Document 211322

How to Operate
t Lovei on Lions! Dieuel Swllchet
Lionel Diesel Switching Locomotive s ace equipped with remote control
lectromagnetic operating couplers front and back. To open these couplers run
ic locomotive onto any Remote Contj•ol Track Section so that the sliding
and then push the "Uncouple" button.
To couple tlie locomotive to any car simply run it slowly up to the cat until
any straight
i position for
Ihe coupling to take place.
Lionel Diesel Switchers ace "Magne-Traction" locomotives, whdch means
that their driving wheels are magnetized to grip the track more securely and
to enable the locomotive to pull heavier loads and to climb steeper grades
without slipping; on the track. Be careful not to let pins, paper clips, screws,
carpet tacks or other small iron objects to come in contact with the locomotive
or they will lie attracted to the magnetized wheels and gears and may interfere
with the action of the locomotive.
Like all Lionel locomotives the Diesel Switchers are equipped \n reversing »nit whi
Page 1
ON al"O"
• of Ihe Diesel Swilch«r Showing lubricaUnq Pointe
locomotives liy remote control. The reversing unit works in sequence: Forward,
on (he transformer once; to cliim-rc tlic <!in-<;li(ni uf th<: locomotive punh the
"Direction" control twice. Sin™ Ihe revcrsin-: unit is activated by interruptions
of track power, il will also trip to ils next position whenever the locomotive
roller loses contact w it!) tin; center rail, or whenever power lo the center rail ie
interrupter! cither deliberately, by turning the transformer control to "off", or
accident ally, by a loose wire, short circuit, etc.
In the Stop or TVcutra] position the locomotive is hailed although the track
is still energized. This keeps the locomotive headlight humanj. and makes it
of Ihe locomotive forward. (See Figure l.'i' \Uieii the, reversing unit is disconnected the locomotive cannot change its direction, but will continue to mn
in the same direction. This is useful when operating a layout with an automatic
stop station or innulaicil track j>]<>i-k.-<. The n ver.-inn u n i t i* ili.-counected in the
following way: Gel the locomotive to run in Ihe ,!, -i,c,l tlirection. Stop it
it-ilhaiit oi»crnliiii! ihr. rci-t-ri/n^ unit. (Kilhcr slop the locomotive with your
hand, or turn off the track voltage.) Then while the locomotive is standing on
Ihe track move the reversing unit lever forward. If the reversing unit is disconnected while Ihe ]<,coim>i ivr L. i landing in neutral, it will stay in that position
and will not run at all even when power is re-applied. Because the reversing
unit work? p a r t l y by jrravity il will not operate properly if the locomotive is
held upoide down.
degree upon proper lubrication of the motor and other moving parts. Since
do not lubricate the locomotive rollers.
Pag. 2
LAMP NO. 151.51
rated in
Figure 4, is lubricated lr.
occa'sionarK-'v.-itii'J'f'.'w ilru^'s of''oil To
must iirst he removed hj turning the
two slottral lock plal.-s on lh,-. bottom
of the locomotive. The oil hole is best
A complete Lubricating and Maintenance Kit No. 927 which contains all
the material ami equipment nerowary
to keep your outfit in top notch condition may be obtained for S1.50 from
your dealer, or, by mail, from the Lionel
Service Department.
•How 1o Lubricate Motor
This locomotive has front and rear headlights which are illuminated by
14-volt miniature bayonet base lamps No. L363 (old number 151-51) available at
your dealer. To reach the lamps take off locomotive body by turning the two
screw-slotted lockplatee on the bottom of the locomotive. (See Figure 2.) To
take out a lamp preen it into the socket and turn it slightly to the left.
This locomolive was inspected at the Factory and IB in perfect operating
condition. Like all Lionel products this locomotive is «iiii]-;tiii.-r,l ^.inst faulty
material and workmanship to the extent that if any such defective locomotive
is returned to the Scvvkv Di-jiurliiicnt or to any Lionel YiittioriKcd Service
Station within one year of the date of purchase it will be repaired or replaced.
If in the ftituro it .-liouM f \ u r i-rniun> -,cn icirjjr you may either -rnil it to the
Factory Service Department, or take it to the nearest Lionel Authorized Service
Station listed in the Instruction booklet.
If you decide to mail ihe locomotive to us, be sure to pack it carefully to
avoid damage in transit. Use the original box, if possible. A letter in a slamped
envelope sialinj! full) tin; MTV-IOC di^irecl must be pasted to the outside wrapper,
since postal regulations do not permit a letter or any written message to be
placed inside the package.
Service Department
1.». I.
Chicago Showrooms