LOS ANGELES HERALD: MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY MATTERS AT THE MIDWINTER. ens mt Weather Brings Nnm- bers of Spectators. a Los Angeles County Exhibit is Now Complete. I Trip Among tha Side Shows?The Featurea Kleotrlo Tower of the Great Show. ? ill correspondence to tho FTkra ld. the office of the department of publicity and promotion the other day and told the following story: "I couid hardly get to the railway station in my town for the snow drifts. The street cars were not running, and the horseß of a hack on wheels could scarcely plunge along fast enough for me to make my train. Once on board the train I read in a daily paper, for this was January 28th, that the California midwinter exposition had been formally opened on the preceding day with thousands of people seated on a grand stand in tbe open air with heads uncovered under a broiling Bun, and with tbe green foliage of a beautiful park forming a background to tbe scene. At different places along the railway where we stopped for a few moments, I noticed bulletins of 'midwinter exposition weather,'and the thought struck me tbat this waa about the moat striking piece of advertising that could be done in connection with Wben one California's exposition. stands iv an atmosphere in the neighzero, borhood of and reads that tbe thermometer registers 75 degree* in San Francisco, one wishes to be there, and as for myself I was glad to feel that I was on' my way. At Chicago I was delayed several hours waiting for it to become possible for trains to start on westward, and we dragged along across the plains, but when we began to descend the slopes of the Sierras we left the snows behind ua and found the green fields at our feet, for we were, indeed, in tbe land of Bunahine, fruit and Mowers, and I intend to stay here just as long as I feel I can afford to." This has been tbe experience of many west-bound travelers during the present midwinter season, and every effort ia being made on the part of the exposition management to impress the eastern visitors with the fact that, abide from the climatic advantages, it is good for them to be here. During the past week there lias been a succession of interesting things at tho fair. First came the unveiling of tbe Harriet Hosrner statue of Isabella, in wbich a host of ladies well-known in social and literary circles on tbe I'acitic coast took an interesting part, and in which tbe palace o! art was dedicated. The formal opening of the Vienna prater introduced to Ban Francißco tha Imperial Vienna orchestra, one of the finest musical organizations of the world. A series of days which are to be celebrated under the auspices of the different fraternal organizations was inaugurated on February 12th by the Independent Order of 'jood Templars. On this occasion Festival hall was first brought into service, and a large audience assembled there to witness tbe exercises/ of the annual convention aud anniversary of tbe organization of tbat body. A pleasiag feature of the day waa the parade through the grounds of the orphans from the Good Templars' home for orphans, whose enjoyment of tbe concessional features to which they were made welcome was accepted as the forerunner of many similarly joyful occasions in the near future. There ia to be a general "orphans' day" before long, when every child from the charitable institutions in Ban Francisco and vicinity willbe given tbe run of the exposition. There is aleo to be a public school children's day, for which tbe people of Ban Francisco are now making great preparations, and ench a day the school children of Ban Francisco have never eeen before. This school children's day has been set for February 23d, and coming aa it does between tbe national holiday and Saturday, it is a school holiday of itself, but it will be made in this connection an exposition holiday in wbich every person connected with tbe management or with the exposition in any way will vie with every other amuse ment maker to 'add to the children's Francisco, Feb. 10.?Since Monnothiug but pleasant weather has 'ailed, which brought many visitors he midwinter fair. Eastern travelers daily arriving in large numbers, large attendance each day settles doubt heretofore existing as to tbe :e»s of tbe midwinter fair, iday is Bimply grand ; the weather, tct, is too delightful to comprehend, ring mars the enjoyment of the ors. The Bideshow attractions are v gathering money, ie Loa Angeles connty exhibit is at completed. Mr. Wiggina desires it distinctly understood that unless iI'juthern counlibs send a representaalong with their exhibit their dis-3 will go unnoticed as tar as an initive standpoint is concerned. As natter now stAnds, those visiting Southern California building are left tv find out information the best way they know how. Mr. Wiggins and his assistants are busily engaged at ail times, and no tine can be given to explain the various county exhibits. The Pasadena exhibit came this morning, which consists moßtly of pictures. 1 ascended the extreme height of the electrical tower, which is all but finished, and reached the height oi nearly 300 feet. This affords a grand view of the Pacific ocean and the surrounding country. Elevators are provided lor the transportation of paSßenxers to its summit. Near the top the great search light is located, which is constantly reflecting upon the grounds and neighboring vicinity. The Marin county shore Occasionally tbe Is plainly visible. light reflects on vessels anchored in the bay, and every object on board is as visible as if one were within two feet of the object, A trip in the Frith wheel was taken. The height of 150 feet was attained. A syndicate formed here are bnilding an automatic race coarse. Ibis will be great fun for tbe bloods who, instead of betting tbeir dollars on real horseß, will now have an opportunity to try their luck at tbe wooden ones. The course is a half a mile, witb dummy iiorses attached to a chariot-like contrivance. Any one person desirous of racing another haa the privilege of calling for any one of the nine horseß. It is optional with him how much he may bet, but if he succeeds in picking out the lucky horse he scoops everything in tight. There is no "doctoring" these horses, so they are simply arranged on the plan of the whirligig, and no one knows what particular horse will win. While riding in tbe scenic railway today a somewhat singular transaction took place. While the car was in the middle ol the tunnel a big repulsive looking brute of a man deliberately roae from hia Beat' and attempted to kias tbe young lady sitting next to me. The young woman who, by the way, wae good looking, waited until the coach came into daylight when she instantly whirled around and planted him a dandy right pleasure. TheTranamississippi congress has been between tbe eyes, wben be remarked: session in San Francisco during the "What did you do that for?" The in present week, and on Wednesday evenwoman quickly responded, "you know ing its delegates were made the guests of why." exposition. the grand There was a disTbe end of this month will see the play of fireworkß and a general illuminlowa state band no more on the exposition grounds, tbeir contract having ex- ation of the buildings. Even tbe elecpired with the fair managers. A local tric tower waa illuminated, though this great structure is not quite complete, band will be placed in tbeir atead. and there were band concerts at the tireOn Wednesday afternoon Carl Thinworks and on the great central court as man died from the wounds received tho lor Washingnight previous from the lions. Today a well. The arrangements ton's birthday include more firework*, large concourse of friends and acquaintof the ances of the deceased assembled to pay more illuminations, the opening their last respects to the brave fellow. electric tower and the iuatiguration ol prismatic the electric fountain. The funeral ceremonies were very impressive. The Hawaiian quartet renliv Was Satislled. dered some sweet melodies. The lowa, The old boarder, after an experience of Vienna and Exposition bauds did honor 20 years or more, at last got into a place in rendering some choice funeral dirges. At 2:45 o'clock the procession moved which seemed to him .to bo as near the occurred, ideal as he cared about. When he had from where the accident headed by the .lowa and Vienna bands. been thero a week, he went one night to Oreat crowds in and out of tbe fair a religious service, aud one of the workgrounds had collected while tbe procession was wending it way out. Carl ers approacheda him. "Aro you Christian?" was the first Thieman was reverently laid to rest with all tbe honors paid to a king, queen, qrftstion. "I hopo so," he replied humbly, potentate, or any one elee. Tboae registered are Mr. and Mrs. "though I don't belong to the church." Hancock Banning, Seymour Davis, O. "Ah, my friend, there is where you are A. Richardson, Misa Lily Yon Neigh, B. wrong." Field, Haver, F. H. E. F. A. Kellogg, "Possibly Iam." Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wersenberger, N. G. "Don't you feel tbat you are a sinner?" Wright, K. H. Wade, George Lewis, Ida "Well, I'm not perfect, I suppose." Bartning, M. L, de Bartning, Amelia "Don't you want to go to heaven?" * Banning, Mr. and Mrß. Q, W. CrawThe old boarder braced up, ford, Mary Goldatein, Phil S. Thompson "If you'd asked tne that 10 days ago," and Sherman W. Wiggina. he said, "I should have answered 'yes' Another Letter. promptly, but now I'm in a boarding Ran Francisco, Feb. 15, 1894.?The house where they don't have stewed Bttendßnce at tbe midwinter exposition prunes, skimuiilk, hash, paralytic coffee, continues to average between 8000 aud dried apple pies, soiled napkins, tough 10,000 per day, and everybody is corremeat, a piano ou each floor, gossiping spondingly encouraged in the belief tbat boarders and a lot more discomforts, and this fair willrealize the most sanguine I'm afraid to take any risk in leaving it," expectation in regard to its financial and the worker gave him up as hopeless. proportion surceuß. In to the amount ?Detroit Free Press. of money invested, tbe attendance thus far haß greatly surpassed tbat accorded Blunders of Painters. the Columbian exposition during the Tinoret, an Italian painter, in a picfirst month of its existence, and at the same ratio of increase wbich was no- ture of the "Children of Israel" gatherticeable at Chicago there will be an ating manna, has taken the precaution to tendance at the midwinter exposition arm them with the modern invention of before its close tbat will surpass the guns. Cigoli painted the aged Simeon at fondest dreams of its moßt enthusiastic the circumcision of the infant Saviour, boomers. days wear The number of eastern visitors to the and as aged men in these exposition is increasing day by day, and spectacles the artist has shown his sagacit ie with a sigh of great relief that they ity by placing them on Simeon's nose. come out of the enows and blizzards of In a picture by Verrio of "Christ Healtbe east and middle weat, over tbe ing the Sick" tho lookers on are repremountains into the midwinter ependor sented as standing with periwigs on thtir of the Pacific coast. It haß been what heads. To match, or rather exceed, is called a "hard winter" in California, this ludicrous representation, Durer has but that means only that it has rained painted "The Expulsion of Adam and a little more than usual, and that tbe warm midwinter days have not been ao Eve From the Garden of Eden" by an in a dress fashionably trimmed continuous as ia generally the rule. But angel with flounces. The same painter, in his even this weather has been so welcome to people who are used to being buowscene of "Peter Denying Christ," reprebound in February that they call it sents a Roman soldier very comfortably "Paradise" in compariaon. and they smoking a pipe of tobaeoo.?Exchange. really revel in tbeir experience. One enthusiastic traveler came into Why She Slopped. Marie?Professor, Idid enjoy my SpanLa Grippe. During the prevalence of the grippe the past ish lessons so much, but I have to give season* it was a noticeable fact that those who them up because eggs are so high. depended upon Dr. King's New Discovery not only had aspcedy recovery, butescped ail the Professor (in prof ovrnd astonishment)? troublesome after effect, of the malady. This Because eggs aro so high! remedy seems to have a peculiar power in ( fleeting rapid cures, not only in oases Marie?Yes. Yon see Ilearned to a:ik La Grippe, but in all diseases of Throat, Chest ofaud for eggs in Spanish beau-ti-fully, and Lungs and has cured cases of Asthma and Hay *uvor of longstanding. Try it and ba conthen, of course, we had to have theui vinced It won't disappoint. Free trial botthree tirnos a day so I could ask for them. tles at O. F. HeluzeuiHu's driu store, 222 North Main street. ?New Y«*k Times. in NIGHTINGALES. Beautiful mast be the mountains whence ye coiue, wherofrom Vo learn your song. Where are llioso starry woods? wander there Oh, might 1 Among the flowers, which, iv that heavenly air, Bloom the year long. "Nay, barren are those mountains and CUPIDENE Men Pacific <JtfCompany Is Great Life Giver. the And bright In the fruitful valleys the streams rrfiff^ <>JKj M^fci AW&jff aw i M -M 1i: v B ' Wl* »t>. re fri_'sU>s,invi^i exhaustedorgansof the **''* *' body. It in the great \egetable vltalfser that destroys the germs nf that raatdlou diaeasa Which tIH-i tVSflted tin; of our young V»_ spent the streams. Our song is the voice of desire that haunts our dreams A throe of the heart, Whose piningvisions dim forbidden hopes profound. No dying cadenco nor long sigh can sound For all our art. ? "Alone aloud in the raptured ear of men We pour our dark nocturnal secret, and then As right is withdrawn From these sweet bpringlng meads and bursting boughs of May Dream while the innumerable choir of day Welcome the dawn." ?Robert Bridges. Notebooks Not Allowed. "He was the best surveyor and draftsman in my employ," said a well known civil engineer, referring to a man whom he had just discharged. "Idiscovered a short time ago that lie was keeping a private notebook, and' after notifying him that he must stop it and again learning that lie was continuing the practice Iwas obliged to discharge bim. "A surveyor," said he, "in doing a piece of work makes minutes as lie goes along of the lines lie runs, of the various points marking tho bounds of the lands he is surveying und ull such data as is not only necessary for the drawing of his plans, but also incidentally that which may aid him in the case of any other survey being made later on. "This data, you see, really constitutes a sort of capital or stock in trade, for if the party owning the land ever wishes another survey of it for any purpose lie will naturally apply to that same surveyor, who, having the:o old memoranda, can do the work easier and more cheaply than any other surveyor. Oftentimes, after many years have elapsed and old landmarks have passed away, those minutes becomo very valuable. "Consequently a civil engineer alwayt Wishes to keep these in his own hands and men in his employ are not allowed to make copies of minutes of survej which they make wiiilo in his employ. Otherwise an old employee, iv leavil \u25a0 and setting np in business for himself, could carry away a large slice of his eni plover's business."?New York Herald strength / There of young and middle aged .U men whoso nerve fnree are declining, who Buffer from debilitating drearaa aud those till which follows from excesses aud over Indulgences in early life. CUPIOKXR will give you back your life. You will bo as powerfully strong after Its use as you are uo\v puriently weak. Aro you in a premature condition ? CIIPIOKKE 'WiA stop this waste iv a fortnightwill or tu twr / tiro hundreds Impoteney, sterility, mental are quickly cured TIM Incapacities upecdily re- \\\f an moved * Ik ifirtEfSl l.v the ofctimdknk. use lt rr\ enres Lost Mmi- .'Jpi: Power, Conr hood. LossofoftheBrain Hrain fparelses), mimutton Sleeplessness, Lack Of Power, diz. j ziness Pains iv the liack. Nervous J Nervou* I'ebility. Prostration, varicocele. Constipation nmi will L\ J ) jrayH surely briug back, the lost power of mail. \u25a0 Prostatitis carries oft* our young ana middle-aged men. wHJn Enlarged prostate glund needs jtt?;/ & quieting yet powerful remedial agent. Kueh is GUPIDESK. Use crPiPRNEand ftVoi< a dangerous operation. Guarantee in writing given 1 JMr ! fIy&SM Yd flml WOttey returned if per manenteurois nor effected '& <0 Ii j *\ /i (gj six boxes. Guarantee sent mail orders just the I / with tbe name. c a box, <l boxes for ff-T.OO by mail. 6,000 Testimouials. Send for free circularsand tcstimouials. Addross all mail orders to W . * DAVOL MEDICINE CO. P. O. Box 2070, Han Francisco, Cal rnn «*T.X "v C. H. Hance, agent, 177-179 N. Springs!. The Seiebraied French Cure, wr r APHRODITIHE " M£» n Cu POSITCVE GUARANTEE W tocureaayformof BCt QRE ' nervous disease or fCi auy di6orderof the generative organs of either se p.ri«iiir / ' whether tr J't/fr .,_ AFTLR youthful from theei-ccßstve/ useof Stimulants, r TobtiocoorOpiarn.orthrougb indlscretion over indulgence. &c.,sueh as Loss of Brain Power. Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains in ihe back, Seminal Weakness. Hysteria, Nervous Pros- I DgsTllUTiowJ 2:00 pIS 10:40 r.m 2:00 p.m 10:40 p.m 10:40 p.m 8 30a.m 8:30a.m 8:30a.m jan Fran. 6i Kacr*P'io» *an Fran.- & Bac«nl t»: Ogdon t Raat, SO class; Oxden 4 East, Ist class 8:30a.n 10:30a.m 4:30 p.m 8:30a.m 10:30a.m 4:30 p. r. Radlandi.- P0rt1and.0r....... Kaat. Paso . ani ...Deming aul East... 7:30a.m :*» p.m 7J :JO a.m p.B 1/48 :*> » m . BanaMg Rertlasds Redlands Redlands r..t..n < J^P-? p.sa 4:00 i.OOp.m »fl:2i.a.m 4:00p.m 4:58 p.m at) SI a.m Al0:l0a.m 8:30a.m 10.3<»a.m Rireraido 4:00 p,m 4 58 p.m 4:30 p in Riwtidc ...SsU. Bernaidino 80:21 a.m 8:30a.m ...San Bernardino.... alO:lOa.m 4:CO p.m Ban Bernardino 10:30a.m 4:58 p.m 4 30 pm ....Sao Bernardino... Chino *8:50a.m 8:30 a.m Chino. all 21 a.m Chino al0:10a.m 4:30 p.m A6:45p.r0 Chino 4.68 p.m 8:15 a. b Monrovia 7:55 a.m Monrovia AlO:iiOa.m a2:40 p m Monrovia 5:15 p.m... ..Monrovia 4:45 p.m 7:30 a.id .Santa Barbara 1:48 p.m 2:00p.n "... Santa Barbara. 9:10p,m ao 52 ».n lanta Ana &Anaheim 9.03a.m 5:10 p.rr -anta Ana iAnaheim a 4:04 p.m 4:sBp.nj Tuitln 8:43 a.m 8:43 a.m Whittier a 9.-40 a.n Al:4sp.m Whittier .. 4:5/pn 8:15 a.m 9:25 a.ii od« B'ch &San Pedro A12:50p.n au Ped'O& Long B'ch All:slia.m 4:15 p.m ong B'ch A San Pedro 6:00 r.t 9::iOs.a Santa Monica 8:08a.m HT.Os.ra ....Santa Monica 12:12p.m Hanta Mooic, 1.10p.i 4:25 p.m 6:isp.n Santa Monica 0:25 p. h .Santa Monica 9:305.n .. .Soldiers' Home 8:08a.m 4:25p.m ...Soldiers'Home (i:2sp i 12:12p.m H:3os.ii .Port Los Angeles 4:25p.ra Lo« l:lOp.ir, Angeles.. Port A4:oop.n f llhaUworth PArli. 1 Ao.ooa.m ) Trains start (rom I I 8 n Fernando st. I . . . . ... .... J (.depot only. CATAUNA ISLAND. Saturday Monday Tneiday Wednesday 9:26 a.m 11166 a.m Take Santa Monica trains (rom San Fernando street, Nsud's Junction. Commercial street, Arcade depot, Jeit'erson street I VVimhrop station), Grand avenue, or University. For north-.Aroade, commercial street, Naud'a Junction, Ban Fernando street. For east: Arcade, Commercial street, Naud's Junction. For other branches: Arcade, Commercial street, Naud'a Junction, San Fernando stree Local and through tlektts void, baggige cheeked, Pullman sleeplug car reservations made, and general inr.irinatlon given up napP icallon to J. M. CRA WLK 9 *«st. Pa>. Agt. No 144 8. Spring St., cor. Second. CHARLES SEYLKR, Agent at denots. s Sundays only. a Sund«ys excepted. Mgi. RICH'D GRAY. 'ien. T. 11. GOODMAN, . , pAC I * ? i\u25a0 . it, , , appetising, D~ it. It ~~ r ; impure li 1 way It as cocoa TAHlir lUjIU SOUTHEKN Compare Generale Trmsatl antique .. 7~5:15 % Absolute Purity Guaranteed » , ! \ JSmj OCEANIC S. S. CO.'S j * " IRON, STEEL, Coal, Tools, Sis, heinzeman, Druggist & Chemist, W. C. MURDOCH. 1 DEPARTMENT. SOUTHERN THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NATIONAL BANK, DEPOSITORY EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., Managers, 1-20 tl 121 S. liromtwiiy, l.os Angelas. NATIONAL BANK OF CALIFORNIA THE 1 Report for Year Ending Dec. 30, 1898, | RESOURCES. on hand and In bank United States bonds Demand loana Regularloans Hchool bonds and other Furniture and fixtures Real estate (;aeb $120,443 3S of) 15H.50U 113,522 >)3 195 497 20,401 0,045 27,954 21 05 00 20 O. H. CHURCHILL, W. L. GRAVES, VV. 8. UKVAN, »DI RECTORS* O.T.JOHNSON, E. F. C. KLOKKE, T. S. NKWUN, $250,000 00 0.000 2,177 185.000 250,220 00 00 00 80 M. H. SHERMAN, R N. MCDONALD, JtIHN M. 0. MARBLE. JOHN WOLFSKILL, GEORGE JRVINB, HADI.EY. A. OTATE LOAN AND TRUST CO. N. W. Cor. Second and Spring Sts., Los ABgeles, Cal PAID-UP CAPITAL, $700,000. Interest at Five" Per Cent Paid on Time Deposit*. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $1,000,000. A General Banking Business Transacted. OFFICERS. W. G. COCHRAN, Pres t. H. J. WOOLLACOTT, Ist V.-Pre*'t. JAS. F. TOWILL, 2d V.-Pres't. JOHN W. A. OFF, Cashier. DIRECTORS. H. J. Vi oollacott, Oi a H. Bonebrake, P. M. Green, O. T. Johnson, A. A. Hubbard, W. G. Cochran James F. Towell. W. P. Gardiner, Fred O. Johnson, John W. A. Off, B. P. Ball. 1-9 tf AND MERCHANTS BANK OF FARMERS Los Angelea, Cal. Oldest and Largest Bank in Southern California. , And cancerous mors M knife or ft tu- No Capital (paid up). Surplus and profits ,$ 600,000 760,000 £aß>~Please send to some o*j# with cancer. 9-24-d*wem ; $1,2~80,035 Total officii*: ISAIASW. HELLMAN. President 11KKMAN W. lIKLLMA]L.?...\Uoa-Pieei4ent JOHN MILKER Oaehlel H. J. FLEISHMAN Xsslstant Cathie* DIRECTORS! W. H. Perry, Ozro W. Chlldf, J. B. Lankershim, C. E. Thorn, C. Ducotttmoa, H. W. HelU man, X, L. Duque, A. Glasaall, L w. Hellman. Exchange for sale on all the nurtneipaf aities of the United Stales, Europe, China and Japan. BANK OF AMERICA, . VORMKRLT LO3 ANGELES COUNTY BANK, Temple Block, _ Capital stock, paid np $300,009 OFFICEBSI JOHN R PLATER ROBERTS. BAKER. GEORGE H. ...President TloVPreMnint Caaßler DtaacToßJU Jotham Blxby, Chas, Forman. L. T. Qarnaay. LewellynBixby, R. 3, Bakec-Jona B. Ilater, Geo. H. Stewart. WONG HIM, who has practiced metlleln° Los Augelee fot 19 yeara, and DR. UTHERN CALIFORNIA will SO 1018.Sprlngl?.. Upper Main whose office Is at by medicines all diseases of women, men in ~ at rest, S3) treat aud rhii.ir n. Tho doctor claims that he haa rem dies that are superior to all others as a Bpeultto for t oubles of women and men. A trial iilone will convince the sick that Dr. vvoug lliDi'riremedies are more efficacious than can bi pre crlt.ed. Dr. Wong Him la a Chluese physician of prominence and a gentleman of reß[.onstbll ty. Hli reputation Is more than well established, and all persons needing his services can icly upon hi, skill and ability. A cure is guaranteed in Bf -ry caie iv which a reeoverv is possible. He b medicines for sale. DR. WONG HI M HERB DOCTOR 6ii9 Upper Main Street, Log Augeles Los Anhri.ks, Cal., June 17,1859. To tub Public: I have been suffering with piles and kidn y trouble for over five years, and heve tried several remedies, but all failed to relieve me. A short time since Itried Dr. Woug Him,o39 Upper Main street, and I am now well and siroug, and consider him a firstclas. doctor. H. HILLYER, 235 S. HillSt., Los Angeles, Cal. V . jSSeanhfoet L.N. BRBED Vij.dfll, .....PreeUenl WM. F. BOSSYSHELL.X. Vice-Preel dent C. N. FLINT rfw .?.,,.fsa*ilar W. H. H0LL1DAY..,.?....-Asalatanlt Oaahlar Capital, paid in gold coin.. $200,000 39,000 Surplusand undivided preiu. Authorized capital.. .i11... 500,009 DiKgcTaast L. N. Breed, H. T. Newel). Wm, H. Avary, Silas Holman, W. It. BoLlldey, M, C. Boabr. rhell, M. Hagaa, FrVnk Radar, A. Remlca, Thomas Goss, Wm. F. BaaayKgU. , OS ANGELES NATIONAL BANK. J I'M TED STATU MFOSITeBTX, _. ....7,.-~. Total..? ©57.800 GEORGE H. BONEHRAKBiPresMenL F. C. HQWBSTrJeAoiei, B. w. OOi. Assistant Caahler DIRECTORS. George H. Bonehrake, Warrea aillabja,.*, V Green. Chas. A. Marrlner. W. 0. Brown, A, W Francisco, X. P. Johnson, M. X, Allen, F. 0 - Los angilis, Jane 9,1893. To rill Public: For over five yeare Ihave Howes. 0-L»at been troubled with nervous lick headache and liver coß plaint. 1didn't seem to find any help ANtjTXLJe OF NATIONALBANK LOS and medicines that I from the many doctors Wong Him, 639 Upper tried until I tried Dr. CAPITALBTOCK.?, .?...85400,00© Main street. lam now well. Youri truly, SURPLUS. 000.009 MISS M. G. BROCK, J. M. ELLIOTT, President ia Hluton aye., Loi Angeles, CaL, W. O. KKRCKHOFF. V.-Prea, FRANK A. GIBSON, OaabVan, G. B. SHAFFER. All t CaiYr| dirbototm: J. M. Elliott, J. D. Btoknalk s. H. Mott, H. JevateT^ J. D. Booker, W. C. Fatttftion, t>lf uue ju. eltsfsn fiBHHM ur Wm. G. Kerckh«« W I o"l"ffl««tnC»«ia. : yIBBT Orlpgn r BU Sin J£% ifILll^"*"*""" * TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE PRESENT LOW PJbUCES. * _ LIABILITIES. Rapllal stock paid in In coin Surplus Undivided profits Circulation Deposits $043,403 SO $043,403 80 The National Bank of California ia oue of the few banks that successfully stood the shock of the late panto and maintained full coin payments right through. The National Bank of California pays no interest on deposits in any form, offers no special inducements for busineia other than reliability when the customers exercise their right to demaud their money. In the metier of loans illooks more to reliabilitythan high rates of Interest, aad desire* no loans except from good and reliable parties, and men exacts good security, believing that no bank Is better or more reliable than Its loans. * . C. 8. BENEDICT. GIfORQB SABTUM. ANQELEB DIVISION. 123 SOUTH MAIN STREET, youths suQering from resu.tw ol follies or causing exeevsea, uervous debility, seminal weak m-us, loss of vigor and memory, despond* ency, diseases of the kidneys, blood and reproductive organs, gleet, gonorrhoea, syphilis, varicocele, stricture and many chronic and destroying diseases. men older in years, having too frequent evacuations of bladder, with loss of vital material, phosphates, etc.. woolly or brlok dust deposits in urine, which are symptoms of secondary seminal weakness, the Ipsa impoverishing the vital organs. i;oMPLIOaTIOf«S-Th9 reason thousands cannot get cured of above complaints Is owing to complications not unaerstood by ordinary doctors. Sr. Lleblg &00. have discovered the secret of curing the complications. rKKK-Our confidential book and diagnosis sheet sent free on application, securely healed OFFICE HOCUS-9 am. to 0 p.m. gundays, 10 to 12. HOIFORBiWAII WAGON MATERIAL, Bl&ak - I | jiLiebig COMPANY'S!! 1 Extract of Beef I' :and ... Dl RECTORS. Q. W. FRINK. WENDELL EASTON. 4:15 p.m Los Anples Terminal R'y FATE THE Bonthern Pacltlc Company's trains connect at San Pedro with the flue steamer Falcon. Leave. Aroade Depot. Arrive. 9:25 a.m Treasurer. 500,000 PAID DP PACIFIC COAST SAVINGS SOCIETY li a mutual en operative -Savings Bank," ro celvlng deposits forspeKiifWd term o.* suhj.-.c'to eh ok. These fun,*, togethar with monthly installments on sbaree or subscriptions to its puld-up coital stuck, are loauad only to Ua mem. bers or shsreholdera who daairo io borrow for me purpose of bui.diug homes, paying offexisting mortgages or any other legitimate purpose. All earnings are apportioned semi annually amojg its sbareholders. A]o:loa.m ~or>lton Kltaraid* Riferslde A,SOI O CALBJLN»T HEAD OFFICE, 30 MONTGOMERY ST., HAN FRANCISCO. t*,ooo,oo* BUBKRIBHD CAPITAL CAPII'aI. u» l<«* :n 4:00 p.nf 4.58 p.m R9:21«.m C.lton Calton i PACIFIC COAST SAVINGS SOCIETY "'* " LOS aNOKLKS (AKUaI~ Fifth atreet, dally,m7 oI1 <""'Airlrt. Leave (or KANKIHO 11011H1C... G. W. FRINK, VY. KURDOOC, .Manager. Vloe President. WENDELL \u25a0ASTON, President. Tl** IMPORTANT CHANOB JANUARY 14, 189»Traina leave and are dua tj"arrl epur ) l Dlztration, Nocturnal Emissions, r.ine s, Weak Memory, Loss of Power avd Impoteney, which Ifneglected often lead to premature old age and Insanity. Price $1.00 a box, 6 boxes Modern Conveniences. Geu'l Passenger Agt. for ?» 00. Sent by mail on >ecelpt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE la given for every Little Dick?l coold lift our front $6.00 order received, to refund the money if a shutters off the hinges myself. What ptrmanent cure Is not effected. We have thousands of testimonials from old and young, of good is they anyhow'; both sexes, who have been permanently cured Little Dot?Oh, they is just for papa Los Angeks depots, east end o( First s reet by the useof Aphrodltlne. pfrotilar free. Aduraaw and Downey avenue bridges. THE APimO MEOK -INK CO., to close when it's time for sister's comBox Portland, 27, W**v*rn Branch. Ok* Paaadena for Lo, Angelea foriLeave pany to go home.?Good News. Bold by U. M. SALE <& BON, Druggists, 2.*.0 Leave Pasadena. Los Angeles. 8 bpring at., l.os Angeles, Cat j t 7:15 a. m IjFIC~COASiX ~ST KAMI I!I P CO. f6:25 a m ? 7 :ltl a.m a.m I * B.o~> ? I Goodall, Perkins <& Co., General Ageuts, San ? 8:00 a.m * 9:05 a.m *10:40a.ra 9:00 a.m Francisco. ?IBiKB p.m Northern routes embrace lines for Portland, *ll:00a.m | b 1:05 ii.m Ore., Victoria, B. C, aud Puget Bound, Alaika ??12:20 p m a 1:4"> o.m I:4op.ra aud otber coast poiuis. ? 3:00 p m r> m hOUTHERN ROUTES. * 3:05 ? 4 CO p.m .m TIME TABLE FOR FEBRUARY, 1894. J 4:05 ? 6:'VOp.m 5:25 p.m ? 0:20 p m 7:<is p.m LEAVSAN FBAKCIBCO. * 8:05 p.m ?11:15 p.m For I **11:SA p.m Port Harford.... 3. S. Corona, Feb. 5,14,23; Downey avenue lcavtuu time 7 mlnulea later. Santa Baroara.. March 4. Redondo. cave Los Angelea (or Leavn Alladenu JunePort Lot Angeles d. s. Saute. Rosa, Feb. 1,10, Altadena Junction. tlrn (or Los Angeles. IB,'Jri; March 0. Newport ban Diego ? 9:00a.m *IO:10a.m ForIS. S. Loa Anvelea. Feb. 3, 19, ?11:00 a m *!' !0O m Ka*t «a-» Pcd.ro 1 all Match ii. 1:40 p.m 1 2 40 o.m 1 ? ban Pedro and[9. S. Eureka, Feb. 8, 17, '.!<>; .* 6:00 p.m 4:00p.m way corn. i March 7. Alt Iralnß start from Fi st s reel depot. SAILmO LIAVB I'Oltr Les A >' i .1. i ANO BICDONDO. Leave L a Angeles (oi L'save Glendale for Los through Ufa for the person who For? Angeles. Feb. 3, 12, Glendaie S. B. Hinta March 2. 2li keeps in health. With a torpid liver San Diego 8. h. Corona, Feb. 7, 16.23; 1 0:10 a m t 7:26 a.m and tho impure blood that follows 12 a.m March 0. 1 8 20am I? 9; 1 30 p m ?12:35 p. in you are an easy prey to al! sorts of For? iS. H. anti Komi, Feb. 5, 14, ? 5:25 p.m pm ?0:13 -3; March 4. San Francisco... That "used-up" feeling Port ailments. 8, s. Uorona, Feb. f>, 18, '27; l.civ I.us AngeT'-s (orjf.tave Kas* S.m Pedro Harford.. ; 1 (or is the first warning; that your liver Btmia Baibaia Ma cv B. i .tub each and East Lo, Angela*. SanPddrO, isn't doing its work. LKAVB SAN I'BDBO AND RAST SAN P|f»Ro. ? 0:45 a.m a.m That 13 the time to take Doctor *{117:15 '[?. B. Eure-a, FtbT 2, 11,20; :i5 a.m 1. I 1:1" p.m J Pierces Golden Medical Discovery. San andFrancisco jti. 3.March t 3:40 p.m I 6:18 \u25a0 .in \u25a0Os AUtfatea, Feb. 6, 15. 1 (l;t;op.m I 1 4:10p.m As an restorative tonio, Way ports 1 24; March 5. Pedro und Long Beuo i, 10 to repel disease aud build up tho Card to conn ct with sttauurs via rSan Pedro Between Vast San minutes. (Ai ide Atfpo ) at »;uO H, P. R. p.ni needed flesh and strength, there's leave ; iiiTeimirm t it. rail waj da pot at DllO p.m. T ANYOS AN ECHO MOUNTAIN. R11810 liars lo connect viu Uedoudo leave IUU Fe nothing to equal rouses every depot T nlns lenve Lot Angeles, 9 a.m., 11 a.m. aud at 10:<>0 a.m., or from Redondo railway p 4 in. organ into healthful action, purifies det>ot at 9:00 w.m. eundays, 9a.m., 11 a.m., 1:40p m. and 4p.m. to QQtmect via Port I-os Angel s lenv" and enriches tho blood, braces up S, Cars Fine pavilion and hotel. P R. U. depot a*. lUO p tn. for stcamvrs 0 ATALIS) A UhAXB, the whole system, and restores health uorth bound. Lo, Angelas Terminal trains connect at Ban Plansbjtihs oi learners' oablnv at agent's office, and vigor. p. may where dro with the Hue steamer Falcon. be lecured. The company re-. rvestliH right to cbangj For every disease caused by a disI.cay. Arrive. First-str: et Depot days sailing. or th' v of blood, it is thesteamera pastHg ; or freight as above, or for ordered liver or MPP'EOT Saturday 0:45 a.mi tickets to and from all iiupottaut points in Monday tho only guaranteed remedy. If it Europe, apply to 4:45 p. in Tuesday 9:45 ,i.m W. PARRW. Agent, doesn't benefil or cure, in every case, 4:45 n. m I Wednesday. Cfiico No. 124 W. Second st, Lo? Angeles. you have your money back. JStindayt "Daily. tDallv except Sundays. No other medicino of its kind >nd<) only. aExcept Saturday*. Mntnrdaya only. meet the 8 a m. and 12:20 p.m. trains t'taees Winter Time Card No. 11. says as much?but no other does as Mt Wilson on new trail. IN EFFECTS A M. MOSDaY, BlCff. 25, 1803, at Pasadena (or Pas-eugers leaving Los Angeles on the 8 a.m, cleanses and invigorates Los Angeles Depo corner Grant! Avenue much. for Wilson Peak can return same day. traiu street. Jefferson tho entire system. For all skin, Take Grand and On tliestre nights the 11:15 p.m. train (or awnue cab c or Main street and pasalona will wait until 20 minutes aiter 'Agricultural Park horse cars. scalp and scrofulous affections, closes when uoilce is reoeived from theatre aye Trains Leave Trains L First street that there Eczema, Tetter, &'alt-rheum, White Los Angeles tneatre by the agent at train. Redondo, are passengers for that for Redondo for Los Angeles Swellings, Hip-joint Disease, and excursion aud picnic parties. Special rates to DAILY DAILY Depots east end First-street and Downey0:15 h. ni. kindred ailments, it's a positive euro. 7:45 v.m. bridges. avenue 1 :35 p.m. 11:00 a.m. City ticket office at A. B. Grcenwald'a cigar 5:10 p.m. 3-.45 p.m. Btore, comer First and Spring streets. Running lime between Los Angeles and ReGeneral offices, First-street depot. dondo Beach, 50 minut.ee. T. B. BURNETT, General Manager. City ticket office at A. B. Greeuwald'a Cigar Jy2 tf W. WINCUP, Gen. Passenger Ag t. Store, corner First and spring streets. GEO J. AINgWOKTH, President. R. H. THOMPSON, Vloe-President. CALIFORNIA RAILWAY COMPANY. (Santa Fe Route.) J. N. BUTTON, BupL Redondo Beach. IN EFFECT SUNDAY. FEB. 11, 1594. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Los Angeles (La Grande station) First st. and Santa Combined witb Sulphate ol Hydrastis. Fe ave\ t FRKNCH LINE TO HAVRE. Arrive. .COMPANY'S IMKR (NEW) NO. 42 Learn Los Angeles Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, KJ NORTH BIVKR, FOOT OF MORTON BT. p.m... .Chicago Limited.... ?? o:ot)a.m .Traveler! by thia Ifno avoid both travel by Debility and a low condition of the system 030 p.m railway and the dlicomfort ol crooning 7:ooam ...Overland Expres*... will be promptly relieved und cured by Its use. Etigtieh ? 815 a.m..San Diego Coast Line. ? 1:1ft p.m In valuable for overworked business men and tbe charm, 1 In a small boat. ? ? Line. 7 00 p.m Diego Coaat p.m..San La March 10. 4:40 weak, nervous women. Pleasant, prompt and ? 7:00a.m 1 *? 0:M)a Sioo .*-? Ia Normaudle, March 17. efficient. 190do«es?l. Get the genuine; manf ? 9:00 a.m...Ban m Champagne, La March 24. Bernardino.. I ufactured only by Taylor <fc Myers Pharmacy I vi*Pasadena,... > t 1:30 p.m La Touralne. March 31. Co., St. Paul, Minn. ? 4:00 p.m 6:30 p.m I.a Bourgogne, April 7. Angeles agents, SON, Los H. M. SALE & 220 ? 6:15 p.m l La Bxetagne, April 14. B. Spring st. 4-1 ly t't-VA" ?'? New York to Alexandria, Egypt, via Paris, ? 7:00 a.m (....Riverside vla...i t l:Sop,m ? 9:00 a.m i. ..San Bernardino. .> * 0:30 p.m flrnt-claai $lt>o, second-class $116. \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666+\u2666\u2666«>\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 For lrelght or passage apply tn a.m \u2666 A. FORGET. Agent, t (1:05 a!in r!!..Riverside end...i '10:15 111:00 a.m 5..8an Bernardino..> * 8:55 p.m No. 3 BowlingOreen, New Yora. \u2666 via Orange.....) *7:00p.m J. F. FUGAZI & CO., agents, 5 Montgomery ?? 4:40 p.m ( aye., Han Francisco. Bran oh office, 19 Mont7:00 a.m fßcdlauds, Mentonel * 9:50 a.m ? 9:00 a.m I ...and Highland... I f 1:30p.m gomery street. Tickets (or sale by all railroad I via aud steamship offices. > 6:30 p.m ? 4:00 p.m I Pasadena Responsible physicians lately \u2666 ~ T have ? \u2666 said that the purest and most economl- \u2666 5:15 p.m i > \u2666 cal 1b ? 6:05 a.m (Redlands, Menlonei *10:15a.m \u2666 via.> «3:55p.m tll .OOa.m J.and Highlands ?7:00p.m Riverside) (Orange ?4:40p.m Si 35a.m The Traveler's ? 9:00 a.m f Azusa, Pasadena.. 1 1 78 :43 I *? 9:50 a.m ? 1:30 p.m a.m I and ? 1:30p.m 4.00p.m -i ....Intermediate.... > t 4:16p.m Stations t 5:30p.m I *6:30p.m ? 7 :05 p. as J 9:00 a.m ? 7:00a.m ? Pasadena * Splendid (11:59 a.m steamers (10:60 a m Pasadena nail twice a month ? 6:15 p.m 4> Free from fat >*y a> Pasadena t I:JI>P-m from San Francisco. gelatine, fX., jf9m 2 \u25a0SfiVEli s,m } 6:05 Santa Ana t 8:50 a.m Angeles or Santa ? 8:15 am of fine flavor, mt A Bj aat P I % Fare from San Dfeeo, Los Ana Santa Barbara to Honolulu, via Pacifio Coast and t 1:50 p.m s> ltß 1:15 p.m Banta Ana swmtf a> * ? 7:00 trip, By round ,ri ? 4:40 p.m p.m a Ootanlo 8. a Companies, *ISS a> never varies. 9f Santa Ana rail to San Francisco and Oceanic S. rt, 00., ? 7:62 a.iui. Monica 9:45 a.m .Santa *? 8:60 p.m round trip $140, or lor parties of five or more, ?10:15 a.m! Monica \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666 Santa ?135, ? 4:45 p.m p.m. «:34 Santa Monica * 8:29 a.m H. B. RIOB, agent Oceanlo S. 8. Co., 124 W. ?10:00 a.m Redondo *? 8:50p.m ? 4:45 p.m Second st. Send 10 cts. (or ?\u25a0Hawaii," a p.mphRedondo 2-18 7t let o( rare photogravure* 9:00 a.in v Pasadena Pan Jacinto t 130 pm t H AltIS WOODS. ,11:00 a.m San Jacinto via Orange via Pasadena t 0:00 a m Temecula f 1:30 p.m CF. (11:00 a.m .Temecula via Orange t 8.16 p.m Bsoondido v Coast Line t 1:15 p.m Horseshoes and Nails, line arrive at Downey avenue station 7 minutes earlier and leave 7 smith's Lot later. Angeles. St., Main minute* 282 N. JSunday, ?Oally. fDaily exospt Bnnday. JOHN WIOktOKB, only. B. W. McQEB, City Pass. AT. Agt., Prescriptions carelolHj eompouada* **»_.«t 129 N. Spring su, Los Angeles, and La Grande UT, ILK and 121 Santa Loa Angola, SMsj| ?leak Station. CAUSAYA T 1\ 1^94. KOS Send Your Orders Direct to Headquarters and Save Agents' Commissions. of 152 N. Spring St., Los Angela *j J oa?iTAL axct<3»s.|»io6.ot»b. 1 ( \ \I Southern ' 'baW^ CarrToMtfet, , - ' UlREOTOB8;-r J. H. BRALY, Preat. W. D.WOOLWINE.Oaahr. A.rT.IHOALTGOm: ousaßa, h. jevne. w. o. pattehbon, f. a. j. m. Elliott.o. w. HaasoMf w. w. yoiaetay j RANK, astj N. Main its LOS ANGELES SAVINGSNo, Capital stock Surplus ? $100,000 w.m.. 35,500 H. W. Hellman. Pres't. J. X. Plater, V.-Freat. W. M. Caswell. Caahler. Direotora-I W. Hellman, R. B. Baker, H. W, Hellman, J. E. Plater, L W. Hellman, jr. Intereat paid on deposits. Money t* loan on first-class real estate. 11-1 to ITIZENS BANIC Stimson Blook, Third and Spring, T. W. Brothertou, President. T. S. C. Lowe. Vtca-Pras't V. D. Hall, Cashier. DIRECTORS. T. D. Stimson, L. W. Blinn, Andrew Mullen, J. M. Hale, R. J. Waters, J. Perolvai. Robert Bale. 10-7 tt lUNIONBANKofSAVINGS CAPITAL STOCK, $200,000 223 S. Spring St., LOS AN6ELES. OFFICCKS AND DIBSCTOHS Look at these prices lor standard IW. W. Stimson goods: Nitrate ol soda Bone Meal Pish Guano Bones, Meat and Per ton $13 00 25 00 34 00 Blood, dried and 28 00 ground together 23 00 Snper Phosphate Our goods are all first class, and are delivered in quantities to suit at yonr nearest rail- road station at the above figures. TERMS-CASH WITH ORDER. Hlgheat prices paid for bones. CONSUMERS' FERTILIZER CO. 1100 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. 1-I4d£w3m Baker Iron "Works 860 TO 068 SURRA VISTA ST.. LOS ANQCLEB, OAL. AQtlllßS the loaUarn Pacific yronnda. Tel- Frest. C. G. Harrison S Wm. Ferauten *>'. E. MoVay tMla ficfieit. S. H. Molt R. M. lakar A. E. Pomatey CKCURITY BIVINGS BANK AND TRUST O CO., US S. Main st. Capital Mock $-'00,000 F, N. Myera, Pre-. .M. S. Hoilinaa, V.-Pree't Phe.ps, Cashier. W. T. Longrear. Ass't Cashier. W. D. Dlreotors: T. L. Duque, Maurice & Hellman. J. M. C. Marble. J. A, Graves, H. L. Piaaey, JL F. Sartorl. ('. 11. Session,. J. H. Harris. J. 8U Shaakland, F. N. Myers, T. W. Phelps. 11-15 Bm, STREET MAIN Trust Company, Capital SAVINGS BANK AND $200,000 42S S. Main at, Los Angeles, CaL J. B. LANKF.RBHIM President 8. C. HUBBKI.I Vloe President J. V. W.'CIHEI ....Ceehto* Cohn, H, H. W. Hellman. K. J. Jonas. O. T, Job anon, W. G. Kerckhoff, H. w. O'MelvenayL Interest paid on all deposits, 10-28 tt i I
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