Hands-on Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing Joachim Wambsganss Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg (ZAH/ARI) Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 109 (1999) 353–372 www.elsevier.nl/locate/cam Gravitational lensing: numerical simulations with a hierarchical tree code Joachim Wambsganss Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam, An der Sternwarte 16, 14482 Potsdam, Germany Received 12 May 1998; received in revised form 6 January 1999 Abstract The mathematical formulation of gravitational lensing — the lens equation — is a very simple mapping R2 → R2 , between the lens (or sky) plane and the source plane. This approximation assumes that all the de!ecting matter is in one plane. In this case the de!ection angle ! is just the sum over all mass elements in the lens plane. For certain problems — like the determination of the magni"cation of sources over a large number of source positions (up to 1010 ) for very many lenses (up to 106 ) — straightforward techniques for the determination of the de!ection angle are far too slow. We implemented an algorithm that includes a two-dimensional tree-code plus a multipole expansion in order to make such microlensing simulations “inexpensive”. Subsequently we modi"ed this algorithm such that it could be applied to a three-dimensional mass distribution that "lls the universe (approximated by many lens planes), in order to determine the imaging properties of cosmological lens simulations. Here we describe the techniques and the numerical methods, and we c 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. mention a few astrophysical results obtained with these methods. " September 18, 2012; XI-thGravitational School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Keywords: Astrophysics; lensing; Tree code Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” Efficient Fig. 2.criterion Example of is the something use of the hierarchical tree code in a microlensing scenario ran like the opening angle of the with cell31 as (a, left) Cell structure of the point lenses; (b, middle) Illustration of the cell structure as “t this Ray ratio is smaller than a chosen value of thedot).“accuracy pa Inverse A Tree-Code Approach con!guration to beShooting: used for a certain ray position (marked with a circled angles of all individual stars acting as just a the summation of int th (Wambsganss 1990,is 1999) one lens,lenses this cellhence is used. is Otherwise, cell resolved lengths again are with criterion is something likecompared the opening anglethe of distances the celln as of seentheir fromcenter-o the pos n !and and issosmaller on. Typically, !! ranges 0.4 0.9.ij If! aorparti this ratio than a chosen value ofbetween the “accuracy parameter” if th Deflection angle lenses: oneforlens, this de"ection cell is used. angle, cell is resolved into its iOtherwise, j (up ofn the it isthejiconsidered w 2 to four) 2 as a pseudo-lens lengths again are withofthe distances of their center-of-mass t ij positions located at compared the center mass determined by all these particle j=1 j=1 and so on. Typically, ! ranges between 0.4 and 0.9. If a particular cell is used f of the de"ection angle, it is considered as a pseudo-lens with the total mass Number of computational operations: 2.3.3. jpseudo-lenses located at theLenses center ofand mass determined by all these particles. 4G !˜ = c !˜ = r M : r Here M is the mass of point lens j, r In thelight approach justi described, we use the j, hierarchical tree ray and point lens and r is ij 2.3.3.ofLenses and pseudo-lenses de"ection !˜N*by two split parts according to the directly include Calculation of deflection angle for lenses into two parts: In the approach we useof the hierarchical tree code in; order toisa y ) is Njust thedescribed, position ray i, and (x j j Nto the directly included lenses !˜ and th Naccording! of de"ection !˜ by! two parts! far most the!˜L computing time !˜ = By !˜ ≈ !˜ + of !˜k =: + !˜C : ! ! i ! j !˜ = !˜ ≈i=1 !˜ + j=1!˜ =: !˜ k=1 + !˜ : of these de!ection angles. As seen abo The N ’s denote the following: The N ’s denoteone the following: light ray takes about ten mathem number of all lenses, ∗ is athelarge number of pixels Npix is requir • N •is N the number of all lenses, the number to be included directly, of lenses of to lenses be included directly, • N •theNLnumber a (= high density rays per • N •the of cells like (= to be included.of NCnumber thewould number of pseudo-lenses) cells pseudo-lenses) to be included. number ofupindividua " N , the calculation is speeded considerably. For cases in whichThe N + N(minimal) N∗ i=1 j j=1 L NC NL i C L ∗ k L C k=1 ∗ L C For cases in which NL + NC " N∗ , the calculation is speeded C ∗ September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESCLCargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” and so ! ranges between 0.4 If a p for each ray. In on. theTypically, general case, a smoothed outand or 0.9. continuo of to thethe de"ection angle, is considered as a pseudo-lens contributes de"ection as itwell (as an additional constan Efficient Inverse Ray Shooting: A Tree-Code Approach mass determined by all these part equation located then is at the center of (Wambsganss 1990, 1999) Lens Equation: ! " N∗ # mi (x − xi ) 2.3.3. Lenses and pseudo-lenses 1−" 0 y = In the approach justxdescribed, − !c x − we use the hierarchical ; t 2 0 1+" (x − x ) i i=1 of de"ection !˜ by two parts according to the directly incl where the macromodel of ! the lens has to specify NC N∗ NL gravitational ! ! Tree code approach: density !c (cf.!˜ [26]); = !˜x ˜j + positions !˜k =: !˜Lof+ the !˜C : lenses. Tha i are !the i ≈ j=1 withk=1 are mapped onto ai=1rectangle a side ratio (1 − ! − ")=( 360 J. Wambsganss / Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 109 (1999) 353–372 The Nmass ’s denote the following: is the surface density in compact objects). As we wan choose the shooting #eld, i.e., the area in the lens plane in w • N is the number of all lenses, with the side∗ ratio (1 − ! + ")=(1 − ! − "). • NL the number of lenses to be included directly, We produced maps in the plane with • NC thesuch number of cells (= source pseudo-lenses) to be very includd purpose and the desired resolution: the smallest receiving sq NC " N∗ ,#0the spee For cases of in which NL 0+ (where had a sidelength L = 0:8# = calculation $E × DS isis the the light shown in Fig. cells with more th the source For plane). Thisraywas useful for2c, thesixhigh-resolution s lenses), whereas all other lenses areLtreated individual [36]. The16largest sidelength considered was = 2000# 0 in an = 6. This is not very remarkable yet. But in a calc objects ofNCplanetary mass [24]. In practice, we have to use " = 1:17; # = 0:83; L = 150$0 ; ! = 0:6), the average number o than L=(1 tree −lenses !code±in")aused because due to 31the grainyness of the mat Fig. 2. Example of the use of the hierarchicalof microlensing scenario with40. randomly distributed lenses. directly was (a, left) Cell structure of the the point receiving lenses; (b, middle) Illustrationand of theothers cell structure as “tree”; (c, right) Cell/lens scattere from farther out Thesquare, computing time for this hierarchical treeare method (in con!guration to be used for a certain ray position (marked with a circled dot). whereas a direct summation would increase as O(N∗ ). In September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” Efficient Inverse Ray Shooting: A Tree-Code Approach (Wambsganss 1990, 1999) J. Wambsganss / Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 109 (1999) 353–372 363 Fig. 4. Illustration of the way we “shoot” light rays: For each (test-)ray marked with a cross the cell/lens con!guration is determined. For n2!x (test-)rays (marked with circles) the de"ection angle due to this !xed cells is determined (here n!x = 4; in the calculations we usually took n!x = 10). On the lowest level n2int rays (marked with dots) are “really” shot, with the de"ection angle of the cells determined by interpolation and that of the NL close lenses calculated directly (here September 18, 2012; School Cosmology, nint = 4; in the calculations we XI-th took nintof = 10). IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” 71 Efficient Inverse Ray Shooting: A Tree-Code Approach 362 J. Wambsganss / Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 109 (1999) 353–372 (Wambsganss 1990, 1999) Fig. 3. The accuracy increase of the de!ection angle obtained with the inclusion of higher-order multipole moments (see September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” Section 2.3.4) is shown here. In each panel the di"erence between the directly determined de!ection angle (!˜direct ) and Efficient Inverse Ray Shooting: A Tree-Code Approach (Wambsganss 1999) J. Wambsganss / Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 109 (1999)1990, 353–372 365 Fig. 6. Left: Magni!cation pattern for surface mass density of ! = 0:32 and external shear of " = 0:18 (parameters for image A of the double quasar Q0957+561). The sidelength corresponds to 40 Einstein radii. The “lenses” here are objects of planetary mass (mLens = 10−5 M" ), and the white bar indicates location and length of the track along which the light curve (displayed in the right panel) is evaluated. The length of the light curve (for a quasar with a Gaussian brightness pro!le of size 3 × 1014 cm) corresponds to 160 days (for an assumed transverse velocity of 600 km/s). More details on this project can be found in [24]. September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” Efficient Inverse Ray Shooting: A Tree-Code Approach 364 J. Wambsganss / Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 109 (1999) 353–372 (Wambsganss 1990, 1999) Fig. 5. “Wrong” magni!cation pattern for ! = 0:2 (left panel): here the accuracy parameter is too large: " = 1:2 and the shooting region is too small. Compare this frame with the correct one (right panel). A magni!cation pattern indicates September 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESCsource Cargese; Joachim “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” the magni!cation as a18,function of position in the plane. Wambsganss: Darker gray means higher magni!cation. On top of the 74 Quasar Microlensing: How to do simulations! 1) copy file Wambsganss-MicrolensingCode-Cargese-2012.tar to your disk 2) untar this file ... should produce directory: Wambsganss-MicrolensingCode-Cargese-2012 September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” Quasar Microlensing: How to do simulations! 1) copy file Wambsganss-MicrolensingCode-Cargese-2012.tar to your disk 2) untar this file ... should produce directory: Wambsganss-MicrolensingCode-Cargese-2012 3) cd cfitsio 4) ./configure 5) make (still in directory cfitsio) 6) .. (now in directory Wambsganss-MicrolensingCode-Cargese-2012) 7) make (should produce executable “microlens” 8) run the program by typing: ) ./microlens September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” Quasar Microlensing: How to do simulations! 1) copy file Wambsganss-MicrolensingCode-Cargese-2012.tar to your disk 2) untar this file ... should produce directory: Wambsganss-MicrolensingCode-Cargese-2012 3) cd cfitsio 4) ./configure 5) make (still in directory cfitsio) 6) .. (now in directory Wambsganss-MicrolensingCode-Cargese-2012) 7) make (should produce executable “microlens” 8) run the program by typing: 9) ) ./microlens newly produced files: dat.401 log-file IRIS401 magnification pattern (unformatted) IRIS401.fits magnification pattern (FITS format) 10) display magnification pattern with IDL: ./rnew dis_1000 September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” IRIS401 September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” IRIS401 dat.401 September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” Quasar Microlensing: How to do simulations! 11) in order to extract a lightcurve: compile lightcurve.f (I use: gfortran lightcurve -o lightcurve) 12) run lightcurve routine: ./lightcurve 13) output produced: out_line (lightcurve data, pixels convolved with source profile) IRIS401-track (magnification pattern WITH track marked) 14) display magnification pattern with track AND lightcurve: dis_light September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” 14) display magnification pattern with track AND lightcurve: dis_light Source size: sigma = 3 September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” 14) display magnification pattern with track AND lightcurve: dis_light Source size: sigma = 1 Source size: sigma = 3 September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” 14) display magnification pattern with track AND lightcurve: dis_light Source size: sigma = 10 Source size: sigma = 3 September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” Quasar Microlensing: How to do simulations! 11) in order to extract a lightcurve: compile lightcurve.f (I use: gfortran lightcurve -o lightcurve) 12) run lightcurve routine: ./lightcurve 13) output produced: out_line (lightcurve data, pixels convolved with source profile) IRIS401-track (magnification pattern WITH track marked) 14) display magnification pattern with track AND lightcurve: dis_light 15) modify input file for microlens: September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” Quasar Microlensing: How to do simulations! surface mass density kappas (or sigma) 15) modify input file for microlens: replace nray = “20” by “100” ... and run again! September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing” Quasar Microlensing: Now YOU do simulations! Deal: 1) You can use the code “microlens” freely 2) On first scientific paper using “microlens”: J.W offered co-authorship 3) This (and subsequent) papers cite: Wambsganss, J.: 1999, Journ. Comp. Appl. Math. 109, 353 Wambsganss, J.: 1990, PhD Thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (also available as MPA report 550) September 18, 2012; XI-th School of Cosmology, IESC Cargese; Joachim Wambsganss: “Workshop: How to calculate Quasar Microlensing”
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