How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver Application Note By Victor Li 1. Overview The Spansion Low Level Driver (LLD) is a production-grade driver toolbox that manages command initiation and polling operations for the full range of Spansion memory devices featuring both MirrorBit® and floating gate memory technologies. Hardware capabilities available through the LLD interface include write buffer programming, suspend/resume functions for program and erase, general purpose polling logic, and advanced sector protection. Using the Spansion LLD, developing custom Flash drivers for your hardware platform or application is relatively simple. The following is an example of how to use the LLD to communicate with a S29GL512N (3V, 512 Mbit, x8/x16) device mounted on a PISMO PCI Card 3.1 using a simple API. The tools being used include: 1. Spansion LLD v5.13 This source code can be obtained from the Spansion web site 2. Software tools Microsoft® Visual C++ 3. Hardware development tools Spansion PCI v3.1 Magma PCI-to-PCMCIA Spansion S29GL512N PISMO module Figure 1.1 Hardware Development Tools Windows PC w/Visual C++ Magma PCI-to-PCMCIA Spansion PCI Card v3.1 Publication Number LLD_v5.13_to_Flash_Driver Spansion S29GL512N PISMO Module Revision 01 Issue Date April 13, 2007 A pplication Note 4. API (Application Program Interface) The PISMO PCI Card 3.1 API is the library that provides the basic control function for the Spansion PISMO module. Using this API, the user can implement the basic communication between the Flash and the PC side. 2. Basic Communication Implementation between PC and Flash The following eight functions are available when using the PISMO PCI Card 3.1 API library to implement basic control between the PC and Flash: 1. SpPciLibEnumDevice The SpPciLibEnumDevice function enumerates Spansion PISMO PCI cards, returning the device identifier and the device name of one Spansion PCI card device with each call. 2. SpPciLibOpenDevice The SpPciLibOpenDevice function returns a handle to an existing Spansion PISMO PCI card device object. 3. SpPciLibCloseDevice The SpPciLibCloseDevice function closes an open Spansion PISMO PCI card device object handle. 4. SpPciLibGetMemoryBank The SpPciLibGetMemoryBank function retrieves setup information and configuration settings about a PISMO memory bank. 5. SpPciLibReadMemory The SpPciLibSetMemoryBank function controls configuration settings such as signal timing or bus cycle modes of a PISMO memory bank. 6. SpPciLibWriteMemory The SpPciLibWriteMemory function drives a single write cycle to a PISMO memory bank. 7. SpPciLibGetSignal The SpPciLibGetSignal function determines the current value or status of a hardware signal. 8. SpPciLibSetSignal The SpPciLibSetSignal function controls a hardware signal. The API libraries files SpPciLib.h and SpPciLib.lib are provided with the PCI 3.1 driver. Before operating the Flash, please follow the flow shown in Figure 2.1 on page 3 to enumerate the device. Example 1 shows how two configure the data bus into 16-bits mode. The memory bank's nWordsize should be set to two. This means memory bank uses 16-bit data bus. 2 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver April 13, 2007 App l ic atio n No t e Figure 2.1 Operation Flow Chart Start SpPciLibEnum SpPciLibOpenDevice Failed PASS Set the memory bank Flash read/write operation Failed to open the device Close device after finishing operation Example code: /*1) Enumerate device*/ while (SpPciLibEnumDevice(nDevice, &xDeviceId, &xDeviceName)) { /* Open the device for operation */ hDevice = SpPciLibOpenDevice(&xDeviceId); if (hDevice) { xBank.nWordSize = 2; SpPciLibSetMemoryBank(hDevice,SPPCILIB_BANK_CS0,&xBank); /*///////////// //start flash operation ////////////*/ SpPciLibCloseDevice(hDevice); //close device }else { printf(" ERROR: Spansion PISMO(TM) PCI Card found.\n"); printf(" Please install card and run program again. \n"); } } April 13, 2007 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver 3 A pplication Note /*2) ReadFlash function*/ typedef unsigned short FLASHDATA; FLASHDATA FlashCmdRead(DWORD raddress) { FLASHDATA rdata; raddress = raddress *2; /* cuz setting xbank.wordsize = 2;16bit offset*// *printf("%x\t",raddress);*/ SpPciLibReadMemory(hDevice,SPPCILIB_BANK_CS0,raddress,&rdata); return rdata; } /*3) WriteFlash function*/ void FlashCmdWrite(DWORD waddress, FLASHDATA wdata) { waddress = waddress * 2; SpPciLibWriteMemory(hDevice,SPPCILIB_BANK_CS0,waddress,wdata); } Note: These APIs require the Spansion PCI card for proper functionality. Users may instead implement their own read/write function to establish basic communication. 3. Spansion Low Level Driver (LLD) Introduction Spansion LLD includes the following files: 1. required files lld.c, lld.h lld_target_specific.h --- Core LLD Functions --- Customize LLD Configuration 2. Optional files lld_bdsxxx_asp.c, ld_bdsxxx_asp.h lld_wsxxx_asp.c, lld_wsxxx_asp.h lld_cfi.c, lld_cfi.h trace.c, trace.h 3.1 | | --- Advanced Sector Protect --- CFI Interpretation Code --- Trace Buffer Code Flash Functions Explanation For all flash operation commands, please refer to the Memory Array Commands. Before coding the flash functions, read the command list carefully. The functions are now described in detail. All these functions can be found in file lld.c (GL512-N as the example). 4 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver April 13, 2007 App l ic atio n 3.1.1 No t e Device ID and Read Operation Read Data Command 1 addr data RA AD Just use 1 cycle to read data from given address. Function used: FLASHDATA FlashCmdRead(DWORD raddress) Read Device ID Command 1 2 3 4 5 6 addr data addr data addr data addr data addr data addr data 555 AA 2AA 55 555 90 X01 227E X0E 2223 X0F 2201 – 1st cycle, write data 0xAA to address 0x555 – 2nd cycle, write data 0x55 to address 0x2AA – 3rd cycle, write data 0x90 to address 0x555 – 4th cycle, read 1st device ID from address 0x01, (expected data=0x227E) – 5th cycle, read 2nd device ID from address 0x0E, (expected data=0x2223) – 6th cycle, read 3rd device ID from address 0x0F, (expected data=0x2201) Example code: unsigned int lld_GetDeviceId ( FLASHDATA * base_addr /* device base address in system */ ) { unsigned int id; FlashCmdWrite(0x555, 0xAA); FlashCmdWrite(0x2AA,0x55); FlashCmdWrite(0x555, 0x90); id = (unsigned int)(FlashCmdRead( 0x0001) & 0x000000FF) << 16; id |= (unsigned int)(FlashCmdRead( 0x000E) & 0x000000FF) << id |= (unsigned int)(FlashCmdRead( 0x000F) & 0x000000FF) 8; ; return(id); } Result: return Device ID is 0x7E2301 for GL512N device April 13, 2007 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver 5 A pplication 3.1.2 Note Program Program Data Command 1 2 3 4 addr data addr data addr data addr data 555 AA 2AA 55 555 A0 PA PD – 1st cycle, write data 0xAA to address 0x555 – 2nd cycle, write data 0x55 to address 0x2AA – 3rd cycle, write data 0xA0 to address 0x555 – 4th cycle, write program data PD to target address PA. Example code: void lld_ProgramCmd ( ADDRESS offset, /* address offset from base address */ FLASHDATA *pgm_data_ptr /* variable containing data to program */ ) { FlashCmdWrite(0X555, 0XAA); FlashCmdWrite(0X2AA, 0X55); /* Write Program Command */ FlashCmdWrite( 0X555, 0xA0); /* Write Data */ FlashCmdWrite(offset, *pgm_data_ptr); } The program can only change a data bit from 1 to 0. Before programming make sure the previous location to be programmed has been erased; or if updating previously programmed data, that the bits are only going to be changed from '1' to '0'. After programming, any other operation should wait until the program operations has finished. The toggle bit can be used to check the programming status. Please refer to Toggle Bit Polling on page 8. 6 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver April 13, 2007 App l ic atio n 3.1.3 No t e Chip Erase Chip Erase Command 1 2 3 4 5 6 addr data addr data addr data addr data addr data addr data 555 AA 2AA 55 555 80 555 AA 2AA 55 555 10 – 1st cycle, write data 0xAA to address 0x555 – 2nd cycle, write data 0x55 to address 0x2AA – 3rd cycle, write data 0x80 to address 0x555 – 4th cycle, write data 0xAA to address 0x555 – 5th cycle, write data 0x55 to address 0x2AA – 6th cycle, write data 0x10 to address 0x555 Example code: void lld_ChipEraseCmd(void) { /* Issue Chip Erase Command Sequence */ FlashCmdWrite(0X555, 0xAA); FlashCmdWrite(0X2AA, 0x55); FlashCmdWrite(0X555, 0x80); FlashCmdWrite(0X555, 0xAA); FlashCmdWrite(0X2AA, 0x55); /* Write Chip Erase Command to Base Address */ FlashCmdWrite(0X555, 0x10); } Note: Any other operation should wait until erase finishes. The toggle bit can be used to check the programming status. Please refer to Toggle Bit Polling on page 8. 3.1.4 Sector Erase Sector Erase Command Similar to chip erase, only the last cycle differs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 addr data addr data addr data addr data addr data addr data 555 AA 2AA 55 555 80 555 AA 2AA 55 SA 30 – 1st cycle, write data 0xAA to address 0x555 – 2nd cycle, write data 0x55 to address 0x2AA – 3rd cycle, write data 0x80 to address 0x555 – 4th cycle, write data 0xAA to address 0x555 – 5th cycle, write data 0x55 to address 0x2AA – 6th cycle, write data 0x30 to sector address Example code: void lld_SecEraseCmd(void) April 13, 2007 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver 7 A pplication Note { /* Issue Sector Erase Command Sequence */ FlashCmdWrite(0X555, 0xAA); FlashCmdWrite(0X2AA, 0x55); FlashCmdWrite(0X555, 0x80); FlashCmdWrite(0X555, 0xAA); FlashCmdWrite(0X2AA, 0x55); /* Write Chip Erase Command to Base Address */ FlashCmdWrite(0X555, 0x30); } Note: Any other operation should wait until erase finishes. The toggle bit can be used to check the programming status. Please refer to Toggle Bit Polling on page 8. 3.1.5 Toggle Bit Polling Generally, there are three methods to determine the flash operation status. 1. Status bit polling (more commonly used) 2. Data checking and 3. Hardware RY/BY# method. Polling the Status bits involves reading the DQ data bits DQ2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 to check the statue of a program or erase operation. This is the preferred method and is described in more detail in the following paragraphs. Data checking is simply reading a location over-and-over again which reads back the value you programmed into the device. While this seems simple, this method can have problems in systems that use interrupts, have long data line traces or if the flash encounters an error when programming. The Hardware RY/BY# method requires supporting hardware and does not provide error information. DQ Status Bits DQ6 indicates whether an Embedded Program or Erase algorithm is in progress or complete, or whether the device has entered the Erase Suspend mode. DQ5 indicates whether the program or erase time has exceeded a specified internal pulse count limit. Under these conditions DQ5 produces a 1 indicating that the program or erase cycle was not successfully completed. DQ2, when used with DQ6, indicates whether a particular sector is actively erasing (that is, the Embedded Erase algorithm is in progress), or whether that sector is erase-suspended. See Figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 DQ2 vs. DQ6 Enter Embedded Erasing WE# Erase Suspend Erase Enter Erase Suspend Program Erase Suspend Read Erase Suspend Program Erase Resume Erase Suspend Read Erase Erase Complete DQ6 DQ2 Note DQ2 toggles only when read at an address within an erase-suspended sector. The system may use OE# or CE# to toggle DQ2 and DQ6. DQ1 indicates whether a Write-to-Buffer operation was aborted. Under these conditions DQ1 produces a 1. The system must issue the Write-to-Buffer-Abort-Reset command sequence to return the device to reading array data. 8 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver April 13, 2007 App l ic atio n No t e Figure 3.2 Toggle Bit Status Flowchart Read data twice N DQ6 toggle? Read data twice Y DQ2 toggle? Read data twice N Y Y Write buffer programming? N Erase/program Suspend N DQ1 high? Read data twice DQ5 high? N Y Y Time Out Write buffer abort Busy Not Busy Figure 3.3 Toggle Bit Polling Flow Chart Get toggle bit status N Status is BUSY? Status = ABORT do abort handle Status = suspend do suspend handle Y N Polling counts = 0? Y BUSY April 13, 2007 Status=NOT BUSY, do next operation How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver 9 A pplication Note Example code: Please refer to LLD v5.13. extern DEVSTATUS lld_StatusGet ( FLASHDATA * base_addr, /* device base address in system */ ADDRESS /* address offset from base address */ offset ); extern DEVSTATUS lld_Poll ( FLASHDATA * base_addr, /* device base address in system */ ADDRESS offset, /* address offset from base address */ FLASHDATA *exp_data_ptr, /* expect data */ FLASHDATA *act_data_ptr, /* actual data */ POLLING_TYPE polling_type /* type of polling to perform */ ); 3.1.6 Write Buffer Write Buffer Programming allows the system write to a maximum of 16 words/32 bytes in one programming operation. This results in faster effective programming time than the standard programming algorithms. Write Buffer Command 1 2 3 4 5 ... addr data addr data addr data addr data addr data addr data 555 AA 2AA 55 PA 25 SA word count PA PD PA PD Program Buffer to Flash Command Program buffer 1 addr data SA 29 Write to Buffer Abort Reset Command Write to buffer abort reset 10 1 2 3 addr data addr data addr data 555 AA 2AA 55 555 F0 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver April 13, 2007 App l ic atio n No t e Figure 3.4 Write Buffer and Program Flow Chart Write data to buffer command (Address 0x555 <= 0xAA Address 0x2AA <= 0x55 Program address <= 0x25 Program address <= word count) Program address++ <=Program data YES Writing count< buffer size (16 words) NO Program Buffer To Flash command Status polling- before do any other operation Example code: DEVSTATUS lld_WriteBufferProgramOp ( FLASHDATA * ADDRESS base_addr, offset, /* device base address is system /* address offset from base address WORDCOUNT word_count, /* number of words to program FLASHDATA *data_buf */ */ */ /* buffer containing data to program */ ) { DEVSTATUS status; FLASHDATA write_data = 0; FLASHDATA read_data = 0; ADDRESS last_loaded_addr; ADDRESS current_offset; ADDRESS end_offset; FLASHDATA wcount; /* Initialize variables */ current_offset = offset; end_offset = offset + word_count - 1; last_loaded_addr = offset; /* don't try with a count of zero */ if (!word_count) return(DEV_NOT_BUSY); /* Issue Load Write Buffer Command Sequence */ lld_WriteToBufferCmd(base_addr, offset); /* Write # of locations to program */ wcount = (FLASHDATA)word_count - 1; April 13, 2007 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver 11 A pplication Note wcount *= LLD_DEV_MULTIPLIER; /* only needed for interleaves of multiple devices to make a wider data bus /* FLASH_WR(base_addr, offset, wcount); /* Load Data into Buffer */ while(current_offset <= end_offset) { /* Store last loaded address & data value (for polling) */ last_loaded_addr = current_offset; write_data = *data_buf; /* Write Data */ FLASH_WR(base_addr, current_offset++, *data_buf++); } /* Issue Program Buffer to Flash command */ lld_ProgramBufferToFlashCmd(base_addr, last_loaded_addr); status = lld_Poll(base_addr, last_loaded_addr, &write_data, &read_data, LLD_P_POLL_WRT_BUF_PGM); return(status); } 3.1.7 Unlock Bypass Mode The unlock bypass feature allows the system to program words to the device faster than using the standard program command sequence. The unlock bypass command sequence is initiated by first writing two unlock cycles. Only two cycles are used for programming process, thus reducing the programming time. Unlock bypass entry Unlock bypass Program Unlock bypass reset 12 1 2 3 addr data addr data addr data 555 AA 2AA 55 555 20 1 2 addr data addr data XXX A0 PA PD 1 2 addr data addr data XXX 90 XXX 0 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver April 13, 2007 App l ic atio n No t e Figure 3.5 Unlock Bypass Programming Flow Chart Unlock bypass entry (3 cycles) Unlock bypass program (2 cycles) YES Continue programming? NO Unlock bypass reset 4. Notice to Reader For MirrorBit™ Flash users, please find a summary of our advice from the software point of view below: 1. Please make sure the Device ID and manufactorer ID are different than the floating gate one. 2. MirrorBit flash devices require 4 µs from the time a programming command is issued before the data polling bits can be read. Without the delay, it is likely that you will read invalid status from the flash. The invalid status may lead the software to believe that programming finished early without problems or that programming failed. If your system inherently has more than a 4 µs delay, you don't need any additional delay. 3. There are two methods to speed up the programming process. One is with the unlock bypass mode, the other is by write buffer then program to flash. Spansion recommends you use the write buffer command to write data to flash. The advantages of the write buffer are: a. faster programming compared to using unlock bypass b. Fewer system resources needed to poll the programming of a stream of data. April 13, 2007 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver 13 A pplication 5. Note Revision History Section Description Revision 01 (April 13, 2007) Initial release 14 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver April 13, 2007 App l ic atio n No t e Colophon The products described in this document are designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated for general use, including without limitation, ordinary industrial use, general office use, personal use, and household use, but are not designed, developed and manufactured as contemplated (1) for any use that includes fatal risks or dangers that, unless extremely high safety is secured, could have a serious effect to the public, and could lead directly to death, personal injury, severe physical damage or other loss (i.e., nuclear reaction control in nuclear facility, aircraft flight control, air traffic control, mass transport control, medical life support system, missile launch control in weapon system), or (2) for any use where chance of failure is intolerable (i.e., submersible repeater and artificial satellite). Please note that Spansion will not be liable to you and/or any third party for any claims or damages arising in connection with above-mentioned uses of the products. Any semiconductor devices have an inherent chance of failure. You must protect against injury, damage or loss from such failures by incorporating safety design measures into your facility and equipment such as redundancy, fire protection, and prevention of over-current levels and other abnormal operating conditions. If any products described in this document represent goods or technologies subject to certain restrictions on export under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law of Japan, the US Export Administration Regulations or the applicable laws of any other country, the prior authorization by the respective government entity will be required for export of those products. Trademarks and Notice The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. This document may contain information on a Spansion product under development by Spansion. Spansion reserves the right to change or discontinue work on any product without notice. The information in this document is provided as is without warranty or guarantee of any kind as to its accuracy, completeness, operability, fitness for particular purpose, merchantability, non-infringement of third-party rights, or any other warranty, express, implied, or statutory. Spansion assumes no liability for any damages of any kind arising out of the use of the information in this document. Copyright © 2007 Spansion Inc. All rights reserved. Spansion®, the Spansion Logo, MirrorBit®, MirrorBit® Eclipse™, ORNAND™, HD-SIM™ and combinations thereof, are trademarks of Spansion LLC in the US and other countries. Other names used are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. April 13, 2007 How to Use Spansion™ LLD v5.13 to Implement a Flash Driver 15
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