A LIST OF OIL AND FUEL FILTERS AND H OW TO C HANGE T HE FUEL FILTERS O N A CATERPILLAR 3208 THE MOUNTING OF THE CANISTER FUEL FILTER IN THE INSTRUCTIONS IS DIFFERENT THAN IN A WANDERLO DGE, WHERE IT IS LOCATED AT THE REAR OF THE ENG INE NEXT TO THE C ATERPILLAR GLASS WATER SEPARATOR HERE ARE SOME TIPS FROM MEMBERS OF THE WANDERLODGE FORUM; Re: [w and erlo dg e] N o fu el to en gin e p ro ble m fill the glass filter with fuel,and install it quickly!,then on top of the injector pump you w ill find a "T" valve,open the T and pum p the hand pum p until clear fuel runs out onto the ground under the engine,tighten the T valve,tighten the hand pump,and start it up. i don't remember the first post,why did you change the first filter in a bad area to start with? Randy RE: [wand erlo dg e] N o fu el to en gin e p ro ble m There are two bleed valves on the filter housing. Make sure neither one is partly open. That’s just the way mine acts w hen a blee d is op en. I had on e come op en after serv ice. W e just s hut dow n in th e m iddle lan e of W estern Ce nter driv e he re in F ort W orth . To ok me a fe w pan icky m inutes to fig ure out w hat w as g oing on. Ch uck W hee ler 82 FC 31 SB Fort Worth, TX I find th at fillin g th e c an is te r fu el filte r w ith au tom atic transm ission fluid helps elim inate som e of the hand pump priming required to bleed the system of air. Some people claim that this will also introduce contaminates into the system , but I have not exp erienced this mys elf. I believe that if you have NOT screwed the hand pum p back into the closed and locked position, that it will draw air back into the system through the priming pump. I have had to crack open a few of the injector journals along the hea d to elim inate air fro m the system . Wh en priming the system to eliminate air, I only open the air bleed petcock valve on the injector pump and listen for fu el run ning out o nto the gro un d w hile p um ping th e primer pum p handle. I have removed the Caterpillar glass water separator and then relocated the fuel filter to the LP Gas compartment and since I don’t have a Fascet pump near the fuel tank, I also installed an additional electric pump just before the Raco r style water sep arator filter, mine is a DAHL / BALDW IN m odel, that can be us ed to p rime the com plete system after the blee d v avle on the injec tor p um p has b een opened, or I us ually just leav e the fuel filter s lightly loose and prime the filters with the electric fuel pump until fuel starts to over flow the filter catching the over flow in a dra in pan, then I tighten th e filter. John Finn 82 FC35RB JOHN FINN'S - '82 FC35RB CAT 3208NA FILTERS PO W ER S TEE RING RES IVOIR (1); 85430 (CARQUEST) 1430 (NAPA) 51430 (WIX) P186 (BALDWIN / FLEETPRIDE) HF6195 (CUMM INS / FLEETGUARD) CAT ENG INE FU EL F ILTE R [RE LO CAT ED](1); 1R0750 (CATERPILLAR) 3528 (NAPA GOLD) 33528 (W IX) LFF 3347 (LUBERFINER) FF5320 (CUMM INS / FLEETGUARD) BF7633 (BALDW IN / FLEETPRIDE) DAHL /BALD W IN 200 F UEL FILT ER - W ATER SEPE RAT OR (1); 201 (BALDWIN / FLEETPRIDE) 3119 (N APA GO LD) L2200 8F (LU BER FINER ) FS1279 (CUMM INS / FLEETGUARD) CAT ENG INE O IL FILT ER (2); 8N9586 (CATERPILLAR) 9N-5570 (CATERPILLAR) 1268 (N APA GO LD) 51268 (WIX) LFP 5570 (LUBERFINER) BT-230 (BALDWIN /FLEETPRIDE) LF3342 (CUMM INS / FLEETGUARD) CAT ENGINE AIR FILTER 3208NA LAF506 (LUBERFINER) 2914 (NAPA) 2N1990 (CAT) 42914 (WIX) PA11922FN (FLEETPRIDE) AF477K (CUMM INS / FLEETGUARD) ALLISON TRANSMISSION MT643 RM (REMANUFACTURED) S/N 9208071167 P/N 29500353 WW WILLIAMS PARTS ALLISON SERVICE KIT #29538489 $54.82 (FOR USE WITHOUT EXTERNAL FILTER) ALLISON INTERN AL FILTER (1) P/N 29538474 ALLISO N EX TER NAL F ILTE R [RE LO CAT ED](1); 1268 (NAPA GOLD) 51268 (WIX) LFP 5570 (LUBERFINER) BT-230 (BALDWIN /FLEETPRIDE) LF3342 / LF3789 SYNTHETIC MEDIA (CUMMINS / FLEETGUARD) [REM OVED ]CAT ENGINE W ATER SEPER ATOR [REM OVED ] (1); 8N98 03 (CAT ERP ILLAR) LFF 1131 (LU BER FINER ) FIL3 369 (N APA) 33369 (WIX) BF912 (BALDW IN / FLEETPRIDE) FS1205 (CUMM INS / FLEETGUARD)
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