Asian Women: How to Meet Asian Girls to Date by: Christopher Quinn Contents 1. Let’s Get Started 2. Types of Asian Women 3. Meet Asian Women Here in the U.S. 4. Find Asian Women in Their Own Countries 5. Travel to the Various Countries 6. Internet Based Dating Sites to Meet Asian Women 7. The Best Plan to Guarantee Meeting an Asian Lady 8. How I Met My Beautiful Japanese Wife 9. Closing Thoughts… 10. About the Author 11. Other Books worth Reading 12. Other Books by the Author All rights reserved © Christopher Quinn 2013 Visit: Asian Women: How to Meet Asian Girls to Date If you are like me, which I think you are otherwise you would not have purchased this report, you truly are very attracted to Asian women! However, unlike me, you have had very little experience in meeting and successfully dating truly beautiful Asian ladies. I would have to say that the vast majority of women I have dated and had significant relationships with over the majority of my adult life have been Asian. Being in my early fifties now I have only been involved with perhaps two or three non-Asians during my 30+ year dating history. Currently I am married to a very beautiful lady from Japan whom happens to be not only beautiful and sexy but has a very fun personality to boot! I should say that the first time I saw her in her bikini I was in awe of her sexy small framed body while at the same time enjoying her sense of humor as we enjoyed a beautiful sun filled day at Waikiki beach. Meeting Asian women is not all that difficult if you know where to look and how to act. I have dated A LOT of Asian women over my years and know just about every conceivable way to go about meeting them so a possible relationship could ensue. And trust me when I say this… it is much easier than you think! My list of “types” of Asian ladies I have dated includes ladies from Vietnam, Japan, China, Philippines, Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore. And I can assure you they were all very sexy and exotic! As a matter of fact you would be very hard pressed to find many Asian ladies who are not slim, attractive and very sincere. But your question is: How do I go about meeting a beautiful Asian woman? Well, you selected the right report to purchase as we will go in to detail on how you can go about meeting a lady from the orient. As a matter of fact we will show you ways to meet an exotic Asian woman close to where you live, or as far away as the country she may originate from. There will be no better resource anywhere to get you pointed in a solid direction in your efforts to meet and date a woman of your dreams. We will give some very solid resources, locations and advice as to how to achieve your end goal of being with a special lady from Asia. So grab a cup of coffee, sit back and start reading this “no fluff” report so you can begin your journey of dating that special lady! We kept this report short, concise and very informative as we understand your time is very limited. Please let my 30+ years of dating Asian ladies be your guide as you read this report; and it is our hope that you sincerely take the information contained within its pages to be successful in your pursuit of the perfect woman. Let’s Get Started! The last time you encountered an incredibly exotic and beautiful Asian girl was at your local shopping mall and she was the sales clerk who helped your sister in selecting a sweater. You were mesmerized by this incredibly beautiful woman who was probably only 20 years old and would never know you even existed if it were not for you paying for this purchase. How depressing is that!? On more than one occasion you have found yourself cruising Internet porn leering at the sexy Japanese girls performing crazy sex acts. It has gotten to the point where even at work you go to various websites just to look at pictures of bikini clad oriental girls sitting in sexy poses on tropical beaches. That is, until your boss found out and he disabled your internet access. Bummer! The one Asian girl that you came close to dating was back in junior high school; but, her parents were not all that enthusiastic about her spending time with a non-Chinese boy. Bummer again! Now you find yourself in your mid-thirties and it has come time for you to do something about your desire to date a girl who is from the orient. The problem is very simple: you live in Bangor, Maine or Corpus Christi, Texas… Certainly not hot spots for sexy Asian girls! How does a well-adjusted American guy meet a beautiful Asian girl if there are no Asian girls within 500 miles of his home? Good question! And… we have the answer! But first let’s go into some details about Asian women so you have a more in depth understanding of who they are and why you are so darn attracted to them. Types of Asian Women I have dated all kinds of women from Asian countries. Women from Japan, China, Singapore… You name it and I probably have had a date with a lady from that country. What is interesting is that each country has its own very unique culture, and with that comes different expectations the women will have when dating (or courting) men they choose to be with. If I were to be asked which of these women are the most beautiful I would be very hard pressed to come to an answer. On one day I may have a preference for the golden brown skinned Filipina. On the next day I may have a more compelling interest in a cosmopolitan girl from Tokyo. And then on a third day may prefer an academic lady from China. While each of these countries have their own unique cultures when it comes down to brass-tacks a woman is still a woman. No matter if they are born in Seoul Korea or Manila Philippines! Deep down they have the same desires of having a strong man in their lives in order to create a family. They also all have the same common thread of being very family oriented, thus stay in constant contact with their parents and siblings. Women from China are the most prevalent Asian women in the United Sates. The reason for this is that back in the mid-1800s Chinese men were brought to the United Sates to become laborers, most notably, working on the intercontinental railroad that bridged the east with the west. Just about every city of note here in the US has a China town. This is where you will find very industrious Chinese families building businesses and growing large families. Chinese women are the most exotic of the group in my opinion due to their history and culture that spans thousands of years. I can still remember Wei ling, a young lady I dated for several months who was from Beijing. She was a grad student studying optical engineering when I met her. She was extremely smart, spoke five languages, had the most beautiful face that was outlined by silky jet black hair… and was fitness buff to boot. Filipinas are the most innocent of the group in that they come from very religious families (Catholic) and are more likely to “court” before getting serious with any one guy. Having dated quite a few Filipina’s you must be aware of the fact that when you date a Filipina you will also be dating their family. If you should get married to a Filipina you will be her number one priority as she will see the family you two create as being her sole purpose in life to support. And let’s not forget that some Filipinas are extremely beautiful and sexy! Don’t believe me? Then just Google image the term “pretty Filipinas” and you will see what I am talking about here. Japanese women are the most popular of the group as they are from a wealthy country, thus they have money to burn that enables them to travel the world. Most Japanese women desire to marry a western man (you!) because relationships with Japanese men tend to be very clinical and not very satisfying. Of all the Asian ladies, the woman from Japan is the most eager to date an American man. She will go out of her way to seek out a mate that can be a partner worthy of introducing to her parents. As a matter of fact Japanese women often travel to the US and Europe with the sole purpose of meeting a man to marry. But before you get all excited about this prospect you need to be aware of the type of man Japanese women tend to want as boyfriends and marriage partners: the man must be someone who can take care of them financially to accommodate the lifestyle they feel they deserve. If you are raising your eyebrows at that last sentence you are not alone. You see, women from Japan have very high standards in that they expect to be stay at home wives as the husband works and earns an income to allow for a high quality of life for their family. If the man cannot provide financially then she will quickly lose interest in him and start living emotionally distant from him… even though they may still be married. Korean women can be very sexy and cosmopolitan. If you have ever had a chance to watch Korean dramas you will easily see why many men watch them - the actresses are all STUNNING and EXOTIC! The Korean population here in the US is very business oriented as they are very much like the Chinese and build businesses to support their family units. You will not encounter many mixed relationships when it comes to men dating Korean women as for some reason, from what I have witnessed, there seems to be less of an acceptance of non-Koreans dating a Korean lady. Just like the Japanese woman Korean women have a tendency to be somewhat financially selfish and not givers in the relationship. Having had many guy friends who dated Korean women very few would ever do it again due to the very selfish nature of these women. Ladies from Singapore, Hong Kong and Vietnam are not going to be much of a focus of this report as they are few and far between in efforts to encounter them for dating. Having dated ladies form these countries the one that stood out for me was the Singapore Airline Stewardess whom I met while I was shopping for ties at Macy’s one day. To say she was beautiful is an extreme understatement. She was tall, had a very sexy English accent, was very sensual and had the most alluring almond shaped eyes. Wow! Whenever she would fly into Honolulu we would have several days to spend together before she would fly off again to Europe or Canada. Needless to say after six months of this type of “relationship” she got posted to another route and that was the end of our time together. Bummer yet again! Meet Asian Women Here in the U.S. You may not believe this but it is easy to meet an Asian lady right here in the United States; after all, this country is built from immigrants from all over the world, which includes Japan, Korea and China! But where in the US are these pretty ladies to be found? Is it difficult to locate and engage in conversation with them? Good questions to ask and with a little ingenuity and hard work you can probably discover Asian ladies living in your immediate area! And let’s not forget that once immigrants move to the USA they have a tendency to become westernized very fast, resulting in your ability to approach them almost like any other American girl. Here are my top recommendations of where to meet a sexy Asian woman here in the US: Ethnic Restaurants: This should be the most obvious place to meet women of a certain national origin. Just about every town across America has a Chinese Restaurant or two. Then, with small cities (or larger) there would be not only Chinese restaurants but Korean, Japanese and Vietnamese restaurants. At these restaurants you will find young ladies who are from these countries working as counter help, servers and hostesses. Want to find a beautiful Vietnamese lady? Then frequent the local Vietnamese restaurant on a regular basis and start a conversation with one of the ladies working in the establishment. It’s that simple! Language Classes: Depending on where you live there will be schools and universities that offer classes on Japanese, Chinese, and Tagalog etc... Enroll in a class as chances are the instructor will be from that country. However, before doing so make sure your instructor is female. Get to know the instructor and she will be able to get you pointed in a good direction as to where the ladies from her country reside in your particular area. Also, if you live in an area where there are large populations of Asian people, for example San Francisco or Honolulu, some language schools will always be looking for teachers to teach English. I have known numerous guys here in Hawaii who did just that and used this teaching position to meet and date some very sexy Japanese girls! China Towns/Little Tokyo areas of your city: I don’t care where you are from just about every city of note has a China Town of sorts. Some of these very same cities even have Japan towns or “Little Tokyo” areas. Find these areas within your city and spend some time in them. Eat at their restaurants, purchase items from their stores and shops, talk to the barbers and flirt with the waitresses… you get my drift. After a while you will become very familiar with the area and people; and from there hopefully start to develop friendships that could lead to meeting a sexy Chinese girl! A word of caution here: don’t make it obvious you are there to meet a lady to date. Be genuine with your intentions to know the people, culture and businesses… and from there it will be just a matter of time where you will be accepted into the community, thus making it much easier to meet a nice lady. Museums: If your town or city does not have a museum then it is time to move. Seriously! Culture, history and the arts converge at all museums making them the most interesting places to meet interesting people. They also happen to be an excellent place to meet Asian women! Take any Saturday and go to three or four museums in your area and scout them for the number of Asian women who may be working at each museum. Chances are there will be some very attractive Chinese ladies working at one of them as ladies from China are very focused on their educations with many Museums working hand in hand with the local universities in providing work study programs for grad students. Once you have identified a museum with a number of pretty Asian ladies working the site then all you need to do is register to volunteer at this particular museum yourself! By volunteering you will have an opportunity to get to know many of these ladies and hopefully get acquainted enough to ask one them out on a date! Certain Types of Businesses & Careers: I am sure you have noticed that certain businesses are owned and operated by specific ethnic groups. We already discussed the restaurant option listed above, which is a no brainer to meet women. But, how about various businesses in your own area? Do you notice certain nationalities working in various businesses in your city? Who owns and operates the local dry cleaning establishments? How about the House Cleaning businesses? Or the bakeries? Do some type of research and recon to see if there are opportunities to meet a pretty lady through these businesses. Not only businesses but certain careers attract more Asians than others. I have noticed that accounting, engineering, medicine and science have large populations of Asian women working in these professions! Somehow get in front of these professional women via your job or side business in hopes of starting some sort of dialogue with them. Large Concentration of Asians: All medium to large cities have a good number of Asians residing within their city limits. However two cities seem to have the most robust number of Asians by far! These two cities are Honolulu and San Francisco. Plan a trip to one of these cities and spend some time within the areas most frequented by pretty Asian ladies. These would be restaurants after work and bars and nightclubs on the weekends. Also consider trying some of the above mentioned places where Asian ladies would normally congregate when visiting these two cities and you will have more women to select from than you can shake a stick at! Graduate Schools: The one place to find a high concentration of Asian ladies is at your local university. Most notably there will be Chinese women who are pursuing their Ph.D.’s in some sort of science or engineering major. Japanese and Filipinas seldom pursue graduate degrees so there will be very few of these two types the women found on campus. One day perhaps you and a friend of yours could go exploring the local university campus and spend some time in the university libraries. Un-doubtfully you will encounter a good number of Chinese ladies entrenched in their studies on a late Saturday afternoon! I cannot think of a better opportunity to meet a sexy and well educated Asian lady than this! Cultural events/indigenous activities: if you have any interest at all in martial arts perhaps exploring the various dojos in your local city. Quite often there will be Asian women who practice these self-defense arts as this is part of their indigenous culture. For example to meet a woman from Japan you could explore judo, aikido or karate. For the possibility of meeting a Chinese woman you would explore tai chi. And for a Korean woman you would take a tae kwon do class. Fairly simple, right? In many large metropolitan areas there will be cultural centers that focus on the particular culture of any given country. Here in Honolulu there is a Japanese cultural center, a Chinese cultural plaza along with numerous Korean cultural activities available just about every weekend. These particular places and events are very fertile grounds to meet and potentially date very attractive Asian women. Finding Asian Women in Their Own Countries Sometimes the easiest way to meet the type of women you are seeking to meet is to travel around the globe in pursuit of that perfect Asian lady. I do know of numerous men who have done just that. Some have been very successful in this endeavor while others have had their hopes dashed and their hearts broken. Tours: if you are looking to meet a woman from a certain country there is a very high probability that there is a marriage tour for you to travel and meet ladies within these countries. The most popular tours over the past 30 plus years have dealt with meeting Filipino women. What is good about these various tours is that you travel with other like-minded men who have the same goal in mind. This then becomes a shared experience where new friendships form along with the possibility of a new romantic relationship involving one of the young ladies you may meet on these various marriage tours. The one thing you may want to think about before deciding on going this route is the cost, along with the very real possibility of spending a very short period of time with the lady you meet only for you to go back to the United States and not see her again for possibly many months. Then there is the cost associated with going on such a tour along with the need for a passport and potentially more time than your current employer may allow for you to be away from your job. If memory serves me correctly some of these marriage tours can cost as much as $5000 plus lodging and airfare. Ouch! Introduction Services: almost all Asian countries that have services that provide personal introductions to prescreened ladies for you to meet. These companies do not provide any type of tour but do provide a venue for you and the lady to meet to see if there would be any mutual interest. There are several high quality introduction services based out of Japan that specialize in introducing western men to Japanese women. All you need to do is to make your travel arrangements and show up at the introduction service offices and they will get the ball rolling for you. Of course, this is after you have registered to use their service, paid a fairly hefty fee and passed their rigorous background check. But, trust me when I say this, you will be introduced to some of the most lovely ladies you’ll ever meet in your entire life. The money you spend will be well worth it! Going Solo: I know a guy who travels to the orient on a regular basis in an attempt to meet that special lady. He travels to Thailand, Japan and the Philippines at least three times per year. He goes with the hope he will encounter a lady that he will eventually want to marry. Over the past several years he has come close but due to the long distance relationship “thing” it never seems to work out for this guy. If you do decide to go solo and not use a tour, or introduction service, then it would be very wise to plan some sort of strategy to meet women while you are in these countries. You must also understand, with the exception of Japan, most Asian countries are considered third world countries. This means you as a U.S. citizen could be the target for crime; so travel well prepared and well educated as to what to expect regarding your safety. Pen Pals: back about 20 to 30 years ago, long before computers and cell phones, there was this thing called pen pals. This would be where a man could meet a woman through some sort of advertisement, and send via snail mail a letter of introduction and from there correspondence between the two parties hopefully would ensue. With the advent of Internet dating this has somewhat gone away but not entirely. There are a few web based pen pal organizations that still exist and may prove to be more your speed. If you are over the age of 50 you actually may feel more comfortable using a pen pal type of service vs. an internet dating service. Less pressure to form a romantic relationship while at the same time constant and continuous correspondence creates a friendship over time, unlike Internet dating sites where there is the expectation of instant romantic connections. Teaching English: this has to be the best way to meet Asian women bar none! No matter what your age if you were to take just one year and go abroad to teach English in Japan, China or Korea I would almost guarantee that you would come back to the United States a married man. I know of numerous guys, who upon graduating with their newly minted bachelor’s degree, went to Japan to teach English for one or two years. Some of them joined English language schools in Tokyo while others taught English and more rural areas. Without fail the vast majority of these guys no longer have an interest in dating Caucasian women with many of them returning with a Japanese wife. As long as you find an English language school who will sponsor you in the host country you will have a job, a place to live, numerous friends – both Japanese and American, and a ton of very attractive and sexy Japanese girls to select from. If you are 22 years old and just graduated from college then you owe it to yourself to give this a try for one year. Hell, if you are 52, single, in good physical condition and hate your current job then you could do the same thing! Travel to the Country If you are somewhat adventurous perhaps traveling to one of the Asian countries with the hopes of meeting a special lady could be a viable option. Of all the Asian countries that I would feel the safest and not be worried about crime, terrorism or being ripped off Japan would be my one and only choice. My second choice, but a distant second choice, would be Manila, Philippines. The reason I would choose the Philippines is primarily because of the local population being able to speak English. Communication, therefore, is much less of an issue as opposed to the language barrier you will encounter in Japan and all other Asian countries. If I had to make the third choice I would probably select Singapore or Thailand as they also have a larger group of the population who speaks English. Both of these countries are very different from each other in that with Singapore it is a very controlled society with a very aggressive legal system. Thailand on the other hand is much more relaxed and has a reputation in regards to sex tourism. Passport: Make sure your passport is current and you have any and all necessary legal stuff out of the way so you will have no issues entering the country you intend to visit. Accommodations: Select accommodations where other Americans have stayed. This will ensure there is an English speaking staff who can be of assistance to you when need help in navigating the lay of the land. Embassy: be aware of where your embassy is located in the unlikely event you may need assistance from your government! Don’t do this and you are asking for trouble… especially if you are entering a third world country! Use a Tour Company: I recommend this primarily for your safety. These companies will keep you out of harm’s way and help you enjoy your stay. If you use a marriage tour they will also get you in front of ladies who seek to meet and marry western men. Highly advisable for countries such as Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia. Research the Culture and Social Etiquette: Don’t go to a foreign country and not know how to properly interact with the local population! Some very common gestures here in America could easily be considered offensive and rude to the people of Japan or the Philippines. Do your research and become very informed before you take your trip abroad. Internet Based Dating Sites to Meet Asian Women Go online and Google the topic of “Japanese dating sites” or “meet an Asian girl” and you will come up with a TON of websites where you can meet women from all over Asia. To help you get the ball rolling here is a short list of websites that you may want to explore. Also, please take some time and search out other websites as this is only a very short list! Asian dating sites: Japan Chinese Korean Filipinas Marriage Tours - Filipinas Japan Introduction Agencies The Best Plan to Guarantee Meeting a Sexy Asian Lady If I were still single, knowing what I know now, here is exactly what I would do if I truly wanted to meet a sexy Asian lady to eventually marry. Keep in mind that I have dated a lot of Asian ladies over the years to the point that I cannot recall ever dating a Caucasian woman in over 30 years! Very nice! Often I am asked the question of “how do I go about meeting a woman from Japan?”. I personally find Japanese ladies to be the best of all the Asian women. They are often well educated, very sexy, rarely overweight and focus on taking care of their families. They also have a tendency to be somewhat submissive in the relationship, BUT only if you are a man who can provide for his family. If you are somewhat of a beta male please do not waste at your and her time pursuing a relationship as she will quickly dominate you once the relationship gains speed. Translation: be a confident Alpha Male who is self-assured and successful. Step one: exhaust all of your resources to meet a woman in your local area. Make a concerted effort to visit places where an attractive Asian woman would likely to be within your own city or town. Step two: do the same for any Internet based dating site. If you have tried this for any period of time with little success of meeting someone then discontinue going down this particular path. Step three: the idea of traveling to a foreign country, whether it be via a tour or going solo just does not appeal to you despite the probability of meeting someone as an end result. The main driver behind not desiring this particular approach is your concern of the language barrier as well as the overall cost and possibility of a long distance relationship (which we all know does not last). Step four: where you currently live there are very few options to meet an Asian lady. This means you will need to look at other areas of the country to locate and meet a woman to date. However, it is very desirable to stay away from any type of long distance relationship. Step five: you have come to the conclusion that you must visit either Honolulu or San Francisco in order to better your chances of meeting an Asian lady. For the sake of discussion we will have you pick Honolulu. Step six: you take two weeks off from work, plan your trip have started corresponding with various ladies who currently reside in Honolulu through the various dating websites found online. This will help you to potentially have ladies already residing in Hawaii aware of you visiting with the hopes of you being able to set up a few lunch dates. Step seven: prior to your arrival in Honolulu you join a match making agency where you will be introduced to ladies from Japan. You are hopeful that you will be introduced to as many as 10 different ladies while you are visiting Oahu. Step eight: upon your arrival in Hawaii you join several social groups via which enables you to meet more local people to fill up your time when you are not meeting ladies from the above mentioned match making agency and dating websites. Step nine: during your two week stay in Hawaii you have met eight different women from the match making agency. You have also met three very nice local ladies through One of the ladies from Japan is very interested in pursuing a relationship with you and during this two week period of time you have spent several days together playing tourist on Oahu. Step ten: congratulations! This lady, upon flying back to Japan, has just sent you an e-mail saying she would like to visit you back in your home town. You are excited about the future potential of this budding relationship. This is the exact process, knowing what I know now, that I often recommend to any guy who seeks to meet an attractive Asian lady in the shortest period of time without the need to travel to a foreign country. If you and I were having a cup of coffee this would be my advice to you. Just follow these 10 steps and within a three month period of time you will have an attractive Asian girlfriend! So, don’t just sit there and wish to find this type of woman at your local bowling alley. They are not there. But if you are willing to take a little bit of a risk and spend a little bit of money to travel to Hawaii or San Francisco and follow the above mentioned 10 steps you will greatly increase your chances of meeting a sexy Asian lady. How I Met My Beautiful Japanese Wife Years ago I followed my own advice and right after college I made a conscious decision to move to Hawaii primarily because of the warm climate, beautiful beaches and the very many sexy Asian ladies. I am being very truthful here. Upon arriving after graduating from college at the age of 26 I immediately started a career position in retail management. If you are not aware of the fact that working retail puts you in direct contact with some very beautiful ladies. Needless to say I took total advantage of this. For a period of 15 years I dated a lot of Asian women! Primarily I met them through various social activities, work, as well as the ever expected night club outings. I can honestly say I dated all nationalities of women who were of Asian descent. Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese. Just as the variety of Asian women that I dated were unique so were the jobs that these women worked. I dated women who were attorneys, nurses, bikini contest babes, entrepreneurs… You get my drift. But as one gets older you desire someone who is not only attractive but also has what you want in a partner. Once you reach the age of 40 the pickings of available women tend to get somewhat slim. Most women in their late thirties are usually divorced with a kid or two. By the time I reached 46 I realized it would be very difficult to find someone to be wife material. Just as I described above I’d turned initially to Internet dating and within a short period of two months I was very displeased with the type of women I was meeting. After some considerable thought I’d decided to investigate an introduction service that catered to Japanese women desiring to meet western men. And, the particular introduction service was located here in Honolulu. Upon joining this introduction service it became very clear that I would meet someone who is not only very attractive but looking for the same things in life I was looking for. Over the following two months I was personally introduced to 16 women… All gorgeous Japanese ladies who had traveled to Hawaii for an opportunity to meet a guy just like me. To make a long story short I selected one of the ladies to eventually have a long term relationship with, of which we are now married and have a nice family. For me , and any single guy over the age of 30, I feel this is probably the best way to meet a very attractive Japanese lady. And this is how I met my wife. My beautiful Asian wife. Closing Thoughts… Based on the information contained in this fairly lengthy report I see no reason why any guy cannot find an attractive Asian lady to date. Whether I was living back in Boston, or Oklahoma or Honolulu I always had an Asian woman as my girlfriend. It truly is up to you to go out and do whatever it takes to get yourself in front of pretty Asian women. If you just stay home and wish you could have a Japanese girlfriend and not be willing to take the steps necessary to make it happen, then more than likely, your entire life is not one that is very interesting or fulfilling. Get off your butt and start writing down what you need to do so you can eventually have that ever so elusive Asian beauty by your side. Now go make it happen! About the Author Christopher Quinn currently resides in Honolulu, Hawaii. He is an active business person and family man who loves Hawaii, its people and the lifestyle only Hawaii can provide. Someone who has always been successful with the ladies he took an active interest years ago as to why certain men were successful in attracting women and why others were not. This report is but a partial piece of the puzzle to help answer that question for men who are still somewhat unsure as to how to go about attracting the women of their dreams. Mr. Quinn has a web site devoted to men’s success with women which offers free information for anyone who should choose to read its hundreds of articles. Other Books on Meeting Asian Women worth Reading How To Date An Asian Woman: How To Consistently Get Beautiful Asian Women To Desire You by: Jeff Becker The Dark Side of Asian Women: What to expect from an Asian Woman before it happens by: Daniel Marques Date Asian Women: the secret guide to getting free sex in Thailand, Philippines, China, South Korea and Japan by: Ron McBalls Other Books by the Author How to Get a Girlfriend: A Guide for the Fat Man by: Christopher Quinn Visit the number one resource for Meeting, Attracting and Dating Beautiful Women! Visit:
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