Accelerated Reader: Reading and its Importance: Mead Middle School

Accelerated Reader:
Reading and its
Reading is a complicated but invaluable skill. By
being a good reader, a student can succeed in almost
any class and achieve almost any goal. We know
from several important and recent studies that
students who read an hour a day have higher grades
than those who don’t, score significantly higher on
standardized tests, and attend college at a higher
With all of this in mind, one of Mead Middle
This is our first year of using this nationally-acclaimed,
research-based reading program to meet our literacy goals
on a building-wide basis. AR has many advantages. It
requires students to read on a consistent basis at an
appropriate level; it gives students, teachers and parents
clear and constructive feedback on the quality of the
student’s comprehension; and it offers students a variety
of texts to choose from, including fiction and non-fiction
and multiple genres.
Other Reading Resources at
Mead Middle:
School’s most important goals is to enable all of our
students both to be good readers and to develop a
love and respect for reading.
Suggestions for Encouraging
Independent Reading:
Read a book, then see the movie!!
Sponsor a student book club
Read the paper together, then watch the news
Reward your student for setting and meeting
Literacy Lab: Run by Karen Canby, our Literacy
Coach, the lab provides students reading below grade
level with targeted, individualized reading instruction.
Computer Lab and Instructional Media Center: The
lab is where most students take their AR quizzes. They
can also go to the IMC to take a quiz or find a book. The
lab is run by Sherri Platt and Jena Goshia, the IMC by
Axel Reitzig and Holli Buchter.
Tutoring: Tutoring is available for any student who
requests it. Staffed by volunteers, tutoring is provided for
students once a week. Holli Buchter coordinates the
tutoring program.
reading goals!
Regularly visit the library and bookstores, with
stops at a cafe
Mead Middle School
Mead Middle School
620 Welker Ave.
Mead, CO 80503
Phone: 970.535.4446
Fax: 970.535.4434
How to Help Your
Student Succeed at
What Makes for a
Successful Reader?
Strategies Successful Readers
One of the challenges of teaching reading is meeting
Because adults are so proficient at reading, they forget that
the students’ individual needs and cultivating their
they are using specific strategies and skills as they read.
individual strengths. However, while each reader has
The following is a list of the strategies that successful
his or her own characteristics, successful readers do
readers most often use and suggestions for how you can
share several traits. They:
help your student develop them:
recognize the value of reading
VISUALIZING: Readers create a picture in their mind’s
are able to read different types of materials for
different reasons
eye as they read by cuing into the author’s descriptive
use different strategies to overcome a variety of
language. TEACH this by pointing out descriptive
passages easy to “see”; drawing, cartooning or graphing
what they read; modeling visualization by reading out
loud and describing what you see as you read; making
Students make the following connections as they read:
text-text; text-self; and text-world. This helps to
clarify and evaluate what has been read, and makes it
more meaningful to the students. TEACH this by
asking questions like, What does this remind you of?
What do you know about this topic? Does this remind
you of another book or of a movie? Does this remind
you of something you read earlier in the text?
Students need to make sure they know when a text is
making sense and when it is not. If they don’t
can self-select materials
are aware of the different resources available to
and graphs.
have a sense of what they do and don’t like to
INFERRING (or making a good guess): Students make
asking and answering questions to clarify;
inferences or read between the lines to interpret meaning
recognizing that something is confusing; re-reading;
and get the big picture. TEACH inference by asking how
explaining how asking for help from a teacher, parent
did you know that?; making predictions; and looking at
or other student can clarify; and modeling reading of a
visual aids and pictures.
difficult text.
listed above are habits that can be learned, and our
QUESTIONING: Students understand a text on a deeper
literacy program focuses on cultivating them.
level because questions clarify confusing passages and
above all, enjoy reading!
While successful readers are born, the really exciting
predictions about the story by looking at headings, pictures
understand, good readers use strategies to clarify and
“fix-up” any confusion. TEACH this by having
natural stopping points to self-check for meaning;
news is that a good reader can be made! The traits
stimulate further interest in a topic. TEACH this by
modeling questioning as you read; asking open-ended “I
wonder” questions; asking your child to come up with
questions before reading, then having him/her answer
them as they read; and discussing what questions remain
after reading.
When students are reading, they have to identify and
remember what is important from the material that
they read and know why they are reading. TEACH
this by having your student write specific questions to
answer as they read; evaluating information from a
text on a scale of most to least important; and paying
attention to visual and textual clues that determine