1 Paid To Shop 1. 2 Legal Notice: While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. This publication is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. The Publisher wants to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying state and/or local laws or regulations. All users are advised to retain competent counsel to determine what state and/or local laws or regulations may apply to the user's particular business. The Purchaser or Reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, federal, state, and local, governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising, and all other aspects of doing business in the United States or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser or Reader. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any Purchaser or Reader of these materials. Any perceived slights of specific people or organizations are unintentional. Brought to You By www.CashfindersClub.com 2. 3 Table Of Contents Table Of Contents .............................................................. 3 1. Introduction: What is Mystery Shopping? ................................ 6 2. What Mystery Shoppers Really Do! ..................................... 10 3. Qualification of Successful Mystery Shoppers - You Can Do It!..... 14 4. What is The Best Way to Get Started? ................................. 19 5. How to Apply to a Mystery Shopping Company & Get Your First Assignment in Just One Week .............................................. 23 6. Mystery Shopping Opportunities: Places Where You Can Shop ..... 31 7. Insider Tips for New Mystery Shoppers ................................ 36 8. Making the Most Amount of Work in Least Amount of Time- How Can You Maximize Your Mystery Shopping Income ...................... 39 9. How to Do a Shopping Job ............................................... 46 10. Caution: Things You Might Be Doing Wrong In Your Mystery Shopping Work! ............................................................... 51 11. Expert Advice from Successful Mystery Shoppers and Mystery Shopping Companies ......................................................... 53 12. What to Do When You Are Not Getting Paid ......................... 56 3. 4 13. Mystery Shoppers Income Drainers- And How to Avoid Them ..... 59 14. Low Paying Mystery Shopping Jobs- Should I Be Accepting These Assignments? .................................................................. 66 15. Current Mystery Shopping Trends ..................................... 67 16. Tips & Tricks- How Professional Mystery Shoppers Do Their Best Mystery Shop Evaluations ................................................... 68 17. How to Work With Multiple Mystery Shopping Companies ......... 74 18. The Business of Mystery Shopping- How to Keep Those Higher Paying Assignments Coming In ............................................. 77 19. Opportunities for Teen Mystery Shoppers............................ 79 20. Starting Your Own Mystery Shopping Business ...................... 87 21. Certification - Do I Need to Become a Certified Mystery Shopper To Excel in My Career? ...................................................... 92 22. The Best Mystery Shopping Companies to Work For ................ 94 23. Secret Mystery Shopping Websites .................................... 96 24. Money Making Opportunities and Resources for Mystery Shoppers 98 25. Free Mystery Shopping Newsletters & Sources for Weekly Job Leads .......................................................................... 100 26. Mystery Shopping Assignment Logs For Weekly Scheduling ...... 102 4. 5 27. Sample Assignment Reports with Typical Questions and Answers ................................................................................. 104 28. Direct Links to Over 100 Reputable Mystery Shopping Companies ................................................................................. 106 29. Educational Programs for Mystery Shoppers ........................ 117 30. Mystery Shopping FAQ ................................................. 119 5. 6 1. Introduction: What is Mystery Shopping? Do you enjoy eating out? Are you a shopping freak? Are you passionate about seeing movies? What if you could do these activities for free? Or better yet, what if you could actually GET PAID to do them? Well, you can… No, we are not suggesting any shoddy business opportunity or talking of a magical wand or of someone being too generous. We are talking about a fast growing career option called mystery shopping. Mystery shopping is a process in which the trained customers or shoppers visit the stores or business establishments where they pose and interact with the staff like normal customers. They also shop for products and services. At the end of process, the mystery shoppers make a detailed and in-depth report about their experiences during the shopping. Mystery shoppers get a list of parameters on which the detailed feedback is required. They follow the guidelines and instructions during the shopping activity referred to as “shop”. Thereafter they file the detailed reports on the pre-designed questionnaires. Generally, the business establishments with direct retail customer interaction employ the mystery shoppers. Some examples of businesses/establishments that employ their services are department stores, retail chains, restaurants, banks, movie theaters, hotels and resorts, gaming and recreational centers, health clubs and many more. It is an attractive career option whereby people enjoy shopping their favorite items free of cost. 6. 7 The remuneration for mystery shoppers depends on types of assignments. It may vary from business to business. However, the mystery shoppers can expect to get anything in the range of US$10 to US$40 per hour. Apart from it, they also get reimbursement of the bill if their assignment requires a purchase at the store or establishment. Many times, mystery shoppers also receive remuneration in kind in addition to the fee in the form of gifts, gift vouchers, and free passes. In certain types of assignments, the mystery shoppers get the traveling cost reimbursed. Mystery Shopping is a flexible career option in which the person has the freedom to decide the schedule according to his/her convenience. It is suitable for students, retirees, homemakers, freelancers and part timers. It is an ideal career opportunity for the people who would like to make some extra money while having fun in their leisure time. The terms synonymous with mystery shoppers are secret shoppers, anonymous shoppers, quality auditors and trained customers etc. Mystery shopping is the latest services evaluation tool employed by the business owners to evaluate the service delivery at their business establishments. Nowadays, customer behavior is very unpredictable and to maintain good customer relations, gaining customer loyalty has become a tightrope walk. Many customers would not complain if that they dislike something at an establishment, they simply walk away. The establishments rarely come to know of the reasons why they have lost a precious and potent client. Mystery shopping helps the business owners and the management to get information, which they require to improve their businesses. It is an observation that getting an objective, unbiased evaluation of the products and services is a difficult task, and that is where the mystery shoppers come in handy. Mystery shoppers are very useful in providing 7. 8 vital background information required by the management to make improvements in their customer care efforts and product quality. The observations of the mystery shoppers are then put to use in improving the product quality and service delivery of the business. Effective use of this tool can help the establishment to plug gaps in its products and services and to improve its business and profits. Mystery shoppers also come in handy for performance evaluation of the staff and in the process help in making decisions regarding the excellence awards and other motivational programs for the employees. Moreover, the mystery shoppers can also point out if there is a need for training and development of the employees. Mystery shopping system acts as checks and balances system for the employees and they have to be always alert and prompt in their duties because they never know whom the “shopper” is. Mystery shopping has helped the businesses/establishments to: Improve Customer Care: Mystery shopping has helped the businesses and establishments to improve their customer satisfaction level and increase customer loyalty because the employees become more attentive and customer oriented. Improve Sales: Establishments are able to improve their sales because the sales staff becomes more active and practices suggestive selling techniques. Minimize Theft: Mystery shopping helps the establishments by considerably reducing instances of theft and shoplifting as the employees are more attentive and alert when dealing with clients. Better Motivation: Mystery shopping is being used for performance appraisals and deciding on employees’ rewards. This helps the employees to perform better and as a result, the 8. 9 other employees try to excel in their respective spheres to get reward. Enhance Profits: Mystery shopping helps the businesses/ establishments to increase their profits because of better customer care, reduced thefts and improved sales. Overall, mystery shopping is a win-win situation for the shopper as well as for the client because it helps the former to make additional income while it improves the business and profits of the latter. 9. 10 2. What Mystery Shoppers Really Do! Mystery shopping is fast becoming popular as effective evaluation tool for the shop owners and business managers to improve the service delivery and product quality at their establishments. Different companies employ mystery shoppers to evaluate the quality of the products, the setup and environment of the establishment and efficiency and performance of the frontline staff. Generally, the mystery shoppers need to evaluate the customer service of a particular business establishment. These business establishments can be department stores, a retail chains, restaurants, hotels, health clubs, movie theatres, recreational or gaming facilitates or resorts; virtually any establishment that has a retail customer interaction. In this process, the mystery shoppers visit the client’s business establishment. They need to behave like normal customers while keeping an eagle eye on all the happenings at the establishment. Mystery shoppers are remote eyes and ears of the business owners. They observe maintenance, display, quality of merchandize or services offered and the staff’s response and behavior at the establishment. The primary role of the mystery shoppers is to evaluate the quality of customer service and customer care at the business establishment. However, they also need to evaluate any specific parameter like performance of the key frontline personnel, cash handling skills and efficiency of the cashier, knowledge and behavior of the salesperson and to assess whether employees are making appropriate and 10. 11 effective use of suggestive selling techniques. In some cases, the mystery shoppers involve in evaluating and observing the similar aspects at the competitors’ establishments and find out the features that give them the competitive edge. In addition, the “shoppers” also need to observe how the employees greet a customer at the establishment and how they behave while interacting with clients. They need to notice whether the staff is making use of phrases such as welcome to xyz store or thank you for dining at our restaurant. Once the mystery shopper has completed his shopping assignment, he should fill up a detailed questionnaire about the customer service and overall atmosphere of the business establishment and submit the report to the owner of establishment. The management of the establishment uses this data for a number of purposes like, improving appearance and looks of the establishment, improving customer service, deciding on employees’ rewards, motivation and training. Overall, the findings are utilized for making improvements that help in better customer retention, enhanced client loyalty and improving the bottom line of the company. The questionnaire filled at the end of a shopping assignment varies from one company to the other depending on the type of business or establishment. The type and scope of observation also depend upon the objective of the study. Therefore, the parameters of study and questionnaire are very vital for the mystery shopping. Generally, the questionnaires to be filled at the end of mystery shopping exercise contain objective or close-ended questions with answers in yes or no or the answers have to be checked in particular boxes. However, some questions may require descriptive or narrative answers. 11. 12 At the time of handing over the shop assignments, mystery shoppers receive background information about the company. The mystery shoppers need to evaluate the customer service and overall atmosphere at the establishment in relation to the information provided and make comparative evaluation. The general parameters on which the mystery shoppers need to evaluate and report are: Customer care and customer service at the establishment Cleanliness and arrangement of the establishment Visibility of the product on display Product Quality Product related knowledge of the employees Adherence to rules and procedures Waiting time establishment Honesty and integrity of employees Efficiency of the employees Dressing, appearance and grooming of the employees for shopping or service delivery at the As mentioned earlier, the observations and evaluation vary from one organization to other. However, some common points observed by mystery shoppers visiting a store or a restaurant are: How employees establishment? How was the general atmosphere and upkeep of the establishment? greeted 12. them at the entrance of 13 Are the signage and window display attractive? Are they maintaining the establishment properly? Is it neat and clean? Have they stocked the racks adequately? Is the arrangement convenient and accessible to the customers? How is the table arrangement? Is the menu self explanatory and tempting? Have they stocked the salad with fresh vegetables and fruits? What is the service time of the restaurant? Are the rest rooms clean and hygienic and have timely refills of soap and tissues? Does the salesman/steward have adequate knowledge about the merchandise/cuisine? What is the quality of products/service/food? Are they handling customer queries properly? What is the turn around time for delivery of goods and services? Did the cashier greet you and how do you rate the cashiers’ service? Did they explain you about the customer loyalty program or the promotional schemes? Did they greet you when you left the establishment? 13. 14 3. Qualification of Successful Mystery Shoppers - You Can Do It! Having learnt about what is mystery shopping and what does it involve the natural question would be- what is the qualification required to become a mystery shopper? Can I become a mystery shopper? Do I have in me, which is required to be a successful mystery shopper? The answer to all these questions is, yes! You can do it. You can avail mystery shopping opportunities if you have some extra time and are willing to make some additional money while having fun and enjoying your favorite pastime like shopping, eating out, going to movies or playing a game of golf at your favorite golf course. This moneymaking opportunity is available to you at your own convenience, and you can work and make money whenever you have spare time. The mystery shopping opportunities is good for students, homemakers, retirees, senior citizens, employment seekers and start up entrepreneurs who would like to add an extra stream of income to their purse. This career option is also available to part timers, freelancers and creative persons like musicians, artists and writers. You have the freedom and opportunity to take your kids and family members along with you for the mystery shopping assignments. This makes it easier for sit home dads and moms to take up the shop assignments. Even assignments like crèches, day care centers, toy stores and play groups it is a requirement to take them along with you. Going with your spouse, kids or family adds the credibility to your mystery shopping assignment because in that case you look like a genuine customer for that restaurant or business establishment. 14. 15 However, you should ensure that your kids are well behaved. You must always keep in mind that the objective of your visit is observation and presence of your family or kids should not distract your attention from the assignment. In majority of cases, the persons taking up mystery shopping assignments should be above 18 years of age, however in case of certain establishment where the mandatory age limits are higher you should match that minimum age requirement. This may be the case with shop assignments where a purchase of liquor may be involved. It is helpful albeit not mandatory to have a valid driving license or a document to prove your age. The mystery shopping assignments allow you the flexibility to decide your time schedule yet you should have sufficient amount of spare time to complete the assignments within a stipulated period. Qualifications of Mystery shoppers There is no specific academic qualification required to become a mystery shopper. Persons from all lifestyles, occupations and with all levels of academic qualifications can take up mystery shopping assignments. The people opting for mystery shopping assignments should have reasonably fair oral and written communication skills. Mystery shoppers should be observant and should have an eye for detail. They should have good imagination and should be reliable. The mystery shoppers need to have a reasonably fair memory and retention power to remember their observations and report the same accurately after the shopping is over. They should have an unbiased attitude and good personal integrity. Since most of the mystery shopping assignments are available on the Internet, the basic ability to browse the Internet sites and operating e-mail functions are necessary for those seeking online shop 15. 16 assignments. The reporting requires basic knowledge of PC, word processing and spreadsheet skills. You may need to create spreadsheets but your job is limited to entering the necessary data in the pre-designed spreadsheets. Neat writing and documentation skills are necessary when you have to file a handwritten report at the end of the mystery shopping assignment. Experiences and Skills There is no preset experience parameter required to take up mystery shopping assignments. The person should have good written and verbal communication skills. The oral communication skills are necessary because you have to interact with the employees at the business establishment. It is helpful if you have some background information and experience in customer care. Persons with an exposure to business areas like retail, leasing and finance, education, travel and hospitality have an edge over others while seeking the mystery shopping jobs. A prior exposure to market research and experience in market surveys and focus groups is a definite help to those seeking mystery-shopping assignments. Good memory, an eye for detail and ability to accomplish objective observation are the key skill requirements for mystery shoppers. Another factor that is vital for your mystery-shopping job is your reliability and impartiality. The assignment requires you to report the facts “as it is” and not your personal preferences; therefore, it is necessary that you do not let your personal bias to interfere with your objectivity while taking up mystery shopping assignments. No specific training is required for taking up mystery shopping assignments. However, if there is a specific assignment that requires 16. 17 training, the mystery shopping companies provide you the necessary training. The companies also provide the background information and observation parameters before commencement of each assignment. How to become a successful Mystery Shopper: Every profession has its own do’s and don’ts and there are certain factors that determine your success in that vocation, and mystery shopping is no exception to that doctrine. You have learnt that mystery shopping is fun and it involves a great amount of leisure and flexibility, however, you should remember that this is also a serious business. The business owner uses the inputs provided by mystery shoppers to decide on the business strategies and business plans. Therefore, you should be careful and attentive and take the assignment seriously, because carelessness would not only affect your prospects for getting future assignments but also may affect the client’s business. You should never reveal your identity during the shop process, because any such eventuality would be detrimental to the very basic objective of mystery shopping. Once you reach the establishment, employees should think of you as a potential client, who is there for buying grocery, lunch, leasing an apartment, or opening a bank account. You should not be carrying notebooks or paper for making notes publicly. If you forget something that you need to observe, you should avoid taking out the questionnaire in public, because doing so may expose your identity. You can make use of checkbooks, grocery lists or newspapers to make notes at a store or a restaurant. If you are required to note the time taken for a particular service, you should use your watch or cellular phone instead of using a stopwatch. 17. 18 You should be careful to observe and report all the details including the minute things and should not forget to observe whatever you are directed at the time of assigning you the shop. It is helpful that you go prepared when go for the shop assignment. You should evaluate and clearly understand what all you need to observe. You should follow the guidelines and be objective with your study. You should also prepare the questions you need to ask from the employees. You should also carry a buying list if you are on a store shop assignment. If you have the basic understanding of customer service, it would enable you to make comparisons and observe the pitfalls. The successful mystery shoppers are the ones who make the mystery shopping company feel that they themselves have done the assignment in person. You should also be careful to keep a record of all your receipts and mileages and submit them in the required format. Your attitude should be that of a person interested in improving the service quality of the place he is visiting. You should be careful about timely submission of the reports because it may determine your chances of getting future assignments. Mystery shopping is an attractive career option and a serious opportunity for making money. However, it is not a scheme for making fast money. You should take it up as a serious business and not a joke if you really want to become a successful mystery shopper. 18. 19 4. What is The Best Way to Get Started? The idea of making money while shopping and dining in your favorite restaurant has appealed you and you have made up your mind to take up a career in mystery shopping. You have found out that you are suitable to get mystery shopping jobs wherein you can make extra money in your leisure time while having fun. The question is how to start and get your mystery shopping assignments? Therefore, you have decided to start a wonderful career where someone pays for your food bill, seeks your opinion and pays for it. However, wait! Do not take a sudden plunge. It is always better to understand the concept of mystery shopping and nitty-gritty of this business thoroughly before you take up any mystery-shopping job. You must go through this e-book carefully and have a clear understanding of mystery shopping business before you start accepting the shop assignments. The first thing you need to decide is the area and scope of your work. You can decide on your preferences regarding the fields you would like to work and what fields you prefer not to work. For example, you can decide that you would like to work only for restaurants or only for retail chains. Secondly, you should find out the actual amount of time you can spare for the mystery shopping assignments. Thereafter, you should decide on the geographical area you wish to work. Once you have decided on your preferences, you should find out the list of mystery shopping and market research companies in your locality. For this purpose, you can make use of the contacts provided in chapter-28 of this e-book. To widen your scope of search you can 19. 20 utilize your telephone book or the local library to find out the list of probable mystery shop employers. Certain companies may require your photograph, so it is better to get a photograph taken. It is not necessary to have a photograph taken by a professional. A simple head shot from an aim and shoot camera at your home or a Polaroid snap would do. Before creating a resume or writing to the companies, you should analyze your strengths and earmark your strong points that would help you to become a successful mystery shopper. Once you are through with the process you should create a resume and a covering letter, which you need to send to the mystery shopping companies. Your resume should highlight all your strengths and pervious experience, if any, because it will help you in getting assignments more suited to your profile. The resume should also include your preferences regarding the location, category of shop assignments you would prefer to do, the amount of time you would like to spend in this job per week and the time slots that are suitable for your schedule. To begin with, even a handwritten letter to a few market research agencies would help. Once you have sent your letter or resume to the market research agencies you should wait patiently for their call. Your first assignment might take some time, but remember patience is the key. If you do not get a call for some time there is no need for repeated or bulk mailing. Most of the market research companies are nationwide and therefore it is better that you do not limit your selection to the local companies. Mailing your resume to the national companies is helpful because they have a better volume of assignments available at any given point of time. 20. 21 You should not to contact the clients directly because most of the clients do not offer the assignments directly to the shoppers and they prefer to use the services of the agencies. Moreover, contacting the clients directly can take a toll on your time and effort and there is a possibility that you might give up after not hearing after so many contacts. The shop assignments are not limited to physically visiting the particular store or the restaurant only. Nowadays, you get similar assignments for evaluating the mail order business or the businesses that home deliver the stuff. A number of e-commerce and other websites are also employing people for taking online surveys to evaluate the services offered by their websites, for which you need to make an online search and submit your application on the net. When you receive the call from an agency or a client, you should fill the appropriate form and send it back within the stipulated time. You should be professionally dressed and reach in time for the personal meeting if the job entails a personal meeting. During the meeting spell out your strengths and weaknesses and clearly state your preferences regarding category, location and timings of the assignments you would be interested to do. This would help you in the end and save you from possible discomfort in future. You should be attentive when briefed about the assignment. You should carefully note down all the important points and should not hesitate to ask if you do not understand any point. The new mystery shoppers should go through the questionnaire thoroughly. A second reading is always helpful. Do not hesitate to ask for training or mock session before actually starting your mystery-shopping job. Before you really embark upon the first mystery shopping assignment, go through the relevant portions of this e-book and study the instructions and guidelines given by your employer. Timely submission 21. 22 and accurate reporting would enhance your chances for getting future assignments. If you accomplish few initial assignments successfully, you will get repeat assignments. However, in the initial phase you should take all the new assignments as if you are doing your first shop assignment. If you fail to do so, you tend to become complacent, as you grow older in this business. Complacency increases chances of making mistakes and it may affect your growth and earning prospects. Lastly, it is recommended that you should not pressured by the jobs that are offered to you. You should not hesitate to say no to the assignments that you are not comfortable. For example, if you avoid alcoholic beverages it would be sane not to take up assignments that require drinking, or you can decide exclude shop assignment at computer or electronics outlets if you are not at ease with the technical terms. It is always better to exclude the category you are not comfortable with rather than doing a second rate assignment because such a situation ultimately jeopardizes your growth prospects in the mystery shopping business. 22. 23 5. How to Apply to a Mystery Shopping Company & Get Your First Assignment in Just One Week What Should My Application Look Like? If you would like to work as a mystery shopper for a company, it is very important that you must be very attentive while applying for the job. You must mention all the required details while sending in your application for the job. You should mention your full particulars (including name, address, phone and fax numbers, email ID etc.), academic qualifications, work experience, list of companies you have worked with and kind of assignments handled by you. All you have to do is tell the company who you are and that you are available to do work as a mystery shopper in your local area. Tell them if you have mystery shopped before. If not, describe what qualifies you for this job. Illustrate an example of good or bad customer service that you have experienced. Explain in your words what you think makes good customer service. Explanations to these questions will help the companies to assess your attention to details, an understanding of customer service you have and your ability to be discreet and unbiased while preparing and working as a mystery shopper. You can apply either by writing or by calling. When you contact or apply to mystery shopping companies, try to be professional and above all courteous. How you act or write may be a noteworthy factor as to whether or not you receive an upcoming mystery shopping assignment from those companies. 23. 24 As they say, “first impression is the last impression” therefore, it is very important that you should contact a company by sending a friendly and carefully worded letter. Make certain that your punctuation and spellings are correct. You are likely to be 'pre-judged' by your application. If it is not in order and neatly prepared, that may reveal how you will fill out a shopper form in the future. So always, take your time, and if you commit a mistake, just begin again. Keep your application short, about two to three paragraphs at most. If you send an application, you must wait for the company to receive your application and then return the proper application format and additional forms to you. This may take 2-3 weeks of time. Therefore, you need to be patient and avoid calling and asking when you can start working for them. Keep in mind that mystery-shopping companies need you as much as you need them. If you do not get a reply from a mystery shopping company right away, it will contact you of course, as soon as it has vacancy for a mystery shopper. How Many Companies Should I Apply to at One Time? Most of the companies you will be applying for will realize that they cannot keep you busy working as a mystery shopper all the time. They also know that you need regular work. That is why they know that you will be applying to multiple companies for the job. Hence, you should apply for mystery shopper’s job to more than one company. It will help you to get the work on a regular basis. Apply to as many companies as you can find. Do not be concerned that you will have too much work. You have an option! You can always turn down a job if you are too busy to work on a specific assignment. 24. 25 While applying to multiple companies you must keep in mind that you should avoid sharing information about one company with another. In addition, you should not share one company’s evaluation report and confidential information like report forms filed by you with the company. Always show professionalism and try to be discreet in your dealings with each of the companies you intend to work. Companies That Hire First Timers If you happen to apply to more than one company at a time, you may get your first mystery shop job within four to six weeks’ time. In fact, many of the mystery shoppers get their first assignment in the very first week itself. Please note that the companies and business establishments need mystery shoppers every day of the week somewhere! So try to apply for mystery shopper’s job to as many companies as you can. The more companies you apply to, the greater the number of jobs you are eligible for and the sooner you will get an assignment. Many companies hire first timers. Few of these companies are: (1) Q.A. Mystery Shoppers, Inc. PO Box 9009 Austin, TX 78766 B.M. - T.I.P.S 4915 West 35 St. Suite 206 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Q.A. Mystery Shoppers, Inc. is one of the largest mystery shoppers’ contractors in the United States. Apply for details of the mystery shopping jobs available with the company. 25. 26 (2) Advantage Marketing Group PO Box 734 Portland, ME 04104 Advantage Marketing Group is a relatively new company looking for new mystery shoppers. Send an application to the company mentioning area you prefer to shop in, photo and best times available. (3) Security and Loss Prevention Consulting & Mystery Shopping & Spotting Franklin Office Park 38 Pond St., Suite 104 Franklin, MA 02038 (4) The Plethora Mystery Shopping Services Denton Downs Office Center 640 Denton, Suite 102 PO Box 591 Frankfort, Michigan 49635 The Plethora is a Congent Company. (5) Mysteryshop.com 3405 Kilmer Lane North Plymouth, MN 55441 Addition to the companies mentioned above, in chapter-28 of this ebook you could find more companies that hire first timers. Besides these companies, there are several different ways to go about finding work as a first time mystery shopper. Few of these are: 26. 27 (1) Log into Internet search engines like Google or Yahoo and search for mystery shoppers. (2) Look for advertisements in your local newspapers asking for mystery shoppers. (3) Contact marketing and research companies in your area, asking them if they have any new openings for mystery shopping job. (4) Ask your friends if any of the companies they are working for need additional mystery shoppers. How Much Money I Can Expect to Earn Now that you are aware how to do a mystery-shopping job, the most important question you might have in your mind be about how much of money you can earn doing this job. You must know that because the mystery shopping work is not regular, it is likely to vary for each mystery shopper. However, there are people who do mystery shopping on a full-time basis, because either one company has hired them on full-time, or they get sufficient assignments to make it a full-time job. If you do higher-paying service category mystery shopping jobs such as apartments, car dealers, banks, gyms, homebuilders etc. you can normally make between $25 and $50 per assignment. A dinner restaurant shop can fetch you $50-100 in the form of free food and drinks. Retail assignments usually pay less, $10 to $15, while a "purchase and return shop”, assignment can get you up to $30. Fast food shops do not pay much; usually they just give free food and possibly about $5 or so for filing a report. 27. 28 If you are lucky enough to get a newer technology-based shop, which entails the use of hidden video equipment during the job, you may get up to $125 per assignment. The average mystery-shopping fee is about $20-25 per hour. This amount does not include mileage or any other expenses incurred by a mystery shopper. A typical shopper may suggest a shopping fee for 20 stores in a franchise, approximately 25-30 hours of shopping and report writing, and quote a business of $600-800. This amount would include all the costs incurred by you like shopping fees, gasoline expenses and miscellaneous expenses. Depending upon the requirements, some mystery shoppers execute the larger contracts, while others execute the small contracts. Mystery shopping fees earned may vary, depending upon where you live, what is market demand, availability of mystery shoppers and how pressing the job is. A mystery-shopping job can take as little as an hour of your time including filling out a report, to two hours. The more they ask you to do in an assignment, the more you are paid. If you concentrate on the higher paying assignments, make the right links and generate a method where you get the assignments coming to you, you will become one of the top-earning mystery shoppers, earning $3000+ per month. How to Make Your Application Look Better Than the Hundreds of Others that A Company Might Receive Are you one of those persons who keep on applying for multiple mystery shopping jobs yet do not hear back from them? Are you 28. 29 wondering why some people get response for very first application they send and some do not get any reply for 10s of applications sent? Well, all that you need to get attention to your application is to make it better than the 100s of others that a company might receive. Always mention why you are a better-suited candidate for a mysteryshopping job. Describe your recent experiences as shopper and tell them how you can help being a mystery shopper for the company. Do your best to raise your profile a little. Always send a well-written resume along with a covering letter. Keep on trying until you succeed. You have to keep trying, but not be loathsome. Do your best to be impressive in a professional way. If you are presenting yourself in the approved manner, you should have a business-like approach when you first apply for the job. Sound serious, patient and professional when you present yourself in a follow-up interview. Market your skills in such a manner that get you noticed in a positive way. Remember that good things do come to those who wait and courteously keep on trying to achieve excellence in the field they work. Job Interviews -- What You Should Say? So what do companies look for when they interview prospective mystery shoppers? Well, most significantly, they want to know that you are dependable, sharp-eyed and able to follow instructions. They will train you on how to mystery shop. When applying for a mystery shopper’s position you should look forward to the following questions. Do your homework. Think up 29. 30 answers in preparation for these questions so that you do not mess up when they ask you these questions in a scheduled interview. (1) Have you done any mystery shopping before? (2) Why you would make a good mystery shopper? (3) What is your experience as a mystery shopper? You do not require any experience, so do not behave as if you are a novice. Keep in mind that as soon as you have completed one assignment, you can then claim to have experience in future applications. When a mystery shopping company calls you for the first time, they will inquire if you are available at a certain time and date, for a specified job. So be prepared to work accordingly on your first assignment. 30. 31 6. Mystery Shopping Opportunities: Places Where You Can Shop Companies use information gathered by mystery shoppers as an essential tool to improve the quality of service rendered to the customers. Improvement in the quality of service and products brings in more customers resulting in increased sales volume and profits for the company. Depending upon the objectives and requirements of their clients, the mystery shoppers help their companies in assessing employee honesty and integrity, customer service provided, product knowledge and product quality, sales techniques employed, and cleanliness and sanitation condition of a department store, an office or establishment. Places Where You Can Shop: Below is a list of a number of the bigger and popular businesses that employ mystery shoppers on a freelance or part time basis. Companies may employ mystery shoppers on monthly, weekly or daily basis. Each of these businesses functions in a different way. If you happen to choose any of these, you can do so by either calling, sending an email or writing a letter. Given the fact that each of these businesses is distinctive and unique, you cannot probably look forward to get the same amount of money for each shopping spree that you may choose to opt. If one business paid you, $20 to shop for a half hour it does not mean that another business will pay you similar amount. A company may pay you a lower 31. 32 or higher amount depending upon the specific needs of a business and terms and conditions imposed or agreed upon. You should read the list given below carefully and note the ones that interest you most. When making your choice, keep it in your mind that the large chains or businesses are the ones most likely to use mystery shoppers. Therefore, try to send your resume to these companies first. The possibilities and potential for mystery shopping are nearly neverending. Few of these businesses are: Acute care services Airlines Ambulatory care Any location serving customers Apartment easing Art galleries Auto service stations Automobile dealerships Automotive supply stores Banks/financial institutions Beauty salons Book stores Camera shops Car dealerships Casinos Catering services Computer stores 32. 33 Concierge Convenience stores Cruise lines Department stores Doorman/bellman Drug stores Dry cleaners Fancy restaurants Fast food restaurants Family restaurants Florists Front desk Gas stations Grocery stores Hardware stores Health clubs Health plans Home developers Hotels Housekeeping Ice Cream/yogurt shops Information services Liquor Stores Long-term care Lounges 33. 34 Mental health services Movie theaters Newsstands Nightclubs and bars Pet stores Physician practices Property tour Real estate companies Rehabilitative care Rental developments Reservations Restaurant sales Restaurants Restaurants (cuisine) Room review Room service Security Shoe repair store Specialty shops Specialty shops (various forms) Specialty stores in a mall Stereo/appliance stores Supermarket Theaters Theme parks 34. 35 Toy stores Travel agents Traveling Valet service Video rental store 35. 36 7. Insider Tips for New Mystery Shoppers There is no short cut to learning from your own experience however, for the newcomers in any field, quick learn tips are a great help. It is better to learn by the experiences of those who have made a mark on their own in a particular field. In the mystery-shopping business, a fresher should try to learn from the veterans and professionals who have made a successful career in mystery shopping and are making good money from this easy and simple business opportunity. It may not be possible for you to find out and meet in person so many people who have carved a niche for them in the mystery shopping business. We have done the job for you and we are providing you some tips from the people who have made big in the mystery shopping business. The seniors say that1. Those who are serious about making a long term and lucrative career in the mystery shopping should try to create a professional office like atmosphere. It is not at all necessary that you spend a fortune over the fancy and expensive stuff. The simple stuff like nicely printed business cards, professional e-mail address, personal stationary, a well-articulated voice mail or answering machine message go a long way in creating a professional image for you. 2. Get yourself organized and create a small home office for you. Maintain a diary to record your appointments and assignments. Organize your documents, keep proper record of your expenses, and retain all your receipts. The more professional 36. 37 image you portray of yourself to your company and scheduler the more and better assignments you get. 3. Be very particular about your instructions. The instructions are the key to success in this business and you should religiously follow them. For example, if you need to respond to the emails with a specific keyword or phrase in the subject line, follow it. Follow all the instructions regarding the shop and reporting. This would pave your way to successful career in this business because all the companies love to work with people who follow the guidelines and are organized and particular about their working. 4. If there is a chance for you to do a rush-job for your mystery shopping company or scheduler to salvage them from a last minute ditch. Always grab the opportunity with your both hands, do a nice job, and complete it within the deadlines. Doing this would provide you an opportunity to climb the credibility ladder in that company at a better speed. 5. Never give out your social security number to the scheduler. Provide your social security number only to the mystery shopping company or their website only when you are sure about the credibility of the company and the site security. 6. Punctuality is vital for your success in mystery shopping business. If you are required to submit your shop reports within a stipulated time, do that. This would open your door to the future assignments. Most of the companies try to see your performance and delivery schedule in the simple small shop assignment before giving you better more meaningful and high paid jobs. 7. Be straight and to the point in your report. In this context, it is advisable that you should write only what has been asked in the report. For example, if you have need to report about the rack arrangement and the cleanliness than just report on that 37. 38 aspect only and do not comment on the staff behavior. Be as objective as possible in your report and do not let your personal beliefs and biases to cloud your reporting. 8. Take each assignment on its remunerative value. Evaluate the remuneration of the assignment based on time spent on it and the total benefits expected in cash or kind. For example, a dinner shop assignment might offer you just a discount on the food and it could take close to two hours of your time, while a simple shop assignment might offer you reimbursement of your purchase plus additional US$15-US$20 and just take 20-30 minutes of your time. 9. Try to be realistic in your job search for mystery shopping, as you would do in a real world job search. Most of the companies and clients assign their jobs to the mystery shopping schedulers or agents. The best way is to get proper links to the mystery shopping companies from the list of the companies provided in this e-book. If you follow these tips and take care to plan your moves in a professional way, you would become a successful mystery shopper with fatty paychecks. 38. 39 8. Making the Most Amount of Work in Least Amount of Time- How Can You Maximize Your Mystery Shopping Income You must be wondering how some mystery shoppers are able to make more than $3000-$4000 per month and why some struggle even to reach $1000 in a month. The reason is the approach with which they handle their mystery shopping assignments. It is true that experience and expertise play a vital role in maximizing your income in the mystery shopping business. As you become senior in this business your experience and income grow and you tend to get better and high paid assignments by the mystery shopping companies due to your better rapport with them. However, this is not the sole reason for earning higher and better paychecks and even relatively fresh people can make good amount of money if they know the tricks to maximize their income in the mystery shopping business. The most important factors that affect your earning prospects are your organizational skills and approach to this business. You should be able to make a better selection of the assignments and create a professional image for yourself, so that companies and scheduler consider you a professional known for timely and perfect accomplishment of the tasks assigned. Here are some ways through which you could make good money from the mystery shopping business and make this job as a long term satisfying career option. Time Management 39. 40 It is very essential that you make the best use of your most valuable resource- time. Time is precious as you have only 24 hours in a day and you have only limited number of hours that you can spare for your mystery shopping business. Since it is beyond your capacity to increase the number of hours available it is necessary that you should make the optimum utilization of your time to maximize your income in the mystery shopping business. It is better that you club your assignments together rather than taking one assignment at a time. If you club up the assignment you could finish three to four shop assignments in one trip and save your time and gas. Moreover, by doing so you could even make the best opportunity even out of the low paid assignments. For example, if you can finish two or three $10 assignments in a trip your total productivity per hour remains comparable to better-paid assignments. In this context, picking up assignments that are located at closer location like big shopping malls, local shopping trips, airports etc. are very useful. At these places, you could finish more assignments in lesser amount of time and boost up your productivity per hour. Make use of the location maps to optimize your productivity and rationalize your gas costs. Referring to maps would help you plan your trip in such a fashion that you can cover the maximum number of shops in the least time. Always prefer the fast food and restaurant shops during the lunch breaks and dinner hours since you would also be going for lunch in between the shops. The effective time management holds the key for maximizing your income from this career. Go for Service Assignments 40. 41 The service shop assignments are better paying jobs compared to the retail and fast food shop assignments. Apartments, homebuilders, car dealership, oil change, financial service, banks, gymnasiums, testing centers etc. fall into this category of assignments. These kinds of shop assignments offer you a better rate than the simple retail shops. You can expect anything in the range of $20-$30 per assignment. The audio and video shop assignments are even better because they could fetch you up to $50-$100 per shop. Most of the mystery shoppers shy away from these service shops because of the narrative or descriptive answers involved in these assignments. You should no get intimidated by the narratives as these are very simple and are about your experience during the shop. You need to put them in your words. They do not expect you to be a literary giant to write the narratives. You should not be too bothered about the language or the grammar. After a few assignments, you could be an expert at writing the narratives and the learning efforts would be worthwhile considering the remuneration differential. The dinner restaurant assignments are also lucrative because they offer a composite shop fee of $30-$100 considering the cash payment and food reimbursement. However, if you are a calorie watcher be aware of accepting too many dinner shops and if you do so, make sure that you compensate them by doing equal amount of gym shops. Help the Scheduler or Your Mystery Shopping Company There could be a situation wherein a scheduler or a mystery shopping company is faced with a crisis due to a rush job or because of a last minute cancellation by any other mystery shopper. In such situation, the shop companies or the scheduler might look at you for help. You should accept the proposal immediately for many reasons. First, these kinds of situation mean that you get an additional job without any 41. 42 competition from the other mystery shoppers. Secondly, these kinds of assignments are generally better-paid assignments and thirdly, such situations improve your credibility and respect in the eyes of the scheduler and the agency. This would mean that whenever they would have something lucrative you would figure higher up on their priority list. Maintain A Balance With A Number Of Mystery Shopping Companies: You should keep following up with other companies once you start getting assignments from one company. The successful mystery shoppers work with a number of mystery shopping companies. Because, sticking to just one company would mean that you would get only a small number of assignments at any given point of time. The process of working with multiple companies also eliminates the wait period, which you would have to face if you work with only one or two companies. Working with more companies would mean that you would always have sufficient buffer of assignments and you could maximize your income from this business. Secondly, the buffer and large number of assignment from multiple companies would mean that you have a wider choice of assignments and can select the better-paid assignments from the options you have. If you work for more companies, there would be the initial teething troubles because all the companies prefer that you do a good number of low paid basic assignments before they could entrust you with better high paid assignments. You should be ready to accept them but keep reminding the company that after a particular number of assignments may be after 5-10 small paid assignments you would not be accepting the assignments less than a particular value say $30. If you do so, it would help you in getting a good number of better-paid jobs. However, it would not be possible if you keep working for just one or two companies. This trick would work and after some time you 42. 43 would have assignments that could pay you as high as $100-$150 per assignment. Find the Companies That Have Better Paid Assignments The range of payments offered for mystery shopping assignments very from $2.50 per assignment to $200 per assignment. In some cases, it is merely a gift or a food voucher. Most of the people in the mystery shopping business never reach the $50 and above range. The reason for this is that they never get access to the companies that have higher and better-paid shop jobs. If you desire to make a successful career in mystery shopping you should try to find out the companies that have large number of top paid jobs. This is a two way process and finding the company alone would not work. This would require a lot of hard work and concerted effort on your part to impress the company and its executives by consistent good and punctual work. Comparison Or Competitive Shops Offer More Remuneration The competitive shops are the assignments wherein you need to shop for the same product or service from three or four different establishments in the same category. In such cases, the companies would like to compare their products or services with those of their competitors. Herein the shoppers are required to fill up the same questionnaire at different establishments. The comparison/ competitive shops are the better-paid shop assignments. A typical retail comparison assignment would have $20 per establishment and can go up to $40 per establishment. Assuming that you do three shops for each day you can easily make $60-$120 per day. The range for hotel shops vary from $50-$200. The service shop particularly the homebuilder’s shop could fetch you $200 per establishment visited. 43. 44 However, the competitive or comparison shops are fewer in number and are generally available to select companies. Therefore, your selection of company/companies is a crucial decision for your success in mystery shopping. Evolve Your Systems Taking up mystery shopping assignments casually is fine. So long as you wish to just make some extra money while you shop at your favorite mall or dine at your favorite restaurants. However, if you are serious about your career as a mystery shopper then it is important that you make a habit of developing a system for your mystery shopping work. The systematic approach to work pays in all spheres of life and it does more if you desire to be a top-earning mystery shopper. Lackluster shop attitude would be detrimental for your income prospects in the mystery shopping business. It is better that you first make a system and thereafter let that system work for you. It is better to set up realistic achievement targets for yourself on a weekly and monthly basis and then try to achieve those targets by concerted efforts. If you fail to achieve your monthly targets for any reason, try to find out the reason for the shortfall and work towards plugging those gaps. You should be careful that your goals should be reasonable and achievable. However, you should not be too conservative while deciding your targets. The targets should be on a lower end for the first six months, may be in the range of $200 per week for the first six months and then you can gradually increase it to $300-$350 per week by the end of first twelve months of your mystery shopping experience. Setting the targets regarding timings is easy than setting monetary targets. You need to plan this very carefully considering your current 44. 45 occupation and the total amount of spare time available with you. Setting productivity goals may be difficult in the first few months. In the initial stages, you might have to spend some extra time to meet the company executives for seeking the assignments. In the beginning you might not be lucky enough to get all the assignments in close vicinity and the traveling time involved for doing those assignments may be too much. Nevertheless, do not get deterred by these issues because every business has its own teething troubles. Remember, tough time never lasts but tough people do. Have your own small workplace dedicated to your mystery shopping business. It should be neat and clean. You should have your own mystery-shopping calendar and diary in which you should enter all your assignments and appointments. Do not forget to remember and note down a few salient features from every shop assignment you do. Your office should have the proper filing and documentation system. You should keep track of each assignment in a separate file or folder. It is always helpful to maintain a separate correspondence file for follow up with the companies you have applied. Always keep handy the numbers of your schedulers and key company executives and remember to give them courtesy calls at frequent intervals. If you have developed some sort of personal rapport with them do not forget to send them birthday and anniversary wishes. You should keep a copy of all the reports sent and the payments received. This could be very helpful in an unlikely situation of a payment dispute. Discipline is the Key to Success and Fortune Self-discipline is a key to success and this holds true for your mystery shopping business as well. This book is your guide to a bright career in the mystery shopping business and you should go through it carefully. 45. 46 It is better that you should make notes of the points you find important in this book. Make it a habit to visit the mystery shopping sites daily and maintain regular follow-ups even after you have your first few assignments. If you maintain a disciplined approach and follow the schedule there is no reason why you should not be making good money in your mystery shopping business. 9. How to Do a Shopping Job Preparing for an Assignment The successful mystery shoppers are the one who pass on as the normal customers unrecognized as mystery shoppers by the employees of the business establishment. In order to achieve this objective and for successful completion of the mystery shopping assignments the mystery shoppers should make adequate preparations. You should revise the questionnaires and the instructions carefully before starting the shop assignments so that you do not miss any important point and complete the observation and evaluation with ease. For retail and store shop assignments, you should make a list of purchases and probable questions so that during the shop you do not face any difficulty in the process. You should not carry notebooks for making notes. However, if you need to make notes you should do that on the grocery list or the checkbooks. For service shop assignments, it is better to go with proper background information regarding the establishment and the services offered by them. It is also necessary that you should 46. 47 memorize a list of questions, which you may need to ask, and the points that you may need to observe during the shop assignment. For audio and video shop assignments, should you check your equipment and carefully understand the operational instructions so that you are able to operate them easily during the shop process. If the shop assignments require that you should take your spouse or family members for the shop, you should brief them accordingly so that your identity as a mystery shopper remains undisclosed. What you should be observing The points for observation during the shop assignments depend on the objectives of shop assignments. You should restrict your observation to the instructions given to you prior to the shop assignment. Some of the general points you require to observe during each shop assignment are: Exteriors and Signage: You should observe the exteriors, the parking facility, and the signage of the establishment. You should also make a note of the entrance and the passage way and their cleanliness. You should also look whether the doors and windows are clean. Interiors: For the interiors, you should observe the cleanliness, access and pathways, rack arrangements and product display. In this section, the points of vital importance are special areas like the waiting areas, rest rooms or the trial rooms. You should carefully observe the cleanliness of the rest rooms and see whether they have adequate supply of soap, napkins etc. 47. 48 Employee Behavior: This is the most important factor for observation and it starts right from the entry into the establishment. You should observe whether you were greeted properly at the entrance of the establishment, the product information of the sales staff, the attitude and friendliness of the staff, whether they were making use of suggestive selling techniques, whether they were briefing you and other customers about any special schemes or offers. You should also observe the cash handling, delivery and related procedures of the establishment. Product or Service: In this section, you should observe the quality of the product or the service offered by the establishment. You should make an objective analysis of the product or the service from the customer’s point of view. You should also keep a note of the time taken for the service in all establishments in general and restaurants in particular. How to Look Like a "Real Shopper" and Not a "Mystery Shopper" While You Are Shopping: You should be extremely careful regarding your identity during the shop assignment. You should be careful that your identity as a mystery shopper remains undisclosed, because if it happens so the very purpose of entire mystery shopping exercise would be lost. The successful mystery shoppers are the ones that pass through as real customers. You should be careful that during your shop assignment your behavior or demeanor should in no way suggest that you are different from a normal customer. You should make adequate preparation before the shop assignment and carry necessary shopping list with you. If at all, you need to make notes during the shop you should do that secretly in the restrooms. If 48. 49 you need to jot down something urgently, you should do that on your checkbook, grocery list or a newspaper. You should memorize all the vital evaluation parameters and prepare questions you need to ask from the employees. If by any chance, if someone asks you whether you are a mystery shopper, you should answer in negative or simply show ignorance regarding the mysteryshopping concept. While reporting the shop you should be careful that any thing mentioned in your report might not reveal your identity if the report is read out before the employees. It is always better to report in the third person to avoid any such eventuality. How to write the best reports: Reporting is the most important factor of your shop assignment and you should be very careful while filing your shop reports because because of the reports you receive your shop fee. Incomplete and erroneous shop reports may remain unpaid and it might hamper your chances for getting future assignments. The reasons that you should be careful while filing your reports are: You should file the report within the stipulated deadline and it should carry all the necessary information required. You should not leave out any point. You should write the report neatly and legibly. Write the report in simple English without any grammatical or spelling errors. You should be careful not to use either too flowery or too complex words. You should be careful not to be too emotional or insulting in your report. 49. 50 Write your reports based on your objective evaluation and without any personal bias or preferences. Stick to the word limit while writing the narratives. Do not try to go overboard or be too brief. Limit yourself to three to four sentences for each important section if you do not have a word limit. While reporting any particular incidence during shopping, report in the third person and not as your own experience and make a note regarding the same in the remarks column. What you should do to follow up the job: Once you prepare the report there is not a lot of work left. However, you will need to file a report or fill out a questionnaire form within a short time of your visit. Try to answer all the questions to the best of your knowledge without any bias or favor. Follow the instructions given in the form. If you are uncertain how to reply a query, call the company for details. If they ask you to call within a given time, do everything possible to comply. You can fax or mail your forms in, but always stick to the timings set by the company. You should file a report within one-two business days. If you are unable to file a report in time, call the company without delay and let them know why. Once you have prepared a report or questionnaires make a copy of it for your records. Now you just have to wait a few more days for your check in the mail. Start planning where you would like to mystery shop next! 50. 51 10. Caution: Things You Might Be Doing Wrong In Your Mystery Shopping Work! As mentioned earlier, mystery shopping is fun but it has no place for people trying to act funny. This business is fun and goes well along your leisure but you should be careful not to make mistakes that may jeopardize your career as a mystery shopper. Remember that this is a serious business as the company uses your reports for making necessary policy decisions. Some of the errors that people tend to make during their mystery shopping business are: Improper Reporting You should be very careful while filing your report for the shop assignments. Generally, the people make common errors like checking yes when they want to check no or omitting some of the columns. It should be borne in mind that the report is the most important factor for your mystery shopping business and is the basis on which you get the payment. Sloppy reporting might result in deductions from your paycheck or making no payment to you at all. Ignoring the schedules 51. 52 The mystery shoppers do this gravest and common mistake. Actually, by ignoring the schedules the shoppers put the schedulers in problem situations. At times it so happens that the shoppers find it difficult to finish some specific service category shops within the stipulated period. This happens more with the new people in the business and more so with those who take up more assignments than they could comfortably handle. This situation is further aggravated when the people just give up without informing the scheduler or the company. The schedulers come to know about the ditch when it is too late. This kind of situation leads the schedulers into serious problems. If you do this mistake, you should expect not to get any future assignment from that scheduler or the company. Deviation from the guidelines: Every shop assignment has a particular set of observations and a different questionnaire. The shop company and the client design the questionnaire based on the objectives of the shop assignment. You will get the guidelines and the instructions at the beginning of each assignment. You should stick to the instructions given and limit your observation to the given questionnaire. Your reporting should be very objective and you should not cloud it with your opinions or personal biases. Selecting wrong company Some of the beginners in this business tend to get anxious about getting their first job as quickly as possible and end up landing in a fraudulent company’s net. So be very careful about selecting the mystery shopping company. Do not pay any upfront money to the company for any reason whatsoever. Before starting to work with the company, check if there are any complaints against them in The Better Business Bureau. It is always better to work with the company that you have worked before or the one that has a clean record. 52. 53 Improper planning Some of the mysteries shoppers tend to be so overawed by the new assignments that they forget to calculate the time taken and the travel cost to and from the shop. In certain cases, it goes to an extent that either the shoppers make no money or in some extreme cases, they are not even able to recover the gas costs. Careful planning is the key for your mystery shopping success. You should try to club the assignments and make use of the map to plan your trips. 11. Expert Advice from Successful Mystery Shoppers and Mystery Shopping Companies Mystery shopping is business where you have to sell the product that is “YOU”. In this business, there are no benchmarks like the traditional businesses and each shop experience is a unique experience. In such a scenario, it becomes vital for you to have a clear understanding of how the successful mystery shoppers have become successful. Here is some expert advice from the successful mystery shoppers and the mystery shopping companies that could be vital for your success in this business: 1. You should strive to be efficient in whatever you do in your business of mystery shopping. The efficiency relates particularly to the way you scout for work, accomplish your shop assignments and manage your reporting. Your efficiency regarding how you complete your assignments would mean how you organize yourself during the shops. The mystery shoppers 53. 54 who are particular about their reporting and submit error free reports within the stipulated deadlines get the maximum number of assignments and they climb the success ladder at a faster pace compared to other mystery shoppers. 2. The successful mystery shoppers are the one who are selective about the assignments they wish to do and the ones they prefer to say no. While selecting or rejecting a particular assignment the factors you should consider are- the category of the assignment, the remunerative value (in cash as well as kind) of the assignment, your relationship to the company, and the travel time involved. The experts say that you should try to find out the prevailing rate for comparable assignments and the time factor before deciding to accept a particular assignment. 3. After considerable amount of experience and expertise in the mystery shopping business one should try to get focused. The experts believe that the serious people in this trade should get focused on the categories like service shops, technology shops and restaurant shops. The service category shops include apartment shops, homebuilders, day care centers, car dealerships, golf courses, gaming centers, oil change, testing centers etc. These jobs have a fee range of $25 to $ 100 per shop assignment and in some cases; it might go up to $200. The technology shops are the ones that require audio and video recording and might add $50-$100 to your kitty. The dinner restaurant serves might offer you a lower shop fee probably in the range of $5 to $20 but it still has value addition due to the complimentary food included and the fact that you can take your spouse along. 4. Some of the people who have made big on the mysteryshopping arena get tempted to start their own mystery shopping company. If you decide to start your own company, 54. 55 you should do so only after gaining substantial experience and getting a clear understanding of all the nuances involved in running a business. 55. 56 12. What to Do When You Are Not Getting Paid Most of the mystery shoppers are concerned about getting a timely payment for the shop assignments they do. By and large the mystery shopping companies are regular and prompt in their payments, but sometimes you could be in a situation where you face difficulty regarding collecting your payments for your shop jobs. You should have a clear understanding of the payment schedule of the company. The check for which you are eagerly looking for in your mailbox might have not become due. Generally, the mystery shopping companies follow a monthly payment schedule. The system works in a way that you can expect your payment one month after close of the month in which you have submitted your report. The wait period generally ranges from 30 to 60 days and you should always keep a margin of 5-7 days for delivery and other purposes. Understanding the payment schedule of the company you are working with will help you in making the correct idea as to when you can expect your check. If you do not receive your check even one week after the due date, you have reason to be concerned. In such a case, you can make a polite call or send e-mail to the company. In your mail or the call, you should clearly mention the complete details of the assignment and the date on which you have submitted the report. It would be better that you keep a record of the date, time and person you spoke with about your payment. Chances are that you might receive your check after the reminder but if your much-awaited check still eludes you, then you can make a second reminder call or mail to the company. Remember that even 56. 57 this time too you should be polite. However, in this mail or call you could be more firm and clear regarding your concern. Insist on knowing the reason for the delay and seek a definite commitment from them regarding the date by which you would get your check. If your check fails to appear in your mailbox even after the second reminder, you could make another call after the expiry of the deadline offered to you. This time you should speak to the manager or supervisor. In case of small companies, you could speak to the owners directly. During your call, you should maintain cool and should make use of phrases like, “I have a nice time and a wonderful experience working with your company” or “I understand that there could be omissions but I have not got my check as promised despite repeated reminders.” Depending on the situations, you can make subtle and veiled warnings like, “In such a situation it would not be possible for me to take up fresh assignments for your company until I receive my previous dues” or that you would not hesitate in reporting the matter to ‘The Better Business Bureau.’ This trick is likely to work and you might receive your check, but if the company you are dealing with has a tortoise shell, then there is time for action and you should act as promised. You must find out the office of The Better Business Bureau in your local area and file a complaint with all the details. In certain cases, there are possibilities that the issue of non-payment or a short payment may be due to a problem with the report submitted by you. In such an eventuality your paper work and proper records comes in handy. To deal with such situations you should keep a proper record regarding the assignment conversation, your report, and the back up and support material like the receipts, business cards etc. 57. 58 You should make a claim to the company in polite yet firm language supported with all the documents. You should also provide necessary evidence to support the legitimacy of your claim. If it does not work, you could approach ‘The Better Business Bureau’ or the professional mystery shoppers’ organizations like the ‘National Center for Professional Mystery Shoppers’. The people who are new to the business of mystery shopping should try to find out about the legitimacy of the companies offering the shop assignments. For such details, you could check out on the bulletin boards put up by shopper associations. The better companies providing mystery-shopping services are the members of mystery shopping providers association. You can check about the membership details of the company that you are interested on the website www.mysteryshop.org. You should not pay any money upfront to the shop companies under any garb such as registration money or security or caution deposit. Generally, the companies that ask for such charges on upfront basis are not legitimate and genuine in their intentions. If you would still like to pay then you must ensure about the legitimacy of the company before doing so. 58. 59 13. Mystery Shoppers Income DrainersAnd How to Avoid Them Money saved is money earned because if you do not guard yourself against the possible losses and drainers you would end up decreasing your income or reduce your income prospects. Making good amount of money from the mystery shopping business is very important for you. However, it is equally important for you to guard yourself against the possible drainers that reduce your paycheck substantially. If you do not take adequate care, there is possibility that you would drain out a great amount of your possible mystery shopping earnings. Some of the factors that drain the mystery shopping business are: Excessive narratives for peanuts Normally the objectives are involved in service shop assignments but some of the retail and fast food shops also involve narrative description. The narratives are lengthier and time taking responses in your mystery-shopping questionnaire. The narratives are based on your personal experiences during the shop and are not like the simple “Yes” or “No” type responses. You should find out the actual amount of narratives involved in a particular shop assignment before accepting it. You should evaluate the exact amount of narrative and the number of “Yes” or “No” type answers or the simple one-liners. Once you would evaluate this, it would help you in making an objective assessment of the actual time expected to complete one report. Once you are thorough with the assignment you should decide whether the assignment is worth your effort or not. 59. 60 Not all the service category companies pay the same amount for mystery shopping jobs. There have been examples in which the apartment shops involving the similar effort and the same quantum of narratives have a big differential when it comes to the remuneration. Some companies offer up to $50 for the same assignment while others might offer as low as $15. You should be very careful that the company is not taking you for a ride and not offering you peanuts for your efforts. Skipping the deadlines Adherence to the deadlines is very important. If you miss on your deadlines, you may face a penalty and it may affect your credibility with that company and the scheduler. So be very careful about the deadlines. Another important factor here is that most of the beginners tend to confuse between the shop deadline and the report submission deadline. Both the deadlines refer to two different things. This would become clearer by understanding this example. Suppose you got a shop assignment on January 5 and you need to complete the shop by January 10 and you are expected to file the report within 48 hours of completing the shop, chances are that you would automatically assume the report submission deadline to be January 12, which is not correct. In this case, you should submit your report within 48 hours of completing the shop assignment, which implies that if you finish the shop on January 8 you should submit the report within 48 hours of completing the shop or latest by January 10 and not January 12. If you take January 12 as your submission deadline, you may be late in report submission and in such situation you might have to pay a penalty for late submission. Being innovative while reporting: 60. 61 Being innovative pays but not in mystery shopping. Every shop assignment has a particular set of instructions to follow and your shopping parameters are predetermined. Generally, the shoppers are tempted to make use of their personal observations, overlooking the guidelines. In such situations, they either forget some crucial points from their observation or tend to report on some additional points, which they should not as the companies prefer to work only with the shoppers that adhere to their guidelines. If you ignore some points, you might have to face some deduction from the shop fee. For example, if you report about the cashier’s efficiency and the delivery system you should not mention anything about cleanliness, knowledge and behavior of the sales staff. Being vociferous about checking leads: Most of the mystery shoppers get themselves signed up on almost all the message boards for mystery shopping like Yahoo, Delphi and Topica. They do this to make sure that they do not miss any of the mystery shopping opportunities. However, what actually happens is that they waste a lot of time in the process. Most of the assignments posted on all the message boards are a cut and paste from other websites or message boards. Secondly, these boards have a nationwide listing and most of those listings would be geographically unviable for you. Such a process means that you are wasting a major chunk of your time on an exercise that is not productive. It is better to stick to a few good schedulers and companies and you should log on only to the area specific message boards. Waiting for the job to come: Mystery shopping is an independent business where you are the boss. It is a business where you have to work to get fresh work. Your getting new assignments depend primarily on one factor that what efforts you 61. 62 have done to bring in those assignments. This means that you should be scouting for fresh assignments while doing one shop assignment or else there would be a situation when you would have no new assignment on completion of the previous one. The longer the wait period the more you are draining out on your possible earnings. Like every small business, the mystery shopping business also requires some sort of business development and relationship building on your part. You should try to develop good relations with the mystery shopping companies and the schedulers and try to remain in their good books so that they consider you for their future assignments. Remember that the most crucial driver remains the quality of your work yet you need to buttress it with your regular follow-ups and good relationships. Watch Out for the Batteries and Equipment During the Audio/Video Shops: There has been a great hype about the audio/video mystery shop assignments. These assignments involve secret audio or video recording of the employees during the shop process. The audio/video shops are favored and proffered because of the better remuneration offered for them. The typical audio/video shop job could fetch anything between $50 and $100 and the complex ones could be as rewarding as $200 per shop. The other advantage for the audio/video shop assignment is that the amount of reporting required is less because of recording process and therefore the assignment does not take much time in completion. However, there is catch, not only you are recording the employees but also your record your shop process as well. This means that your performance during the shop process is also being recorded and there are chances that if you have made any mistake during the shop 62. 63 process it will come to fore. There is a possibility that the audio or the video equipment might not work properly during the shop process due to a technical fault or battery failure. Such a situation means that all your efforts and time spend goes down the drain because you would not get payment for such incomplete shops. It is also possible that the newcomers will get uncomfortable because of carrying the equipment and might get conscious and stand a chance of being exposed. The newcomers should try their hands on this version of mystery shopping only after gaining sufficient experience and becoming considerably comfortable with the process of mystery shopping. The second and more crucial factor involved with the audio/video mystery shopping is the ethical and legal concern regarding the recording of employees without their permission. In some cases secret recording amounts to the breach of the employee’s privacy and falls under the ambit of surveillance. In some areas, such recordings might require the license of private detectives. Such a situation might lead you into legal hassles. You should check on the legal aspects in the location of the shop before you take up such assignments. Furthermore, there could be the situation where a company or its representative may tell you that the employees have consented to the idea of a secret audio/video recording. However, if you would like to be sure about the ethical issue regarding the employees’ privacy you should ask for the copies of the consent given by the employees. In the past, some of the mystery shoppers have experienced that the companies generally do not get the consents and simply tell a lie that they have the consents. Hence, you must check the facts before you give in to the temptation of doing these lucrative audio/video shops. Ignoring Your Tax Liability Could Cost Too Much: 63. 64 Most of the mystery shoppers are under the false impression regarding filing the tax forms. The mystery shoppers believe that since they work as independent contractors they need not file tax returns if their income from the mystery shopping company falls below $600 per annum. It is true but partly true. It is true that if you work as an independent contractor and your income form a particular company falls below $600 the company would not claim tax and should not issue a 1099. Nevertheless, as an independent contractor you are still required to file a Schedule C for your total income even if the company does not issue a 1099. The Schedule C, which you need to file, should carry all the details regarding your income as an independent contractor from all the companies and your other incomes. If you fail to do so, you could be inviting trouble and expect penalties and punitive action from the IRS. The Schedule C filed by you should carry all the details regarding your business income and expenses. In this, you can claim deduction of your business related expenses as applicable to sole proprietorships. The expenses that fall into this category are the expenses related to the business cards, email, Internet, travel and gas expenses, repairs and maintenance, supplies and materials and depreciation. In this category, you could include the expenses explicitly linked to this business. It is therefore necessary that you should maintain a complete record of all the expenses and maintain all the receipts to support your claim. If you are not maintaining the proper record of the expenses and are not maintaining the proper receipts there are chances that you might end up paying tax, which you would have otherwise saved. Disclaimer: The information regarding Taxation provided in this e-book is for simple suggestive purposes and not as professional tax advice. You should take professional tax advice from your tax partner or tax professional before taking any step on this issue. You must 64. 65 verify the form details mentioned here from the IRS before you file any tax return. 65. 66 14. Low Paying Mystery Shopping JobsShould I Be Accepting These Assignments? The mystery shoppers are always in a dilemma whether to accept the low paid mystery shopping jobs or not. The shoppers believe that they should not accept the low paying mystery-shopping assignments. However, there are certain exceptions to this rule and there are situations when one should not mind accepting even the low paying jobs. These situations are: a. If you get an opportunity to do a shop assignment right in your vicinity or for a location, which you otherwise also visit like your bank or the nearby grocery or video store or your gym. In such cases, you can complete the assignment without much effort and add another experience to your portfolio. b. If the assignment offers you the maiden shop opportunity, you should accept it. You can use such opportunities as a platform to move towards better-paid assignments. c. If the low paid assignment provides you to join hands with a new company that has a wide repertoire of clients and better assignments you should not shy away from doing a couple of low paid assignment for that company to gain an entry into the company. d. You can accept the low paid assignments when you are in a cash crunch. However, in those cases you should try to fix up a bare minimum per shop or per shop area. In such cases assignment in locations like bigger shopping malls or airports offer an opportunity to cover a large number of small low paid shops in less time. In such cases, your productivity for that particular period remains more or less the same. 66. 67 15. Current Mystery Shopping Trends Mystery shopping business is fast becoming popular and with the increasing popularity, newer trends are emerging in the mystery shopping business. Recently stores have started to recruit direct customers for the feedback and evaluation, enabling these companies to use services of the amateur mystery shoppers at economical rates. These companies place notices on the exits or check out counters to call a toll free number and answer to a few questions. The customers get a payment of $5 to $10 for answering these questions. Some shops print a mini questionnaire on the back of the receipts and offer the people chances to win attractive prizes if they submit the filled questionnaires. Some restaurants are also adopting the same procedure, and are offering food vouchers or discount coupons for the evaluation and feedback offered. The questionnaire or the questions in these cases are simple when compared to the detailed mystery-shopping questionnaires, yet they allow the beginners to have a basic feel of the mystery shopping jobs. These simple questionnaires could in no way provide a substitute for detailed feedback that requires narrative questions related to the service establishments like apartments, banks or gyms. However, the professionals should not get concerned because in any case they should be targeting the high paid service category shops. Moreover, for the beginners these evolving trends would give them the necessary experience to develop into seasoned professionals. 67. 68 16. Tips & Tricks- How Professional Mystery Shoppers Do Their Best Mystery Shop Evaluations In the mystery shopping business, the shop report is the most crucial aspect because that is the reason they hire you. The professionals are known for their systematic evaluation and reporting, and that is what makes them stand tall among the crowd of the mystery shoppers. If you desire to become a successful mystery shopper, you should learn to professionally evaluate and file an equally good report. Remember the Guidelines It does not matter whether you are new or old to the mystery shopping business, what matters most is how best you could remember all the instructions and guidelines for a shop assignment and follow them diligently during your shop assignment. It is always better to be most attentive during the briefings and ask questions if you would have any doubts regarding any particular topic. You should always carry a copy of the questionnaire when you leave for the shop assignment but remember to leave it in your car before you proceed for the shop. A through reading of a questionnaire is necessary. The experts are the ones those who remember all the points covered in the questionnaire and cover all of them in their evaluation. If you are not thorough with the questionnaire chances are you might miss vital information, which might waste your time because either you may have to repeat the process or your report may not be accurate. Here is a point of caution for the serious and the experienced mystery shoppers. Generally, they assume so many things out of their 68. 69 experience from the previous shop assignment. They make the mistake of applying those assumptions to the subsequent assignments. This may not be correct. Remember that every assignment is new and have different objectives. Therefore, you should take every assignment as if you are doing your first mystery shop assignment. Doing this would not only save your time by not allowing you to observe unwanted things but also help you in accurate and professional reporting. Remain Unidentified The last thing your mystery shopping company or the client wants is that the employees should identify you as a mystery shopper during the shop. The experts are the ones who comfortably pass on as just another inquisitive customer and not attract any extra attention by the employees. You should not carry your questionnaire or your notebook and pencil during the shop. If at all, you would like to make the notes you can use your checkbook, grocery list or newspaper for taking the notes. If you think you would like to note down something on are urgent basis you should make it a point to do that in the restroom. Another factor regarding identity has to be born in mind while reporting. There are chances that when your report is being read out in front of the employees they might recall your identity on the basis of some unusual conversation, receipt number, the product purchased or any other thing. To avoid such situations it is always better to report in third person and report regarding your experience. Suppose the employee said a particular thing you should not report, “Xyz said to me” you can say, “xyz said to the customer standing in front of me” and make a note of the changes in the comments column. 69. 70 Accept the honesty audits only if you are comfortable with them “Honesty” mystery shop assignments are the situations where you need to evaluate the honesty or integrity of the employees. Honesty shops are legal but these situations might make some mystery shoppers somewhat uncomfortable. In this type of shops, you would have to make an offer to the employees like “Hey here is $20, keep it and give me this thing. Don’t bother to issue the receipt.” If the employee accept the bait you know what to report and if not you can vouch for the integrity of the person involved. The honesty or integrity assignments are occasional and you should make a proper assessment of yourself that whether you would like to get into those situations or not? Would it be possible for you to make such an offer and would you like to become a reason for causing embarrassment to someone? Systemize Your Evaluation The experts are the ones who adopt a systematic approach for work. An expert mystery shopper draw out a systematic and step based evaluation program to accomplish his evaluation with ease and make that process swift as well as error free. There are four steps for the evolution process. They are: 1. Decide objectives: You should decide on your objectives from that shop based on the guidelines provided to you along with the assignment. 2. Decide your type: If you are going for a particular shop, you should decide on what you should be posing as. For example, 70. 71 you can visit the establishment as a customer, potential customer or just a visitor. 3. Start the shop: Begin the shop with all the arrangements. Get your shopping list ready if you are going for a retail shop assignment and you should prepare some questions that you would like to put up to the employees at the establishment. 4. Reporting: The reporting is vital and therefore you must take utmost care while filing a report. What should you evaluate? Most of the shop assignments are having predetermined assessment and evaluation parameters. In general, you should keep your observational process focused on the following issues: 1. Access and appearance: You should keenly observe how the shop establishment has been done up. For an example, you should be careful towards signage, signs for finding your way around, display, rack arrangement, general atmosphere and upkeep of the place and cleanliness. 2. Employee behavior: Employee behavior is the most vital aspect of the evaluation, starting from your entry into the establishment. You should keep an observant eye on how you were dealt with at the parking, did they greet you at the entrance, how was the behavior and knowledge of the sales staff, did they use suggestive selling, were your queries answered properly, how efficient was the cashier, how comfortable and homely did you feel at the shop? 3. Facilities at the establishment: This aspect becomes prominent in the hospitals and hotels while it is also important for other service establishment as well. You should observe the quality of the facilities offered at the establishment, their 71. 72 maintenance and their user friendliness. You should observe how the baby-sitting facilities are organized. Are the toilets clean and have regular supply of soap and towels? 4. Systems at the establishment: You should have a look at the customer orientation of the systems, for example, how efficient is the order taking system? Is billing and making payments a time taking procedure? Is the information sufficient and self-explanatory? How much time they take to service an order? Reporting Reporting is the main aspect around which the entire mystery shopping business revolves. Reporting is very vital for the mystery shopping success. You should be careful and prompt about your mystery shopping reports. You should neither add something to the questionnaire nor omit any important point from your report. You should strictly follow the instructions given and be careful that you should not forget any of the required columns. If you do so, your report would be incomplete and the company either might deduct some money from your shop fee or may not pay you at all. Writing narratives is an important aspect of reporting. You should be very careful about writing the narratives. Some important factors that you should keep in mind while writing the narratives are: 1. The narrative should be neither too long nor too short. Generally, the company will give you a word limit for the narratives. If not, then you should limit your narrative to 2-4 well-structured sentences for each section. If you leave out any question for any reason do not forget to mention the reason for the omission. 2. As far as the content is concerned, take the care from the guidelines. In absence of a specific guideline you should use 72. 73 the role-play method and imagine if you were in the place of the shop owner what would you have liked to know from the shoppers? Draft your report accordingly. 3. You should balance the language of the narratives. You should avoid too casual and too flowery language. You should also avoid making use of excessively emotional language in your reports. Even if you would like to express your anguish or resentment over something during your shop experience, you should make use of softer and suggestive language rather than using harsh emotional words. 4. Avoid making a detailed narrative, for an example, “I went to the store, when I reached the door, the door keeper stood up and he greeted me. He said, good evening sir. Then I went in to be------.” Replace this by “upon my arrival the door keeper greeted me warmly.” 5. Try to avoid using the same phrase in most of the sentences or avoid framing sentence with same opening words. You should also be careful not to make any grammatical or spelling errors in your report. 73. 74 17. How to Work With Multiple Mystery Shopping Companies Mystery shopping is serious business opportunity and those who are determined to make rewarding career out of this business should try to explore all the possible ways to maximize their income from this business. Working with multiple mystery shopping companies is one such way to maximize your income from this business. Generally, a newcomer in the mystery shopping business applies to a number of mystery shopping companies in the beginning but once the shopper starts to get assignments from a particular company the follow-ups with the other companies take a back seat. This is not an intelligent business practice because just sticking to one or two companies is the factor that limits your income potential and affects the quality and variety of assignments. If you continue working with one company, chances are that you would have a very limited choice regarding the selection of assignments. The successful mystery shoppers always work for multiple companies. It is better to maintain a regular follow up with a number of companies even after you start getting assignments from one company. The advantages of working with multiple mystery shopping companies at a time are: Reduced Waiting Period In Between Assignments If you work for just one mystery shopping company, you will get only one or two assignments at a time. This would mean that you would get the next lots of assignment only after you finish the ongoing ones. 74. 75 The longer the wait period more you will loose out on your possible mystery shopping income. If you work with multiple companies, you would have sufficient amount of assignments without any waiting period, helping you to maximize your income from this business. Better and Higher Paid Assignments Working with multiple mystery shopping companies would mean that you would have a wide variety of jobs offered to you. After the initial teething period, you would be in a position to demand better paying assignments. This would translate into better earnings and better average income per hour for you. Wider Experience Working with multiple companies would expose you to all kinds and categories of shop assignments in a short period. More companies mean the better variety of jobs you have, gaining wider exposure and experience in all the categories i.e. retail, restaurant and service establishments. Your experience has a direct bearing on your income in this business. More Productivity per Day Working with multiple companies would mean that you would have more assignments per day. This situation would help you in planning your day and would provide you with an opportunity to club together all the assignments, saving your time and gasoline. Access to Rush Jobs When you are working with more than one company or scheduler you get access to the rush assignments of the companies. The rush 75. 76 assignments are generally the ones, which are refused or left out by the mystery shoppers at the last minute, putting the company or scheduler into awkward situation. The rush assignments have two advantages. First, they have a higher shop fee and secondly, by doing rush assignments you are actually rescuing the company or the scheduler. This would help you to become a close confident of the company and placing you higher up in their credibility chart. However, one should be careful regarding some common mistakes that mystery shoppers tend to do while working for multiple companies: 1. Some of the shoppers tend to accept whatever offers they get. They accept work more than what they could comfortably do. By doing so, they mess up with the assignments and the deadlines. Those working with multiple mystery shopping companies should be good at assessing their abilities and accept only that much work which they can comfortably complete. 2. If you work with more companies, it would mean that you would have to do more number of less paid assignments before you could graduate to better assignments. Therefore, you should be careful while choosing the number of companies to work with. 3. While working for too many companies you tend to be careless and may fail to make objective evaluations about the company and chances are that you maybe working with the companies that either have too little number of good assignments or the companies that are bad pay masters. 4. By working with too many companies, you may not be able to establish good relations and rapport with the executives and the schedulers and therefore, may never figure on their priority list. 76. 77 18. The Business of Mystery ShoppingHow to Keep Those Higher Paying Assignments Coming In The mystery shopping is one of the most legitimate part time or work from home opportunities. This job can churn out great earnings for you. The quantum of earnings depends on your approach and there are chances that you may end up being stuck in a situation when you overworked with a number of underpaid assignments. Such a situation would mean that you would make less money from your stint with mystery shopping. The successful mystery shoppers who made good money in this profession master the art of the followings: Evaluating which type of shop assignments is worth the time and efforts. It helps them in optimizing their incomes. Selecting their coverage area and limiting their assignments to that particular area. Finding out the remuneration for their time spend including the travel time to and from the assignment and time taken for submitting the reports. Develop a system for procuring shop assignments on a regular basis. Doing their assignments carefully and learning the tricks for optimizing the income and avoiding the mistakes that might result in loss or deduction from their earnings. The key is on making the right connections in the mystery shopping companies and research agencies that have most of the high paid assignments of large chains on a regular basis. Moreover, the focus 77. 78 should be on doing the jobs perfectly and evolving a nice working relationship in a few substantial agencies rather than hopping from one agency to another in search of new assignments. Frequent hopping would mean that every time you would have to start afresh in that agency. If you wish to optimize your earnings, you should focus more on the assignments of the service category like banks, brokerage houses, homebuilders, daycare centers, car dealerships, service stations, testing centers, apartments etc. These assignments fall in the category of higher paying shop assignments earning you $25 to $50 per assignment. If you follow these guidelines and select your jobs carefully, you should become a successful mystery shopper earning up to $1200$1500 per month. 78. 79 19. Opportunities for Teen Mystery Shoppers Mystery shopping is a big opportunity and the teenagers too have joined the bandwagon along with their parents. The teenagers are also looking for opportunities wherein they could add some money to their pocket allowance while having a nice time at their favorite fast food joint, watching a movie, playing their favorite video games or buying the surfing boards. There are innumerable mystery shopping opportunities available for the teenagers and many mystery-shopping companies do employ teenagers for shop assignments on teen related products and services. In these assignments, the teenagers are required for the shop process either alone or in conjunction with their parents. Generally, the mystery shopping companies have the minimum age limit of 18 years. That is, one should have completed eighteen years of age to work as a mystery shopper. This rule at times acts as limiting factor for teenagers who want to start their mystery shopping experience. However, there are exceptions for this rule and plenty of mystery shopping jobs are available for teenagers. Many companies do not have any such age limit and they are willing to take the services of the young students for shopping assignments related to the products and services targeted to young clients. The department stores, games and toy stores, sports and activity shops, video gaming centers, hobby centers, fast food restaurants, movie theaters are some of the examples where the teenage mystery shoppers are preferred. In such cases, the services for teen mystery shoppers come in handy for assessing the staff behavior and the product quality and for designing the marketing strategies for wooing the young clients. 79. 80 In case of certain shop assignments where the company is offering for the specific products for youngsters like the video games, skates, surfboards etc there is a requirement that the shoppers should carry their children along with them for the shop. There may be questions in the report that may specifically relate to the experience of the teenagers. There have been instances when mystery-shopping companies have hired the teenagers for entirely different category of assignments. For example, The Federal Trade Commission wanted to study the instances of marketing violent entertainment to the children below a particular age group. They were specifically looking for sale of movie tickets, movies on DVD, music recordings, and electronic games at 899 theaters and stores to the children unaccompanied by the parents. In this mystery shopping assignment, the FTC hired the teenagers of 13 to 16 tears of age for making the undercover study to find out whether or not these establishments were selling the classified products to the unescorted children. These kinds of assignments are limited in number but they provide the teenagers with some exposure to the mystery shopping business. The young students are also very helpful for the parents in the mystery shopping business in their role of assisting their parents for their mystery shopping jobs. Children could accompany the parents for the shop and their presence adds credibility to the shop process. Not only this but also at the time of reporting they are a great help to their parents because they could help the parents in writing the reports and save considerable amount of their parents’ time which could be used for some other productive jobs. If you are a teenager and you are looking for mystery shopping assignments to have some extra pocket money while having fun, you could do that either in conjunction with your parents or alone. Below, 80. 81 we have provided a list of companies that do not have a minimum age requirement and the companies that have shop assignments for the teenagers. What you should do is that you should carefully plan the schedule and find out the amount of time you could comfortably spare for the mystery shopping business. Thereafter, you should write to the companies mentioned in this list or you could register to the other companies mentioned in chapter-28 of this e-book. Alternatively, you could also register yourself on your area specific online discussion boards and keep a watch on the teen specific job postings. The teenagers should also try to understand the basic point that this is a serious business besides being fun and therefore, they should not take this business casually. Secondly, they should learn to adhere to the deadlines and do the assignments professionally. Lastly, the teenagers should also be careful that they should not ignore their studies for taking up the shop assignments. If you keep these factors in mind, you could easily make some extra pocket money while eating at those swanky fast food outlets or playing your favorite video games or shopping for your skates. List of Mystery Shopping Companies, which hire teenagers for some specific assignments: NOTE: All of these contacts were up-to-date at the time of printing. However, you may have to search google.com for the most up-to-date information. (1) Action Research 212 Battery St Burlington, VT 05401 E-mail: [email protected] 81. 82 Website: http://www.actionresearch.com (2) Anonymous Consumer Research Institute PO Box 167 Whiteford, MD 21160 Website: http://www.worcestercountyonline.com/companies/anonymousconsu merresearchinstitute.html (3) Ath Power Consulting 12 Essex Street Andover, MA 01810 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.athpower.com (4) Bay Area Research 9936 Liberty Rd. Randallstown, MD 21133 E-mail: [email protected] (5) B. Business Solutions, Inc. 55 Greystone Dr. Mountaintop, PA 18707 Website: http://www.bizshoptalk.com 82. 83 (6) Capstone Research, Inc 623 Ridge Rd. Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.capstoneresearch.com (7) Datatron P.O. Box 30605 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33420-0605 Website: http://www.usd-datatron.com (8) David Sparks & Associates 107 Clemson St. Clemson, SC 29631 E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] Website: http://www.sparksresearch.com (9) D.S.G. 2110 E First Street Ste.#106 Santa Ana, CA 92703 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.dsgai.com 83. 84 (10) Global Growth Group Mystery Shopping (Formerly Sparagowski & Associates) 5855 Monroe Street Sylvania, OH 43560 Website: http://www.globalgrowthgroup.com (11) ICC/Decision Services 100 Hollister Road Teterboro, NJ 07024 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.iccds.com (12) J.C. & Associates LLC 3578 Hartsel Drive Unit E #352 Colorado Springs, CO 80920 Website: http://www.jcandassociates.com (13) JKS, Inc. 1706 Goodnight Lane Austin, TX 78757 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.jks-inc.com 84. 85 (14) Quality Assessments Mystery Shoppers, LLC PO Box 168 Rochester, IL 62563 Website: http://www.qams.com (15) RKR Virginia Office 171 Somervelle St. Suite 409 Alexandria, VA 22304 Florida Office P.O. Box 7542 Jupiter, FL 33468 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.rkrmg.com (16) Satisfaction Services, Inc. P.O. Box 11045 Fort Lauderdale Florida 33301 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://satisfactionservicesinc.com (17) Taylor Research 1545 Hotel Circle South, Suite No. 350 85. 86 San Diego, CA 92108 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.taylorresearch.com/index1.html (18) TrendSource 4891 Pacific Highway Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92110 Website: http://www.trendsource.com 86. 87 20. Starting Your Own Mystery Shopping Business What could be better than making money while being engaged in your favorite pass time? Yes, it is possible with mystery shopping. Mystery shopping is fun way to make money and enjoy it. Mystery shopping is an old business but in the current market when the consumer is the king and more and more companies are keen to refurbish their image and offer better services to their clients, mystery shopping is gaining great amount of popularity. Many people are taking up mystery shopping as a way to add some income to their kitty and a large number have taken it up as a singular career option. Another opportunity that springs out of this business is to start your own mystery shopping company. Normally the independent shoppers get mystery shopping assignments directly through mystery shopping companies who in turn recruit and train the mystery shoppers and get them to do the shopping assignments. These companies act as the bridge between the client and shoppers and they make good amount of money by keeping in their margins on all the shop assignments. You would be wondering if one mystery shopper could make such an amount of money by doing the shop themselves how much could a company make who has hundreds mystery shoppers working for them. Now the question is should you start your own mystery shopping company? Will it be viable for you to start your own mystery shopping company? What are the minimum requirements? 87. 88 Advantages of Mystery Shopping Business Why you should start your own business if you are making sufficient amount of money doing the mystery shopping jobs? True! You might be making good money but there are certain advantages of starting your own mystery shopping business: 1. In this business, the upfront investment is less; you could comfortably start the business from your home. You need not to set up a great and swanky looking office. To begin with, a cozy little room in your home with a computer and internet connection, a telephone and fax is all that you need to start your own mystery shopping company. 2. By starting your own business you become your own boss and are not required reporting to someone or being dependent on someone. 3. By starting the business, you need not actually do the shopping yourself and you can make others do it for you. 4. You are cutting out on commission agents or middle persons and you deal directly with your clients. 5. To find shoppers is an easy task. Who would know it better than you would? It would be simple for you to get the work done for your company. 6. You can set your own limits. There is no limit to the amount of money you can make doing your own mystery shopping business. The amount of money you can make depends upon your ability to generate business and service it effectively. 7. Unlike the mystery shopping experience, if you do your business geographical barriers would not bind you. While as a mystery shopper yourself you could accept assignments in a particular area, however, as a company there is no such limit 88. 89 and if you have the guts and the ability to expand you could serve clients all over the country or even other parts of the world. The Prerequisites of Starting Your Own Mystery Shopping Business: The requirements for starting a successful mystery shopping business are: 1. Experience as a mystery shopper: You should have sufficient amount of first hand mystery shopping experience before you venture out to start your own mystery shopping company. This is not a mandatory requirement for getting the mystery shopping business and there are chances that with the aggressive marketing skills and disciplined approach you would be able to rope in a few good clients. However, you should remember that there is no short cut to a real first hand experience. If you have experience in the mystery shopping, you have a definite edge over the one those who do not have the first hand experience. Experience lets you learn from your mistakes and you would be in a better position to get quality work done from the mystery shoppers if you know the real road map to that business. 2. Ability to generate leads: Getting business is the most important prerequisite of being in business. You should therefore know how to generate the leads and effectively pursue those leads. The leads could be generated from the television, your friends in the new service, your friends in the other mystery shopping companies, newspapers, websites of companies, message boards etc. 89. 90 3. Better organizational and men management skills: Remember that you are entering the business arena that has customer service written all over it. You need to offer the best service to your clients while you have the limited choice of working with amateur and less experienced mystery shoppers who are more prone to making mistakes or missing on deadlines. This is the place where your organizational skills and man management abilities come into play. You have to strike a cordial balance by offering the best service to your clients and getting the best job done by the mystery shoppers working with you. Factors Responsible Business: For Successful Mystery Shopping To be successful in your mystery shopping business you should: Create a professional image for yourself no matter how small an initial investment you would have put up for setting up your mystery shopping business. You should be very careful about the image you portray to the clients. Remember the clients would not like to entrust their sensitive business research to an amateur who does not have a professional approach. Your business is all about customer service. If you have a good customer service background, you would be in a better position to offer value added service to your clients. You should try to impress your clients with your proactive approach and innovation. Try to play safe. Most of the people who start new business are so engrossed in their dreams that they forget some vital points. You must consider the safety aspects before you try to take steps towards realizing those dreams. You should also carefully plan about the money and time required for running your own 90. 91 business. It would be pragmatic that you evaluate the costs involved and the success to meet out those costs. It is vicious cycle where your faulty financial planning starts to stress you and as a result, your health suffers. After that your business comes under pressure due to ill health, you miss deadlines and start to damage your reputations, and ultimately you stand on the verge of being thrown out of business. Therefore, you should carefully plan all your moves before you start your mystery shopping business. You must try to set your priorities right and strike a fine balance between your home and your business. Remember that while your family and your kids are your priority number one yet your business is in a start up phase and therefore you should be very careful not to ignore your deadlines due to family responsibilities. You should try to make the best use of Internet marketing tools and not waste money by buying the list for potential clients. You should be careful enough to keep pace with the competition and should follow the market trends. You should keep a track of the services and pricing offered by your competitors. Many people have done it successfully and you too can do it. However, remember that you should make an honest analysis of your skills and experience, and think carefully before you take a plunge. If you think that, you have necessary attitude and determination to start your own mystery shopping business then there should be no stopping for you. 91. 92 21. Certification - Do I Need to Become a Certified Mystery Shopper To Excel in My Career? The popularity of mystery shopping as a serious career option is growing with the passage of time and more and more people are becoming keen to adopt mystery shopping on fulltime or part time basis. Due to the popularity there has been a spate of activity among the people and everyday mystery shopping companies are flooded with applications of new people willing to join the mystery shopping bandwagon. In these circumstances, it has become difficult for companies to distinguish between serious mystery shoppers and the people who just want to join the mystery shopping business to have a hang of it. Although, there is no need for any special qualification or certification to enter into this business, yet having a certificate could be helpful for those who wish to adopt mystery shopping as a longterm career. The certification helps the companies to ensure that the applicant is serious regarding this business and has the basic skills required for this profession. In the past, there have been examples when the certified mystery shoppers got priority over the others for higher paid jobs. There are some organizations, which provide training and certifications to the people who wish to take up mystery shopping jobs. Out of the many companies providing certification, the certifications provided by MSPA (Mystery Shopping Provider's Association) are most creditable by the mystery shopping industry. The details regarding the certifications offered by MSPA are available 92. 93 on their website www.mysteryshop.org. MSPA is an organization that is working towards according seriousness to the mystery shopping business. MSPA believes that there is a need for developing standards, training modules and certifications to infuse some amount of seriousness in this profession. The MSPA offers two kinds of certificates - the silver certification and the gold certification. The Silver Certification is the basic certification and is available online on a payment of $15. You can get this certification after an online test that evaluates your comprehension and basic understanding of the industry. The Gold Certificate is the advanced certification. It is available to those who possess a silver certificate on a payment of $115. You can get the Gold Certificate after you attend a personal workshop after attending one to one testing. On the question whether the certification ensures you more mystery shop assignments and a better remuneration than those who do not have a certificate, the answer is still NO! The certificate does provide you an edge over the others and in situations where other factors like experience and past performance are similar then the certified professionals get a priority. The certification gives you a better chance of getting a job if you are trying for a new company or scheduler. However, there are also examples where your reliability and past performance score an edge over the certifications and the schedulers and the companies tend to prefer a reliable and tested shopper to a certified shopper. 93. 94 22. The Best Mystery Shopping Companies to Work For Mystery shopping is beneficial to both- the company and the mystery shopper working for it. If the shopper happens to do the assigned job well, the company gets to know its insights as how its employees are working and can think about ways to improve its customer service. The shopper also benefits by getting money or ends up getting something free (like a movie ticket, a restaurant meal, clothes etc.) for providing feedback. When you sign up with a mystery shopping company, it enters your name and details into the company's database. It will call you or contact you via email when a mystery shopping assignment is available in your area. At that time, the company representative will talk about the requirements and rate of pay for that mystery-shopping job with you. The frequency and volume of assignments you receive is entirely dependent on the company's need for mystery shoppers in your area. Here is a list of few very good companies, which hire mystery shoppers on regular basis. (1) Company: Courtesy Counts Website: http://www.courtesycounts.com/ (2) Company: Mystery Shopper, USA Website: http://www.bmiltd.com/ (3) Company: Mystery Shoppers, Inc 94. 95 Website: http://www.mysteryshoppersinc.com/ (4) Company: Sights on Service, Inc Website: http://www.mysteryshop.com/ (5) Company: Feedback Plus Website: http://www.gofeedback.com/ (6) Company: Service Sleuths by Howard Services Website: http://www.howardservices.com/homess.html (7) Company: Sinclair Service Assessments Website: http://www.ssanet.com/ (8) Company: Reality Check Website: http://www.rcmysteryshopper.com/ (9) Company: Second to None Website: http://www.second-to-none.com/ (10) Company: Shop'n Chek Worldwide, Inc. Website: http://www.shopnchek.com/ 95. 96 23. Secret Mystery Shopping Websites Mystery shopping websites are a great way to learn and earn by way of working on mystery shopping assignments. These websites can be a mystery shopper’s dream realized. You need not to travel to and from a store/establishment to shop. These websites provide you equal opportunity mystery shopping experience. These companies need people who are willing to shop on the Internet. To get an assignment from them you do not have to have ever shopped by computer before, or even know much about computers. They will pay you similar rates to what you would earn in standard mystery shopping jobs. Moreover, you will not have to travel or deal with tedious paperwork. These companies need many different shoppers from diverse occupations, who live in different places throughout US. A typical shopping job will take about one to two hours, though it could be more depending on how speedy your connection to the Internet is, how fast you can type, and how much time is occupied in dealing with customer service. Every website/company is different. Normally you get payment to find out how easy to use the site is, and to observe if you get useful and timely replies from on-line customer service or sales staff. You may be required to file a simple check-off form or send an email summarizing your visit to a given website. One such company is Web Mystery Shoppers, which is looking for people in the U.S. to mystery shop web sites and web-related customer service from their own computers. They pay you for your 96. 97 time on hourly basis, and you can do the work from home, at a time convenient to you. To find out more about Web Mystery Shoppers and sign up to work with them, check out http://www.webmysteryshoppers.com. Web Mystery Shoppers™ E-mail: [email protected] Mailing Address: Web Mystery Shoppers #14-9977-178 St., Suite 190 Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5T 6J6 Some other useful websites are: Dollar Frog http://www.dollarfrog.com/ Email:[email protected] Mystery Shopper’s Coach http://www.mysteryshoppercoach.com/ Dot Com Mummies http://www.dotcommommies.com/ Shopping Jobs http://www.shoppingjobshere.com/ Service Intelligence http://www.secretshopnet.com/ 97. 98 24. Money Making Opportunities and Resources for Mystery Shoppers Here are some links you might find helpful. Mystery Shopping Providers Association http://www.mysteryshop.org/ The mystery shopping providers association is a one-stop source of information on Mystery Shopping and marketing research. Volition http://www.volition.com/mystery.html Visit this website’s Mystery Shopping Bulletin Board where companies post their immediate needs. There is also information regarding what companies other shoppers have used. It will give you an idea about who pays on time and who does not. It is a great way to learn from those who are already doing this. Melanie Jordan http://www.mysteryshoppercoach.com This mystery shopping coach has an informative site containing articles about how to earn more as a mystery shopper, and links to sources of mystery shopping jobs. The Work at Home Place http://www.workathomeplace.com This site has listings of jobs and information for people who want to work at home. Mystery Biz http://pub12.ezboard.com/bmysterybiz 98. 99 It is another source of listings, broken down by Canada, plus individual states. Mystery Shopping Providers Association http://mysteryshop.org/shoppers.php It has a search feature for searching for jobs by region/country. The National Center for Professional Mystery Shoppers and Merchandisers Website is http://justshop.org/ This website is full of useful information about mystery shopping. 99. 100 25. Free Mystery Shopping Newsletters & Sources for Weekly Job Leads Free subscription to Mystery Shopper Jobs To subscribe, e-mail to [email protected] and they will send you a confirmation e-mail upon receipt of your request. Big Ideas/Small Budget You can subscribe this newsletter by sending a request to: Big Ideas/Small Budget 2201 High Road Tallahassee FL 32303 Mystery Shop Go to http://hometown.aol.com/mysteryshops/index.html for the Mystery Shopping Online Beginners Guide and leads. Michelson & Associates, Inc They are a full-service marketing research firm. Their internet web address is www.michelson.com/research. There is no fee required to apply as a mystery shopper with them. Shop and Check Shop and Check hires mystery shoppers directly. For an application write to them at P.O. Box 28175, Atlanta, GA 30358. To become a secret shopper for a restaurant or hotel service, visit Bare Assoc. International at www.baievaluators.com 100. 101 Mystery Shopping Provider's Association http://www.mysteryshop.org Worldwide organization of Mystery Shoppers Message Boards and Useful Tools http://www.volition.com/mystery.html Free list of companies to apply to (Canada & US) http://www.mom-mom.com/mystery.htm This is a listing of mystery shopping companies. 101. 102 26. Mystery Shopping Assignment Logs For Weekly Scheduling You need to schedule your jobs as a mystery shopper in one of two ways. React promptly and reply as quickly as possible to these assignments. In some instances, the scheduler will assign the job and the shopping location within a matter of hours, and at other times, he may wait as long as 24 hours to assign the shops and locations to you. Companies schedule most of the mystery shopping jobs several days in advance. Sometimes, schedulers will give you plenty of time to arrange your schedule. However, in some cases, the companies may be running with a short deadline and they may not be able to give 6-7 days of notice. In addition, some companies may require day, weekend, evening or even late night auditing. If you are not able to carry out the shopping for any reason, you should contact the scheduler before the due date. Your failure to contact the scheduler about a shop, which is not likely to complete by the due date, may have an effect on your business relationship with that company. If you are a new mystery shopper, it is very important that you complete your job on time and that the report comprises all the necessary information requested. You may not get another opportunity if you do not succeed in completing that first shopping assignment on time. In order to get regular work, your work must be without fail on time and deliver your shopping assignment report of high quality. If you regularly respond to postings but do not get jobs, please be patient. It 102. 103 most likely means you are in an area where there are several shoppers. Weekly Shopping Assignment Log Use this chart to keep track of your mystery shopping assignments and payments received Company Assign Date Location Amount Spent 103. Mileage Amount Paid Date Paid 104 27. Sample Assignment Reports with Typical Questions and Answers Every time when you will embark on a mystery shopping assignment, you will get a form from the business establishment or the store. You will be required to fill up this form after completion of your shopping trip. The evaluation form or questionnaire should fulfill the objective of the mystery-shopping program. It should be focused and to the point for quality of information and accuracy of shopper reporting. Here is a sample mystery shopping questionnaire form: Name of the store/business establishment: Address of the store/business establishment: Name of the mystery shopper: Date of visit: Time of visit: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please describe your shopping experience (in YES, N/A or NO): (1) Was area outside the store clean and neat? (2) Were windows and doors of the store/establishment sparkling clean? (3) Was lobby/waiting area clean? (4) Were all employees professionally dressed? 104. 105 (5) Did they acknowledge your presence within a short time of arrival? (6) Did they greet you in a friendly manner? (7) Did they offer to assist you with problems? (8) Were the staff members courteous? (9) Did employees know their products well? (10) Were products neat and well stocked? (11) Were the dressing rooms clean? (12) Did you get a thank you from the employees for shopping? (13) How do you Excellent/Good/Fair/Poor rate this store/establishment? (14) Based on your personal experience and observation, would you shop at this store/establishment again in the future? (15) Give a brief summary of your entire shopping experience at this store/establishment in 150-200 words. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your name: Your signature: Date submitted: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105. 106 28. Direct Links to Over 100 Reputable Mystery Shopping Companies Here is a list of over 100 reputed mystery-shopping companies: (1) Company: A&A Merchandising Ltd Website: http://www.aamerch.com/ (2) Company: A&M Business Services Website: http://www.ambussvcs.com/ (3) Company: ACE Mystery Shopping Website: http://www.acemysteryshopping.com/ (4) Company: A Closer Look Website: http://www.a-closer-look.com/ (5) Company: ACRA Inc. Website: http://www.secretshopacra.com/ (6) Company: Amusement Advantage Website: http://www.amusementadvantage.com/ (7) Company: ASAP Website: http://www.asapittsburgh.com/ (8) Company: A Step Above Service Evaluations Website: http://www.serviceevaluations.com/ (9) Company: At Your Service Marketing Website: http://www.aysm.com/ 106. 107 (10) Company: A Top Shop Website: http://www.atopshop.com/ (11) Company: Bare Associates International Website: http://www.baiservices.com/Overview/overviewmain.htm (12) Company: BestMark Website: http://www.bestmark.com/ (13) Company: Beyond Hello Website: http://www.beyondhello.com/ (14) Company: BMA Mystery Shopping Services Website: http://www.mystery-shopping.com/ (15) Company: Business Evaluation Services Website: http://www.mysteryshopperservices.com/menu.htm (16) Company: Business Insights Group Website: http://www.businessinsights.com/ (17) Company: Byers Choice Website: http://www.byerschoiceinc.com/ (18) Company: Certified Reports Inc. Website: http://www.certifiedreports.com/ (19) Company: Check Mark Inc. Website: http://www.checkmarkinc.com/ (20) Company: Check-Up Marketing Website: http://www.checkupmarketing.com/ 107. 108 (21) Company: Cirrus Marketing Consultants Website: http://www.cirrusmktg.com/ (22) Company: Confero Mystery Shopping Website: http://www.conferoinc.com/ (23) Company: Consumer Connection Website: http://www.consumerconnection.net/ (24) Company: Corporate Images Website: http://www.retailserviceevaluations.com/ (25) Company: Courtesy Counts Inc. Website: http://www.courtesycounts.com/ (26) Company: Customer 1st Website: http://www.customer-1st.com/ (27) Company: Customer Perspectives Website: http://www.customerperspectives.com/ (28) Company: Customer Service Perceptions Website: http://www.csperceptions.com/ (29) Company: Customer's View Website: http://www.customersview.com/ (30) Company: CyberShop Website: http://cybershoppers.surveys.com/ (31) Company: Datatron Website: http://www.usd-datatron.com/ (32) Company: DSG Associates Inc 108. 109 Website: http://www.dsgai.com/ (33) Company: Ellis Property Management Services Website: http://www.epmsonline.com/ (34) Company: Elrick and Lavidge Website: http://www.elrickandlavidge.com/ (35) Company: Employee Evaluators Website: http://www.mysteryshops.com/ (36) Company: Feedback Plus Inc. Website: http://www.gofeedback.com/ (37) Company: FieldFacts Website: http://www.fieldfacts.com/Home.html (38) Company: Focus on Service Website: http://www.focusonservice.com/ (39) Company: Genesis Group Inc. Website: http://www.genesisgrp.com/ (40) Company: Golden Resources Marketing Group Website: http://members.aol.com/cgr315/index.html (41) Company: Graymark Security Group Website: http://www.graymarksecurity.com/web/ (42) Company: Green & Associates Mystery Shopping Website: http://www.greenandassociates.com/ (43) Company: Hilli Dunlap Enterprises Website: http://www.dunlapenterprises.com/ 109. 110 (44) Company: ICC Decision Services Website: http://www.iccds.com/ (45) Company: imyst Inc. Website: http://www.imyst.com/ (46) Company: Infinity Assurance Group Website: http://www.infinityag.com/ (47) Company: Infotel Inc. Website: http://www.infotelinc.com/ (48) Company: Instant Replay Website: http://www.mysteryshopservices.com/ (49) Company: IntelliShop Website: http://www.intelli-shop.com/ (50) Company: Investigative Marketing Services Website: http://investigativemarketing.com/ (51) Company: Jack's Mystery Guest Website: http://www.jacksguest.com/ (52) Company: Jancyn Evaluation Shops Website: http://www.jancyn.com/ (53) Company: J.M. Ridgway Website: http://www.jmridgway.com/ (54) Company: LeBlanc & Associates Website: http://www.mleblanc.com/ 110. 111 (55) Company: Mainstream Marketing Website: http://www.mainstreammarketing.com/ (56) Company: Maritz Research - Virtuoso Website: http://www.virtuoso.maritzresearch.com/ (57) Company: Marketing Systems Unlimited Corp. Website: http://www.msultd.com/ (58) Company: Mars Research Website: http://www.marsresearch.com/index1.html (59) Company: Melinda Brody and Company Website: http://www.melindabrody.com/ (60) Company: Mercantile Systems and Surveys Website: http://www.mercsurveys.com/ (61) Company: Merchandise Concepts Website: http://www.merchandiseconcepts.com/ (62) Company: Metropark Mystery Shoppers Network Website: http://www.metropark.com/nggroup/ (63) Company: MGC Retail Website: http://mcg-retail.com/ (64) Company: Michelson & Associates Inc. Website: http://www.michelson.com/ (65) Company: Mosaic Info Force Website: http://www.mosaic-infoforce.com/ 111. 112 (67) Company: Mystery Shoppers Website: http://www.mystery-shoppers.com/ (68) Company: Mystique Shopper Website: http://www.mystiqueshopper.com/ (69) Company: National Shopping Service Website: http://www.nssmysteryshoppers.com/ (70) Company: National Shopping Service Network Website: http://www.mysteryshopper.net/ (71) Company: Nationwide Integrity Services Inc. Website: http://www.nationwideintegrity.com/ (72) Company: Northwest Loss Prevention Consultants Website: http://www.nwlpc.com/ (73) Company: Pacific Research Group Website: http://www.pacificresearchgroup.com/ (74) Company: Pat Henry Group Website: http://www.pacificresearchgroup.com/ (75) Company: Patron Edge Website: http://www.patronedge.com/ (76) Company: Person to Person Quality Website: http://persontopersonquality.com/ (77) Company: Pinkerton Website: http://www.pktnshop.com/ 112. 113 (78) Company: Promotion Network Inc. Website: http://www.promotionnetworkinc.com/ (79) Company: Professional Review & Operational Shoppers Inc. Website: http://www.proreview.com/ (80) Company: PulseBack Website: http://www.pulseback.com/ (81) Company: Quality Assessments Mystery Shoppers Inc. Website: http://www.qams.com/ (82) Company: Quality Assurance Consulting Website: http://www.qacinc.com/ (83) Company: Quality Check Website: http://www.undercovershoppers.com/ (84) Company: Rapid Check Reporting Inc. Website: http://www.rapidchek.com/ (85) Company: Retail Biz Consulting Website: http://www.retailbiz.com/ (86) Company: Rocky Mountain Merchandising Website: http://www.rockymm.com/ (87) Company: Second to None Inc. Website: http://www.second-to-none.com/ (88) Company: Secret Shopper Website: http://www.secretshopper.com/ 113. 114 (89) Company: Sensors Quality Management Inc. Website: http://www.sqm.ca/sqmwebsite.nsf/index.html?OpenPage (90) Company: Service Check Website: http://www.servicecheck.com/ (91) Company: Service Evaluation Concepts Website: http://www.serviceevaluation.com/iss/program/home/default.asp (92) Company: Service Excellence Group Website: http://www.mysteryshopsplus.com/ (93) Company: Service Intelligence - Secret Shop Net Website: http://www.secretshopnet.com/ (94) Company: Service Performance Group Inc. Website: http://serviceperformancegrp.com/spg/default1.htm (95) Company: Service Quality Department Website: http://www.service-quality.com/ (96) Company: Service Research Corporation Website: http://serviceresearch.com/ (97) Company: Service Sleuths by Howard Services Website: http://www.howardservices.com/homess.html (98) Company: Service TRAC Website: http://www.servicetrac.com/ (99) Company: Ser-View Website: http://www.ser-view.com/ 114. 115 (100) Company: SG Marketing Group Website: http://www.sgmarketing.com/ (101) Company: Shop'n Check International Website: http://www.shopnchek.com/ (102) Company: Shoppers Inc. Website: http://www.shopperjobs.com/ (103) Company: Shoppers Critique International Website: http://www.shopperscritique.com/home.asp (104) Company: Sinclair Service Assessments Website: http://www.ssanet.com/WEBS_home/index.htm (105) Company: Southwest Mystery Shoppers Website: http://www.mysteryshoppers.com/ (106) Company: Sparagowski & Associates Website: http://www.sparagowski.com/ (107) Company: Speedmark Information Services Website: http://www.speedmarkweb.com/ (108) Company: Spot on Solution Website: http://www.spotonsolution.com/ (109) Company: Texas Shoppers Network Website: http://www.texasshoppersnetwork.com/ (110) Company: Theatrical Entertainment Services Inc. Website: http://www.rapidchek.com/ 115. 116 (111) Company: The Field Force Inc. Website: http://www.thefieldforce.com/ (112) Company: The Quest for Best Website: http://www.questforbest.com/ (113) Company: The Secret Shopper Company Website: http://www.secretshoppercompany.com/ (114) Company: Website: http://www.sassieshop.com/transunion/shoppers/Signup.php (115) Company: Trend Source Inc. Website: http://www.trendsource.com/TSI/nexst.htm 116. 117 29. Educational Programs for Mystery Shoppers Learn more about technicalities of mystery shopping. It will help to improve your performance and earnings. Take admission in an advanced learning program designed to teach both the beginner and the pro mystery shoppers. Here is a list of the companies conducting educational programs for mystery shoppers on regular basis. These educational programs are mainly for members of the company only. MSPA http://www.mysteryshop.org/shoppers.php The Mystery Shopping Club www.ed-u.com/mystery.htm Universal Class experts.universalclass.com/Penny63 FabJob.Com http://www.fabjob.com/mysteryshopper.asp Shopper University http://www.shadowshopper.com/shopper_university.cfm Business Evaluation Services http://www.mysteryshopperservices.com/section.asp/csasp/Departm entID.29/cs/SectionID.64/csasp.html 117. 118 Service Intelligence http://www.secretshopnet.com/Questions01.html NSS Mystery Shopping http://www.nationalshoppingservice.com/public/solutions/audits.asp 118. 119 30. Mystery Shopping FAQ Q. What is mystery shopping? A. Mystery shopping is a service evaluation tool employed by businesses. In this, companies send decoy customers to shop at their business or its competitors and they are required to file a detailed report regarding their shopping experience. The business establishments to improve their customer service and to decide about the employees’ rewards then use that report. Q. Who can become a mystery shopper? A. Practically all who have a customer service orientation and basic communication skills can take up mystery shopping assignments. Retirees, students, homemakers, part time job seekers, sit home moms and dads can take up mystery shopping jobs. Q. Do I need specific qualifications and experience to become a mastery shopper? A. No, There are no such minimum qualification and experience requirements for taking up mystery shopping jobs. You should have decent communication skills and a keen observation. An experience in the customer service or hospitality business enhances your possibilities to get mystery shopping assignments. However, it is not a precondition for taking up such jobs. Q. What are the business establishments that employ the services of mystery shoppers? A. All the business establishments that have a customer service factor employ the services of the mystery shoppers. Specifically the mystery shoppers are employed by retail chains, restaurants, fast food outlets, department stores, health clubs, beauty parlors, salons, hotels and resorts, amusement parks, movie theaters, clubs, casinos, 119. 120 gymnasiums, new apartments, home builders, banks, gas stations, auto dealers, service centers, day care centers, crèches etc. Q. What is Audio Video mystery shopping? A. In this category of mystery shopping the shoppers are required to do secret audio/video recording of their shopping process. These categories of shopping assignments are generally the better paying shopping assignments. Q. What do I get if I take up mystery shopping? A. The payment for your mystery shopping assignments depends upon the kind of shop assignments you do. Generally, most of the shop assignments offer you reimbursement of your food or retail purchase and a token shop fee. Q. How much can I make if I take up mystery shopping jobs? A. In the mystery shopping business there are no fixed paychecks and the amount of money you can make from this business depends on how well you organize yourself and how you make optimum utilization of your time. The major factor that affects you earnings in the mystery shopping business is the kind of assignments you take. Depending on these factors, the amateurs and part timers can easily make anything in the range of $250- $500 per month and the serious people who take this business as a fulltime profession and those who make optimum utilization of their resources can easily make up to $1500 per month. There are examples of people who earn as high as $3500 per month from this business. Q. What are the prevailing rates of remuneration for the different type of mystery shopping assignments? A. The remuneration for the mystery shopping assignments varies from company to company and for different category of assignments. However the typical retail assignments could fetch you any thing in the range of $5-$15 per assignment, the shop fee for fast food 120. 121 assignments range from $4 -$15, dinner shop assignments have a price tag of $10-$50. The service establishments have a better remuneration, they could fetch you $20-$100 per assignment, and the audio / video shop can make you richer by $50-$200 for each shop assignment. Q. How do I get access to mystery shopping assignments? A. There are a number of names and addresses of mystery shopping companies mentioned in this e-book. More than 150 mystery-shopping companies post their job listings online. You can also register yourself on the online discussion boards. With the passage of time, you would be able to establish a good rapport with the schedulers and the good mystery shopping companies to get regular assignments. Q. Is it all right to pay for registering at websites that offer mystery-shopping assignments? A. No, it is not at all necessary for paying and registering at the sites or companies that offer mystery-shopping assignments. There are number of companies and assignments that are available to people without payment of any upfront fee. Secondly, there is no surety that the company or the site that is asking you to pay the fee might be having any assignments or leads at all. It is always better to establish direct contacts with the companies and the schedulers and there is possibility that the site you are paying might be a fraud. You should be very careful and make proper enquiries before making any payment if you decide to do so. Q Is it right to work with multiple mystery shopping companies? A. Yes, it is perfectly ethical and right if you register and work with more than one mystery shopping company. In this business, you are not an employee of a particular company and you work as an independent contractor, therefore, there is no moral or legal obligation for you to stick to a particular company. However, you 121. 122 should be careful to accept only such assignments that you are able to finish within the deadlines. Q What are the mystery shopping opportunities available for the disable people? A. The answer to this depends upon the extent of your disability and the kind of work you can do. There are number of mystery shopping opportunities that are available for online mail order businesses. You can comfortably take up those assignments. Even in certain cases, it would be a help to the company to evaluate the employee behavior towards the physically challenged persons and to evaluate factors like wheelchair access. Q Is it mandatory for me to obtain a license for taking up a mystery-shopping assignment. A. The requirement of taking up licenses for mystery shopping jobs is not mandatory in most of the states, however, some states for example the state of Nevada has a requirement for mystery shoppers to obtain the license. If your state has such a requirement, you should obtain a valid license to better your prospects in the business and avoid unnecessary legal hassles. Q. Is it possible to find out that which company shops for which retail chain or restaurant so that I can make my choice? A. To find out that which company shops for a particular chain is a difficult task for the beginners because most of the companies do not display their client’s list to the shoppers. Only in some cases, the companies or the schedulers divulge the names of the establishments in their offers. Q. Is it advisable to give my social security number or bank account details to the mystery shopping company. A. Since there are many frauds operating it is not advisable to provide your vital information to the company on the website unless you are 122. 123 satisfied about the credentials of the company and the website security. Q. How do I check on the credentials of the mystery shopping company? A. You should verify the credentials of the mystery shopping company from “The Better Business Bureau”. You can do so by logging on the ‘Better Business Bureau’ website and checking if there any complaints against the company. 123. 124 Recommended Resources Want to Make 5 Different Income Streams Online? Get your own PlugInProfitSite right now! Set up for you by an Internet Millionaire, you can get paid 5 different income streams… 24 hours a day… even while you’re on vacation! An absolute must-see automatic online business! Click Here to Get Your Very Own Plugin Profit Site Now! Step-by-Step Internet Business Training! 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