"he .Book ofI 1*. : ^ :iilM il lliml latl THE OF BOOK What it BOOKS How is; study to it BY WILLIAM DIRECTOR OF THE D. EVANS, BIBLE AT COURSE THE D. MOODY BIBLE CHICAGO INSTITUTE, CHICAGO THE BIBLE INSTITUTE 250 La COLPORTAGE Salle Avenue ASS'N 3s in 90 5^ Copyright, 1902, by The Bible Institute of Chicago Colportage Association To all love who to the upon sacred and inspired this meditate Word volume is affectionately 7IGa inscribed. of God^ CONTENTS. PART I. BIBLE. THE for the an true Titles and Inspiration The III." Chapter IV Chapter Definitions " Old Versions Version of the Chapter The the " the into the The " "Homo- of mind New Hellenistic ^The of General the Old original Greek Bible, the of " - a Testament English 80 - Different " Versions Revised " Structure ions Divis- and 92 ------- Old and Is ? necessary " Value " 71 - Version. Bible, chapters " the Versions Revised - man's of version Testament Grouping Division of Of " Versions Greek VIII. 62 - Bible, the originallanguages American of of Product " The " New " " Languages Testament " - " The " VII. Bible, the of " Providence Definition " " Divine Chapter " Canon Of knowledge 38 How formed Why necessary "Antilegomena" Apocrypha. and VI. the Authenticity and - " ? The of word Chapter Reporting" to Inspiration"Natu Scripture Versions. V." logoumena" between Distinction Verbatim of 16 - - questioned Supposed inaccuracies of Scripture Printed Copies Manuscripts" Quotations " Fathers" Meaning - Why proved How Chapter Genuineness The " Bible, THE of the Scriptures"" "The Bible, the of Paul" and Inspiration defined by Peter Inspiration,Revelation, Illumination, and claims theories of Inspiration"The Various of ScripturalInspiration. " 14 - of God." Word OF Bible, the of "Scripture"" Testaments"" New and "Old Names The II." Chapter Requisites book" interesting,living, remarkable understanding of it. Bible The "The 11 I." Introduction, Chapter Testament verses " The " Memory New drill Testament on the books " of Bible. PART THE Chapter Bible I. " demands STUDY II. OF THE BIBLE. 105 Introduction, study " Importance 5 n[(o% of method " Spirit in which CONTENTS Bible the and Chapter faculties Points " Context Chapter IIL of Truths in observed How to General interpretation Study interpretation Text " Parallel " Bible, the as V. Study The " of of eminent Genesis Bible the " the Rules " need of view general a 137 - The " be to Whole, Bible of 132 - " facts. teachers Ephesians " a Illustration " Scriptural " as of knowledge whole a " texts of Bible the of " Study of familiar a Bible suggestions " Books, by Method " Hints for the Bible explained study of the the 147 - and trated illus- Epistles Gospels. Chapter The 17th VI. Bible VIL Meekness " of Institute method" Study of method of Bible Christ's teaching The " Moody's Mr Study The " Moody chapter. Chapter on Study The " Testimony and Systematic The get Chapter text 115 - of Sources " " examination. Bible, the of Holy Spirit and Scripture not systematically arranged making a system of truth. the knowing Rules the the upon Meditation " of " of outside " IV. Chapter Duties " considered to be Sources " Dependence " methods Interpretation The " words studied unprofitable II. Needed - be should Profitable Chapters, by Method Bible the study Topics, by Prayer on illustrated" Illustrative " 169 - A " John 177 - topical study concordance method. Lord's Prayer study. IX. Chapter Bible The God's Periodic " book of The Study in of Old XI. Chapter periods Elijah " of of in Old Periods Chapter An Study Testament Bible the of by parables relating to Prophets" of Parables of the parables XII. The important A table " Whyi^ " the history " Parables by of study Study of the " Dr. study Prophets. Illustrative tabulated character Rules " and 200 - of such for sideration con- c^ Miracles. Table " Temporary " Saviour Prophetic method Christ 196 - - " 192 study. Miracles, Jesus taught teaching" The - Periods, by trative Illus- " Bible^ the 185 - words Illustrated " Bible the " Words, Testament. The " Study biography of by Importance " Biographical revelations view Bible the of Illustration an as The " a X. Chapter Study The VIII." Chapter " of Hamlin's the Bible. story Chronological " - 215 Prophecies study of the PREFACE. It all is by that The no can matter be said of Biblical been written should we that suppose It has the been in together Part themes division the the of Bible the Canon as Old and the and works, should be to bring a it yet in touch with together thorough the made The all Oxford v^ociety,it various has of have really been writer, that and Press possible to to present is for such that the by has he most sought essential "Biblical where the It possible, considered By the on necessary of parts or recourse subject to etc. therefore, given the to works written been the had often authorities. known been be has;,been University has to has what knowledge. from Bible to seems Credit are the scholars. authoritative to of that ''Biblical whole the not the of or Criticism, indeed all Introduction on Textual convenient, student ; mensurate com- under been to Testaments Scriptures; the average works bring to subject, fall has recourse Introduction New the ''Isagogics," as them." student naturally known whole; a generally not would authoritative most of that gether, to- possible as the to have old, "1 of writer of I, is brought contain not importance Part apostle compass covers that be present necessary Diligent and a in books the could the small great Theology Introduction." latest of considered of itself the could with say purpose Scriptures sacred to as all it consideration. under treated subject world I, in with the led the If that volume subject one. one be even this Introduction, this on for the upon extensive exceedingly an claimed means the quotations kindness of Tract American extracts troduction In- from the THE 8 noted most of authors be may the in in his and teaching whatever at lecture It made is with a rich through that as of the Bible have in study been the him by Chicago, his been sulted re- writer's Institute, has this have advocated Bible it that methods Bible Moody Study," privilege to subject. earnest that prayer lasting and blessing they suggestions Bible in profit The the its in conventions this on the such as at such Languages of are profit and ''The on "Methods They greatest experience, own Hnes, 71. II, said: BOOKS respective York, page Part Regarding much New See Scriptures." their in of Briggs,, Dr. OF BOOK that study, this find may it is both that and and pleasure forth sent now be may readers, its to book its on errand. If and the which Bible, be made then volume, the Ghost ages of Christian any a for methods God the Father, shall have all the have the be by God study the praise a life if book, dry of reason forth set Son, and the deepened, been blessing its if better, shall may and pleasure the God know to heretofore a of application learn of experience "shall Holy shall soul any and the in God glory ages. W11.UAM Evans. the this the unto PART THE WHAT I BIBLE IT IS It is God Say, Let Angry of that What if thoughts Till he expression, in find should looks too as His I ! books that him at God. of book the such silence another." smother bold, CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. The Bible hook in will very the books in would not would you the fair think They receive what book in The dead in the a the its in realize and due deed in the taking any of in the is this and truth had Bible in of ing"? interesthad not that than way. be those book. logically, it, does hope may the it is" and its construction is written and book little worthy Author respect, a book we What is not other Bible then there orderly any the Bible, here govern and logical order," in that laws that who the treat other popular book the how seen world. reading that composition "all that it acknowledged interesting most world. Bible is a thing. It contains greater the less Spirit, decently things and to come that be that the govern people to think book say people the dry a treat to treat random, once yet different are which at readily they person is Bible were saying, "This then And to a it at would seem and of be stand under- contents. the people interesting an trial. If its use can its charm rightly we that it manner little,and a and case. same be You will the to asserted book, day, opening the there If been be whether how interesting most however, books, upon know uninteresting might a and sometimes such other Like the exception, any depend not, or has and of world. much it It is, without or less living hook. a degree, seed the II No of book life intellect is in it. and an absolutely It preserves, life that begat THE 12 If this be true it. how much OF BOOK is it true by inspiration of God" The Bible know is in "i^ * again Even as Bible the " book "given ? Spirit a that As life. our * As we Word j^y the read we speaks to believe it,we of it, we spirit,a our "born are which God, the most They are of contain remarkable of the the great floods the liveth the world and The The to-day. borne witness to ever seen. they events their influence and the happiness wisest and in civilization world Scriptures has To interest. deepest sacred the ancient. most advance have all ages book the writings are is due literary composition a form that the composition, forever." abideth of it that touches Life of human mere life-givingpower. has there of of all books more BOOKS their best and beauty men saving power. Before reading of the idea some and thereby is worth to come it about?" best a book, or book ordinary at again, inquiry of that we and the is is ought course of is read once praiseworthy and find for a that what that still oftener to these "What "What is is the questions will we be ought read is the which consideration and necessary that to answer it?" our arouses it, and it not or goes read not. more Book title of gather its contents, whether settling the question whether if such Now, to is it called?" author The it ?" in way "What is the read to way good the "Who to read us of purpose its very make writer. endeavor as Sometimes to of the and conclusion a reading. name should one aim general curiosity enough the book, any to is to of incumbent the God come. perhaps reasonable, day every will be and respecting we for us, case lives, and our Book both similar in the us study of live ; the looked never surely on an for in which this life THE Let simple it questions and called, ''Who may therefore, us, is we its best OF BOOK humbly the to Author, study and how and it so is as was to get 13 reverently Let Bible. ''What why?" BOOKS us it, and it the written most "What inquire, what these apply is ?" good it is about?" and from "How it ?" CHAPTER THE "The 1. biblos (Matt. 4:17) which upon Greek the Book the the by Old the custom be to came Luke 12:26; however. of majesty books the as is The It importance the Sir said of its its Author, heaven jects, sub- is high when Scott, Walter afterward to relation. See 9:15; pleased of all Luke to 22 only applied :20 ; designate His and which books is covenant, means Himself the there one Book." and is Testaments." New was first Lockhart. Bible; testament between was Heb, the and God which said " word existed from Book," book?" Book The this die. "The 2. written were Mark book, a all other the me ''What "The (Luke earth. "Bring to form) finally See its range, above high as about of words 7 142. merely wideness Greek from which books. that books and reed, biblos, 1:20; not the (diminutive Ancient papyrus sacred is from biblion name Bible " above or ; Acts 142 stands TITLES. AND comes ''book/' the to 20 and mean the The NAMES Bible i:i) biblus applied Book word the came ITS " Bible." English Our 3 :4 ; BIEI.E: 11. to the 12:24. 14 Cor. 11 term relation The people. contained i the the that term nant cove- relation itself, and the of 125 ; record 2 Cor. 3 that :6, 14 ; CHAPTER INSPIRATION THE What I. is This its In best BIBLE. "Inspiration"? answered best. terms TlIK Term the by is own OF then, "to us, itself. Scripture by Let ^ the It Law and Testimony!" the to Meant question defines III. Tim. 2 3:16 "All Scripture The word composed and pnein given of Testament, that Paul is which influence certain God; theos, meaning " The breathe. to "God-breathed." means words signifies, then, of a literally God/'^ of inspiration by Greek two meaning inspiration" of is follows: as "inspired" It is result read we the "given term of writings here God by Old the speaking, exerted by the are their upon authors. The force is sage, of the brought "breathed," word out two other words the Greek word psiichein, which Tim. 3:16 while in 2 The to a breathe conscious GOD GOD The SPAKE is the the same Hebrew The word Tim. 2 is tion. respiranotes de- which ah-ayrh, while of gently, forcible a pas; one breathe to means this comparison way. denotes term imconsciously, then, THEM defined as 3 :i6 JUST TO AS Scriptures are OF MEN_, THE MUCH denotes the result 16 OF of IT WITH divine passage, INTO MEN, TRUTH. IT TESTAMENT OLD WORD OF WORD THE AND this GOD TO UTTERANCE GIVE SINGLE EVERY in Paul by INBREATHING THROUGH SPEAKING THEREFORE the CONSCIOUS STRONG, QUALIFYING in in breathing. Inspiration, is the translated other the forcibly by very used as GOD HIS IS IS THOUGH AS OWN LIPS. inbreathing, just human as man's the by 17 breathing through is found of by the will not time, but borne being sense a man is the at holy and rendering, be may any men brings out moved holy to do participle is passive, and when "when translated that teaches passage Scriptures the wrote this so Spirit, the Holy literal a 1:21: prophecy brought was participle "moved" moved," Pet. 2 Inspiration clearly.) more The in by spoke." (This God the helpful suggestion regarding Scriptures *'For the BOOKS mouth. the of is uttered speech Another of OF BOOK THE of men the by so God Holy Spirit. Further, moved written not This Ghost with and them truths them alike in they The they to be summed by the the whether the is minds the as divine of are of to intimate that present before, and these were and of others. of the witnesses, ear them to guiding truths, and eye present follows Holy : breath and truths already familiar. divine the Scriptures, revealing to command, very said know not revealed the but by miraculously of with tial substan- Word origin God, this of God, and all error, unknown the and from sense, Bible or "All corded re- ture Scrip- is indeed the books authority. ified qual- in obedience wrote previously In God, of men kept were given by inspiration of God," in truth suggestion, Scriptures regarding Inspiration of the infusion truths did the they of up they of enabled were be may record which statements to Bible their Scripture indeed, driven yea especially and which accuracy and of Peter's was of their at the be Spirit. writers transactions that prompted, the in or men, Holy declaration Holy may mere "to denotes that distinctlyteaches upon of the promptings so by moved men the This upon." was by the of the i8 THE The 2. Distinction Illumination, The I. theme of The fact the most mind in learned of story the within that fell upon that had case, he been records Now, for (such one of records imparted he could of as the case, to were Peter with ; in things other the known well as account records before man the of sayings Moses' writer to that events of his interview : have example, as the reveals observation, and ears own is that truth Revelation the superintends All that others to of Bible in the contains wicked record Bible not The history remains the every and there is are absolutely writers sacred of they fact history. Things Bible, to human Inspiration be not of language the inspired. The error the revealed" ''directly been by the Spirit that writing, from in that is is true. influenced recorded But men. rectly di- He of that truth. not history, to truth, while new has by which before known not communicating Bible God of act discovers is in the It man. even and (such, own facts which Revelation mind. the which second, records revealed communicates to and account the lation. Reve- him. to as and ; and his In not directly revealed manner the considering in kinds by God, Paul's Antioch). at Revelation. different two the writer's Exodus, of the importance of writer other no Inspiration and distinguish it clearly from to truth Creation) occurred Reporting. consist of of Verbatim Revelation/ perusal of the Scriptures cursory first,records Inspiration, greatest they BOOKS between betzveen Inspiration that the and distinction is of It OF BOOK were were and recorded so directed preserved, doctrine. sanctioned shunned part of no history men, (2 Tim. in The by God, 3:16). THE of This full this Though divine divine the of They God. all that are fact that the book any more the on same for three his for that but attributed cruelty does Kings than He each him to but level of to adultery, which vouches with the accuracy Satan, it does of book and the fore there- not authority. Each Neither of spoke by Inspiration their is that ; and opinions own no spoke one of them the sentiments Scripture. So, again, the not tered ut- as performed as utterances. one in approved of the Book ; with it mark equal of the stamp In it deals. friends Inspiration vouches of does nor own to gave David's not it relates friends from it reports words utterance and murder his three his misrepresented, that the Jehovah, nor speaks, which action responsible Satan, Job, it against ignored. or does Inspiration gives with all stood, clearly under- arisen which biographies and them Inspiration. unrecognized sentiment the under plausible arguments either every whose speeches of Job is is Scriptures have of the of whom men language speaker This definitelyand most every example. place be 19 written were Scripture is inspired, it all with for the the been has approval those Job, of authority by by should many BOOKS things Spirit. Holy Inspiration that fact the distinction for the these all Nevertheless, guidance OF BOOK Ammonites that imply the is the is recorded God it approved king's double of crime The ''displeasedHim." only for the in spiration In- of the accuracy record. The 2. distinction hetzveen Spiritual Illumination Holy a a truth man Ghost, about unless God the refers to common or Inspiration and to all Christians. spiritualthings Holy the Spirit takes influence No can Illumination. be it and of the statement of understood by reveals it to THE 20 him. It is OF BOOK the only natural things of the Spirit" (i Cor. schools God reveal There of the is to of The understand can receiveth man No 2:14). and the not of the learning Flesh God. know to blood not can- (Matt. 16:17). m.en difference vast a mind man." him lead can who spiritual man "The spiritual things. BOOKS God," ''a divine and former "a between action the Revelation; is divine revelation the mind on latter is of Spiritual Illumination. Those the for in hold who origin of the man every is given is enabled to this to of meditations God. it penetrate According by carrying to The us a as His will. on faculties God and the and apostles things and enlarged were conceived His will, etc., it is true, recorded into the That nature a is still The tures Scrip- divine so their mind. deeply ual spiritsuch God, of be may and fire to they a His Scriptures. man a do nor that in the is the and old visions the illumination illuminated these of doubtless, that deep insight meditation. as God of of is upon man began, of the nature, spiritual of acted direct, logical utterances the way ating irradi- result were of God, any they very world God and Subjective the of God great variety of methods. that Now, is the minds manner. natural, super- and divinity of which of since degree a whose patriarchs, prophets meditated Bible oracles in not are come by on into men is Spirit playing divine illuminating view, the on being perfection of in this carried has and the revelation Any the man, there the grasps nature by account spiritual things; and and the to that sees godly recipient,comes God God of produced that so that faculty spiritualfaculty in it, theory revelation, claim insight into man, this upon Bible lays hold whatever Illumination intuitive an that that the to being does of burn granted God by in the Bible, do we this at church This invisible. student feet, and the bush that ever working of God's is not Bible fitted act In the in the word it that will to the unto angel I shall of the them, I will them. Ye and that nation perish J. the but should The it is " the be God " not ing makto man whole being die he for high that should scattered one priest nation; gather abroad. Distinction theory wejiave revelations the the get me way against again. that and not year, for the Between now And the but only So speak. die this he that the Inspiration that high priest all, at together in one John 11: 49-52. me: 22: 34, 35. Num. And sinned; I have back should not. means 11:49-52). Lord, nothing man no instance, Baalam (John of of Himself, by were For in know that also man which necessity Caiaphas, being named unto for us, were of speaking speak princes of Balak. year, it is expedient that mind Go with the Balaam, men: shalt unto thee, that thou unto that that But of who men stoodest thou said said Jesus consumed. man be God. upon displease thee, with one himself: before spiritual influences made 35), Caiaphas Lord went same stands Illumination God where His that not therefore, if angel of the And Bible said Balaam the to 22:34, I knew Balaam of devout to It is God men. meditating (Numbers the must it must mind; to truth, and time And Bible is head, with the on mind receptacle or contradistinction His for The never God His of the known of the to-day spirit,he yet is who men. instances at and truth be. to upon Himself through the repository a to burns Him seen uncovered if, with Jewish spiritualtorches have and burns, humble with revelation professes merely still of the all ages light,they its flame catch may shoeless this ' fire 21 lit their have men in their fire,and BOOKS Throughout deny. not Christian and OF BOOK THE consider nor for spake the people, he of not that prophesied nation only, children and of God Verbatim Reporting. Inspiration is not necessarily Verbatim but Reporting. THE 22 It is not absolutely the prove have a the the memories, the idiosyncrasies may of not the Theories It will be in order writers the of the the J. present and were more or Such a character to be of known that the him When what of the views some to characterized "I it will be quite means by Inspiration. man he do says, a Bible," theories all students inspiration that Scripture. ask briefly various note of lieve bein held Inspiration that the there is in the inspired than of a anything supernatural, mode Scripture genius of the were terious, mys- Spirit's operation It writers. high claims that they homet, Milton, Shakspeare, Ma- Confucius. theory of writers, there liable degree peculiar upon no to day. It denies or in we enabled was theory identifies Inspirationwith order. (as Inspiration. here are corded re- accuracy. of to each which himself, he to indeed while that discourse or and Inspiration. Natural This event it must days Following the the It Spirit used Holy judgments, so porting Re- individuality,and ; the no writers, Inspiration of in these place for to as agree the substantial Inspiration ; But to operation. o^ their writers claim a Verbatim mechanical mere adhered it) Various in at of such make Scriptures. intuitions, the of part it with give 3. the express the machines. mere that a sense, robbed them made of BOOKS to necessary Inspiration is, in would OF BOOK make the is we absolutely reject. For Inspiration possessed by nothing the same to assure errors, us to that teach if such the the Scripture they the be were same not false THB 24 5. OF BOOK Mechanical, BOOKS Verbatim Dynamic, Inspiration. {See Reporting, page 21.) This theory ignores writing of writers then do the Concept, Verbal 5. Here the Bible the what to monize har- concepts, or It will be is thoughts, examined opposed by the of God, at is not Scripture were writers choice not were of words left they 25.) page way statement Word the the in of words very Inspiration. contains question the inspiration the themselves favorite This only Spirit;that (See use. The made Inspiration. that that Holy to Partial 6. be Scripture cannot Inspiration. absolutely should ' Concept it is claimed given by style of in application of this theory. fully later. more differences the given by Inspiration. were string ities, preservation of their individual- that theory claims men for Thought or the just as is the as the play of the musician. account we evident with of the to in that claims machines, mere idiosyncrasies? seems This instrumentality accomplishing were writers, the their 4. they lyre or various It human Scriptures altogether, and what to harp How the passive instruments, insensible the the were of the or once expressing of implies it contains that is, that arises: inspired? theory is, "The of God." Word that this Who Who is not is to is to be that is not much A serious what is and inspired. decide the judge of so vital THE a Who What ? question Such Plenary, This Here Tim. is what and is a Bible the and It translation there is The unsafe. and he Scripture some would and One is not. another him, to profitable to is not says him; The him. profitable to such and says such third a make to of what measure man Bible, that namely, wants, judge have inspired." This is not rationalism and virtually part of the therefore profitable is not Is it possible word is such and such says is that result no also because convicts such does not position in the Revised rendering construction them no in Its the of revisers elsewhere error. be need the told flat and divinely-inspired Scripture all translated Again, Greek that anyone dealt and. 3. that Paul profitable? means false 24. page Version erroneous it that and test what sapless tautology The on all is left. 2. also Revised Scripture, some spirit of verse such stated It holds spired said, ''All Scripture that is divinely in- some is not verse uncertainty. Inspiration. profitable, etc.," reason inspired such from had ALSO the human the greviously profitable,etc., not fatal inspired. said, "There a is infer If Paul is IS ? not 3:16. that said 3:16 is not Partial of Tim. 2 on might 1. part is what and equally inspired, as let it be reader that be to in awful man opposite its claim 2 25 Full, Inspiration. or is the Scripture of part is inspired, and leaves theory a bases BOOKS tell ? can 7. OF BOOK the meaningless phrases. also mean in is shown to the render same It here. shows sentence refused is this. to be the way, openly same which 26 THB Hebrew In laid open of 3 :i6. the as it the naked All things also Him of eyes passage in things All ! There is othy, Timalso are have we things things ! exposed those this passage whom open with to translate naked with also are to and have we identical the ''All read: things are translated naked are whom are however, we, Revisers things with construction Were would to open of Him eyes and BOOKS ''AH have: we the form Tim. 2 4:13 before The do." OF BOOK do." to uncovered in also no the case. Again, is to nothing the Tim. i revisers The The be read: be to Greek be no the is, which verb " the rendering In : doctrine, etc." "Every sacred In we God. accordance hold claim for of it "the and the the man " after it. is It gave the onical can- useful well as for bishop Arch- Dean claimed disBur- tous calami- condemned was pensioned by the ever cannot committee, rendering. age." didly can- text, he Wordsworth, Revision is supplied, i. e., of astonishing as most of God and of the others Tragelles,the only government sage pas- is also adopted writing, Bishops Moberly literaryblunder Dr. God confessed of the version responsibility for pronounced gon not here revisers his German Trench, and be must scholar, DeWette, Scriptures, is inspired any principles 3:16, this of and good meaningless syntax. "inspired,"and the word thus sense such has the defended. the rendering 2 Tim. "Every good creature great rationalistic that is the to in language directlybefore The of God creature rejected." of place "Every : rejected." According adopted would nothing 4 :4 by British scholarship. with this to the rendering that all Scripture weight of is the of testimony, therefore, Authorized equally and Version, and fully inspired of THE The 4. Claims That the the be doubt. no be may of us I. The question, the claimed Spirit God of word write to there can degree of their inspiration or but surely the not testimony of the writers Testament of Old the 27 Inspiration. to of into the BOOKS Scriptures quality claims use the The examine ( We of influence direct called Let Scripture writers under OF BOOK Writers Inspiration here fact of it. themselves. Inspiration. to tion. including Revela- as ) Compare And I said or Now therefore what thou by Lord he behold, will be words and mouth, Ye shall shall ye of But go thou have put And of he But and to I Israel not in unto me. speak Lord. full am of his of Son man, words my power their the Lord keep by declare Micah 3: 8. go, unto the unto the the And also, thee, he seeth him, and put and with his neither you, the commandments, Deut. you. for child: thou I command faces: for Lord put said Jer, to might, sin. the mouth, thy of of Then And with a not, I am and whatsoever Say me. afraid the may thee thee, 4: 10-15. Ex, I command ye teach I pray of anger Aaron Is not speak unto thy mouth, do. the Lord? the he I command which thee, words said and God it,that and send, when which word from mouth. my truly ye shall send Be speak. my with what shalt I the said. speak well. he servant; Lord the maketh not And can be unto thee, saith Israel, and judgment, said I shall touched and he I will ought your my thou the Lord, thee; and meet who or have send. wilt that And thy mouth, O And you unto Lord Lord the shalt and add the deliver to teach diminish all that to to and mouth, not with said, know mouth? eloquent, thy unto tongue. blind? : not am spoken slow the thou forth will I Lord, my hast a be he in his heart. in his O man's or I will I cometh glad passages against Moses, brother? thy made say. him whom of of and And following thou seeing, and go, kindled was Levite Lord, since hath the or shalt hand the Who him, deaf, unto the the unto heretofore, nor slow of speech, am dumb, examine said Moses neither but and unto I a7n forth me. 4:2. shalt thee with thee his hand, I Behold, 1: 7-9. get them. thee unto Ezek. the house 3: 4. Spirit of the Lord, and of Jacob his transgression, 28 THE These but are OF BOOK few a of the inspiration of the writers Note further that times in the first ''The Lord Lord in the the revealers their they the words, their The It is of these claims of worthy claimed writers well as following here note as for which and from places the literal writers observe to that for writers Read Inspiration. to the salvation prophets of Christ, and of have Testament Old and the compare is of Scripture in old not they as inquired that the the glory and which concerning have of David them searched unto Christ the 1 Peter filled, ful- been spake that by moved were follow. needs any time should should that brethren, this Scripture must the Holy Ghost by the mouth which was Judas, guide to and is Inspiration come prophesied grace the of time manner Spirit of searching what, or what in them it testified beforehand did signify,when was Men took before Jesus. 1:16. And after from passages: which sufferings 1:10,11. Acts Lord." God. themselves. diligently,who you: the times this first,that no Knowing prophecy of the private interpretation. For the prophecy came but the will of man: of God holy men spake 2 the 1 Ghost. Peter 21. 20, by : Holy Of be to is evident and the commenced saith names, Testament New Testament New by of claimed claims as calculated, always messages, oracles of to as been "Thus of word who almost ten occur expressions it has in their detail characterized fulfillment 2. God, and said" Such writers will of deceived not were minuteness which These with messages That the of the ''God 3,808 times, the claimed. spake," "The Lord Testament. Old and of Genesis. chapter in which passages the ^words found are many is affirmed said," "The came," BOOKS when that by Esaias Which agreed not spoken prophet unto one they Paul the had things teacheth, spiritualthings also but with we which our speak, the spiritual. themselves, among word, Well spake Acts fathers . not in they departed, Holy Ghost the the words Holy Ghost 1 Cor. 2: 13. 28: 25. . . which teacheth; man's dom wis- comparing THE If any himself think man acknowledge the that of the this For ye the word the word of not as effectually second This ye may holy prophets, and and Lord For it is speaketh But when For it is not to Settle And they were with speak And other when assembled were and Ghost, the us both that by the apostles of the Spirit of the Father your which in your will I shall and but teach not in the able what ye what before which wisdom, gainsay to 13: 11. hour and no itate: premedye that speak Mark same mouth a hour, meditate to not you be that take up, do Ghost. Holy you hearts, in you you neither speak, the give deliver resist. nor all filled tongues, with the the as Ghost, Holy Spirit and began them gave to utterance. shaken where they had they prayed, the place was all with the and filled Holy together; they were word of the God with boldness. spake they 4: 31. is evident that Scripture from God, write the from the and writers considered Scriptures, and giving expression conscious these conscious were work. in before spoken of God, 2. 13. 1 Thess. unto you; remembrance- of were of it 2; 4. Acts It ye word 21: 14, 15. Luke Acts 12. adversaries your write way given speak, shall for answer: believe. which shall ye 12: it therefore shall ye all that Luke truth, the now when received us, in by you, shall be Holy Ghost say, lead what ye of 10: 20. shall whatsoever the ought I but speak, Matt. they but for that ye beforehand thought ye, not him mandments com- 3: 1, 2. 2 Peter in you. you that commandment of the Saviour. the are ceasing, because, heard ye it is minds pure your up mindful of the words be spiritual^let or unto without in you epistle, beloved, I stir which as also 29 14: 37. which but, men, worketh prophet, I write God we of God BOOKS a that 1 Cor. also thank cause be to things Lord. received which OF BOOK that the to the Holy and of both of other many Old the having infallible Spirit was of New taments Tes- and received themselves felt while passages revelations inspired writing truth of moving that of God they God, and them to were were to the THB 30 What 5. is the acterized What has the were the the thoughts also words least Compare also I been of a man's In the the the Bible. or dictated left to choose their current We day to- may say " beloved in * wrote the 24:12. ''All this,saidDavid, " writing from forth is heard I hand the the finger " * in whom of God." Exodus 9:10; at Jesus, saying, well am both speaking transfiguration of Son, writing finger of the came h^ God the is my (R. V.) "There 5 :5 and 4; tical the iden- are Himself. was with 10:2, Testament New writing understand ; Daniel hand by God "Written 28 :i9 to and pleased ; hear Him." It is clearly evident the inspired record It is also 2. these from claims to that passages be record a part some of the exact of God. words . made baptism "This ''The Deuteronomy Chronicles i Jehovah" of words of Scripture spoken " 31 :i8" also of ye the inspired, knotty questions words or 32:16 Exodus God"; have written Exodus Note the of some words See this question. to alone writers in and Influence? answer Were Inspirationof char= certaintythat At 1. the are in concepts the were These Its written or that Scriptures, Under inspired? Holy Spirit,or the Inspiration the They said and regarding with Were BOOKS the of been words? own of Writers the Were by Nature Degree Much OF BOOK definitelystated very put into the mouths should And neither speak, Moses said heretofore, and unto nor of certain told the since them Lord, thou men what O my hast in Scripture the they Lord, spoken very words should I am unto that God they write. not thy eloquent servant: THB 32 word The that speaketh I have that And it God spoken to came of words the called Baruch mouth of spoken unto the him, of son all Jeremiah upon Jeremiah, after Baruch that wrote night have for their 1 have evil that took Then scribe, the son son book Lord all came words the saying. Take cease sit upon in out I will from thence of Jehoiakim Lord the to cast the day the thee wrote of the which book there David: gave from it and in the and and Judah, his upon all the hearkened they but Baruch to the the of mouth king of Judah Jehoiakim besides added were of men stroy deand king of them, upon therein written seed his the and heat, and the and I will saith man of throne to him punish who fire: and them unto Jer. 36: 1, 2, 4, 11, 27-32. speak they whether or to saith none be words shalt thou of king cause Neriah, words. like And words unto forbear: for my will whether them, they are man, all they will rebellious. most 2: 7. Moreover speak And he said unto thee go, the king Ezek. of to in them unto they will thee the Babylon Son me. receive speak write of man, unto thee get of thy people, and whether Lord God; 3: 10, 11. Ezek. day: day. the the the the had he roll, and the bring the Jerusalem, and upon pronounced against them; roll, and Jeremiah another in the burned Son from which of of of Jeremiah, mouth iniquity; and of all the Jeremiah ears. word of inhabitants shall wrote out burned had Jehoiakim And frost. the to servants Ezek the shall body shall dead hear, thee, Jeremiah Michaiah heard the against unto Then Lord, When had spake the all the . king thus shall He Judah; many therein Judah, Thus this roll, saying, Why hast thou king of Babylon shall certainly come Therefore ? beast had . the book. a I Baruch of Then to say burned hast Thou Lord; therein, saying. The this land, and not. and Shaphan, the at shalt thou the write of son from Israel, and words roll of a the Jeremiah and book, Neriah: the words that words roll, and write in it all the former were first roll, which Jehoiakim the king of Judah hath burned. in the his Jehoiakim unto came a all the another again And roll of a of year word thee of the son of Gemariah, of the Lord. the words which fourth this saying, Thus thee against spoken unto against all the nations, from the day this unto days of Josiah, even day. Juddh, and to Lord, Jer. 30:1, 2. book. a 1 have that from in in the pass Josiah king of Judah, that thee Lord, saying, Take the Israel, saying, Write thee unto BOOKS from Jeremiah to came Lord the OF BOOK set of thine heart, and of the them, hear, whether or himself tell them, will of day, eve7t against Jerusalem the the forbear. this this same same 24: 2. thou Moreover, it,For Judah, and son for take of man, the children thee of one Israel stick, and his I thine saith Thus they that children the captivity,unto and of name words my with hear write companions: upon then THE take stick, and /(?r all the another and Ephraim, OF BOOK write BOOKS it, For upon of Israel his house 33 stick Joseph, the companions. of Ezek. 37: 16. And plain make it Hab. 2: 2. And speaketh poor; let heart. your hear from If any Unto he and of the the in church in his his fine brass. And write he the angel hath that the thy works, know dead . These ; saith he of David, and no man the faithful and true Rev. Seal them To . angel the to saith which he hath of the angel the unto . Son the first the . things the unto saith things . And . things walketh who God, of his feet like are Spirits of God, hast angel is holy, openeth and that that Laodiceans . that no And . church he write; and that name a of the the he write; he angel the These things of beginning the Philadelphia write; shutteth; man unto stars; I livest, and art seven thou in things These the is true, . witness, true in Sardis saith the that hath and shutteth, of church the the the the Amen, creation God. of 3: 1, 7, 14. And about him mandments com- These And church openeth of the . things saith of fire, and flame a thou to things key . is alive seven . . wrath great And of the that And These unto hear. 2: 1, 8, 12, 18. Rev. unto saith eyes write; right hand, . like away are you . with two edges sharp sword church These in Thyatira write; hath in the spiritual,let or These the who the not a candlesticks and dead, pulled unto Ephesus write; Smyrna Pergamos and 37. stars seven was I write of golden in brother: came prophet, a 14: church seven last, which the it. lest they should stone, of hosts hath in sent therefore that 1 Cor. the church readeth should they Lord the be to things holdeth and 7: 8-12. Zech. himself the and adamant an prophets: angel of the of the which Lord. inthemidstof angel that words of the that ears, the that the hearken, as former his to man to hearts think man that run may vision, the the fatherless, the stranger, nor evil imagine against his brother their of hosts. acknowledge he every their the Lord the saith they made Spirit by you refused stopped law, and the his nor of But said, Write Lord unto Zechariah, came saying, Thus true hosts, saying. Execute judgment, and widow, none and shoulder, Yea, they that compassions the not and the of and mercy oppress of Lord the and me, tables, upon word the shew answered Lord the when up the write: to Rev. not. sum up the that 3 I heard things those a which the uttered had voice from heaven thunders seven their voices, I saying uttered, unto was me, and write 10: 4. these nature part thunders seven and of two of them then, let arguments, the Inspiration claims to be of the the very us say, sacred words garding re- ings, writand THE 34 of God writings His by record And be fact, namely, the the in their us In J. choose their There what knowing and of one that being die should the Balaam, these Lord upon was 22:28-30. shall I mals ani- and men of substance ; Numbers be the Dan. And :28-30 ; 22 end words are 12: 8. 9. die for he the people, not of himself: prophesied that Jesus nation only, but that God of children the do said the unto not: up unto a ever so and ass, thou said things? closed that consider all, nor at thee, that were ass I understood of these he of the unto ridden to high priest that the this spake one mouth there hast wont but the the And for in Balaam And thou ever I heard, for the end. spoke without the should year, not John I would which Num. And writings. that 11:49-52. I done thee. day? that together opened have me: I kill ass, that say truth. of of man not. and nation; times? mocked would to sacred nothing know one perish abroad. What three hast appeal speaking) leftto Caiaphas, being high priest gather scattered And nation for that should he were of parts of the some and :49-52 1 1 works to us who knowledge named them, whole the but also to men saying; John John leads all the of of said unto them, Ye year, it is expedient for us, that that of preserve the relating divine true helpful fit to (humanly in Inspiration, 12:8,9. And same This recorded See the them and not love in respect were in saw Do the were without message. Daniel and means they speaking their Spirit writers? words instances are the authors no be to wrote beautiful very Paul, and own by was a Holy sense, the who is involved peculiar way? own Scripture, This of certain a of the of faith part claims men ten writ- mouth, own spoken. robbed that His certain is all thdt characteristics James, BOOKS another to were if this not we that : spoken they as yet shall hand words just OF Himself, spoken by own of down BOOK And and sword she in mine since / was said he sealed hand, Am I, O for now I thine this unto Lord, what my till the me said, Nay. he said. Go unto thou not thine And thee? then Because ass, Balaam, unto said smitten hast thy iel: Dan- way, time of the THE And yet the I research the between would be from of facts of the (by of accounts arise likely to the into expression the 2"S admitted differences such words, BOOKS inspiration It allowed :i-4. different in of gift faithful diligent, and IvUke OF BOOK recorded no " thought same crepancies dis- means inspired different the personal, men as standpoint of each. And they as it, and brake And body. saying. my Drink do This saying. for had he And me. After the lo And a am oft as voice is given the cup blood, my it, and gave this for And the him, beloved The This you: also he manner same is the ye cup drink after which came voice a I am Ghost Holy and it, in Matt. 3: 17. from heaven, well said, Take, do in took the came in thee I am fancy, writer, and the Thou heaven, pleased. which through narrative like and all the these. He of others, imperial decrees, genealogies, official or papers recording and historical of the with and divine others. their He found necessary spirits,so used dove art ties facul- guided materials, speeches of salvation. message through individualityto he matter a investigation, writer to loved be- 3: 22. word, a my said. Thou Luke attention, the logic, in in Son, art bodily shape a well wrought what choose beloved 1: 11. Mark. from the Spirit employed the in is my the their brance remem- when cup, in my blood: of me. remembrance saying, pleased. descended voice a Son; of the in supper, is shed this testament new saying. This heaven, pleased. in whom memory, state you: it, and for is broken as from well there Son, the break brake he given thanks, which ye, I upon gave 11:24,25. whom my had he supped, saying. 1 Cor. and also in is it to 22: 19, 20. body, do this this 26, 27. which testament and thanks, gave 26: thanks, gave new is my of Matt. is my body Likewise me. of cup when this eat; and is the Luke you. And cup, all of it. ye in remembrance and the took them, unto took bread, saying. This he it, and it to gave he them, And eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed the disciples,and said, Take, eat; were the He as men to letters, for the wrought preserve themselves, 36 THB and spoke through His ; the mould If the It is BOOKS The individuahties. be asked whether it must of words. be in the answered thought without Yet immediately it affected the by dictatingthem facts that such the vivid and writers in ing affect- the writers, minds of rect cor- directly and of ideas find the way not their on clear could some ears and ducing proand thoughts fitted words fected af- affirmative. insure words in the mediately, through working there was Inspiration not or hardly possible that Inspiration could the gold theirs. words, transmission but their was question the OF BOOK their to purpose. ,We conclude, therefore, that while must side the that human such as men themselves a allege that would all,there "non while yet His as to develop of the as to as We and each distinct sacred that without the may Verbal as destruction Inspiration " of It is are type of piety in each style is so so yet the while the the as people nearly parallel of the ation possibilityof Inspir- of the individual unphilosophical as safely His man, ; and cases His actions freedom. of new Christian must gracious operations hearts preserved all denials therefore the the These their the works ordinary to in the ation by Inspir- But God that the through of them in each chosen. dictation. is done language affected were through is in impossibility, and an It is admitted writers. suggest are been God, in each individuality of just have Spirit,works Holy is words violence no admitted, also, that of if the world the forth be the from naturally have to some must sequitur." in purposes men, to fully faith- clearly and men came would the divine communicate, to communication seem may through wished that at is He which side This they Spirit gave Holy from say they that that is to are we say, istics character- unwarranted. believe the in words Plenary as well THE as the thoughts of the that claim God men ; from truly as were therein the are in the and not used at ideas the is what 2. Quote from the Inspiration,giving 5. Which with What To 8. which 9. as to ideas this ance guidmentality instru- expressed intended for what to vey con- every itself. RF^VIEW. Bible Verbatim passages that prove be applied do tion, Inspiration,Revela- Reporting? of various theory true claims regard 7. refer is the claims between statement "plenary" and 6. brief ; that serve pre- references. Illumination, and a to as responsible for sense the distinction is the the Ghost ; that if their as of infallible under by God Holy human facts write or We language it, so of or Word very ; that wrote all; that memory the truly statement FOR Inspiration. Give who Bible the Define 4. creatures fullest 1. What His Spirit. the in time written QUi:STlONS 3. God Scriptures say said divine same those is in the This word. to to very God ; that God error of the writers is of the mediately in truth of at 37 whether of the and Word and given was them influence it is the revelation BOOKS given, is in deed truly divine, guidance been the Bible ; that it is the the have under immediately, OF BOOK ? In to the what sense ation. Inspir- may bal" ^Ver- Scriptures ? themselves Scriptures the of theories make Inspiration? what part of Bible our does 2 Timothy 3:16 ? Quote at least designate God Quote giving the at least very as three speaking three words passages passages that men or in the Scriptures writing directly. which should designate God speak or write. CHAPTER THE gi:nuinkne:ss The " integrity and copious, is the which in state have books day, the of is the There is and the them, have Scriptures the of purpose this us under in the the same whether or they is, whether ; that them both are the at present and genuine thentic au- chapter. relates For to book we of the shadow had written for fact of of a its Thomas did possession in the being doubt, and could so if, on 38 is This write own be a fables work of beyond the not lies. and handwriting, comparison, porting pur- it; it is manuscript proven one it treats. Thomas. to-day author's work gospel not by written apocryphal mainly are one which of St. by is authentic an an contents our Galatians ; matters been its in the is extant "genuine," for bears ness genuine- terms two work genuine there have "authentic," If its truthfully example, not A authenticity. name the between distinction a whose man which if are know to Definitions. I. is to abridged we port sup- authentic. and that prove as in importance Testaments or various, adduced down left tiated substan- Taylor. come authors Bible, " have to, altered genuine are To their Isaac is more " be can greatest New and added been the Old the that writings the of name of matter which bible. faith proportion that writings." the Christian the more than " ancient other a whether ten-fold a conclusive of any It in evidence by of records the of authenticity and of IV. book the and the of THB 40 written, disputed and to those and the should be who the its it the warmth, ling start- seems ity glow, the divinthat life-giving words, it is ; and so this for that the The /. But reasons Among Truly there slightesthesitancy touching the acceptance show to felt the inspiration of the BOOKS questioned? have of its claims. can, OF BOOK they doubt, and certain as- best as we : of harmony lack supposed are seek, to foundation. without are important most endeavor must we the Bible between and Science. Even when the Bible friends and All fear. real no firm some science attacks The Bible Its aim does is to teach industrious that waves in beat and two be is of rock against Gib- hurled back the and is to these come, find out, and the of these on graphic art. great and geology concerning the relating the to intended ascertained are to or science You . need relation the God, link our between primal facts. of numbers, learn for from cannot or the is not not go to laws laws of of chemistry may find every university where you may in which you it Kepler Bible elements. a principles of the it the tive illustra- Bible do With The of a "The or but are You astronomy. cyclopedia nor by searching truths Other deal. combination fact, But subjects of revelation. proper cannot a by intelligentand revelation. man planetary motions, for tain Cer- spiritualtruth. no to that things are aims the master science on future, the things touching the life that hence Bible treatise the text-book a discovered hence destiny, our present be may and men, be to scientific but not origin, our not the profess not scientific facts to there But themselves. upon such apprehension compared. are themselves cut show against the impregnable Holy Scripture will, like ralter, but of the Bible was ' THE every in houses, but deal would make well be of more of us physical, social Much of the as that The might secular Bible it their tures Scrip- from springs it. Its perfection maintained as but hypothesis. for made be upon by righteousness, the may take of mankind. nebular been to Holy the about have look to led are in in spiritual guide world men a education, our intended needs. instruction claims a asking the which that nation, and never instruction misconception unscriptural into religioushand-book be the for necessarily not into profitable for are was intellectual to public question no better Bible the to laboriously acquired Word studies and given were They much still,God's place of those I have the keep children your stronger and for 41 You Scripture, put a substituted knowledge, the science. send you BOOKS wisely. For, while schools, and great of department traverse your OF BOOK without depository of all a knowledge." "The which it Bible of be, and well are not of the that sun fact real touch and of the with by rising in the dew colder revolves of fit appearances means And involves surely a and every the from any day with real is it ; yet v/e speak west. We the use to When, of the the fore, there- expressions agree scientific accuracy, discrepancy the collects ice water air. tem, sys- while its vapor up revealing We solar realities,which not than make appear to-day. heaven, pitcher of Scripture popular impressions no as moisture writers gives atmosphere the of the setting in from they do center Hence from as we around east, and surface, the is the sun purpose, science. not things state descending as the is that a the earth condenses which that primary illustrations using it should the the speak of in and they really are, just as as aware and that nature, its judged by spiritualtruth, plausible seems kingdom to teach is to be must or more this tion. contradic- fact that there THE 42 is real no science the Bethshemesh, in Judges 12:6 Ephraimites 42,000, contained common for for 300," and 12 in the passage fifties,and "There the Again, for In : stands Samuel with I the still of notation They Lord "In say, the year the second, 2,000,'' or Hebrew i 2,040. would letters ; vi is 1,000 ; '2 is 700. This and probable inadvertently with for and and 40 seventy 2 substitute was one discrepancy in numbers. Chronicles 19:18; i the being it ^ is ; count ac- For seeming discrepancies. possible a smote 1,170; or for 7 Chronicles The 3. a men, ^ is 10:18 tribe ''The another, thus causing 2 the Samuel, of could before the have how transcriber mode of fallen Translating literally,we Hebrew seen by men; "312." for 7,000, be can time Arabians. -similarity in some 50,070 have to short Ephraimites fell of the smote at persons. thousand," a a corrected the among Lord said are while are passages the there only 32,500 Both of true example, that for 6:19, town, in real discoveries in numbers.^ Samuel i small a the contradiction supposed BOOKS (A. T. Pierson). Bible." It is recorded and OF discrepancy between and The 2. BOOK ample ex- V 20; it case, that the letter for Compare Samuel 2 8:4 18:4. and Genuineness Authenticity of the Bible Proved. do How is both shall that demonstrate the men whose Scripture *From has Angus' substantiate to pursue the books Bible of been Ha7idbook. as this Bible the and corrupted? How that were the proof of method claim? to-day, it have we What they bear, names not Bible, the authentic? and genuine we that know we can we written by of the text It is one can 1. Can this 43 a way doubters enquirer; dishonest honest such in proof no satisfy originalmanuscripts the Can lay we not mean, be found. on in the They No, in the for have we ent presin not This for them existence, and may possible it is not still be may scripts originalmanu- of the original manuscripts. that however, produced? question must, negative. the of any he one any this to answer least, be possession hands our The ? at BOOKS forth set to purpose satisfy the to as our OF BOOK THE our does yet to yet be found. If the found, we else (b.) cross which on brazen the rod of things been hidden Hebrews If 2. in and they been not been or a wood lock pot of the written the from the God the the of commanded it that they so the reason tables if of ark, of and commandments, stone other Israel, have centuries many a worshipped probable this for for to original manuscripts manna, view part a Israelites religious experience man's ship people wor- belonging be to is it not Doubtless the hair reason 18:4), If them. of died; if the ? pose, pur- preserved. purporting worshipped in God's necessary worshipped Kings Aaron, in not (for which found were used 2 have been which on have Christ serpent also had of piece destroyed, would they would piece of bone, a be evidently might have saint, or have Why asked. reply : are they Men a to in say They (a.) the be question (see 9:4). the original manuscripts existence, how then Authenticity of the can are wc Bible? not prove obtainable, the or not Genuineness THE 44 This is not difficult so Scholars be. to-day known to be admit If ten, the (copies only of that and claims the genuineness original writings most and to seem Virgil, for example, " manuscripts found be can of matter sufficient proof of the time of are lost presumably twenty, original work) it is considered work, at the or the to as agree the existence, all having been in destroyed. or of none first may it at as willing to are that notwithstanding to-day classical any its genuineness authenticity. lived Virgil of copy written than more Contrast from with this existence. method Printed copy number The death. Hundreds was scripts manu- accepted are fifteenth century. the of dates and of later that two the as copies the scripts manu- in now are collected men 1,964 the the Old Scripture are middle the of that made Luther Scriptures. There Testament by Erasmus; in dated are Greek, in to-day, dating extant fifteenth century. College, Oxford, Testament Testament, turies cen- Scriptures. in A. his extant dated Latin, dated D. is a German A. D. D. 15 14. of the 15 16, and These of this of translation printed copies Basil, A. copy from was a 1488. D. Hebrew It 1494. is there A. dated Hebrew, Royal Library, Berlin, there Old through the trace to Scripture records. the library of Exeter of the the proof will be copies of the In of copies of far back the his to and century, writers, which the tenth the fourth after years see history of Printed In shall We the copy the brary li- manuscripts. Our as from Scriptures! of the oldest possession of the Vatican classical date The Lord. our is in 300 other most genuine, a. dates Rome, of Bible about at Virgil, which in as task a BOOKS authenticity of classical works, and " OF BOOK the New edited printed THE copies, OF BOOK being compared, on by the form years the single step, a have we them in agree printed copies of the Scriptures prove, BOOKS we and main the with thus to-day, and Testament, New existed have to the possess Old now, 45 in hundred four ago. Manuscripts. b. The of middle back fifteenth the middle the to of nicott certain the Hebrew of for the collected sufficient certainly a to ten accept writer much writings, how the for same A. 1500 ninth Some D. A That A. D. wholesale Another in the year copies of date few destruction fact A. of the 330, of sacred note in fiftylarge Scriptures were made was willing are classical any his to admit with 2,000 or more of give restoring assured us tainty cer- corruption. between as back by the eighth fact and fourth fourth the than the 1000 the as Diocletian Emperior worthy D. for were willing earlier no more be back far as go critical authenticity of written far accounted the 302 the also were Ken- genuineness purpose future as date they is doubtless century year manuscripts century. century. the served protection against of these Most Scriptures have of and ought they sacred in possession This the most at original purity, and its to and and the 600 If scholars text. genuineness more ! These manuscripts the text the proving as of establish to copies twenty or us the Testament. Greek sacred take were for more, Upwards number authenticity of the and 734 of the the manuscripts. 2,000 over Bible. edition manuscripts printed, there were to back us century. DeRossi and take the fourth scholars 630, edition the Bibles collected Bible the century; of these the time At of printed copies that in the the ordered books. this and by connectiqn is that carefully prepared order of the Em- 46 THE BOOK Constantine peror for the This subsequent These and Some, for the D. 303. "Uncial," because they vellum, or earlier 2. called from being large capital letters Uncial cursive a and kids. on fine They are manuscripts, so running hand. or manuscripts. manuscripts The This a the important most basketfuls the for he 1844 had convent on studying St. discovered by Mt. Sinai in the have poetical books, which is he the made- there fire,and burned. his scholar, devoted ancient a stood he Dr. remarkable. most manuscripts St. Catherine's visited for It is in the . form, having four is in book the convent been was German Sinai, when ready and Russia, discovery and sign ^ the page. famous hall of the parchments a its a searching Mt. on of Tischendorf, of in Sinaiticus,dating from by except page, story In known manuscript columns Bible. Codex in St. Catherine's on two In the in uncial Library 1859. columns foot : uncia, inch), so-called the ''Cursive" written century, and Tischendorf to text. full. classes two of calves come Sinaitic,or Petersburg but in full following: fourth year Latin skins these Greek The I. the in years manuscripts. than the are Testament creasing in- Scriptures, the secure into and thousand parts of the can divided are prepared Later the we New written the: Of the (from were on but together put manuscripts 1. the manuscripts contain tinople. Constan- of of indeed, contain The churches continuous manuscripts yet when of the the A. to BOOKS for account may stream use OF convent fortunate a was basket told life of the at the discovery. filled with two similar 48 Tischendorf he had only not Testament New To of some his the and complete, delight great which fragments parts of the other before, but seen the and found BOOKS cloth. red in wrapped bundle a OF BOOK THE Testament, Old other some ings writ- besides. After while, through the influence a manuscript to the from obtained was Imperial Library rests, and it has at St. the become the of the emperor, and convent Petersburg, in precious most aIIb^"r T ^OU 1 A Kf |w7 C TO "nitPcu^HfiToycnrra* "t^Y-i^" c "?YN :"-fe'Acf X M 4 H M i.ToeKYif/"c-roM* e f^CM "f K KcVo'n lO Tl g xc " K """ m r" e " k k j r c m Y "i^ "'i^M O y*i f " " Ml A"* a^ri ^c " O^ 5 e Ry H "" f fc.c r C'" O e'A.T A IA i co cT-a tikHA.icc6'^"f I^O cRxr I C MM NQ'N M in back and is Y V o ^ " x K I -r c o'ym Y "^ty *^ e "^YX^JT ^ ^xtu enr'Kvrjo fui TM % M o It is fe[i\ fif p iq ^ i^M iJr r i^T tL N M H "T'iSTc f Y^ o V -riD N H T" n CODEX (1 Esdras X IkXf " ^.f^ " |f I books of the in three """ " 4" cC N a whole the little being of at ume, vol- present of fine vellum, ment) Testa- Old TH T^o' c Voira, to Fourth to almost Bible, but very missing. The in the Genesis order: Chronicles, Esdras 2 and Psalms, 2, i Proverbs, Ecclesiastes,Canticles, Job, Sirach, Tobit, Wisdom, Judith, Esther, Twelve Prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, B century. columns arranged are VATTCANUS. ii. 1-83" at It contains page. following |J q " f "ra r Y f^YTooi *-T*^"* " MIC* I A? CO century, (except the poetical books 6^*^16 "iaw' f" e 1 M A M 759 written leaves nu" YN-ro c M-ro o TtuTo M " tii Yf -re c J p er M'dcoi ^^ H Y^*- iiYTd) ^1 C HA Xdl (Koimr o Y;f*" KOYCiHj|oMei7"uc"^ "Si n o Kc'o "CK-rACKR*ctyc*" o dates quarto a consisting "*"T Kcxrr^ o t6}4 "f ^^ r ** TO KY cri* Y^" KTo f OYi^M "rtw I 6 and is possession Library Vatican "Rome. It ""*^"*'MJ.tx* Y fej4TM H ii t c in and B, fourth now of T"" Greek the to script, manu- as written t """ MO Greek Vatican Vaticanus. the "f the Codex ik Kl "Ajll " M now in the treasure known loih Tcbt"i "v"'ru9 m^tk' e* r e I K t xc I acy^ #w ?*r " The *" * it church. 2. f of M cu J,Y 1 """*-6a:mt H " A. *" "icc r e I K M Y ey u^c brought which of possession ; P the a r u c Lamentations, h , THE OP BOOK Kzekiel, Epistle of catholic epistles,Romans, Jeremey, tians, Kphesians, Of it lacks them, Daniel, and i 49 Gospels, Corinthians, 2 Philippians, Colossians, salonians, Hebrews. have BOOKS and i books the of the Timothy, 2 i and Bible as Acts, Gala- 2 we Thesnow Titus, Philemon, Revelation. iQ CfT3^ Io vrt*ci "rxjnri^^ca ?C-"" o*i^r -^1 riTpjNtllHCri Ov"i^""" I on *rvi kj^i*^ ic- Mx:ii6:fs^"riAe v" Kxia.d"0 rAvnikU[K#OVKfl*^"1X2 V"L"CCA.rrrrxr !e I OiuG-rxn i^oyc"u3"rr ^1 " kt* xjvxrrr*. o is-i-xe r""'-r"" ^mxyiioyrilf.mTTO-rei^x-rxcVft* 1/1^ KiAUrxufCo e Mczei^t " OVM eet^ eaxn-o 10 xri^i"joQ k v VArroMX"3rnrvx"MJnTUxaicr - ^ ice f 7 jXfricxrci^TeiMecerMxviuj f xjLf f ojrjrrr"rre "xi xxo isiTecxvn" a-re|*rr]U"ii"imAixxicurTCD^rro xiKi"i riirAJia'OQeMj^GMiH GT" *r-".l"Ki OYXSf tL""""XV1U"r"-i"JaJstiv ""rioeiooicerff-re"4JkvnQic*i .2wp icoi err -rxi rjuki ""|"-rcjL"xomxf r'xx I o \"wi ^vrA-rrcr* SrK" -^rse ^ "oi A.K4 # isj vocsn^rofOM-ro xxext^ oioyiof jcrrxivri*xciQV"" o-vri""t fMOvx^xeiui iOtooACi X xAf M rt l^"CTJLr40jtcrff -ri-A^"Ni-roCCJ.T^xv^ruuexT 6J^"e I r-J O I O "TLJ?VCMXci:"XK/" CODEX (St. Luke (British n"*"N"" cXdObKXIO -KX I f"-fTU"* XTTGl"*lX2ir"fG"" ALEXANDRINUS. xii. 54-xiii. Museum, 4)" Royal Fifth MS. century. r. D. v-viii.) " THE so The 3. given whole the Revelation The This is "Codex it bears -evidence the and to was was the After ten writing months of hard published by Tischendorf. Septuagint, and including parts about of used of into that the labor an three-fifths of the inal orig- Ephraem, hands the the time whole arate sep- again erty prop- its real chemically was It contains almost the it became on " sheets At Library. that pieces, the passed it 4:13- means words some death 1734 treated with edition good of fragments New book. every EPHfiAEM (PORTION OF h TI2L* iiL tQ. it of ment, Testa- f^f^^^QH CODEX ; tury). (fifthcen- obliterate of the her :ii It is described to to it (80) 70 C as library. over of At ancient 16:6- epistles of Clement. taken 1453 In 16-19; Corinthians 2 known been sion possesthe to :20 to It contains 15:1-5, two number Royal the in now palimpsest, which year known. not intensify the effect. certain French the by sponged Medici. de Constantinople, (50) Paris the having the was as London. 49 translation In of Catherine value a Greek a Syrian. of of of vellum writing, receive in It of manuscript, now fifth century. 6:50-8:52; rescriptus,"or sheets to Psalms is followed Bphraem was 14:14-17; 1:1-25:6; John 4. a Genesis It It is in Museum, except the 1628. in Kings 12:18-14:9; :y. as from Patriarch England, British Bible Matthew 12 dates and A. known manuscript, Cyril Lucar, I of of I Greek, by Charles 9; Alexandrian in written BOOKS OF BOOK O ^- 1^ O 2 'Ed 6.a fl rh ;- +j O o^ "O lis 4) O X " 01 o Q O " q-s "5o 22 2 o ="2 o o CO ^ O S " ^ eg' eo~ ft 05 * O O M^ CO 2^ h;"=^5 OH"^ 00 "0 S CO [ a3 4) " I oj . CO "^ 03 riJcn U QJ +3 OJ to 'd r^H M CO , "U P" Q. QJ ! ". t^ CO o o " S O) P(-" ^ OJ OJ ft . " 03 ^ += CO c8^ cS 1 o Dh 0"^ Ph P^ 4) bD T3 CO "t-H a X o p-d -kJ i" (U jjj -d c" m " " " " TO tH O '-' c "u ti 2 2 S'^ 5:; O ^ 5 cS " " " cq O "5 m O Q Q HHW c3 O O w a" .52 =" CO d"1 '"^ :^^^| :3 fe 51 fe feO O M ^"ft O O O WW W tH M ^ C ^ O o OJ o a OS'S a U (S "= 'S pq .O o 4^S ^g5 6^ 0) oCQ S CO ^ Wo ^ " BS2 H a"""" tr- OS ". CO 5m "J^ I Q ^ 13^ a" "U O +3 o o +3 "5"c :43 '-' .to o 00 '^ o O ;m o ^ O o ^ ft43 O O "' 3 HjpL, p, M Wl W O cS O OPLnO :3 (U^ - - p. .-2 o cc'w " OX t" ^^ ^ .-" (15 .. S bubiiaml^ v a S.22 ia C 3 C3 O c3 +j |!zi^S5S.=3a C3 iTj.^- ^ ^H ^ ac3 -Q.S - - % 52 =S O 3J O oj c3 3 =3 THE TH^ These So far While be date we as the from the tenth of reading the modern for if example, hand running this and other It is scribe of the direct from Cursives fifteenth have few for a had century Vatican to paratively com- high value, a possess the scholars. considered quite possible to century. to be the Cursives some reasons fifteenth may of manuscript a S2 accessible are Uncials collated. thoroughly the to 2,800 know, now BOOKS MANUSCRIPTS. CURSIVE satisfactorily determined, been in OF BOOK copied ; for manuscript give as, important very evidence. PATRISTIC have We already them, possess of the down number large very Scriptures, as the that seen of the fourth century. the writers the to Each step takes and themselves, dating thus us far as as of time is made task our a back the nearer ies cop- with and fifteenth century, manuscripts now we printed with substantially identical are Bible QUOTATIONS. more easy. The question have, only date link of is there this bridge we the as these the chasm over writings of the with fourth the the and references of those of of fathers" the early church a very quotations those quotations of references And paraphrases. between The answer, Scripture, and other back connecting By "quotations of far as manuscripts we what century, original writings apostles themselves? the To arises. If the oldest now of the the of to" classical fathers church years. it,which important classical from writers the mean we are in the found rabbinical difference is noted writers the to quotations in the fathers, and fathers the from each Scriptures. each other The vouch THE 54 for the only of the are so antiquity of text loose of text of the as to the be of ancient is exercised been of the quotations existence Following Leach is references ago, met some to Great of the exactness given are many Testament batim. ver- blotted again by referring to by these it made in fathers. Bible, by Charles Our could of the The of copy it have question the been it lost by collected of the Sir David to *Xook those at the roused I commenced found the entire the to whole, to or facts centuries told of to Testament, except New the than more implied or fragments, all parts up of their world, in works from dinner. and this eleven tion ques- all of third time I have verses." the tify tes- Scriptures. remain. the turies, cen- fifty authors the : question That possessed second upon said the fathers? of the search, and to first four the fathers of the silent. were at the present I as ? called company the and ings writ- centuries remember curiosity, and my existing works You Testament New the books. Sir David with books. century, from all ; but been was destroyed, third third and of the present been of the company had who table covered a had end second one Dalrymple, Pointing about afterwards the sation, conver- : together again question startled the months this was the one no of party a During Testament New fathers Cooper, question which a The that Thomas dinner-party. a put answer. every In the verbal quotations New to related says at one Suppose Two and be written incident years scholarlymen and the the were references determining With purity : Many able that and These to. in for the not vastly different. it could an value quotations, said out referred no it is BOOKS classic,and classic. the in the writing fathers, however, It has OF BOOK They Euphrates to The long be- the S6 THE BOOK doubtless being and in was a would his to know was in existence This Corinthians. the it. James, Luke, his He If the wrote. he day, surely wrote the to questionably un- apostles, writer; and a us. alluding the John, in was the of some epistleto an epistle is filled with Testament, New they was to He of many what He preserved are Rome. bishops of acquainted with cognizant of be writings the the BOOKS positon Testament New of one well OF references words of epistlesto the Romans, to Peter, ians, Corinth- Thessalonians, Ephesians, Timothy, Titus, Hebrews, Acts, James also Truly, then, Testament it may written quoted the Peter. Polycarp He John. A. D. the Of all his a If it had century. could have not died at the a martyr's epistleis one ing remain- this of value and death Following Philippi. nature apostle the disciple of but Church forth New our Smyrna. at 70, and writings, quotations setting are that Scripture. church D. the epistle to first question A. born was the " without was 150. in the of the words very inferred later, Clement until Poly carp, bishop of '2. justly be in existence was been not and epistle: ''Wherefore the Lord and vain that raised hath Christ if we with Him given from do all of money; our up the His and * shall evil * mind, your from * But up according things which inordinate speaking, false He the in Him dead, and that He serve all empty believing many, also raise walk unrighteousness, from of Jesus Christ glory those of error Lord dead loins truth; laying aside in the will, and love the up fear, and speech, and from girding raised up us in like manner, to His loved ments, command; abstaining affection, and witness; not love render- THE evil ing for evil, striking, or the Lord not be cursing has both as us, saying, 'Judge not, the preached who have foretold the us; being zealous of from false For Christ of whosoever in the flesh, he His he return to the oracles of there shall neither that fasting: with 'The So rapid churches, that temptation,' Ancient within of regularly organized, these lands which the It were Asia not for them. his from own after in The the that us ginning: bein said, " Scriptures. the century written therefore, the hath Lord Rome. understand necessary, ; and resurrection found were then fess con- all-seeing God of of able were come Wherefore, Gospel and Scriptures was the Minor, to is devil flesh is weak.' quarter a men. persevering the Versions spread bear not to us and the as the the any to prayer,' willing,but the was Syria, Europe, Greek. is testimony of Pentecost made into us all false doctrines, let delivered unto does Satan. their from vain Lord be supplication beseeching spirittruly The e. of lead to the taught who deceive of firstborn was those is from cross and have whoever and prophets Jesus Christ the 'Watching 'not the of many, word from that : the and ence, rever- apostles abstaining hypocrisy, who is the the vaunts good; confess the as Lord our brethren, and not that judgment, leaving is is Antichrist says and us, all with fear, and of shall ye forgiven.' be unto Coming in perverts lusts, and nor Gospel sufferings upon whosoever in and for what remembering commanded, what does but shall ye Him has have name and serve Himself and striking railing, or cursing; who offence SI for taught therefore us BOOKS railing for or judged; forgive, "Let the OF BOOK the day Christian Samaria, people of language in namely, the translations be " 58 THB these Among the BOOK translations, "Peshito," churches, and the far first versions of in the which doubtless of time and Peter, Jude New the language and fact. It is not in the were of are ceeding ex- ing claim- partly written were true literal or Aramaic version Palestine the contains epistles of Paul, fourteen the exception of it agrees Revelation, tament Tes- language, in spoken sion), ver- Old of the whole the in This With James. the contains the Gospels, the Acts, 2 made, the means Lord. our Peter, and churches these they the of most was the by Syrian trace, that that say the apostles. Syriac Bible, and 1 to to ever of because ''Peshito," (which or the Scripture of used as mention may we members able are we the of the days versions, or Latin," for them much The as BOOKS the by ''Old value great too used as So Africa. OF and 2 with at four i John, 3 John, New our Testament. Just the "Peshito" as so the "Old In fact it Latin" this that from was made was its of the " A. about date D. Testament New Hebrews, James, It will seen be that versions Testament, It 170. as and we 2 been the We may contains all the great place books them, except three Peter. of these all the first century the with great Latin his since have now churches. church. by the comparison in the made ever churches, Roman the Jerome Catholic Roman the of authority for has version, the Vulgate, which Greek for the made was of exception books ancient two of the Peter, 2 were New in existence. When large quotations and copious seven books them, no Greek Scriptures man from numbers be may the can that recovered any were New longer Testament exist in such the of its twenty- even and affect all in existence text reconstructed to doubt from that the in the first century, THE and were the then OF BOOK received world known the what has of preponderance New Testament, mind of the Testament ? It I. the command, and He 44). Testament by which And 2. When of God," able had yet been no of "the of refer to what is true Paul says, and tells and speaks to the of "All of Old "the He it He refers to in the not of to-day. it to 24:27, page (John ment Testa- Old the the of the by Scriptures" one our His at or (Luke us meant New came to the is true of the of the is not "wrest apostles. given by inspiration ; when in old the ment. Testa- Old which "Scriptures Scripture being Testament. references, quotations, made salvation" unto who many Scripture Timothy men arise have we have we the note of Christ wise the integrity of the Old ''the Saviour our of written. Scriptures which man," John also him That side possession as doubt, for be make to His to may if as seem the on record Gospels refers can allusions the the in might question it is known 32). It is wonderful and from it been about in the 24:27, there has Testament Old authentic. and far so the had constantly Luke 5:39; He again divisions same clear very life that Again hence reader, What seems Lord's said evidence and throughout TESTAMENT. OLD been 59 churches genuine as THE From Christian the by BOOKS Peter time speaks the by Scriptures" fulfilled" " are ; will when they all 6o THE it is Surely There them Here then is Scriptures, as before this evidence have deem have the evidence in truth the very Word as bears, and and genuine sacred as 285 Testament hundred of with God the authentic present here as from uineness gen- than that purpose, by which version it we do to go. truly can is in deed to-day, ; written present our submitted it the the Scriptures. Step Farther our in belief our forth set to back have we the men and whose essentially unchanged; text it left the when hands of the writers. FOR QUESTIONS 1. was year three Septuagint have Bible, the Old the sacred Christ. we the of evidence for that in made that the famous before said it of the it necessary, the This language. endeavored basis the traced to Scriptures, a to-day, existed authenticity centuries From His day. we forms version existed names Greek the them Lord's chapter we English are time. Lord's Hebrew the to into have our which by step we and Lord our our satisfactoryproof we and be even "Septuagint Version," (See page 8.) C. not that that know to us the called In addition in of before Bible a was, translation years to Scriptures same was There B. BOOKS handled. apostles J. comfort great a the handling OF BOOK Define the following REVIEW. genuine, authentic, terms: forged, spurious, corrupt. 2. of the 3. On what basis do the genuineness and authenticity Scriptures rest? Why are they questioned? Give illustrations. THE Do 4. possess we Give 5. a b. Name the of manuscripts of method the of of proof the from Bible copies, versions. and describe the account of kinds two of manuscripts Scriptures. Give 8. the authenticity Ancient first the original Manuscripts, c. 7. the of account Printed a. the brief and genuineness of of any 6i BOOKS ? Scripture 6. OF BOOK a brief the leading of manuscripts class. What have to you the regarding say of ''quotations fathers"? 9. Name the and fathers, apostolic when state they flourished. 10. Name 11. What today apostles ? describe and proof as have possessed that we by versions. ancient two our we Lord have the Himself Old and ament TestHis CHAPTER In "a classical straight of ages the: canon Greek the rod," the Christian indefiniteness standard a of used as Still later ''Canon term of we of the As it this sense The that those which books as of 1881 and we the use genuine, books in to are Philippians word in this 3 :i6. have authority be found in the the Revised Revised is chapter Christians 1, plication ap- lives. our divine American the of the to of 161 of Version 1885, and and volume. 367. rule a : restriction 6 :i6 ; which authentic, These as both sacred D. the the use we referring " Galatians canonical Authorized the in are inspiration. in Life A. of name the to the Scriptures sacred in and Faith it is used sense year ethics. indeed, or, be to came therefore, compose in the denoting and the referring that used of the received things, two " books first Rule of In of was The 2. grammar, Truth of number such of it early able consider- generally logic, When, the with Later writings one Canon though art, In used was practice. Scriptures." mean may The 1. in sacred the it signifies properly, rule." carpenter's and rule biblk. ''canon" word meaning, opinion the the religion of testing a of "a. or V. garded re- and Bible; Version of Version 1901. uncanonical By in of the Hermas, books canon, the such those mean we the as Epistle 62 of that Apocrypha, Barnabas. are the not cluded in- herd Shep- 64 THB Then On time. the construction earlier enriched own Daniel "the the and pen, book of V.) the Lord" the succession a added About made To collection this collection and Ezra. gathered the "Acts temple, The 432 of canon the it,, was This fact is borne writings, ^^he doubt time I. but of our These Lord Old complete whole, the Scriptures a the fact the a and (John Ezra rebuilt collection Great Synagogue. Jewish com^posed of Ezra, of writings as "Search are There existed books is in no the 24:27,44). apostles (Luke known now we ancient most Malachi. and form the the and Nehemiah Prophets, and the in was 5:39, were 2:13). Synagogue were was library for the second a the Testament and doubtless was and in the tions. addi- temple historythat of Maccabees Zechariah, such enlarged writings of Nehemiah, Kings to Zeph- writings (Neh. 8:2,3,14). Testament witness arose, by valuable temple of Ezra Great that 2 Old work to Zechariah. founding (See Haggai, the the of the have Nehemiah, It is B. C. find ished all flour- and temple, when and added when of David," Nahum, These books sacred the were Malachi, those the capture, after of his we prophets re-established, then fifty years a of writings of Haggai the of Habakkuk. existing sacred worship from books," Isaiah Joel, Micah, and Babylonian and rebuilt 34:16), (29:18, 34:16). destruction of collection ited depos- 22:8, Isaiah ''the to torical his- David's to inspired writings referring day the Joshua temple Solomon the Isaiah, Hosea, before the temple prophetic writings. So aniah, Jeremiah, Obadiah, After from with some R. Jonah, Amos, the in the (2 Kings collection Solomon's After placed of books also (9:2, BOOKS books prophetical in it the and and gathered were and OF BOOK regarded as one being emphatically the Scriptures"; THE Matt. 2. Abel the unto Chron.) of are Luke 3. "the Tim. 2 blood of i. from e. Genesis to and pass com- into three arrangement of the division "the and Prophets," that :i5,i6 implies 3 21:42; Bible. is evidence parts, ''the Law," 4. the to Hebrew 24:44 Matt. (''from the 11:51 Zacharias," witness a present our Luke of blood broken"; . and 23:35 65 BOOKS be cannot 24 '.2y,32) :29 ; Luke 22 2 Scriptures "the 10:35, OF BOOK the Psalms." Scriptures lected col- were together. The 5. New to amount and 850), citations direct about The Ezra with .The and is the mentioned had interview an the battle of The h. of it is almost high-priestwho with the Old Testament. But The first and deliver a create at a here Jaddua Josephus) to gradually added was it was some any to considerable of the that time books tained con- actually written. most important work personal testimony first the Great, shortly after the before ascension Gospel history (Mark was from Canon. canon were :i 1,22. B. C. Testament Lord's that 12 extends (according Alexander Testament our Neh. given certain gradually, period beginning See C. B. 330 New in it to about Solomon). of the during about (save Esther, formed was high-priests here Issus, 333 New Song the in all references quoted are canon The after to of C, and B. books additions ending genealogy 536-336 (including Testament its final Testament Old the Ecclesiastes, and Old receiving 280 all the nearly Ezra, Nehemiah, 6. of 16:15 oral, and permanent it was literature. the to ; Acts of the i chief apostles facts :2i,22). Their part of their no A cycle of of was the ing teach- intention selected rep- ("^ THE resentative oral in the words when world, and the existence, close But for came arisen Epistles,which often front the be This up. time proved The bear. books to for purposes the arose time to meet which of the Thus called books do. to are tolic? apos- There Testament. deliberate examination, which and genuine apostles the spurious gospels and and and to Scriptures the refused What " by the church received arose litera'ture of that New were were D.) brought Christians our false many genuine writings ally, person- Thus A. sacred urgent lies in answer (302 the epistles. Careful, prayerful, however, composition. converts time demanded persecutors that The friends by two visit them their from the question of question became The the books into came emergencies. given the false. this from authoritative of instruction. forth put were The church. at pressing. Gospels to with persecution of Diocletian Hence that the as records so removal kind unable reproof, and and special needs should not the another communicate to of counsel, 3. their Thus written was important forth. put of churches, desired were Lord our long . com.panions of the apostles. Founders the of commit to So 11-4) living,the necessity for already had The 1 by apostles themselves, and- two of their groundwork endeavored many extremely be the Gospel (Luke time should form time actions it became records and of still BOOKS 15:1-10). course apostles were But Cor. this oral writing of the OF facts sufficed to Gospel (i But to BOOK and the New others spired the in- whose Testament names canon. and "Homologoumena" as were "Anti= legomena." In the study of canonics regarding these terms, and a word what or two is meant must be by them. said THB At the time the of out Paul and John, 3 for The Peter. and question of its name author, Peter of "apostles"; the an "elder" "presbyter," a at which their fourth very had claims century differed they in themselves and 2 books called and bore the no the acknowledged from style i "apostle"; Jude an these these reasons in the place by "servants," and not however, they delay proving At books After canon. the the by of that century they last at were received were canonicity John called himself 3 undergone. at the end churches, and fore there- Hebrews stylefrom in their examination, genuine, the as were really written were For stories. allowed once deliberate the writer apocryphal not were or 2 puted dis- were " of the that Peter not recorded Hebrews, " the to authors. Jude styled and James ; much differed and epistles;2 Pauline regard they their called were so whether writings, as who men not epistles (or disputed). with issue at ''Antilegomena," was of the books seven first the and twenty epistles of by particular churches, and time styled "Antilegomena" The These Peter, Jude, James, Revelation 2 a other called therefore and Hebrews), the to readily were Acts, the the Gospels, four that (except John of the were books genuine, as Testament New {i.e. acknowledged). ''Homologoumena" books the of twenty-seven universally accepted and 67 BOOKS formation the of twenty canon OF BOOK close ceived re- scrutiny beginning of most of the received were by all. The 4. Apocryphal These " books apokruphos, because they derive which are, " (3) spurious. books by the Books. their means Jews, who were (2) not a They ''hidden." (i) hidden; They from name of Greek word, are called so unknown recognized ity; authoras regarded them, however, inspired as hav- 68 THB OF BOOK ing high authority, and a them their history of valuable held Talmudical in ":hemselves they authority with in Bibles some to-day Bibles, since they distinct of as equal position ing be- them find We in Catholic Roman the regarded by are the their canon, place by a regarded especially " were quoted are with Testaments. New and them but be to of the books the the Old between not they given were being as Scriptures, their of volume, were esteem Although many They sacred the that statement but writings. in high canonical the only allowed, not was in nation. carefullydistinguishedfrom use BOOKS Roman church as inspired books. The 2 fourteen contains Apocrypha Esdras, Tobit, Judith, the the Song Susannah, Bel and Story of Manasses, and of the some fathers have books looked been Council the acknowledged ''never Angus, and never are apostles ; heathen never a prophet his countrymen other messenger of church 1545, they as quoted closes by remarkable, his books is to either as striking as more is them be not, of does the indeed, itely defin- Scripture The them. Lord that says tures; Scrip- sacred St. Paul too, in turies cen- 'Thilo," part of the our not were Holy church. he by were first four they ish Jewand canon, or twice the by His quotes spired last in- predictions by recommending of Moses, and expected by them of of these few a was that expressly excludes received the in Romish them quotes It It Lord. our that titles included their were Prayer is true canonical, but integralportion an by the fact the poets. Christian as the Dragon, It Trent, Josephus church they be the Ec- Children, the writings during the of to Three the Maccabees. light; nor birth the declared as quoted canonical after until 2 of the in this on list of any and i of and i Esther, Wisdom, of rest clesiasticus,Baruch, books, namely, intimates till the that to no coming THE the of Elijah (Mai. second is evidence, moreover, authority is claimed is by virtually disowned contain with For what, then, useful In ? the "for read are By rule of it not view Jewish the These by the the it be the right of faith and which we may of posed op- the them doctrine." held be the to books, they historical a showing .2, manners, any writings From that events and of point condition Testament Old of the canonical with the the of intervene the opening Bible believe yea, " is the the meant lives I^OR the will of men the Spirit,and fore, have, there- We in in order these that fact. and supreme gument ar- written were divine have we revealed by the settled a that our govern is of books the Scriptures sacred and they bear, of course that these proven with What i esteemed parts some canonicity of the QUi:STIONS 1. these inspiration to life in accordance the be establish to are names canonicity of the a them in books instruction sufficientlyindicate whose under wrote books era. Let men The Scripture." of relating certain closing of facts proved. of life and value by which is it some history ( Baruch England of authority. and Christian of the with Apocryphal contrasted of are people, between Divine by 15:38). 2:23; the church faith, and they Internal writers, and precepts apply utterly without are * inspiration. and Church Protestant no can example yet doth but * and Jer. 43:6,7), self-contradictory, doctrines the to Mac. variance at * 4:4-6) of the none 69 BOOKS against their (2 statements compared OF BOOK Bible our ultimate that rule a rule they " by may be of the God. REIVIEW. term "The canon of the Bible Bible"? 2. Give a reason why the books are onical. can- THE 70 3. 4. 5. What is Why brief a 6. 7. BOOKS ''Uncanonical" term Bible the ? necessary? description of the formation of the description of the formation of the canon. Give brief a Testament New the of canon a Testament Old by meant was Give OF BOOK canon. Explain the ''Homologoumena" terms "Anti- and legomena." 8. Give brief a of account the books called "Antileg- omena." 9. 10. Roman What What is How are church? is the meant by the the Apocryphal and how value of by the term "Apocrypha" books the regarded church? Protestant Apocrypha ? ? by the THE 72 connection. off or on is the thought of which is the is the moulded of the monument nations that lost in key to have perished, and their tells history of us "It is not languages matter a that although the and may be inasmuch as divine could best languages it that so in many is early history language gives mind, and the the us thenon Par- the truly as as of Pyramids from the there are divine for the of earth. that classic no by Divine ''Hence of the was designed of in advancing historical in and Providence which of the that its VALUE it is that no those which so dently confi- not " drunk have Hebrew could various can we languages and velopmen de- employed enriching the it is that no even deepest the Greek adequately convey simplicity, grandeur, fulness impressiveness, for the THE for earth, yet, be must indeed and are German, revelation for all races, languages Hence languages as all the fountains springs variety, power for divine purpose, there the and revelation; the particular languages the English the in delivered the the bear revelation was to to become claim and perience ex- historical indifference,therefore, conveyed suitable most the the ; by speaking face of were certain " the race experience Greek the it is that Egyptian. the as and form emotion, whose their darkness, primeval and that of which rounded it becomes experience of thought Hence it were, it, and that body and energy. by thought employing race It is the essential an dress a flesh life and culture; it is, as and of is the but one, merely pleasure. It soul. thought language its at BOOKS loose a is not Language put may is not thought and language OF BOOK OF those selected purpose. THE translation original Scriptures; for as a ORIGINAI.. can ever translation take the place is, at the best, THE the work of and uninspired give They oracles. of the the emotion; it in and the the least various But then even holiest and inasmuch the as given through their time own of are God better hended, appre- all. Hence at for chosen be human who only can express of not for need tion, revela- all digesting them, life. the church sacred How fathers, and power of and of time, maintain Scriptures, and hidden a enter living ever life, that so if must, them essential connection deeper in into it should the the they of the them, apprehending reproducing for and understand to important, therefore, how is to mysterious their from only from the and age; inspired spake ideas ever their an time, but own and experience particular is this embrace to as faithful, continually improve in their knowledge and and only not practical conceptions eternal than original Scriptures,in of less Un- selected of the then and is worthless. been so men generations will advancing correctly apprehend to mere men their for Spirit,the timeless word and ent widely differ- external, grammatical, revelation holy numerous A should men divine lines same the and the translation learned most the the own, men and with with it their phases of and throb translation no body of a theological,ethical, the the it is all-sided types character. make feel to various original has conveyed, at or from and spirit of the requisitethat work, themselves phere atmos- and in move lexicographical translation but it is must foreign tongue. a think revelation, in order thought do to spiritand very must must coming yet unable are hearts adapt periods of divine the they their must types of character ; minds their thinking ; they reproduce into the original text ful, faith- and interpretation of the sacred own enter original authors; same of must 73 though holy Spiritof God, their us BOOKS who, men, the guided by than more OF BOOK speech it with their encourage is, if the spirit a THE 74 considerable and portion of all events at it in the insist things of attain,but the off from source its only its scholasticism, with institutions, will divine THE With of the exception of Testament Old was of applies the Saviour's in Kings 2 the whole time went the old Hebrew on, Josephus this language, and long before had as all our gradually changed by the people of the form of in the together with the was the Holy Land Syriac, which or It is 18 126. that time But as spoken Lord. our Because of this all change in language living languages taking Hebrew which the passages Testament Old the Syrio-Aramaean, words of God," in the written was epithet Hebrew. birth new mechanical importance few very barren TESTAMENT. OLD Jews' language" others, changed that a a cut of Israel. Jews fact and with THE many especiallythe language of the children the of of tongue. ''the Hebrew particular generation a Hebrew It is termed into 01^ as spired unin- people will be and place with original spiritualgrowth, and the IvANGUAGES the Christian a living communion and Word may these the place of stereotyped dogmas assume ficial super- truth; otherwise, stereotyped dogmas of a layman any interpretationsof life of the some as train to are merely not of the the studies, thorough acquaintance fountains the and generations,and days ministry, who have assume becom.e will into and deep will inspired word, to its these pursue history has already sufficientlyshown, versions This that to Bible, such original perennial church youth the a BOOKS its God, should of knowledge readily OF BOOK the scholars the history are place of are of able the old to " constantly changing, obsolete and discover language may three be ones " periods divided; THB each marked period being and OF BOOK BOOKS distinct by 75 peculiaritiesof style idiom. To first the which period belong the books written are Hebrew in of the in spoken as Pentateuch, the of time Moses. To the reached its the belong the second highest point^as regards purity books Psalms and the Proverbs of books the Amos, Joel, Judges, Samuel, of of David, Solomon, the which period, during Obadiah, refinement, and Kings, Chronicles, other and the had language of writings prophets Isaiah, Hosea, Jonah, Micah, and Nahum, Habakkuk. The third period, Nehemiah. of of writings the do as rest the the (so in Babylon during the Captivity. Daniel are written the third than to the does Syriac of the English to writers of the exhibited and writings "It the of began the of is not language, in reader time later books much of second a the of the the the that a of end relation same Anglo-Saxon this of some Testament that and written, rather a Saviour of Ezra Aramaean, the Old of the the recovered distinguished the period. to that the Jews with of much purity give examples introduction manner ; but our be in consequence ; and possible and of books to in Assyrian Empire Towards Hebrew. Hebrew period, the eastern or and porated incor- residence parts of the spoken, language, bearing a of the idioms become enforced Chaldee, the to the period the Parts in language cognate and and second intercourse other and had the of to Esther, Ezra of speak) to extended neighboring nations, people books Hebrew pure of the consequence prophets belong period words, phrases, foreign languages with the also this During of the would following of words be will of from other to intelligible show in changes in some the the guages, lan- nary ordi- degree 76 THE is what In meant. is anyone OF BOOK the recorded, he In 50). of spoken 2:10) (i Kings in spoken of this of intermediate ''If it be just been Hebrew the books of asked said what and that the Bible intention The also from and who in the their This residence relation successively the held countries." to pose pur- man's as 6 : 18 ; that and ; is transitional, from written, and were and : 12-26 difference phenomenon Daniel 7 particular dialect, which Targums ten writ- not are "These 7:28. over some far as 4 :8 to Babylonian sway that reason, for man which curious of written were this points of various the divine." to Chaldee in to long intervals, purpose, to able being they at by in, the language for even Ezra : 2:4 in which Syriac. the Testament Old in the presents the has what changes cases for what Daniel Chaldee, explanation some follows as written the From . transition is in and that proof impossible in the are and latter it is 10:11; are a fabricated book a go, in Hebrew portions is in though passages Jeremiah of utterly impossible, be can king any form, through there is that decadence and periods, can of of the later a periods of, answer and of his own, the the Holy Scripture it is to fathers* Chronicles) gathered practical use the about progress different at be earlier an and second his death the is (Judges the of 32: Hved fathers' times ple' peo- Deut. 'sleptwith man Kings may his Joshua their of stage. language, trace of idea some expression from an which generally when and death 27:13; later in dead in the books example an the that :io; in unto written the 'gathered unto Numbers 49:29; generation books is said 2 to be 'being gathered as ; but period it is the Judges, when Pentateuch, is said (Genesis 25:8-17; BOOKS Ezra Persian city and finds its lon, Baby- at rulers, the rounding sur- THE THE "The It is its different the the different Greek welded into been hand in the now known as the and Great, as originator greater thus the who and resided and the became in which were ; and eastward Hellenistic, in the known not language, Egypt of of time of to and own languages of and Jews where. else- guage, lan- boring neigh- Greek, thus fied, modi- Greek, which Saviour, and our from the the their Hebraised or derived words of the the spoke the Greek and Testament of the New in abounds which the Greek all parts the of conquest of Alexandria from is known by Alexander idioms and upper Greek being the the acquired forms in Palestine the books Greek and use colonies borrowed to This spoken language thus Jews who nations, was Greek words into the of Hellen, the fabled world Macedon, the it became introduced language of had " Philip gained After known of Greeks race. carried was in the The the Philip modified, East, the of son of after merged peninsula. the Greek, common sway Hellas, from of the of part the in before little better had Greek, people or authors were were under Greek Hellenic as they Macedonians affairs of the Hellenists, father nation one the when Macedon, for " Hebrew- classic Greek, the dialects ment Testa- New or by Greek classic tribes the the Great, but the various of it is not written dialects, as which into books Hellenistic, because of Alexander time the 77 TESTAMENT. NEW was called so BOOKS THE in which written were the OF LANGUAGE language Greek. OF BOOK written. were eastern writers in This sources, in classic Greek." A is a KNOWLEDGE 01^ great help in the THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGES right understanding of the Scrip- 78 THE tures, yet it is of absolutely not its rich and knowledge throw much phrases few Bible this knowledge. students such that and employed nation every in order heaven, the read understand God' (Acts absolutely Scriptures. The understand the who brings only classical to What In written 3. not read of men tures Scrip- the 'the them need, in order Testament the a of understanding than better investigation of edge knowl- a in the ance guid- English Bilble, his only to Greek, and such withal to in generally may scholar the particular passage for have to you touching what with say the review. regard languages languages were the divine to of the Bible intendence super- ? original Scriptures ? Trace Testament 4. and us, acquisitions." as 2. essential; not Greek we Yet Testament New the it is that English reader, trusting que:stions 1. of essential Holy Spirit,with of the of 2). of New version. very possessed from learn to how mercy to power Testament, New Testament Old and given knowledge a the have and it,a knowledge is not the others tongues, need we to of the under of become to of words meanings can mate inti- calculated desirable, it is is of own is Scripture ; yet blessing a and accurate and who are What works "While Holy labors our wonderful in tion realiza- correct a Greek and niceties knowledge the "An the there to necessary Hebrew of BOOKS truths. deep lightupon and though OF BOOK Cite written the Hebrew, the in stages in the three and passages Hebrew, name in and the give the Old reasons development books under Testament therefor. of Old each. which are CHAPTER the: By of us in some the The ancient others version of the proof version the favor Greek from a the separate Old "From rank. were the of THE when and, found Oxford these Helps be to to the an important an If reading. the the a second of weight greater." Jews, 80 each translation completely Study of the occupies Septuagint compared, so *'If manuscripts least tradition, it to complete a versions, Bible.* by seventy-two cell, made and TESTAMENT. OLD Of down scanty. question, of not been, of enormously the of at that in According Hebrew have we has number very tion. sec- handed early Greek the becomes Versions. Testament, copies is reading Versions highest number early prevalence I. the large sions ver- next are been original a reading, its have Greek with the in Testament New other some important most of them total accords Ancient I. the have we the in The into enumerated the as supports evidence I. oldest particular some of bible. translation a are versions manuscript in thi: original. languages while in the value. in to meant Scriptures the All critical is than language of versions Version a VII. Bible, these translated was of whom, of the entire seventy-two identical by in that permission. they THE deemed were portions the the of Probably different it about portion Philadelphus Scripture the the which text showing and phrases, the well as as the ranks the be In The 2. to he rendering opposition by second the Hebrew of the the quoted It It the was so but teuch Penta- of Book a low very are ductions, pro- poor incorrect so was as to the Greek from heathenism benefit than had literal Jews supply to of the been to as of native a Alexandrian D. a those literal who original, in appropriated be sometimes by the Jews, highly esteemed was Talmud, in the the words original ; and books the A. Septuagint, which Christians. imintelligible. of for text it,the in occupies was and rately accu- have version, the proselyte century with familiar to a only Jews now Aquila instigation in the more were the became the church. of Aqiiila. and At Judaism. sought of Daniel Book Version "Sinope in Pontus, this other and by the early Christian disused been to the Ecclesiastes and Ptolemy variations, both words. the and It is not we as additions place; the Prophets, Psalms, while have highest literary merit, next, of Alexandrian Hebrew, various at time were times. century, familiar. were some Coptic many third to different different in the the important many possesses Proverbs writers from translated the seems of most of this they Alexandria, appeared It that proof even at of (B. C. 285). early Christian it contains middle have may with and gradually of rendering convincing persons made was dates, from earliest afford to disbelieved Jerome the of 8i BOOKS inspired. inequahty seems work be to and story; OF BOOK and is by early Christian is discredited writers. 3. The Version Theodotion, the LXX a native of Theodotion. of Ephesus, About and an the same time Ebionite, revised (Septuagint) merely correcting its inaccuracies. 82 THE In the result the LXX, one in that onite his Version {c. A. is the third ancie:nt of the tenth or translation is hands, it well were is the was in Neither the but known, it in the Leviticus, Numbers, rendered with the of its latter always been been second 2. Version The the and Old of served. pre- the be The Ephraem Arabic all the those of John, the 2 eral sev- Genesis, and Job are Syrian gives, proof has version Syrian Church have translations of Books Canonical its that abundant the or translators This of of like the century, all sections as work books and of conclusion the to sions ver- ninth the place Deuteronomy, epistles of New, except Peter, the the the epistle Revelation. Latin the are as the century. it several well as third points fourth It contains and Jude, from Hexapla, simple" early nor to It testaments. "the his countrymen. accepted by Testament, Old the general by made. time exactness. of authentic, and as of in use half plays dis- Hexapla them new as Hebrew, Exodus, in use second acquainted with great in the Peshita seems the evidence and but language. of and old new a important of all the Syriac This produced was the most century. to in the given Ebi-- an name versions, quoted Scriptures "plain" version. his gave six versions 01^ version The 200), Symmachus, only fragments and Syriac. 1. the superseded elegance of style and later anonymous, II. D. of the Three Origen. were Daniel paraphrastic, like the LXX, purity and more of of of Symmachus. translation, which formed translation into introduced were version. Samaria of BOOKS of his emendations many and The 4. OF BOOK Version. Bible are Fragments found in of ancient an old Latin Christian THE writers, but in the All obscurity. OF BOOK history of that be can Africa, where North from Latin-speaking made from in the New it omitted James, and the to Version 7'he 3. in Latino) scholars known of the translated For this work he was occupied upon first the time of the version with the copies of one revised edition no text is before it is a Latin in A. 1590 work early period, him of valuable the for in the better Latin current He the the Hebrew. Great on a its This mixture inter- to the Jerome witness of the he probably criticism even but new it is by very text at manuscripts in its present of the a present were Hebrew in world The VIII. of Trent the later labors had of discordance predecessor, its it became of by Clement at against Council years and Although Church. gave also Bethlehem, at the lical Bib- greatest from The V. great antiquity, and aid Vulgate 383-404). Western Three D. is seded super- the militated by Sixtus The faultless. Latin was years. Gregory issued was ; mony testi- Old by the D. versions. improvement His revised residence noticed was the gradually corrupted by was decrees, and an means very use edition important. a in its standard other LXX Hieronymus, LXX of translation, however, the earliest of the twenty-one the the last Hebrews, Version into Latin for reception, from the of one (A. his up it for reverence authorized Jerome took the this in turn by Testament the Old of the gives Latin Testament New in the edition epistle to day, Eusebius his of St. Jerome. as version old made text), current been . The Vulgate. have to Testament character Italy by the Itala, and the (i. e. and made Old the Tertullian existence ( Vetus In complete was current the unrevised Peter. 2 it seems was the in is that church century. was and affirmed the is lost origin the first,and quarter of the second version its 83 BOOKS Hebrew state text. 84 THB Other 4. there are Besides other versions, made countries as ; sacred testimonies, and their original, as their with that Translations of the Bible 1380. whole great and of with historic Press in 1525. begun at New Cologne. On was completed. of of the sacred ; but strates points demonbooks have been factorily satis- integritymore ancient book of and is established. other some thirteenth century the from parts earlier. or the translated This Vulgate. Latin the Madden for Testament. The and the days until press it Clarendon the Cuthbert Tindale's Marburg. words printing flightof Tindale the Testament Cologne Many ecclesiastical 1530. essential issued New especially offended such common one accomplished before never Tindale's afterwards was some 1850. and order independent part Bible. from was by Forshall Coptic, or elucidatingthe of his followers some was (8vo) English by the in the work in Version sufficientlyattest other English into times, and Gothic most their Psalter the Wyclif edited the any of made printing, and was of were Bible all which Versions English 2. new in it establishes preserved, while than the differences verbal care famous copies of mere complete agreement the of for are not the Latin, different at their value have These Syriac and Arabic, Ethiopic, and all of which text. the g. the e. of Ulfilas, the Armenian, Egyptian, BOOKS Versions. many in different OF BOOK copies of (4to with it were Tunstall, Bishop at as Pentateuch Worms, to Tindale's a printed there; was edition was glosses) publicly burned of London, attempt to who translate "church." was printed by Hans Luft THE Tindale's 1534. throughout Martin the This Lempereur. Zurich Coverdale Bible Antwerp by version of the the the first was It the from of version Latin under English. in published Bible the Bible, and This Cromwell. whole at primary true translated probably (1528), Thomas of patronage the of version probably printed was Ziirich. Matthew's 1537. dale's for the the whole printed Whitchurch was the and New rest of edited of version and rypha, Apoc- was ably prob- It Rogers. published by Grafton was with the king's license, This Version." is the and mary pri- true Bible. of edition an from completed Testament printed English of the The 1539. Great Bible, revised, and dale, and Thomas Matthew's 1560. The reformers the in at Bible, and English versions. ''Breeches" Bible, because made The the of appeared rendering suggestion of of in 1572. whom wrote editions. by the refugee the known in Genesis revision Archbishop were of sanction Cranmer It is best A theologians, eight edition a by Cover- half-a-century Bible. Bishop's at seven for Matthew's the Published Geneva, all under the Bible. popular of 1568. of second of Hebrew, Archbishop 1539. Geneva the England in edition new with compared Cromwell to A Bible. published prologue fifteen but Tin- of up by Taverner. edited Bible by John London Taverner's, 1539. Old the first ''Authorized made was Testament, Antwerp, at and This Bible. Pentateuch Coverdale a is the (Swiss-German) Pagninus printed was revised carefully Testament. New Miles 1535. at translator, 85 BOOKS Testament, New its by English OF BOOK of most as 3 7. Great the Parker bishops. the A by ond sec- 86 THE The 1582. This in Testament 161 The 1. Hebrew Greek Cambridge, the from phraseology for all of results the of : The of the of revisions ; but in the Tindale, 1525 is and James' A 1 88 1, 1885. of England, the in The by Bible of Revised Convocation the two of he The Authorized sion, Aver- edition, exerted was opposite very was sions: ver- secondly, the and 1583. Version of edition subsequent 1602 1560, of Bible. 1535 powerful influence translators in Bible Great upon in the printed very Testament New as his of Revised Next for that little influence preparation in the the as improved side Bible, giving the In his best, this Version Pentateuch. 1530 once of only proof Genesis and be may settled Revised work. at seen First,the Geneva Rheims all great extent a were Matthew's comes latest in the the basis. the to Bible Gospel Bishops' text, King English 1568 exerted Bishops' over epistles;to editions and style,tone, The carefullyrevised as and successive Tindale. a Tindale's of these by side with Coverdale taken the Revelation. importance the and don Lon- Prophets, Gospels, Acts, and read is to side Version To London. Ecclesiastes the I) by forty-seven and Chron. i from Apocrypha; William by with side very Both 10. the thus the required to to value brieflystated 1539 Old the versions. textual order was great excellence, gradually superseded its preceding The Chron. 2 Oxford, by 16 1609, James Cambridge, Genesis allotted was of order (by Oxford, from This, in of Version, translated Authorized and divines to and Vulgate, translation Douai at Testament. New the companion published the Catholics. Roman by A 1583. of from made was was BOOKS Version Rheims translation published OF BOOK the originated Province February, 1870. The work of of in a lution reso- Canterbury, revision was 88 THE instead of plurals Asherim in Lev. 3 7 ; 6 :25, and terms has other of names been of and observed, and {c.) Changes and verses are but the to the short or from the the to involving questions retained are find in many and the whole already as of the marginal collection corresponding to This in the the than the in he sent to him," In him only the translation make "Almost V. In a but wrong me thou Acts to but little Christian" persuadest 27:14 the to A. V. be Psalter, more a where one New two or of "For sent you is otherwise which in Acts thou accurate Christian" rendering, the in "I persuasion is far me five books, quote Again, we The corrected for clause a meaningless. "With a us," unto meaning to as of which substitution the 23:15 back gives not fain Luke such noticeable Thus, titles such Hebrew been more Testament. Old instances: naturally The throughout, into of the have like instructive. very is divided Psalms ition trans- tions quota- translation are and in lines. Hebrew, new erence, ref- Poetical interpretation. Only the arrangement is the Testament New omitted existed for in lines printed are are of chapters space. chapters (d.) Mistranslations, again, necessary. a given Psalms, the of paragraphs, are explanations of stones. books prophetical .English headings as by The poetry. rendering Testament) Old poetical passages, of modern verses into marked subject is new a Judges still available be divided are in the divisions old bol sym- greater uniformity precious to as (especially in the sometimes books, books and its technical rendering accuracy The retained with in "grove" persons greater of form. so In and plants, animals, of names of place passages. places Asherah, places re- denoting the wooden the takes Azazel" ''goat for i6; the word Asheroth, and goddess, some Thus translated. being "scapegoat" of OFBOOKS BOOK "not 26:28- wouldest than the of the A. long after THE there geographical V. it against arose which The beat justifying as from down before it a the R. tempestuous a here are better a introduces wind," disappears references marginal 89 BOOKS tempestuous a confusion, rendering, ''there wind." OF BOOK of portance special imof rendering various clauses. The 1901. version important for reason American its the "In American of its American revisers the the British it published Bible as during committee the But on other offset an the of their part limited same as of work term a period, Presses of the in adopt the American English and the close of their companies of intention an the on the readings of the of the with the "The of the text American Revised many, the in English Revision in on be Revised American give, for publication those than of issued the might or the British eventually of most, receive should the the general public. But soon 1885 the English Revision has part of the Appendix, Version these there and disbanded; the should to the Presses, case work have The possibility that editions in had who the themselves to points England. the preferences, of years. and proposed was copy Version University approval of scholars after every sanction no still remained all preferences pledged by the University or English the of this, it fourteen Revised revisers, to in of the "There The following revision, should American editions any the by English companies, Appendix an very Version. agreed that respecting was that side stated joint labors difference, the vote. Revised is best the initiative in the decisive Another preface: of course ultimate had is the existence quotation from Version. Revised been Presses either indication no to wholly amalgamate or in part, editions. committee, after the publication 1885, resolved to continue their THE 90 American called less or the The that of the in the embodied in of a was in Revised Appendix of revision which the until required extending need of this and over be would the time deemed the required and more of that they the insisted Prepared it was issue the no and of impatient demand on under a prompt such obviously inevitable Revision was to was be thought differences, line between such a But best. British must transmission that it the task when University Presses of the be public for respected ; of the and in it should be pressure there was Manifestly done, the most al- ions decis- and recorded little difficultyat the be under since and it as sharp a itself be taken not years, a point of accuracy Appendix of important. it to in course, especially been prepared many time, if the drawing have discussions of number consisted had concluded; was speedy publication of the and to Appendix been fulness period of the for came ican Amer- preferences was The could, of work a less the one the those work it had consideration reduce to the rendered satisfactorily constructed, desirable Britain expedient it would one. ; for months' many tion. publica- a ings transferring the read- text, But revision careful a of elaborate impossible. This hand engaged Great edition new the to task. easy more need tually even- text. mechanical much such approved be an especially in in with Version work the for to seems the circumstances in now been and 1885, far so might have they scholars, both this comparatively fact it possibilitythat a ready preparation of the merely making of as revision since States, has United edition "If in years, preferences an Accordingly judgment in the and it EngHsh the diligently,ever four last for. BOOKS regarded of recension be more have and organization, OF BOOK dix. Appen- such marked haste, by THE the "When the was made the American by of no of 2. Name Old felt those the from Appendix in for 4. Old Give an in their Amermelled untram- British or the beyond and text, the had text a are large re:vikw. "Version"? describe and the emendations." suppressed a go the into introducing by be to to ence differ- revisers revisers free of much out entirely being British to of issuing now effort English points the be themselves is meant the principal Greek Versions ancient Versions Testament. Name the much an the pronounced In with of leaving revisers, connection restrained What 3. of acceptance the which importance. incorporating 1. thus vote, American any of the and errors work a part of number que:stions of its eventual the on two-thirds a have longer number been an emendations decided by the the of edition, the task for way limit, and lowest by of Presses, the pave reducing the previously, can has of originally prepared, was preferences part opinion Appendix to Presses, larger 91 labor. and to BOOKS correction its defects of supplementing time the ; and Imperfections grave OF BOOK and and describe New the the principal Testament. dates and names of the earlier English Versions. 5. What changes 6. is here were Why the was the date of effected American the Revised Version? What ? Revised Version necessary ? CHAPTER the: structure: ge;ne:rai, The Bible, divided Old two the New The former nine books. only of the book. this number book number The I. In I. The Prophets, The Holy of the and Josephus, to the Old miah. Jere- letters Testament. falls into three or of the the Torah. or Nebiim. or Kethubim. Law. Genesis to Books of Deuteronomy Moses. 92 " the the letters. twenty-two Testament the bring to of the as by adding number of Old Taw, Writings, includes called Books 2 counted by desire contains and i : 2. also the Bible Book This " Hebrew Book the consists Lamentations a the to alphabet, which The The from down of made of thirty- Nehemiah, still further that and Samuel, and statement a it respectively being risen books 1. 3. the as of Bible, 2 Ezra reduced have the divisions main to Judges, may and i " Chronicles, again Grouping the is contents, however, Bible, prophets to Hebrew bible. respectively English our books 2 was of the and Ruth of known Hebrew According This of the minor one in consists, i and language parts, twenty-four twelve both the: Testaments. In and Kings, main o^ divisions and regards as into and VIII. Pentateuch THE The 2 BOOKS 93 Prophets. These divided are books, the and The Holy These the into the and in the writings J. OF BOOK ''former "later stricter "minor prophets," also sense; prophets," into the torical his- or prophetical or ets," "major proph- prophets." Writings. include: a. The b. The Poetical Five Books Rolls Psalms, Proverbs, " Canticles, " Ruth, Job. Lamentations, Ecclesiastes,Esther. Other c. Books Daniel, " Ezra, Nehemiah, and i 2 Chronicles. In the mainly by First books. lastlythe and The Poetical classification Historical. 1. The the in settlement The and of the 3. and 4. aspects downfall Ruth, the Prophetical, the books is Cambridge the Israelite of the Old interesting and Companion. origin of the constitution, and ple, peothe Palestine. of the Ezra, Nehemiah the of Joshua: the Judges, Samuel, 2. to Pentateuch foundation the subject matter, to It is from a. of contents Books. Testament, according instructive. the of Historical, then the mined is deter- arrangement consideration a come following the Version Septuagint Kings The : history of the people monarchy. : personal memoirs of the ity captiv- return. Esther, Chronicles of, the history. : special incidents in, and THE 94 OF BOOK BOOKS Prophetical. b. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, minor c. Poetical. 1. Psalms, 2. Canticles d. Didactic. Lamentations prophets. lyrical. " idyllic. " Job. Sapiential (Deep e. wisdom). Proverbs, Ecclesiastes. /. Apocalyptic. In English our Bible according The 1. esis Ezekiel, Zechariah. of Daniel, part their to Pentateuch or " Testament Old the books are ranged ar- subject matter. five hooks the of Moses to the Gen " Deuteronomy. to 2. The historical The poetical from hooks Joshua end of to the Esther. 3. Song 4. The view I. or devotional hooks from Job of Solomon. The prophetical hooks, from following table of the the Testament Old Genesis furnishes to 2 Kings period from us books are 4004-587 in Isaiah with to a Malachi. chronological : chronological order, B. C. ering cov- 96 THE 1. Historical 2. Didactic (a.) Matthew " Doctrinal (b.) Pastoral (c.) General all " Paul's, except A doctrinal follows and i " the " and i 2 Timothy 2. Anti-Judaic 3. Personal i Pastoral D. 52. A. D. 57. D. This I and i and Galatians, 2 Timothy, Colos- Titus. presented in chronological be may mans. Ro- Hebrews. Thessalonians. 2 Hebrews and 2 Corinthians, Romans. I the pians, Philip- (?). and Timothy, 2 is Titus. important progressive development of i Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon, arrangement The Corinthians, 2 " Galatians, 6y. teaching given Thessalonians. 2 Ephesians, " 62. and D. be : A. A. epistlesmay Christological Philippians, epistlesof Paul thus and and i " and sians, Philemon, A. of Paul's : " order Peter, John, Jude. arrangement Eschatological The Titus, and Revelation. 1. 4. Timothy 2 James, " Prophetic 3. 3. Acts. to Epistles. the " BOOKS Titus. and as OF BOOK of truth the for in the discerning of the experience and Chapters and apostle. Division of the Bible into Verses. The and EngHsh Bible 773,692 contains words. Of 1,189 chapters, 31,173 these, 929 chapters, ses, ver- 23,214 THE and verses, and 260 OF BOOK words 592,439 chapters, 7,959 BOOKS in occur Old the and verses, 97 181,253 Testament, words in the New. the "Although chapters and division the sections the The into the much ancient of the the the effected by paragraph, by clauses, and the maae The early Gospels shorter mark inventor, subdivision Latin divided each the a sort which, of summary in was of a or were Scriptures. in the third Greek from Greek century into language, the by The Ammonius, by Euthalius, sections, and of of name sections. fifth century epistles into words Ammonius by commenced in the and the the tion men- attempts Ammonian as Gospels, Acts section and in to sections all the in subdivided passage colon. our of and any ending sections, called kephalaia known still further the division is for when division minor to vided. di- ; the the to lesser subdivisions the but two breves; Latin; the which of the similar into further were of carried to in in the which obliged were in modern by quote or Christianityvarious sections, called the who of were capitula to use similarly reference a into 669 system, line similar between divided the and was the systematic a divisions a ages were in titloi,and these by even for Scriptures, dash a effect to in and were our numbering Hebrew break a on subdivision no in was divided are Scripture they was into date, Thus, divisions appeal to Bible recent verses. convenient more There our verses subject of the copies of "In and Testament occurred. to Scriptures Jews wished Old the Hebrew the again subdivided were prophetical writings chapters manifestly of liturgicalpurposes greater 54 were books comparatively similar there divisions,, and of the these and somewhat of for portions Jews, Pentateuch Jews is verses into among division its contents. fixed pre- 98 BOOK THB ''The division modern has verses Sancto More this The be the books and man, into and of pauses The ^. led his of this kind, and to and follows it,are, Version; order each: good the in many for memory books drill of the is see the importance of chapters, of change chapters in sign some Acts referring to on the to the Awkward of matter at in the Jews of account the into by the Bible events breaks the end of one chapter that immediately guarded against in cases, instance, fect, imper- subject matter address. of the sion divi- paragraphs. Follow the Paul 'As break to or into the separation beginning of mark of this the work of the very tend verses reader from making the the chapter of of the address off is cut which A the where 22, in subscriptions rule, no a English the 1228. verses are they division to in entirelythe are division our the apparent chapter latter of weakness and 21 in Stephen to analysis of the chapters As division is denoted will be cases The tion introduc- died into 1263). inspired writings. narrative, and the who divisions division D. the Angus, speaking meaning. the A. titles and inaccurate with discussed. paragraphs the 'these the to it coincides subjects Dr. not the obscure attached be unless the when even the part of the no chapters, etc., and is to form that Testament, New Dominicans in 1551. Stephens and the Scriptures first divided expected,' said be might sense of the the was here of and St. Cher de ascribe Canterbury, remarked chapters Spain (died of English version, in the of dividing into Hugues to in Robert produced by ''It may to of mode Testament New edition Bible provincial cardinal archbishop Langton, the investigations,however, recent of BOOKS attributed Caro), France, afterward in of been usually de (Hugo OF John 7:53 furnished Bible, with and vised the Re- 8:1." by memorizing number of chapters in in THE The Testament, Old The 1. (36), 2. Twelve (4), Kings Neh. Deut. (31), (13), Esther Poetical 3. Psalms Books Chron. r (40), Lev. {2^), (34). Sam. (25), 99 chapters. g2g (50), Ex. Gen. Historical I BOOKS books; jp Pentateuch: Num. Ruth OF BOOK 2 Josh. (24), Judg. (21), : Sam. (29), (24), (36), Ezra Chron. 2 {^22), 2 Kings i (10), (10). Books Wisdom or Literature: (31), Eccl. (150), Prov. Job (42), (12), Solomon's Song (8). Books Prophetical 4. (14), Joel (3), Amos (4), Micah (7), Nahum (2),Zech. (14), Mai. The Testament. New Historical 1. (24), John (13), Gal. Philemon General 3. (3), 4. I John I Heb. (i), Rom. Prophecy: (6), Tim. Into what 2. Name the Testament, with phets: Pro- (i), Jonah (3)/Hag. chapters. (16), Mark Cor. i (4), Col. Phil. (6), Luke 2 Tim. (16), (4), (4), Cor. 2 Thess. i Titus (3), (13). John 2 (i), Revelation QUESTIONS 1. 260 (16), Epistles: James (5), Ob. (3), Zeph. (28), Matt. Paul: (3), ; Minor (28). (6), Eph. Thess. (5)., 2 Hab. 2'j books; Acts (21), (9), (66), (4). Books: Epistles of 2. (3), Isa. Prophets: (48), Dan.* (12) (5), Ezek. Jer. (52), Lam. Hos. Major " two three the (5), 3 books (5), (i), Jude John 2 Peter (i). {22). FOR general great Peter i REVIEW. divisions under is the divisions each of the Bible Hebrew division. vided? di- Old THE loo How 3. to Give 4. English the is OF BOOK subject Testament Old divided, cording ac- matter? list chronological a BOOKS the of books the of Old Testament. What 5. books Give (i) of Who 7. have the and doctrinal, a Paul's divided it Give 8. and of divisions the Testament New ? 6. we the are (2) chronological a rangement ar- epistles. the Bible into chapters and verses as to-day? from number memory of the chapters of books in each the book. Bible in order, PART II THE HOW BIBLE TO STUDY IT "Study to that word of approved thyself show needeth not truth." (2 to be Timothy ashamed, 2:15.) unto rightly God, a dividing man workthe CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION. "Man can search the covet is concern The I. If the in the Bible is and so well an old be read must This the Word of heirloom an hung ance guid- deserve It is not, as our has one talisman, or on up of Word Christian it must or as is but walls, our be to simply satisfied willing find dig it ; down teaching must we glancing its substance face; sur- depths. therein. that was study its over into precious Christ's of by to much read to we should Scripttires." be must we great it to prove foi that used be the Whatever regard, their inspired rule study. as to the thoughtful rest essence very "search not shall we safe it follows enough must we sought namely, only sword it is not We convinced Few used. and Surely the be sheathed And The to burdensome. though have we daily living, said, and to Locke. " chapters, and tedious diligently study. and reverent most them." what preceding affair, but Scriptures, demands living God, it. in secular any him to the enveloped Bible the in mighty in is Scriptures be to himself weary the cannot, God, main this business man we must living of the not, bread heaven. 105 of the world we which will life may not, came of the do tian. Chrisin this neglect this down from io6 BOOK OF demands method THB The 2. Much study. why " possibly One of be the methods, the of in method of than A in the writings way. The if he this in orderly an of student its its hidden discover would must methodical is the of We a Bible and logical manner, a combination sacred the sufficient,and good. most is what or, one. is none. of profit out method, method primary the and inappropriate one in methods or possibly " lack no results study. pleasure an that recognize must of haphazard a book, written pages the is better study in not of use however, to come reasons little so truly said method one the in the touching is because worse, It may and said people get study, Bible yet be might Bible one Bible BOOKS depths of meaning. It is the and illustrate of ways to of purpose what forth, however, The students. combination the order of is day is It essential the for great mistake think they can Bible study, give nothing. daily iii But carrying there The put in use in Bible upon should results shape during the them give of as out be day a because hour or Ten or outlines and and and erent rev- half a them little time give in an each They more. they fifteen will be not, can hour a minutes or day to spent wonders. accomplish plan. study We not can plan a are take to A who, Bible classes. day. an methods in this book. time. who man a not, advisable be appeal may doubtless would than making are method presented are profitable most diligent, earnest method might they more enough all ideal all. in which Method suit to advocate to Enough others. to book the as Scriptures. One the readers, another some set recognized are studying II. in this Part They should night. should notes should school be for be Bible talks, reviewed in ourselves and down written to or for thought meditate THE But all. will we essential is to thing as wise great, for down The j?. through mind determined the heart the into enter ''An for Testament will not the be the the norant ig- of has the written shall enter love." the through it is and them, doctrines of study of the New The devoutness of to the sacred the timent sen- Scripture unless spirituallycomprehended and is theology indispensable requisitea an we Pascal. " religious experience. guidance taste our interpreter of His ; to the student the a and its Author of divine of in The art We the there of the Spirit. sacred He sin that who or is with ally continu- must Holy Spirit. that study characterize divine of must be Word comes the a " requires for taste a philosophic must to We element poetry philosophy requires spiritof criticism, known should " consciences appreciate spirit. So mind Scriptures. of prayer. study wilful know to the in as ; the of and more not interpreter. The the artistic with order becomes atmosphere with small things, therefore, Himself bathe ever poetic it carry Neander. " seek to he studied. and mind, divine in rightfully and approach must and piety Humility our them Biblical Spirit of God words." In presupposes of the interest a and divine things only through inward needful that heart. truth The year. God should Bible the into love to necessary it Book. has into Infinite know ever and more the great bock, a to year study, know that spiritin which ''God from shall we His in is will man actual begin thoughts us Bible No more 107 systematically. In time, are, we world. know persistently and on a in the book vastest BOOKS The is accumulative. Knowledge the OF BOOK the be bued im- ture Scrip- consciousness being practiced by him io8 THB find daily,will it will have OP BOOK it a dumb BOOKS It will open oracle. for him the Holy loving, consoling message no upside down, ( i Cor. 2:14-16). feeling of deep dependence A 4. In all for not us all of the efforts to understand our make known Ghost Holy from here. We faith for the mind of God, and thoughts of that mind No it. to Let us. the teach not meet cometh give to divine the those to Spirit knoweth communicate can the then, surrender us, back to which wisdom He but nothing Him beseeching control, and will but Holy anointing learning prornised one one no It is the must the God, of that has Spirit,holding the to God of students as or have office of mind truth. need we must which ask the wisdom above, and in who that human Mere the need into us it is the the us Spirit. Scriptures we the that unto lead things, to Word. forget moment one Spirit to upon to from His unto open selves ourplete comus the Scriptures. PROFITABLE There The in the words by and doing entire and and care letter old and studying together and classified methods studied nicety, making thereof, letters this reading : let first look us unprofitable methods. of Pharisees scrupulous grouped STUDY. BIBLE methods. UnproHtahle /. of ways unprofitable of the some be may profitable and of all at various many Bible, which the as are OF METHODS UNPROFITABLE AND in the even to intact, undamaged Scriptures laborious counting the with researches number of books, in the thought that various they might the preserve by the the loss Writings Holy even of a single THE small. letter, however He when wise God's of care rather of the the in the to books the search that conceits own light from that they were left this from surely pursuing the unprofitable ways To 1. read something out for time reading as follows: to look with Bible entertain ant, Coven- in Life. law, Wise in content were awful to ing seek- consequence 8 (John signal prevent to :2i,24). warn us from us tempting at- cold, curious, careless, a this, there fancy intent and to other are Bible, which other no be to be may than pass to pick the away employment. the upon to the the tain ascer- ceremonial sins besides of of other want To 2. the the course, but briefly summarized Him danger Scriptures superficial manner; or of have in their a cerned, con- strength without and see may similar a read to we die to to Old in the own God, and are of the 12:16), they their Scriptures in we ing, bless- Pharisees, but types they might (Rom. help In the and themselves, Him to come books no extreme endeavor no through as the to of the meaning far as made they identify Christ found was for contrary, This been, by God's results luded al- tittle,shall in fulfilled.' whatever benefit no spiritand to their excellent Saviour our one it has although with was till all be 109 that jot,or 'one law Word, attended and the BOOKS this It is to that said from pass OF BOOK of reading Scripture Holy as a . outward mere think men having duty themselves due To busy dwelling ancient and the upon and the to the to given oneself the modern, gracious them to opinions have and God, invitation and law in the finding that notions given which without agement encour- Gospel. in entertained explanations they have Scripture. of much too of performance the obliged by regard thereunto 3. task, or of of the out men, and both Scriptures, certain parts of THE no To 4. do To 5. close making no that read of To 6. of and moral the in one's us with intent have sanctified to the of heed, as a (2 as and of able been not reading the Bible, is of given the truths if ; or, it to than nothing more think it is to methods soul's seek live up that health cation appliothers the to book a enough Peter day and to deavor, en- same. Scriptures followed :i6), says, 'We i ; whereunto shineth star in a have our will the early also a that more take ye place, Until the dark in your arise the cunningly- do well ye with and declaring that 'not had reading to salvation. enlightened Peter, after Gospel helpful are the read to light that the and dawn of passages all, making at Bible prophecy unto have that understanding the fables' word sure day to our of men way strength,to by them. preachers devised is made turn should to difficult prehend com- methods. now We a teaching own profit and 1. of to conjectural interpretation. mere teaching, Let trying oneself. to ProHtable in particular application Word 2. time ablest general regard the good and the a too and the than rather give BOOKS meaning even fall into are the which than more labor unravel Scripture,of to much spend and OF BOOK hearts,' (2 Peter 1:19.) It has 2. that been sincere is, a unto salvation Tim. 3:15), to this is the is the fail of given. to true faith which preparative And order directions obtaining if it be his whole the Word the end simplicity of heart, desire unfeigned best study. resolution cannot and that said through sacred to well for is in the be to made Christ reader attended life and Jesus (2 bring can with an conduct proposeth, which wise the then shaken uncording ac- he Scripture THE 112 Word, Holy blessed in we Saviour our Jesus Christ. the and In (Gen. How great hath heaven and how earth much who be the created He the God all (Psalm Word also that He the glorious is the earth Of ful, beauti- God truth a Since ! so must self Himthan all heavens the firmament His by infinitelygreater the ; and and hath How great his showeth God ! And it. He as is it to He be by the the preserves the created has years same whole, individual and particular every fashioned and me What of all creatures and honor an thousands preserved preserves earth also created Almighty produced also created glorious, and so He heaven members. has us 19:1). He of given be, who and produced. created workmanship God must more ! God of therein. my He has glory hath contained and the :i). i great, so hast God beginning heaven them made work handy are greater creatures declare the Thou which fast hold ever Amen." the earth Meditation. work and everlasting life Scripture Reading. heaven BOOKS embrace may of hope OF BOOK being. Self -Examination. whence ; or a work have I of God's omnipotent by whose than raised and be word Have I my have I forever the worlds mind I even desire ? it ? Have Has I loved the now to be ? my (Heb. conversation and the the 11 creature of those 4:17), :3) ? than more viewing heavenly thoughts to (Rom. heavens the admire calleth were framed" were great so ever "who they ing originalbe- manner I Creator, admired made Did though as is in them who the first and careless a hands? of not in over own perhaps who God passed their from consider duly ever have earth power things which Father and heaven I Did the my more heavens contemplations ? in heaven, where THE The that earth, or whom there The of is my is put I not the Creator Has God used to and Creator creation. the from whom days I by reviewing that to is created and and spiritual spirit new a adorned glorious them with bodies ; and sun have sinning ungratefully, their light, against ? earth He all the and created creatures for them this end; have or vanity, subjected frustrated the I end always I, by pride and them end tained con- other no Have glory thereby. own thereby in of direction the to and and to still greater designed by the ? Did I ever light was that consider brought thorough sense precede the out of of my state of as Give in Bible the study. 8 general by the darkness, own divine I^OR QUESTIONS I. earth from I ever, light thereof and His lust and the Truly ? creatures bondage, heart mine create'd luxury, by Him mind my bright and benefit promote the alone, with and Creator Did being? abused therein than heaven my heavens other often by their the and too or us? made moon, God on worshipped new a heaven, on particleof God's small creation, elevate has but created a life and within God must has humbly whereby fixed be to I, then, duly have : will and variableness? but am and very creation a such no Trinity youth, natural and is not 113 beginning, a time I, therefore, remembered have the had perishing creature, any blessed my BOOKS own heart my myself also, who Have earth God's in again considered the and heavens away pass OF BOOK reasons so of word in the corruption God the creation new darkness and illumination? REVIEW. for the need of method THE 114 2. 3. 4. 5. In State State What OF BOOK what spirit the must some unprofitable some profitable is the value Bible be studied methods methods of BOOKS meditation of of ? study. study. and tion. self-examina- CHAPTER THE "The and Bible, will salvation, but of assertions It the will God's his religion either be of student God." the a become degree English will manner, is necessary learned that will thing everynot be false the or their to in he arguments engraft to the careful a which refuted the read can opinions own Horsley. " here proper such to by will endeavor who of it in he blessing BIBI.E. but read to care THE practical knowledge the those oracles the upon to if he Christian, the misled, be to all by relating liable take attain only not OE INTERPRETATION illiterate most 11. to first note, his himself, Bible of about all, things for qualifications its interpretation. I. The I. Faculties with The feared science *SeeWeidner's in tends need of excess religious exalt Theological of a and judgment, to should interpreter the he dowed."^ en- faculties. has interpreter sound be which Intellectual (a.) The Himself. Interpreter clear a certain imagination, science this than faculty. Encyclopedia. and degree is, perhaps of is most nation. imagi- more because elsewhere, What standing, under- vigorous to this useful ii6 THE the to theologian rather than OF BOOK the is the BOOKS of equihbrium excessive and all his isolated faculties, development of a few. (b.) Moral The Scriptures were heart as order to for the He himself (a.) first cultivate is of the love task disposed the of "desire for do are of modify to not logic. his allow) clear all to To dertake possible, un- discover the with in accordance ideas impartiality heart, (so far mind of should and also to preconceived without above of if should, desirous be not corrupt as morally perfect. ideas. surpass fact surpass above ideas. The meditation. and believing them, which be clear acquire the heart, and disposition required of the interpreter is study clearly they will second which his interpreter ought disinterested, but and Search is He examination. his nature to of possess interpreter. the truth. join impartiality (b.) the to interpretation should only impartial The of of truth, and human aid in truth. He should of his office,should the seek necessary opinions. he duties the interpreter, therefore, disposition which the result The for much as slavishly to the requirements Love The the should Dispositions 2. evidently written intellect. accomplish sensibility. hind faculties. that In those they do surpass we reason. can and do to it, but not attain ligion re- comprehend the hinder believe ness clearof matters intelligence,he ought intelligence should for to means the many fact us that from things THE Faith (c.) The has and of piety. The for the task be his of his diffident and circumspect, mistrust to task well, interpretation. The Biblical constantly also and opinions, of his irreligiousinterpreter is be conscientious, ought 117 accompHsh to and interpreter must He order faith unfit morally BOOKS piety. interpreter, in need his OF BOOK ous. laboriand passions ability and of even success. Duties J. be studies ought But Bible. read Many and original render obscure and absolutely necessary convictions of the the stopping to amine ex- of the Holy refresh, nourish and study constant Nor theologian. the neglect fruitful, the knowledge clear, vivid, and be of Many to to portions certain passages. Meditation texts. Scriptures are only superficially,without elucidate Bible entire Every theologian ought read many the embrace to frequently repeated. exegete. an interpreter. the His (a.) and of and this dare ous religi- study be interrupted. ever His (b.) studies one's self and Luther said: of of Some I. Ascertain As the to be feeling of a Oratio, continued with one's weakness. meditatio, and own tentatio experience, " distrust faciunt these are thethe theologicalstudy. 2. or with Prayer, study, ologum. means ought for rules the whether interpretation the language of of the the text Bible. is literal figurative. a rule context, language the Bible usually used is to interprets informs be the taken its reader in a terms, own as literal to and, whether sense or by the not. ii8 THE This be cannot Judgment accomplished and in all The its will it Saviour the science and tact the examine to Jews build figurative? relied this "Destroy How again." In this the as upon by passage faithfully. all these and temple, He do instance the this know we three in narrator cesses pro- tion. interpreta- true figurative language when in spoke : it be can sustained be must alone. impartiality, details, critically,exegetically, and before to intellectual by It is necessary figurativesense Our BOOKS faith, critical good also necessary. are OF BOOK said I days is language so, says (John " 2:19,21,22). So 20 with Cor. I ; Matt. elements :23-26, 1 1 in the used literallyJesus' not these the The figure words was told "to not to the in the from of wash of word bread word in as the Jordan the often Bible. When cleansed its consequences by be it is Naaman it is sible impos- in its literal taken equally that from the atively figur- 6:11, believing Christians figuratively,and being used times," seven is to Cor. i represented are "wash" and in spoken of are blood and It has wine. being "washed," as of sense flesh the to Eucharist. the which blood and in the is used they their sin that manifest washed are and saving efiicacyof released the blood Christ. nature For truth. generally to rulers, those 9; His that Sometimes low of of 22:19, is made reference literallyin when, spoken are and of as see but sense; flesh "washing" well as which in Luke 14:22-24; celebration but passages, under Mark 26:26, 2y, or trees Rev. and itself is drawn example represent who brush 7:1-3). : the trees The men. are the in common to upon of a forest lofty ones authority illustrate in the are taken designate state, and people (see Ezekiel vine di- the the 31 :5- THE I20 rather and to BOOK its divine express than actions curiosity, BOOKS influence examine to in their its doctrines them explain to or OF with the by dispositions excessive an rules of human v^isdom." (1483-1546) Luther whole foundation ground in distress is the its stands Ascertain 2. writer All of the of sense writers I Tim. do faith truth His In Romans that temptation." of words the used as each by the and writer the determine must the with word same of usage "faith" ; Acts :i as same the nection con- meaning Acts of it means In Romans proof means 123 ; 3 13 it in keeping evidence. or conviction conscientious a 1 of which Gospel fidelityof God the " 17:31 it 14:23 doctrine. great faithfulness or the means Gal. In example. an 24 '.24, it is the In word. faith,the only thing and use it is used Christ in means not The word 3 :9 ; 4 ture Scrip- word. particular the of of meaning Bible. the meaning. Take literal meaning the in which the "The " of duty. Again, used in take contrast 9 :3, it refers sinfulness. human to So it means the Romans means both it is with the word outward Christ simply safety the and sinful and :ii for as the 1:3; reference any Ephesians and it is 11:19 Romans 1:14, 2:3, it to points corrupt. In deliverance; 13 secured Gospel, John "salvation." in Romans has Ezekiel In without nature 8:13 as nature bodily healing; which human to In stone. to In "flesh." word whole Exodus in James of the 2:3. 5:15 blessing Sometimes believers. in Hebrews 14:13 it THB Sometimes the known In and Hebrews illustrated. of things hoped this definition. The in this stumbling In Bible. in doubtless possession the in a of clear of possession higher Hebrews is the defined sincerity, sham The degree. James in meaning the make which graces the either of divine truth, character first is the i the The word is i :^-y Peter 2 Christian perfect in meaning :4, where In is ( i Chron. Christian "entire, lacking nothing." as this ; and 2:6; Philippians 3:15. Corinthians i of are parts of the means knowledge graces of parts real, unfeigned a it things many Testament Testament all the of synonymous goodness Old in the so being as defined tion expecta- both of several in the accurate lower or 5:14; second the and confident a which over to New is made first is given are " or meaning the be it is used opposition In is used perfect persuasion a is defined " 37:37 its real 12:33,38). or day uprightness goodness, to examples Psalms with even for, "perfection" word word himself. It is said then and seen; the 121 instance, "faith" for then BOOKS writer the by 11, not zvhich in sense defined or OF BOOK are enumerated. Sometimes words to context, In Kings I and In verses your the Numbers heart 32 is set to on opposite of prosper" and their to usual sense. spoken was the ically, iron- reverse. very "Rise 22:20 and 12 "Go, 22:15 meant very according understood, up, imply, "If, violating My go" and after from appears told you, it at your all I have do command, risk." own The I the mean he to are Kings 4:8. use of this form 18:27; Judges of speech 10:14; Mark may 7:9; also i be seen Corinthians in THE 122 The J. circumstances written We in We the The details the acquainted with. Under what addressed the ? of if the in we poetical These, ? book and was many and would we sentiment author become of well written, and whom to mode become the words people of moral each to Scripture must were of writing of find we writer, his style and of the state peculiar cognizance each character What time what literallywhat parables. circumstances the was those likelyto emphasize chronology more student what and consideration. than individuality of expression, at be of writer the to likely to translate books should into taken more historical books. than be BOOKS peculiar he must to, should find OF BOOK they prevailing other we were stances circumtake must interpreters of the Bible. /j_. Another noted and in the interpretation of he cannot This term Scripture order recognizes once and The of is bearing "the the though arrive faith upon a its of its true and us be that to from with It the at ture, Scrip- speak the sages pasthem teaching of ample, ex- justificationby faith of obligation the all the comparing at tenor given subject. If, for to rejected, because spiritof call the ''the whole and other, thereby arriving it freed we phasis em- meaning. with subject one were much Scripture gathering together of on he must inspiration. is identical any expositor design at Too unity running through divine It is interpretation must main comparing Scripture" whole an as of analogy with the to factor It is what it. 12:6). proof of a Scripture." one a Bible. (Rom. means in the placed upon of Faith Analogy important exceedingly Gospel. holiness, such it counteracts an the THE In for Prov. The idea condemned, the therefore 2 of 3 meaning, . the promote "The Psalm (1627-1691), read "many other books, might promise her luminous, which, being free the Christian a said Boyle chosen difficulties, standing notwith- moon, the that stars its dark are sages, pas- the than light more obscure rather the God, designs. from light than more of several Scripture, notwithstanding afford will as and analogy glory have persons ; but the ones," devout spots, gives so of be 18 '.2^ ; adorable clear with instruction more Ezekiel ; the His composed Scripture mingled of texts of evil." Scripture, by to of this passage, determined as things they might of 145 19 all day upon parts accomplishment Scriptures being the founded (see made that faith, is that all evil shall contribute and to be true for created have 123 has wicked innumerable The 19) BOOKS Lord were some with cannot Peter wicked which is inconsistent the even yea, that said, "The it is 16:4 Himself: OF BOOK best authors." (1704-1782) Nezvton, Bishop as much understand the tenor of men of aid The with all ages have God's to whom to the student and will it with best itself, spiritual' (i Cor. 2:13). doth show best that self." interpret it- the impressed with reverently tian Chris- devout and sity neces- comparing Scripture. knozvledge of houses Word You " is to been of God Word by conferring "Scripture " extracts reading mud, God of these Scripture with A of (1661-1732) Lowth 5. Word the interpreter. own spiritualthings with 'comparing The its possible as "Make " the Bible of the thus the and manners zvas in its poor became of customs originally written, the is ple peogreat a interpretation. in the east were fittingimages generally of the built frailty THB 124 of human This life. The houses of comprising at it These facts passages Deut. Isaiah : 22:1; Acts dress of the The the with later yards in the worn. It Hence it their aside It will ancient other The the the to John two said 13 :4 ; the robe 21 some thrown only of was undress, walk to in knee, of and kind a are ments; gar- shirt, generally visits, or pay in it alone :2-4 ; of first dress as 11:2; 2:4. shoulders the votion. deother many Samuel 2 loose a roof, and little below a doors usual and or other over the on out. Scripture to :y),or to have laid the repay Antiquities and light purchase to Bennet's or of manner the upon student such Archaeology, the Scripture These Jews. not be to books the on throw gotten in a any way. The 3. the and ; battlement a commonly frock guest- prayer Mark 13:15; consisted Within 20 order, garments. customs of flood 9 125 ; reaching clothed amply BisseVs as Mark and not (Isaiah of place a regarded, however, persons naked as Samuel i fastened was by people slept close-bodied body. was which be :8 ; ankle length, around in the to used Jews a elaborate more a explain the following long sleeves, and the 10:9; one of sages pas- 6:19. flat,surrounded was 22 such Matthew 12:5; summer all times understand to us were was In BOOKS porticoes, waiting-rooms, roof breastwork. and rich the The helps Ezekiel porches, chambers. or fact Job 24:16; as OF BOOK Sources sources context, of of the Interpetation interpretation are parallel of four, viz. Bible. : The foreign resources passages, the text, to the text. It is absolutely consideration by necessary the student. that In these no four other be way into taken can a cor- THE of exegesis rect The J. first find to student translation. If you can, people The of Here the Version I Thess. the Revised before," their the brilliant truth for impression. it behooves divide the Word of be ough thorand an we or not spite of question beyond The the Revised of comparison will Versions Revised word its "prevent" in (correctly) "precede" word but for "go originally meant should obsolete of not the the and be the on sake change or latter. the lookout fice sacri- Never true. juggle with students Truth." meaning. In in the in text its true A and ingenious, as exact yourself, the text illustration us age languthere Let to is is should mere the out help. become brilliancy things his sometimes truth or We in the Authorized. The for search our text read of the latter. Here meaning. In for words the diligentand the Study Version. but in God, to is translated Authorized the in the shades find Find version Authorized advantage various sentence. to this in the as in the 4:15 illustrate the able translation. well to to comes inconsistencies as It affords the Such owe is not Version Revised literal very originallanguage despair of ascertaining not is text any minister. you who and matter. you of valuable. ascertaining phrase, text whom need supposed a to of the then, study the in the the student original tained. ob- really teaches. impossible word, haste or study the be writings study originally written. was of each hurry 125 sacred the itself of are it in exceedingly which in which meaning the knowledge a opportunity an of done text is found meaning no the what Bible the of be to this connection In of thing out portion any BOOKS itself. text The OF BOOK of making Scripture. teachers to In an all "rightly 126 THE One ought remember to the in help the with the the and in the the suggest of use the also The after find the real catch is the such as dances, Concorsuch Godet. Before of the Bible. whole the of not was great truth God. its then We out of the must be chapter to kind, tion inspira- other spired in- was Testament to the as It does use. Testament New look the in This 3 :i6. the and Old the the can for text written that to it says for sources inspiration. its connection, and of doctrine. The of Hebrews 7:25. to back go nothing of interpreters neglect the Many chapter Timothy 2 proof a It is Concerning absolutely nothing. proof of as have may book. is noticing sideration. con- especially of this whole under one to follows what text is true it is necessary worth and passage This constantly quoted announce most mention may and sacred a Romans. drift Testament sought :3-8, commentaries, Meyer, the of two. or passage of the word guage lan- concordances, before goes context of chapter Another New Brown, and correctly interpreted verse itselfwe text grammatical what chapter a seventh and in 8 Strong's Exhaustive special portion of back go found Psalm compare grammatical of use mean we the To be valuable in- Testament New and that Context. this By is to text and of the and Jamieson, Fausset 2. Old See study Analytical, Young's the connection :5-8. 2 helps BOOKS in this of study text. same Hebrews For I also similarity between of as OF BOOK show degraded the writer The power of sinners. heard They context. thus a preacher of Christ get fine in to a distorted sermon a very Especiallydid on he a view the brilliant the save snatch lowest emphasize text way and the 128 51 THE :1 it is 7-23 it 8 profit a man, The :36 we have these shall gain if he soul?" own the and What words the the It reads word. in profited, if he gain the whole man From these "himself" and Mark 11 After the :8 with Matthew the other Cogitation first ; the Of the lose that a self?" him- "soul" also compare prayerfully studied of others thoughts he may the text. parallel passages, have Utility and and is text. the of what and authorities concordances, 4. See carefully and outside resources the and context, what safely read The has student "For learn we throws :8. 21 of : lose ''soul"? 9:25 world, passages equivalent. outside the text, two are Resources ^ the shall world, and Luke follows as what by the word here is meant "For : whole study of the parallel passage light on of meaning clear. Mark his BOOKS fuly explained, figure becomes In OF BOOK the to afterwards. would text on say include mentaries, com- text-expositions,etc. of Application in Rules Inter= pretation.* It the have must of rules they To which only to important Anffus' the Bible rules be topic Handbook. in of most our is of subject own which the to applying in truths the know is aid and meaning Bible general principles some principles it fundamental the necessary what From the perceive are underneath that regulate justify the teach reader language which Those If the * all to them. both the to interpretation there common of occurred of parts of and the the tongue, state, as them. Bible the Gospel, it is language ployed. em- and it treats, tion applica- the we stand under- meaning THE will The that suppose the discover of of meaning the ascertain rules plain which ture Scrip- man a may truth tained con- explained. of interpretation as is not to Scripture, but of passages such of meaning in given doctrinal is any elsewhere is not 129 be can concerning there advantage great BOOKS instance passage it, which in No plain. obscure an rationally to be generally of OF BOOK ambiguous are or obscure. Yet, as on points of importance many Scripture, in and such as promotes of divine So will the of Christian and higher exercise of few mental teachable a every sense the true and of prayerful will often but of gain of sense which which is true the inspired writers, though imperfectly OF or any feeble the humble more curate ac- Scripture than some understood of passage words in a and one The piety. is tion. interpreta- SCRIPTURE. itself,but in and divine prayerful spirit,therefore, WORDS meaning the inquiries important principlesof Biblical THE The a plainly search. his acquaintance with attainments, it is learning, industry, the of them. apply knowledge temper advantages extensive the most among and his ures treas- that the humblest of in ing, mean- the lives, and resources for unfold to pare com- discipline, our rules, and our Spirit of God, that the with these employed man of to its prove moment great all the motive adapted study of be is dependent teaching of that should upon is of be the God, prayer, is understand is to the will of and truth,it and is itself part comparison should Revelation ascertain to holiness, and our Christian order need we will that bear, which cases by the Scripture nor is is not it every is intended by the Holy writers by Spirit, themselves. THE I30 The Scripture of knowledge true a of sense OF BOOK is to the BOOKS be by the determined words is the is fixed by the words ; the of knowledge sense. The of meaning Usage be must words whenever ascertained language. of usage from possible ture Scrip- itself. The other context, Of iar The exception no attached with agree is inconsistent and such other and be to the generally of the this to the context. with the conditions by of or be preferred of ing allow- passage, were the famnl- so general rule. of words the common be and in abandoned, ments require- be can proved writers, common must ing mean- fulfills the as passage, either Scripture it must context adopted usage, argument comprehension When the inconsistent to inspired the to meaning sanctioned in or Bible. The will the only, either must similar thing, for sense, or of which as the or contain scope meaning of of the two reasoning unless a is to senses is writer, clear; nor particular meaning scope. the that same fixes the so similar meaning used words evidently it must something comparison. reasoning determine passage or the to the parallel or passage, fix the scope required by The a employed adopted be of scope be can is the with the to be common Scripture. is one to figurative expressions which meaning always that original readers be of parts in their is shown sentence, obvious most those to as other meanings, or for the taken be must meaning in with was hearers such words or two which Scripture unless meaning, with of words as in speak to a of afford of words somewhat the same occasion THE THi; No doctrine of analogy in If both Scriptural. consistent are this rule doctrine the is is admitted Theology the analogy, the the whole the It is plied ap- that tion interpreta- admitted, disputed a soning rea- text. Scripture, or of Scripture, as that it is the is sense Scripture by we itself. of meaning consistentlyinterpreted representation a of statements facts, doctrines, and of thing, and one be supposition If it is not explained is not another. of of in the whole passage cannot purpose meaning a controversial the interpretationof Scripturaltheology Scripture the Scriptural. be limited, and modified, for rule In meaning. applied is the taught sense this of use is not interpretation which an the to chiefly of is supposed meanings it in the apply cannot to faith only applicable on be to belongs the decide to as so with I^AITH. of analogy reject to us 131 single text a upon The BOOKS OF ANAI^OGY founded faith. teaching OF BOOK the Bible, which precepts the on the various of book God reveals. FOR QUESTIONS which of the Bible should be with endowed. dispositions of explain briefly,certain interpreter. 3. What 4. How words 6. would How What importance 7. Give Bible 8. by each instance and manners their are the whether the language the precise meaning the Bible? analogy of faith? Show of its interpretationof Scripture. in the one of writer by interpreter? figurative? or ascertain you is meant What Explain is literal text used of the ascertain you would as duties the are given any 5. of and Name, faculties explain briefly,certain interpreterof the 2. the and Name, 1. RE^VIEW. the value. to prove the value of a knowledge customs. sources of interpretationof the Bible ? CHAPTER THK The revelation and in has to one page, precepts on say in all is the of of authority truth this a sizes of the themselves and child of or of ample, ex- these includes both a and doctrine of Scripture have then Inasmuch, the played which shapes; to us way three promises would we us. It is called is the however, obvious duty of system a is this as the student truths. these and It to by " or and and by form our children is on cut all mixed out 132 of which into illustrate will Game." ''Geography the piece of cardboard, world, tered scat- duty. precepts, to writings biography, or any are sometimes promise; a the is revealed two command on systematize forms oftentimes Bible Revelation. truth history, or the truths and different trines doc- therein found in to classify God's that be great Genesis to A frequently point. the and it becomes case, game of of by systematize A The from one. presented the not and law), doctrines, all say, the forth set book, correspondent a to not (or more) in doctrine a placed of to in is to penman. in contained as is BIBI,^. is not student as THE; doctrine pages promise, doctrine; were That volume involved the Bible the Scriptures. the (such or If the sacred promise of one its over teachings are truth inspired task the divine given any OF STUDY way. any one any in of systematic a of SYSTEMATIC III. is many It printed pieces up together. these scattered sists con- the map of ous vari- The work pieces the THE complete He Bible theme, This Both and in of scattered and in scientist it may the inferred be universe, their govern lives FOR In refer the to the whole The should Text Cyclopedia, of a Aim to be of, the revelation us he doctrine teaching men system TRUTH. the restrict and another, that texts pressions ex- explain cite Paul. undertakes of of the Topical Text book should in the companion of Bible a of Scripture student no Christian be study. doctrine one Old In to another, and Testament. Romans, amplify Testament. should doctrine Testament justificationby Old Book, Treasury found be may marily pri- Testament. New consistently with chapter, a all the subject one viezvs of New statements this, let ulate reg- by which SCRIPTURAI, of constant a your the a named last gather from clear which to the From all. laws them, Bagster's or It should without. to concordance, The Knowledge. held OF those by referring passages use The of consistently. by the J. them bring together text one objects are reduced subject, compare same of alone. business conduct facts SYSTEM A we of truth. care. FRAMING general, general some throughout and the the alike are facts is of Scripture to among rule the of order that and by intelligenceand RULES and unity there system It Word. fragments peculiar variety. God's of and Providence in endless detect to is not things nature the up grand one ^33 student here scattered make order gather to BOOKS the is it with upon its pages, this So map. is called great OF BOOK with As facts the an example be and of especially in the fourth explain the tian Chris- and faith by reference to the THE T34 OF BOOK Explain drmbigiious 2. that by one chapter) and must be must be For if The on must in be be may the that miss for is to truth that think to The doctrine that it,and man, and also accounts to 11) without is, cut for offer all the great partiality on His creatures. of hope unbelief doctrine and might God's guilt gifts. without its To men. Scripture miss a students given were practical favor Jews by reveal truth of God works. (Romans without part of God. in example: salvation of the the practical aspect of unmerited of bestow to Many Considered it. the has guilty great intentions utility. For the of Mark reconciled. God of stands lives (Acts held be their of God's election show off daily There 1:29; are them, wants doctrine same must one of of excusing this and to This doctrines the discussion, instead I. tations limi- with of teaching. men doctrine the that to the 110,23) 3 repentance willingness no to seem yet of doctrines sight of. said the that rejecting the lost application and that practical application revealing Rom. (Philippians them. soul any treatment not faith show man our by :i another. one harmony declares and possess must by In Bible the of treat gifts of God, not gifts incurred It the the do ii passage same of unity and 13:3) student these 4. lack no are they (e. g. explained consistentlywith Luke 16:16) the which passages example, 5:31; Hebrews (e. g. assertions of treat brieflydescribed passage a those by exceptions ( i John 3:8). Different J. literal; general ; which those by figurative passages fully discussed more whole and clear are and BOOKS these in to It 9 and plications ap- caprice, injustice, T36 THB The holiness. Lord our fact as of pledge of the His and fifty omits Any facts view is not in of the of and work, mentioned is times. these ascension completed resurrection, than which therefore, His of people's more BOOKS resurrection evidence an alone epistles OF BOOK a the pel, Gos- the Gospel Scriptures. the i^or que:stions 1. 2. 3. Does Give the How of Bible the for rules would the present truths you review. a framing determine taught ? system such the of a truth? system. comparative tance impor- of CHAPTER the; "I it know not which second it reading A its The stories through and five the Bible in the Old in a known knowledge so many than third in the in the the he Bible influence scarcely acquaintance end until felt when he people to any with in this way, and power. better way the 137 Bible he year the it became if was to familiar had I present. with get phrases to have wonderful that an have Bible the one a the three New so any acquire and of will read to of chapters chapters and ashamed each through one three thus was are chapters two once plan There carry the of Bible the read two and morning necessary. again. read and whole, a as to will will one again over is over Testament said wonderful rich not it passages spirit, is Reading the by ignorant of is if concordance a many There Or Miiller's he its Sunday on Old and and this Bible. each the over to many the Bible and over the evening, that resort in the securing year. George him but of; read to finished have we with fewer with words additional through through to of Testament each times. its through, chapters and read and way day New first; and than Scripture meet improvement the whoi^e;. when shall We familiarity only 1,189 the and end; a Newton. general with in as bibIvE; reading to little as SQCondy^John of rule again. make can we the; beginning begin to once, better a from through of study IV. edge knowl- exact and and truths. 138 THB One's whole unction conversation, in ready OF BOOK familiaritywith It is the methods best of and ease enriched are this by Scriptures. foundation a study that especially one's prayer, the of sort and and testimony BOOKS of are a for other detailed more and plans and specific from ning begin- nature. Scripture be and end; to interpreted regarded the different books component and the as Dr. 1879 C. I. Scofield 1889, to entire to Bible. of might from events, come' of But sought the Bible have in whole tenor, and manifest that arrived only be a and without of Scripture gained with by at of the perfectly as of movements i 'Even to the :i so and hath such another, that it idea God's of Bible the well said contexture small confusedly. nothing as useless without ploughing, that insight the corn ing, sow- ity general- and coherence into it will Therefore, is can with barns its It Word of of of purpose. it is processes a shall perseverance fill one's has arranged, labor, and knowledge Roberts been and in through patient study: without the and knowledge good general scope, into dipping clear have reader's a a through understanding a from get books it is to as reading in order. it aim, by long study reaping. part read the its going through and To sacred on clear at from years, as mere gained possession of arrive to expect to in this world be done prayer a myself Genesis there. the of ten gave the " be can and blessing him put whole parts of :20." it is best God's one must sentences synthetic study possess story 22 in which order to advantage Bible until to and connected "I : 'beginning'of Revelation little of the can system a comprehensive, a I the said once Holy Scripture here the as whole. great I be must read be the THE A potent very whole His is found as truths growth fact found in doctrinal of "I think that which is not truth of that is the its from the of upon germ of the Bible the beginning that point, by of Elohim " definite the and God many Bible every e. " g., 3:21, " in many pens, take tion revela- the up predecessors left it, form elementary or study of the new a I indicated. and first verse, The And Bible The precise these into a of order notions mist of names of of their the the it traced If open we read, *In we is, then, primarily, revelation the I ascertained critical be, vanished chapter God. " illustrate: entire for sought To Deity and occurrence, Pentateuch The words. I took meanings. way lo ! came order from a of names are a with begins logically progressive scientifically, in in the Genesis in their primary thus .' " God. in the higher The ery discov- progressive truth writers books. first meaning. up the a fulness; that, arranged into where the of truth, doctrine, revelation, and the at revelation to is : first emergence sacrifice more method every our to of discovery began patiently through the a study Somewhere, 3:15; precise point that Bible them to revelation. "With name a progressive. There delight law. point developed to the this to has is recurring never of Bible revealed a chronologically, the successive at is as God of progress. consistent is not Genesis truth Bible revelation Scriptures one conformed invariably that ages, there in the forget never revelation redemption that the the study of of this method Scripture revelation, that the 139 teaching. I shall all BOOKS capable of are Scofield says Dr. and the God of for reason in creatures The OF BOOK was the cisely, pre- simple complex." first reference Genesis 3:15. to Christ It is but a in the bare Scriptures reference to a is found coming THE I40 Deliverer who notice us definite the this promise years advance. Genesis 9 -.26,He In Genesis 12:3, In Genesis 17:19, In Genesis 28:4-14, through In 2 In Micah 5 :2, born In Isaiah 7:14, the of in born Christ have teachings We who receive has some its pages. ''You Mr. the Prang's first stone The second sign. man's fifth The speak to Word of the So, you. God " a read truth each showed man's twenty-eighth time great times. many time other use per- we in public the on only and and as The third of outlines looked stood it would though Jesus will a and nose impression prayerfully man. paper. twentieth chapter again Christ and Boston some I books. face, chin, looked carefully same its sign of change. twenty-eighth It man no of impression fifteenth life. the do you picture of an it : as sixth tenth, the as many, establishment no The view for reading Indeed through Bible of fear no prehensive com- a work ground a times. of chromo and as is Moody picture. The natural as it hardly appeared. dim a forth and The necessity of the us ing regard- prophecy adequate an showed stone ; many printing made head. forehead like of process The no the David; of Bible vision Mr. read cannot visited saw Said to read new ; Abraham; Testament There too not Shem of Judah; house whole like anything more virgin. a study. let Isaac; of the reveals of the becomes family of Bethlehem of .through consecutively can the But Jacob; tribe epitome of Old detailed of line of the 7:12-15, study further of 49:10, coming be to was of the Genesis short and 18:8, of the seed In This of woman." expands In Samuel BOOKS be of the "seed to was how as OF BOOK read and shine the again " forth." THE should One order of globe. It enables see to long this run A. to 1500 It will have forty some D. dive to its book style whole its and Bible The had for the taking a even of as to variety of read we Scripture that His thus than it as of all requires the power it from into of whole, a flowing through and life, is necessary requires Scripture tend His ing show- to fulfillment advanced others the one. devoted prophets inspiration; currents the to give to disciples after exact use of therefore, first central which they themselves. this mode Christ's was lift it up in His more C. B. kings, priests, order mainly the or of is indeed His were all the which Evidently could been bird's-eye view main Book all the far study in spite with To books about especially of tracing clearly the great last, and to In and foretold. the finallyempty He have of defence use current to death and of discerning to Christ iceable. serv- prove from need, whole the of of in the sixty-six speedily find, that ought reading will writings We the we Moses been method of contents from the position. seems sufferings a due intercourse them that of through, resurrection into this we study history, law, poetry, to fishermen. bird's-eye view a each have So the some sea tive rela- time, but authors, ranging We 70. with the and from considerable deal to princes, shepherds, get take different have letters. We analysis, but an the countries. Bible, the at of continents, and of the best look proportions various the The good a preliminary, rapid reading We by from not itself. Book of Pisgah view a take of with Revelation. the outlines positions get done, be the and to one 141 acquainted to is to sizes ought Genesis study geography main BOOKS thoroughly from land, the and to become events to way OF BOOK and of wield of way it as a studying whole. using single texts. He One the sees Bible this rarely quoted ; THE 142 a without text no all eyes men in hear a as soon all ages gives down this power? from We down of shock very valuable, but shock, if the method. It which current first to last. The is this ? whole straight to the moves Testament New The Bible which there. in Revelation. that God watered Genesis In the God once there to beguile, Bible, then, is the lost though but through often in Revelation man and story of sin, and thwarted, finallysuccessful, to the and regain the self. Him- a and ends He does the river yielding their so is in the garden that serpent in determinate for from of the whole and fruit placed man own Testament Old trees advantage forbidden no Christ Eden, with is in the this study central great Paradise men, and with more, of try ing circle, in describ- a in with man garden, pleasant fruits,and to begins dwells and portrait of Christ. the compared hand divine Genesis but nothing is erful pow- Christ's The a texts. more end but the of Christ. cross also be may the In is of and Scripture of nothing drift and stream a the give course the whole It is can surface. can to to in us the text a nearest the through What Such land mind isolated give can us gem. texts, on beginning bring inevitably runs single a whole. a burns enjoying it from will will all the Book whole as earnestly followed with the a till it reaches text and up which read we its message grasp comes stimulus and when the rare it becomes like argument comes to occasionally that so lies beneath easily satisfied The to that fiery sea too are It through light that his in You text a clear Some out. power. quote can shines pointed this which meaning which but been had shines and lake great jet have and transfigured, go it has as hidden some suspected before, preacher who What in it revealing had one BOOKS OF BOOK to allure. is The dise Paradise, Parapurpose long lost no of time Paradise of God, postponed, for man. THE 144 containing the of the the Where Psalms. Where the Next of i the least have does find not Commit right hand halve possible. as the middle of the the book? In the is the third quarter ? Testament. the various the of the leaves. do not the students care for Bible Some which margin, by Some book. they say books of in the index at forefinger center of Where and you find it; an this expert it necessary. of hooks the Learn the first quarter Old patent a the Near yourself? advantage, others an in possible fumbling exactly open thumb finger of Samuel. the BOOKS the nearly as practice finding Bibles can it is the of end the find you early chapters with With dividing will Near firmly with text left hand. book, OF BOOK their Bible. the to names That memory. little requires a time. Take the general historical,poetical, and Old Testament. vowels Remembering come may Kmgs, minor can prophets help formed order In the and be in the the in which " a, i, and by learning first two the they Jo, Am. Ob, Jo, Mi, Na. Ha, Ze, Ha, Ze, Ma. Testament New are come Ho, often in the the four letters first The o. this of the double memory each order of Paul's epistlesare all again first vowels the grouped epistles coming Here perplexing. "phesians, Phtlippians, Colossians that of books recalling the Chronicles mastered by combining order teuch, Penta- in : Corinthians that prophetical possibly aid books, Samuel, ; the for convenience divisions " a, e, i, o. together, : after remember Galatians, Remember and the per- THB sonal the more the Hebrews, general first the to all the of Where may And chapter 117. in the The the the great I find the love? of location general idea books) some other be student of the the of in the Testament, Verses Words in the Testament, Letters New 7,959; in the Testament, Bible. 10 Psalm ment Testa- New The roll great Paul's greatest 15. and trinal doc- can give way. he book, every and (in chapter. every FACTS. books 39; in the chapters 929; New in the total, 1,189. Testament, in the Old Testament, New 260; longest Corinthians of Testament, 2y) total, 66. Chapters in the Old Testament, New The in this Testament, Old The satisfied until be SCRIPTURAI. Books Exodus important incidents contents contents Bible. 13. i learned will epistleby shortest? 11. As u. o, of by Jude. 5. 6. Hebrews of many thorough the The 119. resurrection? should of Corinthians i e, one one Matthew faith? the for note and are in order a, " Paul Commandments? Psalm ? epistle to than come Deuteronomy prayer of passages a else? Lord's argument No they passages Ten the writers epistlesby each, Bible? heroes The the where Psalm of other after come After that again 145 Philemon by Peter, three by John, two Locate 20. and churches. epistlesby here BOOKS vowels, James, P^ter, John, Jwde number James, to ones Observe grouped. the Timothy, Titus, to ones OF BOOK 23,214 ; verses in the New total, 3i"i73Old Testament, 592,439; words in the in the in the 181,253; total, 773,692. Old Testament, 2,728,110; 838,380; total, 3,566,490 letters letters 146 THB The is middle Psalm chapter the 117; The OF BOOK middle middle chapter 20:17; the is the Job 29; shortest middle book nians; middle verse. of Proverbs verse, 2 i \2^. Testament 17:17; one, 118:8. Chronicles i shortest is middle New Acts Psalm Testament the the the and is Old is verse The Bible, verse of book middle the in BOOKS is the shortest the alphabet ; the Chronicles Thessalo- 2 John verse, 11:35. Ezra The word The name The in has 7:21 Jehovah hours hours; time in or four ; whole and New which the and days - Show 1. the Bible 2. 3. through of the as two can Give the in be the twenty read, in teen thir- in seventy- hours. Total hours, hours. QUi:STIONS FOR REVIEW. importance and value steps representative Name Acts ninety-eight of in to the men, show the familiarity probation the with progress of the minor prophets in the results each. 4. read be can Testament Testament Bible times. and Old the illustration an Gospels j. times. (Pentateuch) four except with whole. a Give 800 over Moses of 6,855 occurs occurs ; the the of Lord or of books eighteen hours letters Jerusalem five four all the order. of human and tion. revela- race effects CHAPTER THD The this of testimony will country indicating study books. ''For D. the D., of effect life and God ask to as him that me it how " '1 and tree the it In the through at I read being awakened, and again, and when I possession of of again, arose to as a Ephesians, as but the told the to same not in a interest fifteen was pocket under My the or was a down in I family my me lay twelve Ephesians He it. again house ern east- coveted epistle with I year, an much single reading. many a was Christian a with carried I ual spirit- in the Sabbath through as blessing. read afternoon into go I Bible way, times only ; in possession me.' "I to and it had the of so reading he he, 'and said epistle. read how spend to country,' of copy going through him I the obtained Gray, than convention Christ M. heart My lips this Bible own more the in joy had him I asked was the in to came Ephesians. and he it for Christian a in my preaching. my through at peace both about me I met His state. of English my seen was prayer answered whom layman, which in know from James says of to derived be to ministry," not character burdened greatly when the did teachers Bible fitting introduction a my BOOKS. BY leading benefits of of the as the "I Boston, BIBIvE of two first half the should, THE serve chapter, by OF STUDY V. the at once whole began Bible the application of this practically, beginning 147 simple at Genesis. principle I did 148 THE in its I me the read not Bible in work until strengthening faith my Bible, enlarging my mental life,and the lightening "There this was time, method I classes Bible a method as seen "First The read divisions Third, first of its read it read Rev. the study book-wise. God of procedure books It is the the Bible zvhole, and a began are write to follows as e., without in : observing its Bible the sciousness con- simple aid the at help. reliance enlighten its these have i. e., without other or you outline. prayerfully,in desired synthetic verses. independently, of as each. books. where and of study Bible Bible pages rules the upon to standing. under- your has Holy failed never blessing." Scofield,D. D., the the ing number- the as the repeatedly, until it to observance C. I. tute Insti- members known other possession it wrote be continuously, i. commentary Spirit who produce rules it of any Then Bible west, thousand a of the to and east means book chapters read "Fourth, "The it into "Second, up each study the it,at Genesis. as to come Bible, which to this in results. Moody at care my Finally the popular evening many in its relation "Begin "I as has and whole, blessed being, both into cases study of the as under it in the church. own came in several ''The ministry. training schools, including the theological of my seminary the spiritual my experimenting similar introduce to other and to study with led of God was effect upon of infallibility of my began book before mastered vision, deepening I each at tell the the in burdens whom Bible thus was theological students some upon of it I cannot the jiext. in BOOKS merely, but kept course chronological order began " OF BOOK of testifies to the the law Bible. The of its structure. same Bible The effect was : built first rule THE of kind any like an crystal is themselves books The parts. The marked from the their lines the The book. and that said the After student then its contents, study, and HOW Let for in we us TO enter we And into the now Bible a other and make the; have we there Genesis is that chosen proceed to the in Bible study as a dividual in- of cannot be the and caught the general that view, be and book in It may whole fully prayera bird's tenor he his exclusive of desires study. books. the book of Genesis appropriate portal through magnificent temple the different purpose surely something is the evident can in many by bible; by the different knowledge a into itself by many in the single out fall lucidly fixed so by of ondary sec- way definite need. idea a specialistsin studied through, faint time that yield patiently,watchfully, STUDY choice, for our shall has some suppose study. our found. the within clearly no verses are is different and definite let him for a a least at had studied be arrangement." and ways, Bible, arranged are written apple an again who be to many whole view, and eye to they the read firmly were many, i:n which book so the of the And way. plan fact, in certain a without understood to that In needs each meet to books, is these men different writers wrote safely these Scriptures The ages. of book in many So thus this of teaching. Each tree. are observe to apple, nor cleavage which books Scripture be mind. a many of excellence of of contents well testimony like sections; and of the do we an analytic lines into ideas Spirit,and is the are analysis of up That book. by orange made book one an nor 149 obey the law like built not BOOKS is to objective study orange, being book of A structure. OF BOOK of and Revelation. the which How mastery of THB 150 How its contents? the preceding 1. Read the or This is necessary five and from given beginning writer's the to the on end, to for read the of people it has student catch may get into sympathy argument, knowledge a be can that order in message Genesis rules times. convey what the apply we through spirit,secure to BOOKS ? book the drift of the he message it whom to with tended in- written,, was to-day. us through at sitting in one about hours. two In it the reading of any the idea general divisions is shall pages four his OP BOOK first time The contents. to as according its Divide the its contents. of The student definite idea into easily into now to the as sections, in divisions Early History (b.) The History of Israel's main get Revised a the note Version outline an to form It some divides : Mankind, of make Genesis. of The The try to time position a (a.) patriarchs,chapters and divisions, viz. main two The ber remem- purpose. be will time third paragraphs. to book The to attempt no second drift. especially fitted for this 2. make chapters immediate i-ii. ancestors, the 12-50. divisions having secured, been try now to divide sub- the book. Under (a.)The Early History 1. The creation 2. The testing and 3. The first increase 4. The roll of names, chapter 5. of of Mankind, chapters man, fall of man, of the or human you will find : 1-2. chapter 3. family, chapter genealogy, of the 4. patriarchs, THB 152 For A instance, "Genesis" the purpose of "origins" of things. With with this begin we The (eh. task, and origin of the :26; 2:25) 1 (ch. 2:18) prophecy ; of ''beginning,""origin." means The a sheet note : sin Sabbath the (ch. 3) and or pencil a and man woman marriage ; (ch. 3:15) (ch. 4:3); of ; of nations etc. Genesis of ; of the "beginnings" promises (ch. 12); Biographies the (ch. 2:1-3) sacrifice of Israel ; of through go of paper (ch. i) world ; of is to finding out we (ch. 3:15); (ch. 11); of 4. BOOKS interesting study therefore very book OF BOOK might then Men appear be well studied. (See Chapter IX, Genesis abounds here scene all the Part lives whose that pages in II.) biography. and follow. experiences the Among the on in interwoven are characters leading are: Eve, Cain, Abel, Noah, Adam, Rebekah, Jacob, Joseph. the Study 5. Sarah, Isaac, Abraham, Doctrines great of (See chapter Genesis. VII, part 11.) Take such up doctrines faith, repentance, Classify them the in beginnings of judgment, their a God, satan, order, and proper system sacrifice, sin, redemption, as of angels. man, will you is divinity that have purely Biblical. having After 6. thorough good of works books the manner, on Introduction, Many studied Genesis as of the However, student for Bible answer having in itself text then may information Authorship, to after the points etc. questions a a consult on Date, these studied such book so selves. themthor- THE it is oughly, to "I of check and verify "It But it is account of humble men, lightof The who, Read 2. and has to no book the for thoughtfully book? of Why the says these the Spirit,for been taught of take to the taught in attempt the TO is no wise 'have the and been not the was people to fourth of it his such as out Who was ? amply of it. at more ment. argu- carefully finding written was of time What it written? anything drift the purpose whom do to est deep- times three epistlethrough through the as analytical study an spirit and EPHESIANS. It will Bible. special effort the THE recognized classifying questions of introduction, the books upon conceited e:pISTLE; book author's the THE Ephesians the profound catch then have and Spirit OF sitting,making one foolish Begin by reading 1. teaching of we the depth," only Augustine's phrases, in therefore, us, and depend to of " epistleto repay have writers by study what the STUDY most noted learning immediate God what heart.' and is equally ANAIvYTlCAL AN of men only really know we God. results my foolish the ignoring last what out 153 subject. same Scofield. sources, at find spiritually-minded Dr. BOOKS OF fittingto the on say BOOK and wrote the When acter charwas it written? Have are by questions sheet, viz. side your : sheet On sheet 2 written ; sheet 3 " " The When i " sheets Write introduction. on book; many as The persons written author of headline a who : addressed: ; sheet as paper 4 " on wrote to Why there each the whom written ? THE 154 Now begin write down "the saints Chapter sheet on 'Taul, whenever and the an 2, write the faithful further you find in thing some- addressed persons darkness, 4:18; 5:8." in these epistle with questions write occurs, answer respective sheet, giving the of words in mind, it down the on text, and its the reference. exact The final result somewhat will be Sheet The sheet on Now and The 2. " 3:1,6,8; 4:17"; ''formerly living 2:11; through on sheet on :i"; and i points two us addressed. persons Ephesus, kist, 2:2,3"; "formerly Read the and gives i verse Reading write to i, BOOKS carefully, prayerfully, and text at are Jesus, 1:1." ''Gentiles, in i, which else were the of the book, author Christ read to thoughtfully. the OF BOOK follows: as I. Writer. Paul, I :i; 3:1; ; 6:20. 4:1 Sheet The addressed Persons The Christ saints which Jesus, Gentiles, Formerly live in great Now with Fellow-heirs Gospel, Some Others and the to in lust, 2 w^ere in :23 ; darkness, 4:18; 5:8; Christ, 2:1-6; God with with the Christ, 2:13; Jews of the blessings 3 :6 ; were faithful 3:1,6,8; 4:17; lived nigh Ephesus, at Formerly Made written? whom 1:1. 2:11; one to " are 2. Christian Christian slaves, 6 :6-8 slave ; holders, 6:9. of the THB OF BOOK Sheet The Time writing of When Paul Note: was This " Acts lasted two of Purpose In general, That their warning of each to the first (See 61-63. life, such These They 3. the Paul. doctrinal : 17-21 ; 3:20; their to former low 5:1-13; in the heart (i) how They Ephesians. of and the wife, or to the Christ, to Jewish and various relationships master and servant, exhaustive. means method, which the individually. do will be the book. easy fall into 1-3 to with practical. Such Chapters no the apply to plan of usually by are upon comparatively and unity between view sheets thing next outline, division, is i calling; 6. enlarge can This their Christ. 4:3-16; husband as and true illustrative The again love 2:20-22; simply show student glory, 4:17-32; and harmony forth chapters 5 of clear a in standing hope back develop Christians, set and His go church Ephesian other, 3:18; 5:2; for plea To the and to to the to life,2:1-3,11,12; Gentile of as written? why " know not Exhortation of D. ; 6:20. 4. position God of power A give they might The level writing to of knowledge of A. years, 4:1 28.) The (2) :i ; 3 known was Sheet A Rome, at imprisonment and imprisonment, written? prisoner a 155 J. when " BOOKS, find regard main two is the present the out the general to the epistles divisions, the general doctrinal outline part; 156 THE OF BOOK In chapters 4-6, the practical part. dwells and exhaustively of position them practical illustrations of various walks I. Chapters regard how in view The " As (a.) and he second high so choice the ishes admon- calling,and a themselves gives the in God of purpose high calling of with tian. Chris- the of the Christian's manner walk God. of high calling the walk church a the conduct and church, the of in to Chapters 4-6^The II. apostle life. 1-3 the to of worthy the first part the calling, standing, nature, Christian; the walk to the upon BOOKS be must of one unity (4:1- 16). As (b.) of morality; heathen the after the in As the flesh of complete panoply In promised to power high calling and divide the two main The necessary. I. thus Having 4. The Eternal Church, and 1-3. the in ence, obedi- warfare be must with walk a armored the in with the of the out of of as our God of with the to the God. outline let subdivisions many follows as Calling according general a into will be assurance walk purpose questions High patterned one by love, be to us eternal Purpose the devil, it have enable result ing surround- (6:10-18). we worked be engaged always God, 3:16-20 chapter one 6:9). " the will be must the of must warriors Christian that characterized (5:21 and walk :2i). walk heaven, Christian the 5 " the faithfulness world, which (4:17 the from differing family a family and (d.) walk a nations As (c.) Christians individual us as : regard Christian. to the ters Chap- THE (i.) The (2.) The the takes it divine form in were of and Predestined 1. holy sons, the Ghost Holy i " each stanzas, work of Father, the blemish, before forgiveness, knowledge of God's universal the by 1 glory the among be to us of i " :4,5. redemption, for purpose saints, the to :6-ii. the and Jews of the earnest an then the to Gentiles, complete redemption future, for the praise of His glory 112-14. to beautifully forth of the Trinity. of the this. so of work The Wise Free His before and and will, the prudent and i of completely had the praise, work the order logical he when mind wrote calling. and the world the good of i " '.4; 3 :g. :8. gracious, according result of hymn further: note foundation " this so his in choice that the of evidently heading of nature Eternal, Paul redemption this Under especial notice take setting 9, to lies in the It is well /. i " Spirit, as Holy which " inheritance Sealed, first 3. Father, grace conveying praise of His the foundation the Son, creation, and with the chose who the all as : by in to up ending Christ Given This :3-i4. summed are world, for the praise of the glory of His 2. 1:1-2. " spiritualblessings given blessings three without and the representing the refrain, and Son for These hymn a salutation choice and 157 of church. whole same calling BOOKS and apostolic greeting Thanksgiving (a.) the OF BOOK deliberate to pleasure resolve beneficient " i of :5, II. Originated in the good Originated in the riches will of of His God grace Himself " i :y. " i :5,9,ii. I158 THE The 2. the To acceptance To holiness To the To the children in the and Beloved Divine through the Forgiveness of i Bestowment of sins " and i " :4. :6. i " Christ :io. i " callingincludes. Christ of blood '.y. i " \y. all needed spiritual blessings 1 " God's of life grace of choice Redemption knowledge of exaltation complete :6. i " God's of magnifying calling. :5. i " blamelessness and the BOOKS choice that of adoption What The I of purpose To J. OF BOOK will, pleasure, and 13. choice " .-9. Faith in Christ That part of the Lord's gift of :i3. ''taken be might we The i " into the inheritance," become is His portion, which the Spiritas Holy of that seal a people " i :ii. inheritance "1:13,14. Final and complete Ultimate The 4. object place of Eternity i " choice that Christ In heavenly places i and calling. 3:11. 13; 1 " The 5. :i4. 14. In " i " \y. 2 " redemption of source 13. the knowledge of this choice and calling. (a.) The earnest (b.) his that The word of of the truth Spirit Thanksgiving readers, and they might a have the " in to God prayer to a fuller our for Gospel hearts the 1:13. " " i 113, 14. spiritual state of Father of this glory knowledge of their high the i6o THU (c.) A of God, which to the fuller and is to apostle the enable of account Christian the live to power according (i 120-2:22). that says BOOKS detailed more of God purpose The OF BOOK itself it showed in three-fold a : way As 1. exerted resurrection from hand right headship As 2. church exerted they be Jews with above this present works and to Note it the and V.4 As The universe, and them from a whether (2:1-10), to similar a the the through " sphere a do to power grace fold three- spiritual death spiritualsphere, 2:6; " by good coming and each other: built upon The of that (v.3), the whole upon formerly brought nigh by Gentiles may of of the foundation with peace apostles standing. the apostle Gentiles condition. condition God is an now both and and with temple, one prophets. their being of example built the of God. how of of God, God family, and from that so cross, city, one one spiritual temple power Note this (2:11-22). alienated regeneration of the Gentiles great spirit compare humanity were the have they form the the (v,2), the walk it^wrath walk 10. exerted been of result (v.i), the natural nature cause Gentiles, who Jews grace to God's manifest moving (v.2), 3. into world condition our (v.2), the have Christ God's to 2:6-10. " with whole Him :22,23. Resurrection ascension ascension ; the Gentiles, granting or 2:1-5; of :20 individuals upon gift, namely: ages i over i " (1:20-23), granting " lordship ; the over dead the i :2i " Christ upon God would had (v.8). enable them reminds no The them claim remembrance to of whatever their natural upon the of their former appreciate their present THE Seven-fold condition Gentiles in the Ahens from No hope the God off Reconciled of of of God to grace: (d.) Personal the the to 18. v. " saints household the temples of Lord God v. " 18. v.20,21. " relations 19. v. " between the his and writer (3 :i-i3). In connection this ministry his before never the " This that should It Unworthy privilege Christ the to manifold in purpose approach should those not whose yea, of a in should he is whom The discouragement, apostle be fulfillment in it displayed of God's (v.13). him still was riches of that so in the eternal gives liberty of apostle's since to (v.8,9), men as blessings grace himself, all to of tion revelanow the by special faith (v.12). of unsearchable God (v.ii), God partake deemed the by revealed mystery the (v. 10), Christ be he as him to entrusted was Gentiles, wisdom to they preach to world heavenly committed office they should that desires (v.2-4). Gospel. (^'S~7)' apostle glorifies his He ministry, God of the Gentiles. the to understand to v.12. " 17. v. " with Holy the world through peace access Members his 12. v. " 16. v. Fellow-citizens of promise 12. v. " v.13. " " Recipients readers of covenant the in condition nigh Right Israel of V.13. " Seven-fold Made v.ii. " V.12. " Without Afar nature. commonwealth the i6i BOOKS 12. v. " from Strangers by flesh Christ Without OF BOOK they are tribulations an honor i62 THB Lastly, the (e.) for prays of part the secondly, them of The all the glory blessings The teach We to our in knowledge of the love God, the mighty in the Christian of worker (v.21). view in of epistle (v.20), forever Christ ; gifts perfection (v.19). described in the from a how to choice to from drop of bring our standing before walk before last that part High into God, of this The earth. to experience our calling! had the heaven and have walk first part the like us The I. to them knowledge (v.16) Chapter 4-6. seems His and of drop epistle with church Walk (v.14,1 5) final their to wondrous Calling. Lord view ascribes The 2. doctrinal These (v.17). further and the doxology 'in the Christ in love (v.18), especially in a Father the to prayer Paul (3:14-21). doxology a indwelling Christ, with and resumed, Christ, finishing the a of is First, spiritual strengthening establish to are the form gifts. two of epistle with takes BOOKS theme main indwelling the This for the OF BOOK harmony now we come the world. of the church a " of walk (4:1- unity 16). Note peace and here among hence not Some We three that its unity an reasons have the church members, is but body, one because prevail. The should God church of because not it made is an so, ism, organ- organization. for unity: here three clauses, with arguments, three parts. and each argument has THE First head, (c) trio: Second trio: and of all of and redemption; being reference mode, Third majesty Here the " v.5 ; Father, This unity It to has He should find He should will that of His are " for argument the in fold three- divine same all " through the all; all. Spirit,v.4; Lord^ one. a gift (v.7). out to give what that that gift gift to the utmost. of the account an is. of abuse or use gift. The the God. diversity of gifts,all of which, however,, develop have in activity working three of no fession con- open (b) through indwelling " unity (v. 7-13). man He God crowning church; are baptism one " benefits Gospel Son all to access monotony. a promote Every a is not recognizes tend the These v.6. of Trinity again the possessor of the the to (a) Over divine same have we is the and energy and way of One (a) signifying act unity church, the one " allegiance recognized by in all the simply and prince tians, Chris- men (v.5). by faith; (c) way, believers to of one members; makes blessings (v.6). The divine (c) in trio: unity same one faith relation the Christ, of sharing His the all in of all is faith one with united appropriated to with body, one church Christ Jesus equally; (b) men is by what the of Lord God, the shown Unity same church J calling. members the Lord ib BOOKS spirit permeates one of hope one The (a) (b) v.4; OF BOOK of purpose setting in full-grown Christ these joint of man, her (v. 11-16). gifts is the measure body, then till the the brought church fulness of out: for comes to the stature 164 THE The 2. OF BOOK walk individual the of BOOKS of one " morality (4:17- 5:21). In the the 4:17-19, life in new The Gentile old Christ exhortation life is in 4:20-24, described; is described. consists morality to of tions exhorta- two : To (a.) put the on rather the the the of vices virtues old are another and deeds, to of virtues the life old Christian the life (4:25-5:21). : Truthfulness, (i.) his with man (4:17-24). man exercise than These based close on union with one (v.25). (2.) the new To (b.) off put Right devil do may wounded mere that means of is in command to The apostle the Honest (3.) but allowed, of object is work be anger Not (v.28) which that 'Xet loyalty pure sion expres- God to from it is not the latter, is legally The true motive." former toil in wrong of for sinful, the as which expression and ; anger says, the as wrong harm the upon Anger is personality self from based anger, (v.26,27). repugnance wrong. never of use is be to only . that which beneficially good. benefactors, merely not to accumulate. Pure (4.) to those help worthless dwells conversation who hear. conversation (v.29,30). Based Aim edify. to grieves the Holy on the Impure, desire idle, Spirit, who in you. (5.) Gentleness, based on God's forgiveness of us (v.3i,32). (6.) (5:1-2). Love, based on Christ's love and self-sacrifice THE (7.) BOOK Avoiding all OF impurity, covetousness, talking, as being unworthy which will kingdom of (8.) the God Wise times of consecrated God's incur surely 165 BOOKS wrath and idle Christians, and and shut out of the the evil of (5:3-14). of use opportunities, based upon (5 :i6). An (9.) intelligentunderstanding God's of will (5: 17). Fullness (10.) God spiritualjoy and thankful praise to (5:18-21). The 3. and walk of faithfulness The walk children family " One of love, obedience (5:22-6:9). of the wife (5:22-24) ; husband (6:4); parents (5:25-33) ; (6:6-8); servants (6:9). Christian As 4. the (6:1-3); masters the of warriors, complete panoply of Description of the we God be must with armored (6:10-18). reality and of seriousness the flict con- (6:10-13). of Description Request Final The the " to their salutation student armor complete as for prayers (6:14-18). himself (6:19-20). (6:23-24). then may classify the doctrines found in epistle. Use sheets separate such the for the as What : Father, God God, man, for the the of the paper appropriate epistle teaches Son, God self; God's with the calling concerning Holy and Ghost; choice; believer; sin; temptation; atonement; ; sanctification ; future rewards and His ing, head- God duties poses pur- fication justi- punishments. i66 THE These gathered letter but are Study Make FOR in and their yield its For wonderful and the 6, Luke Mark 11, 15, Luke Mark 16, Luke Study map in 4. Read the it up your in 9, Luke Mark Look order of basis being as the of contents of Christ's of your the are book. blank a of for they as in events the as Testament sections knowledge order and diif event the compare example, 14, Mark 21, Paul's " GOSPFLS. New a the chronological a THF Buy paste parable, miracle event, truth life. harmony. cal chronologi- most arrangement. Study 2. of be may harmony. a yourself. Gospel by Mark recognized generally It is mine OF of the Use that topics many STUDY means Gospel history the J. by purposes, will the wonderful THE harmony in clipped This them a clipping this of BOOKS Ephesians. the HINTS 1. few a of out to OF BOOK discourse or John John 23, John 24, room connection the various the gelists. evan- Matt. thousand, five crucifixion. Matt. resurrection, Matt. the and it study or same 27, 28, 20. chronology locate the 12; 19; by the entry into Jerusalem, Matt. 6 ; the John 19, and of feeding of accounts with of geography on for Have the map. this purpose. the each Gospels a event. a good large life of Christ. There are many good works Stalker, Farrar, Geikie, and on Edersheim life the are of the Christ; principal i68 THE is James although it English 5. 2. is of earliest placed the the near BOOKS Testament New end of the books, volume in our Bible. Study Taking 1. the OF BOOK epistles the Paul's according letters, Eschatological " Anti-Judaic i i and for and example, 2 2 their to as doctrinal follows rangement. ar- : Thessalonians. Galatians, Corinthians, mans. Ro- " 3. sians, 4. and Personal Christological Phihppians, " Ephesians, Philemon, Pastoral " i and 2 Hebrews. Timothy, Titus. Colos- CHAPTER THE Great this of It attention. of Bible is a been Hosea is made between Daniel But this method writer and is in safe a begin cannot profit these the to study of the CHAPTER As pursued (i) What (2) What (3) What (4) Who By which the the is the is the is are the in upon Subject the the pleasure from derived it. Institute of in chapter Chicago, the writing : Subject? Verse? Persons? Prominent of of the whole Indeed, one. has the on amount he by Lesson? Leading Best uttered answering every Principal the Principal material Bible Moody questions following Bible separation a SUMMARY. consists Summary Chapter four the at unfortunate that the measure tunate unfor- separation more another few parage dis- to the g., profitable and tions objec- the as whereby 11, so are e. still and sentence one speaker. same and 10 Some example, the 6, and profitable somewhat seem to such warrant truth. chapters, some to exceedingly might for places, some much an such, and 5 between that of in given, Scripture of study, CHAPTERS. BY It has study. made divisions division being grasp Chapter between BIBLE unquestionably getting have THE is prominence method way OF STUDY VI. is meant chapter, 169 subject that taken as a whole, around most THE lyo naturally into and the By the of chapter and thought find truth the wider a in sentence out The Verse others in the is the memorize and The in the Persons chapter mentioned. If their should history Genesis be be would made written student if all kept Sometimes up. Bible your the with who red it ink, is followed up who familiar not with nently promi- appear including those student be those are not " Chapter summaries merely are with concordance these, and given are as follows : L Principal Subject: Lesson: Leading of Best all Verse: Prominent God, Genesis be dictionary. Sample of also to it, if possible. Prominent Bible than individual the given it in Mark will better clause. to be to and more It should which and had chapter Verse. Key which is that teaching Lesson mind mere a as precious, most appears not practical the states the meant great Leading of truth. circle the but require The lesson. form, Best It will the contracted memorized. nearly most be necessarily not chapter, find to personal with is whole. a study best familiar as which It may desired, and in the lesson personal doctrinal or if Lesson Leading BOOKS itself. clearly groups "chapter name," a best OF BOOK man The The Creation. eternal God the Word is creator and server pre- things. 2y. God, Persons: (male and female). VI L Principal Subject: The Flood. of God, the Spirit THE Leading Best provides Verse: The claim has wants It the and ample It in text-books It English and for John " It leads him in It cultivates clearness deepest the unusually who simple enough and the far-reaching most saint mature student. and itself Bible however it affords yet to not " good. and investigator Spirit Holy teacher his as coverer, dis- 16:13. study force his mary Sum- woman convert, to the the soul of ing systematically,develop- Bible and definiteness and It feeds the right through regularity it or It is way. young to Chapter make man independent an that that the student him makes Ja- Ham, (or mentally educative) with commentaries, or guide righteous. Bible. helpful looking only and the tion, destruc- Shem, Noah, average investigation by the takes the most opportunity and for experience technical a beginner thought sin is certain escape advantages for the master comprises the the from helpful devotional for of way 171 wives. merits to a Jehovah, is made and liappy of harvest Persons: their and BOOKS 1. Prominent peth, The Lesson: God but OF BOOK conduct. of thought character, and and expression. with fresh in manna God's appointed way. It induces God's apply It is without Word to daily practical. The living by leading him to life. student gets down to business delay. It is or practical Christian easily adaptable to the needs of individuals, classes churches. It is pencil inexpensive, necessitating and notebook. no outfit but a Bible, THE 172 It is convenient. odd moments Plence It It to travel. is fruitful personal blessing BOOKS pursued anywhere train, during used in be can the on " it is much have OF BOOK missionaries by life and lunch and and hour, and at etc. others who experience, affording great also for preparation service and witnessing. CHAPTER In addition gives a general For let THE of and method example, TAKE method survey analytic more a this to ANALYSIS. Summary the acquaintance with is which chapter, suggested. us OF* CHAPTER I7TH Chapter JOHN THE " OF PRAYER CHRIST. This shall Read it yourself; Divide 2. of I. through until the The 11. The prayer III. The prayer V. " 3. ma^' three of of the into chapter main Christ until it becomes spiritof sections; divisions Christ Christ then for His the Master. make outline an : Himself for for the part a apostles 6-19. v. " church 1-5. v. " of the future 20-26. subdivisions Make Under the catch you How analytically? times many of prayer it study to It falls into it. least, is complete in itself. at proceed we 1. of chapter, I. request " The of prayer Christ under of for the Christ main for headings. Himself " we personal glorificationthat have He THE endure (c) bless Father the (a) glorify (b) OF BOOK the BOOKS 173 (v.i). "the Cross, humanity hour" the by (v.i). bestowal of eternal life (v. 2). finish (d) II Under the work The " appointed by for prayer Father the the (v. 4). apostles have we " Christ His (a) describing towards the and Him, relation them to message their and the Father with the had attitude Him given (v.6). for (b) praying each and unity Father, Son, the (v.ii). other that (c) praying remained they their the the in Father would from world, while keep them, the of power the evil (v.II, 15, 16). one for (d) praying had consecrated be might their to sanctification, i. the work the ministry, they He as (v.17-19). been Under III The " for prayer the Christ praying. (a.) for unity (v.21-23). (b.) for have we of that e., its its power in church testimony of the before future the " world (v.21,23). that (c.) with separate teaches The Him Read 4. the sheets about result whole the of in eternal He may be gathered of paper, God, such is. the mately ulti- glory (v.24-26). chapter again carefully, and God. (a.) What church doctrinal Christ, the study will be classify,on teachings believer, the as follows ; what world, : it etc. THE 174 His nature OF BOOK divine " BOOKS (v. i), omnipotent (v. 2), present omni- (v. 2^,),righteous (v. 25). His name Holy Father {h.) What With Father " (v.ii), righteous Father He Him Him sends Christ before the to foundation With world them Christ loves them (v.II, with Himself Him believers 15), 2, dwells in Him believers to (v., 22,24). : in dwells sanctifies them (v.7,21), gives them them (v.23,26), keeps (v.17), makes eternal life them He as them one by knowing (v.3). Jesus Christ. (a.) What His is. He nature divine " Son " (v. i), omnipotent God (v. 23), equal with existent (v.5.24) ; human His {h.) names What With He respect Glorifies God (v.8). God 2), nipresent om- the (v.i), body Father (v.i), Christ a (v.7,8). (v.3). does. to God : God (v.1,3), reveals intimately (v.25), work human upon Jesus (v.i). Son " v. (v. 3,10,11,12,21), pre- with " (v.1,4,11,12),dependent man the (v.24), (v.3,6,8,etc.), loves (v.23,26), 1 w^orld (v.2), gives power Christ to the (v.3,8,18,21, 23,25), all to respect Gives (v.25). of (v.3,6,8,etc.),glorifiesHim Him (v.3). : the Him {y.22,), gives God true does. to respect Loved fv.1,5,21,24), only gave delivers Him God's to do Word (v.6,26), knows God (v.8,14). finishes (v.4), speaks God's v*'ords 176 THE The BOOKS World. Knows Father the not believers (v.14), lead it Christ will v.20,2i), will when (v. 14), Christ's it save Saviour beHeve Christ in to (v. 18), God-sent the as included came God to hates (v.25), not Christ (v.9), prayer to OF BOOK hates intercessory believers (v. 18), believe sent led to by the disciples' testimony united (v.21,23). believers are in Jesus be Prayer. (v.i) Posture nature ; men " Christ ; God's object the apostles The not Word of Spoken by the kept (v. 17), (v.6), the means world disciples of salvation ; of subjects all ages (v.9). God. Christ (v.8,14), Christ 8), for the prophetic (v.9), " (v.2o), and unselfish, intercessory, (v.i), glory " is (v.8), given received by behevers truth (v. 17), of salvation the to the (v.8), means (v.20). of disciples believed sanctification by (v. CHAPTER THE the By of subject This h. this more He is less the almost it up Revelation, the in ''Take time. be to what the say they have repented is. They of think A feeling. to say " me 'Mr. mine has since ; but every Bible have they I man time used I it hasn't Moody, been who converted, it hasn't struck in said Mr. about to struck and me.' 177 he to month a ; about have up once. repentance. you couldn't and repentance, what spoke takes teaches Moody know meet he and don't to through Matthew Dozens to through Then it. got of book fact about says nothing them. idea people's mons ser- usage, from find can spend you Get from his the meanings, example, you Suppose and Testament. derived for in books, dififerent its of subject. Testament, New see then found meaning Old the forth it better. as late It is Blood." that the illustrated. is study on prophetical everything up its word, repentance," *'Read spend on "blood," the lessons great Take topical study in sets "The a book used as Bible of that by book a me of tracing study pursued sermon word the before method and every have selection the is meant and Bible a the traces historical the I than takes Genesis, of this volume or Bible. TOPICS. BY Bible whole Moody. which in the study method the was Dwight In the BIBLE for subject through THE of topical study definite a OF STUDY VIL people repentance kind strange some in of Vermont would him: me has A yet. been a of neighbor changed man 178 THE of 'Xots like think people Now lightning. See Bible what OF BOOK BOOKS is repentance doesn't repentance is. It is indeed an repentance going in that come isn't strike them to way. fear, it isn't feeling." Without method It at the a Christian of is Book Topical is for so great and Text Books copy should Scripture. truths of be bought at can be A follows beginners.. deep in the Possibly interesting to Christians as method. as a of student Topical the in the price, and study exceedingly profitable study, especially them life. every method Text Bible nominal of as of establishes once very this question no other in general a Topical from specimen study sion posses- : Meekness. Christ His the of Saints should: Seek Zeph. Put " on Matt. " " for Show, Restore Precious Ministers Follow Instruct to all the 2:21-23. Gal. 5 :22,23. God with 3:12,13. of Word Exhibit, in conduct, Answer Peter i 2:3. the Receive 10:1; ; Is. 53 \y ; Matt. 45 '.4. :38-45. 5 Spirit Col. " Psalms " Cor. 2 21:5; teaching fruit of example an Matt. 11:29; A set their men etc. Titus " erring with 3 Peter 3:15. :2. God 6:1. " i Peter 3 '.4. shoidd: after" opposers I Tim. with 6:11. " 2 1:21. 3:13. i " Gal. " sight of in the James " with hope James " Tim. 2 '.24,2^. THE Urge A their on people characteristic Necessary to They are who of exalted Are guided Are richly provided Are beautified The James walk Psalms " 3:17. Eph. " Cor. i 4:1,2; 6:7. 76:9. Psalms " and their taught joy the Psalms " for 23:12. 25 :9. Psalms " salvation^ :26. 22 Psalms " 149 :4. Is. 29:19. " earth be to Matt. 147:6; with Gospel 179 gifted with: Are inherit BOOKS 3 :i,2. " Christian a preserved Shall Titus " wisdom Are Increase OF BOOK Psalms " preached 37:11. who those to possess Is. " 61:1. Blessedness of Exemplified 2 Sam. his people of each Bible his study of the means people arranged on the of and Bible is still was more, to done, with in in bring about the This his church, interest by Feeling the to up that Bible, he the church fifty Topical Text result sold. ting get- evening one extent. enough study in awakened was some house were successful Scriptures. This to Bible 30:6; 2:7. devoted members method interest study He of the publishing evening number, Bible. interested not a quite Sam. 1 Thess. i 4:12; been his Topical with This study among were Books. of the to has the David, 12:7,; Cor. i study to week Num. who pastor a 5 :5. Moses, " 16:9-12; Paul, I know in Matt. " that the was the beginning interest an whole which increasing. Following study: are some Faith, Confession, Holiness, Giving, The I have subjects been teaching the for this kind Restitution, Repentance, Second Coming greatly helped by on fitted subject a of study prayer, of of Love, Christ, Sin, of the ment Testa- New taking etc. up first, i8o THE "The OF BOOK of example Christ a of Christ" Study the Gospels; third, "Prayer shown the Prayers Acts" in ; is this in benedictions, and richly so Bible and heaven, Christ's John is prayer-life of one can study ''Father"" the 6 Mdiit. :6,9; salvation, teaching on 1 1 :26 ; 26 :39,42,53 ; 41. the ''Lord of 4. To the "Lord of the Harvest"" 5. To Co J" For For (b.) For with the of great work might receive (a.) "17:21-23. For their 22 " John Ghost all time unity with " the be 17:6-19; John (i) kept separated or John " :32. (2) sanctified (3) be of 9:38. they might Son; and preaching believers that apostles Holy .-25. 11 17:8-16. 16:26; " Father the M2.it. especially Luke all the Matt. " Subject. " John " world; Earth" 7:11. 46. 27 apostles the Matt. " and Heaven prayed. He Peter Heaven" in Matt. His For For ''Father Whom (a.) 2. the way prayed." Oh]^Q.t. To evil of in this it as Prayer. 3. union Paul, Christ's on the 1. the of Prayers the To II. Epistles the sin, love, redemption, on He Whom II 2. of as ascriptions, invocations, topical study a teaching To 1. church :" 'Trayer To covering two Apostolic Teaching second, ; purity. Following I. Any about teaching these " the the also revealed. Prayer" fifth, ''The and Epistles," including and in fourth, "The Prayer," regarding of Man as "A of BOOKS (4) be in from the unto the that they 16:26. 17. God-head and each other THE OF BOOK (b.) For their joy (c.) For their ultimate 3. III. For For 17:20-26. " enemies His He what 1. Hallowing 2. Coming God's 3. God's 4. For 5. Forgiveness of 6. Deliverance from Increase 8. For 10. Matt. 11. name done bread Matt. " " 17:20-26. 6 :28 ; 23 :34. Matt. 6:10. 6:10. Matt. " 6:11. 6:12. Matt. " 6:9. Matt. " earth on " sins faith of to power 9 :29 ; Luke Luke glory temptation " Matt. 6:13; Matt. 17:21 Mark 22:40-46. 7. 24 For in 5 :44 ; Luke kingdom be to daily 14:38; Luke 9. Matt. " God's of our salvation prayed. of will i8i BOOKS do Matt. " work 17:21. God of " ; Mark :49. preparation Christ's for comino^ Mark " 13 :2"2" - :36. 21 For things good the " Ghost Holy Luke " 11:13; 7:11. For ministers be to sent the to harvest " Matt. 9:38. 12. IV. Benefit When 1. At 2. In Luke of He time others 12:29,30 prayed. of baptism great crises 5 :i6; John " of Luke " life 3:21. Matt. " 26:36,39; Mark 6:46; 6:12. Matt. 3. In times of despair 4. In times of persecution 5. In times of success 6. In times of 7. Early 8. During in the the " " 27:46. Matt. " 24:20 Mark John 6:15. glorification Luke 9:28,29. " morning" day" ; Matt. Mark 11 i :2^. :35. 13 :i8. i82 THB At 9. V. all night, Always 10. night Luke " He Where BOOKS Luke " 6:12; 21:37. 18:1; 21:^6. prayed. 1. In the temple 2. In the wilderness In the mountain 3. OF BOOK Luke " 18:9. Luke 5:16. Matt. 14:23; " " Mark 6:46; John 6:15; 8:1. 4. In the 5. At the 6. In a 7. In Mark i grave Matt. " John " Mark :35 ; closet private cross Matt. " of 1. Acknowledgment 2. Thanksgiving 14:32. :35. i alone " 6 :6 ; Matt. " 14 :23 ; 5:16; 6:12; 9:18. 6:46; Luke the Mark 11:41. " Characteristics VI. 26:36; solitary place the On 8. garden 27:46. true prayer. God's of sovereignty 6: Matt. " 13. Matt. " 11 :25 ; Luke 10 :2i ; John 11 : 41. of God's 3. Seeking 4. Sincere, unostentatious 5. Not 6. Submission 14:32-36; Luke 7. Earnestness 8. Importunity 9. Faith Mark 1 1 " needs true God " Matt. John 17:1. 6:7. 11:26; 26 :39, Matt. " 22:42. 26:39; Mark Luke 11:8; 18:1. " ; 6. Matt. God that Matt. will of the to 26 :39,42 Matt. " " vain, expressing Mark 42; glory will hear and 14:36. answer " Matt. :24. 10. Confession 11. Humility 12. Agony 13. Fasting of " Luke Luke " " sin Matt. Luke " 18:13; Matt. 18:14. 22:44. 17:21; Mark 9:29. 6. 21 :22 ; i84 THE thew be so it faith order the faith. is "faith to in 1 the objects "Have .22 faith in Thessa- i " God-ward." to Romans write of " blood"; His have to God. of 1 faith your necessary place Mark faith "How?" Under it blessings write "your " ''According " "Whom?" may 3:25 :8 i 19 BOOKS that the marked we 1 showing receive sheet Romans lonians 1 " to Here God"; by you" unto in On Hebrews and :29, 9 OF BOOK "Faith 10:17 cometh " hearing." in Continue this "Faith" word "Believe," the the in be could taken up In the of grasp exhausted Then made. already wonderful have you Concordance. "Belief," headings until manner this truths such words classified and way as under will you Scripture of the get a regarding faith. If study, to you Teachers' will is Concordance a Bibles the serve find will a handy not in almost Topical of purpose at any Index, a or the time of one desire you the modern This Word-book. Concordance, but on a smaller scale. To all Scriptures It well just those we heartily most builds assuredly most as the head in the beginning up knowledge. systematic recommend the heart this in faith study plan and of of the study. love as CHAPTER STUDY THE A Bible is attention by is The writer in the discourse of the text. stated that which art The in in heaven" first,the Bible where the ; and are Then he the heaven this He lesson "Words key he opens what may a world the from the "but precious of a study they are meaning, and so, or become i8s words to place. the birds ; and courses of heavens. A in How be ful beauti- will word turning Shidy to despised. little the stars ! little coin a for Father. of a the heaven our : The abiding their of not casket, and life ; the so firmament, where Trench, says heaven thoughts or cared in stars power things," and second heavens." is, God's in supreme little save the in air, system, ruled Bible, a stellar read The "the the : and should beautiful is in God deduced are He heavens was 'truly English : and "As two words Father "Our " heavens." Father guided it the God He of singular: the "Heaven," plural, derived how how ; in Lord's developed of study word use formerly. truths the itself, where described air in ; the are first More "The on the he three birds finally how From our of speaks the the in this of place took art was From earth." on the which than sermon the study to way Scripture. method from was " of impressive derived original "heaven" word a most preacher the popular this to WORDS. BY words heard the were Father "Our of of the paid recently Some Prayer." " being BIBLE immensely of means now THE and interesting very the OF VIIL A little purchase may gest sug- point of a i86 THE It has destiny. be weighed prepared translate Yet the the ; their usage must be is Revision that the we Many Testament Thus, question 'life' may life,or the animal, or of days does Luke 'a It may be may when not may mean mean a does a of a of any A hundred mean years thy It a New quial colloand used? death. The brother was is here subjects as It is referred twenty-four One have of vegetable, is found.' mean to of God's remember the creative 'generation' in Scripture of (see Ex. particular nationality or of extent. period a these occupation of that We years. of Bible the word used 'This always Judgment. necessarily " death not period be lost,and was studying such are Day ; and thousand a thus ordinary day' be we the again this is true same run help watchful be is may The shall to of of life,the course we meaning. words sense life,and 15, the not Again, or of is alive manifestly this the of should we read the ecclesiastical,and what spirituallife. dead, and days In " mean source last words hours. rate, any we : notable most Biblical,an a At the the if reference shades several is true. English the upon offered are have that have sense. raise hints This without even life. tion transla- a Authorized, it is with ; and words said the is, to daily only far. too lean safely may is must we present our and that translation, and and wrong, and them, ; through carefully studied Bible along with is true except for of our good very following been to. a as This mastered, its words press far very that said be change' language practical matters "i. has the Version the all be Bible go in into not Revised 'small give to must never truth to it may we infinite need them ''But infinite. words the finite,whilst are are Bible finite words. well the at get BOOKS words they represent cannot we that said been things which but OF BOOK class thirty 17:16), of years. or people ( see It it may Matt. THE signify 'A 24:34). and 17:17 of week a week,' in the same manner, may 25:8 with Lev. (compare years 187 BOOKS OF BOOK Dan. 9:24). '*It word a the 'Let dead ordered they degree, 'table' which words, be may other when as more 'quick' for long halt to ery, archin word 'earing as grandson, for riage' 'car- for for pilot,'by- immediately, ? It do of (Amos 8:8), Noah,' and and the English is asked, 'How in have the question. flood has of or inundation Mesopotamia many such their tation, hesi- use between of it opinion So, in the distinguish to rivers Bible 18:21), from people's fickleness, not called was question read we understand to are keep springing you the was Thus, when opinions?' (i Kings two 'flood,' we The attiring, the use, 'governor' the when and long word for 'nephew' for greater a for Or of 'halted,' we Jacob 'How 'waters 14). that between which the to head' out ambiguous. are ye opinion changed distemper. gone as pipe, chapiter 'presently' immediately, limped; means, times Some- for tablet, 'artillery' tradesman, for words (Gen. 32:31) he for is old- or alive. Some that day, 'prevent' for anticipate,'champaign' burden, for is spelling, such of 'tiringthe less or rest remembered. matters word in seventh archaic some be to for ploughing, plain, 'chapman' "3. of mortar' for ground' and-by' the read we has sense for merely cases, 'untempered the need of so length. same contains 'writing-table' for and its old the says, ; and day God's with pill for peel, peep strew, In capital. of Lord our seventh tain con- may (Matt. 8:22) our English, Bible fashioned for dead' it is not verse same Thus, correspondence course The straw in the senses. their bury be of "2. two Commandment, to though in used Fourth the that occasionally happens the (Joshua ambiguities. of the Nile 24: i88 THE Words "4. what OF BOOK indicating relationship Americans we what we call as when the Jews said So, 'son' may father.' is called his the called An Once their by modern as 'damnation,' than the or of health reduced life ; a in we in 'do or everything English ordinary when as and but faith "It that is 'I there is of of a. them as at words expressions blood the only get we true say, we come,' {%. e., to but e., to we the to due for me, Bible hope no he will that of element in the only 'save means and are want we 'believe' to uncertainty, some 'I believe or case earthly our me' 'hope' come,' tamer a again of 'help to ; so as Others frequently imply read uncertainty widely more full usage also true lift the slay), worship), that the such now, in he the will hope Bible. is as in down tion'; 'offence,' 'edifica- mean we some toned suggest circumstances 'help me,' say lost sense of case comfort. and through little assistance, me,' offensive an in the as wealth force thus, if been earthly shortsighted idea, and cession, suc- (compare have 'lust,''vengeance'; others more a have one, may royal son which words are strength, having Some old one or Joseph's of the son and by adoption so who really was only (Gen. 22:2), for Jehu, 9:20), ; 15th verse). and use. ancestor ; thus the may Abraham have mean is called there width old 'We nify sig- 'father' remote a (2 Kings only the more, of idea with 3:16 "5. is A even may always not grandson a father as Christ when be son' 'only or Lord, our Nimshi who son as to well as a Chron. of son mother be I a grandson. same grandfather, a do them. by mean be our BOOKS are weight to of Bible of idioms. hand call often which and read the by Biblical ; and words (i. e., upon watchfully more us Such to of without is recurring swear), name usage what to the our demands." shed Lord giving THB Sufficient Word has it ? In Study been The study. about the each following of word this look have you word? a up Romans Find text. be we done what out go English the by is its Strong's Exhaustive book God." You ''faith" word -Romans which the just book. take how at cordance Confor extant present as designate the of refers you to find that and Romans persuaded to not the it to he thyself to is meant you of from of to the line the by words for the " in number read, before study "Art thou back however, and notice the to word rendered " have other back have but ent differ- a kindred part 14:22. "saving faith," the a though you Romans see numbers every the in various Version and Glossary in at column These each will you attached are your passage number, the down Run the number this up the mean come similar a English our ''faith." word Version. "faith" thyself method Word. to could 14:22 a in word it does have what out corresponding look the find proceed studying are you faith? numbers meaning " text looking up turn indicating Such the Now Concordance, God's end word same word. until English that shade to the our shall you passage. different in to At glance How thou Before a many "faith" the column 14:22. number Let want this in the down eye book. Concordance the Open this "Hast 14:22: before by shall : way best of importance study. Suppose of the arises, How student. possibly the is show now can 189 BOOKS to the This Greek the by as said question original meaning. well OF BOOK of noted You the as will "persuasion." persuaded? Be God." opens up mines of wealth in THE I90 *The the " words words the division includes drawn from Romans His in originates In Such Hebrews the Apostle He was is is secured the under of for place In in the humility, for though Our (b) drawn 5 15, God reference He Angus' Scripture. of the dom king; it reign ; power Priest He of was it is and the Him His tion salva- is High Priest a dispensation and acceptance, from missioned com- rejecting He and significant. efficacyof commanded are the the are in zvords us as is that ornament that none implies) to sin sets Bible heathen, . God's (so the Himself Handbook. this just, that a shall be to their is the Greek is, a humble must be so be able to Greek (d) ity, humil- for word estimate nected con- it away tear be enforced Pride against grace. closely may implies), in array with Christian a (c) Every duty character, clothed Clearly (a) proud. (for ornament involves) conspicuous *From we resisteth truest Greek and The sacrifice despised by with God, of is God. guilt therefore, though be ourselves, and a be truth. High appointment. may of by divine Him. clothed the is " can His word of The upon be (so " sentence. Peter I words the Each ordained both Lessons Divine upon is called dignity. need we that it is God's : , dependent 2. His Gospel; mercy of Scripture description Gospel him. by by writer ; it is founded and sent to the the a profession. our proportioned of teachings from Christ first selected and scope government. 3:1, of sentence inferences is the His the all the have grace illustrate in parts of the we the place other drawn 14:17, God. of it will with be their in which may BOOKS with in connection Lessons In words in connection legitimately 1. the " words the OF BOOK (e) it. is a It public braves CHAPTER THE It is BIOGRAPHICAI, question a method benefit it is lives other a God human everywhere to is their in " part It men. of the world which of God's equally relation the seer of to what of saint God and evangelical peering ardent, and ; Job, the Isaiah Daniel ; ; missionary apostle view of saint men of the Gentiles: 192 ; ; in each Paul, of heart ; Jeremiah ; Peter, ; and mixture own weeping ; Moses, prophet the the His and did. God's disciple acter. char- and God David, Christ mission a God," the after loving had he as Samuel, Ezekiel the the in endowment, of man a burning to The through come Bible lived suffering follower sonal per- nature comes friend fresh a John, impulsive, "the yet the in were, leader; and sinner, for appeals. revelation Abraham because men than us human has man of called caught to of experiences. they was day this characters great lawgiver great that and in not falls and strongly to In human hearsay over its it reach rises something revelation Is interesting more of hves biography. to way the pass is in best of we the personal biography. biography lives in his the is true of abounds history There to the that able profit- more deriving as study sacred What ! Abraham in of quickly varied Each world book the How experience greater Bible lives? biography? the BIBLK. is any far so The THE) there " than knew through was, study " wholly that possible whether to Bible concerned OF STUDY as characters. strong fact of is IX. the these the great Bible THB characters Hves than not that laws of were other that make these. and study through men more ; men lives, through our have a out a And been governed The by The Than this ''he says, was in the of like man a was this, fascinating,and beckons he it is because His glorious level. His The early days first mention of record doubtless us! a his poor life example, him. Study and tion. Consola- of in his does Forbidding then His sible Pos- Elijah. no Bible. whole passions a man, us be might to on (5:17) James us," and with common and romantic more its studied that possibly his life is high own and follows: as home. and of Bushnell of possibly is fascinating biography for mist Men. Biography there as of Jesus with Classification the them. dim Son of selves. our- the commentary character Character of mentioning sketch little character about Barnabas, good a candid back going passages in up passions with and Take list of all the them like frank persons, study Jesus' book, of women them. around Look make to to govern that is very real as hangs little Bible them Study no speaking lives of personal experience should and men The J. hearts laws. These so the to message life and It is God other. medium and human to revealing the these 193 then, if this method strange, seem appeal any the pecuHar own BOOKS men. It need should his has of OF BOOK Elijah previous farmer's is in life boy. I or What Kings 17. parentage. an There He is was encouragement THE 194 His 2. His call of God his to first appearance God's J. OF BOOK BOOKS life work. before Ahab, of protection assurance Kings i and 17:1. provision, Kings i 17:2-17. '4. His divine credentials, i Kings His second appearance 5. (a.) before Ahab, Obadiah Meeting 17:18-24. i Kings (a compromising 18. of servant God), V.3-16. Ahab (b.) Meeting (c.) Challenge (d.) Perfect (e.) The the to enemy of God), prophets of Baal, (an confidence in God and its rain, v.41-45 promised v. v. 17,18. 19-24. victory, v.25-40. (compare James 5: 17-19). 6. His flightfrom Jezebel, (a.) His (b.) God's (c.) The His third 7. plea with care of call of a is a 8. lesson His the (i.) His (2.) Result rebuke of 1-9. (Ehsha), successor of boldness v. 19. prophet, v.9-15. before Ahab, Ahab's appearance Kings Jehovah, appearance Elijah denounces 1 i sin of murder v.15-21. Kings and 21 theft. God's Here ! before Ahaziah, of his the 2 Kings i. king's infidelity,v. 3-8. faithfulness to God's command, V.9. (3.) \1y-2y, protection of His servant, v. 10-16. THE His p. A translation, Elijah will of the be faithful great of in truth of the his Kings the God service Scripture accomplishment for that in points with student with BOOKS 195 2:1-14. salient furnish working for 2 these of study OF BOOK God. It God of biography abundant It men. the uses His will knowledge him encourage will of reveal even purposes. to weak him ments instru- to the CHAPTER the: Another study affords that of the study God's by eras periods, therein, we Truths the to of order to of Many one-sided, by a of of because shone in Christ's is of these to man adaptation profoundly is a of man. full interesting, in given moral of the contrast with day by the entire avoided with God the God's periods, when Thus be dealings of the Scriptures. could infancy in necessity pure (not sanctioned) people. an manifested are "periodic" Abraham's the capacity interpretations later In given comprehension as God's being the His in one race, fuller are light polygamy of monogamy ethics. Regarding general and the in His upon permitted is into divided God idea periods by allowed strictly prohibited had one period. that grasp of period later a erratic Things period, and Bible, one receptive one revelation divine knowledge people. the preceding. an and in Bible the form method a the circle of successive of to in general a study, properly revelation embryo being study each needs matured Besides Bible view be may the enabled are and man and revealed grown the with complement various of general a periods. by method periods, a revelation bible: periods. or enlargement, of student dealings definite the: profitable very that of X. it may reliable the be of chronology said chronology that there covering 196 the is Old no this Testament, certain period. and The in lutely absosys- THE tern forth set as it has reliable as have at In For as no many universally) means of chronology any been years mistakes, it is considered its of study the begin with accepted. the on whole Testament Old the erally gen- we periods of the Bible it is well general view, taking a in at details. no example: 1. The Antedeluvian 2. The period 3. The Patriarchal 4. The Theocratic 5. The Regal Another B. The 2. B. The 3. B. The 4. 5. the The close 6. "430 Dr. The points period Silent H. T. under to the Flood the Exodus the Judges " " period " Flood the " to Exodus the " to the Judges " period D. " the (1012-430 " period the first temple " the first to Ezra, or C). B. close temple of prophecy to Christ I.). of each to C). Sell, in his Bible table Creation " C). prophecy C.-A. C). C). B. B. following period Solomonic of C). C). Davidic (1141-1021 B. 1 period (1491-1095 B. C). period Mosaic (1491-1141 192 view. Noahic (2348-1491 (2348- races period (1921-1491. B. C.) Adamic (4004-2348 early C). B. (4004-2348 period the history. period (1095-587 B. Periodic The 1. of Testament Old of Periods General " 197 present. the first to by BOOKS for has by Ussher (though Although OF BOOK six : great Study by Periods, gives periods, with four the principal 198 THE OF BOOK BOOKS PERIODS. 1. Creation. 2. The Garden 3. The flood. 4. The ancient the: IN I. be:ginning. of Eden. world. THEOCRACY. THE II. 5. Abraham 6. Moses and the 7. Joshua and the conquest. 8. The and judges The rise of 10. The glory 11. Division 12. Prophets of Israel. THE the of 13. The captivity. 14. The return 15. Prophets 16. Malachi the 18. The 19. The 20. advent life of CAPTIVITY. exile. exile and return, Christ. CHRIST of the of EARTH. ON Messiah. Christ resurrection Supremacy Kingdom. Kingdom. from V. The the THE IV. 17. Kingdom. fall of of the to KINGDOM. Kingdom. the and of people. exodus. III. 9. chosen the on and Christ. earth. ascension. CHAPTER a STUDY o:^ Much of great part the; parabIve:s the of of truth of to discern Jesus; God-man as well as In in the as a his of Then the the design. If Father's rich the real John forcefully If, the people obtain *From of the this the Girdlestone's hand, other need be of faith blessing Hovj to its the of five heavenly 15) sity neces- 18) the thousand and beneficent concerning soul, our then (Matt. (Matt. thousand God answered? this for the Does the (Luke is of (Luke show serve provision the being taught Word. form. son judge 11) to four illustrate the on lesson feeding and 6), unjust bountiful and miraculous of (Luke of to purpose duty from come prodigal assurance man the the His the of parables importunate Is the and prayer of the Some truth. heart the specialize parabolic loving parable it forth. in of must Teacher of parables divine he of to the of the sense, great the reveal sets the the utterance gave Then real meaning ^this is " student very hidden ; the in omnipotence miracles knowledge things to eminently a the after desire Father? in yea, said, He He to of the parables itself in the of His privilege the concealed might the in manifested discover as in beautiful ever kingdom revealed sense, search most To lord.* our hidden was power miraculous. the Jesus divine His sphere the of of miracle:s and teaching of the XI 15) apply 14; and truth. the desires Master their on and inherit Study the 200 part English as the Bible. to being promises teach His necessary of God, THE then the miraculous Mark 17:14; OF BOOK of curing Luke 9:17; BOOKS the 201 demoniac child 9:38) abundantly (Matt. illustrates this truth. Other illustrations show cited to the there is concealed student in the is parable is presented to resembles, and word side in us and of of miracles it by which medium conviction avoided, illustrated and is real attention or is great Saviour's always are They importance. Mark 4.26-29) to 35-38). Thus unlearned and He force they at the of them extent was because and being SPEAK the Jews individually, too is made power IN were, is truth the upon is heart remarkable are and appropriateness, truths of the Teacher and Luke first 20:1-14; and 10:25-37, to mon com- to even His hearers 13:6-9; John prejudiced to 4: the whom persons easily apprehended, instantly felt and was WHY It time same by supposed, especially adapted were side them. (Matt. 13:33), (Matt. 13:47-50; two comparing daily objects (Matt. Great very arrested, offense convey labors it from things parables 7:36-50; the addressing, was to to domestic by which surrounded were relate (Luke occurrences scenery employed The important clearness, force, simplicity,and they thing which two and secured, something derived of purpose with Our Lord. our illustrate. to either the enforced and conscience. for the of events, narrative a for were) of truth of which other some placing of the wealth been PARABI,i:S. it is desired meaning has enough speech under lieu which words (as Thus the of mine a parable implies comparison, being Greek the what parables form a added, but saviour's OUR A be might the acknowledged. PARABLES? as prejudiced a to nation be and to instructed a great more THE 202 clearly, that in 12; Luke Son of an Everything done in that on revealed Even receive death, apostles the Father the Hitherto have allude to seems the doctrine of our as approaching great and prominent Before this our saying eleven wondering from but you, the them among ye the " " cannot Spirit of truth, truth (John things but time the "I have cometh in my I spoken when I Saviour's our He and more His with ; of God had ; unto to more say unto when He, into said in out gone you He you no attentive already guide most epistles. the howbeit, will shall the things to through of the one told ye teaching of had ask, and ; 16:23,24)." His is ye it you give (John in in whatsoever afterwards and diced preju- too name full now He the Messiah. will yet many is come. fully illustrate. He features them bear is ises prom- was were you, Judas have 16:12,13)"; "These unto Saviour traitor He as the mercy-seat distinguishing was crucifixion; when, Priest, which High man. which it is true, first time the His earth converse be may the of earliest until to name my joy for the required His say 3:11, young on dead time nothing receive, that your Christ solemn asked ye it and in rich apostles to before night the time sad the ascension and "Verily, verily, I ask shall which the words, shall He in on from even Himself assertion Genesis, in doctrines from Mark the Bible, from chosen them on especially the come, resurrection, touched with our character, calls always His of His gradual development, resurrection minds the to the His at to time some teaching while of throughout Saviour For waives Lord's principle be noticed of the almost conversation our parables, which (Matt. 16:20; it sometimes in His divinity,as in of disclosure He and them to declare to BOOKS unexplained. open 4:41). Man, spoke left others forbidding to He avoided Lord Lord our cases many OF BOOK all again, proverbs, speak unto THE proverbs, but in you OF BOOK BOOKS I shall show 203 plainlyof you Father the (John 16:25)." PARABOIvIC And in after accordance the with of outpouring Pentecost, the apostles had passed, this method was still with for the and the of without suffered, risen, ascended of its are in narrated six in does his of our forty in parables three give not A Gospel. by one the or these of name the part the lesson /. Recorded I. in in separated at one Lord our (Heb. 13:8), had Lord had revealed was in all recorded Of three is the these in thirty-one two Gospels, are and teaching by parables accordance which gelists, evan- only evangelist who parables In the by the it is given with case was of in the lowing fol- their relation each parable, spoken it is in is given, recorded, and Gospel only. in the tares The Bible place to it conveys. 24-30). *Froni the while ever parts of Scripture in which or The in evangelists. more for as Lord's our table, classified resorted fulness. John list of it were, as heaven, the Comforter number. of any the them. to disguise. The at Saviour, Gospels. of unremittingly preached and Gospel only, one time any dispensation glorious veil a of day (i Cor. 2:2), Jesus Christ, into Christian the the riches clear necessary crucified slightestattempt and at them, but boldly and Him the on made was so Lord, our understanding apostles never instruction, and the The and yesterday, to-day, same Spirit Holy all of sayings teaching by parables, under Jesus Christ come, these and opened, time TEMPORARY. spiritual eyes were The the TEACHING good the Student's wheat. and judgment. Handbook. bad Gennesareth. together during Matt. 13: life, but THB 204 The 2. The hidden of the The The 45,46). search 4. pearl of great of salvation. The draw-net judgment, True though The 5. The of danger just the and wicked sinner in (Matt. 13: at final the (Matt. 13:52). church. Capernaum. servant. necessity 13: life. Gennesareth. Christ's laborers in Christians in under life and The of forgiveness two sinfulness (Matt. others, and to 18: the (Matt. 22:1-14). wedding times the for necessity the to men is of Olives. Mount the in shown of robe pel, Gos- the embrace righteousness which and profession. king's son. of bellion Re- :28-3i). 21 by repentance, mere Reluctance garment, various at (Matt. followed will of call circumstances. insincerity of the their Jerusalem. marriage (Matt. Jerusalem. vineyard. receive sons. and The the various against God's and the and together during 20:1-16). 9. gospel, (Matt. ingratitude. The 8. the of unmerciful ^^^ 23-35). 7. of the of householder. members 6. price. Gennesareth. fishing. Gennesareth. in Separation 47,48). (Matt. 13:44). Gospel. value great BOOKS Gennesareth. treasure. "great value 3. OF BOOK the Christ's righteousness. The 10. The 13). careless 11. 30). make 12. difference of conduct of Olives. exhibited by (Matt. 25:1- watchful and Christians. The The good The at talents. ten necessity of the sheep and use The 25:31-46). wicked virgins. Mount ten the Mount that is incumbent advantages final the of Olives. goats. that Mount separation day of judgment. of on God (Matt. 25 every has to given him. of Olives. the man :i4- good (Matt. and the THE Seed 13. growing heart of of growth 205 Gennesareth. and grace (Mark in religion the man. The 14. BOOKS unperceived. Gradual 4:26-29). OF BOOK Olives. of master (Mark watching, house a second of Mount journey. for necessity Christ's of time on The 13:32-37). the as the constant is not coming known. The 15. Gratitude of for The 16. duty enforced. and oppressed, creed, opinions, The 17. The 5-10). The 18. The 21.) (Luke 7:41-43). the with commensurate mity enor- forgiven. Samaritan. good Man's 37). forgiveness offense the Galilee. debtors. two his to All who are our (Luke Jerusalem. sick are and shown, neighbor and neighbors, its 10:30- ance perform- suffering, in want, of irrespective color, nationality. or friend at beneficial midnight. uncertainty the life and 11: in prayer. Jerusalem. man. of (Luke of perseverance effects rich foolish Jerusalem. 12:16- (Luke evil of being worldly- minded. The 19. 38). Necessity tell know or The 20. of when (Luke steward and second coming and neglectful 12:42-48). duties our at 12:35- for none shall be. may salem. Jeru- servant. exhortation An of performance (Luke watchfulness, constant Christ's faithful Jerusalem. feast. wedding the to all times to scientious con- God man. 21. The barren fig by God to bring all the under Unprofitableness us to Jerusalem. tree. of means Christ, and to 13:6-9). (Luke grace appointed life eternal through Him. 22. (Luke Strife for 14:7-11). chief rooms Humility at desirable feasts. and Jerusalem. necessary. 2o6 THB The 2^. All to The 8-10). sinful The 25. The loving God The 26. Need of The 2y. rich will meet The 28. 5-10). God for man any The 29. not to 30. of or The pounds. Recorded ^2. y:24-2y, of Houses Luke consistent profession. and reward; in two built repentance. (Luke 16:1-12). life to the prayer, be the hears though He (Luke impossible him. 18:1-8). all who avail no dress ad- appear may (Luke publican. Jerusalem. of 17: answering. in long earth on (Luke God : (Luke come. it is Jerusalem. to while required of is God; before acceptable. Jerusalem. its of services, and our self-abasement and The seem may reckless, and Jerusalem. persistent prayer in 111-32). 15 Jerusalem. in than more (Luke sufferings Self-righteousness brings 2. all Pharisee 18:9-14). 31. and recompense sincerely hear, humility Lazarus. unjust judge. Advantages Him do for sinners. signs unprofitable servants. to world eternity. actions demands 15: repentant Jerusalem. and suitable a first the for man over sinners,,however steward. Men's 16:19-31). tance reluc- (Luke of the Jerusalem. on preparation Saviour the in heaven towards unjust their Jerusalem. money. son. ready acceptance 116-24). 14 Christ; through of joy prodigal of love of care the (Luke worldliness. piece and men, salvation through lost BOOKS Jerusalem. supper. to come The 24. His great called men OF BOOK sloth (Luke its 19:12-27). igence Dil- punishment. Gospels. on rock 6:46-49). profession, and sand. Exemplification and the (Matt. Galilee. of the stability instability of false 2o8 THE their and connection Neander's exhibits OF BOOK the to BOOKS His with kingdom, The classification. of the numbering and numbers have in the parables thus erence ref- foregoing list. Parables 1. The The prodigal chief two given strict in lists of Call The to the enter of marriage in of Christ. and (24) money the ; the publican C30X; (22). hidden the and garment (9). in of the word a pearl warring king (*) The in reference parable marked list,and, although teaching parable, it ; the king's son, above the is not it conveys is generally given parables. of Christ. kingdom the (2) treasure king's son (9) ; the great supper (23)- 4. Activity in The vine comparison the (*) ; negative requisites. or of the Saviour's our (i) hidden kingdom the marriage of the form the leaven piece of lost tower included sense under wheat fishing (4). feasts ; the ; the wedding is not (*) in the requisites. ; the 14:28-33) in the ; the Pharisee at (8) sons the ; the rooms price (3) great thus in ; the (25) Positive (2.) to (38) parables, sheep (34) son for Luke seed Anti-Pharisaic lost The tares requisitesfor entering Moral strife ; the (37) draw-net ', The his seed of Christ. of the kingdom progress mustard {2^:^) the (i). J. of grain 2. of and sower meal the on kingdom (John of Christ. 15:1) certainly, but not " a parable in the literallynumbered sense among of THB Christ's (11) the vineyard 5. The the ; the log husbandmen wicked barren BOOKS (39) ; the fig-tree (21) ; the ten laborers in (7). spiritof true of Christ. kingdom the Forgiveness. (i.) The the parables; talents OF BOOK good Samaritan debtors two The (2.) The ; the (16) unmerciful (6) servant (15). right unjust of use wordly possessions. ; the rich man and Lazarus spiritunder the name of prudence. steward (26) (27). The (3.) The ten (4). The Christian virgins (10). Prayer. ; the unjust judge (29) Other authors, continues division. Dr. Such (i.) Grey Angus, divides at midnight (17). have them the represent as friend adopted into " and nature ent differ- a of the progress Gospel dispensation. Such (2.) the calling of Greswell as divides of three (i.) them is Such into instruction. the to prophetic either. He the moral. and regards them : represent as and in their moral preferable classes truths blessed deliver as Ivisco's division and rejection of the Jews Gentiles. the Such (3.) the represent as the divine powers effects. heavenly kingdom in their as taining con- origin and (See preceding lists,37, 38, 33, 8, 2). (2.) on these I. 9, 23 Such as represent truths, and Those that (callingand these respect election the are the heavenly kingdom founded " church differ), i, as 4. a whole, 21, 39, ; THE 2IO Those 2. that the church, the warring faith,love, 25, and the and of hope Love, 3. Hope, useful rules Nicholls in 01^ down for the guidance the in to the " 10. These PARABLES. considerations of those who and are from instruction rules posed pro- the considerations are form. against fanciful interpretations. intended illustrate to law, "Thou sometimes shalt thus been are a Gospel. the for for longing and intended abridged an THE laid example, the parable the and tower relation 8, 27, are draw to given here of the In 30, CONSIDERATION parables. For the II. 10, FOR Guard of into 6, 16. endeavoring /. individuals heavenly kingdom its members. 2. various parables the represent as Faith, humility, etc., 7, by of entrance 1. Some BOOKS king. RULES of the respect 24, 34, Such (3.) OF BOOK of the love the second great commandment thy neighbor dangerous departure They the pure is what of modes from effect of the pretation inter- simplicity producing the Word, exciting ingenious rather than milk of thyself,"has as Such perverted. have ously Samaritan, obvi- good a that relish dis- a morbid what is true. 2. Never from From the (Luke that or 16:24), Lazarus is of to or duty circumstances. the infer altogether was point of doctrine any incidental circumstances glorified saints is said prove single phrases Abraham to to attempt the rich man propriety unwarrantable. in Abraham's bosom, addressing of prayers When it is meant it THB that he when John, the at received was more he that he might of master or Again, of will reverence the son" this five of In in one of the that be made Consider J. Our declared by parable of prodigal which son lost words and design of lost the host said, "They No with meet make otherwise the ten of half in the pieces ten evidently ten; laid be finally 4), only 15 the as sion profes- a and to from represented are one was of parable a of ignorant was that for one sheep (Luke ; in instance, Bible on every may soon itself. the in the 25 113, and be lost piece not ; when we to lay too we need the His of much design be is in the and money, the occasion the Chrysostom stress learnt virgins ten 15:2). have not speaker. from inferred (see Luke them parable, of parable the easily ought phrases the the who is not stress sheep, may ''We of saved lost in Matthew introduced remarks, of those astray parable, a design Him the body it is five carefullythe design of Lord's cumstance cir- the the from of the much contradict to of would finally be went too of circumstance made God that because proportion that showing manner variety. For Son His infer parable silver, the a chief be fill up imply to will hundred one of or of should or foolish, half as religion perish. ) 13 123 bosom (Matt. 21:37). cannot virgins (Matt. 25:1) and such husbandmen, reception which We was three place in the on to wicked my Jews. wise head it ornament the imagines the actual the lay application give to who as (John feasts, when couch, introduced parable of moment one guest doctrinal or peculiar honor, feast. only in the on his repose the no narrative, Jewish the 211 Jesus' bosom on At reclined was BOOKS of place a leaning was persons that to Supper. Last honor OF BOOK the anxious upon scope about single and any- THE 212 but thing intended son the moral need for seek nor of the privileges the its impair do the are meant for the and far to of the the to fact this of the on prodigal ring vants, ser- ally natur- restoration falls in with the to the it further pursue unjust design of general be might He that did (Luke i6:i), if steward Lord our not parable was we took from occasion teaching and feel may to Poole as obscure; and it to commanding of acts and Julian the reproach culty diffi- a remarks, of the heathen some we condemn pointedly more very apostates, together with as the tion Scriptural interpreta- putting so of by the hired injustice. ''Jerome of old," "thought Christ, parable principally meaning. in the other the prodigal's perfect son, parable man's instruction far-fetched parable, but attend not the a the of In of in any ring, etc., expresses scope Thus inquire who not BOOKS useful or thereby." we OF BOOK ophers, philos- doctrine of ness," unrighteous- whereas, by observing that the single point here the used means vanishes: difficulty the which m.eans this that their sacred than the who with needed the Pharisees to their ; a that of this children of in world light; their end. in His parables times some- principles, rather own 157) repentance," but (Luke to showed end, and children the Lord reference fact. (Luke no Again never in his means our on is true so. and men Pharisees the and in used, he secure than wiser adapt their writers what on Thus God to end, the whole that steward unjust generation argue men it is evident calculated is,they better The 4, for single point of comparison in are attainment the well forethought of the the for is 15:25), yet it is not transgressed His the true were not really ''just selves they thought themelder that brother sents repre- had served they commandments, but they TUB thought Lord BOOK and so, shows It is zvhat bad the because so fully exposed of them to the the of we consider may Pharisees, shall by but the the contrary, and this go of which of it. God, few a be must that plea it to His the be clue and the for those even had our Pharisee show is the has of gift whom ; that like the God, unforgiven (Luke presence the only of mercy righteousness, though, own from away notion of the is to men, acknowledge we understood character Lord; our our in been the best in and their hypocrisy of justificationbefore trust we have those very design ground if would of addressed immediately was interpretationof the parable publican, hands Pharisees, for instance, is that of the just was His at mercy those to the circumstances probable they of the notion men, blessed our opposition sought consider to parable it is sense One principles their who 213 19:22). important whom to BOOKS own was wrong sinners (see also Luke 5. their upon how and publicans OF we 18:9, etc.). Some 6. That of of of spread the Gospel the of the that of the :47) in the to the tares that show from discovered remarks m them small :33) the their :3) is (Matt. 13 there will be a Boyle, which the are as the Jews in of the upon that mixture day "other of malice day of judgment. to ; that destruction of the prophetic and :24) of the foretells beginnings consequent Gospel produces frequently point doubt," very 13 prophetic. are (Matt. 13:31) death, and till the church 21 (Matt. sower effects which seed (Matt. putting Christ that parables mustard husbandmen the 13 Lord's our hearts of the of Our various of and Lord's judgment; prophecies will yet unregarded." ; men (Matt. net good : and then bad ables par- "no be THB 214 SAVIOUR OUR In studying derive only will their presents location be to miracles in the parables Narrated Two blind dumb A in blind A the of dumb man fish the 17:24 7:31 healed , 8:22 passed through unseen the fishes 5:1 the widow's son the crooked woman " man with ten lepers ear of " " " 7:11 13:11 the " " 22:50 2:1 5:1 Bethesda... at 9:1 11:43 fishes 21:1 Narrated in in synagogue centurion's and blind Healing 4:46 (of fever).... son Lazarus of II. of servant blind born man of 14:1 17:11 " " The dropsy Malchus, the high priest into wine water Turning nobleman's the Healing man impotent Healing Gospels two cured 1:23 demoniac dumb the daughter the four the fig-tree of the 7:1 12:22 11:14 Syropheni- thousand the Stilling Healing mother-in-law storm of legion the devils " Jairus' of Raising Healing the Walking the " IV. Feeding blood a withered hand. Bartimaeus five in four thousand 8:1 21:18 11:12 8:2 1:40 5:12 8:14 1:30 4:38 8:26 4:37 8:22 8:28 5:1 8:27 9:2 2:3 5:18 9:20 5:25 8:43 9:23 5:38 8:49 12:10 3:1 6:6 14:25 6:48 17:14 9:17 9:38 20:30 10:46 18:35 6:35 9:12 . (Two 20) Narrated the of child blind Matt. men, palsy sea demoniac Curing the daughter with man on of issue with woman swine entering sick man 7:24 15:32 Gospels. three leper Peter's " in Narrated the Healing The 8:5 15:21 III. 4:33 , (of palsy).. servant cian Feeding Cursing John. 4:30 " Demoniac Luke. 9:32 healed of Raising Draught miracles, with Mark. multitude Draug-ht RaisingHealing ing follow- 9:27 mouth Christ The cases only. Gospel healed.. and man When Matt. one the deaf in many will not Gospels. healed men demoniac Stater The in student in action. list of Miracles. I. the lessons, but complete a BOOKS MIRACLES. historical them recognize S Saviour's our immediate table OF BOOK 6:19 blind Gospels. 6:5 2i6 THB Hamlin Dr. the' Euphrates. you ever of "Were "Yes, had there. that the ruins there go I considered of several I " engaged for large a A tents. to the mounds which, look one begin sport my surprise sheik and for week, a as find to rarely the I Nothing the as before could our gun and caverns among with game, I night. caught him What ! I had had would was I went to my to the him engaged handsomely, contract then intending set. tents our strolled distance, and however, say, pitched in strongly. paying was and infested had me me at sun pany com- accompany and the not was except striking the most it object to no my are I to in the encampment, our men protested and seen animals soon starting off was the ruins the heard having to holes in experience except being I took The toward steps East that Babylon sundown visitor I determined followers reached two or my his cover is there into doctor. Knowing money around. which of turned with We however, sight he sheik sum. a and " the in game, be to man little before have out a others a his curious a him that sport, and shooting. for safe of abound Babylon week's a of me fond very of for reminds am drew learned Babylon ?" asked in that and he and deal, especially in the great a BOOKS question, which during traveled region the evaded conversation, had OF BOOK and here scarcely begun. induce him to remain. " 'It isn't after sunset. sorts of whoever one of things the dark here stay here and ghosts, goblins, ghouls, of out come is found the is taken holes off by and caverns, them and all and becomes themselves.' "Finding as In flesh dare said ; 'no mortal safe,'he it is I'm that I could paying stay I'll double you it.' not more persuade him, than I I ought to, said, 'Well, but if you'll THE " said, 'I couldn't 'No,' he the No world. off to go Arab has I want But Babylon. OF BOOK place about a hour 217 all the the seen what do an for stay ever to BOOKS is sun distant down go right by and in money on We'll you. back come at daybreak.' ''And "As soon Bible my 'And and Sodom shall it be shall the the glory Arabian their lie there and creatures: dance palaces be her and it that is "No," you're time before He is to of in herds shepdesert doleful satyrs shall islands shall their and come, the full be dragons near the of her exactly," said the Turk, when been history you've Hamlin, Dr. educated You man. translated was and shall of the beasts ; neither cry pleasant days shall " answered an wild the overthrew there, and dwell of inhabited, neither beasts shall took Isaiah: beauty God ; neither houses houses, prolonged.' "That's "but the of generation to wild but : shall owls desolate : their and the be never "I Hamlin, when as there there fold And there. their not : be tent given up." 13th chapter generation pitch be to Dr. kingdoms, It shall in from dwelt of shall Gomorrah. make shall it the from excellency, and sport had my finished," said had read Babylon, Chaldees' in he as And did. they go into Greek that it was given I had finished, reading." "it is prophecy. know that about three Come, Old ment Testa- hundred years hundred years the Christ." acknowledged "And before the Hebrew was. at least two that ?" "Yes." wasn't "Well, glory, isn't it and "I'm replied. not "I this prophecy prepared must have when written to was in its ?" give time Babylon to you think an answer it over." now," he 2i8 THE when officer the to God's For had of Our '" Him their Messiah mostly the do for the the Bible Turkish familiarize the selves our- inspiration study of in the Lord. Testam.ent of how diligently they they divine the truth heart- discovered ! We not can- example. book prophetic suggestions given and knowledge truths of dictions prein the stirring,- what their follow each the What soul-comforting than the Messiah only the Old Yet mine In edge only tangible knowl- for man. the only knowledge Redeem^er had search to " unfathomable better The that of the their be prophets! and this did prophetic. lay apostles God searched from defence was to His prophetic searching of to us years prophets was and Lord of be can chapter "The on governed Study by the of by Books." Bible The themes of coming lenium of Such study: ; the the and themes Christ, future worthy Messiah what was a set as form forth in restoration of of of complete in be Jews found and prophecv the ; of the : earth exceedingly relating to life of " the mil- tion; resurrec- the on second ; the the deepest study. prophecies record and prophets government will devout study given God's the the of of interesting course an first advent the as others many illustrative shows prophecy final issue these, and an thousand who purposes the four their of of truth picturesque portrayals of the and messages prophecy important back come ! almost Jews the to it behooves an Word of and so, answer." an testimony how such with me fulfillment and give, BOOKS said, "Do give unexpected an regard of and you're ready What in Hamlin well," Dr. "Very OF BOOK " able, profit- Below is Christ. It promised OF BOOK THE RELATING PROPHECIES First His 1. The Mic. 2:44; The Zech. 4:1; :/, :6, 7, ; 45 11 9:6; Dan. 24:17; 25:9; 12:3; Sam. 7:14; 2 49:10; 23; 89:4, 29, 36; 2. His 1 1 Mai. 9:24; ; 72 :8 ; 102 :24-27 Jer. 23:6; 40:10; Mic. Isa. 132:11; 18:18; Ps. II 18:4-6, 50; Jer. 23:5; :i; 22:18; 21:12; 22:22, 33:15. Forerunner. Isa. 40:3; His Mai. Nativity The fact, Gen. The place, Adoration and Early 3:15; Gen. Prophet Conversion Mic. 19; 15 72 :io, Hos. 11 and Office. 12:3; 49:10; Isa. 59:20; like Ps. Jer. 31:22. 7:14; 5:2. ; Isa. 60:3, 6. :i. Innocents, Jer. 31:15. Mission 21:1; Years. Isa. 24:17, Egypt, of Mission, Priest 4:5. Num. into Massacre His 3:1; by Magi, Descent Ps. Num. Generation, Gen. 26:4; 28:14; 4. Dan. 34:24; 3:1. Human 3. 2:2; 3:8. Isa. 110:1; Mai. 2 Ezek. 55:4; 49:1; 49:10; Ps. Divinity, 89:26, 2y', 5 :2; 42:6; time, Gen. His CHRIST. 18:15; Ps. 89:20; Isa. Deut. 3:15; 35:4; 32:1; TO -219 Advent. fact, Gen. 28:16; BOOKS Moses, of 24:19; Deut. 18:18; Jer. 33:16. Melchizedek, like Num. Deut. Ps. 110:4. 18:15. Gentiles, Isa. 11:10; Deut. 32:43; Ps. ; THB 220 18:49; Joel Isa. 117-1; 19-4; 2:23; OF BOOK 1:10; 2:2,2. Miracles, Isa. 35:5, Spiritual 6; 42:7; Ps. graces, 2. 53:4. Isa. 45:7; 11:2; 53:9; 42:1; 2. Preaching, Ps. Purification of 78:2; Isa. 2:7; Temple, Ps. Mic. 61:1: 2:3; 4:2. 69 :9. Passion. His 5. 49:6; Hos. 45:23; 42:1; Galilee, ministry in, Isa. 9:1, 61 :i, BOOKS Gentiles, Ps. and Rejection by Jews 56:5; 69:8; 118:22, Isa. 23; 6:9, 2:1 8:14; 10; 41 ; 22:12; :5; 53:1; 29:13; 65:2. Ps. Persecution, Isa. 49:7; 35:7, 56:5; 71:10; 12; into entry Ps. Jerusalem, 8:2; 118:25, 26; 9:9. Betrayal by friend, Ps. own Ps. Betrayer's death, 55:15, of Desertion by disciples,Zech. False accusation, Ps. Silence 109:17. 23; 11:13. 13 :'j. 35:11; 109:2; Ps. 22:7, 50:6. under Crucifixion, Gall and Prayer Cries Ps. suffering, Isa. 53 :7-9. upon offer enemies, the 17. 22:14, vinegar, for Ps. 2:1, 2. 8, 16; 109:25. Insult, buffeting, spitting, scourging, Patience 13:6. accusation, Ps. 38:13; Isa. 53:7. under Mocking, 27:12; Zech. 11:12. potter's field, Zech. Purchase 55:13; 41:9; thirty pieces, Zech. for Betrayal Isa. 109:2; 53:3. Triumphal Zech. 22:6; cross, of, Ps. 69 Ps. Ps. :2i. 109:4. 22:1 ; 31 :5. Ps. 35:15, 21; THE Death in Death with Death attested Zech. Bone broken, Amos nature, 5 :20 ; 22:18. Ps. 34:20. Zech. 22:16; death, Ps. 13:6. 12:10; 40:6-8. suffering, Isa. 53 :4-6, 12 the with 9 '.26. ; Dan. rich, Isa. 53 '.g. Resurrection. His Ps. 16:8-10; His 30:3; :io; 41 6:2. 118:17; Hos. Ascension. 16:11 68:18; ; 24:7; Dominion Ps. 102:24. of Ps. vesture, be Ps. Vicarious Ps. 121 53:9,12. by convulsions for to Voluntary *y. 89:45; Isa. malefactors, lots Piercing, 6. life,Ps. BOOKS 6. not Burial of prime 14:4, Casting OF BOOK universal Isa. 72:8; 9:7; and Dan. 110:1 ; 118:19. everlasting, i Chron. Ps. 7:14; 17:11-14; 8:6; 2:6-8; 110:1-3; 45:6, 7. His 8. P". 12:10; be their is a 9:6, 7; 66:18; Dan. 7:13, study of order and Zech. 14; 14:4-8. able the to greatest locate prophesying. study true Isa. 50:3-6; It is of to Advent. Second table Captivity. of the of help them In point Prophets the in in the their of unless Prophets fact, there this based can is done. on the the Prophets the be time no of real Following Babylonian 222 THE A CHRONOLOGICAL Prophets % in concluding the fulfill promises His we may be study neglect, chapter, and it beHef us not be in said the as in neglect no of other Whatever this that ability conviction Scriptures. the let Captiviiy. the firm our PROPHETS. Captivity. let our strengthened of to aear God, of word, will prophetic this THE Babylonish the on BOOKS OF TABLE Based In OF BOOK the way other one. faith our of God hope by method to yond, bethe
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