Step by step on how to create regenerating health in... For this short tutorial, it’ll only require simple kismet scripting.... the green “K” at the top of the screen.

Step by step on how to create regenerating health in UDK
By Alan Lau
For this short tutorial, it’ll only require simple kismet scripting. First, open up UDK and select
the green “K” at the top of the screen.
Now right click inside and go to new event > level loaded.
Right click again and go to New action > Actor > Modify health.
Connect the “loaded and visible” from level loaded to “in” on modify health and right click
new variable > player > player.
Connect the player node to the target and in the player node, uncheck “all players” (leave
this if you want all players to have regenerating health).
Now right click > new action > misc > delay
Connect “out” to “start” and “finished” to “in”. You can set the delay duration which is the
time it takes to regenerate the player/s. In “duration” set any time between 0 to 1 (0 being
the fastest). In this case I set it to 0.25.
Finally, in “modify health” set the “amount” to 1 and make sure “heal” is ticked. You can
now exit kismet and test if the regeneration works by right clicking the viewport > play from
Thanks for reading my tutorial, have a great day.