How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!

How to Create Wealth
Automatically Guaranteed!
The BEST, Easiest way to financial FREEDOM
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Where should you start reading?
Choose your level of experience ...
No experience: You have never looked at wealth creation
systems and ways of creating a passive income.
Start at page 3. We want to show you what is available
and what to watch out for. Empower yourself.
Read to page 24. Then read on if you want to see how
we do it.
Seen some Schemes: You have seen some of the passive
income creating systems available, but have never really
tried your hand at one.
Start at page 12, (Chapter 2) Empower yourself.
Read to page 24. Then read on if you want to see how
we do it.
Tried some things: You have tried one or more systems
and schemes, but have be “burned” or have never really
made more than a few Rand with any of them.
Start at page 12, (Chapter 2) Empower yourself.
Read to page 24. Then read on if you want to see how
we do it.
Experienced: You have been involved with systems to
create wealth and a passive income. You have had
some success, but are open to looking at others.
Start at page 49, (Summary). Also page 59.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Thank you for downloading this report. I am really excited to share this empowering
information with you. The focus of this report is on wealth creation and not on our
products. Although you will get all the information on our products in the summary on
page 51 and 52.
The journey to financial success and freedom is an exciting one. But it needs to be
walked with wisdom and not run at breakneck speed.
13 years of research, trial, error and experience are distilled into this report that will
show you what to avoid and what to look for in a system that will guarantee your
chances at creating a lasting and steady passive income stream.
If you are interested, you will discover a unique, honest, ethical, system, that works,
exceptionally well and will create wealth for you... If you are prepared to do a few
minutes work every day. This system took 24 month to design and perfect.
The information you are about to read will save you hundreds of hours of wasted time
and money. It has the potential to put you in the top 1%of earners in the world.
A passive income stream will offer you incredible financial freedom - the money to do
what you want and the time to do it.
You always have to invest in the beginning (time or money) to create a passive
income. Then you will be paid for the rest of your life. Reading the first half of this
report carefully is your first investment of time to help you start your journey to
creating wealth and financial freedom.
The second part of this report explains our system to you.
You will not find any hype in this report. It is written to empower you and show you how
to create wealth automatically, if you are interested.
Our economy has created huge financial insecurity. You may have a job today, but 6
months from now you may lose it. Now is the time to start creating a passive income. It
will not grow over-night, but in a year or two you will have a constant flow of income,
regardless of whether you have a job or not.
With that, I want to invite you to go on a journey with me, discovering how you can
create your own huge passive income stream automatically.
Arnfried Klein-Werner
Motivator & CEO - Be Motivated Today
Read my CV
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Chapter 1: Ways of Creating a Passive Income
Chapter 2: Keys to Creating Passive Income
Chapter 3: 3 Factors that Guarantee Passive Income
Chapter 4: The Be Motivated Today System
Chapter 5: More Reasons why you will Succeed
Chapter 6: An Exciting Future lies Ahead
Appendix I: Testimonies
Appendix II: Report Summary
Appendix III: Frequently Asked Questions
Appendix IV: Technical Details & Information
PS. Any repetition in the text is intended to remind and reinforce important points.
A recent Jupiter research report found that more than 25% of the people
they studied have cut back on watching TV… so they can spend more time on
the Internet!
According to Forrester research, on-line sales will continue to grow by 11 % in 2009
According to e-marketer research, on-line search marketing will continue to grow by
14.9 %
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Chapter 1
Ways of Creating a Passive Income
Food is up
Petrol is up (if its not, it will be again soon)
Clothes are up
Interest Rates are up (if they're not, they will be again)
Flights are up
Property is up
School fees are up
Salaries are NOT
The cost of living has sky-rocketed and you need more money to live comfortably.
You probably would like to have an extra few THOUSAND Rand per month. But you
don't have the time or energy to earn that extra income.
Passive income is the answer.
Besides the rising cost of living, there are other reasons why you would like to earn an
extra income, and more specifically, passive income.
You would love to make a few hundred or thousand Rand extra every month to
combat the rising cost of living, to spoil yourself or enjoy some extra luxuries,
like: weekends away, a few more romantic dinners, an overseas holiday, more
manicures and massages, or a few more "toys" like a quad bike, jet-ski or a
Perhaps you want to start creating a passive income stream while you are still
holding down a job. Your goal is to get to a point where your passive income
can replace the income from your full-time job. Then you quit your job and can
start pursuing your passion, without having to worry about finances.
If you are a working or single Mom, you would much rather be at home raising
your children. But you have to work to pay all the bills.
Perhaps you are a stay-at-home Mom. You don't need to, or cannot find work,
but simply would love to earn some extra income every month to have more
financial independence.
You would love to quit your job and have financial freedom. Working in a job
may provide a regular income, but most times that income is not enough and
you lose your freedom. You have to do things you don't like to do. Be at the
office at a certain time, take lunch and coffee breaks when you are told, and
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
work late on short notice. Often you are not appreciated, and taken advantage
You are frustrated because you have struggled financially. You are sick and
tired of "being sick and tired". You really want to change your financial future.
You are sick and tired of:
Living in debt
Worrying about your financial future
Not having money at the end of the month
Not being able to spoil yourself whenever you want to
Working for a boss
Having to leave your children in day-care all day while you fight the traffic
and your job
• Not enjoying overseas travel
You want to develop a passive-income to provide for your retirement, because
you realize that you have not saved enough to adequately cover your
retirement needs.
Lastly, you would like to earn some extra money, but don't have time to start a
business or the money to invest huge capital. You need something requiring
very little effort and low overheads.
Perhaps you can identify with one or more of the above situations. You are looking for
something that will take you to another financial level.
When you earn enough extra income from passive-income streams, you still have
time for other important things.
Creating a passive-income stream, will give you more money and the time to do the
things you want to do. But above all it will radically improve your lifestyle without
having to work more hours.
What is Passive Income
A passive income is an income that is not related to your efforts. In other words,
earning money without having to directly work for it. With passive income, the
income keeps rolling in, whether you work or not.
In "Rich Dad Poor Dad", Robert Kiyosaki explains that if you want to be financially
secure you have to develop many passive-income streams. As long as your income
is dependent on your efforts, you are always at risk. If your company retrenches you,
you have no more income.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
To have a passive income you have to invest (time or money) in the beginning,
and then you will be paid for it for the rest of your life.
Of course, you have to invest in something that will provide a continuous income. I
have learned from hard experience what is worth investing in and what is not. This
report will show you, what kind of system is worth investing time in.
1. Bank Interest
Earning interest on money in the bank, in a fixed deposit, is the most basic form of
passive income.
For example: R1,000,000 on fixed deposit, at 12% interest per year will give you
R120,000 per year. That is R10,000 per month.
Major Challenge:
You need a huge capital saved in order to have a good income. At least 100 times
as much money in the bank as you need every month. R100,000 invested @ 12%
per annum = R12,000 interest per year. That's R1,000/ month – only.
When you save for your retirement, you hope to save enough so that at retirement
you have +-100 times more saved up than you need every month. Insurance
companies have calculated that you need to save15% of your gross monthly income
for approximately 40 years.
But only 2% of people actually save this much. That is why 98% of people cannot
survive on the benefits of their retirement funds. They simply have not saved for
long enough.
Important Lesson
If you have not been saving 15% of your gross income for 40 years by the time you
retire, you will need another steady passive income. Now, would be the time to start
2. Rental Property
Owning rental property gives you a passive-income stream. When you own property
that you let, you are earning an income without having to work to receive that
income. That income is passive. Tenants pay their rent every month, whether you do
anything or not. If you get someone else to manage and maintain the property, you
don't have to do anything.
Major Challenges:
✗ You need to earn enough to qualify for a second bond, so that you can buy
some rental property.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Because of the Credit Act, qualifying for a second bond is impossible for the
average person.
Important Lesson
An extra passive income stream would help you qualify for another bond to buy
some rental property.
3. Royalty Income
Patenting a product, that is produced and sold, recording hit music or writing a book,
are some ways of generating royalty income. Every time the product, book or CD is
sold you earn a royalty.
Major Challenges:
✗ You have to design, an original product
✗ Then produce and market it.
✗ Or you have to write the book, or record the hit music.
It can be done, and I hope one day, as you release your potential, you will do it. But
you first need the idea and then funds to make it all happen. I hope that the songs or
books within you, will one day be heard and read throughout the world.
Important Lesson
There are great inventions, books, art and ideas within you that the world needs. But
for you to release your potential you need time and perhaps finances to market your
great idea. A passive income stream could provide both time and money.
4. Subscription Income
Another form of passive income is from regular subscriptions to services, such as
Internet Service Providers (ISP), telecommunications companies or television
networks like DSTV.
These companies provide us with a service, and receive an income from our
subscriptions every month. Whether there are 1000 or 100,000 subscribers, there is
not much more work involved, except initial setup and regular maintenance.
If you can offer such a service, which people subscribe to. Then as soon as you
have enough subscribers, you can hire someone to manage everything. Now you
can earn a passive income.
Major Challenges:
You need to be a service provider of this kind.
You need to set up the company.
You need to do the marketing and sales to get thousands of subscribers.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Important Lesson
Subscription income is a key to enjoying a passive income. The money just comes in
every month.
5. Benefiting from other's efforts
Another subtle form of passive income is by benefiting from the efforts of others.
We have all benefited from the efforts of other people. Every time we pick up the
phone we benefit from the work of Alexander Graham Bell. We also benefit
financially from the work of others.
When we get paid at the end of the month it is because our company has provided a
service or product, which a sales person has sold. They made the sale and we
managed some part, or did some of the work or handled part of the admin. Other
people do the work and you benefit financially from it.
The way to create passive income is by building a company of 100 or more people,
each of their efforts contributes to the profits of the company and you benefit a little
bit financially, from each of their efforts.
When you get a manager to run the entire business for you, you can earn passive
income every month. As the company grows and makes more profit you can earn a
bigger passive income. Now you keep benefiting from the efforts of others.
John Paul Getty, one of the richest men in his time, said, "I would rather benefit 1hr
from the efforts of 100 men, working 10 hours each, than have to work the 100 hours
Major Challenges:
✗ You need to start a company that provides a service or produces a product (or
sells them, like a retail store)
✗ You need to learn how to do all this and
✗ Get the funds to make it all happen.
Important Lesson
If we can find a way of benefiting from the efforts of others, we won't need to do all
the work ourselves.
6. Network Marketing
Network Marketing or Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) is moving products through a
network of consumers and/or sales people. You recruit others to use and sell the
products. These people will also recruit others who will use, sell and recruit.
You benefit from the sales or personal use of others in your network. If the network
is very big, you earn a good passive income based on the work of others in your
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Major Challenges:
✗ You need to be able to sell (usually expensive products) and most people
can't sell
✗ You need to recruit others who will sell and recruit (most people can't recruit)
✗ You need to continually motivate your team to sell and recruit
✗ You have to attend many training and opportunity meetings
7. Internet Sales
By setting up a website and selling, high demand information products on the
Internet, you can also create a passive income.
Information products like e-books, courses and videos can be automatically sent
from your website with no personal involvement.
Everything is automated by technology. It runs on auto-pilot, 24/7. Once set up, you
don't have to do anything, except make sure you are advertising at the right places.
People keep visiting the website and buying your products while you are relaxing on
the beach or working.
Major Challenges:
✗ You need to have developed high demand products
✗ You need the sales skills to develop a website that sells well
✗ Or have enough money to pay someone to do it
Important Lesson
The Internet has become a powerful way to reach many people effectively, 24/7.
8. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is referring your website-visitors to other websites, where they
will buy products or services. You could also refer people through emails and text
Thousands of Internet companies will pay you when you refer business to them.
Companies such as Dial Direct Insurance, and that sell
books, CDs and more. The commission is between 5 and 15%.
But these are usually only once off sales.
Major Challenges:
✗ You have to have a website.
✗ Usually you have to make hundreds of successful referrals to have a good
passive income.
Important Lesson
Without having your own products or making sales you can earn passive income.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
These are the main ways to create a passive income. They are all good ideas and
they all work, but each has some major challenges.
If you do a search on Google on most of the above you will find a lot of information
on each.
These systems all work to some degree. It is possible to combine the best of them
and take away the problems to make a system that works exceptionally well.
Before we end this chapter, notice something very important. Every time you want to
create a passive income, you need to have a large group people.
It is people that keep selling, buying or subscribing to a monthly service. You
need people.
In Chapter 2, I will share my story and what you need to be aware of when looking for
a system to create a passive income.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Chapter 2
Keys to Creating Passive Income
Watch out for old advice:
Growing up you may have been told to get a good education and find a good secure
job. This is what our parents told us, because it worked for them. They stayed with their
first company, their entire lives and usually had enough money for everything they
Today this advice keeps most people in poverty, because our world is changing so
rapidly, that you need to continually re-educate yourself just to keep your job. And that
still does not provide security, because a merger may mean that you may be
retrenched next week.
Or the economy my require that you be laid off by your company.
Here's another bit of old advice to watch out for.
"If you have a pension fund you will have enough money at retirement." This was
true when our parents stayed with their companies for 40 years. But these days, when
we get retrenched, we take the funds from our provident fund, to help us survive while
we look for a new job.
The new job does not provide a pension fund so we take out a Retirement Annuity for
R1000/ month (10% of our Net income) and think we will be fine at retirement. BIG
MISTAKE! You need to save 15% of your gross income for 40 years in order to have
enough at retirement.
Those who don't, have to carry on working after retirement or drop their living standard
drastically. My father worked for 30 years for the same company, but his pension does
not give him enough to survive. Fortunately he has another source of passive income
which covers the shortfall.
I don't want you to miss this: What was the wrong thought here? "If you have a
pension fund you will have enough money at retirement." This was true for our
parents who kept their jobs their whole life long. The real truth is: If you save 15% of
your gross income for 40 years you will have enough at retirement.
Maybe you already realize this and that is why you are looking for a way to create a
passive income stream.
Can you see how our beliefs can lull us into a false sense of security?
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
My Story
I received a great education (have a diploma in Biblical Studies and a degree in
Psychology and Information Systems). But that did not provide a secure job, because
you have to follow your passion. For me, it is to motivate and empower people to be
successful in every area of life.
And because I love life and want to enjoy all that it has to offer, I started looking for
ways to create a passive income, early on in my working career.
Here are some of the systems and companies, I got involved in.
Working for a direct-sales company and building a team of sales agents
Joined a large international network marketing company
Pioneered a national network marketing company
Used the Internet to sell services and products
Joined two International affiliate networks
I always worked really hard and got far until one of the pitfalls stopped me from getting
to the next level.
Every time there were great promises, but they were never made good.
From my experience I learned why an ordinary person, can't create a passive income
with these systems.
If you want to create a passive income, these are the things to avoid when looking for
an opportunity.
If you have been looking for ways to make money, you probably discovered some of
these too, the hard way, like me.
1. Selling. You always have to sell. And although you could learn the skills, you
probably don't enjoy selling, and would not get involved with a company where you
have to sell products.
2. Recruiting. Because most systems involve people, you usually have to recruit. Most
people find it very difficult to recruit, because recruiting is selling and most people can't
sell. The recruiting methods they teach you, often don't work, or there are none.
3. Time-consuming. In the advertising they always tell you how much time you would
have once the passive income was coming in. You'll even see it in our advertising.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
But as I looked at the successful people who were supposed to be earning a passive
income, I found that they were working just as hard as ever. They had more money, but
could not actually do whatever they wanted.
So much of my spare time was taken up, and I had to put aside my personal passion,
learning complicated sales and recruiting systems, or lots of information about
products, sales, recruiting and leadership. My whole life got consumed. There are
sales, training and opportunity meetings in the evenings and on weekends.
4. Capital Investments. Most companies, require that you invest capital up front, up to
R32,000. The average is about R1500. But if you need to make money, you don't have
R1500 to invest.
It is a risk. Most times you lose that money, because the system does not work or you
have to spend more money to make it work.
5. Not making money. Often you actually never make any money. In most systems
you don't make money. You spend more than you make. There are all sorts of hidden
costs: books, product delivery, marketing material and training functions.
6. Complicated systems. Some systems were so complicated that you need a degree
in business or computers. You spend hours trying to figure it out and then give up
because it's just too complicated. The headquarters are overseas and you can't get
help easily.
7. Pushed to work harder. Often you are pushed from the top to sell or recruit or
attend meetings. Always in the name of success. Yes, you have to work hard for
success, but if you are just doing it part-time, you don't want pressure from your
8. Poor Products or Services. In some cases the product or service was just not
worth the money. So you were selling this product that didn't work, or was over-priced.
Then you were expected to recruit others to sell the rubbish. You can hardly do that for
very long.
9. Expensive products. Most companies have very expensive products. They are
good value, but expensive. So here's the problem. If you get involved with a company
to make extra money, it means you need money. You probably have friends who need
Your friends can't afford to buy the expensive products. So who do you sell to now??
And... If the products last for 6 months, it takes that long to get a re-order from a
customer! How can you make money like that, unless you are a super-sales-person
that knows lots of rich folks?
10. Motivating People. You have to forever motivate people to sell, recruit, buy
products, come to meetings, attend training and work harder. This is really a schlep,
especially when the people are just not interested any more.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
11. Pressure to perform. With some companies you have to achieve a certain target
every month in order to get paid a better income. Come the end of the month, you are
desperately trying to make more sales and getting your team to buy and sell more.
Then in the last minute, you have to borrow money to buy in stock to reach the sales
target. It's crazy, I know, but you need to reach the target to get the better income.
12. Support. So often there is no proper support to help you get started and make
money. You struggle on your own and eventually have to give up.
13. The illusion. The dream of huge passive-income is just an illusion, because in
most systems, you can never stop working. If you want to keep earning, you have to
work. If you stop working your income starts dwindling.
There is so much hype and everyone is so excited about the millions they will make,
but it never happens for 98% percent of people, because of the above reasons.
This has been my experience and I have had enough.
People like you and me are looking for a way to create a PASSIVE INCOME. Period.
Not promises. Yes, we are prepared to work: that first investment, but then we want
to see results.
In my search, to find a system that would really create passive income, I discovered 21
keys that guarantee wealth.
1. People. The money always comes from people (unless your money is on fixed
deposit). A bit obvious, but important. You need people. Either customers, team
members, leaders, recruits, whatever. The more people the more money.
You are looking for a company and system where you can get to enough people
without much difficulty or effort.
2. Excellent Product or Service. A company that does not offer value-adding
products or services, should not be in business. Any system without products or
service is an illegal scam.
And since you always need people, you have to offer them something of value for their
money. If not, they won't buy a second time.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
3. Affordable. After hearing hundreds of complaints about expensive products, I think
we all realize that the product should be affordable. People who need money can't be
expected to pay for expensive services or products.
So a company needs to have good quality, genuinely affordable products or services.
Products that everyone can afford to buy.
4. High Ticket Items. That's a nice way of saying "Expensive products". When the
products are high ticket items, the commission you earn is also high. This means that
you need fewer "customers" to make more money. High ticket items.
But this contradicts the point above. That is why so many people fail in so many
companies. The products are too expensive.
5. Money. We all want to see the money. We want to see it flowing into our bank
accounts, not out. We want a system that gives us the opportunity to make money in
our first month and then continue making that money the following month, WITHOUT
spending more than we make. This gets us motivated to carry on working.
6. No Selling. Very few people are good at selling. Therefore you want a system where
you don't need to sell. It is possible with the use of technology and advertising.
7. Subscription Income. If there is a service, that people subscribe to every month,
paying by debit order, you know you will have passive income.
Every new subscriber, means an increase in your passive income. This is a must if you
really want passive income.
8. High commissions. The company should pay a good commission to its members
so that people will be rewarded for their efforts. You want to earn as much as possible.
9. No Recruiting. One usually needs to recruit people. Most people don't like and can't
recruit, yet one needs people.
10. The Internet. The Internet has allowed us to contact, communicate and sell or
recruit people anywhere in the world, 24/7, without being there or even doing it
A professionally written web page can convert visitors into customers.
11. Automation. Because of technology and the Internet, we can automate almost
everything. The entire sales process can be automated. That means that you don't
need to sell or recruit others.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
12. Wealth Building System. What this means is that we can create an automatic
effective, wealth building system. A system that takes the difficult aspects out of your
hands and does them for you.
If you are not a sales person, this is great news, because the system will do the
selling and recruiting for you. It also means that you don't need to visit people and
spend hours trying to convince them.
13. Automated training and Information. Such an automated system also takes care
of training for you. This means you don't need to attend training meetings. You can
read or listen to it on computer. Everyone can get the information any time.
14. It takes time. It takes time to create a passive income stream. It does not happen
over-night unless you buy property or invest your money in the bank.
Of course we all want thousands tomorrow.
But there is no such thing as get-rich-quick (SORRY!)
If you find one don't join, because they are probably lying.
15. No business to start. Most people DO NOT want to start a business from home.
They are too busy. We all want money, lots of it, and it must be passive income.
But to start a business with products, stock, advertising and sales, is the last thing you
want. You just don't have the time for business meetings, follow-ups, sales calls and
But you can find just a few minutes a day to do a few basic tasks like sending an email,
text message or visiting the Internet. These don't require more than 15 minutes.
16. Try before you buy. We like to test out a product before we spend money on it.
Successful companies, will offer you a free trial, to try out the product and service.
17. Money-back-guarantee. We don't like to take risks. You may have been burnt
before by companies offering the world. Understandably you may be sceptical.
If a system is really so good, then there should be some kind of guarantee. If the
company makes promises, it should back those up, because you are putting your trust
in the company.
You are working and investing your time, and money, in a system that you expect to
deliver results. If it does not work after much effort, then there should be some kind of
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
18. Incentives. You may not be motivated by incentives. But if they are achievable,
then they can really motivate you to work.
Achievable incentives, put money in your pocket and encourage you to work a bit
They also give you a sense of satisfaction, more than just the income. To get a special
reward for working, makes you feel "It was worth it!".
19. Personal support. In successful systems, you are personally supported. Not
When you start a venture, you need to know that there are people supporting you. You
want to be able to talk to someone, ask questions and be reassured that you are doing
the right thing.
When you face challenges, you can pick up the phone and call someone who will
encourage, motivate and inspire you to persevere.
20. Consistent and persistent work. Time and consistent work is required during the
investment period. One has to be prepared to work consistently for the first 6 to 12
months. It takes time to learn to do things right and it requires persistent work.
21. A Dream. You have to have a dream that will drive you to work and persevere.
Nothing of value comes easy. To have the financial freedom, the car or home of your
dreams, you will have to work. But on the other hand even with the best system, if you
do not have a dream it will not work for you.
These 21 keys should be present in wealth generating system which claim to produce
a passive income stream. If they are not you drastically reduce your chances of
In Chapter 3 we will look more carefully at some of the above, to show you what 3
ingredients make a system powerful to create wealth for you.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Chapter 3
3 Factors that Guarantee Passive Income
Many years ago, in Italy, there was a village 500 metres from the river. Every day
villagers had to go down to the river, to get their water.
Two brothers, Julio and Roberto, could not find work and decided that they would offer
a service to the villagers, carrying water every day for a fee.
Their business went very well, but after a few years, the youngest brother, Julio, got
tired of carrying water every day.
It was back-breaking and boring. He thought about how he could make it easier for
himself. He decided to lay a pipeline from the river to the village.
He did some research, made plans and started digging. It was even more backbreaking than carrying water.
When he told, Roberto, about the idea, he only half-listened and just saw how hard
Julio was working in the sun, and decided it was not a good idea.
So Julio worked for weeks and months on digging the trench, laying the pipes and
covering the whole lot up again.
After 6 months of work, the job was done.
He invited all the villagers to the grand opening and turned on the pump. At first nothing
happened, but then they heard the gurgling sound of water.
And soon clear river water was flowing out of the tap. Now Julio could sell his water
from the tap, and no longer had to carry water every day.
He had built a pipe-line.
While Roberto carried on struggling every day, Julio had created a passive income
You want to create a pipeline, that will ensure you can have an income in the future
and enjoy for the rest of your life.
In chapter 2 we looked at 13 pitfalls of passive income generating systems, and why
you would will fail in such systems.
We also discovered that to truly create passive income you need the following 21 keys:
1. People. The money always comes from people. The more people the more money.
2. Excellent Product or Service. If not, nobody will buy a second time.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
3. Affordable. You want products or services that are good quality and genuinely
4. You also want high ticket items. So your commission is high. This means that
you'll need fewer people to make more money.
5. Money. You want to make money in your first month, and never spend more than
you make.
6. No Selling. You want a system where you don't need to sell.
7. Subscription Income. This means every new subscriber, increases your passive
income. And you don't need to sell every month.
8. High commissions. So you can earn as much as possible.
9. No Recruiting. You don't want to recruit. And the good news is: you may not have
10. The Internet. Because of the Internet you won't need to sell or recruit. You could
get a website and system that does all the selling and recruiting for you.
11. Automation. Technology and the Internet can automate the entire sales and
recruiting process so that you don't need to sell or recruit.
12. Wealth Building System. If we can develop an automatic and effective, wealth
building system, then you just need to do the easy tasks.
13. Training and Information is automated. This means you don't need to attend
training meetings.
14. It takes time to make a fortune. Rome was not built in a day.
15. You don't need to start a business. You don't have time for a business, but can
find a few minutes a day to do a some basic tasks.
16. Lets you "try before you buy", so you can test the product before you spend
money. This creates confidence that the product and service is good.
17. A money-back-guarantee. So that you have no risk.
18. Personal Support. To help you get started and reassure you on the way, you want
supporters who will be available and answer your questions.
19. Achievable incentives, that motivate you and reward, above your income.
20. Consistent and persistent work. One has to be prepared to work consistently for
the first 6 to 12 months to build a foundation.
21. A Dream. You have to have a dream that will motivate you to work and persevere.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Now let me expand on the 3 most important factors to creating passive income.
3 Factors that Guarantee Passive Income
Without an excellent product you only have a scam.
A company that offers value adding products is assured of an excellent future. You
would never want to be involved with a company that is not providing an excellent
service or selling a good product.
If the product is good, clients will buy every month. If there is a monthly subscription,
you don't need to sell every month. This means you get a regular passive income every
month. We'll talk more about this in a moment.
We talked earlier about the fact that through technology we can automate many
processes so that you DO NOT need to sell, recruit, train, motivate or carry stock.
It can all be done automatically for you.
If you have a system that handles all those functions for you, all you need to do is direct
people to a website where a professionally designed sales system, sells the product or
service and make sure you are rewarded. Through the system the new member is
trained and motivated. They in turn invite people to visit their website. And the system
sells for them.
So you don't need to spend time learning and doing any:
✗ Selling
✗ Recruiting
✗ Training
✗ Motivating
✗ Managing
✗ Keeping Stock
You are freed up to pursue your passions and live your life to the full.
You have more time with family and friends
You can go on holiday and your income will continue growing while you are away.
When you come back, your income is higher than it was the month before.
Is this a dream? Not at all. It happens for members of Be Motivated Today all the
time. Our system makes it possible.
I was talking to one of our Platinum Members a while ago. She told me that she was
away for a week on holiday. When she came back her income had grown. In fact for
her and others it is growing every day.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Because of technology, YOU can have access to a system that does 99%
of the work for you.
The 3rd key that makes a wealth generating system successful, is how soon and how
much money you will be able to make.
You have to have the following 3 things.
a. Subscription Income.
The best form of passive income, is monthly subscription income. Once your client has
signed their debit order, the money comes off their account every month and your
commission is paid to you (at the end of the month).
This means no more:
✗ Selling
✗ Convincing
✗ Laying out cash for products or
✗ Asking for money up front
✗ Worrying if the person will buy again
✗ Feeling bad for trying to sell to the person again
✗ Motivating people to sell
The above are nightmares.
Subscription income gives you financial security because you receive commissions
every month.
b. Low Subscription Fees
You want to make money. People join to have the product and make money. No one
has much money to spend on expensive products or subscriptions.
So you want a low subscription fee that provides a valuable service or product to
members. If subscriptions are low enough, more people will join.
But if subscriptions are low then the referral commission is also low. It means you need
tens of thousands of clients to earn a decent income.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
The SOLUTION is ...
c. Raising the Subscription Fees
"High Ticket Items" give you a higher commission. If we add more products and
services, we can raise the subscription fees.
So when your clients upgrade their membership, they will be paying a higher
subscription fee. Now you get paid a higher commission per member.
BINGO! Now you don't need 10,000 clients, but only a few hundred.
To summarize:
You can enjoy a passive income because of an excellent product and service
that people subscribe to.
Every aspect can be automated so that you do not have to: sell, recruit,
train, motivate, manage or carry stock.
A wealth building system can do it all for you.
Subscription fees ensure continuous income
Low subscription make the opportunity available to everyone
Raising the subs ensures a higher income with fewer clients
In Chapter 2 we also mentioned:
If there is a free trial, you can try before you buy and test the value of the
product or service
You should be able to make money in your first month
There should be a money-back-guarantee, which means that you have no risk.
You should get personal support and
Incentives to reward you
These mean that you don't waste time, and you have some money right away.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Thank you for reading this first part of this report. I hope you feel empowered and can
now go out and look for opportunities that will work.
If you would like to know how we at Be Motivated Today have applied the 21 keys to
help ordinary people create wealth automatically, please read the next 3 chapters.
You will discover system that meets all the above requirements and more.
I look forward to showing you and helping you create wealth for yourself and those you
Be all you can be.
Arnfried Klein-Werner
Motivator & CEO - Be Motivated Today
Read my CV
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Chapter 4
The Be Motivated Today System
Whether you would like to add a few hundred Rand to your family budget or much
more you can do it if you have the right system.
You will never need to explain this to anyone.
Although we explain all the detail below, the purpose is to show you that the system
is well thought through to ensure that you will be able to earn an excellent passive
Some people love the details and would like to have all the details, before making a
decision. I'm like that.
Strap on your seat-belt, because this is an exciting ride
Our wealth generating system is available for anyone in the following countries:
South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana and Swaziland. In the second half of 2010
we go international.
The Be Motivated Today wealth generating opportunity is one of the best income
earning opportunities in the world today, because it has none of the negative pitfalls
that so many other systems have.
Our products and services are personal-development products.
The personal-development industry is a multi-Billion Dollar industry worldwide which
is growing by 11% per year.
Be Motivated Today offers services (see below) to encourage, motivate and
empower people to become all they were born to be.
Through emails, workbooks, courses, videos and audios, we will help others become
more successful in their career; relationships and finances.
Enjoy personal empowerment through:
✔ The Daily PEP-Talk encouraging and inspiring emails: valued at R45/ month.
✔ 10 self-development e-books, with a total value of more than R500, such as:
○ Think and Grow Rich
○ Discover Your Life Purpose
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Do not Quit
The law of Attraction
7 keys to Success
The Science of Getting Rich
As a Man Thinketh
Developing a Success Mindset
Unshakable Self-Confidence
Winning the Weight-Loss Battle
3 e-workbooks, with a total value of R300 :
1. On Your Marks, Get Goals, Get Going!! (Setting, Planning and Achieving
Your Goals )
2. Secrets of Self-motivation
3. Are you managing to Stay Stressed? (Stress Management)
A member receives all the above products and services for just R45 / month.
The value of the products and services greatly outweigh the cost of the monthly
The wealth building system that we include is valued at R100/ month. Over a 2 year
period, a Silver Member receives over R4200 in value and yet only pays R1080.
There are 3 Membership Status Levels:
Silver Member - R45 / month
Gold Member - R225 / month
Platinum Member - R495 / month
Each membership level offers greater benefits, financial rewards and incentives.
(See summary on page 51 for all the details)
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
The next 4 pages explains our system
OUR WEALTH GENERATING SYSTEM - here's how it works
You registered as a Free Trial Member at and
watched our information video.
You downloaded this report and receive a sampling of our PEP-Talk emails for 9
work days (2 weeks). Perhaps you also downloaded the e-workbook on releasing
your potential.
After enjoying your Trial Membership and discovering how our system works, you
decide to UPGRADE to Silver Member at only R45 per month to enjoy our
products and services. (There is a R30 administration fee which is included with
your first subscription)
Using all the tools we give you (see page 61, the last section), you invite friends and
contacts to visit your personalized Be Motivated Today website.
When people visit your personalized Be Motivated Today website, our automated
system sells to your guest so that they join, first as a Trial Member then as a Silver
We pay you a R5 referral commission on each Silver Member, that you invite. So on
a R45 subscription you will earn R5. As soon as you have 9 Silver Members, you
earn a total of R45 in referral commissions, and your monthly subscription is
Any other Silver Members you invite, will give you money in your pocket every
month, with no more effort.
Because membership is based on a monthly subscription, you are paid every
Members that you invited also invite people to visit their personalized Be Motivated
Today websites.
Some guests upgrade to Silver Member. You will benefit from these new members
too. They will be on the 2nd generation of what we call your Income Matrix. These
2nd generation Silver Members will invite people to visit their personalized Be
Motivated Today websites. You will also benefit from those who upgrade to Silver
Member on this 3rd generation.
So it goes on.
Our stats show that of every 10 Trial Members you have, 1 will upgrade to Silver
Member. This is a good upgrade ratio.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Our Commission Plan
We pay you a R5 referral commission on each Silver Member you invite (your 1st
And R2 on each Silver Member (2nd generation) that your 1st generation Silver
Members referred, and on members in deeper generations of your income matrix, all
the way down to the 9th generation, depending on your Membership Status.
Example 1.
You successfully refer 9 Silver Members through Be Motivated Today's system.
Now your R45 subscription is covered.
Lets say those 9 only refer 3 people each (9 x 3 = 27).
Those 27 refer 3 others each (27 x 3 = 81).
Lastly, the 81 new Silver Members each refer 3 others, to give you 243 people on
your 4th generation.
Gen. Members R per person
Total as Silver Member
Total as Gold Member
R 45
R 54
R 162
R 261
R 486
R 747
As a Silver Member you are paid to the first 3 generations of your income matrix.
So you would earn R261 in passive income every month. It's not a lot, but it's a start.
To earn the extra R486, you need to upgrade to Gold Member. (You get more
motivational products for your money see page 51) It will only cost you an extra
R180. Now you earn R747 every month.
So you are spending a bit more to make much more.
This means that you always make more money than you spend.
This is the 1st powerful benefit of our commission plan.
You never spend more money than you make.
With Be Motivated Today you will always make more money than you spend.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Let's take it further.
Some people love the details. If you don't, skip down to the most powerful benefit
of our commission plan highlighted in yellow.
As more people are invited by others that you have invited, your income
matrix grows to deeper generations. The Silver Members below you then
also upgrade their memberships. So your passive income will increase.
Example 2.
Everyone only needs to refer 3 people who will work and find 3.
Now you have members down to your 7th generation already.
You have upgraded to Gold Member.
As Gold Member you now earn down to your 6th generation.
But the Silver Members in your first 3 generations will also have upgraded to Gold
Member. Your passive income on their subscriptions increases (see bold figures in
generations 1, 2 and 3 in the table below). Your Income as Gold Member is R 3270.
Gen. Members R per person
Total as Gold Member
Total as Platinum Member
R 75
R 90
R 270
R 162
R 486
R 2187
R 3270
R 6561
R 9831
There are now members in your 7th generation. To earn referral commission on
those members you need to upgrade to Platinum Member. When you upgrade, your
passive income is R9831, per month.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
You are not paid beyond generation 9. But as more members are referred into
deeper generations of your income matrix, there will be members all the way down to
your 16th generation, and deeper. Therefore with time, everybody in your first 9
generations upgrades, because they will earn a higher commission.
Example 3.
To show you the financial power of this, lets take an example where everyone only
referred 2 people each.
Everyone has upgraded over time to Platinum Member.
R / Member
R 55
R 22
R 22
R 22
R 22
R 33
R 33
R 44
R 55
R 110
R 88
R 176
R 352
R 704
R 2,112
R 4,224
R 11,265
R 28,162
R 47,194
Yes, you make R47,194 per month.
You only need 1022 Platinum Members in your income matrix, to earn R47,195
in passive income per month.
You only need to refer 2 or 3 working people.
If you take away generation 9 (in the table above) you would still earn R19,000
+ in passive income, with only 510 members.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
From the example above, you will notice that as your income matrix grows, there will
be more people on the deeper generations.
We pay you a higher referral commission, per member, on the deeper generations of
your income matrix. Therefore you earn much more from the hundreds or thousands
of members on deeper generations.
This means that you earn the maximum you could from the many people that
will be on deeper generations of your income matrix.
To save you time and effort, everything is automated:
Once you upgrade to Silver Member, you need do only one simple task:
Invite people to visit your personalized Be Motivated Today website.
When you invite people to visit your website, our automated system goes to work:
Your website visitor is "sold" on the idea of registering on the 9-day Free Trial
to watch the information video, downloading and reading this report.
S/He enjoys 9 days of PEP-Talks and can download an empowering eworkbook on releasing her/his potential.
The sample of products and services, as well as this information give your
guest all the information to make a wise decision about upgrading his/her
If your guest does not upgrade, the system will follow up with value adding
information to convince him/her to upgrade.
You do not need to make follow-up calls.
When your guest decides to upgrade to Silver Member, upgrading is all done
on the website. You do not have to follow-up, get application forms or make
sure they are completed. It is all done for you.
You are automatically informed via email when someone in your income
matrix has upgraded. You can go see who it is on a report in your member's
Be Motivated Today automatically pays your referral commission. Our system
also pays the members in your income matrix automatically.
Once your income matrix starts, it will grow automatically.
Of course you realize that it always takes time to grow an income matrix.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
But because it will create a passive income stream and financial freedom, the time is
worth it.
Our wealth generating system is called an Automated Passive Income Creator
(APIC). It creates your passive income automatically.
Your passive income is created automatically as:
✔ The system builds your income matrix for you
✔ Everything is automated, you only need to invite people to visit the Be
Motivated Today website. We do the rest
✔ Your Silver Members follow the same simple plan
✔ The product is great
✔ The subscriptions are low
✔ The powerful commission plan pays you well without needing thousands of
✔ And ... Most important
We offer a 100% money-back-guarantee. You could start earning a passive income
in your first month.
But if you do not earn a passive income after 6 months, we will refund all your
subscriptions, plus bank charges.
Yes. If after 6 months you are not making money, we will refund all your subscriptions,
plus bank charges. That's R300. That means there is no risk.
Hear and read my guarantee at
There is work involved. This is not a "Do nothing, get rich" opportunity. But you only
need to work a few minutes per day because we do 99% of the work for you.
If you do the work, you are guaranteed to earn a passive income within 6 months, or
you get all subscriptions back in full, plus extra.
This takes the risk out completely. Anyone who wants to start earning a passive
income can start, knowing that should they fail, they will be refunded. NO RISK.
Furthermore, this gives you confidence that the system will work, else we would not
make such a bold guarantee.
I personally, am tired of the promises made by companies about my financial success.
I work hard and I want to be rewarded. You do too, and you deserve it.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
If you work and do not earn a passive income within 6 months, I put my money where
my mouth is and refund you completely.
To summarize:
You receive value adding products and service for only R45 per month
Our APIC system recruits your guests into your income matrix
You earn a referral commission every month from your Silver Members'
Our system recruits their guests too and you earn referral commission
You only need to refer 3 working members personally to be wealthy
As your income matrix grows, you earn more without spending more
Your members upgrade with time and you earn more without needing
thousands of members in your income matrix
If you do the work, but don't earn a passive income within 6 months we give
you back all your subscriptions
We've shown you how our APIC system builds an income matrix for you, automatically.
This means you don't need to recruit, sell, manage.
In the next chapter we will show you what work is involved and how our system
supports you and the members in your income matrix SO THAT YOU DON'T FAIL IN
We also share more keys that help put money in your pocket faster.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Chapter 5
More Reasons why you will Succeed
Trevor and Judy did not expect it. He had a good job in an advertising agency and Judy
worked in the accounts department of a retail store. But Trevor's company merged with
another advertising house and his position become redundant.
Their savings covered the shortfall for a few months, but he simply could not find
another job. The financial pressure was becoming too much. Credit card debt built up
and soon they were unable to pay the vehicle finance for his car.
Eventually his car was repossessed. 6 months later things had gotten worse when they
lost their home because they were no longer able to pay their bond. They could not
have foreseen this in their wildest dreams. It was a nightmare.
This is not an unusual story. It is happening more and more.
Yet you can prevent this from becoming your story, because you can start creating a
passive income.
With the Automated Passive Income Creator (APIC), Be Motivated Today, builds
your income matrix for you, while a unique commission plan pays you well, even with
relatively few people.
Your financial goals and dreams can become a reality because you will own a pipeline.
Lets look at the final keys that will ensure that you can create a passive income stream
with our APIC system.
As soon as you upgrade to Silver Member, you will be able to access all training
from your member's area. The work required is very little so there is not much to
In the MAKING MONEY section of your member's area we guide you to get started.
There is a short course that will show you exactly what to do to create your passive
income in 6 months and take up our Money-Back-Guarantee offer.
Even if you have no or little business background, it does not matter because you
will not be starting a business. Yet, our short, easy-to-follow, training will show you
exactly what you need to do to succeed.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
We personally support you to ensure that your questions are answered and you never
get stuck.
A. Email Support
Any questions or queries can be made from your Member's Area.
Log in at
The query will come through to our office and we will respond via email within 24
working hours.
B. Call Centre
We have a call centre, from which our trained staff will personally support you and
answer any questions.
You can contact our call centre with questions during office hours, while you are a Trial
Member or leave a message and we will call you back.
Once you upgrade to Silver Member, we will call you and support you to help you get
We will thus personally support you and your new Silver Members.
No one is left to struggle on their own.
Incentives are great, because they add an extra reward for work done.
Our incentives help you:
✔ Earn money from the first month and
✔ Encourage you along the way
A. 3-in-30 Bonus.
If you successfully refer 3 or more Silver Members in any month, you receive a
once-off cash bonus of R10 per new Silver Member, in addition to your R5 referral
For example: If in your first month you successfully referred 3 Silver Members, you
earn an extra R30 on top of the referral commission of R15 on those 3 new referrals.
Total R45. Five new Silver Members in one month, you earn an extra R50 - once off.
This incentive puts money in your pocket from the first month so that you may never
pay a cent for your subscription.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
B. Growth Bonuses.
As your income matrix grows, you also receive one-time bonuses when it reaches a
certain size, according to the table below.
1-time Bonus
R 100
R 200
R 500
R 1,000
R 2,000
R 4,000
R 8,000
R 16,000
R 20,000
This incentive gives you a bit of a financial boost every time your income matrix
reaches a milestone.
Be Motivated Today pays up to 67% of its income to members in the form of
referral commission, bonuses and incentives.
With family responsibilities, getting home late from work, and other personal
commitments, you don't have time to start a business from home.
When you become a member of Be Motivated Today, you will not be starting a
business, but empowering yourself to become all that you can be, through our
services and products . Yet you have access to a wealth-generating opportunity
✗ You don't have to sell products
✗ You don't have to recruit
✗ You don't have to convince people to do anything
✗ You don't have to learn new skills
✗ You don't have to spend all your spare time trying to make a little money
✗ You don't have to motivate a team
✗ You don't have to attend meetings and training functions
✗ You don't have to learn complicated commission plans to explain to your
✗ You don't need business experience, sales skills or any other marketing or
advertising skills.
You will definitely not a be starting a business from home.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
What is the work?
You simply invite people to your personalized Be Motivated Today website.
This is all you need to do, because our Automated Passive Income Creator builds
your income matrix for you. You never need to explain our concept to people. We do
that for you. We provide you with all the tools to invite people.
You only have to work 9 - 15 minutes per day, sending email invitations, sms's and
placing free advertising on public websites, to invite others to visit your Be
Motivated Today website. See a list of our tools on page 61 (last section) and 62.
Hundreds join every day
APIC helps an ordinary person earn an extra-ordinary passive income, without
having to start a business. Literally hundreds of people join Be Motivated Today
every day. See the graph below of our 1st 11 months in business:
T o tal M e m b e r G ro w th - fro m O c t 0 8 to S e p 09
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Work for the first 6 - 12 months only.
Because of subscription income, once you have successfully referred a new Silver
Member, you do not need to do more work. Your income now flows to you every
month, with no more work required.
So you only have to work for the first 6 - 12 months of joining, until you have referred
3 working Silver Members.
Your work is now done.
Your Silver Members will invite others to visit their website and those people will join.
Thus your income growth is on 'automatic pilot', 24/7.
Because membership is maintained by a monthly subscription, there is no need to
motivate members to sell. This means no more work for you.
Work smart, not hard
“Work smart, not hard”. Our APIC system takes this to the extreme.
The key is to work until you have referred 3 working Silver Members.
Here is another example to show you how well our commission plan pays you.
You successfully refer 3 Silver Members.
They only refer 2 people each. And everyone only refers 2 Silver Members.
As the income matrix grows into deeper generations, everyone upgrades to Platinum
You would still earn an excellent passive income of R70,789.
Members R / Member Income Cumul. Total Total Mmbrs
R 55
R 165
R 165
R 22
R 132
R 297
R 22
R 264
R 561
R 22
R 528
R 1,089
R 22
R 1,056
R 2,145
R 33
R 3,168
R 5,313
R 33
R 6,336
R 11,649
R 44
R 16,897
R 28,546
R 55
R 42,243
R 70,789
R 70,789
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Unlimited Income
There is no limit to what you could earn. I do not want dazzle you with big incomes,
but if you do the Math, you will see that the incomes are huge given enough time and
growth. Whatever income you would like to earn, you can.
And if you pass away, your membership can be bequeathed to your loved ones,
so that they will benefit from the income for the rest of their lives, and their children's.
What about Saturation?
You may think that with everyone joining, the market may become saturated. This is
impossible since the market is so large.
It would take 19 years and 5 months to saturate the current South African market, if
one new person learns about the company every minute for 12 hours of every day.
The South African market is growing exponentially as more people get Internet
access. Furthermore, this opportunity is available to citizens of Namibia, Lesotho,
Botswana and Swaziland, which also have a growing Internet market.
Therefore it is impossible to saturate the market.
In 2010 we will make our system available to the international community. Then our
market expands to over 1 billion people with internet access.
Be Motivated Today's, Automated Passive Income Creator is the best passive
income generating opportunity in South Africa today.
As I have studied systems all over the world I have discovered weaknesses and
strengths that affect your success in creating a passive income.
I have avoided the weaknesses and built on the strengths. Our system is ideal for
busy people, students, stay-at-home Moms,.... anyone. (See a few of the testimonies
of our members on page 43)
Over the 2008 Christmas period we had people joining and upgrading every day,
while our offices were closed. Our system was doing all the work.
We, had over 30,000 members join in the first 10 months after launching. We
have over 200 people join every day.
In the last chapter we look at the exciting future that can lie ahead for you.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Chapter 6
An Exciting Future lies Ahead
Consider the economy, prices, inflation and your available time to work more hours.
I'm sure you realize that you need to find a way to create a passive income.
Consider your children: You want to give them the best education opportunities and
Consider your future. Start something now, so when you need a passive income, you
have one.
As you consider your retirement, you will realize that you need to supplement your
retirement funding if you have not been investing 15% of your gross income for 40
years by the time you retire.
With APIC, your success is ensured because of 6 main reasons:
Our Automated Passive Income Creation system builds your income
matrix for you
The low subs ensure that anyone can join
Our Call centre supports you and members in your income matrix
Subscription fees ensures that you receive an ongoing passive income
You only need to refer 3 working people to earn a good passive income
A money-back guarantee means there is no risk to you
If you have a dream of financial freedom and security, then no matter how old or
young you are, or what circumstances you may be in, all you have to do is be
prepared to learn and work.
It won't happen over-night, but it will happen, if you keep inviting people. Not selling.
Believe that you can do it.
The opportunity is right here for you.
Upgrade to Silver Member right away at
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Where are you right now, financially?
3 years from now you could enjoy a 5-figure passive income, every month.
Consider your financial goals and dreams:
International travel
The home of your dreams
A new or second car
Money to spend on luxuries
Expensive holidays
An extension to your home
Education for the children
Early retirement
Never having to worry about
money again
A passive income for life
These can become a reality for you as they are for many of our members.
You have no risk, because of our money-back- guarantee. You can only win.
Hear and read my guarantee at
I have also recorded a short informal audio clip that you can
listen to here:
It's what I would say to you if I were chatting personally to you about our APIC system.
This audio clip will just clarify and summarize everything for you.
Thank you for reading this report. I hope it has given you hope for a brighter future and
a positive vision for the personal and financial success you can achieve.
If you have any questions please go to the Frequently asked Questions page on page
56. Look also at the Report Summary on page 49.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
To start creating your own passive income stream for yourself and
your family, right away, upgrade your membership at
I look forward to welcoming you as a new Silver Member and helping you create wealth
for yourself and those you love.
Be all you can be.
Arnfried Klein-Werner
Motivator & CEO - Be Motivated Today
Read my CV
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Appendix II
Here's what our members, are saying about this opportunity. Some of them are
professionals in their field and some ordinary people, like you and me.
This system is truly the best I have seen, and it works
Financial Coach - Western Cape
"As a Financial Coach, I have analysed
systems and passive income opportunities.
When I came across Be Motivated Today, I
quickly recognized it as a genuine
I started immediately and within 4 days
was earning an income already.
This system is truly the best I have seen, and it works.
The combination of excellent motivational products and
the brilliant automated system is a sure recipe for
success for anyone who is prepared to do the work. It is
easy to do. I can highly recommend it to anyone."
Linda Smith (Cash Bonus Earner)
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
I have been a Silver Member for less than a month, and
I'm already earning a passive income!
Management Consultant, Tax Practitioner and Professional
Accountant - Gauteng
"I am about to retire within the next 12
months, and have been looking for a
'passive income' source, to cover my
monthly cash shortfall. After many months
of searching, I found the source, the Be
Motivated Today, passive income creation
The positive daily messages, lessons and
free books provide the motivation to change
my vision to one of being absolutely positive in thought
and action. But, here's the best part - I have been a
Silver Member for less than a month, and I am already
earning a passive income! Thank you, Arnfried."
Colin Lowe
Baie webtuistes maak die belofte, maar hierdie is die
eerste een wat dit regkry
Internet Marketer - Western Cape - PLATINUM MEMBER
"Ek hou daarvan dat mens met so min moeite
'n wins kan toon. Jou sisteem doen alles.
Dit is die eerste keer wat ek net mense kan
verwys en die sisteem doen die res. Baie
webtuistes maak die belofte, maar hierdie
is die eerste een wat dit regkry.
As iemand nie met jou sisteem kan geld maak
nie gaan hulle met niks kan geld maak nie."
Pieter Pretorius (Cash Bonus Earner)
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
This opportunity truly is a means to achieve this dream
Electrical Engineer - Gauteng
"I have been involved in quite a few of
these types of opportunities over the
past 6 years. Although being fairly
successful I found that it required a lot
of effort that did not really get the
return to justify this effort. Many make
promises of you becoming financially free
to do what you want when you want to, but
that was not really true. What had, in
fact, happened was that your success was
determined by the momentum you generated?
Like being on a treadmill and you could not get off for
a minute without it slowing down. I had just got hooked
up to another system that was again controlling me.
I did not find that the case with BMT. Here it is easy…
very little effort required… no treadmill effect here,
for the system does it all for you. This one excites me
and I’m already earning a passive income that I can see
is growing into something that will soon make me
financially free without any effort from me to keep the
treadmill going. I like the low monthly subs that make
it affordably for most people and the daily motivational
tips. I have a passion to help people become selfempowered. This opportunity truly is a means to achieve
this dream. Support from the company has also been
prompt and personal.
Thanks Arnfried for putting together such a fine system
that has addressed all the obstacles found in most of
the other opportunities out there.
Benjamin Steyl (Cash Bonus Earner)
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
This one is by far the best!
I’m involved in several passive income
generating opportunities, but this one is
by far the best!
The system does everything for me. The
subs of R45.00 per month are nothing! I’ve
got it back in my pocket before my first
payment and now I am enjoying all the
benefits of my membership for free.
This is a WINNER, don’t miss it!
Be Motivated Today and change your life forever !!
Kobus Viljoen (Cash Bonus Earner)
Anyone can do this
"I joined Be Motivated Today at the end of
November and my income is growing daily.
The system is easy to understand, and the
help you get from the company is amazing,
the daily motivations and encouragement are
great. Anyone can do this, and for as
little as R45 per month anyone can afford
to do it.
What I like about Be Motivated Today, is that you get
your own website that does everything for you. I am very
excited about Be Motivated Today and have no hesitation
in recommending it to others."
Joy Miller (Cash Bonus Earner)
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
I’m astonished at the rate that my income is growing
Policeman - Gauteng
"The current opportunities I run
just don’t work. But, I’m astonished
at the rate that my income is
growing with Be Motivated Today. All
I did was follow your instructions.
But Be Motivated Today has a simple
system that has taken all the
negatives out of earning a passive-income. I just love
the whole system because it works and is not hard to
follow. Anyone can do it. Thanks Arnfried."
Jacques Le Roux (Cash Bonus Earner)
Within my first month I started earning a passive
Home Executive - KZN - PLATINUM MEMBER
"I am extremely happy that I have found Be
Motivated Today. It has been a very easy
opportunity to recommend to everyone, as it
is fully automated, which makes it so much
easier than most of the other opportunities
out there.
This is the most inexpensive system that
works on the Internet today. Within my
first month I started earning a passive
The support from the Company is another factor that is
Be Motivated Today has a fantastic product, is a
fantastic opportunity and I am extremely happy with my
membership with the company.
It is so simple that anyone can do it!"
Val Mitchell (Cash Bonus Earner)
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
"Dit is vir jou en dit is baie bekosbaar"
Pensioner - KZN
"Sedert ek `n pensioenaris is, is dit nog
altyd my wens om `n maandelikse inkomste te
verdien. Eendag het ek `n e-pos ontvang met
die woorde :'Dit is vir jou en dit is baie
bekosbaar.' Ek het `n bietjie onseker
daaroor gevoel maar nadat ek nog `n pos
vanaf `n ander persoon ontvang het omtrent
dieselfde geleentheid, het ek besef dat die
geleentheid regtig ook vir my bedoel is. Vandag is ek
baie bly dat ek `n lid van Be Motivated Today is, want
my maandelikse inkomste is besig om te groei."
Hennie Louw (Cash Bonus Earner)
"I have already started to pay off quite a lot of debt"
Accountant - Namibia
"I have been so blown away by Be Motivated
Today and the products that it has. I have
tried so many opportunities, both online
and offline, but none of them worked. All
it left us with is huge debt.
We seriously needed something that worked.
Then one day I got an email from Be
Motivated Today. I signed up, simply
because I was looking for an opportunity to get rid of
all debt. During the last two months I have made more
money than with any other business before.
I have already started to pay off quite a lot of debt
and that is just in 2 months."
Deon Barnard (Cash Bonus Earner)
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Appendix III
Report Summary
Below is a brief summary of this report:
1. Selling. You probably don't enjoy selling and most people can't.
2. Recruiting. In most systems you have to recruit. Most people can't recruit.
3. Time-consuming. There are sales, training and opportunity meetings that take all your time.
4. Capital Investments. Most systems, require an invest up front, up to R32,000. It is a risk.
5. Not making money. You don't make money and often spend more.
6. Complicated systems. Some systems are so complicated that you need a degree.
7. Pushed. Often you are pushed from the top to sell or recruit.
8. Poor Products or Services. Sometimes the product or service is just not worth the money.
9. Expensive products. Expensive products are difficult to sell.
10. Motivating People. You have to motivate people to sell, recruit, buy products, come to
meetings, attend training and work harder.
11. Pressure to perform. You have to achieve a certain target every month to get paid.
12. Support. There is no proper support to help you get started and make money.
13. The illusion. Dreams of huge profit never come true and you quit.
There is so much hype and everyone is so excited about the millions they will make, but it
never happens for 98% percent of people, because of the above reasons.
1. Passive income is the most financially freeing concept, because when you earn passive
income, your income keeps rolling in, whether you work or not.
2. You have to invest time and effort first to create a passive income stream.
3. Unless you have large capital to invest in fixed deposit or property, the best way to create a
passive income is through people.
4. You can benefit from the efforts of others.
5. With technology we can automate almost every process so that through the Internet you
have access to a wealth building system.
6. Such a system handles everything for you: Sales, follow-up, recruiting, registration, training,
member support, product and service delivery, etc. This means you DON'T need to recruit or
follow-up with prospects, nag them or convince them to join. You DON'T need to have them fill
in forms. You DON'T need to attend opportunity meetings or training. And you DON'T need to
motivate people to work.
7. You can eliminate the need for ongoing sales, by having a monthly subscription to a value
adding product and service. If you earn a percentage of the subscription income from members
in your income matrix, it means that once people have subscribed, you will make money every
month without you doing any more work.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Be Motivated Today has developed an Automated Passive Income Creator (APIC), which
applies all the above requirements and more.
1. You upgrade to Silver Member at R45 per month to receive our products and services
2. You only need to INVITE people to visit your personalized website.
3. They watch the video on our company and see how they can create a passive income
stream for themselves with our system.
4. We give them a free sampling of our excellent products and services.
5. We follow-up and encourage them to upgrade too.
6. Once they upgrade to Silver Member, we pay you a R5 referral commission.
7. We train your Silver Members how to invite others (because that is all the work).
8. We support and encourage them personally through our call centre and training programme.
9. When people join under them, we pay you a referral commission too.
To ensure that you are successful and make money, we have:
1. Bonuses and incentives so that you make money in your first month. (see pages 35 & 36)
2. Automated invitation systems so that your guests will visit your website.
3. A free trial so your guests can "try before they buy".
4. A low monthly subscription of only R45 that anyone can afford.
5. A commission plan which outshines the best in the industry, designed to:
6. Pay you over R19000 / month, with only 500 members. (see the details below)
7. A call centre that personally supports you and your members.
Be Motivated Today pays up to 67% in the referral commission, bonuses and incentives.
All you need to do is invite others to visit the website by sending email invitations, sms's,
placing free advertising on public websites and using our other tools. See a list of our tools on
page 61 and 62. This means you:
1. Don't start a business.
2. Invest only 9 -15 minutes per day (or 75 to 90 minutes on the weekend) inviting others.
3. Invite others only for the first 3 -6 months.
4. Will have referred at least 3 working members. You only need 3 working members.
5. Let the Automated Passive Income Creator work for you.
6. Watch your income grow.
7. Receive your commission every month.
Although you are busy, you can find 15 minutes per day, for 6 - 12 months to create a
"pipeline" so you can enjoy financial security and freedom for the rest of your life.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Silver Membership - Products & Services
Access to APIC system. Valued at R100 / month
Daily PEP-Talk encouraging and inspiring emails
self-development e-books - total value +R500:
Unshakable Self-Confidence
Think and Grow Rich
Discover Your Life Purpose
How to stay Young
The Science of Getting Rich
Winning the Weight-Loss Battle
Developing a Success Mindset
The law of Attraction
As a Man Thinketh
7 Keys to Success
R45 /
3 e-workbooks - total value of R300:
○ On Your Marks, Get Goals, Get Going!! (Setting,
Planning and Achieving Your Goals )
○ Secrets of Self-motivation
○ Are you managing to Stay Stressed? (Stress
Upgrade your membership to receive more products, services and greater financial rewards.
Gold Membership - Products & Services
The opportunity to earn thousands in passive income
All Silver Member Products & Services plus:
Audio CD - Achieving Beyond Your Limits, valued at R200
An in-depth Master Key to Success programme that helps you
apply the master key to achieving success. Valued at R700.
Over 55 personal-development E-books valued at R4400
Audio tutorials on Goal-Setting valued at R200
3 additional e-workbooks - total value R300:
○ How to Resolve Conflict with Ease and Confidence –
Interpersonal Conflict Resolution
○ Face it – You’re Awesome! – Developing a Positive SelfImage
○ Achieving Beyond Your Limits – Going Further than you
thought Possible
A complete guide to Internet marketing in video tutorials valued
at R1000.
An Instant Web Master Video series to help you with Internet
Marketing valued at R400.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
R225 /
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Platinum Membership - Products & Services
The opportunity to earn tens of thousands in passive income
All Gold Member Products & Services plus:
DVD - Achieving Beyond Your Limits valued at R500
R495 /
Leadership course valued at R2500
More products to be added
You earn a percentage from ALL paying members in your income matrix, depending on your
Silver Members earn on the first 3 generations.
Gold Members earn down to 6 generations.
Platinum Members earn down to 9 generations.
R/ Silver R/ Gold
Member Member
R/ Platinum
R 28
R 140
R 308
We pay out a total of 62% in Referral Commissions. A further 5% is paid as bonuses and
incentives. See page 35 and 36 for details.
Lets look at 3 examples.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Example 1.
You successfully refer 9 Silver Members. Now your R45 subscription is covered.
Those 9 only refer 3 people each (9 x 3 = 27).
Those 27 refer 3 others each (27 x 3 = 81).
The 81 new Silver Members each refer 3 others - 243 people on your 4th generation.
Gen. Members R per person
Total as Silver Member
Total as Gold Member
R 45
R 54
R 162
R 261
R 486
R 747
As a Silver Member you are paid to the first 3 generations of your income matrix.
So you would earn R261 in passive income every month. It's not a lot, but it's a start.
To earn the extra R486, you need to upgrade to Gold Member. It will only cost you an extra
R180. Now you earn R747 every month.
So you are spending a bit more to make much more.
You always make more money than you spend.
In the next example you need fewer members
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Example 2.
In this example, you only need to refer 3 people and everyone only refers 3 people. You
have upgraded to Gold Member.
As Gold Member you earn up to your 6th generation. But the Silver Members in your first 3
generations will also have upgraded to Gold Member. Your passive income on their
subscriptions increases (see bold figures in generations 1, 2 and 3 in the table below).
Your Income as Gold Member is R 3270.
Gen. Members R per person
Total as Gold Member
Total as Platinum Member
R 75
R 90
R 270
R 162
R 486
R 2187
R 3270
R 6561
R 9831
Also, there are now members in your 7th generation. To earn referral commission on those
members you need to upgrade to Platinum Member. When you upgrade, your passive
income is R9831, per month.
You are not paid beyond generation 9. But as more members are referred into deeper
generations of your income matrix, there will be members all the way down to your 16th
generation, and deeper. Therefore with time, everybody in your first 9 generations upgrades,
so that they can earn a higher commission.
In the last example you'll see the power of our system
There is also another example on page 38.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Example 3.
Lets take an example where you only refer 2 people and everyone only referred 2 people
each. Over time everyone has upgraded to Platinum Member.
R / Member
R 55
R 22
R 22
R 22
R 22
R 33
R 33
R 44
R 55
R 110
R 88
R 176
R 352
R 704
R 2,112
R 4,224
R 11,265
R 28,162
R 47,194
Because your members upgrade, you only need 1022 Platinum Members in your
income matrix, to earn R47,194 in passive income per month.
If you take away generation 9 (in the table above) you would still earn R19,000+ in
passive income, with only 510 members.
You will not risk a cent.
We offer a 100% money-back-guarantee. If you do not earn a passive income after 6 months,
we will refund all your subscriptions, plus bank charges. That's R300. That means you have NO
Hear and read my money-back-guarantee at
Start working smart by letting our Automated Passive Income Creator build your income matrix
for you so that you can enjoy a PASSIVE INCOME for life.
You have nothing to lose.
To upgrade your membership and start creating wealth for yourself
and your family, go to
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Appendix IV
Frequently Asked Questions
The following questions are asked frequently by Trial Members. If you have any other questions
please look at the Questions & Answers pages in your member's area.
I don't understand how it works? What do I have to sell?
A: You upgrade to Silver Member at R45 per month and receive our products and services.
But you don't have to sell our motivational products, to make money.
All you need to do is invite people to visit the website, we give you, where we do the
When people upgrade to Silver Member, at R45 per month, we pay you a referral
commission of R5 per person.
Because people receive our products every month, there is a monthly subscription.
So we pay you R5 every month.
But that is just the tip of the ice-berg. It gets much more exciting!
With our powerful system, you can create wealth automatically.
It is all explained on pages 27 to 30.
When it comes to making money, most people think that they have to sell something. In
today's market place this is no longer true. You can make money without selling. Though
there always has to be a product or a service. All you need to do is invite people to the
website we give you.
Will I be recruiting people?
A: No. You will be inviting or advertising. There is a big difference between recruiting and
When I was involved in Network Marketing, I had to recruit. This involves:
A first call to make an appointment
See the person and show them the concept
Get person to a meeting
Answer questions afterwards
Show them the products
Try to convince them that this was a good opportunity
Follow up a week later to see if they want to join
Try to persuade them to join
Complete the application form and help them get started
With Be Motivated Today, you invite people to your website. From there we take over and
WE DO THE RECRUITING. Yes, recruiting definitely takes place. But we do it. You don't
recruit anyone. If you have invited a person and they have not visited your website, you can
invite them a second time, but that's it. You need not speak to them about Be Motivated
Today, again.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
How do I make my first payment?
A: When you upgrade your membership at
you will supply us with your bank details. A customized Debit Order Authorization form will
pop up which you need to print out, sign and fax, or email, to us. Your account will be
debited on the specific day of the month that you choose when you upgrade.
Can I pay my subscriptions from my credit card?
A: Yes, you can. On the Upgrade page you will be given the option to pay by cheque,
savings account or credit card. You can also pay by Post Office (bank) account.
Can I pay my subscriptions by direct deposit or EFT or set up a stop order?
A: No. We only accept payment via debit order from a bank, postbank account or credit card.
Should I start inviting people while I am on the 9-day Free Trial?
A: No. We encourage you to read and understand this report "How to Create Wealth
Automatically - Guaranteed!" and enjoy our products and services. As soon as you are
ready, upgrade to Silver Member and we will give you all the tools to invite people. (see pg 68)
What if I want to cancel my membership?
A: You can cancel your membership at any time with one simple phone call.
What if I don't have Internet access. Can I use my cell phone?
A: Yes you should have no problems accessing everything in your Member's Area through your
mobile phone. You will navigate to every page from the "Mobile Friendly" page in your
Member's Area.
How do I know who has joined my income matrix?
A: You will be able to see on the Income Reports, in your member's area, who is on your first
generation and how many people in your other generations
How will I know how much money I make every month?
A: You will be able to check your income report in your member’s area.
How do I know if one of my Trial Members has upgraded to Silver?
A: You will receive an email telling you that some one has upgraded. You can check who it
is, on your reports in your member's area.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
When will my membership be upgraded to Gold or Platinum?
A: You can upgrade to Gold member as soon as you are earning more than R225 referral
When people cancel their Silver Membership, how does that affect my commission?
A: You will lose only that persons commission. A maximum of R5. Their members will remain in
their generations.
Do I need 3 Silver Members or 9 Silver Members on my first generation?
A: You need 3 working Silver Members to create long term wealth. Not everyone works. When
you have 9 on your first generation, you will have your R45 subscription covered and have 2 or
3 workers.
Can I invite anyone around the world to become a member of Be Motivated Today?
A: No, only residents in South Africa, Namibia, Swaziland, Botswana and Lesotho can benefit
from our APIC System. We hope to make our APIC System available to the rest of the
international community, in the second half of 2010.
Can I earn money as a Free Trial Member?
A: No, only paying members earn referral commission.
How do I find my website?
A: Your website is
How am I paid my commission?
A: By the end of every month, your commission will be paid into the bank account you
designated. Payments can only be made into bank accounts connected to the 4 major South
African Banks: ABSA, First National Bank, Standard Bank and Nedbank. Also Post Bank,
Capitec and Bank of Windhoek.
Will you supply me with email addresses?
A: No. You will be able to email your friends and contacts in your email address book.
But email is just one way of inviting people. You will use other methods, we teach you, as well.
What if I don't have money to start?
A: If you don't even have R45 to start, we suggest that you cut down on fast food, cigarettes,
cellphone calls or anything else that is not absolutely essential. You desperately need this
opportunity, so make a plan. If you work hard (30 mins - 1 hour per day), you will be able to
make enough money through this opportunity to cover your R45 subscriptions in the first 3
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
Appendix V
Details and information for experienced Internet Networkers
The Be Motivated Today system is unique in many ways and as an experienced Internet
networker, you may benefit from the following details and information:
1. You earn the maximum from your income matrix.
R2 commission may look like a little, but in order to pay down to the 9th generation, the referral
commissions are low at the higher generations. Except on the first generation where you
receive R5 referral commission. We pay a total of 62%.
You earn the maximum when you get paid higher referral commissions on the deeper
generations, and down to 9 generations.
Example 1.
Compare 3 companies. In order to compare properly we will use a standard monthly
subscription of R45.
Company 1 pays out to 4 generations.
Company 2 pays out to 6 generations.
Be Motivated Today pays to 9 generations, with higher commissions on deeper generations.
You have personally referred 30 people, but each person only finds 2 people.
Can you see the power of paying higher commission on the deeper generations in the table
Co 1
Co 2
R 28
R 64,350
R 28
R 3,150
R 28
R 8,010
You can see clearly that a commission plan that pays on deeper generations is FAR more
profitable than one that only pays in the first 4 to 6 or even 7 generations.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
4. You need to refer few members to earn big.
Because Be Motivated Today pays out to the 9th generation each person only needs to refer
an average of 3 people. When companies only pay to 4, 5, 6 or 7 generations each person has
to personally refer 5, 6 or 7 people .
Example 2: Compare 3 companies. To earn at least R33,000 per month.
Monthly subscription: R45.
Company 1 pays out to 4 generations. You have to personally refer 9 people and EVERYONE
has to refer 8 people to make +-R37,000 per month.
Company 2 pays out to 6 generations. You have to personally refer 6 people and EVERYONE
has to refer 4 people. You need about 8200 people to make +-R33,000 per month.
Be Motivated Today pays to 9 generations. You have to personally refer only 3 people and
EVERYONE has to refer less than 3 people (2.5). You only need about 7600 people to make
+-R33,500 per month.
Co 1
R 33,687
R 36,858
Members Co 2
R 33,270
You can see that where commissions are not paid to deeper generations each person has to
recruit more people.
You may be able to personally recruit 10 people or 50. But because we pay out up to 9
generations, everyone only needs to refer 3 people. That means you will make more money
with our commission plan than with any other, because everyone only needs to refer 2 or 3
people each.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
3. Long-term Maximum Profitability
There are always more people on the deeper generations. We pay you a higher referral
commission, per member, on the deeper generations of your income matrix.Therefore you earn
much more from the hundreds or thousands of members on deeper generations.
Example 3: Compare 3 companies. Each paying out R28 in commission down to 9
generations. Each having the same number of members per generation.
Monthly subscription: R45.
Company 1 has a traditional commission plan: High at top generations and then tapering
down to small percentages on deeper generations.
Company 2 has is more modern with the same percentage on each generation.
Be Motivated Today has a unique commission plan: Lower at top generations and then
ascending to high commissions on deeper generations.
Co 1
Co 2
R 30,807
R 88,580
With our commission plan you make 4 times more than with the traditional plans.
And 51% more than with some of the newer commissions plans available today.
This means that you earn the maximum you could from your income matrix with Be
Motivated Today.
5. Inviting Tools
There are various marketing tools available for paying members in their Member's Area.
a. An Email Broadcaster lets you send out email invitations fast to your contacts. Just
add their name and email address and click "send".
c. Banners. There are banners which can be placed on a website.
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner
How to Create Wealth Automatically - Guaranteed!
d. Classified adverts. Use the different classified adverts to advertise on public or your
own website, if you have one.
e. Post Script. You can place an effective PS. into your email signature.
f. Inviting emails: A number of different emails are available to send to those who may
not have responded to the first invitation.
g. SMS adverts: There are sms adverts that you can send.
h. Phone script: An easy to learn phone script is available is available for paying
members so you know what to say if you want to speak to people to invite them.
i. An Internet Prospecting e-book, by Max Steingardt, is available for paying members to
show them how to develop relationships and network with others on the Internet.
5. What is unique about Be Motivated Today?
The following aspects about the Be Motivated Today, APIC system are unique:
a. We pay referral commission down to 9 generations. As we have seen this ensures
that each person only needs to refer 2 or 3 working people personally.
b. We pay higher percentages in referral commission on deeper generations. This
ensures maximum profitability..
c. Our subscription is low at only R45 per month. This means that anyone can afford it.
d. Because of high monthly subscription fees on higher membership generations, you
can earn 10 times as much in commission. This also means you do not need thousands
of members to earn an excellent income.
e. Members earn higher incomes without needing to spend more because they only
upgrade when they make more money.
g. Our call centre supports you and your members, so that you do not need to.
h. We pay out up to 62% of income in referral commissions. An extra 5% is paid out in
the form of bonuses and incentives. A total 67%.
This means long-term financial prosperity and makes Be Motivated Today the most
generous company of it's kind in the world. Our system has received the highest
recommendations by experienced Internet Networkers.
To upgrade your membership right away and enjoy how our
system works faster and pays you more, go to
© 2009 – Be Motivated Today – Arnfried Klein-Werner