple action steps
3-Minute Hot Hook Action Steps
1. Craft your Hot Hook using our simple template.
2. Transfer your Hot Hook into a single sentence using our script.
3. Set a goal to test your Hot Hook on at least 20 people in the next
Ready To Get Your Next 10 Clients?
Turn the page to discover how to get your next 10 clients….
Copyright © 2010 • Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern • [email protected]
Ready To Get Your Next 10 Clients?
If you loved this simple Hot Hook training, you’ll drool when we show
How To Add $10,000+ To Your Bank Account In The
Next 30 Days…Without A Fancy Website, Brand Or A
Big Email List!
“All of a sudden more $$ started flowing in!”
“We got 8 new clients in just 3 weeks after implementing our new
branding concepts that I came to in a few A-HA moments during your
program that I was never clear on before I came to work with you.
As soon as we launched the new logo, new Super SEXY Over 30!(TM)
website with our new professional images – kapow!  It took me
getting clear on who I’m here to serve and my unique purpose, and
then translating that vision into my brand, but the connection was
instantaneous once I put all of that fully out there to the universe.
Copyright © 2010 • Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern • [email protected]
And now it’s amazing, I feel so much more energized, more
connected in my work, MUCH, much more confident in my
consults. I don’t feel like I’m selling at all, nothing feels cheesy, I feel
confident in what we have to offer and I feel the energy of the value of
what we offer and the change we can create for others’ lives – it has
been a 360-degree shift for me!
At that same time I finally started using your money tracking sheet and
setting goals and systems around my money, and AS SOON AS I did
that, all of a sudden more $$ started flowing in! It was
instantaneous. Now I pay myself, I have my own payday, I use the
tracking sheet, and I don’t go into healing conversations with people
feeling stressed about money or carrying that weighted energy with me.
I can be 110% fully focused on them, and it has been so great for me –
thank you. 
I can translate that into dollars and cents for you as well … that same
week I was thinking I would have to return to a part-time job, and I
looked at my money tracking sheet and realized I not only blew my
monthly goal out of the water, but I’d exceeded my 30-60 day bold
money goal, too. Oh, happy day it was! ;-)”
Heather Dube
Founder of You and Improved Coaching
Introducing A Radical New Step-By-Step System To Show You
How To Discover The Hidden Opportunities That Exist In Your
Business RIGHT NOW To Attract Your Next 10 Clients In 30 Days
Or Less
To Your Next 10 Clients!
Copyright © 2010 • Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern • [email protected]
Carey Peters and Stacey Morgenstern joined forces in December 2009
and are often referred to as holistic health’s 6-Figure marketing
mentors. Together they have helped thousands of wellness practitioners
launch money-making, sustainable holistic businesses they love while
deeply serving the world.
Programs created by Carey & Stacey:
Get 10 Clients In 30 Days
The Teleseminar Success System For Holistic Health & Wellness Pros
Holistic MBA: The Core Training
Holistic MBA Live!
7 Step Slam Dunk Speaker Formula
Copyright © 2010 • Carey Peters & Stacey Morgenstern • [email protected]