Wednesclayv .May 6^1^92^ . 9 B 8 Quesnel Cari^o Observer Notices Births HOW TO rLAvt A CLASSIFI The Cariboo Observer is pleased to provide a free "Births" column for proud grandparents (or other family members/friends) to announce out-of-town births of interest to Quesnelites. (Local births will continue to be published in Wednesdays Community News. (20-rts) Professional Services Personals The family of Leon and Verna Wa'wryk welcome family and friends to a come'n' g o tea, Friday May 8th. 2 - 4 p.m. at the Golden Center orv the occasion of their parents' 40th wedding anniversary. (3-P-72) DEBBIE NEUFELD Birthday or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave., Have a great day! Quesnel, B.C. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice that on and after this date, I, the undersigned, will no longer be responsible for debts contracted in my name t y any person or persons other than myself. Name: Gordon Rusk Address: 562 Elm St. Unit No. 9 Date: April 22/92 (4-P-72) Sugar & Spice Entertainment now open. Phone:992-9009. (4-p-72) V/^ lfc-3&fe!dfe-iiaj ACCEPTED Hours: Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday - Friday Love Leanna, Janice, Alvlna & Roy Canadian Diabetes 4 insertions: $5.00 for the first 20 words, 1O0per word thereafter/per insertion. As.sotianon .•Vs'iiKiaiiDn (.anajicnnc du di.itx-tr Box 4392 Quesnei B.C. V2J 3J4 SUPPORTCORRELIEU DRY GRAD Donate your CLUB Z points or use them to purchase a gift towards Dry Grad. Also buy Super Valu gift certificates at Maple Park Books before shopping. (8-p-73) 747-3707 8 insertions: $8.00 for the first 20 words, lOcper word thereafter/per insertion. ALSO Try the Cariboo Wide Classifieds $30.00 for 20 words or less: You receive: 4 issues in the Cariboo Observer 6 issues in the Williams Lake Tribune 2 issues in the 100 Mile Free Press CLASSIFIED DISPLAY RATE: (Volume Discount Available). $9.00/coiumn Inch per issue. NON-PROFIT RATE: $6.75 per column inch per issue. CLASSIFIED DEADUNES: 12 Noon Monday for word and display ads for Wednesday's paper and 5:00 pm Wednesday for class cfisplay ads and legal ads. 12 noon Thursday for word ads. BIRTHDAY CLASSIRED SPEOALS: .1 column X 2 inches - $15.00; 2 columns by 2 inches - $25.00. Submit your favorite photo if desired. Card of Thanks HAPPY MISSY th Love Gram As a result of recent budget cuts, School District No. 28 has ellmlnate4Jlfe' Elementary Band Program. This Issue will be discussed at the School Board Meeting Wed, May 6 at 7:00 p.m. at the office on North Star Rd. Anyone Interested In expressing their view is strongly e n - ' ^ couraged to attend this meeting. (2-P-72) Quesnel and District Museum is now open. Hours 10:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wed;-Sun. Admission fee $1.50, children under-12 free. Season pass $5. We looi< forward to seeing you! (2-p72) LEGAL NOTICES: Change of name - $25.00 per insertion. Personals^ not-responsible for debts - $20.00/4 insertions PRICES QUOTED FOR WORD ADS-INCLUDE G.S.T. Ifs newspaper talk for a one-cx)lumn by two-inch ad. Too small to be effective? You're reading ttiis one! yji>Bu«8«Ly««w.>>i»iiAii<imiMjijitji»»m!>»jajw.',a^M^W/Biti'.^w,a, Esorts and private dancers available Located in Central BC, 12 unit motel with 1200 sq/foot residence, year round income. Asking $223,000. For more info call 604-567-2296. (8-p-78) Employment Opportunities Employment Opportunities MAY GRAND OPENING SPECIAL "We maice everything LzJLgJL^J C£JC1DCU caci::3C3-j CSJCIJ(3J 992-2121 Entertainment Services VENDING ROUTES All cash business, part time hours, net great returns. Investments from $5,500. For complete details call eagle profit system. 1-800-387.-CASH. {8-P-76) 992-2121 Call b a t t l e at t h e Cariboo Observer SUGAR & SPICE Located in Central BC, 12 unit motel with 1200 sq/ft. Residence, year round income, more info call 1-5672296, (8-P-78) n;ii'j?miun-!ji.,ft.lJ8JJt ! Metaphysics. Its a combination of science, philosophy and theology. Its the._ exploration oi _ universal energy, and knowledge within ourselves. For more info regarding classes on Metaphysics and other self,growth concepts call David or Sherie at 9639826. (4-P-74) __ A big thank you to Chris Fischer and Regency Chrysler for their time and donation for the first annual Grad lympics last Saturday, May 2nd thank you also to Freddy's and Brodex for their donatipns. From Correlieu and QSS Grads and Dry Grad Committee.(4-p-75) Personals D I S T R I C T nice' If you are SERIOUS about losing WEIGHT, why not try the newest HERBAL WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAM. Ifs all natural and 100% GUAI^NTEED. Call Brenda at 9929122. (8-P-78) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice that on and after this date, I, the undersigned, will no longer t>e responsible for debts contracted in my name by any person dr persons other than myself. Name: Joanne Ouellette Address: 12-2250 Valhala Rd. Date: April 28/92 (4-P-74) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Take notice that on and after this date, I, ' the undersigned, will no longer be responsible for debts contracted in riarne by any person'or persons other than myself. Name: Joseph Paul Ouellette Address: 1175 Jay Rd. Date: April 27/92 (4-P-74) • For all kinds of renovations and home repairs, carpentry, drywall, tiles and masonry, 26 years experience. Ref. available, free estimates, call Helrhut at 992-9185. (8-P-79) Are you an attractive divorced or single woman in her late 30's to early 40's? Having trouble finding a "good" to fulfill your dreams. Tired of Trilogy Quality Jewellry looking and totally dissatisfied for not Repairs; replacement stones; all work getting out of life what you should! guaranteed, for appointment call 2491 am, wdm. ns, sd, tall, attractive, 5181 (8-P-79) early 40's, clean, honest, sincere, considerate, ambitious, hard-working, Central Interior Hydraulics Ltd. romantic, easy to talk to, gentle, old Sales and Services, rebuilding and fashioned morals and values, but _manufacturing, machining and weldmodern to the times Have good ing. Valves and pumps Call Prince sense of humor, outgoing, but like George 963-3252 or 963-7461 (16-pquiet home life too. 87) Have many interests: travel, theatre, skiing, music, dancing, gardening, Certified carpenter, no job too big or reading, hobbies: arts and sciences, too small. Free estimates. Call Tom at cooking, being active, but always time 992-7278. (8-p-78) to relax and have fun. Not into TV sports and bars, rather have quality Call Shane's Drywall 992-8603 time with that special lady for candlel•For complete drywall service of resiight dinners, conversations, dancing dential and commercial projects, finall night, moonlight walks or just, ish taping, spantex and painting. (4 pcuddling watching tv, etc. If you have" 72) similar interests, are attractive, lets be friends first, soul mate ? second and Hate to clean your house? Let me make this summer something to reclean it for you. Reasonable rates. member for all time. All letters will be Spring cleaning. Jessi, 747-3636. answered confidentially and'sincereRefs available. (4-p-75) ly. Reply to Box "R", c/o Cariboo Observer, 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, THE LAND DEVELOPER BC, V2J 2A8. (8-P-74) Clearing, plowing, seeding, road building, etc. Ph: 747-1675. (8-p-76) Wanted! 49 imperfect people willing to eat anytiiing they want and lose up to 20 lbs in 30 days. Call toll-free 1-978-3023. (14-P-75) If you want to drink that's your business. If you want to stop that's ours. Alcoholics Anonymous. 992-2172 or 992-7867. (35-rts) DO-IT-YOURSELF DIVORCE Typing services for uncontested divorces. 992-2662. (40-rts) HIART AND STKOKl fOUNOATIONOf B C 8. YUKON GILBERT CONSTRUCTION & LINE PAINTING Design layout; paint parking areas; roadways with professional line painting machine. 24 hour service. Ph: 992-1212, Quesnel. (8-p-75) Found Roserry on Reid St on Fri May 1, call to identify. 992-6105. (4-p-75) It costs you nothing but a phone call to place a found advertisement Ph. 992-2121, Mon. - Fri,, 8 am - 5 pm. (20-rts) In Memorlam IMPROVING YOUR ODDS AGAINST CANADA'S »teyal Bank Most Laurent Aw. °«"«'' #1KiLLER. B.C.V2J3J3 Your In Memoriam gift is a lasting tribute. Please mail your donations to the address above, and include your name and. address, along with the name and address of the next-of-kin, for an acknowledgement card. Found: Female Brittany Spaniel in W. Quesnel, post lactating. Ph:992-9703 (68-rts) SMART SPENDERS SHOPFIR^TIN OUR CLASSIFIED PAGES CALL 992-2121 s><= =Ks Well established Group Day Care. Licensed for 24 children, currently leasing, good facility with large playground in Uplands. Owner has moved. Call Susan Price at 1-374-8008. (31-rts) R E G lOlM A L Love your family lH^^a^XitEa For 1 insertion: $2.50 for the first 20 words, 10c per word thereafter/per insertion Calculate your savings when you use the classifieds to sell your item. Phone t h e CARIBOO OBSERVER M A R G S LANDSCAPING *Lawn and Garden 'Pruning and Upkeep 'Reasonable Rates. Phone: 992-3391. Marg Doem. (16-p-85) MATCHMAKERS Interested in meeting someone new? "Don't be shy, give us a try!" 992-2662. (12-rts) Notices Notices Business Opportunities 01 Found INVITATION TO TENDER MAINTENANCE OF THE NAKZO RURAL REFUSE SITE i Tfie Cariboo Regional District Is accepting tenders for the maintenance of the 'Nazl<o rural refuse site. The work will include senyicing the site once every 15 days by collecting and burning accumulated refuse and maintaining road access. Tender documents and further details are available from the undersigned. Completed tenders are to be delivered no later than 1:00 p.m., fvlay 26. 1992 to the address below, at which time a public opening will take place. The Cariboo Regional District does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves the right to reject all Tenders and negotiate with any bidder. Mitch J. Minchau Solid Waste Management Coordinator Cariboo Regional District 525 Borland Street, Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 1R9 Telephone 392-3351 •lllll«!i.:.'^..Ul-|.MUU,l'.mill,IJ »wlMM.^'«•ll.•^n^^=,J^.•iH.! 3SS ^ssss^s PLANNING TECHNICIAN A highly motivated individual is required to serve as key member of the Planning Department team. The individual will be responsible for processing applications, responding to inquiries, background work for community plans, reports, and related maps. Working experience in local government, a university degree or technical diploma in a related field, knowledge of local government bylaws and provincial planning legislation are required. Microcomputer expeTi ence would be an asset. The starting salary is $2,645.99 per month, plus a competitive benefit package. Please subrnit resumes, accompanied by references, to the undersigned by 4:00 p.m.. May 22, 1992. Resumes can be forwarded by mail, or by facsimile to 392-2812. Mr. Gordon C. Gillette, Director of Development Services Cariboo Regional District 525 Boriand Street Williams Lake, B.C. V2G 1R9 FINANCING ASSISTANCE FOR SMALL BUSINESS Professional counselling and financial assistance provided to qualified businesses. North Cariboo Business Development Centre. 992-5626. (74-rts) Employment Wanted Babysitting Full Time Experience with all ages Own tiansportation, call 992-6782. (8-p-76) Hate to clean your h o u s e ' Let me clean it for you. Reasonable rates. Spring cleaning Jessi, 747-3636 Rets, available. (4-p-72) I For Rent Single father of one wishes to share rent and utilities in 4 bdrm house with responsible person. Ph: 992-9185. '(4-P-75) For Rent For Rent NORTH QUESNEL extra large 800 sq/ft two t)drm apart., quiet, clean, carpets, appliances, drapes, aivail immed.of May. $430/mo. Ph: 992-5994 or 992-5408. (4-p-72) 1 & 2 bdrm cabin in W. Quesnel. Wall to wail carpet, n/g. AvaH now. Phone: 992-9772. {8-p-75) West Quesnel 1-bdrm suite. Fridge, range, drapes, hot water incl. No pets. References required. $290/mo. Phone: 992-5211 or 992-9660. (4-p- Chateau St. Laurent 1 bdrm apt. 992-3941. (4-p-72) VISTA MANOR APTS Deluxe 2 bdrm"units include: Tree cable 'Hot water '2 bathroomsResident manager 1241 Lark Ave. 992-7868 COTTONWOOD COURT Quiet, adult-oriented, private parK-like setting, 1/2 block to West Park Mall, newly renovated. Qualified tenants. Call resident manager at 992-8286. (51-rts) Hall rentals available for small group meetings up to 100 people. Ph. 9928036. (76-c-rts) For Rent: May 1 12x60 mobile home, 2 bdrms. fridge, stove, nat. gas heat, o n 1/2 acre in Red Bluff, close to mall. No pets, ref., $450/mon. plus utilities. 747-1393. (4-P-72) Handyman special for rent or sell, 11 yr old 5-bdrm house. 25 miles south on West Fraser Rd. Reduced to $45,000 Ph: 993-4493 before 12:00 noon. (4-P-72) Large 2 bdrm c/w 2 full baths, free cable, super channel, hot water. Resident m a n a g e r Adult oriented Apt. building, 1 or 2 bdnm units, Ph: 992-8815. (47-rts) WILKINSON APARTMENTS Resident iVIanager 1 & 2 bdrm suites 992-8949 OR APPLY AT #305 I 398 Roddis Drive mH Commercial Space for Rent Offices 532 sq/ft into 3 units; 270 sq/ft unit, a/c, 2nd floor, prime location, Lon Godfrey - 242 Roid St. 992-7111. (71-rts) Rent or Lease Commercial property, 2,700 sq. f t , 196 Baker Crescent, West Quesnel, next to Farmboy Market. Ph 249-5408. (8-P-76) 2-bdrm bsmt suite. Close to town. Fridge, stove included. $390/mo utilities included. 992-2841. (4-p-75) Mj.jLniinvjnnu!ujt.>j»jj'jm^iihBS}^];i;,',ufi,Jii;^ Outer Limits Hairstyling requires qualified hairstylist. Must be motivated, willing to take courses, wages negotiable due to experience and clientelle, call 992-9405. (8-p-72) Observer carriers needed in all areas of Quesnel. Reply at 188 Carson Avenue, Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2M8. (20-rts-sta) Live in nanny to take care of my 2 children, ages 3 and 10 Phone: 747-2555. (4-p-75) Delivery drivers needed, must have own car. Earn as much as $9/hr. Full time/part time. Bring resume to 394 Front St. (8-p-78) Wanted: Capable man, or couple, preferably senior, to carry out handyman and caretaking duties in exchange for accommodation at 348 Vaughan St. Details and arrangements to be discussed at interview. Write, to "Chairman House Committee, 18-401 Front St., Quesnel, BC. V2J 2K4." (8-P-77) Shear Class Hair Design is looking for a qualified hair stylist, full or part-time. Escalating commission paid. Must have or be willing to take advanced training. Ph: 992-6245. {68-rts) -Bookkeeper required, must have computer experience, permanent part-time position. Ask for Emma. 747-3400. (3-P-74) FOR RENT 1 & 2 bdrm apts, damage deposit req. Quiet adults, 1/2 block to W. Pari< Mall. Ph: 992-2370. (2-p-73) NORTH QUESNEL 3 bdrm apart, in Side by Side 5-plex. carpet, appliances, avail immed. and end of May $500, children and pets welcome. Phone: 992-5408. (4-p-75) Woodland Park Apartments ^Basement Floors - Garages - Patios 'Sidewalks & Driveways t8 years experience ^ M a r v e Schonke 747-4693 Quesnel 1 & 2 bdrm bachelor suites Resident manager Renovations in progress FREE extended cable and parking plug-ins QUIET TENANTS ONLY Doherty Drive, West Quesnel 992-2370 Large 2-bdmi suite, W. Fraser Rd., fridge and stove incl. Natural gas heat. $30G/mo. Avail June 1st. Phone: 747-2636. {4-p-75) 1-bdrm suite, lovely view and location. Semi furnished, fridge, stove. Private entrance. Quiet, non-smoker, $400/mo. incl. heat. Ph: 747-4399. X4-P-73) ^ . ,, 6-bdrm log home for rent. Close to West Pari<. Avail June 1st. Phone: 992-8728. (4-P-73) 398-6920 WlUlams Lake PRECISION CONTRACTORS Exterior Doors & Windows (wood & vinyl) Interior" Door Packages • Garage Doors • Kitchen & Bathroom Cabinets • Moulding • Spindfes & Handrails ^•-i.*^^: 992-9664 114 S. Nadeau, Quesnef ^PB" Wednesday* May J6i,f 1992:; M BtQ Quesnel Carlbop pbserv^ .wM MsfSXJRMmiOE Commercial Space for Rent 1600 sq/ft. QDI Complex, $750/mo., 2 Mile Rat, Hwy 97, N. frontage. Pfi: 992-2239. (64-rts) For rent: Small commercial building on 170 Carson Avenue. Call 992-5310. (56-rts) Quesnel City Centre, 269 Barfow Ave., Commercial Building for rent 1700 sq/ft to 10,000 sq/ft or build to suit your needs. Pfi: 992-5443. (8-P-73) OFFICE SPACE REID STREET Ground floor 700 sq. ft. and 1200 sq. ft. Upper floor 2600 sq. ft. Call: Glenn Ban- at 992-5547. (32-rts) BILL CEJKA for the difference. . No question about it! BEAUTIFULLY TREED 10 acres south of town on Teofil Rd. with $1,500.00 dovm. Owner will carry 1st mortgage. THINKING ABOUT RETIREMENT? Have a nice building lot in south Texas on the Gulf of Mexico. Beautiful beaches, camping and water onented activities, including excellent fishing grounds on the Laguna fyladre. Average temperature 71 degrees. Asking only $6,800. • Commercial Space THE PRICE IS RIGHT Very low maintenance, nice stucco home, 3 bdrms up and 1 down, finished family room and rec room. Good level lot, paved driveway. Asking only $56,000. Highway 97 frontage $500 per month 747-3243 Real Estate Southllls 3-bdmi 1 1/2 batfis, full bsmt, new carpet, paint, lino, patio, garage/sho, fenced. 1 block from school. $77,900. Ph: 747-1333. (8-p79) Cariboo Appraisals Ltd. Residential Farm h Buolneoo Appraiseb Tax and Bullcfing Consultants Land and Zoning ApplicatJons MIKE FLACK F.R.I., R.I. {B.C.) #1-282 Reid S t (Willis Harper Block) Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2M3 992-7414, Res: 992-8766 Small family farm overiobking Dragon Lake, also acreage homeisites on 3 tocations. reasonable. Ph: 747-3515. (1-P-72) Overlooking Dragon Lk. on 2/3 acre. 1277 sq/ft plus finished bsmt 4 bdrms, 3 up, 1 down, x-tras include large double garage, carport, covered sundeck, Ig garden, hot house, and more. View at 3642 Hydraulic Rd or call 747-1840. (4-p-75) $18,000.00 Asking tor this older mbbile located on 0.40 acres, dose to town. Has good garden, very clean and well maintained, ^ v e is included. 3-bdrm house; large living room; kitchen & bdrm, finished bsmt, new carpet, 2 f/places, 2-1/2 baths, big sundeck, intercom, paved garage, 2 fridges and stoves. Close to school in Uplands. $69,900. Ph: 992-8725. (8p-76) 1977 doublewide, 3 bdrm and 8' x 15' addition. 8' x 12' shed, $26,000 or best offer will trade for house or trailer on property. Ph; 992-7346. (4-p-74) 2-bdrm mobile home w/attabhed garage, small work shop, green house, attached sun room and porch. Excellent cond. Barters Trailer Park, river view. Call 992-5315. $18,000 obo. (45-rts) /':• Lot in South Hills on Fiege Dr. Asking $11,500 or best offer. Pfi: 992-8580. (8-P-76) 3-bdrm house on 1.86 acres, near Correlieu School, city water, low taxes. Phone: 992-653a. (4-p-72) Property for Sale 45 acres, approximately 3/4 mile lakeshore, Trueman Rd, Dragon Lake. Asking $125,000, $10,000 down, will carry 5 year mortgage. Phone: 9925408. (1-P-72) Custom built log home, 1 plus acre overlooking Bouchie Lk., Norwood Rd. Open floor plan, Irg country kitchen, over 2,000 sq/ft of finished area. Scissor truss, log ceilings, central see-thru fireplace. Daylight basement w/600 sq/ft double garage. Selling below appraised value. Open assumable mortgage available. Phone: 249-5336. (4-p-72) 5pi // you would like to see your property advertised for sale here, free of cttarge call Bill today! A DIFFERENT HOUE Open ceiling beam construction, femily room, brick fireplace, large lot 75x200, huge bedrooms, ntetal roof end much more. This home must be seen. WEST QUESNEL 13 bedroom home with in-law suite, located on quiet street, good carpets aj|d I I vinyl cushion flooring. Nice level lot, j owner v^ll look at all offers. Asking | ]$5d.000. 1600 sq/ft, 5 yr old, 3 bedroom rancher. 2 bath, sunken livingroom, covered patio, cemented driveway and dbl garage. Large family kitchen, with oak cupboards. Intercom, landscaped. Lots of extras. Immaculate condtioh. $122,500. Phone; (days) 992-7095; (^ves)747-3819. (8-p-72) FOR SALE Commercial building downtown, good income. High profile investment, 5plex in fast developing commercial area. Good income, while awaiting future development. Days 992-7414 or evenings 992-8 766r (64-ns) iii EXCAVATING ill , ^ ^ ^ BACKHOE TRUCKING ^•|S.-::S DALE COWLIN STAN LOWE 992-6286 992-9126 610 Legion, Quesnei, B.C. V2J 2A6 H^m mm „ M ^^^^^^•^^'^^ f**S"^^ra ht&. ^^^ •mi 1m ^ PURVEYING British Columbia land Surveyors 992-2265 Ontu^, Sob Sutton Realty Ltd. 351 Reid Street 992-8818 Res: 747-1567 23 acres on Abbott Drive, W. Quesnel Subdivision witti potential view lots. $49,000, Phone 562-1079 or 7473361 ask for Ken. (8-p-79) LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION Excellent location on corner of Reid and Bowron for potential 8-plex. Quiet area, yet close to town centre. Just blocks to high school and hospital. "Terrific value - call now." Tony Penner at Little Oak Realty. 1-859-2341. (6-P-78) Ron Wylie Custom Picture Framing & Gallery 1-800''663"1441 1979 FMC 220, 1400 hrs on rebuilt motor, transmission, winch and new tracks. Ph: 395-4813 after 6 pm. (8-P-72) 1980 ©SALES 1980 LTD Crown Victoria bumper to bumper rebuild, receipts avail. Phone; 992-6631. (4-p-74) ©PARTS 1981 For sale; 1981 Grand Pris, ps, pb, auto, 115,000 km., 8 cyl., good condition, clean, no rust. Asking $2,000. Phone; 747-1279. (4-p-79) laminating & Dry Mounting 'Frames made to any size 'Aftofdable prices PLUS Southills - comer of Vikers and Redden Rd., $10,900 or trade for what have you. Must sell. Call collect to 1-533-1974. (8-P-72) IJinliDd Edion Prints tqr Mala WBson, Robert BtioiMn, C«1 Brendere. Twry Isaac, MIX SeerfAMtsr. Andrew Nss, Ken F«rrl8 tftd nuny otfws. 1071 Cypreao Rd, (hasnel, a c V2J 4Bi 747-1579 Automotive S s a )iSfffiiai*ia;swi3as5iK3^ liSEliMEiiiEJIIiill MEL'S WELDING. Sunday to Friday, $30/hr. Also oil changes, to most vehicles, done at your place. Call 992-7524. (8-p-72) COMPLETE SECRETARIAL SERVICES • Typing • Word Processing • Resumes • Binding • Laser Printing • Photocopying • Fax Service OPEN S'am t o 5 pnn, Monday t o Friday m - 259 M C L E A N S T . Abovo Rsfimcy Ctwystor 1974 1974 GMC 1 ton. flat deck, duals. 350. 4 sp.. steel rack, good rubber, ojns good, cab rusty. $1,500 or trade lor tractor or stock rack or beef. Phone; 747-2554. (4-p-72) > Fax 992-3886 P h . 992-2662 1975 iiffiEiiiii©] $ 1975 4 dr Cutlass, dean, $1,150, Phone; 747-2524. (8-p-75) 00 • 10 Cord Load, 20 foot long. $450.00 delivered • 4 Gord Load. Gut t& HengthrAs~tovras ^~^ $180.00 CALL 992-WOOD iii g- ;5» QUICK SILVER ACCESSORIES :S«P 1977 Chev Monza, 305, V-8, auto trans. Ph: 992-7991 — - •.>"%s» ^>^ 1977 Cat 966C.„.,J45,000. 1968 D6C™.... .$19,000. 1975 TD20E, 448,000. 1979 TD25E. .$52,000. m 1750./ • • • • • • I M » l l l l V & U ) V W l 1977JO840A ,$25,000. Grapple. ,$6M 1969 TJ40i... COASTAL PACIRC EQUIPMENT INC, •IHIIIIfflltfV ^^?E^ 195 KEiS AVE SALES LTD 992-6332 • •••l»ltUII« ^•••••••••••••••••••r • Mtiiiiiuir 1982 Volvo Station Wagon, ex cond., $5,000. Ph; 747-2554. (4-p-72) 1985 1985 Chevette, Suto, 2 dr hatchback, in good all around condition. $1,975 obo. Phone Gus at 992-2557. (1-p72) 1986 GMC Blazer, S10, very good shape, 4 studded winter tires, $8,250 obo. 1980 Cadillac, perfect condition, 64,000 miles, $6,900 obo 395-4519. (4-P-74) 1987 1987 Ford Tempo, 4 dr, air cond., sunroof, $4,000. Ph; 992-8985. (8-P-73) 1988 Ford LX Mustang oonvertibte. Aluminum mags, fully loaded. Never winter driven. 42,000 km. Excellent concfition. Asking $14,000. Phone; 747-2039. {4-P-73) 1988 HONDA PRELUDE SI Racy Red with an immaculate exterior & interior, 4 cyl. 2.0 litre engine, 5 speed transmission, provides the ultimate in driving & handling. 35 mpg. Brand new tires, (all season radials) plus two snow tires, power sunroof, AM/FM cassette, stereo with auto reverse & four speakers. Only 82,0<30 kilometers. Has been mechanically maintained in excellent condition. Intermittent wipers, interior fuel & trunk release, block heater. First $12,900 takes it away. P h o n e 398-7701 Boats Wanted; older Suzki wet bike. Any shape. Kamloops 392-8375. Ask for Rick. (4-P-73) 14' Fiberglass boat & 40 H.P. motor and trailer. Canvas cover, asking $3,000 obo. Ph; 992-8580. (8-p-76) 1976 Chevy Monte Cario. 350. air cohdT^bod rubber. Runs and looks gnaat. Need space, a steal at $600. Phone; 992-6373. (8-p-79) 1977 Buncher for hire. Williams Lk. 3987614. (16-P-80) ©SERVICE 1980 Ford F-150 extra cab, long box, 4x4,8000 lb winch, set up for camper, 60.000 miles, $6,750. Ph; 398-5417. after 7 p.m. (4-p-74) 1988 Building lot on Cypress S t . 2 blocks from eJem. secondary schools and mall. Sewer, gas and driveway in. $10,500. Days; 747-1147; eves; 7473728. (8-P-73) 1976 The Responsibility is Yours. Steyr KP-40 log processor looking for work. Ph; 567-2758. (4-p-73) 1978 Pontiac Trans Am, TA6.6, new paint, tires, carpet, ex c o n d . $4,500. Phone eves, at 249-5903. (4-p-74,) Comer tot in Southills, 100' x 200',, $12,000. Phone: 747-3198. (8-p-78) City lot. with all serives, .21 acre next to highway 97, assessed value. $15,500 will sell for $7,500. Phone 992-5408. (4-P-74) MffliMMESKRiiMMi ^RINElFIREWOiQP^ Wiles & Cindric Recreational Vehicles Boats 1978 1986 FULL ^^^^^^^.V,' '-/ CABIN FOR SALE Finished cabin of approx. 900 sq. ft., avail, for sale on 4.24 acres of leased recreational property located on Scum Lake, 32 miles south of Highway 20 and 55 miles west of Williams Lake, B.C. C/W propane lighting, finished cupboarads and interior water system. No field or well. Lake has private air strip. Asking $15,000 for quick sale. Call Realty Workl Northern at 398-8266. Property of 4.24 acres is on an assumable lease or is avail, for purchase through the B.C. GovemmenL (11 -rts) Mi ORTHTOWN 1530 s/f, 2 storey, 5 bdrm family home, bsmt, carport, fireplace, 2 baths, large sundeck, Vernon Rd,, •"•quiet area. Bouchie Lake. $67,500. Ph; 249-5216. (8-p-72) EXCITINGLY DFFERENT !N SOUTHILLS A lovely 3 level split home that offers ample living space to accommodate the most discerning buyer. Hardwood lloor In living room, 2 fireplaces. 4 bdrms. Asking only $87,500. Automotive Recreational Vetiicles Southills 3-bdrm, t 1/2 baths, full bsmt, new carpet, paint, lino, patio, garage/sho, fenced 1 block from school. $77,900. Ph: 747-1333. (8-p77) . Immaculate 1750 sq/ft, custom built split level, 3 bdrms up, 1 down. Bsmt, 2 car garage, fireplace, 2 1/2 baths, patio, laundry on main. Thompson Rd. South Hills. Asking $124,000. Phone: 747-4682 to view. (8-p-75) Mobile Homes FOB SALE 14x70 Manco Mobile Home on one acre fully fenced, has fruit trees and garden spot, good drilled well, and septic system. Built on addition with gas f/p. patio with sliding glass doors must be seen to be appreciated. Phone; 747-1532. (-p—) Brickland Estate, .56 acre, 3 yrs old, Rancher oppx 1500 sq/ft, double garage, fireplace, blinds, 2 1/2 baths, Jacuzzi room, community water and more. Call 747-2322 after 4 p.m. (8-P-78) Truck bay, 2 mile flat, air, nat gas. Pfione Don Stonefiouse at 392-7752. (6a-rts) FOR RENT 1550 sq/ft, downtown. Ph: 992-7414 or 992-8766. (60-rts) 9 iii?^:^~ ^ ^ ^ 1989 29' 5th wheel, $18,500. Excellent condition, ph; 992-8054 after 5:00 p.m. (8-p-79) FOR SALE 1977 Winnebago Motorhome, 21 foot sleeps six, fully self contained; four burner rangette, large fridge. $10,500 obo. Ph; 992-7195. (4-p-72) 1987 Scamper Class C Motorhome, 460 motor, low mileage, many extras, excellent cond, priced reasonable. Ph. 992-8610. (4-P-72) 1990 24 ft. Tenv Trailer. Bunkbed model, sleeps 8, fully winterized, storm windows, extra insulation, immaculate condition. 392-7257 after 7 pm. (4-P-72) ©FUFE I Support Your Lung Associatton 3" sludge pump, Wisconsin powered; $175. Generating plant 1100 watt; $100. Prices firm, write to: Len Knudson, Box 27, RR No. 5, Gillies Crossing, Quesnel, BC, V2J 3H9. (4-P-75) Fixtures for sale. Maher Shoes. Maple Park Shopping Centre. Phone; 747-3505. (1-P-72) 1977 24 tUk nxxlel triple E motorhome. Dual air, awning, ex. cond.. $16,000. Phone: 992-6831. (8-p-72) Electric digital scale. Mettier PC 4400, 5 kg X 0.01 g. Ph: 992-7991. (60-rts) 1978 Wilderness 25 ft Fifth Wheel, sleeps six, ready to roll. $13,900. Phone; 992-6466. (40-p-73) 1974 16 ft travel trailer, sleeps six, good condition. $2,500. Phone; 7472554. (4-P-72) Tent trailer hard top. Ph; 747-2539. (63-rts) Recreational Vehicles 1986 Dresser TD16C c / w ' * 6 " - w a y b l a d e (inside mount). Free spool winch -newU/C.$126XXX). COASTAL PACIRC EQUIP INC. Williams Lake 392-7757 Mobile dimentional sawmill on steel trailer. Capable of cutting logs 7 ft in diameter, 26 ft long cAw steel trim table. Suitable for prodijction. Many extras will teach to operate. Phone; 989-4249. (4-p-75) 1979 FMC 220, 1400 hrs on rebuilt motor, winch and new tracks. Phone; 395-4813 after 6 p.m. (8-p-79) View of Coa^drPacHTc Equip. Williarns Lake. $65,000. 392-77S7. ^11 Electronics Radio Shack colour computer. TRS 80 with cassette recorder, instruction and program manuals. Ph; 992-7991. (60-rts) Yard & Garden Now open for the season WESTSIDE NURSERY Behind NAPA Auto Parts, we have a large selection of Bedding plants. Annuals, Perennials, Vegetables. Hanging baskets and more. MOTHER'S DAY SPECIAL; Sat f ^ y 9th and Sun May 10th; all hanging baskets 20% off. We offer friendly, helpful service and reasonable prices. (2-p73) 2.3 H.P. Electric chipper and shredder for grinding garden debris. New condition. $200. Ph; 992-7276. (4-p72) i\Aiscellaneous for Sale A custom 375 Jennings with Tasco lite, sight, scope, sling, case and dies. 747-2378 ask for Charles. (8-p-78) Trailers Complete new 486-33 MHz SVGA systems, $2,099, local representative required. Ph; 1-244-7705. {8-p-74) Garden manure for sale. $30.00 per pickup load. Ph. 992-3680. (8-p-76) For rent; 26 ft motorhome, sleeps 6 with rear bedroom, fully self contained, 992-9664. Non smokers only. (8-P-74) 1981 J D 7 4 0 A " S k l c l c l e r c / w Donaren Trencher - plus t h e log grapple. ' ± ^ Williams Lal<e 392-7757 Office Equipment Tamron 70-210 200 m tense. Mounts for most cameras, avail. Ph: 992-7991. (60-rts) Brown wicker-look swag lamp fixture, $20. obo. Peach lamp with brass trimming, $35.00. Ph. 992-3109. (40-rts-ste) (•J* Appliances Gold Admiral auto dishwasher; $150. Gold RCA stove w/coming ware top; $400. Gold RCA refridgerator; $400 or set for $750. Excellent shape and worWng cond. Ph: 249-5965 or 2495369 {8-P-75J Electric stove and fridge. Phone; 992-8985, (8-p-73) YARD AND GARDEN " Picnic tables, loveseats, planters, wishing wells, captain chairs. Phone: 747-2863. (8-p-72) Produce Rasberry Canes and Red Current Plants. 993-4447. (4-p-78) Hay for Sale Grass alfalfa mix. $1.50/bale. Ph. 992-3680. (8-P-76) Hay for sale, square bales, round bales. 993-4574 or 992-2316 (14-rts) Pets Animals sold as 'purebred stock'must be registered in cofnpliance with the Canadian Uvestocli Pedigree Act. Wanted good homes for 8 wk old puppies. Mother Black Lab X, 5 males. 2 females. Raised outside. Phone; 992-5347. (8-p-77) C.K.C. Registered Cairn Terrier pies. Champion bloocfljnes, shots, dewormed, ready to go 1st. $500.00. Serious inquiries please 296-4626. (4-p-72) pupfirst June only Livestock $200. Rebuilt appliances for sale. Stove $89.95 and up. Fridges, $95 & up. Elements $8 to $12. 6-mo wan-anty. We trade appliances and buy. We do house calls. WE FIX IT ALL SHOP. 992-7442. (10-rts) Hobbies & Games Team Canada 7 2 , complete set of Hockey Cards. Ph; 992-5507. (2-p72) Have you go! a special feature or article you would like p,ublished it; the paper.? Call trie Cariboo Observer at 992-2121 Registered yeariing Semmintal bull, birth date March 28, weight 98 lbs. Now weighs 1,630 lbs., good disposition, semen tested, delivery available. Call 567^127, X-Bar Semmintels. (8-P-79) Pasture wanted for 50-100 yeariing steers from May to Sept. Phone ;^' 620-3452 eves. (1-p-72) Red Angus Yeariing Bull for sale, bom Feb. 17/91. birthweight,82 lbs, present weight 1150 lbs. Ph; 9934471. (8-P-73) I SAFE-T-Y TREADMILL PATENDED SAFETY SLIDE SYSTEM ELIMINATES JiOLLER SLIDIN.Q BED EFFECT. SURE GRIP BELT 6ESIGN. 220 HP SAFETY FEATURES. PH; 992-8441. (8-P-73) ^: V t:uMff^^l§^^f!!MI^ • • ? ^ \ . •'•;••-.• liesneltCariboo ^bserv^i: • % • - • The Siding Specialist 562-9551 Invitation to Tender sealed tenders are invited lor the lollowing; Free Estimates 992-6439 ROY CLOSSON Res. 992-6439 Competitive Prices iiil ill Project No: 07722-0002 Location: North Cariboo Highways District Description: Paving ol miscellaneous roads in the Quesnel area (21.55 km). Maple Drive, f^ed Blufl. Western Plywood, Hydraulic and Saskatoon Roads. "Awarding ol this contract is contingent upon the Pnjvincial Legislature authorizing sufficient lunding." Sealed tenders, completed in accordance with the Conditions of Tender on the forms provided, will be received by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways at #213-1011 4th Avenue, Prince George, B.C. V2L 3H9 until 2:00 p.m. (tocal time) IS Worl<manship guaranteed in writing We now iiave a STREET SWEEPER Timber Garage Sales 3 family garage sale. Sat. May 9th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 2249 Granite. 747-1862. Plants, household items, clothing. (1-p-72) Multi Family Garage Sale Sat May 9th and Sun May 10th, 9 a.m. to 4 p . m . both days at 785 BakeT Drive. Everything from furniture to motorbike to household items. (2-p72) West Fraser Fire Dept annual garage sale Saturday, May 9th, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Also selling hot dogs, coffee, and a baking table. West Fraser Fire Hall. (2-p-72) GARAGE SALE May 9, (Sat.) 9 - 3 p.m., 2 km out West Fraser Road, household items, oil and wood furnaces. (2-p-72) iHi lit mna iJKmiliUl-Jr^MlS Friday, May 8/92 7:00 p.m. Superb selection of bedroom & dining room furniture from Chester, selected & exported by Michael Wlgannon. Partial list - V i c t o r i a n polished oak targe 2 door wardrobe with bevelled mirrors & carved centre panel. 6 ft. taB oak comer hall robe. 2 Victorian pitch pfne "rare" 8ctxx)l desks. 3 p c . oak miniature size childs Edwardian bedroom suite, golden oak skJe by side bookcase. Edwardkan oak bureau bookcase with leaded glass 2 door top. oak 4 ft. wide Welsh dresser, Jacobean style oak blanket box. birds eye maple bedoom suite, oak overmantel, karge selection of tables, chairs, mirror back sideboards. 3 castle topped chimney pots, mirrors, porcefciln. glass.-etc. etc. HUB-CITY AUCTIONS LTD. 1122 South Lakeside Dr. Williams Lal(e,B.C. 398-8845 Invitation to Tender In accordance with the Ministry ol Transportation and Highways Act, Section 49(1), sealed tenders are irivited for the following: Project No: 08037 Location: Approx. 2.0 km north of Hixon on Cariboo Hwy. 97. Description: Mix, haul, place and compact Asphalt Concrete pavement Construct Asphalt extruded curbs. Load, haul, place and compact shoulder aggregate. The total length of the project is 1.2 km. Sealed tenders, completed in accordance with the Conditions of Tender on the forms provided, virill be received by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways at #408-350 Barlow Avenue, Quesnel B.C. V2J 2C1 until 2:00 p ^ . (kxal time) on May 14, 1992. when tenders will be opened in public. A security deposfl/surety bid bond will be required (in accordance with the conditfons of the tender.) Tender documents complete with envetope. plans, specifications and conditions of tender are available commencing April 27, 1992 from the Minister of Transportation and Highwyas, #408-350 Bariow Avenue, Quesnel B.C. V2J 2C1 between the hours of 830 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, except holidays. Where required, payment for contract documentation -shall be made by certified cheque or money order, made payable to the Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations. All purchases are non-relundable. For further information contact John Cook, District Technician at (604)992-4230 or fax (604)992-4266. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. holidays. Where required, payment for contract documentation shall be made by certified cheque or money order, made payable to the Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations. All purchases are non-refundable. For further information contact John Mill, Project Manager Paving at (604)5656489 or fax (604)565-6065. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. 3.i I i mmmm Province of British Columbia Ministry ot Transportation ftjg^g^ggl^^^^^^^^^^gj Fir Peelers and Pine Poles and Highways Quality & Experience Guaranteed ^Commercial 'industrial *Reside(i||?i t HEATING - PLUMBING SHEET METAL FABRICATION CURRENT PRICE RATES HAVE INCREASED SHARPLY Also Timber Marketing & Woodlot Planning Sen/ices nvitation to Tender 992-9807 I i 1297 Cariboo Hwy. N. (Next t o Design Flooring) CONTACT BOB PHANEUF 791-5490 (Home, anytime) Residential • Commerciai • Industrial Wiring and supplies. Fire alarm and emergency lighting. Mobile Home connections. Central vacuum systems I FREE ESTIMATES e\C\^ 607 Doherty Dr. C i ^ •« •'si. :iK #15979 ^1 < ^ 'ssBsaBass:ss3aaa3ssxseB 992-6005 m EXTERIORS (604)565-6517 or fax (604)565-6524. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. VINYL SIDING * SOFFIT 'FASCIA NOTICE REOUESTINQ APPUCAT10NS FOR UMBER SALE UCENCE A331S0 (610 PROPOSAL) Pursuant to Soctlcw 16.1 of tha FOREST ACT. lypgCTlkmg wit bo accepted by the Oistrtet Manager. Quotnel B.C.. for a Tirrfaef Sale Uoenoe to authorize the harvest of 20.000 cubic nwterB, more or less, of Umber located at Weal Road River. Quesnel Vrrbw Supply DO YOUR OWN SIDING ANDSAVE Invitation to Tender In accordance with the Ministry of Transportation and Highways Act, Section 49(1), sealed tenders are invited for the following: Project No: 08433 Location: Barkerville Highway #26. Irom Roberts Roost Information Pullout (km 42) to ^ c k of Qubs Rest Area (km 72). Description: To seal the cracks in the asphalt pavement with a Ik^uid emulsion (H.F. 150S) and cover with sand. Approximately 43,000 linear metres of cracks to be sealed. Sealed tenders, completed in accordance with the Conditions of Tender on the forms provided, will be received by the Ministry of Transportation and Highvrays at #408-350 Bariow Avenue, Quesnel, B.C. V2J 2C1 until 2:00 p.m. (local time) on May 13, 1992, when tenders will be opened in public. A secunty deposit/surety bid bond will be required (in accordance with the Monday to Friday, except hoftdays. Where required, payment for contract documentation shall be made by certified cheque or money order, made payable to the Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations. All purchases are non-relundable. For further infomiation contact Bill Thateher or Ron Schiffo at (604)992-4230 or fax (604)992-4266. Province of Bntish Columbia ta Qj.~.-.-^-nn- ..w.i,i^i«a^^ / Province ol Bntish Columbia Ministry o( Transportation and Highways mn^^onmB^ Want to turn your castoffs Into cash? You don't need magic to do the tripk. All you need is a classified ad. Call the Cariboo Observer today to place your ad and put the process into motion. conditions of the tender.) Tender documents complete with envetope, plans, speafications and conditions of tender are available from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways #408-350 Bariow Avenue Quesnel B.C. V2J 2Cl between the hours of 8.-30a.m.to430 p.m. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. For a free estimate call CARIBOO EXTERIORS 992-6005 Your Home Deserves The BeatI Spodes: Plrw 97%, Spruce 2%. Fir 1 % , more or less. Term: T * o (2) years. The purpose of this Tirriwr Sale Licertca Is to onoourago and promote further manufaclurirtg ot ilrrfaer and forest products In the Province. Evalualion ot proposals tMiD consider provisions of employment for local people. Fimher particulars and application forms may be obtained from the Dbtrid Manager at Quesnel. B.C. ' i conditions of the tender.) A pre-tender meeting has not been scheduled. Tender documents complete with envelope, plans, specifications and conditions of tender are available at a cost of $25.00 per set plus 6% PST ($1.50) and 7% GST ($1.75) for a total of $28.25 from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways available at #213-1011 4th Avenue, Prince George B.C. V2L 3H9 or may be ordered/viewed through any Regional Office of the Ministry of Transportation and Highways between the hours of 8 3 0 a m . to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, except holidays. If applicable please send fax revisions to 565-7016. Where required, payment for contract documentation shall be made by certified cheque or money order, made payable to the Minister of Finance and Corporate Relations. All purchases are non-refundable. For further infonnation contact Lany Berkey, A/Electncal Project Technician at ;>>i yy^-O^ll ^(^{Ml@& Appllcattons will be accepted only from registrants In the Small Business Forest Enteiprise Progrm or those eligible to register. Applications Shan provlda a proposal containing the Information set forth In the particulars. Applications must be received by the Olstrlcl Manager at 322 Johnston Avenue. Quesnel B.C. before 10.t» hours on May 14, 1992. (60.62,64.66,68,70.72,74) • following: Project No: 07239-0004 Location: Central/North East Region Description: The work to be performed will be electrical wori( including installation of conduit junction boxes and pedestals, luminaire poles, island flashers, trafTic signal poles, sign pdes. traffic signal loops, fi^giWe bases on existing luminaire and sign poles, also the removal of existing electrical equipment. The wor1< will also include removal and disposal of concrete or asphalt. "Awarding of this contract is contingent upon the Provincial Legislature authorizing suffrcient funding." Sealed tenders, completed in accordance with the Conditions of Tender on the forms provided, will be received by the Ministry of Transportation and Highways at #213-1011 4th Avenue. Prince George, B.C. V2L 3H9 until 2:00 p.m. (local time) on May 20, 1992, when tenders will be opened in public. A security deposit/surety bid bond will be required (in accordance with the Registration Legais Pto»ince ol Biitiih Columbia Miniiltj ol Foiesis In accordance with the Ministry of Transportation an<f'Highways Act, Section 49(1), sealed tenders are invited lor the i MINING AND GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT Mineral and placer exploration, specialized in placer geology, claim staking, surveying, lease conversions and placer property enquiries. Ph: 992-9570. (16-P-76) Province of British Columbia ^P^ Dealer for ICH Heil Gas Furnaces Full installation sales & service Mining I Auctions I ^Complete Uni Loader Service *Backhoe Service *Une Painting Free Estimates Phone Guaranteed Doug or Dusty Greenwood Workmanship 747-4693 Amendment (Yes, No) No (72) A pre-tender meeting has not been scheduled. Tender documents complete with envelope, plans, specifications and conditions of tender are available at a cost of $35.00 per set plus 6% PST ($2.10) and 7% GST ($2.45) for a total of $39.55 from the Ministry of Transportation and Highways available at #213-1011 4th Avenue, Prince George B.C. V2L 3H9 or may be ordered/viewed through any Regional Office ol the Ministry of Transportation and Highways between the hours of 8 3 0 a m . to 4:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, except xp Quesnel Cariboo Observer 188 C a r s o n Ave. FOREST UCENCE A2O010 Localion Area (ha) Tibbies R.U. 61.0 2000 Rd. Cutting Permit 90-U on May 13, 1992, when tenders will be opened in public. A surety bid bond will be required (in accordance with the conditions of the tender.) g i DOUG GRttHWOOD & SOWS COmRACriHG 992-2121 Notice of pre-harvest sllvlcullura prescrlpdons, pursuant to feoctlon 3 ot the silviculture roguiations. The following areas have proposed prescriptlonB that vwili apply!) approval Is obtained trom the Ministry ol Forests. The proposed prescrlptlors will tje available lor viewing until June 26, 1932 at the address noted below, during regular working hours. To ensure consideration, any written comments must bo made to Tolko.lndustries Ltd.. P.O. Box 4160. Quesnel. B.C. V2J 3J2. Alleniion Wayne Boudreau, R.P.F. by Ihe above dale. In accordance with the Ministry ol Transportation and Highways Act, Section 49(1), Soffit, Facia, Metal Roofing Hound your owner t o p l a c e t h a t classified ad today! It's easy to find warm, caring pet lovers for everything from mutts to monkeys. A call will do the trick. iffY''''''^~''^^s PROPOSED SILVICULTURE PRESCRIPTIONS Vinyl & Aluminum Siding We F o u n d a H o m e i n t h e Classifieds UM Legais Em Legais Wl Legais m Legais W.R. VENTURES LTD Pets Pets VVednesday, May e r S | j | ^ :'^-:.. ' Ouesnei Ministry ol Transponalion and Highways PROPOSED SILVICULTURE PRESCRIPTIONS MllNilNEiRlliING Notice ol pre-harvest sIViculture prescript ions, pursuant to section 3 o) the slVicutture regulations. The lollowing areas have proposed prescriptions that will apply H approval is obtained from the Ministry o l Forests. The proposed preso^tions will bo available tor viewing until June 26. 1992 al the address noted i *Metar:Ciadcling'^:^peckingS:7^ below, during regular working hours. To ensure consideration, any wrinen comments must be made to Tolko Industries Ltd.. P.O. Box 4160. Quesnel. B.C. V2J 3J2. Atlentloo W/ayne Boudreau, R.P.F. by the above dale. NOTE: These are priority blowdown areas. Harvesting may commence ds early as May 15. 1 ^ 2 . This represents a minimum 5 day advertising period. iNpSsTRlEllmM^ Cutting . Permit 31- \-KrmtS) Cut Block 120 FOREST UCENCE A20010 Location A'ea (ha) Enist Road 12 Deserter Range Unit Amendment (Yes; NO) No (72) • * ' ^ - - ,- >i»
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