 I know how to identify polynomials and name them by... degrees

Little Black Book of Algebra II Properties
Unit 7 - Polynomial Functions
Knowledge Targets
“What I need to
 I know how to identify polynomials and name them by terms and
 I know that the real roots of a function are the x-intercepts of the
Reasoning Targets
“What I can do with
what I know.”
 I can describe the end behavior of polynomials using correct
 I can recognize special factoring patterns, such as sum and
difference of cubes
 I can select the appropriate factoring technique for a given
 I can use the Factor Theorem
Skill Targets
“What I can
 I can use factors of polynomials to make a number line model and
graph the function
 I can use a number line model and graphs to solve polynomial
inequalities and write the solution in interval and inequality
 I can factor higher order polynomials, using methods such as sum
and difference of cubes and factoring by grouping
 I can use factoring to solve polynomial equations and inequalities
 I can use polynomial long division to divide polynomials
 I can use synthetic division when appropriate
For the Little Black Book, put evidence that you have mastered each target.