Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 SOCRATES PROGRAMME - GRUNDTVIG 2 "A quality workforce for quality products: how to create the dynamics to reach sustainable employment in the companies of agricultural production " Context and Good Practices Analysis: Research Tool 1 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 SUMMARY 1. NATIONAL DESCRIPTIVE FRAMEWORK ……………………………..…Pags. 3-14 1.1 AVERAGE STRUCTURE OF AGRICULTURAL NTERPRISES……………..……………….Pags. 3-10 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.1.8 1.1.9 1.1.10 1.1.11 Number of active agricultural enterprises at National level……………………………………...Pag. 4 Recent trends in the number of active agricultural enterprises…………………………………...Pag. 4 Distribution of agricultural enterprises per range of dimension……………………………….....Pag. 4 Total SAU Agricultural Surface Used…………………………………………………………………..………….Pag. 5 Average SAU Agricultural Surface Used per Enterprise………………………………..…………….…Pag. 5 Recent trends in the Total and Average SAU Agricultural Surface Used…..……..…………Pags. 5-6 Economical productive specialization……………………………………………………….…………………….Pag. 6 Distribution of enterprise per typology of structure……………………………………….……..……..Pag. 7 Distribution of Expenses……………………………………………………………………….…………………………Pag. 8 Distribution of Income………………………………………………………………………..………………….…..….Pag. 9 Relevance and recent trends of agricultural sector in National Economy…….…………….…Pag. 10 1.2 CULTIVATIONS..................................................................................................Pag. 10 1.3 BREEDINGS…………………………………………………………………………………………….…….Pag. 1.4 11 EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR…………………..…………………………………………………Pags. 11-14 1.4.1 Number of people employed in agricultural enterprises and recent trends at National level……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………….Pag. 11 1.4.2 Distribution per typology of labour contract…………………………………………..……………………………Pag. 12 1.4.3 Distribution of yearly number of working days per typology of labour contract……………..…Pag. 12 1.4.4 Presence of foreign workers………………………………………………………………………………………………….Pag. 13 1.4.5 Labour Demand and Supply………………………………………………………………………………………..…..Pags.13-14 2. LOCAL AREA SELECTED…………………………………………………………….…Pags. 15-21 2.1 AVERAGE STRUCTURE OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES……………………………….…Pags. 15-19 2.1.1 Number of active agricultural enterprises at local selected level…………………………………...Pag. 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 15 Total and average SAU Agricultural Surface Used at local selected level………….……….…Pag. 16 Economical productive specialization at local selected level. Catalonia …………………………Pag. 16 Distribution of agricultural enterprises per range of dimension ……………………………… .....Pag. 17 Distribution of enterprise per typology of structure. Catalonia (2005) ………………………..Pag. 17 Distribution of Income ………………………………………………………………………………………………………Pag. 18 Recent trends of specific local agricultural activities in relation to National Agriculture. Catalonia…………………………………………………………………………………..…Pag. 19 2.2 CULTIVATIONS......................................................................................................Pag. 20 2.3 BREEDINGS…………………………………………………………………………………………………….Pag. 20 2.4 EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR………………………………………………………………………….Pag. 21 2 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 3. THE LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK ……………..….Pags.22- 28 3.1 REGULATIONS OF LABOUR AND EMPLOYMENT IN AGRICULTURE…………….Pags. 22-25 3.2 REGULATIONS OF TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN AGRICULTURE …………………………………………………………………………………………..Pags. 26 3.3 SOCIAL PARTIES, STRUCTURES AND ORGANIZATIONS REPRESENTING WORKERS AND EMPLOYERS……………………………………………………………………………….Pag. 27 3.4 STRATEGIES PUT IN ACTION FOR VALORIZATION OF HUMAN RESOURCES IN AGRICULTURE………………………………………………………………………………………….…Pags 28 4. NATIONAL GOOD PRACTICES ………………………………………………………….Pags. 29-57 4.1 IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF GOOD PRACTICES……………………………….Pags. 29-51 4.2 SWOT analysis of good practices identified ……………………………………………………….Pags. 52-57 5. BIBLIOGRAPHY ...............................................................................Pag. 58 3 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 1. NATIONAL DESCRIPTIVE FRAMEWORK: STRUCTURE AND PRODUCTION OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES (Spain , 2005 compared with the previous years) 1.1) AVERAGE STRUCTURE OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES 1.1.1. Number of active agricultural enterprises at National level: Number of Agricultural Enterprises 2005 Agricultural Enterprises with cultivate land Number of Agricultural Enterprises 2003 1.069.748 1.127.969 1.1.2 Recent trends in the number of active agricultural enterprises: Decrease Number %Decrease 2003-2005 -58.221 5,44% 1.1.3 Distribution of agricultural enterprises per range of dimension: Range of dimension (hectares) 2005 Number of Agricultural Enterprises 2005 90.296 <1 206.195 1a<2 264.112 2a<5 164.965 5 a < 10 126.140 10 a < 20 57.551 20 a < 30 53.884 30 a < 50 50.128 50 a < 100 49.539 >=100 Range of dimension (hectares) 2003 Number of Agricultural Enterprises 2005 105.111 <1 225.349 1a<2 276.604 2a<5 169.093 5 a < 10 131.375 10 a < 20 60.622 20 a < 30 53.137 30 a < 50 49.414 50 a < 100 50.135 >=100 1.1.4 Total SAU Agricultural Surface Used 2005 Agricultural Enterprises with SAU. Ha. 4 24.855.129 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 SAU 2003 Agricultural Enterprises with SAU SAU. Ha. 25.175.260 1.1.5 Average SAU Agricultural Surface Used per Enterprise Average SAU . Range of dimension (hectares) 2005 SAU. % 0,20 <1 1,15 1a<2 3,38 2a<5 4,69 5 a < 10 7,12 10 a < 20 5,61 20 a < 30 8,26 30 a < 50 14,09 50 a < 100 55,49 >=100 Average SAU . Range of dimension (hectares) 2003 SAU. % 0,23 <1 1,24 1a<2 3,48 2a<5 4,70 5 a < 10 7,28 10 a < 20 5,83 20 a < 30 8,10 30 a < 50 13,56 50 a < 100 55,58 >=100 1.1.6 Recent trends in the Total and Average SAU Agricultural Surface Used: Total SAU Decrease Number %Decrease 2003-2005 -320.131 5 1,29% Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Average SAU 2003-2005 % Increase (+) or Decrease (-) <1 1a<2 2a<5 5 a < 10 10 a < 20 20 a < 30 30 a < 50 50 a < 100 >=100 -0,03% -0,09% -0,10% -0,01% -0,16% -0,22% +0,16% +0,53% -0,08% 1.1.7 Economical productive specialization EURm in common terms . Producers prices %Variation 2006/2005 2005 (A) Quantity Price Value 2006 (E) Structure % A. AGRARIAN BRANCH PRODUCTION VEGETAL PRODUCTION ……….. ANIMAL PRODUCION ……………. SERVICE SECTOR PRODUCTION SECUNDARY ACTIVITIES NO AGRARIAN. NO SEPARABLE …… 36.665,6 0,5 0,0 0,5 35.846,4 100,0 21.551,3 1,0 -4,0 -3,1 20.893,2 58,3 12.659,3 -0,1 6,9 6,7 13.512,9 37,7 1,2 444,0 -3,7 0,0 -3,7 427,7 1.011,0 0,4 -0,3 0,2 1012,7 2,8 B. INTERMEDIATE CONSUMPTION C. (A-B) GROSS VALUE ADDED …. D. AMORTIZATIONS………………….. E. SUBVENTIONS…………………….. F. TAXES……………………………….. 14.851,2 20.814,5 3.670,1 6.493,5 167,1 -1,5 2,9 1,3 15.044,8 42,0 -0,1 20.801,6 58,0 -0,6 0,2 3,5 3.649,5 6.505,6 172,9 10,2 18,1 0,5 G. (C+D+E-F) AGRARIAN RENT ….. 23.470,8 0,1 23.484,8 65,5 6 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 1.1.8 Distribution of enterprise per typology of structure All entreprises All enterprises Individual enterprise Individual enterprise and enterprise manager Trading company Public organization Cooperative Limited company Other Enterprises SAU (Ha.) Enterprises SAU (Ha.) Enterprises Enterprises SAU (Ha.) Enterprises SAU (Ha.) Enterprises SAU (Ha.) Enterprises SAU (Ha.) Enterprises SAU (Ha.) 1.079.420 24.855.129 1.027.822 17.114.251 874.878 SAU (Ha.) 15.088.536 17.078 2.321.946 7 5.502 2.415.945 1.935 230.328 3.617 487.941 23.467 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 1.1.9 Distribution of Expenses Years 2003….. 2004….. 2005….. Seeds 895,7 940,3 926,1 Energy and lubricants 1.145,5 1.234,9 1.420,9 Fertilizers 1.220,0 1.200,5 1.152,6 Phytosanitary Veterinarian products costs 858,8 890,9 789,0 503,3 516,2 530,4 8 Fodder 6.796,5 7.210,2 7.242,5 Materials Agricultural maintenance services 1.158,1 1.215,3 1.274,7 359,9 382,0 405,5 Other goods and services 987,8 1.021,4 1.042,7 Total 14.476,3 15.184,5 15.328,0 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 1.1.10 Distribution of Income 2005: Evolution of received price index Index (base % Variation with the 2000=100) previous year 2,94 General Index 4,11 Vegetal products Agricultural 4,29 products -0,64 Cereals 6,64 Pulses -21,40 Tubers -6,21 Industrial crops 6,15 Forage crops 5,25 Citrics -6,13 Non citric fruits Fresh non citric -8,89 fruits 12,90 Nuts 14,47 Vegetables -7,23 Wine industry 29,59 Olive oil 6,90 Seeds Flowers and -22,88 ornamental plants Animal products Livestock Cattle Sheep Goat Pigs Poultry Rabbit Livestock products Milk Eggs Wool 1,45 3,96 4,94 5,96 8,10 2,69 3,99 0,94 -5,04 -0,22 -19,47 -18,65 1. 1. 11 Relevance and recent trends of agricultural sector in National Economy 9 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 ECONOMIC INDEX: AGRICULTURAL BRANCH / WHOLE ECONOMY (Current values at basic prices in EURm) 2003 GDPmp (EURm) Total employed (thousands people) GPD per employee (euros) Gross Value Added. Agriculture Branch (EURm) Agriculture employed (thousans people) GVA per employee (euros) GVA per employee/ GPD per employee (%) GVA / GPD (%) AGRICULTURE EMPLOYED / TOTAL (%) 2004 2005 780.550,0 17.296,0 42.105,2 837.316,0 17.421,0 48.063,6 904.323,0 17.969,6 50.325,2 27.679,2 909,4 30.436,8 28.615,5 908,2 31.507,9 26.419,6 904,4 29.212,3 67,4% 65,6% 58,0% 3,5% 3,4% 2,9% 5,3% 5,2% 5,0% 1.2) CULTIVATIONS GENERAL DISTRIBUTION OF LAND USING THE CLASSIFICATION OF CULTIVATIONS (2005) (Ha) SPAIN Cultivation Grain cereals Pulses Tubers Industrial Forage Vegetables Flowers and ornamental plants Total cultivation (A) Fallow land Other farmwork lands (B) Total farmwork lands (C=A+B) Surface 6.840.985 410.730 72.420 728.898 852.630 199.668 1.707 9.107.038 Cultivation Citrus fruit trees Non citrus fruit trees Vineyard Olive grove Other trees cultivations Total cultivation (D) Greenhouse surface 3.319.193 Family garden 3.319.193 Other cultivation lands 12.426.231 Total cultivation land ( C+D+E) Meadows and pasturelands Wooded forestry surface Other surface Geographic surface 10 Surface 306.557 1.062.142 1.149.749 2.456.719 59.940 5.051.325 26.419,6 904,4 29.212,3 17.643.678 7.329.335 11.564.276 13.968.521 50.487.836 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 1.3) BREEDINGS LIVESTOCK CENSUS DISTRIBUTION IN AUTONOMOUS REGIONS USING THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS BREEDINGS (2005) Autonomous Regions Galicia ………………………… Principado de Asturias ……… Cantabria …………………….. País Vasco …………………... Comunidad Foral de Navarra La Rioja ……………………… Aragón ………………………. Cataluña …………………….. Illes Balears ………………… Castilla y León ……………... Comunidad de Madrid …….. Castilla – La Mancha ……… Comunidad Valenciana …… Región de Murcia …………. Extremadura ……………….. Andalucía …………………… Canarias ……………………. Spain ……………………….. Cattle 980.368 398.601 291.339 168.124 118.335 38.545 325.239 608.979 27.024 1.314.596 64.171 366.268 69.513 54.661 826.094 791.712 19.960 6.463.547 Sheep 329.628 63.983 74.063 354.445 753.609 198.174 3.144.790 947.289 336.413 4.042.187 119.761 3.589.594 481.747 666.162 4.545.955 3.146.572 114.204 22.908.576 Goat 75.807 28.818 17.216 26.694 9.669 29.657 49.063 90.774 11.037 132.962 24.169 343.041 89.007 118.382 295.689 1.107.228 392.740 2.841.953 Pigs 847.991 29.569 16.712 31.991 557.879 105.869 4.508.756 6.314.101 41.223 3.557.256 45.459 1.557.902 1.227.404 2.055.883 1.682.492 2.220.807 62.728 24.884.022 1.4) EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR 1.4.1 Number of people employed in agricultural enterprises and recent trends at National level ACTIVITY, EMPLOY AND UNEMPLOYMENT (2003-2005). Primary sector. Annual average values (thousands people) Years Variation whith previous year (%) Percentage over total sectors Active Employed Unemployed Active Employed Unemployed Active Employed Unemployed Agriculture 2003 2004 2005 1.082,9 1.077,9 1.045,3 909,4 908,2 904,4 173,5 169,7 141,0 0,8 -0,5 -3,0 0,6 -0,1 -0,4 1.4.2 Distribution per typology of labour contract 11 1,9 -2,2 -16,9 5,5 5,3 5,0 5,3 5,2 5,0 7,1 6,1 4,8 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Evoltution of Number of Employees Members of Agriculture Social Security (thousands) 2003 Members Employed Self-employed Total 2004 844,4 289,7 1.134,1 2005 789,8 279,0 1.085,9 772 271,8 1.043,7 Familiar work and Wage-earners in Agriculture Enterprises (2005) Famiiar Category Men Women Wage-earning Steady Temporary Men Women Men Women (thousands people) Owner Spouse Other family 735,0 189,2 426,7 (total people) 292,8 449,5 145,9 58.311 (thousands working days) 4.604 30.679,5 11.522,2 1.4.3 Distribution of yearly number of working days per typology of labour contract Annual Work Unit in the Enterprise (UTA) Todas las explotaciones Total Trabaj o familia r: Total Trabaj o familia r: Titular Trabajo familiar : Cónyu ge Trabajo Trabajo familiar: asalariad Otros o: Total miembr os Trabajo asalariad o: Trabajo fijo Trabajo asalariad o: Trabajo eventual UTA UTA UTA UTA UTA UTA UTA 992.64 649.481 409.896 119.102 2 12 120.483 UTA 343.161 158.242 184.919 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 1.4.4 Presence of foreign workers Foreign workers living in housing units (nationality, activity sector, absolute value, percentage) Units: absolute values in thousands people Total Agriculture Absolute Value Percentage Absolute Value Percentage Total Double nacionality EU Rest of Europe Morocco Rest of Africa USA and Canada Latin America Resto of the World 679,6 100,0 51,9 7,6 63,4 100,0 1,9 3,0 89,4 100,0 3,8 4,2 118,6 100,0 10,9 9,2 70,3 100,0 10,9 15,4 27,9 100,0 3,2 11,5 4,3 100,0 .. .. 287,3 100,0 21,2 7,4 18,5 100,0 0,1 0,5 1.4.5 Labour Demand and Supply Labour demands (sex, activity, type). Unit: thousands of demands (annual average) Total Unemployment registred BOTH SEX Total AgrarIan 3.036,9 301,8 2.069,9 59,4 1.192,6 111,6 818,0 28,6 1.844,3 190,2 1.251,8 30,7 MALES Total Agrarian FEMALES Total Agrarian 13 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Registred contracts (modality, years, activity sector). Unit: Number of registred contracts. 2004 2005 Total TOTAL OPEN-ENDED EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT Ordinary Promotion of Open-ended contracting (1) Inicial Contracts Open-ended Contracts Conversión TEMPORARY CONTRACT Obra o servicio Temporary contract. Production circumstances Interinidad Workplacement Training Handicapped Retirement sustitution (64 years) Temporary. Job placement program Replacing contract Part-time retirement Others 14 Agrarian Total Agrarian 16.350.784 1.831.897 17.164.965 1.789.762 1.419.718 39.211 1.542.838 40.504 491.648 26.521 547.449 26.380 928.070 12.690 995.389 14.124 314.626 4.844 295.306 4.112 613.444 7.846 700.083 10.012 14.931.066 1.792.686 15.622.127 1.749.258 6.057.836 632.272 6.401.169 717.470 7.117.436 1.064.198 7.487.659 976.541 1.234.104 3.400 1.314.449 3.432 85.845 355 85.577 326 126.534 496 120.584 785 11.093 105 12.646 117 1.684 20 1.697 13 67.523 294 4.969 17 16.030 56 22.751 94 15.780 62 21.232 85 197.201 91.428 149.394 50.378 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 2. LOCAL AREA SELECTED (Lleida Province, Catalonia 2005, Spain , compared with the previous years) 2.1 AVERAGE STRUCTURE OF AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISES 2.1.1 Number of active agricultural enterprises at local selected level: Number of enterprises and recorded surface Catalonia. Sèrie temporal. — With lands Year — 2005 2003 — Without total Total land — Cultivation. Culitvat. Cultiv. 57503 60436 604 755 With livestock — — ha Cultiv. ha 56899 1926783 59681 1916525 15275 803432 14639 735222 Without livestock — ha Cultiv. Cultiv. 41624 45042 with SAU With other lands — ha Cultiv ha 1123350 56481 1162230 36847 1181303 59137 1148501 36686 764553 768024 1999. — With lands — Without Total Total Land — Cultiv.. Cultivat. Cultiv. — Provínce of Lleida Catalonia 23466 77839 338 1259 With livestock Without livestock With SAU With other lands — — — — ha Cultiv. ha Cultiv ha Cultiv ha Cultiv ha 23128 1049678 6202 274906 16926 76580 2303979 17891 768263 58689 15 774772 21953 590965 14581 458713 1535716 72006 1156828 43743 1147151 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 2.1.2 Total and average SAU Agricultural Surface Used at local selected level Used agrarian surface distribution Catalonia. Serie temporal. Year 2005 2003 Cultiv.. 56481 59137 Total Non irrigated land — — ha Cultiv. ha 1162230 40957 910923 1148501 41556 906580 Irrigated land Farmed lands — Cultiv. 40677 40089 ha 251306 241921 Cultiv. 55550 58217 Permanent pastures — ha Cultiv. ha 784069 5317 378161 797835 4107 350666 1999. Total secà Provínce of Lleida Catalonia regadiu Terres llaurades Pastures permanents — — — — explot. ha Explot. ha explot. ha explot. ha explot. ha 21953 590965 14642 450654 15743 140311 21398 366366 1942 224599 72006 1156828 53708 919410 44988 237418 70770 817031 4607 339797 2.1.3 Economical productive specialization at local selected level. Catalonia EURm in common terms . Producers prices 2003 2004 3.678,94 3.742,14 1.416,54 1.314,44 2.141,23 2.306,63 41,48 41,37 79,69 79,69 -2.022,79 -2.194,96 1.656,15 1.547,18 274,38 325,89 GROSS VALUE ADDED FACTOR COST…. 1.930,53 1.873,06 Amortitzations ......................... AGRARIAN RENT ….. -281,31 -281,31 1.649,22 1.591,75 AGRARIAN BRANCH PRODUCTION VEGETAL PRODUCTION ……….. ANIMAL PRODUCION ……………. FORESTRY PRODUCTION ……… OTHER PRODUCIONS ………….. Out of Sector Costs GROSS VALUE ADDED MARKET COST…. Subventions…………………….. 16 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 2.1.4 Distribution of agricultural enterprises per range of dimension Agrarian enterprises size according to total surface Catalunya. Sèrie temporal. Total wit lands - 1 ha ha Cultiv 1 - 2 ha ha Cultiv 2 - 5 ha ha Cultiv 5 - 10 ha ha Cultiv 10a- 20 ha ha Cultiv 20 - 50 ha ha Cultiv 50 - 100 ha ha Cultiv 100 - 200 ha 200 or + ha Year Cultiv ha Cultiv 2005 56899 1926783 1711 1012 6802 9327 12390 40390 9308 66804 11190 158476 8715 273660 3844 264996 1650 233291 ha Cultiv 1289 878828 ha 2003 59681 1916525 2213 1432 6784 9170 13811 45054 9756 69300 11416 162971 9266 291266 3344 231512 1830 241933 1262 863887 1999. Total wit lands Cultiv.. -1 ha ha Cultiv. 1 - 2 ha 2 - 5 ha ha Cultiv. ha Cultiv. 2608 5 - 10 ha ha Cultiv. 3825 12760 10 - 20 ha ha Cultiv. 4067 29373 4376 20- 50 ha ha Cultiv. 62397 50 - 100 ha ha Cultiv. 100- 200 ha ha Cultiv. Provínce of Lleida 23128 1049678 1658 891 1810 4407 136961 1651 112590 Catalonia 76580 2303979 8926 4863 9334 13137 15876 51469 12893 91647 11554 163054 10376 321476 3896 268012 714 200 or + ha ha Cultiv. 96247 2065 280851 ha 620 595851 1660 1109470 2.1.5 Distribution of enterprise per typology of structure. Catalonia (2005) All entreprises All enterprises Individual enterprise Individual enterprise and enterprise manager Trading company Public organization Cooperative Limited company Other Enterprises SAU (Ha.) Enterprises SAU (Ha.) Enterprises SAU (Ha.) Enterprises SAU (Ha.) Enterprises SAU (Ha.) Enterprises SAU (Ha.) 57.503 1.162.230 52.711 764.854 Enterprises SAU (Ha.) 46.255 703.238 1.974 89.230 17 240 164.364 Enterprises SAU (Ha.) 64 7.232 357 26.613 2.158 109.937 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 2.1.6 Distribution of Income 2003/2004: Final Agrarian Production.2003-2004. Products , current prices.EURm. Catalonia 2003 Agricultural products Cereals Pulses Tubers Industrial crops Forage crops Citrics Fresh non citric fruits Nuts Vegetables Wine industry Olive oil Seeds Flowers and ornamental plants 2004 1.416,54 1.314,44 168,43 188,35 1,20 1,23 29,73 46,76 3,54 4,39 30,58 29,67 47,29 35,79 418,82 570,34 31,43 54,62 227,76 194,64 111,77 121,28 37,39 64,46 24,74 24,74 115,38 112,72 2004 2003 Animal products Livestock Cattle Sheep and Goat Pigs Poultry Others Livestock products Milk Eggs Others 2.141,23 2.306,63 1.768,86 1.909,88 306,94 308,55 19,22 20,16 1.018,10 1.130,00 356,82 386,42 67,78 64,76 372,37 396,75 199,14 229,66 169,42 163,29 3,80 3,80 2.1.7 Recent trends of specific local agricultural activities in relation to National Agriculture. Catalonia Value 18 Volume variation (%) Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 2004 2005 2006 2004 2005 2006 167.479 181.029 195.284 3,2 3,3 3,9 2.446 2.457 2.613 0,3 -2,6 3,8 Indústry 36.238 37.238 39.338 0,4 -0,1 2,9 Construction 14.117 16.360 18.510 5,0 5,4 5,4 Services 98.623 106.951 114.554 3,7 4,3 3,8 Taxes 16.054 18.023 20.268 5,4 3,8 5,7 GDP pm Agriculture Unit: EURm ECONOMIC INDEX: AGRICULTURAL BRANCH / WHOLE ECONOMY in Spain (Current values at basic prices in EURm) 2003 GDPmp (EURm) Total employed (thousands people) GPD per employee (euros) Gross Value Added. Agriculture Branch (EURm) Agriculture employed (thousans people) GVA per employee (euros) GVA per employee/ GPD per employee (%) GVA / GPD (%) AGRICULTURE EMPLOYED / TOTAL (%) 19 2004 2005 780.550,0 17.296,0 42.105,2 837.316,0 17.421,0 48.063,6 904.323,0 17.969,6 50.325,2 27.679,2 909,4 30.436,8 28.615,5 908,2 31.507,9 26.419,6 904,4 29.212,3 67,4% 65,6% 58,0% 3,5% 3,4% 2,9% 5,3% 5,2% 5,0% Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 2.2 CULTIVATIONS AGRARIAN PRODUCTION. 2003-2004. MAIN LEADING PRODUCTS. Tons LLEIDA Wheat 2003 2004 Barley 2003 2004 Maize 2003 2004 Forage 2003 2004 Non citric fresh fruits 2003 2004 Vineyard 2003 2004 Olive grove 2003 2004 CATALONIA 124185 122464 256404 268992 341629 429365 561676 680768 265632 291146 361406 411047 2120927 2071207 3437284 3449563 864918 680309 1057101 787714 35180 39730 487564 557521 12148 24000 142098 117862 2.3 BREEDINGS LIVESTOCK FARMS (2004) Catalonia Lleida Farms Sheep Cattle Pigs and Goat 7379 4266 8639 2942945 1179 3805 20 Total 20284 7929 Capacity of Farms Sheep Cattle Pigs Total and Goat 834046 1414457 6045682 8294185 378261 396766 3414209 4189236 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 2.4 EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR Number of people employed, recent trends and distribution in agricultural enterprises at local selected level WORKING POPULATION IN CATALONIA 1999-2003. AGRICOLAR SECTOR. 1999 Workers family owner spouse others steady wage- earner Total Annual work unit family owner spouse others wage- earner steady temporary Total 2003 112701 62366 22974 27361 16869 129570 122084 55675 34329 32080 18323 140407 49548 33177 7953 8418 21931 13763 8168 71479 46470 28632 8393 9445 25783 15799 9984 72253 21 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 3. THE LEGISLATIVE AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK 3.1. Regulations of Labour and Employment in Agriculture Several community statistics allow to measure under different perspectives the employment in the agricultural sector: the statistics of the employment (survey for poll on the workforces, annual estimations of the employment) and the agricultural statistics (agrarian censures and surveys about the structure of the agricultural developments), whose methodologies and concepts are different. The first approach of the employment in the agricultural sector consists of placing it inside the global employment and of comparing it with the employment in other economic sectors. The corresponding information comes from the statistics of the employment, where it places to occupied in the economic sector in which they exercise its principal activity, and the characteristics of the employment measure up according to identical concepts of a sector of activity to other one. Nevertheless, these statistics do not cover the set of the persons employees in the agricultural sector. In effect, one of the characteristics of the agricultural employment resides in the importance of the part-time work ; an important part of the agricultural assets exercises its principal activity in other sectors. In the statistics of employment, these persons will not qualify as agricultural assets But the surveys about the structure of the agricultural developments allow a more exact measure of the employment in the agriculture, when the persons take into account so much employees in full-time work as in part-time work . The information on the time of work allows, turning the number of employees in units equivalent to full-time workers - so called units of work year (UTA)-, to know the volume of work really dedicated to the agricultural activity, the only valid measure of the contribution of the work in the agricultural sector, having into account the importance of the part-time work. In agreement with this source, the total number of persons registered in agricultural developments in the EU 25 in 2003 is 20.292.000, whereas the total number of UTA was 9.861.000, which was involving UTA's average for working person in the agrarian exploitation of 0,45, with considerable variations according to the different members states. The process of modernization of the Spanish agriculture, which begins to take place with special intensity at the beginning of the sixties, and the consistent crisis of the traditional agriculture have originated strong changes in the composition of the factors of production and specifically of the workforce in the agrarian sector. As consequence of this process, a strong reduction of the working population has been registered in the agriculture and a complex joint 22 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 of the modalities of work in the agriculture and in the same rural society, which concerns the qualification, flexibility, labour strategies and systems of social organization. The conversion of the primary sector in tertiary, the part-time agriculture, unitedly with the multifunctionality of the rural society, they shape a new scene of the labour and social relations in this rural enviroment and in the agrarian sector. According to the information provided by the Survey of Active Population (EPA), the active agrarian population has passed of being 14,2 % on the total active population in 1986 to 5,3 % in 2005. So much the information derived from the Agrarian Censuses as of the Surveys of Structures of Agricultural Developments they reveal a constant fall of the familiar work measured in UTA, which, anyway, continues representing 68 % of the whole of work in the agriculture. On the other hand, the Surveys of Active Population show up the drastic reduction of the familiar economic aids and the correlative increase of the wage-earning work, so much steady as, especially, temporary employee, in the Spanish agriculture. It is considered of special importance to affect in the relevancy of women’s work inside the area of the familiar exploitation in their diverse socialprofessional situations and as wage-earner (especially temporary employee) in the agriculture and the food-processing industry. Approximately 41 % of the total employment of the mentioned industry (475.000 persons) involved women. On having finished the third quarter of 2006 there were 983,5 thousands of persons affiliated to the REASS, of which 73,9 % was involved workers employed by third part and the rest for self-employed workers. 45 % of the persons affiliated to the REASS are women and 15 % of the affiliated ones to the Special Regime of the Sea. In October, 2005, the Government reached an agreement with the principal professional agrarian organizations for the reform of the REASS (Special Agrarian Regime of National Health Service), which aim was to bring over the protection conditions of the agrarian self-employed workers to the regime applicable to the majority of the autonomous workers (Special Regime of Autonomous Workers - RETA). For that reason it is foreseen to include, from 2008 and inside RETA a " special system for self-employed agrarian workers ". Likewise in December, 2005 an agreement was reached between the Government and the Food-processing Federations of GENERAL TRADE UNION OF WORKERS and Workers' Commissions for the improvement of the protection system by unemployment of the agrarian workers, centred on the workers employed by third part and specially in the temporary employees. 23 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 On the other hand, the claim of the shared ownership in the agrarian developments is a historical demand of farmer and cattle women . With the reform of the REASS there has been obtained the possibility that rural women share the ownership of the lands at which they are employed together with their husbands, there has been achieved also the juridical and social recognition of wives’ work who traditionally collaborate in the agrarian exploitation. Women's incorporation to the agriculture. Rural world, on the other hand, has been characterized traditionally by a marked typical male attitude, it being still had relegated the woman to a secondary role and in many cases, by a mere collaborator of the tasks recovered by the man, often without social recognition not economically, that is to say, without salary and without being registered in the National Health Service. It is necessary, therefore, to eliminate the inequality between men and women and to foment equal opportunities for both, by means of the support to projects which initiative and execution is carried out by women, and it is recognized in the Regulations previously mentioned, which regulate at the Community level, the rural development . One of the measures that can help to relieve this situation of inequality is the incorporation of the women to the agrarian sector as holders of the developments. The mentioned Royal decree 613/2001 has foreseen that the economical aids to the first installation of young farmers, consisting of bonuses of interests and prime for exploitation, increase in 10 % in the suppositions in which it is a young woman the beneficiary of the same ones. This additional help has as aim to foment the incorporation of the woman into the agrarian sector and favor her access to the ownership of better measured , more modern and viable companies technology and economically, avoiding the aging of the population with the consequent generational relief, and helping to compensate this way the current demographic imbalance man and women in the rural world. It is a positive action, so, that gets the equality of opportunities. The helps granted to the women In the next graphics form the information relative to the helps to the first installation of young farmers approved during the year 2000 to 2006, correspondents to the operative programs and of rural development applied in the above mentioned period of programming 24 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Helps to the first instllation of young farmers (euromillions ) Año Nº beneficiaries Investment (milion €) Total aids (milion €) Measured aid per beneficiary (€) 2.000 3.561 117,9 56,0 15.739 2.001 4.299 181,9 81,4 18.925 2.002 4.082 195,8 87,6 21.451 2.003 3.865 205,2 82,7 21.409 2.004 2.924 165,3 62,6 21.423 2.005 3.265 196,7 90,2 27.639 2.006 3.935 218,8 105,5 26.801 TOTAL 25.931 1.281,6 566,1 21.829 *General subdepartment of Equality and Modernization. MAPA Since parts with the Picture 1, from the year 2002 there takes place a sensitive increase of the average help with regard to the previous years, with a maximum in 2005, probably for the influence of the measures established in the Royal decree 1650/2004, of July 9, which increased the helps to the first installation of young farmers. In addition, these quantities increase in 10 % when the beneficiary is a young woman from 2001. Nevertheless, this increase of the helps has not served to invest the trend to the fall that there present the numbers of young farmers who join with this help, since from the year 2002, it has continued the progressive decrease of the number of beneficiaries, though in the last years a sensitive improvement has existed, turning out to be an average of 3.704 beneficiaries / year. This situation is parallel to the one that has been produced in other developed countries specially tied, on the one hand, to the increase of the productivity of the workforce associated with the mechanization and incorporation of technologies and, for other one, to the reduction of the competitiveness of the production while the commercial opening has been increased and the exchanges have been facilitated by other developed and in development countries. 25 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 3.2. Regulations of Training opportunities of Human Resources in Agriculture The regulations as for the training agriculture (and in the rest of sectors) are divided in national bonuses and bonuses to level of autonomous community (Catalonia), besides the helps that could come from project or European initiatives At a national level, to mention the Tripartite Foundation for the Formation and the Employment. It is the state entity entrusted to stimulate and coordinate the execution of the public policies as for Vocational training, in the area of the employment and the labour relations, developing its attributions in the frame of the Law 50/2002, of December 26 of Foundations. It forms a part of the organs of participation and management that compose the organizational structure of the subsystem of Permanent training, together with the State Commission of Permanent training and the Equal Sectorial and Territorial Commissions. The Law of General Budgets of the State assigns every year the resources destined for the Permanent training across the Budgets of the Public Service of State Employment. These resources come from the collection of the Quota of Vocational training that the National Health Service realizes. The Social European Fund takes part in the cofinancing of the Initiatives of Formation, across the Operative Programs Plurirregionales of action as for Permanent training and Reinforcement of the Managerial Initiative, which 20002006 contemplate in the Community Frame of Support for Spain for the period. It takes as an object the training of the unemployed and occupied workers (of any sector) to improve their professional training and personal development. At the level of Autonomous Community (Catalonia), there exist several organisms that manage and promote the training in the sectorial foodprocessing area. Inside Catalonia's Autonomous government , there exist the Department of Work and the Department of Agriculture, Nourishment and Rural Action (section of Agrarian Training), where several organisations offer training subsidized to companies - workers of the sector. The Department of Work relies on the Consortium for the Permanent training and the institute of Formation and Cooperative Promotion. The Department of Agriculture offers courses for farmers and ranchers in the School of Agrarian Training. 26 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 3.3. Social parties, structures and organizations representing workers and employers Administración General del Estado Departament de Treball de la Generalitat de Catalunya Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social (INSS) Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya Ministerio de Trabajo y asuntos sociales Organización Internacional del Trabajo Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) Patronat Cátala Pro Europa Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal Sistemas de Atención Ciudadana Tribunal Laboral de Catalunya 27 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 3.4. Strategies put in action for valorization of Human Resources in Agriculture Increase of the competitiveness of the agricultural and forest sector For the attainment of the present objective there have been defined the following measures, which will develop in the following paragraphs: Information and vocational training Installation of young farmers Early retirement of the farmers and of the agricultural workers Utilization of services of advice on the part of the farmers Implantation of services of management, substitution and advice Modernization of the agrarian developments Increase of the value added of agricultural and forest products Cooperation for the development of new products, processes and technologies Improvement and development of the agricultural and forest infrastructures Adjustment to the community procedure: trazabilidad of the agrarian products Support the farmers who take part in programs relative to the quality of the food Rest to the producers' groups as for development of activities of information and promotion on qualit programs of the food 28 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 4. NATIONAL GOOD PRACTICES 4.1 Identification and description of good practices Table “Good Practices” 29 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 AREA System & Institutional Organization LEVEL Specific Actions, Initiatives and Experimentations 3 - C-Test: Online training Project by the Woman's Institute Training & support for competences and skills development in Agriculture 4 - Blended Computer training (Traditional teachint, Elearning) for working Women in rural Areas. 5 - Women and Craftmanship in the Mountain Areas: social Diagnosis, Dynamism and Dissemination Program of Women's Activities around Craftmanship and traditional Crafts in the Mountains Areas of Lleida. 1 -Training Courses as Co-development Agents. 6 - Vocational training for over 45 Women with social Evaluation for Valorization of workers Exlusion Risk and human resources in Agriculture 2 -Creation of the Interdisciplinar Seminar for Woman's 7- Health, Security and Welfare in Agriculture. Studies -University of Lleida, Spain8- Employment Workshop in La Vansa i Tuixent Valley: a program for training and employing unemployed Women. 30 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 1 Title/Name: TRAINING COURSES AS CO-DEVELOPMENT AGENTS Referring Institution UNIÓ DE PAGESOS DE CATALUNYA – PAGESOS SOLIDARIS Responsable for its Av. Francesc Cambó, 14, 3B 08003 – BARCELONA implementation: SPAIN TEL: 0034 93 26 80 900 Contact person and mail: Jaume Font: [email protected] Web: UNIÓ DE PAGESOS DE CATALUNYA Av. Tortosa, 2 25005 - LLEIDA SPAIN TEL: 0034 973 28 82 00 Contact person and mail: Paquita Escoi / [email protected] Web: Eventual other actuator partners: Source of fundings: ⌧ ⌧ ⌧ Typology of involvement of beneficiary ⌧ Public Private Contributions of workers Contributions of employers/enterprisers Other Compulsory/foreseen by specific regulations Free/optional Public sensiblization initiatives Private sensibilization initiatives Trade Union sensibilization initiatives Organization of workers sensibilization initiatives Other Eventual origin of the GP: “Pagesos Solidaris” (supportive farmers) is a foundation boosted by the agrarian trade union “Unió de Pagesos” to welcome and take in immigrant people who work temporarily in the harvest time in Catalonia, whether it is on a social or industrial level. Programs to promote personal autonomy, health, language and training are carried out by them. Training courses as co-development agent have qualified temporary workers who have later set in motion development projects in their countries of origin. From 2004 the project has been also implemented in Valencia Community and Balearic Islands. Systems envolved: ⌧ ⌧ ⌧ Education Vocational Training Employment & Labour market Market Other 31 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Description of the GP: Training temporary workers as co-development agents is an innovative aspect to create new chances in its origin which can become a significant alternative to migration. The employed methodology in the development courses is based on Popular Education, consisting in building up knowledge in a collective way as a result of participant people’s knowledge. General and specific Objectives Training temporary workers as co-development agents during and/or at the of the GP: end of the harvest time in Catalonia so that they can achieve development projects in their countries, strengthening supportive work in group and gender equity in their communities of origin. Typology of services foreseen and provided by the GP: 1. Carrying out introduction courses to co-development to the temporary workers collective who work in the harvest time to explain the program undertaken by the Foundation 2. Selection of the people who will take part in the course as codevelopment agents out of the contacted people in the introduction courses and the ones interested in attending it 3. Running the training course as co-development agent. 4. Encouraging and accompanying the rural development projects promoted by the agents in their country of origin Targets: Temporary workers in the harvest time in Catalonia, Valencia and Majorca. 2005: 250 men y 270 women from Morocco, Romania, Colombia and Bolivia. Results of the GP: 2005: 250 men and 270 women from Morocco, Romania, Colombia and Bolivia in the introduction courses to co-development 54 people selected for the course as co-development agent from which 23 are women. 9 co-development projects promoted in different countries of origin of the trained agents, for example: Development project for rural women from Sidy Yamani (Morocco) through technical training courses, alphabetization and awareness lectures. 5 codevelopment agent women involved, 105 women taking part in the activities from which 55 in the course of alphabetization Project for the consolidation of Al Mostakbal training centre in Sidi Yamani (Morocco) in order to support the creation of productive groups of women in the community. 5 co-development agent women involved, creation of a first productive group of dressmakers, confection and embroidery Associative project for the production and sale of bread and cakes made with quinoa flour with rural women from Puerres (Colombia). 1 agent woman and 3 agent men involved, 17 women from the rural area beneficiaries Project for the production, transformation and commercialization of uchuva in Guasca, (Colombia). 5 agent men and 2 agent women involved. Creation of an agrarian cooperative. Women got involved in all project phases especially in the transformation one. Duration: Training: Two months 32 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 2 Title/Name: CREATION OF THE INTERDISCIPLINAR SEMINAR FOR WOMAN’S STUDIES - UNIVERSITY OF LLEIDA , SPAIN Referring Institution Interdisciplinar Seminar for Woman’s Studies (SIED): University of Lleida, Responsable for its teléfono +34 973 703 396; [email protected] Contact person and mail: President: Mª Ángeles Calero implementation: [email protected], Eventual other actuator partners: Source of fundings: ⌧ Typology of involvement of beneficiary ⌧ Public Private Contributions of workers Contributions of employers/enterprisers Other Compulsory/foreseen by specific regulations Free/optional Public sensiblization initiatives Private sensibilization initiatives Trade Union sensibilization initiatives Organization of workers sensibilization initiatives Other th Eventual origin of the GP: Since its creation, in 1991, as a university association, till the 6 of March 2006, the SIED was working to achieve a self service inside the University of Lleida for developing the tasks they do develop in the association. They did reach their objective on 7th March 2006. 7th March 2006 was the date in which the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Women’s Promotion was created inside the University of Lleida with the aim of introducing and promoting gender perspective in university’s teaching and research, training and dissemination activity, and elaborating equal plans inside the University of Lleida and for the public and private institutions interested. Nowadays, the SIED has representations in the Guidance Board in the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Women Promotion. During these 15 years, the SIED has become a reference point inside and outside the region of Lleida, diversifying its activities and demonstrating the necessity of the institutions to assume the role the non-governmental institutions have been doing in the promotion of women’s welfare state. The creation of the SIED has been innovative for the University of Lleida because never before did anyone think of a centre with such profile, as there is in many other Spanish universities. Systems envolved: ⌧ Education Vocational Training Employment & Labour market Market Other 33 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Description of the GP: The seminar is a non profit association that works in the different counties in region of Lleida. Its branch office is inside the University of Lleida. It has a Library and other branches for activity management and organization. It is integrated by women interested in the women’s reality and gender issues. The seminar is in charge of organizing different activities related to women during the school year, not only inside the University of Lleida but also in any other public or private institution, governmental or non-governmental. Besides, the seminar participates in European programs with other feminist groups, as well as in other international cooperation projects with Third World Women. General and specific Objectives GENERAL OBJECTIVE of the GP: Provide knowledge about women so that these become the starting point of positive actions. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES -To make population aware of women’s reality in our city and country. -To bring gender equality issues closer to society (Lleida, Catalonia and Spanish society). - To promote the results on women’s studies in all teaching and researching areas. Typology of services foreseen Step 1: its activity started in 1987 as a history research group. In 1991 it was and provided by the GP: set up as a university association with a plural disciplinary character, adopting the name of Interdisciplinar Seminar for Woman’s Studies (SIED), integrating other knowledge areas and giving a new thrust to the feminist collective of the University of Lleida. Step 2: from 1992 to 1995 the main activity of the SIED has been the constitution of the Centre of Woman’s Studies and Documentation. The centre offers its counselling services for teachers, pupils, researchers and teaching centres that have the necessity of a specific bibliography on women, gender and/or feminism. Step 3: many courses, seminars and conferences have been organized in different thematic areas, all related to women. Step 4: in 2005 a new agreement is signed between the SIED and University of Lleida for the creation of a university structure for assuming the SIED’s work from 1991. In 2006, the Centre for the Gender Equality and Women’s Promotion is created. Targets: Interdisciplinar Seminar for Woman’s Studies’ (onwards, SIED) managing organ is composed by over 70 women, all of them registered in the organization. Around 20 of them are involved in the internal management and organizational tasks, with the help of non partner volunteers. There are also 2 internship people in charge of the website up-dating and managing the Library. Due to agreements signed with various organizations and a gender project, there are other people in charge of different activities addressed to training, material creation and equal opportunities. The activities done are especially addressed to women from the city and region of Lleida, even if it is not an essential requirement. Men are often accepted. 34 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Results of the GP: The most obvious results are those related to the participation, follow-up and assessment of the courses the SIED offers inside the different university degrees. Most of the inscribed people are women with special interests on gender issues. Their commitment is normally high. On the other hand, in public events (seminars, conferences…) as well as in feminist claims (8th March, Worker Women’s Day, and 25th November, Worldwide Day against illtreated women) an important citizenship participation is to be underlined, specially university people’s participation. 2005-2006 an online Masters was started for training Equal Opportunity Agents; positive actions in rural areas. Such masters received a grant from the Catalan Institute for Women. Around 10 people are inscribed and a second edition is foreseen for next school year (2006-2007). Besides, SIED is actually participating on a European Initiative on Equal Opportunities called Dona/Home Rurals, being responsible of one of the project’s 23 actions. It consists on organizing workshop for coeducative material creation addressed to primary and secondary teachers in the province of Lleida. Duration: 1991-2007. 35 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 3 Title/Name: C-TEST: ONLINE TRAINING PROJECT BY THE WOMAN’S INSTITUTE Referring Institution CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC FORESTAL DE CATALUNYA Responsable for its Pujada del Seminari s/n implementation: 25280 Solsona (Spain) Contact person and e-mail address: Isabel Rodríguez [email protected] Web site: Eventual other actuator partners: Source of fundings: Typology of involvement of beneficiary ⌧ ⌧ ⌧ Public Private Contributions of workers Contributions of employers/enterprisers Other Compulsory/foreseen by specific regulations Free/optional Public sensiblization initiatives Private sensibilization initiatives Trade Union sensibilization initiatives Organization of workers sensibilization initiatives Other Eventual origin of the GP: E-work is an option to promote women’s conciliation of professional and family life. Nowadays women in Spain have a poor leaning on this work option. This good practice promotes the training of women as e-workers, a new way of integration into the labour market. Systems envolved: ⌧ ⌧ ⌧ Education Vocational Training Employment & Labour market Market Other Description of the GP: The women’s institute (Instituto de la Mujer) is a public institution belonging the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, through the General Secretary for Equal Policies. It was created in 1983 and remodelled in 1997. The Women’s institute e-learning is a training process that is formed by different courses about: windows, internet, graphic design, informatics, program, and others. These courses are made during 8 weeks and the degree is for 85 hours of course. 36 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 General and specific Objectives GENERAL OBJECTIVE of the GP: To promote e-work and e-learning in New Technologies as a new way of labour insertion for women. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES - To train women in ICT - To get the labour insertion through the labour exchange - To inform users about the traditional learning - To offer bibliographic resources about enterprise, human resources, telemarketing and e-work Typology of services foreseen C-TEST Project of the Women’s Institute uses a Services Virtual Centre. One and provided by the GP: of the services offered is e-learning. Women can register themselves online on the courses they are interested in. All materials are within the work table of the course. Steps followed: - STEP 1: In 2001 the Women’s Institute created the e-learning Project for women in Spain. It was a free initiative for all interested women. - STEP 2: Women can register themselves online into the courses - STEP 3: At the moment they register themselves the system gives the woman a USER NAME and a PASSWORD - STEP 4: Once registered, a tutor is assigned to each of the registered women. The tutor will help the woman to accomplish the course and will do the necessary follow up for accomplishing the course (by e-mail) - STEP 5: The trainee has to finish the course in 8 weeks - STEP 6: When the course finishes the student receives an accomplishment diploma with the number of hours specified Targets: Women in Spain willing to learn or work with ICT The target group are women: - Under 25 years old: 18% - Between 25 and 45 years old: 74% - Over 45 years: 8% - Unemployed: 70% - Employed: 30% Total number of trained women 2001/2006: 25.200 Results of the GP: The exact numbers of women that have trained themselves with this programme between the years 2001 -2006 are 25200 (4200 women per year). Duration: 2001-2007. 37 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 4 Title/Name: BLENDED COMPUTER TRAINING (TRADITIONAL TEACHING, E-LEARNING) FOR WORKING WOMEN IN RURAL AREAS. Referring Institution FUNDACIÓ CATALANA DE COOPERACIÓ Responsable for its Av. Tortosa 2 (Edifici Mercolleida) implementation: 25005 Lleida Spain Contact person and mail: Ainhoa Berganza [email protected] Eventual other actuator partners: Source of fundings: ⌧ ⌧ ⌧ Typology of involvement of beneficiary ⌧ ⌧ ⌧ Public Private Contributions of workers Contributions of employers/enterprisers Other Compulsory/foreseen by specific regulations Free/optional Public sensiblization initiatives Private sensibilization initiatives Trade Union sensibilization initiatives Organization of workers sensibilization initiatives Other Eventual origin of the GP: - Rural area. All small countries are badly communicated (between them and with the capital), and even if there are many computer skills’ courses running in the capital, the assistance is long and tiring for just a course. - Low rates of unemployment. The aim of training women is not for employing them, but for empowering and offering new training methodologies adapted to the necessities of different profiles. - Women search new training methodologies. Women are looking methodologies that permit family and work life conciliation; open and distance training combination gives the change for doing so. Systems envolved: ⌧ ⌧ Education Vocational Training Employment & Labour market Market Description of the GP: The methodology of the training was very new, offering flexible learning, combination of traditional teaching and e-learning. Depending on the women’s previous knowledge (basic, medium, advanced), the program had a higher percentage of traditional teaching learning (with a professor). An exam was done the first day for evaluating the level and a personalized study plan was developed depending on such level. The average percentage of traditional teaching learning was around 50% (higher for basic course, up to 75%). The personalized study plan was developed in the e-learning hours. 38 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 General and specific Objectives of the GP: - - Train working women in rural areas in computer skills and knowledge Offer new training methodologies that include distance training/learning Offer personalised training adapted to the needs of different women Give the possibility of training/learning to all rural locations of Lleida, contacting with public organizations for classroom use (public schools, city halls) for traditional training lessons Typology of services foreseen Step 1: Analysis of needs (4 months). Survey on rural women’s basic and provided by the GP: competencies, where among others, deficiencies on basic computer knowledge is detected. Step 2: Target group definition (2 months). Rural working women (all women but specially those over 45) who have been in labour market for some years but are not skilled enough in computer knowledge (from basic level to advanced level). Step 3: Research and selection of training material (8 months). A research was done on existing computer skills training courses and materials. Considering the rural context of Lleida and the target group, open and distance training materials were chosen on basic computer skills training, Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Internet, Outlook. Different knowledge levels: basic, medium, high, with an specific study plan for each student, to be developed during the e-learning training. Such e-learning training is done with CDs, easy to be installed in the computer and with no Internet connection need (which is not easy to find in some rural areas of our countryside) Step 4: Design of workplan (4 months). All different regions of the country of Lleida are contacted (city halls and SME –Small and Medium Enterprises-), and the training offer is launched. The only requirement is having a computer room and availability for around 2 months. Interested organizations (city halls and/or sme) request the specific courses they are interested in (basic, Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Internet, Outlook). A minimum of 15 people is required, maximum 20, per group. The duration of the courses: 20 hours (1,5 hour-2 hours per lesson). On workplan design, most of the training required is basic, with some specific courses (Access, Excel mainly) on medium and high level. Step 5: Implementation and dissemination (18 months). Courses were implemented in the territory, from November 2003 till December 2004, in the locations requested. The dissemination was done through the project web page ( and through publicity leaflets specific for such training. Step 6: Evaluation (throughout all project): each training course was evaluated once finished (the trainer, the e-learning material, the methodology – both traditional and distance learning-, duration, etc.). The results were very successful. Targets: Rural working women (all women but specially those over 45) who have been in labour market for some years but are not skilled enough in computer knowledge (from basic level to advanced level). A total amount of 300 women were trained. 39 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Results of the GP: 36 training courses were developed. 405 people trained (110 during 2003 and 295 during 2004). Most required courses: Internet, Basic Computer Knowledge. Duration: 36 months 40 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 5 Title/Name: WOMEN AND CRAFTMANSHIP IN THE MOUNTAIN AREAS: SOCIAL DIAGNOSIS, DYNAMISM AND DISSEMINATION PROGRAM OF WOMEN’S ACTIVITIES AROUND CRAFTMANSHIP AND TRADITIONAL CRAFTS IN THE MOUNTAINS AREAS OF LLEIDA. Referring Institution CEDRICAT Responsable for its Ctra. Sant Llorenç, km 2 implementation: 252780 Solsona (Lleida) Spain Contact person and email: Eva Sánchez Dubé [email protected] Eventual other actuator partners: Source of fundings: ⌧ ⌧ Typology of involvement of beneficiary ⌧ ⌧ Public Private Contributions of workers Contributions of employers/enterprisers Other Compulsory/foreseen by specific regulations Free/optional Public sensiblization initiatives Private sensibilization initiatives Trade Union sensibilization initiatives Organization of workers sensibilization initiatives Eventual origin of the GP: Because of the low official rates of activity and the scarce economical diversity in the mountain areas of Lleida, there are scarce occupational opportunities for women. Women participate in the labour market, either in local enterprises, family enterprises or as entrepreneurs. These projects are mainly about the same topics (craftsmanship, tourism, services, and trade). However, there are some handicaps which involve a devaluation of their skills, due to the fact that such skills are acquired in the domestic area and context, and therefore their job is classified as “non-qualified”. Systems envolved: ⌧ ⌧ Education Vocational Training Employment & Labour market Market Description of the GP: Women and Craftsmanship in the mountain areas: Social diagnosis, dynamism and dissemination program of women’s activities around craftsmanship and traditional crafts in the mountains area of Lleida There are several innovations: - An innovative target group: craftswomen of mountain areas of Lleida (there was not a previous work in that territory about this group). - Planning: with a proactive strategy, built around the collective’s needs, which are the basis of the work plan. - A participating methodology: interviews to different groups (craftsmen, development agent of the territory, associations, consumers…) and workshops, with the Logical Framework Approach (LFA) methodology. 41 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 General and specific Objectives GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To get to know the craftsmanship sector in mountain terms of making of the GP: areas, identifying its weaknesses and potentialities in some proposals and plans to improve the situation of this collective. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Short / mid term: - Quantify different traditional jobs and crafts found in these mountain areas so as to revaluate the popular knowledge of these traditional jobs. - Quantify and qualify women’s entrepreneurship in the craftsmanship sector, by means of Weakness /strengthness detection and promoting in her work situation. - Make an analysis of the social network, by means of promoting collective working and improving their networking and relationships. - Increase participation of the craftsmanship collective, especially women, in the local economic development of the area. Create different links with other activities, trying to provide an important binding between identity and territory. - Create meeting points in order to promote a network between the craftsmen collective and economic and social agents, who are involved in local development. Long term: - Encourage recovering the architectural heritage to be used for different purposes: a centre for education and vocational training, community development, cultural exhibition area, etc. 42 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Typology of services foreseen Diagnosis . Design Dissemination Programme (February to December 2004) and provided by the GP: Step I.1: Analysis of needs (from February 2004 to May 2004). The informal meetings with some artisan women and craftsmen associations’ need detection and strategy plan design (planning, objectives and work plan). Step I.2: Target group definition (February 2004/April 2004). Data base obtention (craftsmen, specific organizations, different government levels). Step I.3: Design of work plan and material (from May 2004 to October 2004). Looking for documentation and research (articles, analysis of similar territories…). Designing a different interview pattern and organising a meeting. Step I.4: Implementation and dissemination (from May 2004 to December 2004). Local administration and government collaborated on dissemination of the meetings and yield meeting rooms (Consells Comarcals and City Halls). Step I.5: Evaluation (throughout all project). Every step was evaluated, including reformulation of the initial project. Step I.6: Follow-up: Design of the Second phase of the project (from November 2004 to February 2005). There were meetings with local and regional public organisations, in order to present the results of the first phase and involve them technical and economically in the next phases. Second phase: Dissemination Actions (from February 2005 to February 2006): Step II.1: Reformulation of needs (from February 2005 to April 2005). Some informal meetings were held with representatives of the craftsmen collective to prioritize some actions which would produce more impact on the collective. Step II.2: Design of work plan and material (from April 2005 to December 2006). Searching and contacting specialists (individual or organisations, from Catalonia or other territories) for the design of the operations and the initial planning for the seminar to exchange experiences. Step II.3: Implementation and dissemination (from April 2005 to February 2006). Between 3rd and 4th February 2006, it was the visit-exchange in Navarra mountains. The seminar was held 17th February 2006 in Solsona . Step II.4: Evaluation (throughout all project). Actions were assessed by the women who attended the seminar with a questionnaire. Step II.5: Follow-up. Nowadays, CEDRICAT continues this work, focused on: this sector (craftsman), with this specific collective (women) and at the same the territory (mountain area of Lleida) Targets: In the first diagnosis phase: 58 “craftswomen” of the mountains area of Lleida, in different legal or illegal situation (11 legally recognised as craftsmen, 47 not legally recognised), 4 Associations of craftsmen and women. In a second phase (exchange meeting and a session of dissemination about diagnosis conclusions): 44 attending people – 30 women and 14 men-, out of which 31 were from the beneficiary group and 13 were experts on this theme. Results of the GP: Results:- 58 artisan women registered (most of them were not registered in local economical activities neither in the artisan official register) Outputs:- Public administration recognised a discriminatory relationship with artisan women, because of the specific variable of their activity (mountain area with regard to urban or fringe area), by means of a legal and tax reformulation. - More relationship between this collective (collective strengthen) and between the collective and local organisation (public and private). Duration: 36 months 43 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 6 Title/Name: VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR OVER 45 WOMEN WITH SOCIAL EXCLUSION RISK Referring Institution CENTRE TECNOLÒGIC FORESTAL DE CATALUNYA Responsable for its Pujada del Seminari s/n implementation: 25280 Solsona (Spain) Contact person and e-mail address: Isabel Rodríguez [email protected] Eventual other actuator partners: Source of fundings: ⌧ Typology of involvement of beneficiary ⌧ Public Private Contributions of workers Contributions of employers/enterprisers Other Compulsory/foreseen by specific regulations Free/optional Public sensiblization initiatives Private sensibilization initiatives Trade Union sensibilization initiatives Organization of workers sensibilization initiatives Other Eventual origin of the GP: The training was implemented in the Solsonès region, located in the rural are of the Catalan pre-Pyrenees; it was implemented from 1999 on. Solsonès is a region where 12.000 people live, out of which 8.500 in the city of Solsona, the capital of the region. The density of population is 11 inhabitants per Km2. The Forest Technology Centre of Catalonia is the promoter of the project. The aims of the centre are the research, the technology transfer and the training in the forest and environment fields; this is one of the reasons why the training workshop was on gardening and restoration of rural areas. Systems envolved: ⌧ ⌧ ⌧ Education Vocational Training Employment & Labour market Market Other Description of the GP: The training workshops are public programs for training and employment, and they have the aim of improving the employment opportunities for people out of work, those over 25 years old who have special difficulties in returning to the labour market (people unemployed for a long time, women over 45, etc.) and to help them in their integration into the labour market. 44 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 General and specific Objectives GENERAL OBJECTIVE of the GP: The training workshops are public employment and training programs that aim to improve the employment opportunities of unemployed people. The aim is to train unemployed people; people over 25 who have special difficulties in re-entering the labour market (people unemployed for a long time, preferably women over 45 years old, etc.) and to help them in the process of re-integration. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES 2.1. Train women in gardening and restoration of natural areas 2.2. Increase the employability of the participating women developing her social and labour skills 2.3. Contribute to the reintegration to the labour market Typology of services foreseen Step 1: Analysis of the training and labour needs in the Solsonès region and provided by the GP: Step 2: Target group definition. Selection of a target group from general population (this target group was defined based on the training and labour needs). Step 3: Design of the training program. Find attached the courses to be followed: Gardening and rural areas restoration M1. Introduction to gardening M2. Land preparation in gardening M3. Plant, bush and tree identification M4. Plantation and sowing M5. Irrigation M6. Fertilize M7. Trees and shrubs pruning M8. Silviculture M9. Forests Complementary training Basic Training (Catalan, maths, natural and social sciences,...) Labour insertion Preventions of labour risks Informatics Ambient sciences Social and labour abilities Step 4: Design of work plan and material: special tasks were programmed. Step 5: Implementation of the course. Duration: 1 year, 960 hours: 240 theory and 720 h practice Step 6: Evaluation of the participant women Step 7: Evaluation of the program by the assistants Step 8: Support on the process of integration into the labour market and labour insertion. Step 9: Follow-up of the development of each woman during 6 month after the end of the program. 45 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Targets: Every training workshop was composed of 8 unemployed women over 45 years old. From 1999 to 2005, 50 women have participated in the CTFC training workshops, from 27 to 63 years old. To participate in this training program, the conditions are: - To be unemployed woman - To be over 25 years old - To live in the Solsonès region (Lleida, Spain) Other requirements: - To be over 45 years old - Low level of training - To have family responsible - To be in social risk situation Results of the GP: From 1999, every year 8 woman have done the training program Integration into the labour market of the 80 % of the participants (most of them as workers) Improve participant’s employability by developing their labour and social skills. 5 training workshops have been made, related to topics like gardening and restoration of natural areas. 50 women have been trained (from 1999 to 2005), most of them over 45 years old and in social exclusion risk situation. 80 % of these women found a job after the training workshop. Duration: Since 1999. 46 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 7 Title/Name: HEALTH, SECURITY AND WELFARE IN AGRICULTURE Referring Institution UNIÓ DE PAGESOS DE CATALUNYA - FUNDACIÓ LLUÍS NOMEN Y Responsable for its DONES UNIÓ PAGESOS implementation: Av. Francesc Cambó, 14, 3B 08003 – BARCELONA SPAIN TEL: 0034 93 26 80 900 Contact person and mail: Santiago Caballero / [email protected] Web: Roser Armengol / [email protected] Web: UNIÓ DE PAGESOS DE CATALUNYA-ÀREA DE FORMACIÓN Av. Tortosa, 2 25005 - LLEIDA SPAIN TEL: 0034 973 28 82 00 Contact person and mail: Paquita Escoi / [email protected] Web: Eventual other actuator partners: Source of fundings: ⌧ ⌧ Typology of involvement of beneficiary ⌧ ⌧ ⌧ Eventual origin of the GP: - Systems envolved: ⌧ ⌧ Public Private Contributions of workers Contributions of employers/enterprisers Other Compulsory/foreseen by specific regulations Free/optional Public sensiblization initiatives Private sensibilization initiatives Trade Union sensibilization initiatives Organization of workers sensibilization initiatives Other Applying gender mainstreaming perspective in relation to the Prevention of Industrial Risks in the agriculture sector considering that agrarian professional men and women have differences in terms of risks and health caused by their working activity. Creating groups of women with continuity to analyze the above mentioned health problems and supply with possible solutions. Education Vocational Training Employment & Labour market Market Other (Professional and family life (re) conciliation) 47 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Description of the GP: Catalonia Rural Area. Studies concerning risks and occupational health in the agricultural sector are rather incomplete and those which are referred to women hardly exist. Statistics are quite unreal and are limited to register a minimum amount of accidents and diseases which take place in the sector. A significant collective in the sector are: the female farmers and the so called “invisible collaborators”, this is, mothers, wives and daughters who work in the family agrarian cultivation. General and specific Objectives of the GP: - - Recognizing female agrarians’ and invisible collaborators’ health problems in the farming and agrarian cultivations, problems which have their origin in the working activity Visualizing women working in the family farming and cultivation Applying gender mainstreaming perspective in all studies, statistics and learning concerning Prevention of Industrial Risks in the agrarian sector Typology of services foreseen Step 1 Finding and choosing a meeting place: it is chosen with the coordinated and provided by the GP: work of tutors and trade union representatives in the regions proposed. Step 2 Diffusion: a mailing is done, as well as telephone contacts for assistance confirmation (also for being informed on the reasons for those not assisting). Step 3 Celebrating the meeting: during the meeting, groups of women with activities on the agrarian sector are created. Their health state is checked and the labour factors for having such health state studied. Solutions are proposed for improving their health state and for preventing labour accidents. Step 4 Results analysis: every year a workshop is done on the dates obtained in the meetings together with The National Institute of Safety and Hygiene at Work (INSHT). Step 5 Dissemination of outcomes: all documents from the meeting are sent to the assistants. Results are also disseminated through articles, the website and other dissemination channels. In 2006 a dossier was edited with the results of the first two years. Step 6 Announcement of a second meeting: for working with groups of farmer women, the announcement of a second meeting is done. The outcomes of the proposed solutions are assessed during the meeting. For organizing such meeting different institutions are contacted and all of them can make new proposals. Targets: Female workers, businesswomen and collaborators of any age in the family farming or cultivation. Over 200 phone contacts, 40 workers or collaborators from agricultural sector (from September 2004 to March 2006). Results of the GP: From September 2004 until March 2006: more than 200 phone contacts – 6 work groups – 40 workers or collaborators from the agriculture sector. 4 days of project dissemination in different towns and villages in Catalonia: September 2004, June 2005, December 2005 and March 2006 Project dissemination in 20 continuous training courses (350 men and 35 women approximately). Duration: 18 months. 48 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 8 Title/Name: EMPLOYMENT WORKSHOP IN LA VANSA I TUIXENT VALLEY; A PROGRAM FOR TRAINING AND EMPLOYING UNEMPLOYED WOMEN Referring Institution Responsable for CEDRICAT (CENTRE DE DESENVOLUPAMENT RURAL INTEGRAT DE its implementation: CATALUNYA) Ctra. Sant Llorenç, km.2 25280 Solsona (Lleida) Spain Contact person and mail: Núria Alamon; [email protected] Eventual other actuator partners: Source of fundings: ⌧ Typology of involvement of beneficiary ⌧ Eventual origin of the GP: - ⌧ Description of the GP: - - Compulsory/foreseen by specific regulations Free/optional Public sensiblization initiatives Private sensibilization initiatives Trade Union sensibilization initiatives Organization of workers sensibilization initiatives Rural area: This program was implemented in the north of Spain, in a little mountain valley of the Catalan Pyrenees called La Vansa i Tuixent. This area has had a great transformation in its economy in the last 15 years. Traditional activities like agriculture and milk livestock were in crisis and the inhabitants of the valley needed to find other economic sources, basically in the secondary and tertiary sector. ⌧ ⌧ ⌧ Systems envolved: Public Private Contributions of workers Contributions of employers/enterprisers Education Vocational Training Employment & Labour market Market Other (Professional and family life (re) conciliation) Low official rates of unemployment: Officially there is not a high rate of unemployment in the valley because the inhabitants do not go to the Official Register, in the largest town in the region (La Seu d’Urgell). The reason is the distance from the valley (a 1 hour drive); as a consequence, usually the inhabitants prefer working in several places in temporary and precarious activities, especially women. The need of an adapted training There is not any kind of training in the valley, so the possibilities of improving the labour situation of its inhabitants are reduced. The geographic isolation and the rigorous climatic conditions of this territory, make it difficult to drive to other towns for training. 49 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 General and specific Objectives of the GENERAL OBJECTIVE GP: Reduce labour inequalities between men and the women who live in the valley, by training and creating employment in emergent economic sectors, such as sustainable tourism or quality agriculture production in new crops like medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP). SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To offer personalised training adapted to the needs of the women of the valley. The objective is to make the training come to the beneficiaries and not the opposite. Indirectly, generate local development throughout local resources like: medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP); the recovery of the historical memory of a traditional job exclusive of the valley called “Trementinaires” (this job was generally for women, who picked up plants and prepared traditional medicines which were sold in all Catalonia); the recovery of the natural and cultural heritage, like old historic paths or the surroundings of Romanesque churches. Typology of services foreseen and Step 1: Analysis of needs. Elaboration of a socioeconomic diagnosis of the provided by the GP: valley by the Development and Promotion Unity of the Forest Technology Centre of Catalonia, in collaboration with the local agent of the valley Step 2: Target group definition. The diagnosis identified the group of unemployed over 25 year old women as prior to actuation, because they were the ones who had the most precarious socioeconomic situation. Step 3: A previous work with involved institutions. There were different institutions that participated in the program, each one with different responsibilities. The Forest Technology of Catalonia was the responsible of the technical design, the local administration of the region – Consell Comarcal de l’Alt Urgell- was the institution that made the request to the Government of Catalonia for the financing of the program. Step 4: Design the work plan. Theoretical training. Specific knowledge: production and processing aromatic and medicinal plants (MAP), tourist guide for activities with MAP and restoration of degraded natural areas. General Knowledge: basics as language, mathematics, history or science; information processing, environmental education, support for the reintegration to the labour market, social and labour skills and labour risks’ prevention. Practical training: 1. Production MAP in an experimental field. 2. Design and construction of a botanic garden with MAP used by the “Trementinaires”. 3. Design and conditioning of two botanic routes about MAP in a historical paths. 4. Conditioning of the surroundings of Romanesque church of Saint Marc . Step 5: Implementation. The application for the employment workshop was approved and it was implemented in the La Vansa-Fórnols Valley from October 2004 till October 2005. Step 6: Evaluation and Monitoring for business creation. All the planning works were made successfully. In fact, the students-workers developed two activities not initially planned: a botanic discovery route around the town of Ossera and an inventory about local fruit trees to save autochthonous species of the valley. Step 7: Follow-up. has been made by the Consell Comarcal de l’Alt Urgell, a local agent who works for the development of the valley. On one side, this institution is promoting different works made on the workshop, like the botanic garden and routes about MAP as tourist resources of the valley. On the other side, the objective of the promotion of this under structure is to achieve a consolidation of local jobs for the women who have participated in the program (as tourist guides, as artisans with MAP, as a responsible of the “Trementinaires” museum, etc.). 50 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Targets: The programme was for 8 unemployed women over 25 who lived in the valley or wanted to move there. These women wanted to improve their labour situation learning different skills with opportunities in this context: production and processing medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP), tourist guide for activities with MAP and restoration of degraded areas with natural and tourist interest in the valley. Results of the GP: - - 1 program of training and occupation for 12 months, with 8 women as students-workers, 1 director of the program and 1 teacher (both women). A regular labour situation for these women during one year. This fact implicated an economic independence of these women regarding her husbands or couples, which implied empowerment. A regular income of money in a valley with low economic dynamism. An increase in the relationship between the women in a rural territory without many opportunities for them (networking). Duration: 12 months. 51 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 4.2 SWOT ANALYSIS OF GOOD PRACTICES IDENTIFIED Good Practice N. 1 Title/Name: TRAINING COURSES AS CO-DEVELOPMENT AGENTS S (strengths points) W (weakness points) The co-development project is meant to be cyclic, which means training temporary workers (men and women) every time they come to our country. The continuity is based on: - Increasing the number of training courses on co-development agents so as to train new temporary people and to promote further training on those agents already developing project in own countries. - Increasing the follow up of the projects in the origin countries, creating Pagesos Solidaris’ branch offices in such countries. Extending the project to other Spanish rural regions, where immigrants from origin are also contracted. O (opportunities) Taking into consideration temporary workers’ availability to carry out the training and the periods in which they will be working in the harvest time since they vary depending on the month of the year and the cultivation. Temporary workers come to work and during the harvest time do not have much time left to take part in the training course. Search of co-financing to carry out the projects in the agents’ place of origin. Other difficulties come up during the first phases of the project which require a direct and permanent monitoring by the Foundation. T (threats) It is necessary a direct and personalized advising of the projects in the agents’ countries of origin, above all in the first phases. Good Practice N. 2 Title/Name: CREATION OF THE INTERDISCIPLINAR SEMINAR FOR WOMAN’S S (strengths points) STUDIES - UNIVERSITY OF LLEIDA , SPAIN W (weakness points) - Good relationship between members and colleagues. - Student’s interest for assisting to the workshops, seminars, conferences and masters organized. O (opportunities) - Support from the Catalan Institute for Women, Women’s Institute and other similar women’s groups in other Spanish universities. - We recommend collaborating with any university ambit concerned with gender and equality issues between men and women. The main difficulty is the fact that the SIED does not have personnel for administrative activity. Volunteers have been the ones to fulfil such tasks. Often some foreseen activities have been cancelled or postponed due to lack of resources; in other cases, involved partners have developed such activities with non-profit contributions. T (threats) The main difficulty is financing finding, which means subsidy requirements (always scarce) to all institutions working in gender issues. In general, it has not been very much institutional interest and support arrived from the Woman’s Institute and the City Hall of Lleida. Nowadays the University of Lleida has become the main defender of the SIED. 52 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 3 Title/Name: C-TEST: ONLINE TRAINING PROJECT BY THE WOMAN’S INSTITUTE S (strengths points) W (weakness points) - E-learning: women can make the training any Women must have some knowledge on the use of ICT time, adapting their learning to their agenda and and need a PC. necessities. O (opportunities) T (threats) Making specific course for women will favour the learning in every social and geographical context. Women who live in places with Internet connexion difficulties or poor informatics resources need an adapted place: any cybercafé or similar in the village/area. Some training on on-line training is necessary too, besides the content of the course itself. Good Practice N. 4 Title/Name: BLENDED COMPUTER TRAINING (TRADITIONAL TEACHING, E-LEARNING) FOR WORKING WOMEN IN RURAL AREAS. S (strengths points) W (weakness points) The e-learning material (CDs on basic computer training, Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Internet, Outlook) is still available. The sustainability of the material was considered from the very beginning, being one of the reasons why such material was chosen (no up-dating need, suitable for all levels, no Internet connection need). O (opportunities) Involving public administration throughout all project (for design, implementation and dissemination) Dissemination strategy was essential for making the courses popular. Contacting city halls was clue in such task Partnership with the University was essential for having access to pedagogically interesting material The e-learning training was not easy to implement for basic computer skills training, where the assistants did not have any knowledge on computers. Making use of the computer by oneself was not easy for those with no background knowledge. Gaining confidence was essential for making women feel capable of working on their own. Self esteem and confidence gaining: some of the training hours should be address to such work, as many of the women would come very afraid and insecure T (threats) The main difficulty was finding a room where to develop the traditional training with a trainer, as some of the SME and city halls did not have a training area (a computer room available) for developing the traditional training. Computers were also essential for the e-learning, as the assistants needed a place where to have computer access (many rural women do not have a computer at home). 53 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 5 Title/Name: WOMEN AND CRAFTMANSHIP IN THE MOUNTAIN AREAS: SOCIAL DIAGNOSIS, DYNAMISM AND DISSEMINATION PROGRAM OF WOMEN’S ACTIVITIES AROUND CRAFTMANSHIP AND TRADITIONAL CRAFTS IN THE MOUNTAINS AREAS OF LLEIDA. S (strengths points) W (weakness points) -Systemise data base from different registers. -Decentralise meetings, from region chief towns to different villages: providing a roving programme, taking into account mobility and conciliation handicaps, etc. -To create a positive feed-back and a proactive strategy: detection of the needs of a target group design of a work plan implementation and solving of problems new needs/prospect generated design of a new work plan etc. -Multiplying effect: Other organisations (not initially included in the contact phase) were involved, generating other essays, projects and actions which link craftsmanship to other economic activities in the territory O (opportunities) - Identify and contact with artisan women (mainly because they are not registered like that). - Mobility: in organising these events (the visit-exchange in Navarra and experience exchange workshop), there were two questions that could be a handicap and should be taken into account: a lack of transport service in the mountain area and the conciliation of personal and professional life. T (threats) To strengthen a contact networking between: individual, private and public organisations of the targets of the study (craftsmanship, in that case). Involve local public organisations in dissemination in order to receive technical and financial support to ensure the project continuity. Disposal of free rooms. 54 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 6 Title/Name: VOCATIONAL TRAINING FOR OVER 45 WOMEN WITH S (strengths points) SOCIAL EXCLUSION RISK W (weakness points) -The working methodology is very important. To adapt the training and work program to the level of the participating women. - It is very important to have qualified teachers, as the subjects to be taught are technical and specific (gardening and rural area restoration). This means training the teachers before the courses and preparing - To have pedagogical resources (classrooms, them before the courses are held. PC, books, etc.), good material (tools and - The budget is limited, in the sense that it is not easy to machines, practice fields) and human resources find financing. Different public organizations are to be (teachers, managers,...) to make a successful contacted for affording expenses. project. -To develop women’s social and labour skills -To work on the orientation/guidance & labour insertion techniques - The administration calls are annual. There has been continuity from the beginning of the programme in 1999 till 2006, so it is foreseen a follow-up of the activity. O (opportunities) -To work together the promoter of the program and the social agents of the region. -To work on the orientation/guidance & labour insertion techniques for pursuing a high % of labour insertion at the end of the project. T (threats) - To have the necessary resources to make the Project. - Involve Ministry of labour or similar (regional/local authorities with competencies in labour market) for technical and/or financial support 55 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 7 Title/Name: HEALTH, SECURITY AND WELFARE IN AGRICULTURE W (weakness points) S (strengths points) - Applying gender mainstreaming perspective - Main difficulty is to create the group and the in relation to the Prevention of Industrial Risks assistance to the meeting of the women due to in the agriculture sector considering that transport, schedules and availability problems (double agrarian professional men and women have Labour Day). differences in terms of risks and health caused by their working activity. - Creating groups of women with continuity to analyze the above mentioned health problems and supply with possible solutions. O (opportunities) T (threats) - Creating working groups with immigrant women which work temporarily in the harvest time in Catalonia. - Creating all educational materials for dissemination and for the occupational courses about Industrial Risks prevention in the agriculture sector with gender mainstreaming perspective, visualizing all female workers and including specific Occupational Health risks and problems concerning women. - Adaptation and taking into consideration women’s difficulties to attend the meeting, the election of the place of the meeting and the place where it takes place. - Working in well delimited zones since it is preferable to create more groups with fewer women given that better outcomes are obtained. 56 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 Good Practice N. 8 Title/Name: EMPLOYMENT WORKSHOP IN LA VANSA I TUIXENT VALLEY; A PROGRAM FOR TRAINING AND EMPLOYING UNEMPLOYED WOMEN S (strengths points) W (weakness points) Beneficiaries received training and occupation at the same time. The women who took part in the program were students and workers (some earned a salary for the work that they were making). The program included theory (a training program about medicinal and aromatic plants –MAP- and about the restoration of degraded natural areas) and practice, carrying out different activities and works for the local community like social service. O (opportunities) After the employment workshop, the labour conditions of several of the women who participated improved: - Two jobs are consolidated: one for the woman who works in the “Trementinaires” museum and in the botanic garden; and the other for an artisan who works with medicinal and aromatic plants (floral ornamental work). - A new job was created for a woman in a new tourist business. - Two women have the intention of working in organic agriculture, but they are still in the process of creating their own business. - The main difficulty for these women is to take the decision to create a business of their own and get self-employed. So, in these cases, the implication and the support of the local administration in all the process (and also after it) are essential. T (threats) - Involving public administration and also local population throughout the entire project (for design, implementation and continuity) - Importance of the local resource and the identity of the territory - Final module orientated to labour integration In addition, and as a consequence of the knowledge from the employment workshop, it has been organized a new labour group of women who makes works of gardening, basically with MAP, in the towns of the valley. 57 Socrates Programme Grundtvig 2 5. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. Secretaría General Técnica , Hechos y Cifras de la Agricultura, la Pesca y la Alimentación e España, Madrid 2006. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación. Secretaría General Técnica , La Agricultura, la Pesca y la Alimentación en España 2005 Madrid 2006. Institut Estadístic de Catalunya, Annuari estadístic de Catalunya Barcelona, 2006. 58
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