Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Today, we talk about intellectual property right. Looking from venture companies’ perspective, IPR has such advantages as: 1.protecting your ideas from copycats, thereby making investors will feel safe that you are the one to talk to, if the technology/idea is good. 2. giving you the basis for making contracts with partners that usually ask you to offer something in return for whatever you want from them. Entrepreneurship ‐Day6‐ Intellectual Property Right Jiro Kokuryo 2 © Keio University 2008-2010. All rights reserved Guests We are happy to welcome: How to protect and use your IP? 1. Mr. Takeo TAKIUCHI Director for IP Exploitation Policy Planning Coordination, Japan Patent Office - Japanese Patent System - Takeo TAKIUCHI 2. Mr. Kenichi Hatori Director of Intellectual Property Center Keio University Director for IP Exploitation Policy Planning General Affairs Department Japan Patent Office 3 What is Intellectual Property? Innovation Related to Mobile Phone Features of IP (Intellectual Property) -Inventions, Creations, Ideas, etc. (produced by someone’s effort) -Intangible Assets (not clearly recognized but owned by someone) -Massively Productive (not a single product) Improved Storage Structure of Aerial Utility Model of Aerial Invention of Liquid Crystal Beautiful Bright Display 06/27 THU 11:29 -Profitable If Popular (sold massively on the market) However, -Easily Stolen (imitated without tech. problems & feeling guilty) -Massively Productive even by imitators “JPO”, Friendly and Attractive Name to Users Brand Name “JPO” Know-how on Assembly Let’s think of the importance of IP protection with an example of mobile phone. Method of Assembling Media Contents Call signals with Melody, Games Design of Body Shape Beautifully Slim Body A lot of new ideas are offered! Q: What if there were no ways to protect your ideas? A: Not creators but imitators would gain profit. R&D Imitation Massively copied and sold by someone else and Investment + Situation You and your colleagues invested huge amount of money and spent years to develop and market a brilliant mobile phone with a good brand name “JPO”, This model became very popular and the copies were massively sold, but your ideas could be stolen by your competitors! copied products could be sold without your permission! Genuine Product ¾An Imitator would gain profit with imitated products. ¾Your brand image might be damaged by low quality of copied products. IPR Related Laws in Japan In conclusion, we need IPR (Intellectual (Intellectual Property Property Rights) Rights) system! Utility Model Rights Storage Structure of Aerial Liquid Crystal Display Patent Rights Protect Devices (Petty Inventions) (shape, structure or combination of articles) for 10 years from the filing date of application 06/27 THU 11:29 Trademark Rights Brand Name “JPO” Protect Marks on Goods or Services Protect Inventions for 20 years from the filing date of application Media Contents Protect Original Intellectual Work for 10 years from the date of registration (Renewable) until the end of the 50th year after the death of the author Beautifully Slim Body ¾Industrial Property Law - Patent Law (Inventions) - Utility Model Law (Devices) Jurisdiction of JPO - Design Law (Designs) - Trademark Law (Trademarks, Service Marks) Copyrights (letters, signs, figures, etc.) Industrial Design Rights Know-how on Assembly Protect Illegal Acts (unauthorized use, etc.) Protect Designs (shape, pattern or color of articles) Until it is known to the public for 15 years from the date of registration Trade Secrets All pains, little gain! Imitating would be easier and more profitable! What is Industrial Property Right System? Aims of Industrial Property Right System IP Protection ¾Copyright Law (Copyrights) ¾Unfair Competition Prevention Law (Well-known Marks, Indication of Origin, Trade Secrets) ¾Law concerning the Circuit Layout of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits ¾Seed and Seedling Law (New Plant Varieties) Spirits of Industrial Property Right System "The patent system added the fuel of interest to the fire of genius.“ (Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the U.S.) -Preventing Imitation (to protect individual assets) Industrial Development -Encouraging R&D (giving motivation to creators) It is not only for individual but public interest! -Securing Credibility in Commercial Transactions (assuring authentication of products) IP Exploitation (Dissemination of IP Information, etc) -Encouraging Further Technological Development by Third Party (for application, improvement, etc.) -Promotion of Marketing Invented Products (by technology transfer, licensing, etc. ) Contribution to Industrial Development Encouraging R&D Protection Securing Credibility Third Party’s R&D (Application, Improvement) Exploitation Marketing Monopoly Right (compensation for publication) Cassette Tape Floppy Disk Publication of New Tech. CD-ROM DVD JPO Organization Outline of Japanese Patent System Japan Patent Office (Total staff: 2,901) (Number in 2008) Number of General Clerical Staff: 633 Number of Trademark Examiners: 150 Number of Design Examiners: 52 General General Affairs Affairs Dept. Dept. Trademark, Trademark, Design Design and and Administrative Administrative Affairs Affairs Dept. Dept. 1st 1st Patent Patent Examination Examination Dept. Dept. (Applied (Applied Physics Physics and and others) others) 2nd 2nd Patent Patent Examination Examination Dept. Dept. (Mechanical (Mechanical Eng.) Eng.) Number of Patent Examiners: 1,680 3rd 3rd Patent Patent Examination Examination Dept. Dept. (Chemistry (Chemistry and and Biotechnology) Biotechnology) 4th 4th Patent Patent Examination Examination Dept. Dept. (Electronic (Electronic and and Information Information Eng. Eng. )) Number of Appeal Examiners: 386 Appeals Appeals Dept. Dept. ¾ First-to-File system ¾ System of “Laying–Open” of applications ¾ “Request for Examination” system; request within 3 years from the filing date (Applications filed before October 1, 2001; within 7 years from the filing date) ¾ Term of Patent Right; 20 years from the filing date ¾ “Trial for Invalidation” System National National Center Center for for Industrial Industrial Property Property Information Information and and Training Training (INPIT) (INPIT) Appeal/Trial Examination Flowchart Procedure for Acquiring Patent Rights (Examination Flowchart) Decision to grant Period for requesting examination Application Examination Flowchart Within 3 years After 18 months from the filing date Formality examination Publication of unexamined applications Request for examination Request for appeal against examiner’s decision of refusal Registration of establishment Publication of gazettes Amendment Request for Trial for invention Reconsideration by examiner before appeal No request for examination Withdrawal deemed Substantive examination Appeal/Trial examination Appeal/Trial examination Notification of reasons for refusal Decision to grant Registration of establishment Publication of gazettes Request for Trial for invention Appeal decision to maintain Written argument Written amendment Appeal decision to revoke The Supreme Court Request for appeal against examiner’s decision of refusal Patentable Invention under JPL (Japan Patent Law) 3. Is the invention new? Novelty: Section 29(1) NO NO NO 4. Is the invention sufficiently difficult to make? Inventive step (Nonobviousness): Section 29(2) NO 5. Has the application for that invention been filed for the first time? First-to-file-system: Section 29bis and 39 NO 6. Is the specification of the patent application described as provided? Description requirement of specifications: Section 36 and 37 7. Is the invention free of antisocial factors? Section 32 YES The invention is patentable. NO NO The invention is unpatentable. 2. Is the invention industrially applicable? Main paragraph of Section 29 Appeal decision of refusal Intellectual Property High Court Decision of refusal 1. Does the invention fall under an invention subscribed by the JPL? Appeal decision for registration Transition in the Number of Patent Applications N u m b e r o f d o m e s tic a p p lic a tio n s N u m b e r o f fo re ig n a p p lic a tio n s R a te o f fo re ig n a p p lic a tio n s 5 0 0 ,0 0 0 Number of patent applications(2007): 396,291 4 5 0 ,0 0 0 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 3 5 0 ,0 0 0 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 2 5 0 ,0 0 0 1 1 .3 % 1 1 .9 % 1 2 .3 % 1 2 .2 % 1 3 .8 % 1 1 .2 % 1 2 .9 % 1 0 .6 % 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 1 5 0 ,0 0 0 1 5 .1 % 1 5 .8 % 2006 2007 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 5 0 ,0 0 0 0 Status of Examination in JPO Global Trends in IP - Patent Filings Worldwide Rapid increase in number of Patent Applications throughout the world Performance 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Number of Decisions to Grant a Patent [A] 111,276 112,221 111,179 129,071 146,383 Number of Decisions of Refusal [B] 106,024 110,630 109,149 129,400 147,678 (million) 1.8 Patent applications filed by non-residents 1.6 Number of Withdrawals/Abandonment After the First Action1 [C] Patent applications filed by residents Worldwide Patent 1.4 Non-resident approx.40% Filings by Year of Filing (million) 1.8 3,050 3,930 6,266 7,915 5,567 1.2 220,350 226,781 226,594 266,386 299,628 1.0 Patent applications filed by non 1.6 - residents Patent applications filed by residents Non Number of final decisions [D; A+B+C] - 1.4 approx.40% 1.2 0.8 Rate of Decisions to Grant a Patent [A/D] 50.5% 49.5% 49.1% 48.5% 48.9% 1.0 0.6 Rate of Decisions of Refusal [(B+C)/D] 49.5% 50.5% 50.9% 51.5% 8.0 51.1% 6.0 0.4 4.0 1 “The First Action” is the first notice of the examination results given by the examiner. 0.2 2.0 0 0 1995 1996 1995 1997 1996 1998 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 2000 2001 2001 2002 20022003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 Source: WIPO Patent Report (2007 Edition) Cooperation in Examination <JPO website> Structuring the Advanced Industrial Property Network (AIPN) Patent Applications filed first with JPO and subsequently with intellectual property offices (IP offices) in other countries JPO Information including the legal status, granted claims, cited documents, and the patent family of a patent application filed with JPO IP offices, mainly in Asia File wrapper information available in the following 31 countries, area and organization (as of April 2008); Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Chinese-Taipei, Denmark, Finland, France, German, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Philippine, Poland, Republic of Korea, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam, and the European Patent Office (EPO) JPO website (in English) ttp:// Patent Examination Result Utilization Scheme (PRUS) JPO Patent Examination Result IPOS (Singapore) MyIPO (Malaysia) DIP (Thailand) Modified Substantive Examination Accelerated Examination “Successful Case” of University Researches 2008 1. Policy management How to protect and use your IP Legendary success Technology University & IP-strategy Year Income from the License University Gene Bio recombination Field 1973 More than 250 million USD Stanford University Google 1996 More than 300 million USD Stanford University IT 2008.11.4 2. Kenichi Hatori Director, Intellectual Property Center Keio University Examples of technology transfers from Keio University • • • Nano‐liquid droplet measurement (Faculty of Science and Technology) Lecture Supporting System, Metabolome Analysis System (Faculty of Environment and Information Studies) Cure for disorder of memory (School of Medicine) hatori‐[email protected] 3. 23 Recent outstanding research outcome from Japanese University • iPS cell (New versatile cell) creation technology (Kyoto University) 24 Tool for developing the researches ‐ That’s Patent!! However, many research results fall into… •Champion data only Verification is not enough •Immature, not brushed up •No consideration on accuracy, efficiency, and cost •Unclear field of research application Difficult to retrieve information University Research outcome Creative ideas/concepts • Brushed up, and become more attractive! Therefore Through the patent application process, the characteristics, effectiveness, and application of each research will be more clear, thus making the research more easy to understand as well as attractive Development risk is high, No development partner gained • Securing the originality Result… Neglected research outcome Through patent application, the originality of your business will be secured, clarify what kind of secret has to be protected, and the communication among the companies and researchers will be accelerated. • Incentive for the developer!! No fund for continuing the research Through the patent acquisition, you can eliminate the followers and give incentive to the developers. • Increase the mind for investment and development You can strategically expand your business utilizing the patent, and the development and investment mind will be encouraged. 25 Intellectual Property Nation, Japan Expectations to universities 1867 University’s 3 missions Yukichi Fukuzawa introduced the European patent system to Japan in a book called Seiyo jijo Patent Monopoly Act 1885 Late 1980 1991‐2002 1998 1999 First: Education Inflation bubble Depression after the bubble explosion (lost decade) University Technology Transfer Acceleration Law (TLO institution) Industry reproduction special measures law (Japanese Bayh‐Dole Act) (Bayh‐Dole Act was enacted in 1980 in the USA: Contributed greatly to the university‐company cooperation) Industry technology encouragement act (University faculty members can have side‐business like entrepreneur business or TLO executive members) Prime Minister Koizumi made a policy statement to put importance on Intellectual Property General strategic framework for the intellectual property, Intellectual property act Patent office started to dispatch IP management advisor to universities University IP maintenance operation (by MEXT: 2003‐2007) Encourage the inventions to be kept in the university who created the invention Started the strategic promotion for industry‐academic‐government cooperation (MEXT: 2008‐2012) 27 2000 2002 2003 2008 • Commercialization is required to return the research result to the society • Companies (industry) and universities (academy) collaboration is required Companies Research result Product Needs Industry – academy collaboration Second: Research Third: Returning the research result to the society 28 Industry and universities have same expectations about Industry‐academia collaboration Contributing to the society utilizing the research result… Universities 26 Society 29 Industry Globalization means selection and concentration! • Company’s resources University The 3rd mission of university • To return the research result to the society concentrate on the core competence for the moment • Researches that could be future core technology should be carefully monitored and if possible create collaborative situation • Utilize the university’s resource efficiently • Does not manufacture products by their own • Collaborate with companies to develop the research result into product Same Expec‐ tations 30 Industry‐academia collaboration with no technology transfer organization Need for technology transfer Patent office Patent application under company name Researcher directly deals with companies. R University Lab. rch ea es r ult es Company Without technology transfer Counter process Researcher directly deal with companies Deal with organization and companies that universities approve Unclear process (no contract) Clear process: Deal with contract Return for the inventor is small even if it is a great invention Return fee based on the profit result Research result is controlled by companies Technology transfer to the companies who can create profits Research fund with no contract COI, Conflict of Interest, could easily happen 31 Bayh‐Dole Act as the basis of industry‐academy collaboration Patent holder is the university. Organization for technology transfer, 32 and process on contract base. Technology transfer organization in Japanese universities – Internal TLO and outside TLO Enacted in the U.S. in 1980 (Before Bayh‐Dole) : The patent of Government‐funded research developments belongs to the government ‐> Commercialization is difficult (After Bayh‐Dole): The patent as the research result belongs to the university – University researches funded by government – Patent holder university act for the research result introduction to the society Enacted in Japan in 1999(20 years later than the U.S.) (After Bayh‐Dole): Patents funded by competitive government fund belong to universities Number of org. in JP Internal TLO Outside TLO 16 Held by Univ. 9 Wide area 23 Characteristic • TLO activities and hiring is limited by university rule. There are no special positions for specialists in Japan. • Limitations in dealing the stock options for national universities • Activities can be separated from the university and own hiring and salary rules can be applied • Possibilities for creating duplicated organizations with the university • Needs to receive good seeds from the universities 34 33 Technology Transfer at Keio Univ. (Internal TLO) Invention proposal to licensing activities Incentives to the researchers at Keio University 1. Invention proposal Decide to apply Interview or not to apply Interview with Patent attorney Patent Application Licensing activities High royalty delivery to the inventors in all cases (subtraction) Application Maintenance Management Management Fee 15% Half to the inventor Half to the university Payment will continue even after the researcher is no longer with the university Same technology transfer specialist will support the whole process for same researcher 1. File patent application considering the future licensing process 2. Directly reflect the interview result to the licensing process 3. The result of licensing process is reflected to the maintenance and management of the application 4. Feedback from the licensing process will be returned to the researchers 35 2. Received “Intellectual Property Center Award” (2000, contributed greatly in technology transfer) • • • • 2007 Fast processing technology for electronic microscope testing sample by Prof.Shimizu (Faculty of economics chemistry classroom) and Mitani‐san (Faculty of Engineering) 2006 Abnormal glyco metabolism diagnosis medicine by Prof.Hiroshi Hirose (Health Management Center) 2005 Lecture support system by Prof.Hiroaki Chiyokura (Faculty of environmental information) 2004 Medicine for Systemic scleroderma diagnosis medicine by Associate Prof. 36 Masataka Kuwana (Faculty of Medicine) Entrepreneurship can make the best of fundamental researches in university Number of applications – past record at Keio University • Patent Application Number 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 166 PCT Patent Foreign Patent Domestic Patent 122 1998 77 20 1999 2000 1011 16 38 30 45 43 37 2004 2005 2006 2007 41 43 2005 2006 37 34 26 30 • • 20 20 10 7 2001 2002 2003 Fiscal Year 44 40 67 58 40 New License Contract Number 50 99 41 11 169 146 136 83 62 00 170 157 5 10 • Companies hesitate to utilize the research result as it is, since there are no accumulated data, or not enough marketing ・・・ This is where the entrepreneurship comes in Put business up to where the companies want to buy, and conduct M&A at that point Entrepreneur him/herself can expand the business 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Fiscal Year 2007 M&A by a company and expand the business (Joint patent application is less than half domestically, more than half in abroad) Businesses based on the IP Number 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1,000yen 5 3 2 1 2 1 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Fiscal Year 2005 1 1 2006 2007 Income from the License 90,000 80,472 80,000 70,250 63,94959,538 70,000 60,000 45,924 42,012 50,000 40,000 30,000 16,628 20,000 11,189 10,000 2,731 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Fiscal Year Overcome the death valley with entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs expand the business Research result 37 Entrepreneurs utilizing the intellectual property by Keio University 2000 38 The age of open innovation (by Henry Chesbrough) 11 biotechnology companies (out of 16) Closed innovation Open innovation Self‐management of the fundamental Maximize the utilization of the resource research, development, and manufacturing. outside of a company. Collaborate with Utilize the internal resources internal organizations 2001 Idea and work within the company Collaborate with ideas and works outside of the company Employee’s mobility is low Employee’s mobility is high No expectation for the entrepreneurship Much expectation for the entrepreneurship University is not important University is important Self‐business defense, block the other business, cross licensing Joint research, licensing, hand over Stick to company owned technology. NIH (Not Invented Here) Syndrome. Maximum profit, save time and money Distribute the risks of starting new businesses Participate in new field and new market40 2002 2005 2003 2006 2004 2007 39 Active joint research and licensing in open innovation environment Research 研究 研究 Research 研究 研究 Research Intellectual property plays an important rule to effectively utilize the university’s research result Under open innovation • Joint research 研究 研究 Research – Intellectual property to call in joint researches – Intellectual property as the result of joint reseach University • Licensing contract – Intellectual property is the licensing property Development Development Development Manufacture Manufacture Manufacture Sales Sales Sales In entrepreneurship • Effectively deploy the business if there are Intellectual property – Monopolize the market, Cross‐licensing, negotiation tool Closed innovation Open innovation 41 42 Acquiring patent is expensive! Detailed inspection, and maintenance afterwards.. Apply 1 2 3 ….. 4 17 18 19 20 END (year) Domestic preferential enhancement period … unpublished PCT Domestic transfer extension period Period before request for examination … Check1 (Application time) Patent registration PCT Foreign application Thank you very much! Maintenance and readjustment Check2 (Applying to foreign countries) Check3 (PCT domestic transfer time) Check4 (Review request, reasoning the rejection, judgment request) Check5 (when receiving the pension) 43 44 Information Updates on Nov 5 For Business Plan Contest at SOI Asia 2008 • Information Updates: Incubating support to your business plan – When you are writing business plan, which is preferable one linking with research outcome at your university, and you might face some challenges: how to calculate market size?, how to valuate my business seed?. – We contest organizer-SOI Asia Business Platform LLP- is preparing incubating support. This is for professional incubator, e.g. consultant, university faculties at management course, to advise your business plan. • If you need this support, please send your inquiry and your tentative business plan from Nov5 to Nov19 by e-mail. • When you protect your business plan document file with PIN No, please change that pin no to “soiasiapartner” for incubator’s convenience. • e-mail address is [email protected] • Title of this inquiry mail is “inquiry to incubator by your name Business Plan Contest at SOI Asia 2008 Website here! 45
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