How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Partnered by Technology Business Policy Tuesday 28th June 2011 10am - 4.30pm Skinner’s Hall, 8½ Dowgate Hill, London EC4R 2SP How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Agenda TELEHEALTH SUMMIT 28TH JUNE 2011 Skinners’ Hall, 8 ½ Dowgate Hill, London EC4R 2SP 9:30am 10:00am 10.10am Chair Speakers 11.00am Registration and refreshments Welcome from Dr Clare Gerada (Chair, RCGP) and Julia Manning (CEO, 2020health) PLENARY SESSION ONE: SETTING THE SCENE Julia Manning Andrew Lansley MP, Secretary of State for Health David Hendon, Director of Information Economy, DBIS BREAKTHROUGH SESSIONS Breakthrough session 1 1. Ruth Chambers 2. Dr Shahid Ali 3. Dr Amir Hannan 4. Dr John Parry 5. Dr Nick Robinson GP pioneers driving telehealth - Banqueting Hall GP, RCGP PBC lead GP & National Clinical Lead Intelligence for Commissioners GP, Haughton Thornley Medical Centre GP, Holycroft Surgery, Keighley, TPP Clinical Director. Associate Director for Long Term Conditions and Telecare, NHS Direct Breakthrough session 2 1. Aleix Bacardit 2. Dr Iain McNeil 3. Loy Lobo 4. Miles Ayling 5. Nicola Thomas How Government can enable the uptake of telehealth - Committee Room Manager EMEA Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Practice, AT Kearney Clinical Lead, Pfizer Health Solutions Healthcare Strategy & Transformation, BT Director of Innovation & Service Improvement, Department of Health Head of Health, Vodafone UK Breakthrough session 3 1. Prof John Morgan Embracing Telehealth in pathway redesign - Court Room Professor of Cardiac Rhythm Management, Southampton University Hospitals Trust. Senior Lecturer in Haematology at Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Community Matron, NHS North Yorkshire and York Medical Director & Director of Primary Care; NHS North Yorkshire & York Consultant Diabetologist, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust 2. Dr Drew Provan 3. 4. 5. Mandy Whitley Dr David Geddes Dr Richard Pope How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Agenda (continued) 12.15pm 1.15pm Chair Speaker 1.45pm LUNCH AND EXHIBITION PLENARY SESSION TWO:WHOLE SYSTEM DEMONSTRATORS Michael White, Guardian Professor Stanton Newman, Whole Systems Demonstrator Project, City University BREAKTHROUGH SESSIONS Breakthrough session 1 1. Phil O’Connell 2. Dr Shahid Ali 3. Dr Richard Berkley 4. Dr Nick Robinson 5. Dr John Parry GP pioneers driving telehealth - Banqueting Hall RCGP PBC lead GP & National Clinical Lead Intelligence for Commissioners GP, Orchard Medical Centre Associate Director for Long Term Conditions and Telecare, NHS Direct Holycroft Surgery in Keighley, TPP Clinical Director Breakthrough session 2 1. Aleix Bacardit 2. Dr Iain McNeil 3. Loy Lobo 4. Stephen Johnson 5. Nicola Thomas How Government can enable the uptake of telehealth - Committee Room Manager, EMEA Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Practice, AT Kearney Clinical Lead, Pfizer Health Solutions Healthcare Strategy & Transformation, BT Head of Long Term Conditions, Department of Health Head of Health, Vodafone UK Breakthrough session 3 1. Dr Richard Pope 2. Dr Drew Provan 3. 4. 5. Embracing Telehealth in pathway redesign - Court Room Consultant Diabetologist, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust Senior Lecturer in Haematology at Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry Mandy Whitley Community Matron, NHS North Yorkshire and York Dr David Geddes Medical Director & Director of Primary Care; NHS North Yorkshire & York Prof W. Angus Wallace Professor of Orthopaedic & Accident Surgery 3pm 3.30pm TEA AND EXHIBITION PLENARY SESSION THREE: DOCTOR, ARE YOU USING TELEHEALTH? Chair Bridget Osbourne, Chair RCGP Welsh Council Final speakers Mark Garnier MP, Chair of the APPG on Telehealth Feedback from Breakthrough Sessions John Cruickshank, author, Healthcare without walls 4.20pm 4.30pm Concluding remarks End How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Dr Shahid Ali NHS Yorkshire & Humberside Miles Ayling Director of Innovation & Service Improvement, Department of Health Shahid Ali is a clinical leader with strategic vision and a passion to improve services to achieve better health outcomes for patients. He works as a general practitioner specialist and highly trained and skilled Deputy Director in primary care both in a clinical and senior managerial capacity. Currently he is seconded to NHS Yorkshire and Humber as Clinical lead in Primary Care and is working on several work streams including personalisation of self care in long term conditions, telehealth, and telemedicine. He is National Clinical Lead Intelligence for Commissioners for the Department of Health. Miles Ayling is Director of Service Design (Commissioning and System Management Directorate) at the Department of Health in the UK. As Director of Service Design, Miles heads a Division of around 40 staff, and has policy responsibility for a number of important areas of health service and system design: • Long-term conditions (including care planning, case management, self care and assistive technology). • Urgent & emergency care (including Out of Hours, Ambulance services and Adult Critical Care). • Reconfiguration of services in Primary Care Trusts and hospitals. • Non-emergency three-digit (telephone) number, • Innovation (creating the culture, behaviour, funding, knowledge and support infrastructures that allow innovation to flourish throughout the NHS). Since moving to the Department of Health in 2002 from the Benefits Agency, Miles has been responsible for significant healthcare reform programmes, including the introduction of legislation on care trusts, delivery of commissioning a patient led NHS, and Local Delivery Planning. He has also led programmes to reduce burdens and bureaucracy on the front line, introduced new planning regimes for the NHS, and led the NHS wide restructuring of Strategic Health Authorities and Primary Care Trusts. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Aleix Bacardit Manager, EMEA Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Practice at A.T. Kearney Dr Richard Berkley Aleix Bacardit is a Manager in the EMEA Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Practice at A.T. Kearney Management Consultants based in London. Richard Berkley is a GP in South Glos working also as a GPwSI in Heart Failure. He works with both NHS South Glos and NHS Bristol on cardiology related issues looking to improve services to people with Long Term Conditions. He has broad experience of applying technology in healthcare contexts, including design and implementation of e-health and mobile health tools. He has supported the Department of Health on the development of guidance toolkits for commissioning of cancer services (Cancer Reform Strategy, 2007) and designed innovative uses of technology to enable NHS chemotherapy departments use existing resources more effectively and commissioners and providers to plan better (CPort, Chemotherapy Capacity Planning Tool). He has also worked extensively with the pharmaceutical industry, developing innovative ways to access health markets and helping the industry to work more closely with payers. Aleix has also worked with technology companies with interests in mobile health, where his knowledge of healthcare systems has been seek to improve aspects ranging from marketing to product design and development.Most recently, he co-authored the paper “Mobile Health – Who Pays?” in collaboration with the GSMA, the Global association of Mobile Phone companies. In 2007 Richard started working on a telehealth pilot based just in his practice of 14,000 patients and has spent the last 4 years finding out some of the pitfalls and benefits of telehealth. He has worked with Tunstall in developing scale deployment of telehealth in North Yorkshire and more recently in Gloucestershire. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Ruth Chambers PBC lead, RCGP John Cruickshank Ruth's been a practising GP for > 30 years, being involved in trialing telehealthcare through practice based commissioning leadership. Ruth is an Honorary Professor of Primary Care at Staffordshire University, and well known GP author and lead on promoting the quality of patient care delivered in general practice. John is an independent expert in NHS IT and telehealth. During 2010, he authored two influential and authoritative reports published by on how the NHS must make better use of technology: “Fixing NHS IT: A plan of action for a new government” “Healthcare without walls – a framework for delivering telehealth at scale” His 25 year career has included leadership roles in the healthcare practices of major systems integrators and consultancies. In addition to his role with 2020health, he provides high value advisory services to organisations committed to the strategic use of information and telehealth technologies in healthcare. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Mark Garnier MP Dr David Geddes Medical Director & Director of Primary Care; NHS North Yorkshire and York Mark was born in 1963 in London and is married to Caroline. Together, they have three young children; Edward, Jemima and George. Mark went to school at Charterhouse, in Surrey, before embarking on a career in the City of London in 1982. I have been in general practice in York for 20 years, having trained in London. I work in a small city training practice of 5000 patients. I have a special interest in mental health. Mark was elected to serve the constituency of Wyre Forest in 2010, but has been an active campaigner in the area since January 2004, standing for election at the 2005 general election. Mark serves on the influential Treasury Select Committee and brings a wealth of knowledge from his experience in banking and investment management. Mark also serves as an officer on a number of All Party Parliamentary Groups, including The Economy of the West Midlands, Telehealth, Space, Economics Money and Banking, Infrastructure and Telehealth. Mark is a governor of Kidderminster College and takes an active interest in the local community in Wyre Forest, supporting local charities organisations. Outside Wyre Forest and his political interests, Mark is a Freeman of the City of London, sitting on the Court of the Worshipful Company of Coachmakers. In his free time, Mark is an enthusiastic photographer as well as a keen target rifle shot. I combine my clinical work with being the Medical Director and Director of Primary Care at NHS North Yorkshire & York. The Primary Care Trust (PCT) is the largest and most rural in England, geographically being the size of Cyprus. The PCT contract with 100 GP practices which are formed into 5 GP commissioning consortia. I am also a Director of Medipex Ltd, the innovative hub for NHS Yorkshire and Humber providing technology and knowledge transfer services to the UKs National Health Service, ensuring that the innovations and intellectual property within the NHS are identified and developed in the interests of improved patient care and also for the benefit of the NHS and the inventors. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Dr Clare Gerada Chair of Council Dr Clare Gerada has become the first female Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners in 50 years. Clare is the daughter of Dr Anthony Gerada and Mrs Josephine Gerada. Clare studied medicine at University College London, qualifying in 1982. She trained in medicine, then psychiatry and then followed her father’s foot steps and became a general practitioner in South London, where she has stayed every since. The practice started life in 1969 – and remains on its current site – on the ground floor of a 19-storey housing estate in Lambeth. The practice has now expanded becoming one the largest GP group practices in London. Her training in psychiatry led her to a life long interest in managing drug users – and in fact represented the Department of Health (England) advising the Maltese Government on their drug policy. Over the years, Clare has held a number of local and national leadership positions, including Director of Primary Care for the National Clinical Governance Team and Senior Medical Advisor to the Department of Health. In 2008, she won the contract to run the Practitioner Health Programme (, which is a pioneering programme providing confidential services to doctors and dentists with mental health or addiction problems. Clare has published a number of academic papers and she has strong links to three Royal Colleges and is a Member of Royal College of Psychiatrists, Fellow of Royal College of General Practitioners and finally, was awarded a Fellowship of Royal College of Physicians in 2008. Clare was awarded an MBE in the Millennium Birthday Honours for services to medicine and substance misuse. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Dr Amir Hannan Haughton Thornley Medical Centre David Hendon Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Dr Amir Hannan is a full-time general practitioner in Hyde, UK. Developing a “Partnership of Trust” between patient and clinician, he has enabled over 10% of his patients (more than 1,300) citizens to access their GP electronic health record on-line, helping them to self care and become eMPOWERed. Presently he is the Primary Care IT lead and Map of Medicine clinical lead for NHS North-West and a member of the Health Informatics Clinical Advisory Team ( David has been Director Information Economy since 2002, responsible for BIS’s business-facing activities and policy in communications & broadcasting networks, internet, software and computer services, information security, electronics, digital content, media, publishing, and postal sectors. In addition he was appointed Director, Life Sciences in BIS in December 2010. He is a member of the Clinical Leaders Network and an editorial board member for the Journal of Communication in Healthcare. He has set up an innovative health 2.0 website for his practice, putting patients, managers and clinicians at the heart of healthcare, giving them “control” and enabling “Real-time Digital Medicine”. He was previously Chief Executive of the Radiocommunications Agency, which managed UK radio spectrum prior to the establishment of the converged communications regulator Ofcom. His earlier career included appointments in the Ministry of Defence, the Home Office, Cabinet Office and the Department of Trade & Industry. He was Chairman of the Board of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute from 1996 to 1999 and a council member of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council from 2006 to 2009. An electronics engineer by profession, he has also held many voluntary appointments in national charities working with disabled people. He is married with a son and two daughters. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Stephen Johnson Deputy Director, Long Term Conditions, Department of Health Andrew Lansley MP Secretary of State for Health Stephen has held a number of policy roles in the Department of Health including system reform, establishing PCTs, commissioning, workforce planning, NHS pay reform and since the summer of 2008 head of Long Term Conditions. Andrew Lansley has been MP for South Cambridgeshire since 1997 and since 2010 has been the Secretary of State for Health. He has visited hospitals and GPs across the country, listening to clinicians and NHS professionals, which has helped shape the Conservative Party's and now the Coalition Government's Health policies, offering the prospect of real and positive change for our NHS. Prior to joining the Department ten years ago, Stephen worked in the NHS in both provider and commissioner roles. This includes experience in primary care, general surgery, orthopaedic surgery, A&E, theatres, learning disabilities, performance management and joint working with local authorities. Andrew is well respected across healthcare for his extensive knowledge of the NHS and health services. Coming from a public service family, his father worked for the NHS for nearly 30 years from 1948 until he retired, running the pathology lab at East Ham Memorial Hospital. His eldest brother trained as a teacher and his middle brother has been a policeman for 30 years. Andrew previously served as a member of the Health Select Committee and the Trade and Industry Select Committee and is currently the Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Stroke. His special interests include health policy; trade and industry; and local government. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Loy Lobo Healthcare Strategy & Transformation, BT Dr Iain McNeil Pfizer Health Solutions Loy is responsible for incubation of innovative products and services that meet the current and emergent needs of BT Health’s customers in the UK and around the world. Over the past seven years he has worked on BT’s interests in telehealth in partnership with lead customers including clinicians and patients, policy advisors, telehealth vendors, software houses and service providers, to help shape the ecosystem of services required for mainstream telehealth. Iain started his career as a GP in 1981 and has had a continuous clinical role in a variety of guises since then. In addition to his clinical activities he has been a Medical Director in a number of NHS environments including PCT, NHS Ambulance Trusts and NHS Direct. He has also served as a national adviser on clinical governance and prehospital emergency care. He acts as a consultant adviser to a number of national and international bodies on pre-hospital care and is an adviser to the United Nations and leads the official UK medical search and rescue response to natural disasters abroad. He is an examiner at the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. Prior to working with BT, Loy had 14 years experience in Management Consulting, covering the domains of Business Strategy, Change Management, and Enterprise Systems Implementation. He specialises in developing business strategy for emerging or breakthrough opportunities, managing the innovation process and in developing new ventures in a corporate environment. Loy has a BSc in Microbiology and an MBA from London Business School. Iain has been with Pfizer Health Solutions since 2005 with a short break doing a full time clinical leadership role in innovative services inside the NHS. He is expert in the delivery of care for long term conditions through tele-health and tele-care and leads on medical aspects of all Pfizer Health Solutions projects and clinical training programmes. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Julia Manning Chief Executive, Julia studied visual science at City University and became a member of the College of Optometrists in 1991. Her career has included being visiting lecturer in clinical practice at City University, visiting clinician at the Royal Free Hospital, being a founder member of the British Association of Behavioural Optometrists and working with Primary Care Trusts in south east London. She was a Director of the UK Institute of Optometry for 6 years, took post-graduate studies in diabetes and founded Julia Manning Eyecare, a specialist optometry practice for people with mental and physical disabilities which was bought by HealthcallOptical Ltd in August 2009. Julia is a founder and Chief Executive of which she launched at the end of 2006 as the first web based, clinician-led, independent Think Tank for Health and Technology. It uniquely focuses on bottom-up policy development by front line professionals focusing on the themes of technology and management. Publications include Not Immune: vaccination policy in the 21st century; Practice-based commissioning: not what it says on the tin; Responsibility in healthcare: changing the culture; NHS IT: A plan of action for a new government; Implementing value-based pricing in the UK; Cutting the costs without cutting the services and Health, disease and unemployment: The Bermuda Triangle of Society. She has blogged on many health and technology issues and wrote on the history of her profession in ‘60 years of the NHS’ (St. James’s House, 2008). How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Professor John Morgan Cardiologist, Southampton University Hospitals Trust John Morgan was born and educated in South Wales. Having obtained a place to read medicine at Cambridge, he chose to join the army and was commissioned in the 2nd Royal Tank Regiment. In 1976 he went up to Gonville and Caius College Cambridge where he received 1st Class honours in parts I and II of the Natural Sciences Tripos, graduating in 1979. From there he went to Westminster Medical School to complete his medical education, graduating MB BChir in 1982. He became a member of the Royal College in 1985 and Fellow in 1995 and Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology in 2002 . He developed an interest in cardiac arrhythmogenesis early in his career, writing his doctoral thesis on abnormalities of cardiac repolarisation (MD 1991). On his appointment as Consultant Cardiologist, Wessex Cardiothoracic Centre (1992) he founded the Wessex Cardiac Arrhythmia Management Service which has become nationally and internationally recognized as a centre of clinical and research excellence for the management of cardiac arrhythmias and has made novel contributions to the understanding of internal cardiac defibrillation and management of complex arrhythmias in adult congenital heart disease patients. Currently John Morgan is working in collaboration with the University of Southampton and the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Care Sciences in helping to develop novel implanted technologies for monitoring and managing chronic disease. John Morgan has just completed a pilot study to evaluate new care pathways and their cost efficacy for remote disease management strategies. This endeavour will be a major collaboration between the University and the Trust in coming years. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Professor Stanton Newman Dean of the School of Health Sciences, City University Professor Stanton Peter Newman is Professor of Health Psychology and Dean of the School of Health Sciences at City University. He has a large research group working in a range of different physical illnesses. He specialises in the psychological and social issues of physical illness and its treatment and has published over 200 research papers and chapters as well as 12 books. The focus of his work is around the management of chronic disease and in particular the role of self-management as well as the introduction of technologies. He and his group have developed specific measures of patients understanding of their treatment as well as attitudes to technology. He has developed psychosocial interventions for patients and informal caregivers with a range of physical conditions. These are designed to increase patients' level of control in managing their illness and improve outcomes. He is the Principal Investigator on the Whole Systems Demonstrator Project funded by the Department of Health to evaluate the role of assistive technologies in health and social care. The studies in this program constitute the largest randomized controlled trials on the role and impact of tele-health and tele-care devices. The Whole System Demonstrator project is a comprehensive evaluation of these devices to inform policy. In addition his group is conducting research on the role of them portable devices in diabetes and web-based applications to improve the management of chronic conditions. He is also engaged directly in clinical work and holds a regular clinic at University College Hospital mainly with referrals from medical and surgical colleagues in the hospital and also from primary care. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Phil O’Connell PBC lead, RCGP Dr John Parry Clinical Director at TPP Phil is the "inventor" of the multi-award winning NHS telehealth innovation, "Simple Telehealth". Phil is a Chartered I.T. Professional specialising in organisational, process and business change. Phil has a wealth of NHS telehealth and commercial sector experience from senior roles across Europe, Russia, Africa and South Pacific in the pharmaceutical, telecommunications, software and consulting sectors. Dr Parry’s GP practice, the Holycroft Surgery in Keighley, was the first practice to ever use SystmOne. He has been instrumental in the continued deployment of the system to new practices and acted as an independent clinical advisor to the company. In 2005, Dr Parry was offered the role of Clinical Director at TPP. Since then he has worked at the company’s offices in Leeds for four days a week, overseeing confidentiality and clinical safety issues as well as managing suggestions and plans for product development. He continues his work as a GP at the Holycroft Surgery for one day a week. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Dr Richard Pope Dr Richard Pope is a Consultant Diabetologist and past Medical Director at Airedale NHS Trust in West Yorkshire. Having worked extensively on electronic health records over an eleven year period, he is currently working on a number of e-health programmes. These include the development and deployment of an approach which enables the recording of care planning consultations for people with long term conditions, as well as the development of telemedicine programmes which are used to deliver secondary care support to healthcare teams at a number of UK Prisons and increasingly, to people with long term conditions using set top box technology and the person’s home television. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Dr Drew Provan Senior Lecturer in Haematology Barts & The London School of Medicine Drew Provan is currently a Senior Lecturer in Haematology at Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry. Dr. Provan studied molecular genetics at Leicester University before studying medicine. After junior medical posts in the UK, he attended the DanaFarber Cancer Institute in Boston in 1993 on an American travelling fellowship awarded by the Medical Research Council. Dr. Provan took up the post of Consultant Haematologist in Southampton in 1995, and moved to Barts and The London in 2000. As a general haematologist, his main area of interest within the field of haematology is immunohaematology which includes diseases such as autoimmune thrombocytopenia (ITP), neutropenia and haemolytic anaemia. Dr. Provan has established a clinical and laboratory database of patients with ITP and has recently set up a UK Adult ITP Registry. This will facilitate the collection of clinical information related to adults with ITP throughout the UK, Europe and other countries, in addition to allowing for DNA samples to be obtained for analysis of a variety of different cytokine and other genes, in an attempt to determine the underlying mechanisms leading to autoantibody production. This database is a potential tool for identifying surrogate markers of likely clinical outcomes and may allow for the identification of treatment response genes. Examining gene expression profiles in patients with ITP at various stages in the disease history, might allow for the identification of causal genes that may be over or under-expressed in patients with ITP. He has been involved in the production of numerous medical books including Molecular Hematology (Blackwell Publishing), Oxford Handbook of Clinical Haematology and Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, and the ABC of Clinical Haematology (BMJ books). He has also published technology books including iPhone In Easy Steps, iPad In easy Steps and Mac Basic In Easy Steps. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Dr Nick Robinson Associate Director, NHS Direct Nicola Thomas Head of Health, Vodafone UK I have worked in General Practice for 30yrs, and still work as a part time GP in West London. I am now developing novel solutions to support the growing numbers of patients with Long Term Conditions in Primary Care. I have been the NHS Direct associate Director for Long Term Conditions and Telecare for 7yrs, and am currently engaged in Telehealth projects in Birmingham, Leeds, Hull and SE Essex. Nicola Thomas heads Vodafone UK’s healthcare public sector business. She is responsible for the development and delivery of Vodafone’s healthcare strategy, focusing on delivering efficient and innovative solutions for healthcare public sector organisations that provide value, business benefit and growth. I am committee member and Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine Telehealth division, and a member of the UK Technology Strategy Board. Nicola has worked for Vodafone UK since Dec 2010. Previously she worked at Royal Mail for 17 years in a range of strategic and senior commercial roles. Over the last 10 years Nicola has held commercial and leadership roles focusing on distribution, supply chain, marketing and advertising solutions for multi-channel retail organisations including Marks & Spencer, Tesco and Amazon. She successfully assisted a number of organisations to transform their business and working practices and adopt innovative solutions. Nicola specialises in transforming transactional relationships into strategic partnerships focused on the needs of organisations. And particularly focuses on delivering innovation into the heart of organisations. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Professor W.Angus Wallace Professor of, Orthopaedic & Accident Surgery. Mandy Whitley Community Matron, NYY PCT Brought up just outside Dundee, Scotland. Qualified St Andrews Medical School (then combined with Dundee Univ) and qualified 1972. Worked in Nottingham, Derby, Newcastle, Gateshead, Nottingham, Toronto and Manchester (Hope Hospital) before being appointed Professor of Orthopaedic & Accident Surgery, University of Nottingham in 1985. NHS work initially at Queen’s Medical Centre (trauma) and Harlow Wood Orthopaedic Hospital (elective) which closed in 1995 and I then moved to the Shoulder & Elbow Unit at Nottingham City Hospital. My outside interests are woodworking, Narrow Boat cruising and computers. I’m married with one daughter, two sons, three grandchildren and more on the way. I have 15 years’ experience with the NHS, 6 years as a Community Matron. Having started with the NHS in care of the elderly I have always had an interest in medical management of patients with long term conditions which lead me to the role of Community Matron in 2004. I am proud to say I was part of the first Community Matron team for Craven in North Yorkshire and was actively involved in the development of the role. I have continued my education achieving BSC (Honours) Degree in Nursing Practice in 2007 incorporating Independent Nurse Prescribing. As the NHS and indeed my role are in a constant state of development I felt it important to develop my skills and understanding in the change process and how to support the teams through this. 2009/10 I had the great opportunity to enrol on the RCN Leadership course backed by the Teesside University and completed Leading Change in Clinical Practice and Advanced Personal Effectiveness in Clinical Leadership Post graduate Certificate. It was the knowledge and skills I obtained in this course that now support my supplementary role as Clinical Advocate for Telehealth. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Speaker biographies Michael White Michael White has been writing for the Guardian for over 30 years, as a reporter, foreign correspondent and columnist. He was political editor from 1990-2006, having previously been the paper's Washington correspondent (1984-88) and parliamentary sketchwriter (1977-84). He has reported from over 50 countries. Born in 1945 he was raised in Cornwall and read history at University College, London. Married with three adult sons, he lives in west London. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy About our sponsors Medtronic is the global leader in medical technology, alleviating pain, restoring health and extending life for millions of people around the world. With deep roots in the treatment of heart disease, Medtronic now provides a wide range of products and therapies - every four seconds, somewhere in the world, another life is improved by a Medtronic product or therapy. At Medtronic, we're changing the face of chronic disease. By working closely with physicians around the world, we create therapies to help patients do things they never thought possible. Our medical technologies help make it possible for millions of people to resume everyday activities, return to work, and live better, longer. We're able to do this with the help of some very special people around the world: 38,000 dedicated employees who share a passionate purpose to improve lives, thousands of medical professionals who share their insights and ideas, and hundreds of advocacy associations that help us share information so people with debilitating diseases know relief is possible. Tunstall Healthcare Group is the market-leading provider of telehealthcare solutions, with over 2.5 million users globally. Tunstall's solutions are designed to help older people and those with long-term needs to live independently, by effectively supporting their health and wellbeing. Our brand new, next generation, telehealthcare solutions provide integrated, managed and scalable patient-centred care whilst delivering cashable savings and efficiencies to the NHS. Tunstall's range of telehealthcare solutions enables key stakeholders to work beyond traditional organisational boundaries, structures and systems to deliver effective healthcare in the community, empowering patients to self manage, improving the quality of care and reducing hospital admissions. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy About our sponsors BT has a long history in helping healthcare providers transform the way they deliver patient care. Our experience in different markets means we have the expertise to solve the challenges faced by the sector. Across the world we are working with healthcare professionals to deliver the very best services to support their work. For instance, in the UK we are one of the largest providers of communications and IT services to the National Health Service (NHS) with an association that spans more than 60 years. Our extensive network and integration expertise, backed by world-class suppliers, is helping transform the way healthcare professionals communicate and look after their patients. We built and manage N3, the secure national broadband network for the NHS, connecting every NHS organisation across England and over a million NHS staff. We also built and maintain the Spine, the core patient information and messaging systems for the NHS. We are also working to modernise the NHS’s clinical information systems that are able to be used every day by some 140,000 staff in London and the South of England. We provide healthcare professionals with easy-to-use, secure mobile technology, with access to key patient information when they visit patients at home or in a remote clinic. But we’re not just helping to improve healthcare in the UK. BT is already beginning to work with healthcare providers in Australia, Europe, Singapore and the US to deliver systems and services that help support the important work they do. As a company operating in more than 170 countries, we have the expertise, scale and global reach to offer a truly world-class service. We understand the challenges faced by healthcare providers and the need to improve patient care. We understand the ever-increasing demands placed on healthcare providers surrounding prevention and the treatment of chronic illnesses. And we understand that all these demands come at a time when there is an unparalleled pressure on resources. But we also understand that technology and innovation can help deliver improvements to patient care and staff productivity that can meet all these challenges. Our expertise, scale and global reach means we are ideally placed to help healthcare providers around the world do the most important thing; provide the right care for their patients. At BT, we’re keen to work with healthcare providers around the world. If you want to know more about how our technology and know-how can help improve patient care then please contact us at: [email protected] or visit our website at: How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy About our sponsors TPP has been delivering clinical systems to the NHS for over a decade. In 1998, we developed a clinical IT system to link a GP practice and a diabetes service in Bradford; SystmOne was born. Fast forward to 2011 and SystmOne is now being used by 90,000 NHS staff across England and hosts electronic records for a third of the country’s patients. TPP currently has over 150 dedicated employees with a vast range of training and expertise and has placed in the Sunday Times 100 Best Small Companies to work for list, for the last two years. Each SystmOne module is designed and built with a specific market in mind. Developed from the outset with significant clinical input, SystmOne is built on a ‘one patient, one record’ model. Our primary care modules, such as SystmOne GP and SystmOne Community, seamlessly link to our secondary care suite of products. This creates a fully connected NHS where the complete patient record can be accessed from a range of healthcare settings. SystmOne is a proven solution and TPP is currently the market leader of centrally-hosted clinical systems. Our integrated functionality, including document management with OCR and free SMS text messaging, means our users don’t need to install expensive bolt-ons. Our experience also means any deployment of SystmOne comes with a comprehensive in-house data migration and 24/7 support service. TPP is well placed for any forthcoming changes to the NHS. SystmOne is already the ideal solution for the new world of GP commissioning and recent developments put SystmOne even further ahead in the IT market. Patients will be able to access their own electronic record through webbased SystmOnline and GP groups will be able to centralise administration tasks through SystmOne’s ‘Shared Admin’ functionality. SystmOne has already become the sole system of choice for numerous GP consortia, a trend we expect to continue. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy About our sponsors Vodafone UK are committed to providing a total communication frame work to enable business’s to respond to their customers needs. Working with customers and partners to deliver and manage an end to end fixed and mobile integrated communication solution. From defining business benefits, through to implementation, roll out, benchmarking and ongoing support, Vodafone offers one point of contact to provide the full range of support and services. Working as the key partner of choice with both central Government and business we have a deep understanding of the potential gains of new ways of working to transform the way Britain works. Vodafone continues to be innovative in key areas such as Healthcare and is an experienced partner working with many trusts and services within the UK as well as operating at a global level with initiatives such as : Nompilo – mobilising health workers in South Africa; Persona – assisted independent living in Europe; Telecare chronic disease management – rural Greece. We are here to help customers overcome the challenges of this new era in healthcare provision and our innovations centre on two important objective. 1. Improving patient care 2. Transforming healthcare operations in order to be more productive and cost-effective. The objectives support the NHS initiative, QIPP Quality, Innovation, Productivity, Prevention: a framework for collaboration so that the power of technology in creating a whole new way of working can be fully realised. Vodafone mHealth Solutions, our Healthcare Business Unit, is dedicated solely to healthcare, and engages proactively with the NHS and its stakeholder and partner organisations to ensure our technological solutions meet actual needs now, and will drive future transformation. mHealth Professional is a Smartphone-based solution with a suite of applications that can be tailored to any healthcare specialism so that, regardless of function, every healthcare worker will have the perfect blend of tools to perform their job. A unique combination of solutions allows healthcare professionals to work easily and effectively in local communities. With access to role-specific tools in the right place, at the right time, employees will remain highly productive and be able to deal with changes to their daily agendas, seamlessly. Clinicians will be able to make better-informed decisions at the point of care and update patient information via mobile devices in real time. The solution is is part of a wider approach to assisting the NHS to address the cost challenges they face. Vodafone’s network gives you – – – – – Superior network coverage: 2G 97% population, 3G 84% Continuous investment – £1m invested each day Most UK emergency services have used our network for 25 years Award-winning innovations, e.g. SureSignal gives deskbound NHS personnel stronger connection Vodafone Secure Remote Access first to win Government’s CESG Claims Tested Mark for remote worker security. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy About our sponsors Bosch Telehealth Plus – a successful system, which provides improved care for patients at home with long-term conditions (e.g. heart failure, diabetes, and COPD). The system supports care providers by improving clinical outcomes and reducing healthcare costs, that would have been associated with surgery visits, hospital treatment and emergency admissions. Our principles are: better care, better outcomes and reduced costs. With systematic patient involvement and enhancing self-management skills we are committed to provide a high quality and reliable telehealth system that bring real benefits to people´s lives, according to our corporate slogan “Invented for life”. Comprehensive 10 years experience of telehealth with a proven track record of success and more than 100,000 patients deployed over the past decade makes Bosch Healthcare one of the leading providers in what is still a young growth market. The product spectrum ranges from easy-to-use clinician and patient interfaces, uniquely effective health management programmes, and the new generation of the Bosch Workplace Application: a web-based data acquisition and analysis for managing large patient populations in a very efficient way. The Bosch Telehealth Plus system can help healthcare professionals deliver better care to patients with long-term conditions, co-morbidities, in the most effective way. In 2009 Robert Bosch Healthcare, Inc. has been awarded with the Frost & Sullivan Market Strategy Leadership Award for demonstrating outstanding achievement and superior performance in its remote patient monitoring system. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy About our sponsors Cisco is the worldwide leader in networking that transforms how people connect, communicate and collaborate and will be demonstrating how TelePresence, the next generation of video conferencing is transforming healthcare by driving clinical, business and ICT improvements. Cisco’s acquisition of Tandberg has opened up new opportunities for NHS organisations to exploit the uses of video whilst combining the benefits of intelligent infrastructure and Cisco’s own collaboration platforms. The benefits being delivered include: • An enhanced collaboration experience for clinical specialties, Primary Care and MultiDisciplinary Teams across local or regional communities. • Expert-on-demand solutions offering remote care and translation services to and from establishments such as GP Practices, Community Hospitals, Mental Health, Social Care and Prisons – hence providing scalability and the sharing of expertise. • An extended clinical learning environment offering, for example, videos of best practice as well as lectures or seminars streamed to remote locations and archived for later retrieval. • General business applications improving access for business related meetings and reducing travel, hence delivering cost, time and carbon savings. Baxter Healthcare is a subsidiary of Baxter International, a global, diversified healthcare company that develops products and therapies to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people with life-threatening conditions such as haemophilia, kidney disease, immune disorders and other chronic and acute conditions. We have a presence across the globe in over 100 countries, and have been established in the UK for over 45 years supplying over 7500 products and services to the NHS. We employ approximately 1100 people across eight UK based sites How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy About our sponsors UK Pfizer Health Solutions is an independent division of Pfizer Limited, working to create bespoke solutions to help health professionals and individuals more effectively manage long term conditions and promote self care. OwnHealth® Choice, designed and managed by Pfizer Health Solutions, is a new system for creating and running a telephone-based self care programme for people with long term conditions. This programme is commissioned and delivered locally and is aligned with the needs, services and objectives of the GP and the NHS to improve peoples’ self efficacy, improve their health outcomes and reduce episodes of unscheduled care. How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Exhibition plan Ground Floor Upper Floor Key A Outer Hall- Registration, Refreshments, and Lunch B Banqueting Hall- Session space/ Plenary session space C Committee Room- Session space D Old Courtroom – Exhibition Space E Courtroom- Session space How to Transform Patient Care Telehealth Summit 2011 Event Guide Technology Business Policy Conference feedback 1. For what patient types / disease groups are you now personally most convinced by the potential of telehealth? 4. Please share any general comments on this event? 2. In what way can the Royal Colleges best support the roll-out of new pathways of care that embrace telehealth? 5. What ideas do you have for future events? 3. What is the most key action that the government needs to take to promote the widespread adoption of telehealth?
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