Safety: How to Define Success President’s Message
Second Quarter 2013 • Vol. 5, Issue 2
Safety: How to Define Success
There are a few different ways to
look at safety and gauge success. The
interesting thing about safety is that you can go
through a day at work with no incidents or accidents
and that’s no guarantee that you will have the same
outcome tomorrow. To successfully end each work day
in a safe and healthy manner requires constant
attention and discipline. As soon as we slack off,
we put ourselves and our teammates at risk.
We are constantly striving to improve our safety
program through training, Five Step Risk Assessments,
process reviews, continuous improvement and more.
We don’t make this stuff up! We track safety-related
data in order to adjust our programs to get the
greatest impact. For example, by tracking incident
data, we learned that team members with less than
one year of experience are involved in about 50% of
our incidents. To counter this, we have made changes
to our new hire safety training, and have added more
safety training in the first three months of employment. We will make adjustments to training or other
processes in order to make sure our team has the
right knowledge and tools to stay safe on the job.
Another way that we gauge how we are doing on our
number one imperative is to review the Raffles loss
ratio each month. Raffles is the insurance captive that
Klein Steel belongs to. Each year, Klein Steel pays a
premium for its insurance based on the best estimate
of what company losses will be. The loss ratio is
calculated by combining payments for claims and
reserves set aside for claims, and dividing by the total
premium paid. Klein Steel’s goal is to be below a
5% loss ratio for the insurance year.
Payments for Claims + Reserves Set Aside for Claims
Total Premium Paid
We also look at our OSHA recordable incident rate.
This is a formula that shows the rate of OSHA recordable incidents compared to hours worked. We compare this to other companies in our industry. For the
record, the Bureau of Labor and Statistics shows our
industry average incident rate to be 4.1. Our goal is to
be below 4.1.
It is great to be “better than average” for our loss ratio
and OSHA incident rate, but the real goal is “zero.”
After all, both of these measurements indicate that
injuries have occurred to our team members. If we
are “better than average,” but you happen to be the
one who is injured on the job, all of a sudden your
personal injury rate is 100%! And we want to prevent
that at all costs.
Thank you to all the team members who take the time
each day to do their jobs properly and in accordance
with good business practices. Your attention to detail
makes all the difference and ensures that you and
your teammates will have a safe and productive day.
We are counting on all of you to help us achieve true
safety success—zero injuries!
Debbie Kurvach is Klein Steel’s Compliance Manager.
Safety Rules!
Your safety is the highest priority
at Klein Steel. We accept responsibility for providing you with a safe work
environment and expect you to take
responsibility for performing your
work in accordance with Klein Steel’s
Safety and Loss Prevention Program.
When talking about the long-term
effects of loud noise on hearing the
other day, one of our Klein Steel team
members mentioned how her ears were
still ringing after the previous night’s
concert. She had forgotten to bring
earplugs and went throughout the
arena trying to find a pair. Only one set
could be found; they were given to her
by a kind usher. She, in turn, gave them
to her son to protect his ears. Why?
Because protecting those whom you
love is what comes naturally to all of
us—not because she was following a
rule in a safety manual.
At work or at home, would you prefer
to follow a rule or act according to what
you value?
• Rule (noun): One of a set of explicit
or understood regulations or
principles governing conduct
• Rule (verb): To control or direct;
exercise dominating power,
authority, or influence over
• Value (noun): Something of relative
worth, merit, or importance
• Value (verb): To regard or esteem highly
At Klein Steel, we have a robust,
150 page Safety Manual that helps us to
train employees and maintain compliance; however, due to its size, it’s
difficult for any one of us to memorize
every Safety Rule. That is why we are
dedicating time and energy this year to
streamlining the Safety Rules—literally
cutting them down in size and carefully
selecting those with the greatest
impact—and, as always, collectively
working on fostering a values-based
culture that encourages each of us to
act according to the greater good for all.
When we asked Operations Supervisor,
Mike Coleman, what his favorite Klein
Safety rule was, he responded, “While
all of the rules are important, Rule #8
is the most important. This rule requires
and empowers everyone to be proactive
about the team’s safety. More than any
other safety rule, it is worded so that all
team members realize that they can
make a difference.”
Rule #8: Team members are expected
and authorized to stop activities that
present potentially serious safety and
health hazards and report immediately
to a manager/supervisor.
Safety will only be achieved through
teamwork. It is everyone’s responsibility
to promote safety and take every
reasonable measure to assure safe
working conditions exist throughout our
company—not because we have to but
because we want to.
Randy Fiege is Klein Steel’s Safety
TBecause the Raffles Insur-
ance Captive year begins on April
1st of each year, it is very appropriate that we dedicate this
edition of the Cutting Edge to the
topic of safety. We all appreciate
that safety is our #1 operational
imperative and share a collective
passion to eliminate accidents at
Klein Steel. We have a moral
imperative to ensure that team
members are not injured and a
financial imperative to drive our
loss ratio to zero and collect the
largest dividend we can. For us,
safety is a profit center. We are all
very aware of our Raffles Safety
Loss Ratio score and strive for
perfection. As we all know, it
takes all of us pulling together to
make it happen.
Let’s review the basics. (1) We all
know and follow the safety rules.
This takes self-discipline and
moral courage. (2) Safety is an
individual and team endeavor.
We each are expected “to do the
right thing when no one is
looking” and take whatever
action is necessary to stop an
unsafe act from occurring. We do
not look the other way when a
teammate is not working safely
or ignoring a safety rule. We get
involved to take care of one
another. (3) We are committed
to getting better every day and
employ the Five Step Risk
Assessment to mitigate risks. We
embrace an accident-free ethos
and appreciate that it doesn’t
happen without hard work and
persistence. (4) Our leaders are
trained and in charge. (5) We take
great pride in our safety record.
A loss ratio of zero is an indicator
of the self and team discipline
required to grow the business
and take the team to the next
level. With discipline, we can
do anything. (6) We walk the
talk, 24/7.
I see clear focus and passion for
safety at Klein Steel and look
forward to great results for the
Raffles year we just began. Thank
you all in advance for all that you
do to make Klein Steel such a
high performing and universally
recognized company.
John Batiste
President and CEO
continued on page 2
What is
a Safety
A Safety Culture is
much more than compliance with OSHA
standards and adherence to a company’s
safety procedures. A Safety Culture is bred
when, not just an individual with a title
but, a collective group of people— both
with and without management titles—
decides that their workplace should be a
physically secure and hazard-free environment. A normative model of culture
indicates that society is made up of social
norms. Norms dictate our actions above
and beyond the laws we have set in place.
For example, why do most people walk
into an elevator and turn towards the
doors instead of facing the other passengers? Or, why do most people say “please”
and “thank you”? Simply stated, these
Safety at
Klein Steel
Safety at KSD store
locations is of the utmost
importance. Not only does this mean
creating a safe work environment for
our team members, but KSD has the
complicating (but welcome!) factor of
having thousands of customers visit the
stores each year—customers who walk
the floor and pick the metals they need.
As such, their safety is also in our hands.
We are very proud of our team member
safety record. Over the last two years,
we’ve had zero incidents within the
store locations involving Klein Steel
team members. In 2012, we worked
very closely with Randy Fiege to improve safety across all locations. This
included standardizing safety policies at
all three stores, identifying potential
hazards and making many physical
changes to remove these hazards.
In 2012, we also completed a KRA to
address safety issues within the stores.
Some of those actions involved modifying store layouts, improving signage
for customers, ensuring PPE for
customers, and reviewing safe will-call
loading policies.
social norms are part of our culture and
have the powerful ability to shape who
we are and how we act.
We should all
expect a hazardfree environment
to be the norm...
Translated into the world of safety, Klein
Steel’s desire (and hopefully that of all
team members) is to get to the point
where worker safety is so ingrained in
each of us that rules need not be enforced by our supervisors because we
have collectively decided that hazards are
not acceptable. We should all expect a
hazard-free environment to be the norm
and to have it any other way is taboo.
Company leadership has taken initiative
in several areas such as sustaining new
hire training, defining orange to blue hat
promotion standards, increasing the
availability of support staff for supervisor
safety help, beginning Operations QC &
Safety Leadership Training and beginning
the review and update of Standard (and
safe) Operating Procedures. The quick
response time to recommendations made
from the assessment was impressive and
showed a commitment to sustained
improvement. During the March company safety meeting, supervisors shared
examples of team members who were
beginning to get more actively involved in
Safety & Health—it was encouragingly
indicative of a slow-but-sure shift toward
a normative culture that gets all of us
home in the same or better shape than
when we arrived.
Workplace accidents are a misnomer.
Incidents occur when we consciously fail
to institute a process then consciously
neglect to follow that process. Stay safe,
stay happy!
James Terhune is Klein Steel’s Buffalo
Business Manager.
News from the Vanguard Safety Committee
Each and every one of us, as
parents, children, siblings, friends,
and as Klein Steel team members
has countless reasons and a moral
obligation to be safe. The Klein
Steel Safety Committees create an
open forum for representatives
from each department, location,
shift and functional area to discuss
safety-related issues and to work
together to generate ideas on how
to improve safety at Klein Steel. At
the Vanguard location, we meet on
the first and third Thursday of every
month to review any recent incidents or safety concerns, as well
as success stories and achievements in safety.
Within the Safety Committee, we
have smaller project teams to tackle
various safety initiatives. Currently,
we have a team working on putting
together a program for new hires to
‘graduate’ from orange to blue hats,
once all of their required training is
complete. The communication
team has introduced The Safety
Shoutout: a monthly newsletter
including safety guidelines, rules
and reminders all centered on a
safety-related theme. The sheet
team has updated the list of team
members who have been authorized by completion of the JQR
(Job Qualification Requirement) to
be present in the sheet rack area.
This is just a small sampling of
Many T hanks
to Our Cross-functional
Safety Committee Members
KSD is always looking for ways to
continuously improve the safety of the
work environment with the reward
being a productive workplace that is
safe for all who enter.
Bob Valeri is the General Manager for
Klein Steel Commercial Sales.
Safety with
Lock Out/Tag Out
Lock out/Tag out procedures (LOTO)
are created in order to document the
guidelines for safe practices when
shutting down and locking out equipment when it is broken, undergoing repair or
clearing a jam. The machine needs to be in a
zero-energy state prior to anyone’s hands
coming in contact with the equipment.
In February, we performed a “Safety
Culture Assessment.” The assessment was
conducted by combining visual observation of plant conditions and worker
behavior, review of safety records and
training documents, written surveys and
team member interviews. Initial observations indicated that Klein Steel has a
culture of compliance: safety records are
in order, housekeeping is noteworthy,
team members know the safety rules, etc.
However, a gap analysis performed on
what we “say” versus what we “do” gave
us some direction on avoiding the pitfalls
of complacency, restructuring and
improving some of our training programs
and ensuring that production is never
prioritized above safety.
Buffalo Depot & KSD Buffalo
Safety Committee
Henry Hammond, James Terhune,
Nick Hughes, Terry McElligott,
Tom Shiah, Tracy Grant
Buffalo Armory Safety Committee
Brent Nicholson, Jack Heinz, James
Terhune, Timm Rowswell
some of the projects that the Safety
Committees have been working on.
For safety is not a
gadget but a state
of mind...
– Eleanor Everet
The Klein Steel Safety Committees
are a collective effort to continuously look for ways to improve
safety in all aspects of the business in order to maintain the
wellbeing of all of our valuable
team members.
Vanguard and KSD Rochester
Safety Committee
Adam Hixenbaugh, Andrew McMillan,
Andy Castner, Anita Frail, Bob Marsala,
Brian Bynoe, Chris McDonald, Cody Wise,
Dustin Drake, Eric John Carpentier, Gabe Vera,
Greg Thompson, Heather Pimm, Jason Jipson,
Jim Fantauzzo, Johnathan Mandez,
Kevin Kane, Kim Quartier, Mark Dorsey,
Mark Reynolds, Marty LaVare, Mary Accorso,
Matt Pettenski, Matt Robinson, Michael Hodge,
Mike Hobbs, Mike Coleman, Mike Stipulski,
Nathan Scobey, Nick Pellegrino,
Pete Wanamaker, Randy Fiege, Rick Beyrle,
Rob Smura, Rodney Smith, Sang Ho, Sean Fell,
T.J. Turner, Todd Brumber, Tristan Brown
In our environment, it is mainly trained
Maintenance personnel and the Safety
Manager who are authorized to lock out
equipment. Certain team members also
train and receive their LOTO certification.
Over the years, this process has evolved;
when a tech puts his lock on the machine, he also places a tag on it with
his name so anyone can easily tell
that the equipment is currently nonfunctional and determine who to contact
with questions.
With safety being our number one
imperative, it is more important than
ever that these types of procedures are in
place and enforced. Any time we’re
keeping team members out of harm’s
way, is a good day!
Maintenance and Safety personnel are
very willing to help educate team
members on the importance of LOTO and
will also notify machine operators when
equipment is back up and running.
Mary Accorso is Klein Steel’s Staff
Services Manager.
T he Journey of Safety and Quality
with Jim Sloan
Klein Steel has entered into another new
year and we are continuing our Safety and
Quality journey. As we combine the efforts
of Safety and Quality, we make certain
that, as a company, we maximize our
actions to achieve our number one
imperative of Safety.
the results will be rejects. Following
safe processes and SOPs will not only
help to assure that team members leave
happy and healthy at the end of the day,
but it will also instill confidence in our
customer relationships through high
quality products delivered on time.
As the Safety journey continues, we will
need to remain focused to ensure that we
avoid injuries or near misses that can
happen when we become complacent or
fail to follow company Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
At Klein Steel, we are always changing and
improving the way we work together.
When we talk about Quality and how
Klein Steel is on the road to a Total
Quality Management System, you can’t
help but notice how Quality and Safety go
hand-in-hand. They both have standards
and regulations that must be adhered to.
They are also audited by outside sources
(e.g., OSHA, NQA-1 and customers) which
means that we must keep to the standards and regulations beyond Klein Steel’s
The same statement could be said about
the quality journey as it relates to rejects
and how they can happen. If corners are
short-cut or we fail to follow the process,
Klein Steel team members are also athletes: industrial
athletes. So why shouldn’t we prepare for our big game
each and every day? Whether team members are
grinding, loading, driving or operating a machine, we
all experience a physical stress to our bodies during
our hours of sitting, standing, bending, walking, and
moving. Therefore, we must warm up the body,
increase blood flow to the proper muscles, joints and
ligaments and get ready to perform.
In mid-April, Klein Steel implemented the Physical
Readiness System (PRS) with the help of Occupational
Athletics, Inc. out of Harrisburg, PA. The PRS is an
on-the-clock, pre-work physical preparation system
designed to improve balance, strength, movement,
flexibility and awareness. The PRS is designed to
improve worker safety and efficiency, ultimately
reducing injury and improving performance.
The system consists of three phases:
• Phase 1 focused on “The Gameplan for Aging, Your
Four Quarters of Life.” Operations team members
who attended this seminar learned how the
lifestyles that we lead connect directly to our
personal safety. They also learned how important it
is to take a personal interest in improving their
• Phase 2 focused on the leaders of our organization
as they took part in a “Train the Trainer” program
and became Certified Occupational Athletics PRS
Coaches. Participating supervisors learned about
biomechanics, proper movement and lifting
techniques, and prevention of injuries.
• Phase 3 focused on the kickoff of the PRS. During
this phase, all operations team members
participated in the daily 10–12 minute stretching
routine which was led by a Certified Athletic Trainer
as well as our very own Certified PRS Coaches.
The Physical Readiness Program has had tremendous
success in organizations such as Kellogg’s, Coca-Cola,
Waste Management, Ryder and the U.S. Army. With
everyone’s persistence and commitment, Klein Steel
will soon be added to this great list as we continue on
the path of safety and wellness. Be safe and have a
healthy day!
Rob Sihto is Klein Steel’s Manager of Human Resources.
Remember that the products and
processed parts we make often end up
in critical places that can affect many
people, such as bridges, lifting equipment, nuclear facilities, etc. That is why
it is important that we follow all of our
checks and procedures.
Safety is our number one imperative!
Jim Sloan is Klein Steel’s Quality and
Engineering Manager.
Gas and Charcoal Safety
We Are ALL
Athletes in Life
From Western through Central
NY, sports fans always enjoy a good
game by the Buffalo Bills, Buffalo Sabres and Syracuse
Orange. While many of us watch only the game itself, it
is what these athletes do outside the game that
prepares them for the challenge. As athletes, their jobs
are to be physically ready to perform at game time.
These athletes don’t just show up for the game without
proper preparation and physical conditioning. They
perform their pre-game warm-up and stretching
routine before the big game in order to physically
prepare the body for the action that is about to occur.
internal policies and procedures. Both are
not just about systems and regulations,
but are an attitude that must be accepted
and embraced by all team members.
Quality, much like Safety, is about the
culture and keeping focused on the job.
• Make sure the lid is open when igniting a gas grill.
at Home
After a long, cold winter of cooking
indoors, Mother Nature is finally granting
us grilling and BBQ season. Let’s get this
out of the way: grilling and barbequing
are two completely different ways of
cooking. Grilling is generally high heat,
open flame for a short period of time.
This usually consists of cooking steaks,
hots, burgers, etc. The phrase used with
BBQ is “low and slow.” This is generally
done with smoke from a hard wood such
as hickory or, my favorite, pecan. Whichever you prefer, it can be fun, exciting
and sometimes dangerous.
Safety and outdoor cooking have several
implications. For one, there is the hazard
of the open flame. But there is another
side that is just as dangerous for you and
your family who are eating your back yard
creations: food safety.
To ensure your backyard parties are a
success, try some new recipes and different
types of meat. Seafood on a grill can be a
great change. Don’t be afraid to experiment
with new marinades and injections. They
add a whole new level of flavors you may
have been missing. Also remember: it is not
rocket science. If it doesn’t work, try again;
you are only out the time and cost of the
meat. Also, planning ahead can pay off
with great results. Marinate your steaks,
chicken or pork in a freezer bag. Pour in
the marinade, add the meat and make sure
it is submerged. Then, get as much air out
as possible and place in the freezer.
24 hours later, put the bag in the refrigerator to thaw. This will create an effect
similar to osmosis. The juices will flow out
of the frozen meat and suck in the marinade, creating great flavor with tenderness.
Ryan Johnson is Klein Steel’s Transportation Manager and Resident Chef.
For two of my favorite recipes
on how to make the best burgers
and steak marinade in town,
stop by the Klein Steel
Facebook page. Feel free to
“like” us while you’re there.
• Choose the safest way to ignite a charcoal grill. Some use
lighter fluid; others use a chimney starter. I prefer the
chimney starter. You don’t have the uncertainty of a liquid
gas mixed with an open flame (not to mention the odor). A
chimney starter is a cylinder that is filled with paper then
charcoal. The paper is lit on fire and that transfers to the
charcoal above. After 15 minutes, the coals are ready to be
transferred to the cooking vessel (e.g., a grill or smoker).
There is an insulated handle on the side of the chimney
starter; just lift, and pour the coals. You’re ready to grill!
• Keep a five foot distance from your house, shed, lawn
furniture or other structure. Where extreme heat is
produced, siding can easily melt and objects can catch
on fire.
• Beware of grilling flare-ups. Flare-ups occur when you are
cooking greasier meats such as burgers and sausage. Do
not leave these meat unattended. They can flare-up
quickly and ruin a good meal. Keep a spray bottle with
water handy to keep the flames down if they begin to flare.
• Have good utensils for grilling. Long handled tongs,
spatulas and forks are the way to go. These will keep your hands away from the flames and lessen the chance
for burns.
• Shut down your gas grill by turning off the control knobs.
When the flame is out, immediately turn off the valve on the tank.
• Know that charcoal is much more dangerous to put out.
The best way is to put the lid on the grill, close all of the
dampers and keep people away. Coals can stay hot till the
next day. NEVER put the ashes in a plastic trash can until
you are sure that they are completely cool; wait at least 24 hours.
Food Safety
• Start with a clean grill. Wash your grill grate with hot, soapy water—just like you are doing dishes. This will kill
any bacteria.
• Empty the drip cup or pan depending on your unit. This is another petri dish on which bacteria can grow and ruin a cookout.
• Know the temperatures that should be achieved for safe
consumption. Invest in a good digital thermometer; this
will give you the most accurate readings. Take readings in
the deepest part of the meat to ensure bacteria is killed.
♦ Pork and ground beef— at least 160 degrees.
♦ Poultry— at least 165 degrees.
• Avoid cross-contamination; this is a big mistake that can
have serious results. Do not baste meat with the same
marinade that was used to season the meat when it was
raw. Start fresh with clean marinade. Do not serve off the
same platters that that you brought the meat out on
unless you thoroughly wash them. Keep your utensils
clean; it is okay to wash them after you have done your
initial turning.
• Keep different types of meat separate on the grilling surface.
Klein Steel
In the News
Early this year, Klein Steel received a
shout-out on the WHAM Home Repair
Clinic. Yes, we have I-beams! Thank
you Jim Salmon!
In January, John Batiste, along with
Lt. Governor Robert Duffy and other
prominent business and government
leaders, participated in a panel
discussion on economic development
for the Buffalo Niagara Partnership.
Klein Steel was subsequently featured in a full length article in the
February 19 issue of the Buffalo News
regarding the need for government
reform to enable business success.
Team Member
Ever wonder who at Klein Steel is dancing to the
song “Edge of Glory” by Lady Gaga? The members of the five-week, evening Zumba class,
that’s who. If you’re looking for pictures of that
fun experience, you sadly won’t find them here!
No paparazzi allowed.
In March, a Channel 8 news story
about the Veterans Outreach Center
mentioned Klein Steel by name, and
included footage of Mike Keliher and
Kim Quartier at their job fair, highlighting how Klein Steel recruits local
vets who have the right skill set to
be successful.
A year ago I would have never
thought I would be doing what
I am today. Nine months ago, I
started going to CrossFit. For those of you
who don’t know, it’s an exercise program
that utilizes weights and cardio at a
high intensity. After completing a couple
months of grueling workouts, I began to get
stronger. I really enjoyed the weightlifting
portion of the workouts.
Klein Steel hosted a visit on April 4,
2013 with Congressman Chris Collins,
NY 27. The Congressman’s visit
included a tour of the warehouse and
discussions on the economy, jobs and
U.S. manufacturing policies. Sponsors
for the visit included Klein Steel,
RTMA, and CPA.
The owner of the gym noticed that I was interested in the weightlifting portion and opened my eyes to the world of Olympic Weightlifting. I now Olympic Lift a couple of days a week and continue to
do CrossFit. In January, I took part in my first Olympic Weightlifting
Meet in Buffalo. I won first place in my weight class, with a total
of 98 kilos between both lifts. Since then, I’ve been training for an
upcoming meet. I’m very thankful for the amazing support that
I’ve received from my friends, family and CrossFit Fairport.
Ashley Smith is Klein Steel’s Payroll Coordinator.
Welcome New Team Members
As Klein Steel continues its growth, we extend a warm
greeting to the newest members of our team!
Hire Date Location Position
Trevor Hayward 1/21/2013
Sang Ho
Linda Abrams
Jonathan Mattern 3/4/2013
Chaz Tracy 3/4/2013
Brandon Lown
Phothira Xayavong 4/8/2013
Finisher Packager
Outside Sales Representative
Finisher Packager
Finisher Packager
Finisher Packager
Team Member
Congratulations to all Klein Steel
team members who have served
the company for five or more years.
Ivan Pasiuk
Grahame Littlefair
Jon Wangelin
Michael Hobbs
Tuan Van
Robert Marsala
Robert Messmer
Adam Werner
Joseph McDougal
Shawn McCarey
Chad Lederhouse
John Berry
Viktor Yakimov
James Terhune II
Ronald Ziarnowski
James Johnson
Daniel Sile
Patrick DiLaura
Todd Brumber
Randy Fiege
William Lawson
Tracy Grant
James Bible
John Krywokulski
Nicholas Hughes
Petr Sidorchuk
Kenneth Saunders
Jesse Drum
Ronald Pritchard
James Sloan
Dung Le
Jack Heinz
Marty Lavare
Safety Quiz
Clip the following Safety Quiz, fill it out, bring it to Randy
Fiege by June 30 and sit tight. He will be grading your
responses, placing the top performers in a hat and
awarding the winner with a $50 gift card to Wegmans—
1. How many American workers are
injured in forklift accidents each year?
❑ 20,000
❑ 50,000
❑ 95,000
❑ 105,000
perfect for assisting with the everyday shopping or
splurging on the ingredients for Ryan’s BBQ that you’ve
been craving. The winner will be announced the first
week in July.
6. A forklift operator is required to
undergo refresher training when:
❑ S/he has had an near miss or accident with the vehicle
❑ S/he begins work with a different type of vehicle
❑ Both a and b
❑ S/he has been absent from work
for more than a week
10. In case the servicing and/or
maintenance is performed by a
group of employees, who is
responsible for executing the tagout/
lockout procedure?
❑A single authorized employee
❑Each employee working on the machine
❑ The employer
❑ A designated employee chosen by vote
F rize
2. Employees cannot operate a
forklift when:
❑ They are trained and certified to operate a forklift safely
❑ They are under 18 years of age
❑ They are familiar with actual and potential dangers associated with operating forklifts
❑ They are familiar with applicable safety laws
3. Which of the following actions
should a forklift operator perform
before leaving a forklift unattended?
❑ Lower the load engaging means
❑ Shut off power and set the brakes
❑ Neutralize controls
❑ Block the wheels, if vehicle is parked on an incline
❑ All of the above
4. If you want to check the load
capacity of a forklift, you should:
❑ Read the danger, warning, and caution labels
❑ Ask your supervisor
❑ Check its nameplate
❑ Check it yourself by standing on it
5.Forklift operators are not required
to observe traffic regulations because
forklifts only travel at slow speeds.
❑ True
❑ False
7.A workplace lockout/tagout standard is required to:
❑Prevent the release of hazardous energy while servicing or maintain-
ing machines
❑Lock the workplace to prevent theft of assets
❑Tag underperforming employees and lock them in a room
❑None of the above
8.How many lives are saved each year
due to compliance with the lockout/
tagout standard in workplace?
9.Affected employees in a lockout/
tagout are those who:
❑Operate the machinery that is being maintained or repaired
❑Perform servicing and maintenance activities on the machinery
❑Both a and b
❑Are affected by improper lockout procedure
11. A tagout device must state
the following:
❑ See your supervisor before
operating this machine
❑Do not operate this machine or move the energy isolating devices from the “safe” or “off” position
❑Only operate this machine after checking that it is clear of persons and repair equipment
❑All of these
12.Your employer must retrain you
when there is a change in:
❑Work assignments
❑Process or machinery, either of which poses a new hazard
❑Energy control procedures
❑All of the above
Randy Fiege is a member of the Klein
Steel Safety Committee and Klein
Steel’s Safety Manager.