TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction for Parents An Overview of the Tests What do my child’s scores mean? What subjects are tested? How can I help my child perform well on the tests? Test Taking Strategies for Students in Grade 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 Introduction for Students About This Book Test Taking Tips 8 8 8 LANGUAGE ARTS Reading Comprehension Comprehension of Non-fictional Text Comprehension of Recreational Selections Functional Text Cause and Effect Reading Vocabulary Capitalization Punctuation Word Usage Sentence Structure and Content Organization Study Skills Contractions Spelling More Capitalization Synonyms Antonyms Word Analysis Answer Key for Language Arts MATH 59 59 62 65 67 69 69 72 75 Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Problem Solving Number Sense and Numeration Geometry and Spatial Sense Measurement 2nd Grade Edition 11 18 22 24 26 28 30 31 33 35 36 37 39 48 50 52 54 57 1 Math, Continued Patterns and Relationships Fractions Data Analysis, Statistics, and Probability Problem Solving Procedures Data Analysis and Graphing Answer Key for Math 79 80 82 86 90 92 SCIENCE Physical Science Gravity and Motion Life Science Plants and Animals Need Each Other Life Cycles Earth Science Rocks and Minerals Fossils Answer Key for Science 94 94 94 96 96 96 98 98 98 105 HISTORY-SOCIAL SCIENCE Map Reading Latitude and Longitude People Who Have Made a Difference in Our Lives Institutions and Practices of Government Answer Key for History-Social Science 94 106 106 106 111 114 2nd Grade Edition 2 Introduction for Parents On January 8, 2002, President Bush signed into law the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. The law asks America’s schools to describe their success in terms of what each student accomplishes. It requires each state to create its own standards for what a student should know in each grade level and then test every student’s progress toward those standards by administering achievement tests in all schools.1 In connection with this accountability program, four to five million students are taking the tests every year. The results give teachers, parents and students invaluable information about a child’s relative academic strengths and the next steps for learning. An Overview of the Tests The tests are standardized achievement tests. This means that they measure attained knowledge or skills, not potential for achievement. The tests are standardized because all students who take them receive the same test instructions, the same test questions, and the same amount of time to complete them. The tests cover many of the fundamental skills are curricular areas that children learn in school: math, reading, vocabulary, writing, work-study skills, social studies and science. The test questions, written in a multiple-choice format, reflect a sample of the material presented in textbooks that are widely used across the country. In answering the test questions within the general content areas, students will need to be able to evaluate and apply information, make inferences, and use many critical thinking skills. Standardized tests perform several functions. They describe a student’s proficiency within a subject area. They help parents and teachers identify students’ areas of relative strength and weakness among the subjects they study. They are a means through which a student’s progress can be monitored from year to year. They give educators and parents information from which they can plan instruction. Finally, because they are norm-referenced tests (see explanation below), educators use them to compare the achievement of their students with others across the nation who have taken the same tests. In many schools, test scores are a significant factor in determining educational decisions such as student promotion and retention, mandatory summer school attendance, class placement, qualification in programs for high achieving students, principal evaluations, and school accreditation and reorganization. It is not surprising that standardized tests have become known as “high-stakes” tests. What do my child’s scores mean? Norm-referenced tests provide information about how an individual student’s performance compares with the scores of a reference or “norm group” of students at the same grade level. The norm group is a large representative sample of all U.S. students (of different ages; sexes; races and ethnicities; in urban, suburban, rural, public and private school settings, etc.) who take the test. After a school administers the test, each 1 For more information, visit 2nd Grade Edition 3 student’s scores are compared to those of the national norm group. The result is reported as a national percentile ranking (NPR). This national percentile ranking shows a student’s standing within the groups of students in the same grade who were tested at the same time of year during the national standardization. A student’s national percentile rank tells the percent of students in the norm group that got lower scores on a test than the student did. For example, a student achieving a 78 NPR in reading comprehension scored higher than 78% of the students in the norm group who took that test. This also means that 22 % of the norm group scored higher on the reading comprehension section of the test. Percentile ranks range from 1 to 99, with the 50th percentile corresponding to the middle ranking or national median. What subjects are tested? The tests are different for every grade level. Most students in grade 2 take test Level 10. The tests are intended to cover essential academic skills and content that is most often taught at each grade level. The Level 10 test Complete Battery includes the following tests: 2 Vocabulary - 34 questions to be answered in 15 minutes Reading Comprehension - 41 questions divided among 2 sessions of 25 and 30 minutes Language Spelling - 32 questions to be answered in 12 minutes Capitalization - 26 questions to be answered in 12 minutes Punctuation - 26 questions to be answered in 12 minutes Usage and Expression - 33 questions to be answered in 30 minutes Mathematics Concepts and Estimation - 36 questions presented in 2 sessions totaling 30 minutes Problem Solving and Data Interpretation - 24 questions to be answered in 30 minutes Computation - 27 questions to be answered in 15 minutes Social Studies - 34 questions to be answered in 30 minutes Science - 34 questions to be answered in 30 minutes Sources of Information Maps and Diagrams - 25 questions to be answered in 30 minutes Reference Materials - 30 questions to be answered in 25 minutes Check with your school administrator to see whether your child will be required to take the Complete Battery or simply one or two of the tests. 2 If your child takes the Survey Battery of Tests, there are fewer questions presented, and the times allowed are adjusted accordingly. 2nd Grade Edition 4 How can I help my child perform well on the tests? Support and guide your child through theses test preparation exercises. When children take the test, it is to their advantage to be able to focus on what they know, without having the additional challenge of deciphering unfamiliar test instructions and format. This book is designed to help your child review the content area skills measured by the test and to practice test-taking strategies that will build confidence and maximize performance on standardized tests. The exercises are presented in various formats that will give the students practice in answering questions much like those that they are likely to encounter on any standardized test. By working through the exercises in this book, your child will gain invaluable experience in the mechanics and strategies of test taking in the context of the various subjects presented in the tests. Your child is likely to benefit from discussing with you the thinking processes he or she used to select or eliminate the various responses to the exercises. Discuss why one choice is better than another and ask what in the materials points to the correct answer. The Parent Tips at the beginning of each content section of this book target strategies to help the student learn critical information or reason through the exercises. It is better to conduct test preparation sessions on a regular basis throughout the year than to cram right before test time. Keep the sessions positive by praising your child for effort and result. Read aloud to your child and listen to your child read to you. Students who do well on standardized tests tend to be excellent readers, as all sections of the tests contain written material that must be quickly comprehended. High achievers frequently read for pleasure and have a good understanding of what they have read. You can support your child as a reader by setting aside a regular time for 15-20 minutes of reading each and every day. Encourage the reading of fiction and non-fiction, and make a point of discussing with your child what he or she is reading, whether it is a novel, textbook, newspaper, poetry, or magazine. Try to get your child to react to what he or she is reading, to agree or disagree with it (and explain why), to summarize it or retell what has happened, to predict what may happen next, to talk about the characters, or link what they have learned to something they have experienced. Ask your child to make a note of any new words encountered along the way. Make every effort to use those words in conversation on a regular basis. Watch those reading and vocabulary test scores soar! Reduce any concern your child has about taking the test. Be positive. Parents can play an important part in preparing their children to take the test by promoting positive attitudes and expressing support and confidence in their children. If your child perceives that you think the test will be too hard or not important, he may not do his best. On the other hand, placing undue emphasis on the test scores can cause counterproductive worrying. The wisest course is to strike a balance by encouraging your child to take the test seriously and to give a good effort. If your child becomes anxious, emphasize that standardized testing is a normal school activity that helps the school plan programs and instruction suited to the needs of its students. Explain that no student is expected to answer all the questions correctly, and that the test scores are just one indicator among many that will measure achievement. Tell him not to become discouraged if he finds a 2nd Grade Edition 5 question too difficult to answer. If he continues on, he will likely come to questions that he can answer confidently. Finally, remind your child that he is well prepared to do his best. After all, he has studied the subjects on which he will be tested, become familiar with the mechanics and strategies of test taking, and practiced answering sample questions. Test Taking Strategies for Students in Grade 2 Learn how to use a “fill in the bubble” answer sheet. In most school districts, students in grade 2 receive their own test booklet and a separate answer sheet. Students read the question, decide what their answer will be, and then mark their answer on the answer sheet by filling in a bubble with #2 pencils. If their school does not purchase the answer sheets, students will be able to mark their answer choices on the test booklet by filling in the bubble that corresponds to their answer. In that case, the bubbling marks are the only ones that they will be allowed to make on the tests. (Scratch paper is provided for certain parts of the math test. No calculators are permitted.) Parents can help their children learn how to quickly and efficiently fill in the bubble to mark an answer. The mark should completely darken the bubble without going outside of it. Make sure they do not waste time trying to fill the bubble perfectly. Children can practice using the answer sheet provided at the end of this book. Children should understand that there is only one correct answer for each question, and if they mark more than one answer to any question, the answer will be scored as incorrect. That means that they must keep their place on the answer sheet, making sure that the number of the question they are answering matches the bubble they are marking on the answer sheet. Any mistakes must be totally erased. Listen carefully, bubble accurately, and keep up with the pace. An important aspect of the test is that a student must listen carefully and pay close attention to the teacher before, during, and after the test. The teacher will give oral instructions about the test. The teacher’s words are scripted, and the script sets strict limits on the number of times instructions and test questions may be repeated. Students must remain attentive, keep track of the number of the question that they are answering, and make sure to keep up with the pace. It is critical that they follow all directions to the letter. The Level 10 tests are timed tests. Students should work as quickly as they can without making careless mistakes and should avoid spending too much time on any one question. The more practice questions that your child takes, the better sense he will have about when he is taking too much time on a single question. The test administrator will tell the students how much time they will have to take the test, but after that there will be no announcements about the amount of time that has elapsed or that remains in the testing period. 2nd Grade Edition 6 Eliminate any unreasonable answer choices and select the best answer. In a test with a multiple-choice format, it is sometimes difficult to find the “perfect” answer among the choices given. The first step is to read carefully through the entire question and all the answers. Then eliminate all obviously wrong choices in order to concentrate on the remaining ones. Ultimately, it may be difficult to choose between two choices. In such instances, the student should reread the question carefully. It will likely contain key words needed to select the best answer. It may be the case that two choices are factually correct, but one choice more directly answers the question than another. Consider the following example. Read the passage and answer the question about it. Dogs are members of the canine family. They come in a variety of breeds and hundreds of different shapes and sizes. Each breed has its own special talent. Sheep dogs herd cattle and sheep. Golden retrievers make good guide dogs for the blind. St. Bernards are famous for rescuing people in the mountains. Huskies pull sleds to transport people and supplies over frozen terrain. 1. What is the main idea of this selection? A. B. C. D. All dogs are canines. All dogs look the same. Dogs make good companions. Different dog breeds have special talents. To select the best answer, first eliminate the obviously incorrect choice “B.” Although the remaining choices are all true statements, and even though choice “A” is taken directly from the selection, only choice “D” addresses the main idea of the passage. Choice “D” is the best answer. Solve math problems on scratch paper. Work neatly and keep organized. In most instances, students may not make marks in the test booklet. Teachers will distribute scratch paper for solving problems. It will be important to transfer the problem accurately onto the scratch paper, align columns, and keep track of what problem is being solved. This means that the student will need to pay extra attention to neatness, organization, and accuracy. Time is often a factor in math tests, so it is will be necessary to work steadily and focus on the task at hand. If the student is really stumped on one problem, it may be best to give an educated guess, make a notation about the problem number, and return to it later if time permits. If he decides to skip a problem, be sure that he skips the corresponding bubble on the answer sheet, as well. Any questions left unanswered will be counted wrong, so it is best not too spend too much time on any one problem. There is probably a question waiting down the line that will be much easier to solve! 2nd Grade Edition 7 Introduction for Students About This Book In order to know how well children are learning the information they need to know, students throughout the United States take certain tests every year. The exercises in this book will help you get ready for the tests. They will give you practice in answering questions about the things that you will need to know by the end of the second grade. This book is divided into four sections: language arts, math, history-social studies, and science. Each section is divided into important practice skill areas within that particular subject. Look for the box of tips in each section. The tips will explain special ways to remember the information or will give you help in working through the exercises. Test Taking Tips Read for 20 minutes every day. The skills that you use to read are the same skills that will help you to do well on any test. Review or practice a little bit every day. If you practice or review what you have already learned in class, it will help you to remember the information when it appears on a test. It is easier and more effective to learn something in six 10-minute sessions that in one hour-long session. When solving math problems, work neatly and keep organized. Take extra care when you are writing problems to copy the problems correctly and compute accurately. It helps to work each problem in its own area, separated from another problem. Be sure to align columns correctly. This will help you to avoid careless errors. Listen closely and follow directions very carefully. A student who takes the test must listen carefully and pay close attention to the teacher before, during, and after the tests. The teacher will give you important instructions about the test. It is important that you follow the directions that you hear. Stay focused. You will only have a certain amount of time to complete each test. Be sure to concentrate on the task at hand. Keep working and don’t let your mind wander. If you don’t know an answer, be sure not to spend so much time on that one question that you can’t finish the rest of the test. Consider taking your best guess or skipping the question and coming back to work on it after you have completed the rest of the test. Just make sure that if you skip a problem that you skip that row on the answer sheet, too. 2nd Grade Edition 8 In multiple-choice tests, eliminate obviously wrong choices and select the best answer. Sometimes it is difficult to find the “perfect” answer among the choices given. The first thing to do is to read carefully through the entire question and all the answers. Then toss away the choices that are obviously wrong and concentrate on the remaining choices. If you find it hard to choose between two choices that both seem right, go back and reread the question very carefully. Look for key words that will help you focus on the best choice. Don’t be fooled by choices that are true, but that do not directly answer the question! Here is an example: Read the passage and answer the question about it. Dogs are members of the canine family. They come in a variety of breeds and hundreds of different shapes and sizes. Each breed has its own special talent. Sheep dogs herd cattle and sheep. Golden retrievers make good guide dogs for the blind. St. Bernards are famous for rescuing people in the mountains. Huskies pull sleds to transport people and supplies over frozen ground. 1. What is the main idea of this selection? A. B. C. D. All dogs are canines. All dogs look the same. Dogs make good companions. Different dog breeds have special talents. To select the best answer, first eliminate the obviously incorrect choice “B.” Although the remaining choices are all true statements, and even though choice “A” is stated in the paragraph, only choice “D” tells the main idea of the paragraph. Choice “D” is the correct answer. Learn to use a “fill in the bubble” answer sheet. In most schools, students in grade 2 receive their own test booklet and a separate answer sheet. This means that you will read the question in your booklet, decide what your answer will be, and then mark your answer on the separate answer sheet. You will mark your answer by filling in a bubble with your pencil. It is important to darken the bubble without going outside of the lines, but do not waste time trying to fill the bubble perfectly. Be sure to practice filling in bubbles on an answer sheet. You can use the answer sheet that comes at the end of this book. Be sure that you fill in only one bubble in each row. That means that you must keep your place on the answer sheet. Take care that if you are working on problem 7 in the spelling test, you fill in the bubble in row 7 of the spelling section of your answer sheet. If you make a mistake or need to change an answer, be sure to totally erase your original mark in that row. 2nd Grade Edition 9 Take some practice tests so you won’t be nervous. The more you get used to thinking about what you know and answering questions about it, the more comfortable and confident you can be. A positive attitude is always the best way to approach learning and testing. The exercises in this book are designed to help you learn what you need to know in the second grade and to practice answering questions about it. When you take a test you will be able to say, “I know how to do this. I do it all the time!” 2nd Grade Edition 10 LANGUAGE ARTS Practice Skills: READING COMPREHENSION Objective: Students will read and understand grade-level appropriate material. They will draw upon a variety of comprehension strategies as needed (e.g., generating and responding to essential questions, making predictions, and comparing information from several sources). Students will use titles, tables of contents and chapter headings to locate information in expository text. Parent Tip: When the student is reading and cannot figure out a word, remind the student to read around the word. Then, think about what makes sense. If there are pictures, look at them. Try sounding out the word parts. Make a good guess! Another tip… When the student is stuck, instead of saying, “Sound it out” when an unknown word appears, help the student think, “Do I know a word that looks like this?” Tell the student to go back and reread all the words up to the tricky word and try again. PRACTICE #1 The table of contents below is from a book called All About Abraham Lincoln. Use it to answer the questions. ALL ABOUT ABRAHAM LINCOLN Table of Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 1. Boyhood Schooldays Springfield Lawyer Husband and Father Political Career Elected President Page 1 Page 8 Page 12 Page 16 Page 20 Page 25 What page does chapter 5 begin on? 12 2nd Grade Edition 16 20 22 11 2. Where would you find information about Mr. Lincoln when he was in second grade? Chapter 1 3. Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 What chapter would tell about Mr. Lincoln as President? Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 PRACTICE #2 Read the table of contents and think about it. Read the questions and choose the best answer. ALL ABOUT GEORGE WASHINGTON Table of Contents Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Childhood Growing Up At School Mount Vernon Leader of the Military First President Page 1 Page 8 Page 14 Page 20 Page 24 Page 28 1. Which chapter might tell you about where Mr. Washington went to school? Chapter 1 Chapter 4 Chapter 3 Chapter 2 2. Chapter five might tell us about J. his home. K. his mother. L. his life as a military leader. M. his presidency. 3. What page would you begin to look for facts about his childhood? A. page 1 B. page 14 C. page 24 D. page 28 2nd Grade Edition 12 ACTIVITY #1 Read the following short story. Then read the question and choose the best answer. It was the first day of school. Summer vacation was over. Carrie had an upset stomach. Was she sick or just scared? Her mother told her to get her lunch and wait in the car. It was 8:00A.M. and finally time to go. When she arrived at school, her stomach felt like it had butterflies in it. She wanted to go home. Suddenly, she saw her best friend, Susan. Carrie kissed her mother and jumped out of the car. She was ready for school to begin. 1. Who was the main character of this story? A. Susan B. Carrie C. Mother D. None of the above 2. What word best describes Carrie’s feelings on this day? J. Worried K. Sad L. Glad M. None of the above 3. What did Carrie take to school? A. Books B. Coat C. Lunch D. None of the above 4. What did Carrie do before she got out of the car? J. Turn off the radio K. Kiss her mother L. Cry M. None of the above 5. Why did Carrie jump out of the car? A. To catch the bus B. To see her best friend C. To go to the beach D. None of the above 2nd Grade Edition 13 ACTIVITY #2 Read the following short story. Then read the question and choose the best answer. I have a favorite place. I love to go to the beach. I can swim in the water, jump in the waves and make sand castles. I like to listen to the birds and hear people playing together. Sometimes I bring my lunch and sit on a blanket and watch boats in the water. The sun feels warm and the wind feels cool. I can be happy at the beach all day long. 1. Who is telling this story? A. A cat B. A dog C. A car D. A child 2. Where is my favorite place? J. In the water K. In the sand L. At the beach M. None of the above 3. What is a good title to this story? A. The Waves B. My Favorite Place C. Fun in the Water D. None of the above 4. What feels cool in my face? J. Sun K. Wind L. Water M. None of the above 5. When I listen, what do I hear? A. The freeway B. Crying children C. The birds D. None of the above 2nd Grade Edition 14 ACTIVITY #3 Read the following short story. Then read the question and choose the best answer. Boy Scout troop #72 was camping. The tents were set up and the boys were sitting around the campfire. Everyone was having fun except Ben. Ben was worried. He had never stayed out overnight. He was afraid of the dark and the noises of the night. He did not want the other scouts to know he was scared. They were all laughing and singing. Ben started to sing with them. Before long, he was laughing and having fun, too. He forgot about being afraid. 1. Where were the scouts going to sleep? A. In a hotel B. In tents C. On a boat D. None of the above 2. What was the scout troop number? J. 271 K. 272 L. 27 M. None of the above 3. How did Ben feel about the noises? A. He liked them. B. He was mad. C. He was afraid. D. None of the above 4. Where were the scouts sitting? J. In the campfire K. Near the lake L. Around the campfire M. None of the above 5. What were the scouts doing that made Ben happy? A. Singing and cooking B. Playing and cooking C. Singing and laughing D. None of the above 2nd Grade Edition 15 ACTIVITY #4 Read the following short story. Then read the question and choose the best answer. The day was cold. It had snowed during the night. Freddy couldn’t wait to put his boots and mittens and coat on and go outside to build a snowman. He called his friend, Maria, and told her to come to his yard. When Maria and Freddy started making the snowman, they rolled two big balls for the body and a smaller one for the head. They found sticks for the arms and rocks for the eyes and mouth. Freddy got a carrot for the nose and a hat for the head. It was almost 3 feet tall! They were proud of their snowman. 1. What would be a good title for this story? A. The Stormy Day B. Building a Snowman C. Fun on the Farm D. None of the above 2. Who are the children in this story? J. Freddy and Maria K. Andrew and Maria L. Erin and Freddy M. None of the above 3. When did it snow? A. In the morning B. After school C. In the night D. None of the above 4. How many snowballs did they use to make the snowman? J. One K. Three L. Two M. None of the above 5. How tall was the snowman? A. Three feet B. Five feet C. Four feet D. None of the above 2nd Grade Edition 16 ACTIVITY #5 Read the following short story. Then read the question and choose the best answer. One summer day, Chris and Anne wanted to surprise their parents with breakfast in bed. It was going to be a special treat. They got up early and started making eggs and toast in the kitchen. Chris cracked the eggs in a bowl and stirred them with a fork. Anne put the bread in the toaster. Soon the trouble began. The eggs spilled on the floor. The toast started to burn. The fire alarm went off, and their parents came running into the kitchen. The kitchen was a mess, and the surprise was ruined. Their father looked around and made a decision. They would all go out to breakfast and clean up the mess later. 1. What are the names of the children in this story? A. Tom and Mary B. Jeff and Chris C. Chris and Anne D. None of the above 2. What were they making for breakfast? J. Eggs and bacon K. Toast and eggs L. Eggs and juice M. None of the above 3. Why were they making breakfast? A. For mother’s breakfast B. To make their father happy C. To surprise their parents D. None of the above 4. How did the trouble begin? J. The eggs spilled and the toast burned. K. The bacon was overcooked. L. The telephone rang. M. None of the above 5. Why did their parents run into the kitchen? A. They were hungry. B. They heard a dog. C. They heard the fire alarm. D. None of the above 2nd Grade Edition 17 Practice Skills: COMPREHENSION OF NONFICTIONAL TEXT Objective: Students will read and understand a selection of nonfiction. Parent Tip: Begin by reading the selection to get an idea what the story is about. When answering the questions, look back at the story to answer the questions. ACTIVITY #1 Read the following selection. Then read the question and choose the best answer. Earthquakes happen underground. They occur as often as a volcano erupts. The ground shakes. We can feel it. Houses move, and things can fall off tables and walls. This lasts only a few seconds, but it can cause much damage. The earth has a crust like a pie does. The crust is made from sheets of rock. The crust floats on top of very hot liquids and more rocks. These liquids are always moving and cause pressure to build. Cracks present in the Earth’s surface are called faults. The sheets of rock feel this pressure. The sheets of rock push against each other. Sometimes the pressure is too much and the rocks shift. We might feel this movement. This is called an earthquake. After this happens, the rocks should not move again until the pressure builds again. Geology is the study of earth. People who study the earth are called geologists. We know about earthquakes because of the work that geologists do. 1. This story is about a strong shaking called A. a hurricane. B. a tornado. C. an earthquake. D. a blizzard. 2. What pushes against each other? J. Water waves K. Sheets of rock L. Trees and plants M. Cars and bicycles 3. The Earth’s crust is like A. a rug. B. a boat. C. a pie. D. a book. 2nd Grade Edition 18 4. A crack in the Earth’s surface could be a J. road K. river L. lake M. fault 5. What would the best title for this story? A. Earthquakes B. Shaking and Breaking C. Rock and Cracks D. Pressure 6. Why is it important to know about earthquakes? J. K. L. M. So we can write stories about the weather. So we can understand what causes them. So we can play games better. It is not important. 7. An earthquake occurs as often as a A. B. C. D. volcano is erupting. thunderstorm is happening. football game is played. windstorm is happening. 8. The study of the earth is called J. K. L. M. biology. social studies. geology. meteorology . 2nd Grade Edition 19 ACTIVITY #2 When you go to sleep at night, one part of the animal world is just getting up. This is the world of nocturnal animals. Nocturnal animals are animals that are active at night. Most of the nocturnal animal family comes out at night to look for food to eat. The dark of the night helps keep nocturnal animals safe. If an enemy is near, the nocturnal animal is hard to see. The raccoon is a nocturnal animal. Some raccoons live on the ground, and some live in trees. Some live in forest-like areas near neighborhoods where people live. Raccoons like to eat fish and fruit. They also like to eat corn and all kinds of seeds. They will also eat pet food and garbage in trashcans. 1. What are nocturnal animals? A. Ocean animals B. Pet dogs and cats C. Animals that are active at night D. None of the above 2. What do you think nocturnal animals do during the day? J. Eat K. Swim L. Sleep M. None of the above 3. What are nocturnal animals doing at night? A. Looking for food B. Building homes C. Playing games D. None of the above 4. Raccoons like to eat J. grass. K. fish, fruit and seeds. L. leaves. M. none of the above 5. Why might a bright moon be helpful to a raccoon’s enemy? A. It is good for the enemy to sleep. B. It is easier for enemy to see the raccoon. C. The enemy runs faster in bright light. D. None of the above 2nd Grade Edition 20 ACTIVITY #3 In the United States, many people play football, baseball and basketball. But the best-loved sport in the world is soccer. Soccer is played in over 140 countries. People love to watch soccer games. Sometimes crowds watching soccer games can be as large as 200,000 people. That is as many people as in a city. Soccer rules are simple enough so even small children can play. It is safer than football, although the ball can be bounced off parts of the player’s body. All you need is the right kind of ball. Almost any playing field will do. Players try to score goals by kicking the ball across the field. Brazil has some of the best soccer teams. Soccer teams from Brazil have won the World Cup three times. The United States is becoming a bigger soccer country now. More and more people are playing the game every year. 1. The best title for this story is A. Ball Games. B. World Cup. C. Soccer. D. Brazil. 2. How many countries play soccer? J. Over 140 K. About 14 L. Only 40 M. Don’t know 3. Soccer balls can A. float on the lake. B. bounce off the bodies. C. roll down streets. D. be eaten. 4. What country has some of the best soccer teams? J. France K. Canada L. England M. Brazil 5. Players score goals by A. kicking the ball across the field. B. hitting the goal post. C. making a basket. D. touching the ball. 2nd Grade Edition 21 Practice Skills: COMPREHENSION OF RECREATIONAL SELECTIONS Objective: Student should be able to read and relate to a character’s situation and understand the story’s purpose. Parent Tip: Look for key words in the question. They will tell you where to find the answer in the story. Read the following short story. Then read the question and choose the best answer. Adam was going on a trip. It was his first trip alone without his mom and dad. He was going to visit his grandparents in another state. He was old enough to go on the trip without his family. He got on and found a seat near the window. Someone asked if he had his seat belt on. Soon there was a loud noise and he knew he was moving. He felt that he was going faster and faster and then up in the air. Adam looked out the window and saw the wing and some clouds next to him. He thought about his trip and seeing his grandparents, and he smiled. 1. How was Adam traveling? A. By car B. By boat C. By plane D. None of the above 2. Who was Adam going to see? J. His sister K. His grandparents L. His uncle M. None of the above 3. What was the loud noise he heard? A. The engines B. Thunder C. Crying D. None of the above 4. How did Adam feel about going on the trip? J. He was sad K. He was happy L. He was tired M. None of the above 2nd Grade Edition 22 5. How many times had Adam gone on trips without his parents? A. Two B. Three C. This was his first time D. None of the above 6. This story is most like a J. true story. K. tall tale. L. fairy tale. M. none of the above 7. What happened first in this story? A. B. C. D. He heard a loud noise. He got on and found a seat. He felt the plane moving. He say clouds next to him. 8. What time of year did this story take place? J. K. L. M. Winter Spring Summer Story does not say 9. How old do you think Adam is? A. B. C. D. two twelve twenty-five fifty 10. How long do you think Adam will be on the plane? J. K. L. M. several hours two days one week one month 2nd Grade Edition 23 Practice Skills: FUNCTIONAL TEXT Objective: Students will read lists, directions, and visualize the steps for (real-life reading purpose) performing real-life tasks. Parent Tip: Reading in order to perform a task requires specific strategies and skills not necessarily used with other kinds of text. Following step-by-step directions is a real-life purpose for reading. This simple set of instructions is similar to ones found in many children’s books. Read the following. Then read the questions and choose the best answer. BEAN PLANTS You can grow pretty plants from beans that you can buy at the market. Here is what you need: A bag of lima beans A clear jar Some soil and water Here is what you do: 1. Wash some lima beans. 2. Fill the jar with soil. 3. Put the lima beans into the jar of soil. Place the beans near the side so you can see them inside the jar. 4. Water the beans in the soil. 5. Set the jar in a window. In a few days, you will see roots growing from the beans. 6. Soon after, you will see a tiny plant with a leaf or two sprouting up through the soil. 1. To grow the bean plants, you will need A. B. C. D. salt. music. soil. None of the above 2. What is the first thing that you need to do? J. K. L. M. Put the jar in the window. Wash the beans. Water the soil. None of the above 2nd Grade Edition 24 3. Why put the jar in the window? A. B. C. D. So the cat will not get it. So the beans can see outside. So it will get sunlight. None of the above 4. What do you usually see first after the beans start to grow? J. K. L. M. Roots Flowers Leaves None of the above 5. How long do you think it takes for the seeds to sprout? A. B. C. D. One month One year A few days None of the above 6. When the tiny plant begins to grow, what will you probably see first? J. K. L. M. beans flowers leaves None of the above 7. When a tree begins to grow, how does it begin? A. B. C. D. as a seed as a leaf as a root None of the above 2nd Grade Edition 25 Practice Skills: CAUSE AND EFFECT Objective: Students will read and understand a story’s purpose, make inferences, and tell what happened and why. Parent Tip: When you read, sentences can tell what happened and why. Look at this sentence: The player fell, and the other team scored. What happened is the effect (the team scored). After you know what happened, you may have to think why. Some sentences do not give the reason. You have to figure out from the clues what the cause was. Read each sentence. Choose best answer. 1. Jeff hurt his eye, so A. he watched TV. B. he went to the doctor. C. he played ball. D. None of the above. 2. It was hot outside, so J. I went swimming. K. I put on a coat. L. I made a snowman. M. None of the above. 3. The car stopped in the street, so A. I went to the park. B. I saw animals. C. I had to walk to school and call a tow truck. D. None of the above. 4. Because I exercise everyday, J. I am strong. K. I read a book. L. I work on my computer. M. None of the above. 5. Everyone stopped talking, so A. I jumped rope. B. the room got quiet. C. Tom started to eat. D. None of the above. 2nd Grade Edition 26 6. Because it was raining, J. K. L. M. I got wet. I walked to school. I went to the park. None of the above 7. When the sun comes out, A. B. C. D. the air gets cool. the air warms. the sky sings. None of the above. 8. Why is Juan happy? J. K. L. M. He fell down and hurt his knee. He has a lot of homework. It is his birthday. He must do his chores. 9. Jamila won the race because A. B. C. D. she ran fast. she read the paper. she ate candy. she is a girl. 10. Gilbert got his math all right because J. K. L. M. he watched T.V. he studied. he played games. he took a nap. 2nd Grade Edition 27 Practice Skills: READING VOCABULARY Objective: Students will identify synonyms – words that mean the same or nearly the same. Parent Tip: Encourage student to recall word meanings, skip difficult items, and go back to them later Decide which word means nearly the same as the underlined word. Choose the best answer. 1. discover the treasure A. see B. take C. find D. bury 2. glance at the story J. frown K. peek L. stare M. understand 3. a clever person A. loving B. little C. smart D. cruel 4. a gigantic mountain J. small K. tiny L. huge M. bright 5. a merry song A. short B. sad C. happy D. long 2nd Grade Edition 28 6. the center line J. K. L. M. middle left end side 7. a curved line A. B. C. D. straight long bending fuzzy 8. trim your hair J. K. L. M. cut grow help wash 9. Welcome the guests A. B. C. D. close greet eat worry 10. A wonderful time J. K. L. M. awful some great wishful 2nd Grade Edition 29 Practice Skills: CAPITALIZATION Objective: Students will recognize errors in capitalization. Parent Tip: Remind students that capital letters are used not only to begin a sentence but also used for names of days, months, people, and places. Read each line carefully. Find the word that should be capitalized. Then choose the line that has a mistake in capitalization. If there are no errors, choose “No mistakes.” 1. A. B. C. D. Look at this book. My teacher, mrs. King, gave it to me. No mistake 2. J. K. L. M. Will you celebrate my birthday? It is on Saturday, May 5th. We will have cake. No mistake 3. A. B. C. D. Have you read the story of goldilocks? She eats the bear’s cereal. No mistake 4. J. K. L. M. Let’s go to the park. Tori and I are meeting Emily and luke there. No mistake 5. A. B. C. D. Dad went to the airport to pick up Mom. she came in from New York. No mistake 6. J. K. L. M. If you wash the dishes, I will take you to the show. we will even get popcorn. No mistake 7. A. B. C. D. I can find california on the map. It is on the ocean and it is near Mexico. No mistake 2nd Grade Edition 30 Practice Skills: PUNCTUATION Objective: Students will correctly use periods, question marks, exclamation points, and commas in sentences. Parent Tip: Share the following with your child. Reinforce the importance of following the directions and not going too quickly. You use a period: To end a statement After an abbreviation such as Dr. or Mrs. You use a question mark: To end a question You use an exclamation point: To end a phrase or sentence that shows strong feeling You use a comma: After each word in a series of three or more After a city name if the state follows After a greeting of a letter After the closing of a letter After the day of the month and before the year in dates Read the following sentences. Then choose the line that has a mistake in punctuation. If there are no errors, choose “No mistake.” 1. A. B. C. D. Susan Tom, and Anne are going to Burbank, California. No mistake 2. J. K. L. M. Will your mom give us a ride home. My mom can’t do it today. No mistake 3. A. B. C. D. We’re going to a party for Jack and Jill. We’re so excited? No mistake 4. J. K. L. M. February 12 2003 Dear Mike, Please come to our party. No mistake 2nd Grade Edition 31 5. A. B. C. D. The flag of our country is red white and blue and has stars and stripes. No mistake 6. J. K. L. M. It will be a great trip to Fresno California. No mistake 7. A. B. C. D. We are really excited to go to Disneyland on my birthday? No mistake 8. J. K. L. M. Let’s all try to do our best when we read write and do math. No mistake 9. A. B. C. D. Jose will go to Dr brown because he has a bad cold. No mistake 10. J. K. L. M. Kelly Bob Grant and Rosie want to play the game after school. No mistake 2nd Grade Edition 32 Practice Skills: USAGE Objective: Students will recognize correct usage of words in sentences. Parent Tip: Encourage students to quietly read each sentence and word choice and try to hear the word that sounds as well as looks correct. Try each answer choice in the blank to decide which one sounds right. Fill in the space for the word or words that best fit in the sentence. 1. Riley is __________ than Tom. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. tallerest 2. They bought a bunch of __________ for their mother. J. flowers K. flowering L. flower M. flowered 3. Lauren __________ the planes take off. A. watching B. watch C. watches D. was watched 4. We use sleds to __________ on ice hills. J. slid K. sliding L. slide M. slides 5. Mrs. Ball __________ lifted the box. A. easily B. easier C. easy D. easiest 2nd Grade Edition 33 6. I cut the apple into two __________. J. half K. halves L. halfed M. part 7. That was a very __________ math problem. A. hard B. harder C. hardly D. hardest 8. We __________ ball at recess. J. played K. plays L. playing M. player 9. Amie was ____________ a kite. A. fly B. flying C. flies D. flied 10. The dog _____________ a hole in the yard. J. dug K. digging L. dugged M. digged Practice Skills: SENTENCE STRUCTURE & 2nd Grade Edition 34 CONTENT ORGANIZATION Objective: Students will recognize sentence organization and structure. Parent Tip: The student must consider issues other than word or sentence level correctness. This test practice accommodates such matters as purpose, audience organization, structural elements, support, unity, and various modes. How should these groups of words be written? 1. Alex hurt his foot. On the bike. A. B. C. D. Alex hurt his foot on the bike. Alex hurting his foot on the bike. Alex hurted his foot. On the bike. Alex’s foot hurt the bike. 2. They coming are? J. K. L. M. Coming are they? Are they coming? They are come? Coming they are? 3. I cleaned up and spilled my milk. A. B. C. D. I spilled my milk and then cleaned up. The milk cleaned up and spilled. I cleaned and spilled the milk. The milk cleaned up spilled. 4. My homework I did first. J. K. L. M. I did first my homework. I did my homework first. My first homework did. First homework my I did. 5. She ate dinner, fixed the salad and had dessert. A. B. C. D. She fixed the salad, ate dinner and had dessert. She had dessert, fixed salad and ate dinner. She ate dessert, had salad and fixed dinner. She ate fixed dinner, dessert and salad ate. 2nd Grade Edition 35 Practice Skills: STUDY SKILLS Objective: Students will identify words in alphabetical order. Parent Tip: Knowledge of alphabetical order is essential to the use of dictionaries, encyclopedias, telephone books, indices, and other resource materials. Which word comes first in alphabetical (A-B-C) order? Mark the word in each set that would come first. 1. A. B. C. D. might maybe meat must 2. J. K. L. M. table talk tangerine task 3. A. B. C. D. bed bean being board 4. J. K. L. M. machine material match matter 5. A. B. C. D. apple angle angel at 6. J. K. L. M. catch caught calculate can 7. A. B. C. D. funny funniest funnier fussy 2nd Grade Edition 36 Practice Skills: VOCABULARY CONTRACTIONS Objective: Students will identify a contraction, the shortened form of two words using an apostrophe. Parent Tip: A contraction is two words joined together with one or more letters dropped and replaced by an apostrophe (‘). Do not = don’t I will = I’ll ACTIVITY Write the contraction. Read the word. A. I will ____________________ do not ____________________ B. Will not__________________ he is ______________________ C. I am _____________________ here is ____________________ Underline the contraction in each sentence below. A. B. C. D. You’ll enjoy the game. I can’t wait to go home. Here’s the book. Isn’t this a fun party? CONTRACTIONS Hint: when the word would is used in a contraction, the letters woul are dropped and replaced with an apostrophe (’). I would – I’d She would = she’d ACTIVITY Draw a line to match each pair of words with its contraction. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. she would he would I would who would we would they would you would you’d she’d they’d he’d we’d who’d I’d Choose the correct contraction for each pair of words. 2nd Grade Edition 37 1. that is A. B. C. D. they’re she’ll that’s that’ll 2. We had J. K. L. M. We’ve We’d We’re Weed 3. they will A. B. C. D. they’ll they’re they’ve their 4. will not J. K. L. M. we’ve won’t isn’t willn’t 5. you are A. B. C. D. you’re you’ll you’d you’ve 6. here is J. K. L. M. he’s here’s she’d hears 7. do not A. B. C. D. don’t does didn’t doesn’t 2nd Grade Edition 38 Practice Skills: SPELLING Objective: Students will correctly spell frequently used and irregular words (e.g., was, were, says, said, who, what, why). They will spell basic short-vowel long-vowel, r-controlled, and consonant-blend patterns correctly. Parent Tip: Encourage students to look carefully at the word, read the word, and take a best guess if still uncertain how the word should be spelled. SPELLING ACTIVITY #1 The farmer grows many foods on his farm. Unscramble each word to find the correct answer. 1. asenb __________ 2. rnco __________ 3. espa __________ 4. pplaes __________ 5. hwtea __________ 6. racrtos __________ 7. noions __________ 8. sqsuah __________ 2nd Grade Edition 39 SPELLING ACTIVITY #2 Put each group of words in alphabetical order. snow __________ club __________ snail __________ clear __________ snug __________ clown __________ sneeze __________ clay __________ brake __________ drop ___________ broke __________ drug ___________ bring __________ dragon ___________ broom __________ drive ___________ SPELLING ACTIVITY #3 Rearrange the underlined letters of each word so it fits the clue for the new word you spelled. 1. late - a story __________ 2. net – the number of dimes in a dollar __________ 3. nmae – a horse has this on its head and neck __________ 4. seat – a direction __________ 5. pan - something you take when you’re tired __________ 2nd Grade Edition 40 SPELLING ACTIVITY #4 – NOUN PLURALS (more than one) Add e, es, or ies to the following words to make them plural words. fish __________ wish __________ pass __________ lunch __________ fox __________ dress __________ lamp __________ plant __________ tray __________ nest __________ pinch __________ splash __________ watch __________ window __________ crash __________ class __________ 2nd Grade Edition 41 SPELLING TEST # 1 Read each group of words. Mark the one that is not spelled correctly. 1. A. B. C. D. horse deare eight five 2. J. K. L. M. chain boat clap clas 3. A. B. C. D. drink onle late put 4. J. K. L. M. becuse turtle toy into 5. A. B. C. D. none noon trik truck 6. J. K. L. M. pensil playground note egg 7. A. B. C. D. won large elefant soft 8. J. K. L. M. mountan give print such 2nd Grade Edition 42 9. A. B. C. D. nine nice untill shell 10. J. K. L. M. sock ghost chirp brothr 11. A. B. C. D. eaten allso soup notice 12. J. K. L. M. aroind dinner finish below 13. A. B. C. D. snake voyce herself top 14. J. K. L. M. mask gaint choose built 15. A. B. C. D. pretind pay roll never 16. J. K. L. M. lake raine white read 17. apple papper star stand A. B. C. D. 2nd Grade Edition 43 SPELLING TEST #2 Find the word that best fits the sentence and is spelled correctly. 1. I won’t __________ my dog. A. bothur B. bother C. bothir D. none of the above 2. I can do a __________. J. trick K. tric L. treck M. none of the above 3. My hair has __________ in it. A. cerl B. curl C. kurl D. none of the above 4. She has a phone __________. J. numbir K. number L. numbeer M. none of the above 5. My dog is __________. A. bron B. broun C. brown D. browne 6. The __________ is near the road. J. hospetol K. hospitle L. hospital M. haspital 7. He can __________ the ladder. A. climb B. clime C. climme D. climbe 2nd Grade Edition 44 SPELLING TEST #3 Read the sentences. Look for the word with the spelling mistake. 1. The teacher sez we are good students. A. teacher B. sez C. good D. students 2. She filt bad about the lost dog. J. filt K. about L. lost M. dog 3. I have to go strait home from school. A. strait B. home C. from D. school 4. I think I can get a stare on the spelling test. J. think K. stare L. spelling M. test 5. The childrun are playing outside on Tuesday. A. childrun B. playing C. outside D. Tuesday 2nd Grade Edition 45 SPELLING TEST #4 Find the word that best fits the sentence and is spelled correctly. 1. When did you _______________? A. reterrn B. retirn C. return D. retern 2. What is the _______________? J. anser K. answer L. ansur M.ansar 3. You gave me a ________________ of the letter. A. kopy B. cope C. copy D. copie 4. The clown made me _______________. J. laugh K. laff L. laf M. lauf 5. It is a pretty _______________. A. berd B. bird C. burd D. bard 6. The _______________ was in the water. J. bot K. bote L. boat M. bottle 7. You can plan _______________. A. togethher B. togather C. together D. togethir 2nd Grade Edition 46 8. Your socks don’t _______________. J. madch K. mach L. mache M. match 9. This is my _______________ place. A. favrit B. favrite C. favorite D. favorit 10. ________________homes have people living in them. J. Both K. Boath L. Bothe M. Bouth 11. We saw the Grand Canyon _______________. A. onse B. wunce C. once D. wonce 12. School starts _________________. J. irly K. early L. urly M. erly 13. The ducks walked in a ________________line. A. strate B. strayt C. straight D. strayght 14. My ________________ is five years old. J. son K. sun L. sonn M. sone 2nd Grade Edition 47 Practice Skills: CAPITALIZATION Objective: Students will capitalize all proper nouns, words at the beginning of sentences and greetings, months, days of the week, and titles and initials of people. Parent Tip: As students read each sentence, attention should focus on words needing capital letters. Read the sentences. Circle the capitalization mistakes. Can you find all of them? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. i Go to school in caLiforNia. mRs. SMith is the Name of my Teacher. WE are starTing School in sepTemBer. sHE is Going to neW yorK on SunDay. he is a player for the los angeLes doDgers. Corrected Sentences 1. I go to school in California. 2. Mrs. Smith is the name of my teacher. 3. We are starting school in September. 4. She is going to New York on Sunday. 5. He is a player for the Los Angeles Dodgers. Choose the sentence that shows correct capitalization. 1. The game is on ____________________. A. Saturday Morning. B. saturday morning. C. Saturday morning. D. SATURDAY morning. 2. My __________________ cooking dinner. J. Mother is K. mother is L. Mother is M. mother Is 3. I go to __________________ . A. abraham Lincoln school. B. Abraham Lincoln school. C. Abraham Lincoln School. D. Abraham Lincoln school. 2nd Grade Edition 48 Let’s write a note! Fill in the blanks to write a letter to your teacher. April 1, _____________ Dear ____________, Thank you for teaching me about __________________. I will tell my friend about ________________. I am happy you are my ________________ grade teacher. Sincerely, ____________________ Mark the answer that shows correct capitalization. Read each sentence carefully. There is only one sentence that is correct. 1. A. B. C. D. Which Dog belongs to you I will go to Boston to get one. We might have to go to the Office. do you thing it will be fun? 2. J. K. L. M. We can play Ball at the park. mike said that we can play together I want to try and play baseball. Do you think i can do it? 3. A. B. C. D. We like to eat hamburgers on saturday. She will go to Foothill Street. They will try to Read the menu. I know i can eat ice cream, too. . 2nd Grade Edition 49 Practice Skills: SYNONYMS Objective: Students will identify words that have the same meaning. Parent Tip: Encourage students to skip difficult items and return to them later. Read each item carefully. Find the word that means the same or almost the same as the underlined word. 1. large flowers A. colored B. pretty C. big D. small 2. rear of the car J. wheel K. window L. side M. back 3. happy birthday A. cheerful B. busy C. cake D. balloons 4. small cookie J. chocolate K. tiny L. striped M. filled 5. sad boy A. B. C. D. silly bold old unhappy 2nd Grade Edition 50 6. look beneath J. beside K. below L. above M. along 7. free the animal A. harm B. attract C. release D. search 8. View the movie J. watch K. leave L. enjoy M. laugh 9. Go to the back of the bus. A. side B. inside C. front D. rear 10. The kite is high in the sky. J. far K. up L. along M. beyond 2nd Grade Edition 51 Practice Skills: ANTONYMS Objective: Students will identify words with opposite meanings. Parent Tip: Ask student which of four words is opposite of the underlined word. Read each item carefully. Find the word that means the opposite of the underlined word. 1. toss the ball A. throw B. catch C. find D. hit 2. some candy J. seven K. several L. no M. that 3. work slowly A. rapidly B. soon C. some D. kindly 4. angry child J. curious K. happy L. sad M. calm 5. the woman A. B. C. D. baby child man boy 2nd Grade Edition 52 6. crying baby J. sleeping K. laughing L. playing M. jumping 7. tall man A. B. C. D. short fat small long 8. sick boy J. K. L. M. happy sad well cold 9. running quickly A. slowly B. quietly C. rapidly D. playfully 10. recent newspaper J. old K. cheat L. expensive M. thick 2nd Grade Edition 53 Practice Skills: WORD ANALYSIS Objective: Students will identify phonemes. Parent Tip: Emphasize the underlined sound in each word and carefully look at the beginning, middle, and end of each word choice for that same sound. Think of other words with the same sounds and list them. One or more letters are underlined in each of the words below. Read each word, then choose the correct word that has the same sound as the underlined letter or letters. 1. blame A. B. C. D. problem ball balloon broom 2. sleep J. K. L. M. salt slim sail sold 3. violet A. B. C. D. November Blue Orange let 4. thumb J. K. L. M. trace both toe test 5. steam A. B. C. D. say stay team toss 2nd Grade Edition 54 6. children J. K. L. M. dirt harm draw floor 7. must A. B. C. D. fish stand with true 8. grand J. K. L. M. faint plant stand grab 9. blue A. B. C. D. they chest bend crew 10. leaf J. K. L. M. red keep kept bread 11. stiff A. B. C. D. wig like life drive 12. rude J. K. L. M. mud coat loop chore 2nd Grade Edition 55 13. beach A. B. C. D. see touch dead made 14. boil J. K. L. M. boss toy toad mate 15. church A. B. C. D. torn bird tune moon 16. made J. K. L. M. mad lap may read 17. daisy A. B. C. D. boat stay moat boat 18. read J. K. L. M. draw stripe seed ride 2nd Grade Edition 56 ANSWER KEY Reading Comprehension Practice #1 1. C 2. K 3. D Practice #2 1. C 2. L 3. A Activity #1 1. B 2. J 3. C 4. K 5. B Activity #2 1. D 2. L 3. B 4. K 5. C Activity #3 1. B 2. M 3. C 4. L 5. C Activity #4 1. B 2. J 3. C 4. K 5. A Activity #5 1. C 2. K 3. C 4. J 5. C 2nd Grade Edition Textual Activity #1 1. C 2. K 3. C 4. M 5. A 6. K 7. A 8. L Activity #2 1. C 2. L 3. A 4. K 5. B Activity #3 1. C 2. J 3. B 4. M 5. A Recreational 1. C 2. K 3. A 4. K 5. C 6. J 7. B 8. M 9. B 10. J Functional 1. C 2. K 3. C 4. J 5. C 6. L 7. A Cause and Effect 1. B 2. J 3. C 4. J 5. B 6. J 7. B 8. L 9. A 10. K Usage 1. B 2. J 3. C 4. L 5. A 6. K 7. A 8. J 9. B 10. J Reading Vocabulary 1. C 2. K 3. C 4. L 5. C 6. J 7. C 8. J 9. B 10. L Sentence Structure and Content Organization 1. A 2. K 3. A 4. K 5. A Capitalization 1. B 2. M 3. B 4. L 5. B 6. K 7. A Punctuation 1. A 2. K 3. C 4. J 5. B 6. L 7. C 8. L 9. B 10. J 57 Study Skills 1. B 2. J 3. B 4. J 5. C 6. L 7. C Vocabulary Contractions a. I’ll don’t b. Won’t he’s c. I’m here’s d. You’ll e. can’t f. Here’s g. Isn’t Spelling Test #2 1. B 2. J 3. B 4. K 5. C 6. L Spelling Activity #4 7. A fishes Test wishes Spelling Test #3 1. C passes 1. B 2. K lunches 2. J 3. A foxes 3. A 4. K dresses 4. K 5. A lamps 5. A 6. K plants Spelling Test #4 7. A trays 1. C nests 2. K 3. C Spelling Activity #1 pinches 1. beans splashes 4. J 2. corn watches 5. B 3. peas windows 6. L 4. apples crashes 7. C 5. wheat classes 8. M 6. carrots 9. C 7. onions Spelling Test #1 10. J 8. squash 1. B 11. C 2. M 12. K 13. C Spelling Activity #2 3. B snail 4. J 14. J sneeze 5. C snow 6. J Capitalization snug 7. C 1. C clay 8. J 2. K clear 9. C 3. C clown 10. M club 11. B 1. B brake 12. J 2. L bring 13. B 3. B broke 14. K broom 15. A dragon 16. K drive 17. B drop drug Contractions she’d he’d I’d who’d we’d they’d you’d 2nd Grade Edition Spelling Activity #3 tale ten mane east nap 58 Synonyms 1. C 2. M 3. A 4. K 5. D 6. K 7. C 8. J 9. D 10. K Antonyms 1. B 2. L 3. A 4. K 5. C 6. K 7. A 8. L 9. A 10. J Word Analysis 1. A 2. K 3. A 4. K 5. B 6. L 7. B 8. L 9. D 10. K 11. A 12. L 13. A 14. K 15. B 16. L 17. B 18. L MATH Practice Skills: ADDITION Objective: Students will solve problems using addition. Parent Tip: When students recopy problems on scratch paper, make sure they line up the numbers correctly. Solve the following problems and choose the correct answer. 1. 7 + 2 = A. B. C. D. 3 8 9 5 2. 6 + 4 = J. K. L. M. 7 10 9 11 3. 6 + 5 = A. B. C. D. 11 12 13 14 4. 86 + 16 = J. K. L. M. 92 112 102 122 2nd Grade Edition 59 5. 9 + 3 = A. B. C. D. 12 15 11 13 6. 22 + 45 + 10 = J. K. L. M. 65 67 77 57 7. 276 + 664 = A. B. C. D. 830 940 834 944 8. 6 + 2 + 8 = J. K. L. M. 16 12 14 24 9. 5035 + 3921 = A. B. C. D. 7946 8856 7955 8956 10. 51 + 5 = J. K. L. M. 101 65 56 11 2nd Grade Edition 60 11. 90 + 60 = A. B. C. D. 130 140 150 135 12. 26 + 6 = J. K. L. M. 32 212 206 23 13. 5 + 4 = A. B. C. D. 8 9 11 12 14. 35 + 14 = J. K. L. M. 58 59 49 76 15. 7 + 8 = A. B. C. D. 16 87 15 12 16. 97 + 27 = J. K. L. M. 162 116 114 124 2nd Grade Edition 61 Practice Skills: SUBTRACTION Objective: Students will solve problems using subtraction. Parent Tip: When students recopy problems on scratch paper, make sure they line up the numbers correctly. It is important for them to practice the skill of copying and calculating the problem, because there is no writing allowed in the actual test booklet. Solve the following problems and choose the correct answer. 1. 83 – 61 = A. B. C. D. 51 42 32 22 2. 62 – 7 = J. K. L. M. 45 55 47 52 3. 446 – 33 = A. B. C. D. 443 313 416 413 4. 50 –7 = J. K. L. M. 57 46 43 52 5. 60 – 5 = A. B. C. D. 65 52 55 45 2nd Grade Edition 62 6. 97 – 18 = J. K. L. M. 79 89 88 76 7. 25 – 9 = A. B. C. D. 25 26 27 16 8. 823 – 5 = J. K. L. M. 718 818 822 723 9. 83 – 7 = A. B. C. D. 66 84 73 76 10. 17 – 9 = J. K. L. M. 12 8 16 9 11. 68 – 66 A. B. C. D. 62 6 2 61 2nd Grade Edition 63 12. 59 – 4 = J. K. L. M. 55 54 44 48 13. 14 – 2 = A. B. C. D. 12 14 13 11 14. 13 – 6 = J. K. L. M. 4 5 7 6 15. 9 – 4 = A. B. C. D. 3 13 7 5 16. 13 – 7 = J. K. L. M. 11 9 6 7 17. 76 – 73 = A. B. C. D. 3 13 2 12 2nd Grade Edition 64 Practice Skills: MULTIPLICATION Objective: Students will solve simple multiplication problems. Parent Tip: Use drawings to illustrate how many groups are being multiplied how many times. Recognize that multiplication is repeated addition. Solve the following problems and choose the correct answer. 1. 2 x 1 = A. B. C. D. 1 3 4 2 2. 5 x 6 = J. K. L. M. 11 35 30 20 3. 10 x 5 = A. B. C. D. 50 15 40 150 4. 3 x 3 = J. K. L. M. 12 6 9 15 5. 4 x 3 = A. B. C. D. 12 13 7 8 2nd Grade Edition 65 6. 5 x 5 = J. K. L. M. 15 10 25 20 7. 7 x 2 = A. B. C. D. 9 16 6 14 8. 10 x 7 = J. K. L. M. 60 17 70 80 9. 8 x 2 = A. B. C. D. 16 10 12 16 10. 5 x 7 = J. K. L. M. 30 35 40 45 2nd Grade Edition 66 Practice Skills: DIVISION Objective: Students will solve simple division problems. Parent Tip: Use drawings to illustrate how many items can be divided into how many groups. Solve the following problems and choose the correct answer. If you do not see the correct answer, choose “Not here.” 1. 33 ÷ 3 = A. B. C. D. 22 11 99 12 2. 9 ÷ 3 = J. K. L. M. 2 6 12 3 3. 8 ÷ 2 = A. B. C. D. 6 4 8 10 4. 80 ÷ 4 = J. K. L. M. 20 24 40 50 5. 46 ÷ 2 = A. B. C. D. 23 14 81 32 2nd Grade Edition 67 6. 25 ÷ 5 = J. K. L. M. 20 5 4 Not here 7. 18 ÷3 = A. B. C. D. 2 25 7 Not here 8. 40 ÷ 5 = J. K. L. M. 20 8 10 Not here 2nd Grade Edition 68 Practice Skills: PROBLEM SOLVING – Number Sense & Numeration Objective: Students will understand the relationship among numbers, quantities, and place value in whole numbers to 1000. Parent Tip: Students must carefully check and recheck answer before marking. Look at the number in bold type and the answer choices. 1. 432 Choose the numeral that is in the hundreds place. A. B. C. D. 2. 712 Choose the numeral that is in the tens place. J. K. L. M. 3. 25 A. B. C. D. 4. 659 2 5 0 25 Choose the numeral that is in the hundreds place. J. K. L. M. 5. 105 7 2 1 12 Choose the numeral that is in the ones place. 4 3 2 400 5 9 6 59 Choose the numeral in the tens place. A. B. C. D. 1 5 10 0 2nd Grade Edition 69 1. 4 tens 6 ones = A. B. C. D. 46 406 64 604 2. 3 tens 9 ones = J. K. L. M. 93 309 39 339 3. 27 = A. B. C. D. 7 tens 27 ones 72 ones 72 tens 4. 439 = J. K. L. M. 42 hundreds, 9 tens 4 hundreds, 3 tens, 9 ones 4 tens, 3 hundreds, 9 ones 4 ones, 3 tens, 9 ones 5. Which numeral stands for sixteenth? A. B. C. D. 60 600 16 61 6. Which is an even number? J. K. L. M. 23 35 17 16 2nd Grade Edition 70 7. Which number is greater than 2 and less than 6? A. B. C. D. 7 2 6 3 8. Which number belongs in the box? J. K. L. M. A. B. C. D. 20, 40, 30 50 60 70 10. Which number has a 5 in the hundreds place? J. K. L. M. 1075 5062 8543 7453 11. Which is the odd number? A. B. C. D. , 30, 40, 50 12 20 30 40 9. Which number belongs in the box? 10, 13 24 38 54 2nd Grade Edition 71 , 80, 100 Practice Skills: PROBLEM SOLVING – Geometry and Spatial Sense Objective: Students can describe and classify plane and solid geometric shapes according to the number and shape of faces, edges and vertices. (Circle, triangle, square, rectangle, sphere, pyramid, cube, rectangular prism) Parent Tip: The student should put shapes together and take them apart to form other shapes. They will understand the concept of symmetry without necessarily using the word symmetry. Answer the following questions. 1. Which circle has 2 parts that are exactly the same? A. B. C. 2. What shapes are in this picture? J. K. L. M. two triangles and 1 square 2 squares and 2 triangles 1 rectangle and 2 squares 2 triangles and 2 rectangles 3. How many sides does a square have? A. B. C. D. 3 2 5 4 2nd Grade Edition 72 D. 4. How many sides does a triangle have? J. K. L. M. 3 4 2 5 5. Which object is cut into two equal pieces? A. B. C. D. 6. Which figure contains 2 squares? J. K. L. M. 7. Which item contains a pair of triangles? A. B. C. D. L. M. C. D. 8. Which figure is a cylinder? J. K. 9. Which figure is a cube? A. 2nd Grade Edition B. 73 10. Which coordinate gives the location of the star? J. K. L. M. B3 E4 D3 D2 5 4 3 2 1 A B C D E 11. Which coordinate gives the location of the star? A. B. C. D. C4 B4 D4 A5 5 4 3 2 1 A B C D E 12. Which coordinate gives the location of the star? J. K. L. M. E 1 C2 A1 D5 5 4 3 2 1 A 2nd Grade Edition B C D 74 E Practice Skills: PROBLEM SOLVING – Measurement Objective: Students will understand that measurement is accomplished by identifying a unit of measure, repeating that unit, and comparing it to the item to be measured. Students will measure using inches or centimeters. Students will tell time to the nearest quarter hour and know the time relationships. Students will determine the duration of time intervals in hours. Parent Tip: Practice measuring items with appropriate rulers and telling time on a clock with minute and hour hands. Answer the following questions. 1. How long is the pencil? A. B. C. D. 2 centimeters 3 centimeters 4 centimeters 6 centimeters 2. How long is the eraser? J. K. L. M. 1 inch 2 inches 3 inches ½ inch 3. Which clock says 12:30? A. B. C. D. L. M. d. 4. Which clock says 6:00? J. K. 2nd Grade Edition 75 5. Which clock says 3:45? A. B. C. D. 6. How many hours pass between 10:00AM and 4:00PM? J. K. L. M. 6 hours 4 hours 14 hours 7 hours 7. How many hours pass between 9:00PM and 7:00AM? A. B. C. D. 9 hours 7 hours 10 hours 8 hours 8. Which sentence is true? J. K. L. M. 1 foot = 21 inches 1 foot = 36 inches 1 foot = 12 inches 1 foot = 1 inch 9. What is the temperature shown on this thermometer? A. B. C. D. 20º 22º 21º 26º 10. What would be the best measurement to use for identifying your weight? J. K. L. M. inches miles pounds ounces 2nd Grade Edition 76 11. What unit of measure should the students use to weigh a box of cereal? A. B. C. D. centimeters pounds kilograms ounces 12. Which metric unit would you use to measure the distance from one town to another? J. K. L. M. kilogram kilometer meter gram 13. Which metric unit would you use to measure the weight of your big dog? A. B. C. D. kilogram kilometer meter gram 14. How many centimeters long is the toothbrush? J. K. L. M. 11 10 9 8 15. Mark the correct answer that matches the time on the clock. A. B. C. D. 9:06 5:45 6:15 9:30 2nd Grade Edition 77 Sun 1 8 15 22 29 Mon 2 9 16 23 30 Tues 3 10 17 24 31 MAY Wed 4 11 18 25 Thurs 5 12 19 26 Fri 6 13 20 27 16. How many Sundays in the above calendar of May? J. K. L. M. 8 4 5 1 17. What is the date of the second Tuesday? A. B. C. D. 2 30 24 10 18. What day is the 26th of May? J. K. L. M. Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday 2nd Grade Edition 78 Sat 7 14 21 28 Practice Skills: PROBLEM SOLVING – Patterns and Relationships Objective: Students will solve problems involving simple number patterns. Parent Tip: Assist this activity by saying numerals in the pattern aloud to hear as well as see the pattern. Look at the number patterns. Choose the correct answer that fits the empty box. 1. 22, , 26, 28 A. B. C. D. 24 25 12 21 2. 33, 36, J. K. L. M. , 42 35 37 39 40 3. 1, 5, 9, A. B. C. D. , 17 13 15 16 10 4. , 14, 16, 18, 20 J. K. L. M. 13 15 10 12 5. 30, 45, 60, A. B. C. D. , 90 70 75 80 89 2nd Grade Edition 79 Practice Skills: PROBLEM SOLVING – Fractions Objective: Students will understand that fractions can refer to parts of a set and parts of a whole. Students will recognize common fractions, compare unit fractions up to 1/12, and recognize fractions of a whole and parts of a group. (e.g., ¼ of a pie, 2/3 of 15 balls) Parent Tip: Try cutting fruit into equal parts to see actual fractions in action. Answer the following questions. 1. What fraction names the shaded part of the shape? A. B. C. D. 1/5 1/3 2/6 1/6 2. What fraction describes the shaded circles? J. K. L. M. 3/3 1/3 2/3 1/5 3. Which object is ¼ filled in? A. B. C. 4. What part is shaded? J. K. L. M. 2/4 1/3 2/5 2/3 2nd Grade Edition 80 D. 5. What part is shaded? A. B. C. D. 2/4 1/3 2/5 2/3 6. What part is shaded? J. K. L. M. 2/4 1/3 3/4 2/3 7. What part is shaded? A. B. C. D. 2/4 1/3 2/5 2/3 8. What part is shaded? J. K. L. M. 2/4 1/3 2/5 6/9 9. What part is shaded? A. B. C. D. 2/3 2/5 3/5 1/5 10. What part is shaded? J. K. L. M. 2/3 2/5 3/5 4/8 2nd Grade Edition 81 Practice Skills: PROBLEM SOLVING – Statistics and Probability Objective: Students will perform correct operations using information from graphs. Parent Tip: If the student needs to diagram or draw to help solve a problem, s/he should use scratch paper. He or she must be careful to transfer the correct answer from the scratch paper to the answer key. Use the chart to answer the following questions. Hair Color Boy Blonde Lt Brown Dk Brown Red Black 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Girl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. How many girls have blonde hair? A. B. C. D. 4 7 2 1 2. How many more boys have light brown hair than girls that have light brown hair? J. K. L. M. 7 2 5 3 3. How many boys and girls have dark brown hair? A. B. C. D. 7 8 9 10 2nd Grade Edition 82 4. How many students are in the class? J. K. L. M. 30 29 28 15 5. Are there more students with light brown hair or dark brown hair in the class? A. B. C. D. light brown dark brown blonde red 6. Counting by ones, what number comes after 39? J. K. L. M. 38 29 40 41 7. How many tens are in 58? A. B. C. D. 8 5 4 6 8. How many of these numbers are less than 67? J. K. L. M. 78 59 69 2 3 1 4 9. What symbol correctly completes the number sentence below? 16 A. B. C. D. 8=8 + – x ÷ 2nd Grade Edition 83 47 10. If you are the third person in line, which person is in front of you? J. K. L. M. fourth fifth second seventh 11. What will make the number sentences true? _____ + 5 = 11 11 - _____ = 5 A. B. C. D. 15 16 7 6 12. There are 20 students in a class. Each student brought in 5 bugs for science. How can you find the number of insects they brought in all together? J. K. L. M. divide subtract multiply add 13. If you put these numbers in order, which would be the first? 127 172 107 117 A. B. C. D. 127 172 107 117 14. Which number fits the blank to make it correct? 7 + 5 + 3 = _____ J. K. L. M. 7 15 6 8 2nd Grade Edition 84 Use the numbers on the balls to write a three-digit-number. 1. What is the largest number that can be made? A. B. C. D. 236 623 632 326 6 3 2 2. What is the smallest number that can be made with a 2 in the ones place? J. K. L. M. 623 236 362 326 3. What is the largest number that can be made with a 5 in the tens place? A. B. C. D. 954 945 595 459 5 4 4. What number is greater than 549 but less than 945? J. K. L. M. 954 594 459 495 2nd Grade Edition 85 9 Practice Skills: PROBLEM SOLVING – Procedures Objective: Students will read and solve simple mathematical situations. Parent Tip: The student should remember key words when determining which procedure to use to solve a problem. Addition words – in all, altogether. Subtraction words – how many more, how many fewer, how many left. Read each problem and choose the correct number sentence. If the correct answer is not listed, choose “Not here.” 1. 18 boys went on a hike. 9 girls also went. How many more boys went hiking than girls? A. B. C. D. 18 + 9 = 27 more boys 8 + 9 = 17 more boys 18 – 9 = 9 more boys Not here 2. The students saw 15 birds in the morning and 6 in the afternoon. How many fewer birds did they see in the afternoon? J. K. L. M. 6 + 5 = 11 birds 15 – 6 = 9 birds 15 + 6 = 21 birds Not here 3. Mike saw 7 big fish. Lynn saw 6 small fish. How many fish did they see altogether? A. B. C. D. 7 + 6 = 13 fish 7 – 6 = 1 fish 7 + 6 + 3 = 16 fish Not here 4. Carrie picked 8 flowers. Anne picked 8 flowers. How many flowers did they have in all? J. K. L. M. 8 – 8 = 0 flowers 8 + 8 = 16 flowers 8 + 8 + 2 = 18 flowers Not here 2nd Grade Edition 86 5. Sally found 14 books. She gave 8 to Nancy. How many books did Sally have left? A. B. C. D. 4 + 8 = 12 books 14 – 8 = 6 books 14 + 8 = 22 books Not here Mark the correct amount that matches the coins. 1. A. B. C. D. 28¢ 38¢ 55¢ Not here 2. J. K. L. M. 78¢ 79¢ 80¢ Not here 3. A. B. C. D. 70¢ 60¢ 55¢ Not here 4. J. K. L. M. 39¢ 49¢ 50¢ Not here 5. A. B. C. D. 70¢ 46¢ 51¢ Not here 6. J. K. L. M. 27¢ 35¢ 56¢ Not here 7. A. B. C. D. 85¢ 76¢ 90¢ Not here 2nd Grade Edition 87 8. A. B. C. D. 60¢ 45¢ 55¢ Not here 9. J. K. L. M. 93¢ 83¢ 78¢ Not here 10. A. B. C. D. 30¢ 50¢ 60¢ Not here 11. J. K. L. M. 85¢ 75¢ 60¢ Not here 12. A. B. C. D. 53¢ 38¢ 63¢ Not here 13. J. K. L. M. 60¢ 37¢ 75¢ Not here 14. A. B. C. D. 34¢ 24¢ 22¢ Not here 2nd Grade Edition 88 Math Time – Mark the answer that matches the time on the clock 1. A. B. C. D. 2:15 3:15 2:00 Not here 2. J. K. L. M. 12:00 1:00 11:00 Not here 3. A. B. C. D. 9:45 9:00 8:45 Not here 4. J. K. L. M. 6:30 5:30 4:30 Not here 5. A. B. C. D. 4:45 4:15 3:45 Not here 6. J. K. L. M. 6:00 11:00 11:30 Not here 7. A. B. C. D. 7:15 3:00 9:00 Not here 2nd Grade Edition 89 Practice Skills: PROBLEM SOLVING – Graphing Objective: Students will read graphs and analyze information. Parent Tip: Remind students to carefully review the information provided on the side, top or bottom of graphs. Use the graph to answer the following questions. 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 swim ride crafts 1. How many children went swimming? A. 8 B. 10 C. 2 D. 6 2. How many children went hiking? J. 3 K. 9 L. 4 M. 7 3. What was picked by the most children? A. swimming B. crafts C. ride D. archery 4. What was picked by the fewest children? J. hiking K. crafts L. swimming M. archery 2nd Grade Edition 90 archery hiking Use the graph to answer the following questions. $1000 $800 $600 $400 $200 $0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Come to a 5 Day Toy Sale! 1. How much money was spent on toys on day 3? A. $400 B. $200 C. $300 D. $100 2. How much money was spent on day 1? J. $600 K. $700 L. $800 M. $900 3. How much money was spent on day 5? A. $600 B. $700 C. $800 D. $900 4. On what day was the greatest amount sold? J. day 5 K. day 4 L. day 2 M. day 1 5. On what day was the smallest amount sold? A. day 3 B. day 5 C. day 1 D. day 4 2nd Grade Edition 91 Day 5 ANSWER KEY MATH Addition 1. C 2. K 3. A 4. L 5. A 6. L 7. B 8. J 9. D 10. L 11. C 12. J 13. B 14. L 15. C 16. M Subtraction 1. D 2. K 3. D 4. L 5. C 6. J 7. D 8. K 9. D 10. K 11. C 12. J 13. A 14. c 15. D 16. c 17. A Multiplication 1. D 2. L 3. A 2nd Grade Edition 4. L 5. A 6. L 7. D 8. L 9. A 10. K 3. D 4. J 5. C 6. K 7. C 8. M 9. B 10. L 11. B 12. J Division 1. B 2. M 3. B 4. J 5. A 6. K 7. D 8. K Measurement 1. C 2. J 3. B 4. J 5. D 6. J 7. C 8. L 9. A 10. L 11. D 12. K 13. A 14. K 15. B 16. L 17. D 18. L Problem Solving & Number Sense 1. A 2. L 3. B 4. L 5. D 1. A 2. L 3. B 4. K 5. C 6. M 7. D 8. b 9. C 10. c 11. A Patterns and Relationships 1. A 2. L 3. A 4. M 5. B Geometry and Spatial Sense 1. C 2. M Fractions 1. D 2. L 3. B 92 4. J 5. D 6. L 7. B 8. M 9. B 10. M Statistics and Probability 1. C 2. K 3. D 4. K 5. A 6. L 7. B 8. J 9. B 10. L 11. D 12. L 13. C 14. K 1. 2. 3. 4. C L A K Procedures 1. C 2. K 3. A 4. K 5. B Coins 1. A 2. K 3. C 4. J 5. B 6. L 7. A 8. C 9. J 10. B 11. J 12. C 13. K 14. C Time 1. A 2. J 3. C 4. K 5. C 6. L 7. A Graphing 1. B 2. J 3. A 4. M 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A K C K A 2nd Grade Edition 93 SCIENCE Practice Skills: PHYSICAL SCIENCE Objective: Students will know that the motion of objects can be observed and measured. Parent Tips: Your child needs to know and understand the following: The way to change how something moves is to give it a push or a pull. The size of the change is related to the strength, or the amount of “force,” of the push or pull. Tools and machines can be used to push or pull (forces) to make things move. Objects near the Earth fall to the ground unless something holds them up. Magnets can be used to make some objects move without being touched. Sound is made by vibrating objects and can be described by its pitch and volume. Magnets A magnet is an object that contains metal and attracts some other metals. Natural magnets are found in rocks. They have different shapes and sizes. People can make magnets, too. There are bar magnets, horseshoe magnets, and even magnets shaped like doughnuts. The core of the Earth is a big magnet. Magnets are made of tiny pieces called molecules. These molecules are much smaller than even a speck of dust. You cannot even see them with your eyes alone. In most objects, molecules are scattered in different directions. When molecules are scattered, they are not magnetized and do not attract other objects. In a magnet, all molecules face the same direction. When molecules face the same direction, they are magnetized. They will attract some other metal objects like coins, keys and paper clips. These usually contain iron. These molecules are like rowers in a rowboat. If they push or pull their oars in every direction, the boat won’t move. When the rowers face the same direction and pull their oars at the same time, the boat will move forward. The molecules in magnets work in a similar way. 1. Magnets provide A. push and pull power B. light power C. water pressure D. none of the above 2nd Grade Edition 94 2. A magnet can attract J. plastic K. glass L. some metals M. rubber 3. Magnets can be found in A. paper B. rocks C. cards D. wood 4. People make magnets that can be shaped like J. horseshoes K. apples L. boats M. cars 5. Magnets are made of tiny A. raindrops B. molecules C. plastic D. pieces of glass 6. A magnet can pull a J. potato K. paper bag L. coin M. chair 7. What part of the earth is a big magnet? A. the crust B. the core C. the mantle D. the sky 2nd Grade Edition 95 Practice Skills: LIFE SCIENCE Objective: Students will know that organisms reproduce offspring of their own. The sequential stages of life cycles are different for different animals. The germination of plants can be affected by light, gravity, touch, or environmental stress. Flowers and fruits in plants are associated with reproduction. Students will understand the life cycles of organisms such as butterflies and frogs. Parent Tip: Read a variety of nonfiction selections with the student to enhance comprehension of this science standard. Answer the following questions by choosing the correct answer. 1. A butterfly begins life as a(n) ______________ A. B. C. D. worm fly egg cocoon 2. A larva is called a _______________. J. K. L. M. butterfly caterpillar worm egg 3. When the caterpillar is fully-grown, it sheds its skin and becomes a pupa. It is covered with a hard shell called a chrysalis and changes into a ______________. A. B. C. D. butterfly worm egg fly 4. The study of plants is called ______________. J. K. L. M. botany biology paleontology geography 2nd Grade Edition 96 5. All plants have roots. Roots grow down into the soil and _____________. A. B. C. D. take in water provide flowers grow leaves shrink 6. Leaves produce _______________ for the plant. J. K. L. M. flowers roots food dirt 7. Leaves contain a green substance called _________________. A. B. C. D. chlorophyll sweetgum palm none of the above 8. The stem of a plant ____________________. J. K. L. M. takes in sun carries food to the parts of the plant provides color none of the above 9. We can eat the leaves of some plants. What plant do we eat leaves from? A. B. C. D. roses grass lettuce dirt 10. We eat some plant roots. What plant do we eat that is a root? J. K. L. M. apple tree carrot strawberry orange 2nd Grade Edition 97 Practice Skills: EARTH SCIENCE Objective: Students will compare physical properties of different kinds of rocks and know that rocks are composed of different combinations of minerals. Smaller rocks come from the weathering and breakage of larger rocks. Parent Tip: Read all about how rocks are formed. Work with your child to answer any of the difficult questions that arise. A Few Facts… Fossils provide evidence about the plants and animals that lived long ago. Rock, water, plants, and soil provide many resources including food, fuel, and building materials we use. Melted rock called magma is deep within the earth. When magma comes up through openings in the Earth’s crust, it is called lava. Lava cools to form hard igneous rocks. The deepest part of the Earth is called the core. The mantle is the first layer below the crust. Wind and water break rocks into smaller pieces. The small pieces settle at the bottom of rivers and oceans. These layers of sediment harden to form sedimentary rocks. Heat and pressure deep within the Earth can cause igneous and sedimentary rocks to change. Rocks that are changed are called metamorphic. Read the questions and choose the correct answer. 1. ______________ cools to form hard igneous rocks. A. B. C. D. Rivers Lava Leaves Water 2. ______________ rock is called magma. J. K. L. M. Melted rock Red rock River None of the above 2nd Grade Edition 98 3. Water and wind break rocks into small _____________. A. B. C. D. seeds pieces plants none of the above 4. Rocks that are _______________ are called metamorphic. J. K. L. M. lava orange changed none of the above 5. Layers of sediment _______________ to form sedimentary rocks. A. B. C. D. travel harden melt none of the above 6. The deepest part of the Earth is the _______________. J. K. L. M. core mantle crust edge 7. The layer under the Earth’s crust is called the _______________. A. B. C. D. core mantle skin crust 8. The core of the Earth is _________________. J. K. L. M. rock liquid ice none of the above 2nd Grade Edition 99 Hint: Rocks are made up of minerals. Many things that people use are made from the minerals in rocks. Mark the object that is a mineral product. 1. A. B. C. D. apple gold jewelry book fish 2. J. K. L. M. soda can newspaper peach envelope 3. A. B. C. D. china teapot cotton dress wooden house none of the above 4. J. K. L. M. penny dictionary cookie none of the above 5. A. B. C. D. metal scissors math book tomato none of the above 2nd Grade Edition 100 Hint: We use air, water, soil, rocks, and minerals from the Earth. We need to take care of the earth and save the natural resources. Choose the best word to fill in the blank. 1. Turn off the ____________ while you brush your teeth. A. B. C. D. water light noise music 2. Turn off the ____________ you are not using. J. K. L. M. books lights food none of the above 3. ______________ paper, cans, and glass. A. B. C. D. Toss Recycle Eat None of the above 4. _____________ trees and grass and flowers. J. K. L. M. Cook Read Eat Plant 2nd Grade Edition 101 Hint: Students should know that Earth’s surface changes over time. The Earth’s surface changes by processes including erosion, earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, and floods. 1. An earthquake is ___________________. A. B. C. D. a big storm the Earth moving thunder vibrating none of the above 2. The Richter Scale is used to _________________. J. K. L. M. measure the strength of an earthquake. weigh the falling rocks measure the width of cracks none of the above 3. Most earthquakes occur in the Earth’s ________________. A. B. C. D. core crust mantle none of the above 4. Large sections of the Earth’s crust are always moving. Sometimes, two sections push against each other. The place where they meet is called a(an) _________________. J. ocean K. volcano L. fault M. cliff 5. Earthquakes can cause __________________. A. B. C. D. dishes to break. buildings to fall down. cracks in streets. all of the above. 6. Dinosaurs were huge reptiles that lived on Earth for ________________. J. K. L. M. millions of years. thousands of years. hundreds of years. none of the above. 2nd Grade Edition 102 7. When dinosaurs lived on earth, the world’s oceans were ________________. A. B. C. D. deeper and warmer shallower and warmer shallower and cooler none of the above 8. Dinosaur footprints, teeth, and bones are called __________________. J. K. L. M. souvenirs fossils pieces none of the above 9. The huge meat-eating dinosaurs had ___________________. A. B. C. D. no brains large brains small brains two brains 10. Some plant-eating dinosaurs had an extra nerve center near their hips. It was used to ______________. J. K. L. M. help them think help them move their tails and hind legs help them find food none of the above 11. Triceratops was a three-horned dinosaur that looked like a big _______________. A. B. C. D. monkey shark rhinoceros none of the above 2nd Grade Edition 103 Hint: Students who use the scientific process ask meaningful questions and conduct investigations. Students should develop their own questions and perform experiments to test their hypotheses. Second grade students should be able to measure length, weight, temperature, and liquid volume with appropriate tools and understand measurement in standard and non-standard units. Students should be able to construct bar graphs to understand data, using appropriate labels. Students should be able to write and draw a sequence of steps, events, and observations. 1. When ice cream melts, it changes from ________________. A. a liquid to a gas. B. a liquid to a solid. C. a solid to a liquid. D. none of the above. 2. Anything that has weight and takes up space is __________________. J. energy. K. matter. L. temperature. M. none of the above. 3. To measure how hot or cold it is outside, you use a ________________. A. scale. B. ruler. C. thermometer. D. none of the above. 4. Which of the following gives us energy? J. watching a movie K. playing with the computer L. eating lunch M. none of the above 5. What causes ice to melt? A. sound B. heat C. electricity D. none of the above 6. Rocks, water, plants, and soil provide many resources for humans to use, for______. J. food and fuel K. computers and television L. cameras and radios M. none of the above 2nd Grade Edition 104 ANSWER KEY SCIENCE 8. K Physical Science 1. A 2. L 3. B 4. J 5. B 6. L 7. B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B J A J A 1. 2. 3. 4. A K B M Life Science 1. C 2. K 3. A 4. J 5. A 6. L 7. A 8. K 9. C 10. K 1. B 2. J 3. B 4. L 5. D 6. J 7. B 8. K 9. C 10. K 11. C Earth Science 1. B 2. J 3. B 4. L 5. B 6. J 7. B 2nd Grade Edition 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 105 C K C L B J SOCIAL SCIENCE Students in the second grade learn about important people in the present day and the past. Students should differentiate between things that happened yesterday and long ago. They trace family history and compare the daily lives of their parents and grandparents. Practice Skills: MAP READING Objective: Students will demonstrate their understanding of map skills by locating on a grid system specific locations and geographic features of their neighborhood or community. They will understand essential map elements of title, scale, key, and directional indicator. Parent Tip: Read about North America. Locate it on a world map and discuss it as the continent we live on. North America is the third largest continent. On North America the three largest countries in order of size are Canada, the United States, and Mexico. There are also 20 other small countries, which include many Caribbean islands. Climates in North America range from always cold in the far north to always hot and wet in the far south, with milder climates in between. There are many mountains, plains, deserts, and bodies of water in North America. The Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean border the west and east sides of North America. N W E S 2nd Grade Edition 106 Choose the correct answer for the following questions. 1. North America is a _______________. A. B. C. D. city country continent river 2. The United States, Canada, and ______________ are the three largest countries in North America. J. K. L. M. France Mexico Africa Russia 3. The climate of North America can be hot, wet, cold, and ___________________. A. B. C. D. mountains rivers mild none of the above 4. There are mountains, plains, deserts, and ______________ in North America. J. K. L. M. giraffes bodies of water koalas none of the above 5. The ocean on the west side of North America is the ___________________. A. B. C. D. Atlantic Indian Pacific Dead Sea 2nd Grade Edition 107 Many maps and globes have a grid line that divides the earth into two equal parts. It is called the equator. The equator helps people read maps. It is not a real line you can touch on the earth. Arctic Ocean Europe North America Asia N Africa Equator South America Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Australia Antarctica Use the above map to answer the following questions. 1. I am south of the equator and the smallest continent. I am ________________. A. B. C. D. Europe Australia North America Asia 2. I am an imaginary line in the middle of the world. I am ___________________. J. K. L. M. the Pacific Ocean the Arctic Ocean the equator the North Pole 2nd Grade Edition 108 S 3. The largest ocean in the world is the _______________________. A. B. C. D. Pacific Atlantic Indian Arctic 4. How many continents are there? J. K. L. M. five six seven nine 5. What continent is also called the South Pole? A. B. C. D. Asia South America Antarctica Europe 6. I am China. What continent am I? J. K. L. M. Asia Africa North America South America 7. On which continent is the United States located? A. B. C. D. South America North America Asia Europe 2nd Grade Edition 109 HINT: Second grade students should know about contributions of men and women who lived long ago and in recent past history, e.g., scientists and inventors such as Newton, Galileo, George Washington Carver, Thomas Edison, and Albert Einstein. Answer the following questions by choosing the correct answer. 1. George Washington Carver was a famous American scientist. He invented hundreds of ways to use _____________. A. B. C. D. eggs peanuts horses cars 2. Benjamin Franklin was a great inventor. What was one of his famous inventions? J. K. L. M. bifocal eyeglasses rockets the car the telephone 3. Thomas Edison’s most important inventions was the _________________. A. B. C. D. television book electric light bulb automobile 4. The Wright Brothers flew the first airplane about ____________ years ago. J. K. L. M. 100 200 50 150 5. Amelia Earhart is known for her accomplishments as a ________________. A. B. C. D. nurse pilot doctor farmer 2nd Grade Edition 110 Practice Skills: GOVERNMENT Objective: Students will understand the basic institutions and practices of government. Parent Tip: Select a variety of grade level appropriate fiction and nonfiction books about our government. Read about the President’s job and answer the questions. The President is the head of the United States government. As leader of the government, the President has the most important job in the country. The American people vote for, or elect, the President. Every four years there is an election to decide who will be President. Once elected, the President holds office for a term of four years. A President cannot serve more than two terms. 1. The President is the _______________ of the government. A. head B. money C. law D. none of the above 2. The President is __________________. J. nice K. elected L. tall M. none of the above 3. The President holds office for ____________ years. A. three B. four C. two D. eight 4. The President can serve for ____________ terms. J. two K. four L. six M. three 5. American people ____________ to choose the President. A. sing B. talk C. vote D. none of the above 2nd Grade Edition 111 Read about our government. Then, answer the questions by choosing the best answer. The government of the United States is a democracy. Democracy means “rule by the people.” In the United States, Americans vote for, or elect, people to run the government. The people who are elected work to keep America strong. They also work to protect the rights of all Americans. 1. People who live in the United States are called A. B. C. D. men. Americans. women. none of the above 2. “protect” means J. K. L. M. keep safe be careful go slow none of the above 3. “elect” means A. B. C. D. think about play with vote for none of the above 4. The kind of government in the United States is a J. K. L. M. democracy. kingdom. athletic. none of the above 2nd Grade Edition 112 Second grade students should be able to describe how climate, weather, and availability of resources affect the crops a farmer can grow. Answer the following questions by choosing the correct answer. 1. Peanut plants need _________________ while blooming and forming buds. A. B. C. D. hot weather and moisture cold weather and wind hot weather and no water none of the above 2. The soil in which a peanut is planted needs to be __________________. J. K. L. M. hard and dry warm and moist soft and dry none of the above 3. The soil should be ________________ before planted. A. B. C. D. plowed used for horses cooled none of the above 4. Peanuts are harvested by __________________. J. K. L. M. ox carts mechanical diggers horse plows none of the above 5. Peanuts can be made into _________________. A. B. C. D. two or three products twenty products hundreds of products none of the above 2nd Grade Edition 113 ANSWER KEY SOCIAL SCIENCE Map Reading 1. C 2. K 3. C 4. K 5. C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B L A L C J B Famous Americans 1. B 2. J 3. C 4. J 5. B Government 1. A 2. K 3. B 4. J 5. C 1. 2. 3. 4. B J C J 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A K A K C 2nd Grade Edition 114 ADDITIONAL TEACHING TIPS… English/Language Arts Writing Skills Students in Grade 2 need to develop writing strategies that include the stages of the writing process (e.g., prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing successive versions). Students should group related ideas and maintain a consistent focus. Students should create readable documents with legible penmanship. Students should understand the purposes of various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, and atlas). Students should revise original drafts to improve sequence and provide descriptive details. Literary Response and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Test Students should read and respond to a wide variety of children’s literature. They need to understand structural features and elements such as theme, plot, setting, and characters. Students should compare and contrast plots, settings, and characters as presented by different authors. Students should compare and contrast different versions of the same stories that reflect different cultures. Students should identify use of rhythm, rhyme, and alteration in poetry. Students should retell stories in sequence and include facts, and details. 2nd Grade Edition 115 JUST FOR FUN! Fill in the bubbles next to the correct answer. 1. What are the three states of water? ○ ○ ○ solid, gas, liquid liquid, rain, wood gas, soil, glass 2. What are the three types of rocks? ○ ○ ○ orange, pink, white igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic hard, solid, soil 3. What is it called when a green plant makes food from the sun? ○ ○ ○ condensation evaporation photosynthesis 4. What are the five senses? ○ ○ ○ sight, smell, touch, taste, hearing penny, dime, quarter, nickel, dollar orange, apple, lime, lemon, peach 5. What type of animal has scales and breathes air? ○ ○ ○ gorilla reptile fish 2nd Grade Edition 116 6. What type of animal produces milk for its babies? ○ ○ ○ bird snake mammal 7. What are five things living things need to survive? ○ ○ ○ space, air, water, food, shelter soil, sand, water, plants, air color, sun, moon, grass, air 8. Halloween falls in what season? ○ ○ ○ summer spring autumn 9. The temperature outside is usually highest in what season? ○ ○ ○ winter fall summer 10. What food is most healthy? ○ ○ ○ milk candy ice cream ANSWERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2nd Grade Edition A K C J B 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. L A L C J 117 2nd Grade Edition 118
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