Vol. 41, No, 44 Sydney, Monday, November 1, 1937 Registered at the General Post Office, Sydney, for transmission b.; Post as a Newspaper How to Maintain the Blessings Gained at Camp Meeting (Talk Given by Pastor A. H. Piper at the Last Early Morning Meeting at the South New South Wales Camp (Around, October 18) "Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." Ps. 27 : 14. "Commit thy way unto the Lord: trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to pass." Ps. 37 : 5. What does it mean to wait upon the Lord ? - When we want a governor or a Federal Minister to do something for us, we form a deputation; we wait upon him, and tell him what we desire. Each of us in our Christian experience has great needs, and we always will have great needs. Let us make up our minds individually that for daily strength from on high we will wait upon the Lord. It is because we have stirred ourselves up to seek the Lord on the camp ground, and have come to these meetings in the early morning, that the Lord has greatly blessed us here. The prophet Isaiah has given a reason that iniquity abounds: — There is none that calieth upon Thy name, that stirreth up himself to take hold oi Thee." Isa. 64 : 7. But God holds out to us the promise, "Them that honour Me, i will nonour." he has promised success to those wno commit their way to Him. If we well take time to seek the Lord daily in our homes, he will surely bless us. There are many who greatly regret the breaking up of camp. Some are going home to hard places. What are we going to do? What are we going to be ? Shall we become discouraged ? Surely not I If there is one statement above another that rings in my ears, of all the instruction which it was my privilege to hear from the lips of God's servant, Sister White, it is her oft, epeated call to this people, "Brethren, use to be discouraged." Let us all say together, "Refuse to be discouraged!" (This was repeated by the congregation three times.) Another call given through Sister White is vivid in my mind, for this expression was often used: "Courage in the Lord!" (With ringing emphasis the large audience repeated . these words with the speaker three times.) If you will say this every morning, "I am full of courage today; my courage is in the Lord," your heart will be filled with courage. He has bidden us, "Be of good courage," and as we affirm this to ourselves, He will supply the fact. It IS so, because God has promised. "All His biddings are enablings." On the other hand, if you talk doubt, you will have doubt. I ask of you men, do not talk doubt to your wives and children. You women, do not talk doubt to your husbands and families. Refuse to talk doubt. Think of the name, the goodness, the love, and the power of God. In God's "book of remembrance" is the record of those who "thought upon his name" and "spake often one to another." "This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith." To maintain our Christian life during the year, and have a happy and joyous experience, a progressive experience, we must daily read the Word. For "man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Matt. 4 : 4. How can my nature be changed into the divine nature ? — By feeding on the promises of God. "Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." 2 Peter 1 : 4. The word of God, "received, believed, obeyed," destroys the earthly nature; it transforms the character by the power of God, that is in that written word, just as it was in the spoken word of Christ. God does not want us to come up to the camp meeting each year with a story of defeat; He wants us to go forward, and bear testimony of victorious Christian living. This is our privilege, our responsibility. With "the shield of faith" we "shall be able to quench ALL the fiery darts of the wicked," relying upon Jesus, and "praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance." Eph. 6 : 16, 18. Let us notice the Revised Version of Psalm 27 : 14: "Wait on the Lord : be strong, and let thine heart take courage: yea, wait thou on the Lord." TAKE courage. We take in air simply by inflating the lungs. God wants to breathe courage into our hearts. "In the world's broad field of battle, In the bivouac of life, Be not like dumb, driven cattle; Be a hero in the strife." "There is no one living who has any power that he has not received from God, and the source from whence it comes is open to the weakest human being... . The Lord is disappointed when His people place a low estimate upon themselves." I am reading from "Desire of Ages," pages 667, 668. We should not go about with an inferiority complex, neither should we be conceited. Let us take our eyes off ourselves, and the things there that discourage us, and look away to Jesus. "He desires His chosen heritage to value themselves according to the price He has placed upon them. God wanted them, else He would not have sent His Son on such an expensive errand to redeem them." God has chosen you because He wants you. Remember, God wants you; God wants me. I do not understand it, but I believe it. Why? — Because God says so. You know some people think that their husbands do not want them; some think that their children do not want them. They may be in a lukewarm condition, but there is altogether too much surmise as to how other people feel toward us. Let us remember that God thinks highly of us because of the price He has paid for us, and because of the possibilities He sees in us. "He has a use for them, and He is well pleased when they make th3 very highest demands upon Him, that they may glorify His name. They may expect large things if they have faith in His promises. "Before offering Himself as the sacrificial victim, Christ sought for the most essential and complete gift to bestow upon His followers, a gift that would bring within their reach the boundless resources of grace. 'I will pray the Father,' He said, 'and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever.' " "At all times and in all places, in all sorrows and in all afflictions, when the outlook seems dark and the future perplexing, and we feel helpless and alone, the Comforter will be sent in answer to the prayer of faith. Circumstances may separate us from every earthly friend; but no circumstances, no distance, can separate us from the heavenly Comforter. Wherever we are, wherever we may go, He is always at our right hand to support, sustain, uphold, and 2 cheer." — "Desire of Ages," pp. 669, 670. Let us turn to John 14 : 16-27, and notice a series of statements. "I will pray." " He shall give you another Comforter." Jesus was seeking the best possible thing to do for us, in order that He might bring within our reach "the boundless resources of grace.' '_-He sought for "the most complete gift" to bestow upon His followers. Jesus prayed the Father to give us another Helper, "that He may abide with you." "He dwelleth with you." He "shall be in you." "I will not leave you. " "I will come to you." Jesus would come in the person of the Holy Spirit. I like to visualise Jesus in heaven, and then I picture Him sending His Spirit. I cannot visualise the Holy Spirit, but I can see Jesus sending Him, and then I can understand His saying, "He dwelleth with you." And so I think of Jesus in me by the Spirit, and I try to practise the presence of Jesus in my heart. Do you know who helped me many years ago more than anybody else ? — An old, gnarled Big Nambus man out in the New Hebrides. We had a testimony meeting, and this man said, "I wanted to be very angry with my wife this morning, but the Jesus in me would not let me," and he patted his heart as he said it. 0 the simplicity of that man's religion! "The Jesus in me would not• let me." We shall continue to feel the motions of sin in our members, but if we have received Jesus by the Spirit, as did the old New Hebridean, we will listen to that voice rather than giving away to the motion of sinful thought, clamouring for expression. This is what we must do every day of our lives. We must choose every moment of life, so to speak, to put ourselves, and keep ourselves, in harmony with the Spirit; then the Spirit will work in us and through us to do of His good pleasure. We must LET Him work, choose to let Him. Verse 19. "I live." "Ye shall live." Verse 20. "Ye shall KNOW in that day that I am in you." It is our glorious privilege to know that God's Spirit is in our heart. Let us cherish this great truth, hold on to it, practise the presence of Jesus in the heart. Our holy religion has very -little to do with feeling. Because we do not feel very good, we think things are all wrong. Our feelings are changeable, they are based upon our body, our mental makeup; but Jesus never changes: He is "the same yesterday, today, and forever." Jesus will be the same tomorrow as He is today. Next Sabbath, when you are alone, it will be the same Jesus. Do not consult your feelings. Believe that Jesus has promised to do what you want of Him, and practise your belief. "Beca,use.I live," says Jesus, "ye shall live." With the 21st verse begins a series of statements that are very helpful. "He that hath My commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth Me." "If a man love Me, he will keep My words (verse 23), "My sayings" (verse 24), "things . . . spoken unto you" (verse 25). The inference is that if we love Him, we will cherish His sayings, we will rest in Christ's name, in His words, in whatsoever He has bidden us, and we shall know His peace. "My peace I leave with you. . . . Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." Verse 27. Do not be afraid AUSTRALASIAN RECORD to trust God. He will carry you through. He is able to do for you far more exceedingly than you can ask or, think. THE NATURE OF OUR CONFLICT Now there is, and will be, a conflict, and we should understand its nature. I was a worker in this cause many years before I fully understood the wonderful doctrine of the new covenant. You know the difference between the old covenant and the new covenant is the promises on which each is based. The old is based upon the promises of the people. After the law had been announced, they said, "All the words which the Lord hath said will we do." Ex. 24:3. I tried my utmost to DO these things. When I thought I was doing fairly well, I was not doing anything as I should. The new covenant is based upon the promises of what Christ will do for us, — upon "better promises." Heb. 8 : 6. Until I realised that I must let Christ do the work, I got nowhere. We must learn the lesson that Jesus is to do the work for us. We must refuse to be deceived any longer into thinking that we can do it. We may make up our minds every minute of the day to live in our own strength, and never succeed. We need to settle it in our minds that the battle is not ours, but it is Christ's. He has already won the victory for us, and He will win the victory in us. Goliath went out to meet David, clad as no other warrior ever had been. He called the fight, and he said most discouraging things to young David. Humanly speaking, David had no chance in this world against Goliath, not one chance in one hundred. From a human standpoint, he was helpless; and so are we helpless. But David put his trust in the Most High, and he said, "I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts." He used that simple sling and stone in the name of the Lord, realising that God must do the work. When we make mistakes, it is because we do not keep ourselves under the subjection of the Spirit. When the Spirit is controlling, He gives the victory. It is a mistaken idea that we of ourselves must fight against our sins; yet is there no struggle, no conflict on our part? — Most assuredly there is; but the conflict is not in fighting the sin. Where is the conflict? It is in the realm of the will, in the mind. Let me read it to you. "Everything depends on the right action of the will. The power of choice God has given to men; it is theirs to exercise. You cannot change your heart, you cannot of yourself give to God its affections; but you can CHOOSE to serve Him. You can give Him your will; He will then work in you to will and to do according to His good pleasure. Thus your whole nature will be brought under the control of the Spirit of Christ, your affections will be centred upon Him, your thoughts will be in harmony with Him." — "Steps to Christ," p. 52. We must believe that Jesus is in us, notwithstanding our feelings to the contrary. Some morning we may not feel very bright, but that is only the hellish shadow that the enemy is continually trying to cast over us. After a great spiritual uplift and blessing we are likely to have a period of despondency. After the sowing of the good seed, the enemy comes along to sow tares. Matt. 13 : 24, 25. 1/11/37 "Desires for goodness and holiness are right as far as they go; but if you stop here, they will avail nothing. Many will be lost while hoping and desiring to be Christians. They do not come to the point of yielding the will to God. They do not now CHOOSE to be Christians."—"Steps to Christ," p. 52. Do not make the mistake of trying to live for God on the basis of unconfessed sin. If there is any unconfessed sin in the life, if you have done wrong to any person, go and confess it and ask for forgiveness. You must get right with God first. "Through the right exercise of the will, an entire change may be made in your Life. By yielding up your will to Christ, you ally yourself with the power that is above all principalities and powers. You will have strength from above to hold you steadfast, and thus through constant surrender to God you will be enabled to the new life, even the life of faith." "Our growth in grace, our joy, our usefulness, — all depend upon our union with Christ. It is by communion with Him, daily, hourly, — by abiding in Him, — that we are to grow in grace. He is not only the author but the finisher of our faith." —"Steps to Christ," pp. 73, 74. "Do you ask, 'How am I to abide in Christ?' " That is the problem. The answer is given on this same page. "In the same way that you received Him at first." You just opened your heart and said, "Lord, come in." "As ye therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord,- so walk ye in Him," We opened our hearts for Jesus to come in. Why do I inflate my lungs?— To live. If I stop doing so, I die. That inflation is an involuntary action. When our lives are controlled by the Spirit of God, it will be an involuntary action on our part from day to day; and when the enemy conies in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him. The Spirit of God will do the work. "If we consent, He will so identify Himself with our thoughts and aims, so blend our hearts and minds into conformity to His will, that when obeying Him we shall be but carrying out our own impulses. The will, refined and sanctified, will find its highest delight in doing His service. When we know God as it is our privilege to know Him, our life will be a, life of continual obedience. Through an appreciation of the character of Christ, through communion with God, sin will become hateful to us." —"Desire of Ages," p. 668. " 'The just shall live by faith.' You gave yourself to God, to be His wholly, to serve and obey Him, and you took Christ as your Saviour. You could no yourself atone for your sins or change y heart; but having given yourself to Go you believed that He for Christ's sake did all this for you. . . . You are to GIVE all,—your heart, your will, your service,— give yourself to Him to obey all His requirements; and you must TAKE all, — Christ, the fullness of all blessing, to abide in your heart, to be your strength, your righteousness, your everlasting helper,— to give you power to obey." — "Steps to Christ," p. 74. We must take time to be holy. We must give God our first thoughts each morning. "Consecrate yourself to God in the morning; make this your very first work. Let 1/11/37 your prayer be, 'Take me, 0 Lord, as wholly Thine. I lay all my plans at Thy feet. Use me today in Thy service. Abide with me, and let all my work be wrought in Thee.' This is a daily matter. Each morning consecrate yourself to God for that day. Surrender all your plans to Him, to be carried out or given up as His providence shall indicate. Thus day by day you may be giving your life into the hands of God, and thus your life will be moulded more and more after the life of Christ." —"Steps to Christ," pp. 74, 75, BIG WEEK Solomon's Faith t astor H. R. Steed, the former headter of our training school at Mussau, New Guinea, writes that they are all working hard to get the new training school established at Put Put. This is the school which will receive assistance to the extent of £300 from the coming Big Week effort. We believe you will be especially interested in the following story of a young man, a new convert from Manus, who attended the school at Mussau for three months. Pastor Steed writes: "He came to see what the Seventh-day school was like, and also to see what the believers at this place do. This young man came with a difficult heathen name, so I gave him a Christian name. He now carries the name of Solomon. This change gave him great pleasure, and he was very, very happy to say it over and over again the night I gave it to him. "While he was with us at the school, he heard the sermons in Pidgin English, and one day he said he would like to pray. He had never prayed before, so the school boys with whom he was talking gave him an opportunity in prayer meeting. He prayed a simple prayer and meant every word. Though he could not read or write as did the boys at the school, he could do many other things, in spite of the fact that he is a cripple. "Brother Atkins took him back home to his little island of Tong, in the Admiralty Group. When he arrived he found his brother in great distress. Through poisoning, his brother's hand was Swollen, and for some nights he had had no sleep. Solomon told him that he would pray for him. He said that this new religion prays when it wants God to do anything for its people. So he prayed to God to give his brother relief. The swelling went away, sleep returned that night, and more important still, • brother gave his heart to God, and now ims to be a member of this religion that as power to heal, "This is a simple story of a young man who had just walked out of the darkness of deep heathenism into the brightness of God's light. The advantages are great, and more apparent to them because they have come straight out of the dark room of sin. Our prayer is that we may be more faithful in the bearing of the precious gospel light to these dear people for whom Christ died. "We are now witnessing the fulfilment of the prophecy that the isles would wait for God's law and for His Word. Now they are receiving it. Yet there are thou- ii AUSTRALASIAN RECORD sands more who should hear it. We must give it to them, but the labourers are few. "We rejoice to see God's Spirit working upon the hearts of these people, for we know that God is doing a quick work and will cut it short in righteousness. Then will come the glad day of greater rejoicing when we all enter into His kingdom." Native teachers are our most valued asset in the island fields, and this training school will provide more such workers to go forth into the waiting harvest field to gather in the precious grain. To aid this enterprise is worthy of our very best endeavours during the coming Big Week, November 13-20. A.U.C. HOME MISSIONS DEPT. Radio Advent Church Activities The South New South Wales delegates, assembled in recent conference, enthusiastically and unanimously accepted the aim of £250 suggested by the Union Conference as their contribution toward the expense of maintaining the Advent Radio Church. North Queensland, Queensland, and North New South Wales, by recent reports, are all enthusiastically working to build up the membership of the Radio Church in their respective fields, and thus attain their quota of the amount needed for its support. Pastor J. W. Kent reports that a good interest has been aroused in a small town near Tamworth solely as a result of the Radio Church. The workers in the North and South N.S.W. Conferences report that the Radio Church has opened to them more than twenty homes for Bible studies. On the South New South Wales camp ground, a sister who lives near the Queensland border told of two ringbarkers working on the farm. They have a battery radio set, and though working in the fields three miles away from the home, they never fail to tune-in to the Advent Radio Church service. At the conclusion of our broadcast last Sunday (October 17), I received an urgent telephone ring to visit a young man who had met with a serious accident the day before. This young man has been listening to the broadcasts for a considerable time. Last Saturday, while at work, he fell down a lift well, and as a result broke his pelvis and both arms, and met with serious internal injuries. During his conscious moments he was calling for the pastor of the Advent Radio Church. I am glad to report that I was able to visit him and speak to him concerning salvation. His condition is very critical. EXTRACTS FROM LETTERS The following are a few of the hundreds of letters coming in from listeners to the message as it is given over the air : "I wish to congratulate you on the very excellent and encouraging services you send over the air each week. They certainly make me think much more deeply, and help me to realise that I should have more faith and trust in our Saviour than I have had previously." "I never miss one of the talks, but always make it a rule to be home at 5.15 p.m. What I have heard has been a very great help and blessing to me. May God bless you in the great work to which you are called." 3 "Five-fifteen to 6 p.m. Sundays from 2UE is the most worth-while session on the air at any time, and we enjoy every moment of it." "Your addresses and answers to questions are of great interest to me, and of very real help." "We are much interested in the addresses and answers to questions. Yours is about the only religion I know which proves everything from the Bible, — and that is certainly the most convincing way of proving anything." "We always listen to your evening service from 2UE, and find it most interesting, as you are so straight to the point." "Just a few lines to let you know how much we appreciate your wonderful services from 2UE on Sundays. We are always anxious to get your beautiful addresses. Enclosed please find £3 in bank notes to help you in carrying on the good work. Kindly accept this small donation from my wife, son, and myself." "The family all join me when I say `Thank you' for the delightful and helpful service of last Sunday. We all look forward to 5.15 p.m. each Sunday, and my prayers are for you daily in the great work you are doing for the Master." "I have listened to your services with great interest on Sunday evenings, and am greatly helped by them." "Your broadcasts over 2UE have proved very interesting. I am extremely glad to hear you speak on the subject of British Israelism, and would deem it a great favour if you could forward me a copy of your address." "Your broadcast and copy of the address for October 3 were very much enjoyed by the whole of my family, and I also found it very helpful." "No doubt your services are marvellous. There is always something deep in them to think about, and furthermore, they cause one to have a thorough spiritual stocktaking regularly, and to put all wrongs right with the Lord. "Trusting and praying that God will richly bless your excellent work, and may this session each week be the means of securing many in God's eternal kingdom, is my sincere prayer." The Trail of the Colporteur The trail of the colporteur is a wonderful trail. It has its rough places; but, the footprints it contains of the Master Colporteur ! We read in the Spirit of Prophecy that "the Lord Jesus, WALKING BY THE SIDE of the colporteur, is the Chief Worker." Up and down the highways and byways the Lord Jesus, the "Chief Worker," the Master Colporteur, walks beside His faithful ones who carry the printed page. What a glorious privilege! What a wonderful work ! Let us do all we can to help our colporteurs, by speaking words of encouragement to them, by opening our homes to them when possible, and by faithfully praying for them day by day. — Selected. AUSTRALASIAN RECORD 4 Itinerating in North New Zealand Would you like to accompany me on a tour in the North Island of New Zealand? Well, just imagine you were with me on my recent itinerary during which a series of Sabbath school conventions was held in the various schools. First of all we take the train to New Plymouth, our most western Sabbath school. Here we hold the convention in the neat, newly painted church. Members from Stratford join us, and a very happy and profitable time is spent. Plans are made for a strong children's division with Sister G. Robinson in charge. On Sunday night we visit the mission being conducted by castor Robinson, assisted by Brother Len Hay. A good number are present. Just see how eagerly they listen to the stirring address. That duet was inspiring, and how sweetly the Sabbath school children's choir sing ! We have a few days in which to visit the members. They are very scattered, but if we use the nights as well we shall get around them all. Fortunately we meet the young people at the social evening on Saturday night. That was a sharp earthquake'shock on Friday night. It was the Robinsons' first experience, I believe. Although we are living in "shaky isles" it is good to know that people have built on a firm foundation, even "the rock Christ Jesus." Now we are in Hawera. The Otakeho members have all come in for the convention and are bright and early. How did they reach here ? Oh, some do live a long way out, but those who have cars went out of their way to bring in those who have no means of conveyance. Aren't they enthusiastic ? See that lady with several children. She started out in faith to walk, and a priest gave her a ride. That aged sister from Hawera has been walking seven miles to Sabbath school for years. It does seem, after this, that every one with health can get to Sabbath school if he chooses, doesn't it ? What a good convention we have had ! Now some of the Otakeho members wish to take us home with them, and they will motor us round to many of their officers and members tomorrow. After this we shall spend a few days at the conference office before continuing our tour to Tauranga. As we journey on again, past beautiful green hills and meadows, where cattle browse and little lambs gambol around their mothers, we think of the still more beautiful home which the great Creator is preparing for the faithful. Another group of kind friends meet us at Tauranga, opening their homes and supplying us with cycles or cars to assist us in our visiting. From the expressions of appreciation we gather that the convention here also has been a big help. Whakatane is our next place of call. Although these members are fewer, the Lord is with us in our meetings and gives us a very definite blessing. Now we travel by service car to Gisborne, that pretty township set like a gem among the hills on the east coast. The rich fertile lands and the hospitality of the people soon convince us that the name of "Poverty" Bay does not suit the locality at all, and we feel that we are still sojourning in the Bay of Plenty. The meetings with the brethren and sisters in their large church we greatly enjoy. We also appreciate the fine spirit of the Kaitertahi and home department members in linking up with us for the convention. One isolated member could not leave her lamb unfed for the day, so she has brought it with her in the car. Unlike "Mary's little lamb," it is polite enough to stay outside while meetings are in session. It is good to meet with Pastor and Mrs. M. H. Whittaker, and as they take us to visit isolated members at Tologa Bay and other places we discuss the work so dear to our hearts. Before leaving Gisborne, we meet with the newly appointed leaders of the children's division and plan with them for strengthening the work. Now, would you like to come to Napier? We held a convention there a few months ago, but we can just steal one night from our itinerary to have a peep at them once more. Again we board the service car and about eight hours later find ourselves in this modern, up-to-date town. Now we are at the church. A gratifying number are present for a Monday night. Let us give them opportunity to speak, for their separate children's Sabbath school has but recently been organised and we would like to know how it is functioning. Notice the enthusiasm of the officers, teachers, and parents as they tell of the change for the better which has come into the hearts of the children as well as into their school. Would that all our children's divisions were as well catered for ! Let us invite some of them to tell the "Record" readers of what we have heard. Pastor and Mrs. Wrigley are here, and they volunteer to take us to Hastings in their car tomorrow. This will enable us to call on the Havelock North members on the way. A friendly visit and study with them, and soon we arrive in Hastings. Another happy meeting with God's people, at which we hear something of the splendid work they are doing for the children. They have a fine Sabbath school here also. Tomorrow we will board the train for Waipukurau, - Only a few members here, but don't you admire the spirit of love and goodwill among them ! Now we are at Longburn. Did you say Brethren Greenaway and Ellis are arranging for our conveyance to Palmerston North so that we can have a short visit ? Well, that is thoughtful of them, and we shall find kind friends to entertain us there for a night and take us to the meetings. Back at Longburn, at the New Zealand Missionary College. What an inspiration it is to see this fine body of students preparing for God's work ! How happy they all seem to be ! I think we shall let them tell of the good times we are having. On Sunday night we shall return to Auckland. What a happy time we have had, and how we have appreciated the hospitality and co-operation of all. As you 1/W37 think of these loyal men and women in the various places, will you not pray that God will help them to continue their selfless h.bours ? ANNIE E. DOUGLASS. "Out of the Mouths of Babes" "Mummy, wouldn't you like to be me, and then you could attend the children's Sabbath school and have Miss-- for a teacher?" asked a little Napier boy of five recently. A visit to this division will explain the reason. An efficient leader and competent teachers are in charge, and the children have their own separate Sabbath school. Here they are taught to sing, pray, give the mission story, and take reviews. The whole church takes an interest in the children's Sabbath school and has provided them with stand-ups, figures, houettes, song books, etc. One mem kindly donated £1 for purchasing nece sary material, and he and another brother are busily engaged in making tables and chairs for the division. So generous are they that the leaders state they have only to mention that an article is needed and it appears. For the older children, maps and blackboards are very much in evidence, and at the end of the quarter some very interesting essays were written on the life of Paul. The whole programme is packed full of interest for the children, and not one moment is wasted. Children once difficult to handle are now brimming over with enthusiasm. That each child may give his or her heart to God is the earnest desire of each teacher, and all plans for the programme are made with that objective in view. Recently a consecration service was held, and how thrilled the teachers were when every child dedicated himself or herself to the Lord ! What a big field for missionary work lies at the door of every Sabbath school where there are children ! Pray that leaders may be found who will grasp the opportunities which lie right within their reach. A VISITOR. Northern Rivers Camp Spread over a portion of green pastures, modern Israel dwelt in tabernacles, feasting on the true manna day by day, as did Israel of old who came to worship the King. the Lord of hosts. God's children received blessings which eternity alone will reveal, for the Northern Rivers people can say, "Truly God is still leading in a movement that was born on time and will close on, tame." God's dear children have something the cannot be bought or sold, unless traded away for naught. Lismore was the centre of a ten-day infilling, for the edifying of e.ocl.'s church. "Hark! 'tis the watchman's cry, Wake, brethren, wake ! Jesus our Lord is nigh, Wake, brethren, wake ! Sleep is for sons of night, Ye are children of the light. Yours is the glory bright, Wake, brethren, wake !" PAT DELANEY. 1/11/37 111)111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111 QUEENSLAND f- 7 Office Address: 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Q. Telephone: B 5709 Queensland Annual Conference From September 21 to October 4, were enacted in the Kalinga Park, Brisbane, the many scenes so familiar to Seventh-day Adventists who go to camp meeting. The park was an ideal spot in many ways, handy to the trams and trains, and in a fairly well populated area. The camp was located on the high section of the park, which, being almost level, made a very suitable pitch for such a purpose. The weather throughout was about a'. t at could be desired, although we were ended that Queensland is passing ugh a prolonged drought by the fact that not a drop of rain fell during the time of the meeting. This did not in any way affect the spiritual rain, however, for the spirit manifested by those in attendance and their expressions of joy and happiness bore testimony to their enjoyment of etie meetings. Much pleasure was expressed at the pres. ence of Pastor and Mrs. Fulton, and their ministrations as well as the help given by the other visiting brethren were much appreciated. From the Union Conference the representation comprised Pastors A. G. Stewart, A. H. Piper, E. L. Minchin, and Brother T. A. Mitchell. Dr. E. S. Richards and Sister Burney were also present from the Sydney Sanitarium, and later Pastor A. F. Kranz from the A.M. College. The work of all these visitors along their various lines was gratefully acknowledged by all present. The reports presented showed good growth in most lines. With an increased membership in the church and also in the Sabbath school and the M.V. Departments, we were also glad to notice increased offerings and a tithe second only to our record one for the Queensland conference, giving us £5,359 5s. 3d. for the year. The amount of £282 3s. Od. was carried forward on Tithe Account. The Tract Society operated for the year at a profit, in spite of severe drought conditions throughout the State. One abnormal expense was incurred by the necessity of moving colporteurs from contract to contract to try to find the best places, — places least affected by the dry conditions. Another feature of the camp that calls for special mention is that the business meetings were particularly well attended, and a lively interest was taken in the Mess of the conference. The business sion on the last Sunday was devoted to home missions, and the response of the brethren and sisters to the challenge of lay evangelism leads us to believe that this conference will see a definite revival in personal missionary effort during the year. The Lord through the Spirit of Prophecy calls for just such a work at this time. When the matter of a Central and Primary School for Brisbane came up in the presentation of the educational report, the enthusiasm with which the proposal was received told of the interest of those present in the education of their children in- our own schools. Quite a num- it , AUSTRALASIAN RECORD ber of parents, desiring to help on the project, and being unable to do so in any other way, pledged themselves to sell a certain number of "Health" magazines and to pass in the proceeds towards the scheme. We are looking forward to the time when just such a school will be operating in this city. The following were elected to fill the various offices in the conference for the ensuing year : President: P. G. Rampton. Secretary-Treasurer: L. A. Butler. Tract Society Secretary: L. A. Butler. Sabbath School and Missionary Volunteer Secretary: Miss G. Hadfield. Home Missions Secretary: L. A. Butler. Educational and Religious Liberty Secretary: F. G. Rampton. Executive Committee: F. G. Rampton, W. Macfadyen, M. Thorpe, E. R. Gane, W. G. Hodgkinson, J. Beckett, C. M. Lee. The office of field missionary secretary has, been filled since the camp meeting by the appointment of Brother J. T. Young, as other changes made this necessary. As we review the experiences of this camp gathering, we realise that a deep sense of the seriousness of these times and the necessity of making our "calling and election sure" pervaded the camp, and the calls to a deeper and more sincere consecration met a ready and whole-hearted response. L. A. BUTLER, Secretary. Letter of Appreciation One of the best known patients at the Sydney Sanitarium in recent months has been Sister R. H. Matthews, who was for many years a worker for this cause in England, Africa, and more recently in New Zealand. Though confined to her room with arthritis, by her cheerful presence and beautiful Christian experience she has won many friends, and her visitors have received as much pleasure as they have given her. Last year in the Appeal for Missions in New Zealand Sister Matthews gathered £317 in about twelve weeks. Her most earnest hope is that she may again be well enough to labour for God. We invite you to join your prayers with hers that this may be so. On the eve of her departure from the Sanitarium, Sister Matthews wrote the following letter of appreciation for publication in the "Record:" "Thirty-two weeks have passed since I came to the Sanitarium. During these long weeks a great deal of joy has been mingled with the pain. This joy has come through the kindness of many friends. Letters have been received from all the churches of New Zealand, also from Victoria and Queensland, and from England and Canada, to say that they were praying for me. God has been so good, and I feel I must express my appreciation and sincere thanks for these expressions of love and interest. I wish also to thank the doctors and nurses at the Sanitarium for their kindness, and the many friends around Wahroonga. May God abundantly bless them individually in their work of love. "Tomorrow (October 22) I am leaving the Sanitarium, but will be staying for a few weeks with a friend in Auburn before going to New Zealand. I am grateful for the improvement in my health, and praise the Lord for His many blessings." 5 SOUTH NEW SOUTH WALES Office Address: 84 The Boulevarde Strathfield, N.S.W. Telephone: UJ 5371 ,J 11,111110,111111111,11:1111)1111 1111111111111111111111ittlimirfliffillillifftlIMMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIII South New South Wales Camp Meeting With gladness and rejoicing that God had provided such beautiful surroundings for their annual gathering, more than 1200 campers assembled in the Parramatta National Park for the forty-second annual conference in South New South Wales. The number of tents pitched, 320, created a new record, being eight more than last year's, which was a record up to that time. The meeting was above the ordinary in the spirit of earnestness in seeking after God, and in the brotherly-kindness, love, and unity which pervaded this large assemblage. Many are firmly convinced that it really was the best meeting yet held in this conference. The weather was pleasantly cool, with occasional showers, which kept the grounds in firm condition. Pastor J. E. Fulton's meetings were a feature of the camp, as this servant of God reviewed forty years and more of the Lord's leadings. Some of the good things he told us will be given in the "Record" at the close of his tour of this field. Other general workers who attended as delegates were Pastors A. H. Piper, A. W. Anderson, A. G. Stewart, E. E. Roenfelt, Brother T. A. Mitchell, and Miss H. K. Lewin. Dr. C. W. Harrison visited the grounds and gave two lectures. One of the most enthusiastic meetings of the camp was the devotional service at which Pastor A. H. Piper presented a study on health reform, followed by a testimony meeting. So large a number wished to testify of blessings received through this phase of the message that opportunity had to be given to several companies simultaneously under different leaders. Some spoke from over forty years' experience. At the close of this meeting, Brother A. M. Cott, a graduate dietitian from Loma Linda, told why it is that some people have a craving for meat. Brother Cott's health talks, given later, were greatly enjoyed. We are pleased to announce that some of the valuable matter that he has to present will be given in the "Record." The great majority of the young people entered into the spirit of the camp meeting in a whole-hearted way. On the first Friday night, after the evening service, some of the young men returned to the prayer fellowship tent and continued their supplications till nearly midnight, seeking for God's special blessing on the meetings of the morrow. In the Sabbath morning revival service almost 200 youth went forward, a number for the first time. One young man who had been reared in a Roman Catholic orphanage, was invited to the camp by the family for whom he is now working. They travelled hundreds of miles to the meeting. On the first Sabbath he felt impressed to take his stand for Cod and His truth, and "after that," he said, "everything seemed different." Other young people gained definite victories. 6 There was an unusually large number of children camping on the ground this year. In the daily meetings in the primary tent there were just double last year's number. On the last Thursday afternoon the children came in full force to the large pavilion and sang their hymns and action songs. Then Miss Clarice Piper gave a demonstration of the full programme of a kindergarten Sabbath school, which was of practical interest to the delegates who were Sabbath school workers. Just here we might mention a splendid series of meetings that were little heard of by the adult population of the camp ground. Could they have been unseen listeners at the 6.30 a.m. devotional meetings in the Junior Missionary Volunteers' pavilion, it would have rejoiced their hearts to hear the children engage in their "chain prayer" every morning. As many as sixty children between the ages of ten and fourteen attended some mornings. The eleven o'clock service on Sabbath morning was held simultaneously in four pavilions, and the helpful sermons met with a ready response. The one in the Juniors' tent was a memorable meeting. More than a hundred children went forward in consecration. Many of them were so deeply moved by the Spirit of God that they wept over their wrong-doings, and some later made confessions to their leaders. Some came to the camp who had not attended one for twelve and fifteen years. The colporteurs' experience meeting was, as usual, greatly enjoyed, and some of these testimonies are promised to "Record" readers. The book tent had a very beautiful display of books, and sold more than £350 worth of literature. The secretary, Brother F. L. Taylor, was particularly pleased that the sales included thirty full sets of the "Testimonies" and seven "Conflict of the Ages" series. Nearly £700 was given and pledged for missions in a few minutes on the last Sabbath afternoon. Just on 2,000 attended camp Sabbath school. The membership of the five divisions was as follows : Senior, 995; youth's, 500; junior, 220; primary, 160; kindergarten, 115; total, 1990. Last year the camp Sabbath school offering aim was 100 guineas (£105). This time it was £110, and the amount given was £133 19s. 10d. One of the happiest camp meetings ever held closed on Sunday, October 17. Each Day a Day of Good Things At the ringing of the six o'clock rising bell each morning, the ministers on the Parramatta camp ground met together to seek God, the colporteurs assembled in their pavilion, and young people gathered in prayer bands for special intercession. Six-thirty, and in three pavilions "sweetly the holy hymn breaks on the morning air." Seniors, youth, and brightfaced J.M.V's fed upon the manna from heaven. Nine o'clock: Meetings in six pavilions, besides the little district meetings among the dwelling tents. At this hour the youth met in classes to follow a series of studies on the talents, while the J.M.V's, the primary, and the kindergarten children were grouped in classes in their respective AUSTRALASIAN RECORD pavilions. The colporteurs received good help from Brethren T. A. Mitchell and E. A. Turner, their Union and local field missionary secretaries, and from Brother A. M. Cott, the capable leader of the magazine and periodical work. At the same time, the baptismal class met in one part of the large pavilion. Ten o'clock: Putting the Bible before business, this hour was devoted to studying the Scriptures. Among the speakers at this time were Pastors Watson, Fulton, Anderson, Piper, and Stewart. Eleven-thirty and two-thirty : The two conference sessions daily were crammed with interesting reports from evangelists and pastors, conference officials, colportours, and committees. Three o'clock was hailed with joy by children of all ages as they assembled in their three pavilions, — between sixty and seventy in each. Four o'clock was young people's hour in their tent. Four-thirty: Bible study or health lecture. Seven o'clock: Members of the Young People's Prayer Fellowship were glad to have these get-together meetings on the camp ground every night. Seven-fifteen : Song service. Seven-forty-five: Preaching service. If we give you the subjects and speakers, they will suggest many thoughts to your minds. The president's address on the opening night: "The World's Great Need; the Privileges of the Christian."— H. E. Piper. "Mussolini's Dream of a Resurrected Empire! Will It Materialise?" — A. W. Anderson. "How Near Are We to the Climax of Earth's History?" — G. G. Stewart. "What Does the World Expect? Will Its Hopes Be Realised ?" — Robt. Hare. "Remarkable Transformations among Primitive People of the South Seas." — Lantern lecture by A. G. Stewart. "Will the Conflict between Facism and Communism Crush Democracy?" — A. W. Anderson. "Which Day Should Christians Observe as the Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday?" — B. E. Roenfelt. (A familiar subject, but presented in a way that was greatly enjoyed by every Adventist.) "The Advent People and Their Prophetic Gift." —A. H. Piper. (A tall column of books written by God's messenger gave a most realistic touch to this subject, and the paragraphs read from some of them charmed the large audience.) "The Crisis Hour and Its Message." — L. C. Naden. (One of the most impressive talks on the camp ground.) "Elijah the Prophet Coming Back! When Will He Come? What Will He Do?" — E. E. Roenfelt. "That Blessed ope; Its Saving Power."—A. G. Stewart. On the final Saturday night the young people and Juniors presented the programme. At the last meeting of the camp, Pastor W. E. Battye answered the question, "Are the Eastern Nations Preparing for Armageddon?" Part 'way through his address the lights suddenly dimmed, and his audience witnessed a most graphic fulfilment of Isaiah's prophecy of what men will "say" concerning peace, as they beheld the representatives of sixty nations sitting in their council room discussing peace and affixing their signatures and seals to peace pacts. They saw also Joel's prophecy being fulfilled in the preparation of great implements of warfare, the turning of "ploughshares" (old iron) into ammunition. They saw a world ablaze, the con- 1111/37 flagration centring in the land of Palestine, where Armageddon will be fought. The congregation audibly caught its breath when silently upon the screen came a beautiful picture of the Son of Gad praying in Gethsemane for the peace of the world. In that same little land, the Peace of the World was crucified. Later we saw pictures of our Saviour coming with His holy angels. But the most vivid impressions which the campers will carry away from this last meeting were the final ones. A singer with a rich contralto voice stood in the semi-darkness, and sang with a beauty and pathos seldom heard, the "Stranger of Galilee.'• Each verse was accompanied by attractively coloured pictures illustrating His loving ministry, His life and labours, His sufferings, His death upon the cross. Hearts were deeply stirred, and we believe that in each one the words of the singer awakened an answering chord, "Oh, my friend, won't you love Him for. ever, So gracious and tender is He ! Accept Him today as your Saviour, This Stranger of Galilee." After the congregational singing of the evening prayer which had followed the benediction every night, quietly and reverently the audience, for the last time in 1937, filed out of the large marquee that had been to many as "the gate of heaven." Feeding an Encampment It is a stupendous task to feed a family of twelve hundred every day, and nearly 2,000 on Sundays. Who on the camp ground at Parramatta could have been busier than Brother and Sister S. J. Ward and their staff of kitchen helpers ? They made one thousand rissoles every day, besides another entree. Their family drank ninety gallons of milk in one day and consumed 360 eggs. They ate one and a half tons of potatoes, three hundredweight of onions, a thousand dozen lettuce, and fifty dozen bunches of spinach during the camp, besides three or four thousand loaves of bread purchased from the camp store, of which Pastor Parsons was in charge. But with all their busy activities the kitchen workers were able to hear every talk in the large pavilion, commencing with the early morning devotional study and continuing throughout the day. How were they able to both work and listen ?—The microphone in the meeting tent had amplifiers in the kitchen. Brother Ward drew us aside and asked that we specially mention in the "Record" the thanks of the kitchen staff for this privilege. These amplifiers have been in use in Victoria the last two or three years, where Sister Ward was in charge, as well as in South New South Wales, and t hearty appreciation of these worke prompts them to express here and now thei gratitude. Letter from Pastor Foster Through the "Record" I wish to express my sincere appreciation to the many friends for their very kindly interest during my illness. Had it not been for the prayers of God's people on my behalf, surely I would not be here today. It is now eight weeks since I came to Melbourne. Two of_ these were spent at the Warburton Hydro, where I picked up 1/11/37 wonderfully after my first operation. As I look back, I can truly say that it was only the goodness of the Lord that kept His humble servant among the living, for I had a close call on one occasion. I have not failed to thank the Lord for answering the many prayers offered on my behalf. I received dozens, yes, dozens, of letters and telegrams just prior to and immediately after my operation. These came from every State in Australia and. New Zealand. Do you blame me for not trying to keep the tear gates shut as I have thought of these things and gazed upon the beautiful flowers which have decked the two long shelves at the end of my two-bed ward, directly in front of my eyes ? How true are those words of dear Pastor Spice; "This is a good family to belong to." I am making good progress. Three weeks yesterday I had my major operation, which I approached with confidence because of the urance of prayers on my behalf. Yestermy surgeon told me I could get up half an hour. Today I was up for two and a half hours. The doctor tells me that I have come on wonderfully well. How happy I shall be when the time comes for me to return to my "beautiful flock." P. G. FOSTER it Propagationists Are Seventh-day Adventists good propagators ? Some think so. One popular cleric in America, Dr. Emerson Fosdick, has neatly hit us off in a short paragraph that is pregnant with vital meaning. Our publishing houses should feel proud of the distinction conferred upon them. This note is culled from the "Reader's Digest" of October 19, 1937, as follows: "THE OLD-TIME RELIGION" "Some one has said, `If we could get religion like a Baptist, experience it like a Methodist, be positive about it like a Disciple, be proud of it like an Episcopalian, pay for it like a Presbyterian, propagate it like an Adventist, and enjoy it like a Negro — that would be some religion.' " Certainly ours is "the Old Time Religion," and God has surely prospered the propagators in their divinely laid down programme of taking it to every nation, and kindred, and tongue and people. J. L. SMITH. ONE OF OUR LATEST AND BEST "The Hour of Destiny" Don't miss reading, and also lending this excellent new book on BIBLE PROPHECY Rapidlyfulfilling Bible prophecies give elusive evidence that we are living in last hour of this world's history. Deopments in CHINA, INDIA, JAPAN, and RUSSIA alarm the leaders of the Western nations. What is coming ? What does the awakening of the Orient mean ? "The Hour of Destiny" gives the historical setting of these countries, and explains their development in the light of prophecy. Surely the way of the "Kings of the East" is being prepared for Armageddon. The Christian's hope, the second coming of Christ, is appealingly presented. 96 Pages. — Illustrated. Obtain from your local Tract Society or from the Signs Publishing Co., Warburton. Price only 1s. Postage 2d. P AUSTRALASIAN RECORD 7 WEDDING BELLS MARSHALL - AKEHURST. — At the home of the bride's parents, Hubert Reginald Marshall and Mabel Akehurst were united in the sacred bonds of matrimony on September 21. Brother Marshall was for some time a student, at the A.M. College. As these young people walk life's journey together, we wish them every success, and pray that the Lord will richly bless them in their union. LLEWELLYN JONES. BOOTH - WINTER. — On the afternoon of October 3, at the home of Madame Sawle of Waverley, Myra Anne Winter and Nathaniel Edmund Booth were united in holy wedlock. At the invitation of the kind hostess, many friends gathered at this home to celebrate the happy occasion and tender their good wishes. May the Lord bless this couple as they unite their lives in the message which they have learnt to love. R. BRANDSTATER. ADAMS - WILLIAMS. — On October 12, as the sun was setting, Brother James Adams and Sister Grace Williams pledged their troths to God and to each other as they were joined in the sacred bonds of wedlock. Kind and loving hands tastefully decorated the church for the occasion, and it was filled with friends and well-wishers of the' happy couple. Both these young people are members of good Adventist families, and as they face the future they do so in the fear and the courage of the Lord. M. H. WHITTAKER. OBITUARY I BOWHEY. — On September 2 at Bairnsdale, Victoria, Mrs. S. Bowhey passed peacefully to her rest after an illness lasting nearly three months. She was aged 82 years and 10 months. Sister Bowhey accepted the truth as the result of a layman's mission in charge of J. E. Steed in 1897, and her hope remained firm to the last. Her husband, who was a colporteur for many years and well known at the South Australian camps, predeceased her in 1922. After a service at the church, the cortege left for the Bairnsdale general cemetery, where she was laid to rest in the sure and certain hope of the resurrection. Pastor Grolimund officiated at both the church and cemetery services. J. S. H. — Walter James Pullin of Weston, N.S.W., a member of the Kurri Kurri church, passed away in the district hospital on October 11, aged 75 years. He died as he had lived, in the hope of eternal life. About six years ago Mr. and Mrs. Pullin embraced the Advent message through a mission conducted by Evangelist R. Brandstater and R. Bullas in Weston. He became a good witness for the truth, and delighted to supply a number of regular customers with the "Signs of the Times." He loved his God, his Bible, and his fellow men. Now, free from pain and suffering, he rests in peace, awaiting the call of the great Life-giver. Mrs. Pullin, his life companion for fifty-three years, a son, a grandson, and a granddaughter mourn the loss of one dearly beloved, but not, thank God, as those who have no hope. We laid our beloved brother to rest in the Seventh-day Adventist section of the Kurri Kuril cemetery, on October 13, "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Services were conducted at the home and graveside by the writer R. A. SALTON. KENDALL. — At the home of her son, Brother Les Kendall, in Ivanhoe, Victoria, Sister Lavinia Kendall passed to her rest on October 12 at the age of 79 years. Sister Kendall made her first contact with Seventh-day Adventists in Broken Hill, where she met Pastors Daniells and Hickox and Dr. Kellogg. Later she was baptised by the late Pastor J. H. Woods at Moonta Bay, South Australia. Three sons, one daughter, and eleven grandchildren mourn. In the Diamond Creek cemetery she awaits the call to meet her Saviour. E. H. GUILLIARD. McCOY. — One of Pitcairn's oldest inhabitants, "Aunt" Mary Ann McCoy, passed to her rest on Aug. 19, at the age of 86. Her mother was a grandchild of Fletcher Christian, the leader of the mutiny of the "Bounty," and her father was a grandson of William McCoy, also of the "Bounty." Our late sister was a little girl of five when all the people of Pitcairn migrated to Norfolk, and later she was in the company that returned from Norfolk to reinhabit Pitcairn. With her passing, only one survivor of those early days remains on Pitcairn, Brother Vieder Young. Sister McCoy's one desire was to live to see Pastor and Sister W. D. Smith return to labour for the church on Pitcairn, but with calm resignation she would say, "Not my will, but Thine be done." She had a broad memory, having given much time to reading and studying in her younger days, and when her eyesight failed she greatly appreciated any one who would read to her. Of Aunt Ann it can truly be said, "Her life is hid with Christ in God." ADA M. CHRISTIAN. McCOY. — Died on Pitcairn Island, September 15, Sister Harriett McCoy, widow of the late Brother M. E. McCoy, school teacher, church leader, magistrate for years on Pitcairn. Our sister had passed life's allotted span; and although bedridden for nearly three years, her light shone brightly. Four days before death, she suddenly collapsed and did not regain consciousness. Her voice was always heard in the prayer meeting, and she rejoiced in all the religious services. Sister Harriett will be missed from the home, the community, and the church. She was a helper to all in need. In the sleep of perfect silence she now waits the call of the Life-giver. She was laid to rest in the little cemetery down by the shore, where the song of the wild waves is always heard. Some time that song will be superseded by the sweeter song, "0 death, where is thy sting? 0 grave where is thy victory?" Services at the grave were conducted by the church elder, Brother Fred Christian. R. HARE. WANTED. — Strong lad, able to do farm work wanted for "Arcadia" farm, Stratford, Victoria. Wages 15s. and keep. V. McMahon. 8 AUSTRALASIAN RECORD terf-mer.vrrtrevwc,,•••,•v”-rmry, \.1,tstraialfiat-t prorb THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE AUSTRALASIAN 'UNION CONFERENCE OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Editor: Viola M. Rogers Single Subscription, per year, post paid . 5/Order through your conference office, or send direct to tl.a Avondale Press, Cooranbong, N.S.W. All copy for the paper shor ld be sent to Miss V. M. Rogers, "Mizpah," .Nahroonga, N.S.W. Printed weekly for the Conference by the AVONDALE PRESS (A.C.A. LTD.), CooRANBONG, N.S.W. At the time of the recent Council Brother A. M. Cott was appointed field missionary secretary for South New South Wales, but it was later decided to leave him in the work which he is carrying so successfully as leader of the periodical distribution. Brother E. A. Turner from Queensland has been called to the South N.S.W, Conference to fill the office of field missionary secretary, left vacant by the recent departure of Brother H. White for New Guinea. Brother J. T. Young has been called to the leadership of the book work in the Queensland Conference, as the successor of Brother E. A, Turner. On their way to Fiji, Brother and Sister H. W. Adrian and their three little children sailed for New Zealand on October 23 by the "Wanganella." Sister Adrian and the children will break their journey at Wellington to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peacock, while Brother Adrian goes on to serve as secretary-treasurer of the Fijian Mission. As there is no shipping direct to Tahiti in these days, Brother and Sister P. J. Wright sailed from Sydney for New Zealand by the "Awatea" on October 22, and after eight days' visit with Brother Wright's people they will continue their journey to Fiji by the "Niagara," and there tranship to the "Limerick." Brother Wright goes out to serve as superintendent of the Eastern Polynesian field. In the middle of October very heavy rains fell in the State of Victoria with consequent flooding of the creeks and rivers. Considerable anxiety was felt at Warburton over the rapid rise of the Yarra; but, fortunately, though the river overflowed its banks near the publishing house, it did not rise to the factory level. Lower down the river between Warburton and Melbourne the Yarra spread out and provided a thirty-mile lake. Pastor G. L. Sterling writes from Tahiti: "We received letters recently telling of the arrival of Brother and Sister Doom on the island of Tubuai. The entry of this island is our advance step for 1937. I feel sure that with the blessing of God upon their efforts there, a company of believers will be gathered out on this island, 360 miles south of Tahiti." Sister Sterling wrote by the same boat: "A steamer is to arrive tomorrow with 250 bags of mail. There surely ought to be something for us ! My husband has been away nearly a month visiting other islands. We shall be glad to welcome him back in a few days. . . . If only we had a school here for our young people ! I have several girls with me in the home now, and more want to come, but I cannot undertake any additional work. There are some fine youth out here with European mentality." Will those who are helping this mission field by intercession, pray that the Lord will open the way for a school to be established in the Society Islands, that our young people may not be lost to the message as they grow up. "The Prayer of Faith Shall Save the Sick" OD the Friday afternoon of the Week of Prayer in 1936, Sister Gardiner of Huntley, New Zealand, came to a realisation that she was at a terminal point of ten years of continued ill-health. During the previous nine years of her married life, our sister had spent the greater part of the time in bed. There was nothing in this life for her but a continual and apparently ever-losing battle against failing health and repeated submission to the surgeon's knife. She had explored every avenue humanly possible to regain her health, but all was in vain. This day the doctor had stood by her bed and kindly told her that she was out of his hand, and to prepare for the worst. Human skill had been taxed to the uttermost. Life had almost reached vanishing point — the pulse was hardly detectable. No injection could be administered now to relieve the cruel asthma. It was not a matter of whether her vitality would eventually win out, but how long could her heart continue to bear the load. Truly this was the hour of human extremity, but it was also the hour of divine opportunity. Had not God said, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick," and admonished the sick to call for the elders of the church that they pray and anoint with oil in the name of the Lord ? The Lord gave Sister Gardiner faith to claim this promise. Accordingly, on Friday afternoon when the writer visited her the promise of James 5 : 14, 15, was claimed. It was my privilege, in company with Brother Sutton, co-elder of the Hamilton church, to anoint Sister Gardiner at 2 p.m. on the last Sabbath afternoon of the Week of Prayer. Special prayers were also offered by the brethren at Huntly and Hamilton that it might please the Lord to demonstrate His power to heal as an endorsement of faith. From that hour the sweet peace of God rested upon her. The Lord began a work of re-creation that was not halted until complete health and strength had been given her. Not once since has that suffocating asthma been present, and those severe kidney pains are gone. From a human shadow of four stone nine pounds, the Lord has added to her weight until our sister's weight is normal today. God did more than take away those afflictions. He enabled an organic miracle to be performed within her body that was to fill her attending physician with wonder and. amazement. Could it be possible that this hitherto frail woman, who even though in the prime of life was vitally spent, who. furthermore, for ten years had been told that motherhood would never be her lot, — 1/11/37 could it be that she could be an expectant mother ? A heart specialist from Auckland was called. He pronounced her heart normal and healthy. The doctor was compelled to admit that Sister Gardiner's condition was indeed an achievement. He has several times stated that the case was taken out of his hand completely. Some five weeks ago a healthy little baby boy came to the Gardiner home to seal the miracle which the Lord fourteen months before had performed. Little Graham Gardiner will ever be a living witness among this earth's last generation to the fulfilment of the promise, "And the prayer of faith shall save the sick." S. T. LEEDER. Distribution of Labour At the close of the South New South Wales camp meeting, the allocation pastors, evangelists, and colporteurs read by the conference president. The workers have been assigned as follow : BONDI JUNCTION: W. E. Battye, D. H. Wyborn, Miss E. Moran. CAMPSIE: W. Morris, R. Brandstater, HURSTVILLE : E. R. Whitehead. MANLY: C. J. Reynolds, J. E. Cormack. WOLLONGONG: E. H. Parsons, H. Kingston. ALBURY, WAGGA: R. Bullas, Alfred Parker. HARDEN, YOUNG, COWRA, GRENFELL: R. H. Powrie, Martin Pascoe. ORANGE, MANDURAMA, BATHURST, PARKES : H. A. Hill. LEETON AND DISTRICT : E. Behrens. BOWR AL : G. Branster for the present, later G. J. Parker. BROKEN HILL: G. J. Parker for the present. DUBBO: T. Brash, E. B. Ibbott. TEMORA AND DISTRICT: S. Thomson. TUMUT: Brother and Sister C. D. Baron, self-supporting. CITY PASTORAL WORK: G. G. Stewart, A. H. White, C. H. Pretyman. CITY BIBLE WORKER: Mrs. S. G. Tank. CITY DEACONESS : Miss Iva Hoy. COUNTRY PASTORAL WORK: H. Mitchell. In the Providence of God A young tailor sat with his needle in a little town in old Hungary. A colporteur entered and sold him a book. Then on leaving him he-said: "You are young. God has a message for the world. You must keep God's Sabbath and be a missionary to all the houses and towns around here." He embraced him and disappeared. The tailor was deeply impressed. He knew not what the word. "missionary" meant, but somehow the thought gripped his heart. It was Friday morning. That evening he told his employer, "I will not work any more on Sabbath.'' The ployer thought him crazy, but he lowed him the Sabbath free. The ne morning the young tailor went into the forest alone. The birds were singing to him in his new cathedral, -and he felt an urge to preach. He preached to the trees, and spent there the first Sabbath in his life — no other Sabbath-keepers were in the town. He got in touch with the mission, and the following year he was a colporteur. Today, Brother Kradjalic is the efficient union field secretary of Jugoslavia, inspiring with enthusiasm almost one hundred colporteurs in this hard field of fifteen languages. HENRY F. BROWN.
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