HOW TO REGISTER for school year programs Register online at Please complete all forms entirely for each child or registration may be delayed as we will need to contact you to collect this required information. Parent Registration Checklist Parts IA, IB, III and IV are 2-part forms (white & yellow), please return white copy of the form to the administrative office. Keep yellow copy for your records. Parts IA & IB - Registration & Program Selection Forms Complete both parts entirely. Part IA: write your child’s and your information, including your best address and phone during program hours. List emergency contacts and persons other than parents who are authorized to pick up your child, and check the desired arrival/departure authorization for your child. Part IB: select the days you would like your child to attend program and sign payment agreement. Part II - Health History & Emergency Care Plan Form In compliance with state licensing requirements, children’s health history and emergency care plans must be reviewed and updated by parents or guardians. Part III – Payment of Fees & Account Security Policies Form This form must be completed in order to protect the privacy of your account. Your account access password will be required for all account inquiries and requests to change account information. Part IV – School Year 2014-2015 Registration Agreement Form Be sure to read thoroughly before signing. School Year 2014-2015 Credit/Debit Card Authorization (Optional) Choose one-time or auto payment option. Enrollment and Fees Applications, online and paper forms, will be processed in the order they are received. Three, four and five-day enrollments have priority throughout the school year. In order to protect your enrollment, families who initially register for less than three days a week have the option of increasing their enrollment or they may withdraw from the program if enrollment reaches capacity. Programs are Enrollment Dependent In order to provide a quality experience for your child, we need to have sufficient enrollment to operate a program and offer specific age groups within each program. If we are unable to offer the specific age group or program you registered for, we will contact you to discuss possible alternatives. Confirmation Process Families registering online and providing an email address will receive an emailed confirmation of their child’s registration along with a welcome packet including a parent handbook and bi-weekly invoices. You may request a printed welcome packet by contacting the administrative office. Families who register using paper forms who don’t provide an email address, will be mailed confirmation of their child’s registration along with a welcome packet, a parent handbook and bi-weekly invoices. Enrollment Cancellation/Change Policy A written advance notice from the account holder (please include password) must be received by the WYC administrative office to cancel or change the enrollment. This written notice must be received by the end of the business day Friday (5:30 p.m.) six business days prior to the payment period. If we don’t receive your written cancellation in time you will be liable for the remainder of the payment period. We do not prorate during a billing cycle. Please do not give notices to program staff. Financial Assistance Child care funding is available from the city or county for AFTER SCHOOL programs for eligible families. Parents are responsible for initiating and managing their funding source transactions. Once authorization is received from a funding source, our accounts receivable department will work with the parent to manage their account. It is the parent’s responsibility to follow program billing and funding activity and make timely payments for any remaining balances. Limited scholarship funds through Wisconsin Youth Company may be available on a first-come, first-served basis. In order to provide an enriching experience for as many eligible children as possible, partial scholarships are given on a semester basis. For scholarship information, please contact the administrative office. A school year processing fee of $50 for one child ($80 for two or more children) is required at time of registration. This processing fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. Fees may be paid by cash, check, money order, VISA or MasterCard. Make checks payable to Wisconsin Youth Company. Contact Information: Enrollment Blackout Period A registration blackout period will begin on August 18, two weeks prior to the start of the school year to allow time for heavy volume of processing. Only forms received before this period will be processed and confirmed to begin the first week of school as space permits. Registrations received after school begins will be processed as volume and capacity permit. Dane County Wisconsin Youth Company 1201 McKenna Blvd. Madison, WI 53719 Waukesha County Wisconsin Youth Company 1800 Dolphin Drive Suite 200 Waukesha, WI 53186 608-276-9782 or 800-238-1174 Fax: 608-276-4050 262-547-8770 or 800-552-8878 Fax: 262-547-0394 Inclement Weather Information can be obtained by contacting the administrative office or visiting our website, There is no credit or fee reduction for weather related closings. Program related questions: Dane: [email protected] Waukesha: [email protected] Billing and account information questions: Dane & Waukesha: [email protected] Part IA WYC Company School Year 2014-2015: Registration Form __________________________________________ Child’s Name ________ Gender _________________ Grade in Fall 2014 ______________ Birthdate ______ Age ______________________________________ School Attending in Fall 2014 _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Name of Primary Account Holder Relationship to child ______________________________________________ Start Date ______________________________________________ Program Location (if different from school location) _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Name of Secondary Contact Person Relationship to child ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Address Address _____________________________________________ City/State/Zip ___________________________ Home Phone ___________________________________________ ____________________________ City/State/Zip Home Phone Cell Work Home Cell Work Home _________________________ ________________________ _______________________ ________________________ ________________________ _______________________ Work Phone Cell Phone Best Phone # During Program Hours Work Phone Cell Phone Best Phone # During Program Hours ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Best Address During Program Hours Best Address During Program Hours ___________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address E-mail Address Child resides with: Mother Father Guardian Child previously attended the 2013-2014 AFTER SCHOOL program: Yes No Summer 2014 program: Yes No Emergency Contact/Pick-up Authorization Information: (For safety, any changes during the school year must to be made in writing to the administrative office.) Authorized pick-up persons may be asked to present a photo I.D. All individuals authorized to pick up must be 18 years of age. Parents wanting anyone under 18 years of age to pick up their child must select the independent departure option below. Primary and secondary contacts listed above are considered authorized pick-up persons and emergency contacts unless otherwise noted. In addition to primary and secondary persons listed above, list a minimum of one emergency contact (REQUIRED). In an emergency, if no contact can be made to those listed here, the police department may be notified. Add additional authorized pick up persons here, if applicable. Name (First & Last) Best Phone # During Program Hours Complete Home Address Relationship to Child Emergency Contact Person Authorized Pick-up Person Independent Arrival / Departure Authorization: Please check below the arrival/departure authorization applicable to your child’s enrollment. For safety, any changes during the school year must be made in writing to the administrative office. Please give a specific time for arrival and departure times, if applicable. Before School Not applicable Arrival: I acknowledge my child will: arrive with a parent or another adult authorized to sign-in my child. (must be 18 years old) arrive independently by walking or biking - a.m. arrival time: ___________________ Departure: I acknowledge my child will: depart independently from program to his/her school classroom After School Not applicable Arrival: I acknowledge my child will: walk from his/her classroom to the AFTER SCHOOL program location arrive independently by walking or biking from _______________________________________ (location) at _______________ (time) arrive by alternate transportation from _______________________________________ (school) at _______________ (time) Departure: I acknowledge my child will: wait for an authorized pick-up person. (List additional authorized pick-up persons other than mother/father/guardian(s) above. Unless otherwise noted, mother/father/guardian(s) listed above are considered authorized pick-up and emergency contact persons.) (must be 18 years old) depart independently by walking or biking - p.m. departure time: ___________________ Office Use Only - Fees: Processing _______________ Deposit ______________ Amt Pd ______________ Ck #______________ Date Received ______________ Received by _______________ White: Administrative Copy Yellow: Parent Copy 14-15 AS - Registration Form Part IA.indd Swallow Program Location M T W TH Before School Schedule F For Office Use Only: Confirmed Start Date ________ /_________ /________ Tuition assistance may be available for families in need of short term financial help to pay their child’s tuition. Please contact the administrative office or check our website for more information. *First child is considered the one with the most days. See parent handbook for additional information regarding fees, available at Swallow School District Swallow Waukesha County AFTER SCHOOL Grade: T W F 2 3 6 7 $140.50 $53.50 $113.50 $37 $81.50 4 Days - AFTER SCHOOL 3 Days - BEFORE SCHOOL 3 Days - AFTER SCHOOL 2 Days - BEFORE SCHOOL 2 Days - AFTER SCHOOL Intake Initials ___________________________ Total Bi-Weekly Fees $ $ $ $69.50 $31.50 $97 $45.50 $119.50 $59 $137.50 $71.50 2nd Child Discount Fee 14-15 AS - Registration Form Part IB_Swallow.indd Confirmation Date ______________________ $80 for two or more children $50 for one child $69.50 4 Days - BEFORE SCHOOL $161.50 1st Child Fee* 5 Days - AFTER SCHOOL (Required at time of registration.) 8 Bi-Weekly Enrollment Fees 5 $84.50 4 5 Days - BEFORE SCHOOL Enrolled Week Days 1 A School Year Processing Fee TH Date Received _________________________ M K Child’s Date of Birth: ______________________________________________ Child’s Name: _____________________________________________________ After School Schedule Part IB WYC School Year 2014-2015: Program Selection Form Part II WYC Health History & Emergency Care Plan Form Page 1 of 2 Directions: Please complete this form entirely. A review by parents/guardians and staff is required annually. This form remains with your child’s program during the hours your child is present in the care of Wisconsin Youth Company staff. Child Information: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Child’s Name (Last) (First) (Middle) Birthdate (MM / DD / YYYY) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Home Address (Street, City, State, Zip Code) Date – First Day of Attendance (MM / DD / YYYY) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ Parent Name (Last) (First) Best Phone # During Program Hours ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address (if different from child’s) Physician / Medical Facility Information: _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of Physician Name, Address and Phone Number of Medical Facility Sunscreen/Insect Repellent Authorization: Sunscreen (Check 1 box) - Wisconsin Youth Company will provide Rocky Mountain SPF 30 sunscreen. I authorize the use of Rocky Mountain SPF 30 sunscreen for my child to self-apply to the extent possible, and WYC staff is authorized to provide assistance in applying sunscreen as necessary to ensure adequate coverage. I will provide sunscreen for my child to self-apply to the extent possible, and WYC staff is authorized to provide assistance in applying sunscreen as necessary to ensure adequate coverage. I do not authorize my child to use sunscreen during program hours. Insect Repellent (Check 1 box) - Wisconsin Youth Company will provide Cutter All Family Pump Spray 7% deet. I authorize WYC staff to apply Cutter Family Pump Spray (7% Deet) to my child. I will provide insect repellent for WYC staff to apply to my child. I do not authorize the use of insect repellent on my child during program hours. Immunization History: List the month/day/year the child recieved each of the following immunizations. Please fill in all empty boxes required by state law. If you do not have an immunization record for your child, contact your doctor or local public health department to obtain the records. Visit and enter your child’s name and social security number for a state immunization record for your child. Vaccinations - required for 5 years and older 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Vaccinations - required for 4 year olds DTP Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis DTP Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis Polio (IPV) Polio (IPV) Hepatitis B Hepatitis B Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Varicella (Chicken Pox) Has the child had Varicella (chicken pox) disease? If yes, vaccine not required. Year: _________ If no or unsure, vaccine required. Varicella (Chicken Pox) Has the child had Varicella (chicken pox) disease? If yes, vaccine not required. Year: _________ If no or unsure, vaccine required. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Hib (Haemophilus Influenzea Type B) Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine IF THE CHILD MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS sign at arrow below and return this form to Wisconsin Youth Company, OR IF THE CHILD DOES NOT MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS check appropriate box below, sign and return this form to Wisconsin Youth Company. Although the child has not received all required doses of vaccine for his or her age group, at least the first dose of each vaccine has been received. I understand that it is my responsibility to obtain the remaining required doses of vaccines for the child WITHIN ONE YEAR and to notify Wisconsin Youth Company in writing as each dose is received. NOTE: Failure to stay on schedule or report immunizations to Wisconsin Youth Company may result in court action against the parents and a fine up to $25.00 per day of violation. For health reasons this child should not receive the following immunizations, (List in chart above any immunizations already received.): ________________ Physician’s Signature: _________________________________________________________ For religious reasons this child should not be immunized. (List in chart above any immunizations already received.) For personal conviction reasons this child should not be immunized. (List in chart above any immunizations already received. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ Signature of Parent / Guardian Date WYC Health Histrory & ER Care Plan Form_Summer 2014 & Sch Yr 14-15.indd Page 2 of 2 Directions: Please complete this form entirely. A review by parents/guardians and staff is required annually. This form remains with your child’s program during the hours your child is present in the care of Wisconsin Youth Company staff. Child Name: ________________________________________________________________________ 1. Special Health Information: Please check yes or no for each statement. General Health - Does your child: Have asthma? Yes No Have diabetes? Yes No Have epilepsy/seizures? Yes No Date of last seizure: __________________________________________________________________________ Have cerebral palsy/motor disorder? Yes No Details: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Wear glasses or contacts? Yes No Have ADD/ADHD? Yes No Details: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Have Autism Spectrum diagnosis? Yes No Details: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Have emotional/behavioral health issues? Yes No Details: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Have cognitive/learning disabilities? Yes No Details: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Have diet restrictions or special food needs? Yes No Details: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Other conditions that may require special care? Yes No Details: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Food/Milk Yes NoDetails: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Medication(s) Allergies - My child is allergic to: Yes NoDetails: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Environmental allergens (Insect stings, hay fever) Yes NoDetails: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Other Yes NoDetails: ______________________________________________________________________________________ My child will have an Epi Pen at site. Yes No My child will have an inhaler at site. Yes No My child will have other medication at site. Yes No Medications: Medication name(s): _________________________________________________________________________ 2. Signs or symptoms to watch for, please specify. 3. Specify triggers that may cause problems and steps WYC staff should follow in response. 4. Identify any WYC program staff to whom you have given specialized training/instructions to help treat symptoms. 5. I have reviewed the activities of the program and feel my child can participate without restrictions: If no, my child can participate with the following restrictions or accommodations. Yes No 6. Medications (prescribed and over-the-counter) your child takes regularly between the hours of 6:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Please list the name of medication and the time of day to be administered. 7. When to call parents regarding symptoms or failure to respond to prescribed treatment: 8. When to consider that the condition requires emergency medical care or reassessment. 9. Does your child receive additional support services or one-on-one support during the school year? Yes No If yes, please explain. In the event my child becomes ill or injured, I understand every effort will be made to reach me or an emergency contact person on file. I give my consent for Wisconsin Youth Company to act on my behalf to obtain emergency care and treatment if it is deemed necessary. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ Signature of Parent / Guardian Date WYC Health Histrory & ER Care Plan Form_Summer 2014 & Sch Yr 14-15.indd Part III WYC School Year 2014-2015: Payment of Fees & Account Security Policies Form Child’s Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Payment of Fees 1. I understand the processing fee is non-refundable and non-transferable. 2. I understand this agreement is for the entire 2014-2015 school year; and agree to make full bi-weekly payments. 3. I understand payments are due every other Monday as scheduled; fees will not be pro-rated if my child starts, changes schedule or withdraws from program within a billing period. 4. I understand if I am receiving financial assistance, I am responsible for any amount not covered by my funding source. Written verification from my funding source must be on file in the administrative office prior to my child’s attendance. I understand that I will be responsible for full payment until funding documentation is received by the administrative office. I understand WYC is not responsible for contacting account holders when co-pay amounts change by funding source. My financial assistance source is: (if applicable) Source/Contact Person: _________________________________________________________________________________ Phone #: _______________________________ 5. I understand a billing fee of $20 will be assessed if payments are not received by the scheduled Monday due date. 6. I understand fees not paid by the due dates may result in my child’s removal from the program. 7. I understand I do not receive adjustment in fees for holidays, school closures or days missed. 8. I understand that my bi-weekly payments do not include charges for school year winter and spring break weeks. 9. I understand a $30 charge is assessed for each Non-Sufficient-Funds (NSF) check or declined credit card transactions. 10. I understand a $25 late fee will be assessed for every 15 minute increment, or portion thereof, that I am late to pick up my child, after program closing time. 11. I understand that only those persons signing this agreement and providing the account password will have authority to access and make changes to this account. I understand that only those persons signing this agreement will be considered account holders, having full account access. I understand that parent / guardian (account holder(s) may designate additional authorized account user(s) who may receive account information, but not make any changes to account or registration information. 12. Requests for duplicate mailings to a second address are available for a $15 annual fee (2014-2015 program year). 13. I understand that any remaining and past due balances to my account will be charged to my credit card on file on the next pay cycle. Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ (Account Holder) Date Account Access Password - Required The security of your enrollment information is important and we’ve taken steps to help keep it secure. When enrolling your child, you are required to create a unique password and answer at least one security question listed below. This verification is REQUIRED whenever you or someone you authorize calls or emails us regarding your information (i.e. balance due, pick-up persons) and whenever account holders submit written requests and information updates so that we can protect your privacy and only give the information out to you or the person you designate. We can ONLY provide enrollment information when the correct PASSWORD and/or SECURITY ANSWER are provided by an authorized user. You may choose to keep your same password from previous Wisconsin Youth Company programs; however, you must confirm the password below. Please give us a password and the answer to at least one of the security questions listed below. Account Access Password ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ (Maximum: 6 characters) Security Questions (Please answer at least one of the following.): 1. What street did you live on during high school? _____________________________________________________________ 2. Who was your childhood hero? ______________________________________________________________________ 3. What is your Grandmother’s maiden name? _________________________________________________________ Account Access - Optional In order to protect your privacy, we are unable to provide information to anyone other than an account holder or authorized user. An account holder is anyone who has signed the registration agreement. Account holders are liable for the account, are able to request information and are able to make changes to the account. Authorized users are individuals authorized by the account holder to access information only. As the account holder, you may authorize other individuals (e.g. a spouse and/or other parent) by listing their name(s) below. Authorized account holders must sign registration agreement form. I authorize the following person(s) to be an authorized user, allowing him/her to access information on the account: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additonal Authorized User Name - Print I authorize the following person(s) to become an account holder, allowing him/her to make changes to account information: ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ___________________________ Additonal Authorized Account Holder Name - Print Signature of Additonal Authorized Account Holder Date Authorized Account Holder’s Name and Signature - Required ___________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ __________________________________ Account Holder Name - Print Signature of Account Holder - Required Date White: Administrative Office Copy Yellow: Parent Copy 14-15 WYC: Payment of Fees & Account Security Policies Form.indd Part IV WYC School Year 2014-2015: Registration Agreement Child’s Name (Please print): ________________________________________________________________________________ Program Location: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Attendance Schedule 1. I understand I must notify the AFTER SCHOOL message center in the event my child will not attend or will be late on a scheduled day. Repeated failure to notify of absence may result in additional fees. 2. I understand I may change my child’s schedule by giving advance written notice. Written notice must be given to the administrative office by the end of the business day Friday six business days prior to the billing period for which the change is requested. Requests involving an increase of days are on a space-available basis. If schedule changes exceed three per year, a $5 charge will be assessed for each subsequent change. Changes to enrolled days cannot be made effective mid-billing period. AFTER SCHOOL cannot honor requests to switch a scheduled day with non-enrolled day. 3. I understand if space permits, my child may attend an added day (a day not regularly scheduled) for an additional non-refundable and non-transferable fee. I am required to request an added day through the administrative office no more than two weeks in advance. 4. I understand AFTER SCHOOL will make every effort to provide reasonable modifications that will accommodate the needs of children within the limitations of program sites, maintain required staff ratios, program resources and the safety of all children in program. Parental Consent 1. I give my consent for my child’s participation in any field trips scheduled as part of his/her enrollment and consent for my child to be transported to and from any scheduled program activity for which transportation is provided. I understand AFTER SCHOOL adheres to state licensing regulations and organization policy regarding supervision of children and transportation while on all trips. 2. If enrolled in the before school program, I give my consent for my child to leave for class unescorted. 3. If enrolled in the after school program, I give my consent for my child to arrive at program unescorted at the end of the school day. 4. I understand that if I give permission for my child to arrive/depart independently from his/her program site (as indicated on the registration form) that I must inform the administrative office in writing of any changes in his/her arrival/departure procedures. For Madison Program Locations Only: Madison program sites are accredited by the City of Madison. During this review and evaluation process, children’s relevant information may be used to improve the quality of the program and support for the child. This is a voluntary authorization and does not affect enrollment. Yes, I hereby authorize the release of confidential information of my child to the Madison Accreditation Program. No, I do not authorize the release of confidential information of my child to the Madison Accreditation Program. Agreement Signature - I/We understand and agree to abide by the above policies and other WYC policies as stated in the parent handbook. Handbook is available online or in print. ___________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian - Please Print Name ___________________________________________________ Additonal Authorized Account Holder Name - Print ____________________________________________________ ______________________ Signature of Parent / Guardian Date ____________________________________________________ ______________________ Signature of Additonal Authorized Account Holder Date Photo Release I grant Wisconsin Youth Company (WYC) permission to publish my child’s image in its newsletters, brochures, displays or other printed material and on its websites for purposes of promoting the programs. I understand that children’s names are not used when their images are displayed on our website or in widely distributed print materials. I understand that if I request, in writing, removal of my child’s image from WYC’s websites, his/her image will be removed no later than 15 days from receipt of my request. Also, I release WYC, its employees, officers, directors and successors from any liability or claim related to the publication or disclosure for which I have hereby granted permission. I understand that the consent I grant here is completely voluntary. Yes, I accept the photo release. No, I do not accept the photo release. I agree to photo release for program site use only (e.g., bulletin boards in room, art projects or newsletters). Yes, I accept the photo release No, I do not accept the photo release. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ Signature of Parent / Guardian (Account Holder) Date White: Administrative Office Copy Yellow: Parent Copy 14-15 WYC: - AS Agreement.Indd WYC Credit/Debit Card Authorization Form - Optional Child(ren)’s Name(s) ________________________________________________ Program ____________________________ Wisconsin Youth Company Primary Account Holder _________________________________________________________ Mother / Father / Guardian (circle one) Card Type: Visa MasterCard Credit Card # ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Exp. Date _____________ / _____________ CVC2 Code ___________________ (3 digit number on back of card) Name on Card ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address _________________________________________________________________________________ Zip Code ___________________ Email Address ____________________________________________________________ Phone Number ___________________________________ (Please indicate authorization by selecting corresponding boxes below and see payment calendar for processing dates.) I authorize autopay charges to the credit card listed above for: (First payment(s) will be charged to this card upon processing.) Summer 2014 - fees occurring June 2014 through August 2014. (autopay processed weekly) School Year 2014-2015 - fees occurring September 2014 through June 2015. (autopay processed monthly) I authorize a one time charge of $ ________________ to the credit card listed above for: Summer 2014 School Year 2014-2015 Signature ___________________________________________________________________________ Date __________________________ Authorization by phone: Intake Initials _____________ Date ______________ OFFICE USE: White: Administrative Office Copy Date Processed: ___________________ Yellow: Parent Copy Initials: ___________________ Email / Invoice / Receipt: P1 / P2 WYC Credit-Debit Card Authorization Form_14.indd DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES Division of Early Care Regulation YOUR GUIDE TO REGULATED CHILD CARE Your summary of the child care rules TYPES OF REGULATED CHILD CARE PROGRAMS Licensed Family Child Care Centers A program regulated under DCF 250 where a person provides care and supervision for less than 24 hours per day for at least 4 and not more than 8 children who are not related to the provider. Age groups may be mixed according to the following combinations. Additional allowed school-aged children in care for 3 or fewer hours per day are shown in parentheses. Children Under Age 2 0 1 2 3 4 + + + + + Children Age 2 and Older 8 7 5 2 0 + + + + + School Age Children (0) (0) (1) (3) (2) = = = = = Maximum Group Size 8 8 8 8 6 Licensed Group Child Care Centers A program regulated under DCF 251 where a person for less than 24 hours per day provides care and supervision for 9 or more children who are not related to the provider. Age of Children Staff-To-Child Ratio* Birth to 2 yrs 1:4 or .25 2 yrs to 2½ yrs 1:6 or .167 2½ yrs to 3 yrs 1:8 or .125 3 yrs 1:10 or .10 4 yrs 1:13 or .077 5 yrs 1:17 or .059 6 yrs and over 1:18 or .056 * These ratios are adjusted for mixed age groups Maximum Group Size 8 12 16 20 24 34 36 Licensed Day Camps for Children A program regulated under DCF 252 that provides care and supervision to 4 or more children, 3 years of age and older, in a seasonal program oriented to the out-of-doors for periods less than 24 hours per day. Certified Family Child Care A program regulated under DCF 202 where a person provides care and supervision for less than 24 hours per day for no more than 3 children under age 7 with a maximum group size of 6, including the provider’s own children under age 7. Certified School-Age Programs A group child care center certified under DCF 202 to provide care and supervision to school-aged children aged 7 and older. A WORD ON WISCONSIN CHILD CARE REGULATIONS Anyone providing care and supervision for 4 or more children under age 7 years for less than 24 hours a day must be licensed by the Department. Exceptions to this rule are: • A parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, stepparent, brother, sister, first cousin, nephew, niece, uncle, or aunt of a child, whether by blood, marriage, or legal adoption, who provides care and supervision for the child. • Public and parochial schools. • Care provided in the home of the child’s parent for less than 24 hours per day. • Counties, cities, towns, school districts and libraries that provide programs for children primarily intended for social or recreational purposes. • A program that operates not more than 4 hours per week. • Group lessons to develop a talent or skill such as dance or music, social group meetings and activities, group athletics. • A program where the parents are on the premises and are engaged in shopping, recreation or other non-work activities. • Seasonal programs of ten days or less duration in any 3-month period, including day camps, vacation bible school and holiday child care programs. • Emergency situations. • Care and supervision for no more than 3 hours a day while the parent is employed on the premises. • A program provided where the child of a recipient of temporary assistance to needy families, or Wisconsin works, is involved in orientation, enrollment or initial assessment or where parents are provided training or counseling. Regulations set standards for adequate child care, but they cannot guarantee quality care. That is why parent involvement is so crucial. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, CONCERNS OR COMPLAINTS First, talk to your child’s caregiver and try to work out your differences. If those attempts fail, and you feel the caregiver is violating a state licensing regulation, contact the appropriate regional office. See or call 1-800-3627353 for contact information. If you feel the caregiver is violating certification rules, contact the appropriate certifying agency. See for the certifying agency in your county or call 608-267-2079 for contact information. DCF-P-2436 (R. 01/2012) DCF-P-2436 (R. 01/2012) Are the play areas clean and large enough so children can move freely and safely? Is the playground safe and supervised by an adult? Is play equipment sturdy and in good repair? Are games, toys, etc. stored where the children can get to them? Are wall displays placed at child’s eye level? Are unused electrical sockets covered with safety caps? Are cleaning fluids, medications, poisons, sharp tools, matches, etc. stored away from children? Is the area free of other hazards: peeling paint, exposed electrical wires, uncovered hot water pipes, unprotected hot radiators or heaters? Are fire safety and tornado drills practiced? Are emergency telephone numbers posted by the telephones? Is there adequate heat, ventilation and lighting? Are bathrooms clean and sanitary? Are step stools in the bathrooms to help young children reach toilets and sinks? Physical environment Do they get down to eye level when talking to or listening to the children? Do they encourage the children to express their feelings verbally? Do they encourage children to work out negative feelings without hurting others? Do they respect individual differences among the children? Do the child guidance measures focus on what the child should do rather than what the child should not do? Do they set reasonable limits and allow children to make choices when appropriate? Do they provide guidance with words, tone of voice and actions that show respect for children? Note: See licensing and certification rules for prohibited punishments. Do they show patience by letting children do things for themselves and exert their independence? Do the children seem comfortable when talking to the caregivers? Do the children seem happily occupied and relaxed? Does the ratio of children to caregivers meet state requirements? Caregiver / child interaction Do they genuinely seem to enjoy working with young children? Do they seem to be warm, loving people? Do they talk with you openly and straightforwardly about their policies? What training and experience do they have? Do they receive regular, ongoing jobrelated training? Do they seem to get along well with each other? Caregivers The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. If you have a disability and need to access this information in an alternate format, or need it translated to another language, contact the Bureau of Early Care Regulation at (608) 266-9314 (general) or (888) 692-1382 (TTY). For civil rights questions call (608) 266-5335 or (866) 864-4585 (TTY). Is the license / certificate posted? Are visits by the parents, whether announced or unannounced, welcome at any time? Are there opportunities for parent / caregiver communication? Is this the kind of place you would enjoy spending your day? Are the results of the most recent licensing visit posted? Do staff and children wash their hands before meals and after toileting or diapering? Are meals and snacks well balanced and wholesome? Is the food preparation area clean and sanitary? Are menus posted in licensed programs? General things to look for Are vehicles used to transport children insured, and does the center’s policy address insurance coverage for transportation? Are vehicles in safe operating condition? Are appropriate individual child car safety seats and booster seats used? Does the center have a procedure to ensure that no child is left unattended in a vehicle? Do vehicles with a seating capacity of 6 or more passengers in addition to the driver have a vehicle alarm installed to ensure no child is left unattended in a vehicle? Transportation Is there a regular daily schedule? Is it organized without being rigid? Are activities geared for different age and developmental levels? Are there indoor and outdoor activities? Is time provided for physical activity and quiet play? Is there a nap or rest period? Are there structured activities as well as free play when children can choose what to do? Are there opportunities for different types of interactions—large group play, small group play, alone time? Are there materials for different types of play—drama, music, creative movement, language skills, gross and fine motor skills, art projects, sand and water play? Are there living plants for children to observe and care for? Are there pets in areas of the center accessible to children? Have pets been appropriately vaccinated? Are pets tolerant of children? Is close supervision provided? Are the children taken out into the community for activities—parks, libraries, museums, field trips? Is there adequate supervision? Program / Activities WHAT IS QUALITY CHILD CARE? That question has no easy, quick answer. Evaluating child care may seem an overwhelming task, especially if you are new to child care services. This checklist can help. For a thorough evaluation, go through the entire checklist section by section, or, if you prefer, focus on the parts that seem most important to you. YoungStar is a program of the Department of Children and Families created to improve the quality of child care for Wisconsin children. To search for safe, quality child care in Wisconsin, see the Regulated Child Care and YoungStar Public Search page Page 2 of 2 This brochure explains how to qualify and apply for assistance from Wisconsin Youth Company. It also lists additional funds and resources available to families. The Wisconsin Youth Company Tuition Assistance Fund Waukesha County Office 1800 Dolphin Dr. Suite 200 Waukesha, WI 53186 262-547-8770 or 800-552-8878 Fax: 262-547-0394 Dane County Office 1201 McKenna Blvd. Madison, WI 53719 608-276-9782 or 800-238-1174 Fax: 608-276-4050 Wisconsin Youth Company, Inc. Children are defined as K-12 with highest priority for K-8 in Dane and Waukesha Counties. ● Children benefit from educational support and enrichment resources. ● Children benefit from resources that encourage the exploration and pursuit of their individual interests. ● Children benefit from encouragement and support for community engagement. ● Children value themselves, others and their environment. ● Children benefit from regular interaction with caring and positive adult role models. ● Children benefit from safe and secure places to be a child outside home and school. Wisconsin Youth Company exists so that the children of Wisconsin benefit from communities that nurture them, at a sustainable cost. Wisconsin Youth Company Ends Statements Tuition Assistance Fund and Other Funding or Support Opportunities for Families Obtain a tuition assistance fund application from the Wisconsin Youth Company office in Madison, 1201 McKenna Blvd., Madison, WI 53719, 608-276-9782 or 800-238-1174 or in Waukesha, 1800 Dolphin Dr. Suite 200, Waukesha, WI 53186, 262-547-8770 or 800552-8878. Return the application with your school authorized signed free or reduced meal eligibility form. The annual registration fee, all day programs and late fees are not covered by scholarship funds. How to Apply If your child is eligible for free school meals you may qualify for a 50 percent scholarship per semester. If your child is eligible for reduced cost meals you may qualify for a 25 percent scholarship for one semester. You may also qualify for a 50 percent scholarship or a 25 percent scholarship for one week of summer day camp, Wander Wisconsin or Middle School U. What We Provide If your child is eligible for free or reduced cost meals in the public schools you may qualify for a scholarship. You must first apply for the meal program assistance through your child’s school. All parents or guardians receive an application for free or reduced cost meals at public school enrollment. You may also request an application from your child’s school office. How to Qualify While we would like to help all the families who apply, the fund is very limited. The Wisconsin Youth Company Tuition Assistance Fund is for families in need of short term financial help in order to pay their child’s tuition for before or after school care or summer camp. The Wisconsin Youth Company Tuition Assistance Fund The Child Care Tuition Assistance Program (CCTAP) is designed to provide financial assistance for child care tuition to income eligible students who are parents. All students who are enrolled for graded academic credits at the University of WisconsinMadison and who pay segregated fees may apply. For more information contact the Office of Child Care and Family Resources, 608-265-9662 or visit In Madison the Child Care Assistance Program is operated through the City of Madison Office of Community Services. This program provides financial assistance to low income families living in Madison who are working, looking for work or attending training or going to school. Families may also qualify if their child has special needs or if they are experiencing a family emergency. To receive tuition assistance from this program you must enroll your child in a city accredited program. Wisconsin Youth Company (WYC) school-year programs located in the City of Madison are state licensed and city accredited. WYC summer day camp programs located in the City of Madison are state licensed and accredited by the American Camp Association. For information about eligibility visit or call 608-266-6520 or 608-267-4996. The Wisconsin Shares Child Care Subsidy Program is a state program operated through the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families that helps qualified families pay for child care. Through this program families pay a share for child care that is based on a sliding scale and is determined by income, family size and the child care service chosen. For eligibility requirements and other information visit childcare/wishares. In Dane County call the Dane County Job Center, 608-242-7441. In Stoughton call 608-873-5636. In Waukesha County call the Arbor Education and Training Office, Pewaukee, 262-695-7925. Other Funding Sources Wisconsin Youth Company sponsors a youth and family center in its administrative building on McKenna Blvd, in Madison. The center offers a free state-licensed after school child care program for qualifying families who live in the Greater Elver Park neighborhood. The center also houses programs for middle and high school youth. It is funded by the City of Madison Commumity Services, Dane County and Community Development Block Grants. For more information contact the WYC administrative office, 608-276-9782. Wisconsin Youth & Family Center Visit and click on CCRR. That will bring up a listing of child care resource and referral agencies by county. Both Dane and Waukesha counties where Wisconsin Youth Company programs are located have child care resource and referral agencies. You may also contact them by phone 608-224-5341. This organization was created in 2007 with the merger of the Wisconsin Child Care Resource and Referral Network, the Wisconsin Child Care Improvement Project and a statewide network of family resource centers. The WCCRR Network provides help to families in locating regulated child care as well as technical assistance and training to child care providers. Supporting Families Together Other Resources
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