The PEROSH Clearinghouse Search Documentation Form Collected systematic reviews for the topic “Work-related psychosocial factors and lower extremity symptoms” Study Grading No. Reference 1. D’Souza JCD, Franzblau A, Werner RA. Review of epidemiologic studies on occupational factors and lower extremity musculoskeletal and vascular disorders and symptoms. J Occup Rehabil 2005;15(2):129-165 (according to SIGN: ++/+/-) + PubMed link PMID: 15844673 PEROSH Clearinghouse Search Documentation Form Name: Swenneke van den Heuvel & Jolanda ter Laak Institute/Organisation: TNO ( Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research) Address and email: P.O.Box 718, 2130 AS Hoofddorp,The Netherlands [email protected]; [email protected]; 1. Objective: Collecting systematic reviews on the topic: “Work-related psychosocial factors and lower extremity symptoms” 2. Question: Does psychosocial workload lead to symptoms of the lower extremities? Population: working population Exposure: psychosocial factors (no treatments or interventions) Comparison: no exposure to psychosocial factors Outcome: lower extremities 3. Searched Databases: Database Time span Citations in Database 7 Citations after duplicate check 2000 to 2011 Date searched (yyyy-mm-dd) 18-2-1011 MEDLINE (PubMed) EMBASE 2000 to 2011 18-2-2011 12 3 1 Other sources (if yes, please list them) Total (including MEDLINE, EMBASE and others) 16 4. Search Strategy: MEDLINE via PubMed, searched 18.02.2011 # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Searches (((((((((lower extremity[MeSH Terms]) OR buttocks[Text Word]) OR foot[Text Word]) OR knee[Text Word]) OR leg[Text Word]) OR thigh[Text Word]) OR ankle[Text Word]) OR forefoot[Text Word]) OR "lower extremity"[Text Word]) OR "lower extremities"[Text Word] ((((((("psychosocial factor*"[Text Word]) OR "psychosocial load*"[Text Word]) OR "psychosocial work environment"[Text Word]) OR "psychosocial demand*"[Text Word]) OR "job strain"[Text Word]) OR "psychosocial risk*"[Text Word]) OR stress, psychological[MeSH Terms]) OR workload[MeSH Terms] #1 and #2 (occupational diseases [MH] OR occupational exposure [MH] OR occupational medicine [MH] OR occupational risk [TW] OR occupational hazard [TW] OR (industry[MeSH Terms] mortality [SH]) OR occupational group* [TW] OR workrelated Occupational air pollutants [MH] OR working environment [TW]) #3 and #4 (((((meta-analysis as topic[MeSH Terms])OR meta-analysis[Title/Abstract]) OR meta-analysis [Publication Type]) OR review[Title/Abstract]) OR review[Publication Type]) #5 and #6 Limits: Humans, Publication Date from 2000/01/01 to 2011/02/18 Results 314347 84764 582 150445 61 1890438 7 Search string: 18.02.2011 (((((((((lower extremity[MeSH Terms]) OR buttocks[Text Word]) OR foot[Text Word]) OR knee[Text Word]) OR leg[Text Word]) OR thigh[Text Word]) OR ankle[Text Word]) OR forefoot[Text Word]) OR "lower extremity"[Text Word]) OR "lower extremities"[Text Word] AND ((((((("psychosocial factor*"[Text Word]) OR "psychosocial load*"[Text Word]) OR "psychosocial work environment"[Text Word]) OR "psychosocial demand*"[Text Word]) OR "job strain"[Text Word]) OR "psychosocial risk*"[Text Word]) OR stress, psychological[MeSH Terms]) OR workload[MeSH Terms] AND (occupational diseases [MH] OR occupational exposure [MH] OR occupational medicine [MH] OR occupational risk [TW] OR occupational hazard [TW] OR (industry[MeSH Terms] mortality [SH]) OR occupational group* [TW] OR work-related Occupational air pollutants [MH] OR working environment [TW]) AND (((((metaanalysis as topic[MeSH Terms])OR meta-analysis[Title/Abstract]) OR meta-analysis [Publication Type]) OR review[Title/Abstract]) OR review[Publication Type]) AND (("2000/01/01"[PDAT] : "2011/02/18"[PDAT]) AND "humans"[MeSH Terms]) EMBASE via DIMDI searched 18.02.2011 # 1 Searches 'buttocks'/de OR buttocks OR 'foot'/de OR foot OR 'knee'/de OR knee OR 'leg'/de OR leg OR 'thigh'/de OR thigh OR 'ankle'/de OR ankle OR Results 245299 2 'forefoot'/de OR forefoot OR 'lower extremity'/de OR 'lower extremity' OR 'lower extremities' AND [2000-2011]/py 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 'leg'/exp #1 OR #2 psychosocial NEXT/1 factor* OR psychosocial NEXT/1 load* OR 'psychosocial work environment' OR psychosocial NEXT/1 demand* OR 'job strain' OR psychosocial NEXT/1 risk* 'mental stress'/exp OR 'workload'/exp OR 'psychological stress' #4 OR #5 #3 and #6 'occupational disease'/exp OR 'occupational exposure'/exp OR 'occupational medicine'/exp 'work environment'/de OR 'workroom air'/de 'occupational risk'/de OR 'occupational risk' OR 'occupational hazard'/de OR 'occupational hazard' OR occupational NEXT/1 group* OR 'working environment'/de OR 'working environment' 'industry'/exp AND 'mortality'/exp 'air pollutant'/exp AND (occupational OR 'work related') #8 OR #9 OR #10 OR #11 OR #12 #7 and #13 'meta analysis'/exp 'meta analysis':ab,ti metaanalysis:ab,ti review:it review:ab,ti #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #19 #14 AND #20 search #15 OR #16 OR #17 OR #18 OR #22 #23 and #14 #21 or #24 #25 AND [embase]/lim AND [2000-2011]/py 121265 316914 10196 67135 76053 841 210731 14595 31432 3781 6140 233352 81 52350 33477 1545 1668178 776472 2091327 14 144645 1807135 11 14 12 5. Selection process 5.1 Inclusion criteria: A. According to PICO- question B. According to inclusion criteria for systematic reviews (see PEROSH Clearinghouse Methods, Inclusion and classification criteria for Occupational Health Reviews) C. According to inclusion criteria for Occupational Health and Safety topics (see PEROSH Clearinghouse Methods, Inclusion and classification Criteria for Occupational Health Reviews) 3 5.2 Selection: First step: Based on titles and abstract, two reviewers (Swenneke van den Heuvel and Jolanda ter Laak) selected the retrieved articles independently resolving discrepancies by discussions. Second step: Based on the pre-selected full texts, two reviewers (Swenneke van den Heuvel and Jolanda ter Laak) applied the above mentioned inclusion criteria independently resolving discrepancies by discussions or by consensus conference. Screening Identification 6. Results: (Adapted from PRISMA 2009 Flow Diagram) Records identified through database searching (n = 19) Additional records identified through other sources (n = 0 ) Records after duplicates removed (n = 16) Included Eligibility Records screened (titles/abstracts) (n = 16) Full-text articles assessed for eligibility (n = 1) Records excluded (n = 15) Full-text articles excluded (n = 0) Studies included in qualitative synthesis (n = 1) 4 7. Grading of the Systematic Reviews: Adopted from SIGN Methodology Checklist No 1. Ist author / Publication year D’Souza 2005 Overall study assessment + Internal validity 1.1 well covered, 1.2 well covered, 1.3 poorly addressed, 1.4 well covered, 1.5 well covered Comments 1.3 Embase was not searched 5
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