CLIN. CHEM. 32/8, 151 0-1 516 (1986) How to Make LaboratoryInformationMore Informative Peter E. PoHtser I review psychological literature relevant to the design of medical laboratory data reports and computer display systems, illustrate how to improve such systems, and discuss needs for further research. AddItional Keyphrases: lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes data display diagnosis medical decisionmaking computer-assisteddiagnosis myocardial infarction . . In recent years, laboratory data have become more numerous and more difficult to evaluate. Automatic analyzers and computer storage capabilities have multiplied the potential volume of test information, and new diagnostic technologies have increased its complexity. Simultaneously, the growing proportion of elderly patients with multiple organ-system failure has made data interpretation more difficult. Thus, it is no surprise to find many published studies (reviewed in 1) documenting failures to recognize important findings and diagnostic possibilities. Some of these errors may arise from deficiencies in laboratory reports, which often seem to complicate rather than simplify information. Irrelevant data in them can distract us from significant results, as a magician’s gesture can divert us from a trick. Both exploit the limitations of human attention. Fortunately, these and other deceptions may be preventable if we design laboratory reports with human psychological limitations in mind. Here I illustrate how this may be done. This paper provides a framework, based on psychological research, for improving standard laboratory reports and computer-data displays. Background Creating better laboratory-reporting methods may help compensate for human limitations and support decision making in ways that other decision-support methods cannot. Computer-assisted diagnostic methods all have serious deficiencies. Although Bayesian methods can be used to interpret complex laboratory data automatically (i.e., compute disease likelihoods), they typically do not assist in the early stages of diagnosis, in discriminating multiple coexisting disorders, or in monitoring changes in disease. Such applications are possible in theory, but in practice the possible disease spectra often are too numerous and the data insufficient. Artificial-intelligence programs, derived from expert judgment rather than a database, may enlarge the range of applications. However, they usually do not assist perceptual recognition of patterns to monitor disease progressionor treatment effects, and they also require simple Harvard School of Public Health, Departments of Health Policy and Management, and Biostatistics, and the Institute for Health Research, a Joint Program of Harvard University and The Harvard Community Health Plan, 677 Huntington Ave., Boston, MA 02115. Presented in part at the 5th Annual Conference on Clinical Laboratory Organization and Management, Haifa, Israel, 1985. Received October 21, 1985; accepted May 22, 1986. 1510 CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 32, No. 8, 1986 patient categorizations, as do algorithms and most other decision-support methods. Graphic display techniques are free of these deficiencies. They can assist perception of abnormalities or relationships very early in the diagnostic process, help monitor subtle changes, summarize or reduce data, and even suggest the presence of coexisting diseases. They also leave the usual judgment tasks to the physician. As a result, they are often more clinically acceptable than other decision-support methods. Many different display techniques have been proposed (reviewed in 2), including computer-generated time plots, multiple graphs related to a common system or organ, summary statistics, and displays only of abnormal results. These methods, however, can hinder as well as help. They sometimes overwhelm the clinician with too many results or omit important findings in an effort to reduce information overload. Some designers of computer display systems have begun to acknowledge the need to consider “human factors” (2, 3). Others (4) have developed general guidelines for choosing graphic techniques in the presentation of research data. However, no one has yet adequately demonstrated the applicability of these new techniques to the improvement of laboratory data presentations. Also, the need for many additional techniques, motivated by other psychological literature, has been ignored. Most seriously, no adequate framework has existed specifically to guide selection of methods for display of laboratory data. This paper makes a contribution toward filling these gaps. Basic Concepts In the following sections, I present guidelines to show how better to tailor routine laboratory and computer-generated reports to the requirements of human perception. By pre- editing laboratory reports-as humans do when they read the reports-less human effort in extracting information from them is needed. These guidelines illustrate the use of this principle to assist six natural stages of perception: ifitering, simplification, coding, grouping, recognition, and segregation (5, 6). Later, I discuss further guidelines to help one decide which editing techniques to use when. Filtering. Humans initially edit information by filtering. For example, physicians screen data in a written laboratory report to locate key findings. With experience, they may become reasonably proficient at this; however, superfluous data may still be highly distracting, and ifitering them may require cognitiveeffort that would be better spent elsewhere. For example, the report in Figure la includes unnecessary numbers and grids and repetitious reports of normal ranges. It repeats the copyright number and the name and location of the company producing the sheet several times. Regrettably, similar distractions typically occur on many slips throughout patients’ charts. (On many slips, in fact, the most prominently displayed piece of information is the name of the chairman of the department!) These unnecessary distractions can be easily eliminated, and guidelines for doing sohave already been published (7). Figure lb illustrates the results of applying such guidelines. 0 XXXXXX LABOAATOEES 1500 C009’.. PECX1I0 TEXAS CAT NO 0070 b. a. 1340 ‘ti- ‘1: 29 30 2 Ac’d 5/12/83 ID 73245 SEX 02 1% U% 13.10 3 8l6 AM I 19.42 260.1 4-12-98 5 2 23.91 320.7 1 7 3 25.19 337.2 U 4 17,91 239.6 9 1000 10 5 500 1392 192.2 -39 SSN 4919 IlliCo wHIsO#{128}MtF,,,.t,31lO.0 9’8j © Copylight 1986 CAT. NO. 0000 Ihri - LD1 LD2 LD3 LD4 LD5 LDT LAOORA1CX1SS XXXXXX Poono. Tenon Fig. 1. Two formsof report In report a, a typical LDH isoenzymereport 1% refersto isoenzyme(1-6) proportions, U%’ refersto isoenzyme(1-5) values.These termsarenot explainedIn the graphandwehavediscovered(Informally)thatmanydiniciansdo notunderstandthem. In reportb, a simplifiedbar chartrepresentsthe essentialinformationina. The graphinb showsthe LDHisoenzymes(1-5) andtotal() witha slashfor the upper range of normal The isoenzyme proportions and total activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) are given as bar graphs with a slash for the upper range of normal. This display omits unnecessary markings, repetitions, and legends, yet captures all the important information in the previous figure. This “preifitering” reduces the need for human perceptual editing. Simplification. Humans also edit data by mentally simplifying them-for example, by rounding numbers. Unfortunately, this may require considerable effort-e.g., when laboratory data are reported to four digits as in Figure la. We do not need and cannot remember all of these numbers. Thus, we may want to simplify such data, perhaps by rounding them to two significant digits when additional ones are unlikely to improve judgment. Nonnumerical, graphic reports of data also can be simplified. Cleveland and McGill (8) have suggested classifying graphical displays hierarchically, from the simpler (e.g., point graphs, bar charts) to the more complex (e.g., pie charts, Chernoff faces). As they demonstrated, the more complex the display, the less accurate people are in discriminating differences in values. For example, whereas some investigators have suggested that we report multiple test results by representing each as a different feature in a drawing of a human face (a Chernoff face) and varying their sizes or shapes according to the magnitudes of the result, discriminating the differences in the sizes and shapes of facial features is perceptually complex. The user must remember the meaning of each feature, and irrelevant variations in one feature can bias judgments about another (9). Thus, despite claims that such displays are more memorable, empirical evidence suggests we generally should avoid them and choose simpler methods (8). Coding. Further to reduce quantitative data, people often remember them only qualitatively. They mentally “code” data as changes from a reference point-e.g., as above or below normal, more or less than expected, etc. (5). Unfortunately, they may choose reference points improperly, by comparing laboratory findings with the normal range for an inappropriately general population. For example, failure to consider sex in using the hematocrit to regulate blood transfusion and similar omissions are discussed in reference 1. To correct such errors, we commonly normalize reference values with respect to age, sex, lean body mass, etc. Still other forms of coding may involve comparing different test results and noting whether or not inequalities occur-e.g., is LDH 1> LDH 2? Many common clinical heuristics take this form. If enough prior data points are available, we may even consider the patient’s own past average of results. Because patients often have different homeostatic set points regulating their own normal values, recomputing the normal range based on previous results, when feasible, may avoid erroneous judgments about the significance of change (1). Another common problem in coding results as normal or abnormal arises from the problem of multiple testing. Obviously, the likelihood of an abnormal test result for a normal individual is not merely .05 (the frequency for an individual test) but depends on the number of tests done. If we perform 20 independent tests, the likelihood of a falsepositive rises to .64. Thus the question arises: should we alter the normal range on the basis of the number of tests involved to ensure that the likelihood of an abnormal result from a normal patient still remains below some threshold (e.g., .05)? (This could be done automatically, with computer lab. data displays, and perhaps with the Bonferroni inequalCLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 32, No. 8, 1986 1511 ity or, ideally, methods considering inter-test correlations) (10). Such a correction might have disadvantages, when physicians are accustomed to working with standard normal ranges for a common battery of tests; however, an adjustment in the normal range might be advisable in less common cases, especially when a large number of tests are done. If used to supplement rather than replace traditional reporting methods, this could help the physician “see” the data in another perspective. It could also diminish the frequency of unnecessary repeat tests to rule out false positives. Grouping. Humans also perceptually edit data by crudely separating or grouping them (11). However, this can prove difficult if data are improperly arranged. To illustrate, try to identify the letter F in Figure 2a and 2b. People are much slower and less accurate in Figure 2a because the letter F is not separated from the other group of symbols as it is in Figure 2b (11); in the first panel they must examine details within the group to see the letter. b. 1+1- + F FIg. 2. The perceptual effects of grouping abstract symbols(adapted from 24): a, distinctive element (F) displayed together with others;b, distinctiveelementdisplayedseparately Potassium Similarly, when laboratory reports are not properly grouped in a patient’s chart, we may miss related or unusual findings. However, we can mechanically rearrange the data to make perception easier. For example, Connelly et al. (3) developed a computer system to automatically group related findings such as results of renal- or liver-function tests. We can also regroup related results at an even more detailed level. To illustrate, suppose we intentionally disorganize a panel of renal function tests in the system Connelly developed (Figure 3a). Here, the synchronous patterns for serum urea nitrogen and serum creatinine are almost indiscernible. However, rearranging the related elements in a single row or column (Figure 3b) helps us to seemuch more readily the pattern correlations.-the improvements in renal function (urea and creatinine) synchronously with the declining potassium.’ Elsewhere, Connelly et al. (3) provided similar examples showing synchronous increases in urea nitrogen and creatinine, suggesting a renal rather than pre-renal cause. We notice related trends much more easily with such arrangements because perception naturally flows acrossa single row or column, or in some other continuous linear direction, as previously illustrated in Figure 2. Recognition. At a later stage of perception, we often must recognize less-obvious findings, such as changes in a patient’s condition. This, however, may require the ability to ignore irrelevant similarities and focus attention on differences in successive test results. Because this is a difficult task for unaided perception, especially when irrelevancies are prominent (12), assistance may be needed. ‘This example is intended only to illustrate the perceptual effects ofgrouping, not to advocatethat we alwaysgroupanalysesmeasuring the same function. In some cases the clinician may wish to group tests from different organs to examine their associations. Bicarbonate Bicarbonate Creatinine BUN Chloride BUN Chloride Sodium Potas slum Fig. 3. Effectof grouping methods on information conveyed(adaptedfrom2): a (left sixgraphs),disorganizedpanelofkidneyfunctiontest profiles; b (lightsix graphs),the same panel,with related profiles linearlyorganized 1512 CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 32, No. 8, 1986 For example, Figure 4 (top and middle) shows that patterns with similar shapes on successivedays may be scarcely distinguishable. However, by subtracting the raw values on day 1 from those on day 2 and thus removing the similar pattern features, an important change is clearly apparent: a statistically significant increase in LDH 1, often evidence of recurrent acute myocardial infarction. Thus, even when a characteristic sign of myocardial infarction (LDH 1 > LDH 2) escapes notice in the daily patterns, it may become obvious when the change between them is emphasized (ILDH 1 > LDH 2 in Figure 4, bottom). Such subtraction could, of course, be misleading when analytical variability is high, but when it is justified (e.g., when the differences are statistically significant), it could eliminate irrelevant similarities that distract us from important differences in successiveresults. Thus, it relieves the human mind of a difficult editing task. isoenzyme DAY 1 500 ISOENZYME CONCENTRATIONS U/L Transformations other than subtraction might also help eliminate irrelevancies and clarify subtle differences. Displaying ratios, logarithms, reciprocals, or other transformations can, in theory, remove irrelevant curvilinear features of patterns in time plots of serial results (similar to those shown in Figure 3). Reciprocal transformationshave been advocated to linearize patterns for serial determinations of plasma creatinine, soas to distinguish changes due to renaltransplant rejection (12). Unfortunately, patients are often too heterogeneous for any single transformation method to linearize patterns for all of them; choosing a transformation (e.g., a logarithm rather than a reciprocal) after the data have been obtained would be unreasonable and could lead to spurious results (missing a rejection when it occursor seeing one when it does not). Thus these methods have often had limited utility in practice. Other transformations, however, that assume less about the homogeneity of patients can minimize irrelevant changes or highlight important ones. For example, weighted averages of serial tests sometimes can remove short-term variability and help detect long-term trends (14). Conversely, a summation of successive results may quickly detect important short-term changes (15). Even altering the measurement scale to “fill” the graph, as shown in Figure 3 and as is done automatically 0 1 2 3 4 LDH ISOENZYMES (1-5) DAY 2 500 ISOENZYME CONCENTRATIONS U/L 0 1 2 3 LDH ISOENZYMES 4 5 (1-5) 50 CHANGE ISOENZYME CONCENTRATiONS U/L IN 0 1 2 3 4 LDH ENZYMES (1-5) Fig.4. Organization of information to facilitaterecognitionof changes: LDH isoenzymeon day 1 (top)and day 2 (middle) and the changein isoenzyme concentrations fromday 1 to day 2 (boltom) in computer graphing systems, can magnify trends in serial tests. Unfortunately, this attempt to highlight important changes can also accentuate irrelevant ones. For example, the variations in serum sodium (see Figure 3) appear large only because the scale is considerably expanded. Thus, the choice of scale and transformation method requires a careful balancing of the risks of false positives and false negatives. The choice of appropriate scales or transformations may also be influenced by the need to detect relationships between graphs (see Figure 3) as well as changes within a particular graph. Because different tests naturally have different means and variabilities, some changes may appear more salient than others, even when this conclusion is not warranted. Equalizing the error ranges in Figure 3 is one way to overcome this problem. Standardizing different tests (subtracting their means and dividing by their standard errors) also can aid comparisons and sometimes improve interpretation (16). Overall, the issue of which scale to choose is a complex one. We should try to strike a balance between different communication goals, depending on the clinical problems likely to occur. Any single simplistic principle (e.g., “always change the scale to fill up the graph”) is likely to fail. Also, when a single graph (as in Figure 3) cannot satisfy all the requirements simultaneously, separate ones (individual and joint plots) may be preferred. Segregation. Beyond recognizing changes due to a single disease or event (e.g., transplant rejection), sometimes we must detect co-existing disorders. Often we intuitively attempt to segregate their effects, trying to decide which individual diseases have caused the observed test abnormalities and to what extent. Unfortunately, in complex cases with failures of multiple organ systems, the effects of one disorder may conceal those of another (17). Thus, when possible, methods that mechanically segregate the effects of separate diseases may be useful. To illustrate how co-existing diseases may be overlooked, supposewe construct four different LDH isoenzyme profiles: one by graphing their normal mean activity concentrations, another by adding a contribution from the heart, another by CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 32, No. 8, 1986 1513 - 100 a b. MEAN 100 MEAN + LIVER 100 B Mean + U/L U/L LDH 2 Heart U/L 50 50 - 0, 0 LDH lso.nzyme C. I 0 I .Dll I 50 100 2 (1-5) 3 LDH Isoenzyme d. MEAN + HEART + LIVER 100 4 5 (1-5) MEAN + HEART ii 1 U/L WL U/L FIg. 5. Constructionof the four LDH lsoenzyme profiles The snows notethat,to the normalmean values(pointA) we add a contilbution from the heart,which has high LDH 1 and lowLDH 2 (point C).To thiswealso add a conhibutionfrom liver, which has low LD 1 and high LD 2 (point C). The arrowsfrom A to B and B to C representa similarsequenceof addthons,but In reverseorder(fIrsta contiibutlonfromthe liver andthenonefromthe heart) includingone from the liver, and a final one by adding a contribution from both organs, according to the reported proportions of isoenzymes in these tissues (18). (The graph in Figure 5 illustrates this construction method for two isoenzymes, but the conclusions that follow apply to all five.) Such profiles actually do occur in patients with acute myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, or coexisting diseases (myocardial infarction complicatedby congestive heart failure). Suppose next we ask: in theory, how easy to distinguish should these profiles be-for example, how easy should it be to detect co-existing disorders (to distinguish their proffle from the normal one)? The answer is that, statistically, profiles for co-existing diseases and for normal values are further apart (see Figure 5) and so they clearly should differ more than the other pair of proffles (heart alone and liver alone). In fact, this is true for any proportions of contributions representing different severities of congestive heart failure and acute myocardial infarction, and virtually any common measure of similarity.2 So, when we display the entire set of LDH proffles (as in Figure 6), it should be easier to distinguish coexisting disorders (6c) from normal results (6a) than to distinguish individual abnormalities from the heart (Gd) and from the liver (6b). Curiously, however, our perceptions of the actual proffles so constructed seem to violate the predictions of statistical theory. The pair we expected to be less similar (Figure Ga and 6c) appear more similar, and the pair we expected to be more similar (Figures 6b and Gd) look quite different. In the latter pair, our attention naturally focuses on their obvious dissimilarities in shape (due to the LDH “flip,” LDH 1 >2, characteristic of acute myocardial infarction, in the heart profile, and the increased proportion of LDH 5, characteristic of liver abnormalities, in the other). However, in the 2This holds true in five dimensions (although only two are pictured in Figure 5) for any proportions of contributions from the liver or heart, representingdifferent seventies of congestive heart failure and acute myocardial infarction, and according to an infinite variety of statistical distance measures-Eudidean, city block, or any Miskowski metric (19) with a parameter between zero and infinity. It alsois true for the Mahalanobis distance, computed from the data in reference20. 1514 CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 32, No. 8, 1986 2 3 LDH Ieoenzyme 4 (1-5) 5 0 1 2 3 LDH lsoenzvme 4 (1-5) 5 FIg. 6. Actual data from the four LDH isoenzymeprofileswhose construction was illustratedin Figure5 combined proffle (Figure Gc), the liver contributions mask those of the heart; by increasing LDH 1 relative to LDH 2, they prevent the LDH ffip. Thus the combined proffle (Figure 6c) resembles the normal profile (Figure Ga). This similarity, however, is an illusion. The similar shapes of the profiles first catch our eyes and distract us from theirstatistically importantdifferences (the graph in Figure Gc is elevated compared with that of Figure Ga). Indeed, with traditionally reported proportions or electrophoretic proffles (as in Figure la), even this difference would vanish. To remove this illusion, my colleagues and I have developed a method to estimate the separate contribution from each organ (20). We first defined five isoenzymatically similar types of organs by means of a cluster analysis. We then estimated (by solving a system of linear equations or by regression analysis) the unknown amounts that each “type” of organ contributed to the total LDH. A detailed description of this method can be found in a separate paper in this same issue (20). Illustrative example. Figure 7 demonstrates the application of this technique to the data of a patient admitted with clinical and laboratory evidence of myocardial infarction. 3Although bar graphs as in Figure lb might clarify differences between Figures 6a and c, they have their own drawbacks.Cleveland and McGill (8) have pointed out that the longerthe bars, the more difficult it is to distinguish differences within a profile (e.g., between the isoenzymes1-5 within Figure 6a or 6c). Sobar graphs might help correctone problem, but would create another. They alsowould not elucidatethe sourcesof the abnormalities in Figure & (heart and liver). Moreover,evenif point graphs (e.g.,Figures 6a and c) are suboptimal, they are often usedin automatedsystemsfor graphing laboratory data (e.g., Figures 3a and b); thus our example serves to illustrate serious problemswith thesecommonerformsof display. Failure to use the same scalesfor the axes or merely reporting isoenzyme percentages, as laboratories sometimes do, further compounds these problems. Chest patn Recurrent Mittat Chest putniolia pain iI1SLII 1 ficiency y edema 14 Death ‘i’ .1. 1. LDH2 lsoenzymes LDH A\ATAW LDH 1 DATA (1-5) LDH3 100 LDH5 LDH4 0 1 2 3 4 0 5 TIME (days) 1 2 3 4 5 TIME (days) Fig.7. Interpretivedisplay of changes in serial LDH isoenzymes in a patient with mitral prolapse (a)Rawdata(uncorrectedactualactivitiesof LDHisoenzymesinserum).(b) Display ofestimatesofthe amounts oftotalLDH(fromthe datains) attributabletoseparate dustersof organs(the arrowsin b (unlabeled)referto the samedinical eventsdescribedat the corresponding timesin a) Two days after admission, this patient developed recurrent chest pain and clinical signs of mitral valve prolapse, including pulmonary edema. Subsequently, he underwent surgery for coronary artery bypass with mitral valve replacement, had cardiac respiratory failure, and died. The right side of the graph showing the organ contributions clearly indicates that most of the LDH came from the heart, liver, and lungs (or from iso-enzymatically similar organs). Interestingly, the increases in lung and liver LDH clearly mirror the development of congestive heart failure after mitral prolapse. From the raw data, the pathologist noted possible liver abnormalities, because of the increase in LDH 5, but failed to consider lung congestion. More importantly, clear evidence of recurrent infarction appears in the transformed data from the last three days (Figure 7b). The clinical staff considerd re-infarction unlikely because the electrocardiographic and clinical findings (chest pain relieved by nitroglycerin) were ambiguous, there was no report of creatine kinase MB4 isoenzyme, and there was no new LDH 1:2 flip (LDH 1 > LDH 2). Undoubtedly, the lung and liver contributions increased LDH 2 relative to LDH 1 and prevented the flip. The estimates of separate organ contributions, however, clearly reveal the previously hidden heart abnormalities.5 The validity of this transformation was confirmed by autopsy, which revealed evidence of a new infarction in the anterior papillary muscle, undoubtedly the cause of the mitral prolapse. An experimental test of this new method with 73 patients in the intensive-care unit also revealed 4Actually the CK MB was never determined because the total CK activity was not high enough to fractionate the isoenzymes.A closer inspection of the data revealed, in fact, the presenceof a recurrent peak in the total CK, but this was overlooked by the clinical staff. 5Because erythrocyte isoenzyme proportions are similar to those from the heart, we might have also consideredhemolysis(e.g., hemolytic anemia) as a potential source of LDH abnormalities. However,no evidencesupportedthis (the patient was notanemic). gains in the detection of acute myocardial infarction and other disorders (such as pulmonary embolism). We performed a split-half cross-validation, taking half of the cases, determining the optimal threshold based on discriminant analysis, and applying it to the other half of the cases to determine sensitivity and specificity. The order of analysis was then reversed and the results from both analyses were summed to calculate overall sensitivity and specificity. The result was that, for the detection of acute MI, the test had 98% sensitivity and 100% specificity. It significantly outperformed unaided pathologists’ judgments and accepted indices (LDH 1:2, LDH 1, total LDH, LDH 1:total LDH) for interpretation of LDH isoenzymes (20). Moreover, the cases in which this approach did better were almost always ones in which other diseases or complications concealed the effects of acute myocardial infarction. Thus, the uncovering of hidden disorders by estimating separate organ contributions was not isolated to the case in Figure 7 but appeared useful for other patients as well. A full discussion of the methodology and its empirical validation is beyond the scopeof this paper but is reported in the next paper (20). Discussion I have discussed human psychological limitations at different stages of perception, and have suggested possible methods for displaying laboratory data to attenuate these vulnerabilities. Natural psychological editing skills serve as a model for many of the methods. We can speculate about how and when each may be useful. Filtering and simplification techniques seem the most likely to be applied first, because they are the first steps naturally required to perceive important results and their use does not omit important information; they could be used routinely in laboratory reports or computer displays. Depending on the context, humans may naturally switch between other editing mechanisms, such as coding and grouping (21), which might be best used interactively through computer displays (2, 3). WIth these, any data CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 32, No. 8, 1986 1515 temporarily suppressed or condensed could easily be retrieved. Recognition methods, such as rescaling or subtracting serial results, probably should apply when more subtle distinctions are critical or are most likely to be obscured. For example, we may need to rescale results in routine reports to communicate the impression of change more forcefully when serum constituents are tightly regulated. An interactive computer system might even be programmed to display changes automatically when they are most likely to be obscured-e.g., when two successive multivariate proffles (as in Figures 4a and b) are highly correlated or perceptually similar by other standards. Similar principles could guide use of segregated displays like the estimates of organspecific LDH, but only under special circumstances, when appropriate methodologies exist. Inevitably, in the presence of noise there is a tradeoff concerning what differences (or segregated components) should be reported. Statistical tests of their significance, perhaps weighted by their clinical importance, should help guide their selection. Most importantly, the physicians themselves (who, rather than pathologists, are more likely to be the end users of the data) must decide what displays are needed for patient management and must have some flexibility in choosing them. Display needs may vary in different settings. In intensive care, with serious time constraints, for example, physicians may need simpler, more familiar forms of test display (perhaps even numeric rather than graphic). Also, a physician actively searching for expected informationmay require different forms of editing than one who is passively receiving unexpected findings. The clinician’s needs may also differ depending on whether the data are for monitoring patients or for diagnosis. In the latter case, clinical priorities for the display of information should center on the clinician’s diagnostic hypotheses. Such methods require extensive knowledge of disease-finding relationships, as embodied in artificial intelligence systems. In a future paper I will discuss a system that provides further editing mechanisms based on hypotheses, whereby the clinician selects, at a terminal, different segments of a data set on the basis of various hypotheses. Clearly, further research is needed to answer many other questions and to refine the guidelines just presented. Studies must determine when the benefits of adding edited displays to the raw data outweigh the increased information burdens they create. We must also -ask whether new displays produce patterns with unclear relevance or eliminate information needlessly; in some cases, redundant information may actually improve human judgment (1, 8). Editing may also be less useful for physicians with more expertise or for those more familiar with a case (e.g., consultants vs house staff) (12). Given that natural perceptual editing techniques appear to change with increased expertise or familiarity (22,23), different physicians may require different degrees of prior simplification. Once we better understand the skills of specialists in editing complex patterns of laboratory data, we may even discover new, more effective strategies. By modeling and applying these refined expert editing skills to data, we may seenew information that is informative even to the experts themselves. I thank David Chou, Hang-Yat Tam, G. S. Kumar, Timothy Clark, StephenPowell, and Robert Galen for their comments and assistance. This research was supported in part by grants LM04132, 1516 CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 32, No. 8, 1988 LM03306 and LM04086 from the National Library ofMedicine. Dr. Politser is recipient of NIH Research Career DevelopmentAward LMOO8Ofrom the National Library of Medicine. References 1. Politser PE. Decision analysis and clinical judgement: a reevaluation. 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