WANDERINGS AND MEETINGS How To Keep in Touch! Michele N. Boston Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant PO Box 785/24A Riverview Drive North Berwick, ME 03906 www.marykay.com/mboston JEWELS We have a special request of our members. Please keep in mind that our jewels are passed down from member to member and those jewels that have been worn by others have special meaning to those of us who knew them or often were related to them. So, when one of our member’s passes away we are asking you to please give their Eastern Star or Masonic Jewels back to their chapter or lodge. Carrie L. Tracy, Worthy Matron 209 Webber Hill Road, Kennebunk, ME 04043 207-985-2857 cell 207-468-2965 [email protected] Edward (Ted) Eldredge, Worthy Patron P.O. Box 612, Wells, ME 04090 207-604-8700 [email protected] Suellen Goodman, AM -Sunshine Committee PO Box 115, Kennebunk, ME 04043 207-710-7603 [email protected] Marc Precourt, - Secretary 48 Pleasant Street, North Berwick, ME 03906 (H) 207-676-7962 cell/messages 207-332-2134 [email protected] Judie Wilkie, PGM at the Star News. [email protected] ADVERTISING IS OFFERED IN OUR NEWSLETTERS. SEND THE EDITOR YOUR AD. Fees start at $10 for a business card sized ad. Contact Carrie @ 985-2857 or [email protected] Thank you to Sister Kandis Hayes and Brother Marc Precourt PP for doing the refreshments after our April 17th meeting. Thank you both. Dragonfly is at Sarah Orne Jewett in South Berwick. I’m thinking we might want to retrieve our puppy on May 1st. Sarah Orne Jewett Chapter #176 meets the first Tuesday of each month in St John's Lodge in South Berwick. They will be meeting Tuesday May 1st at 7:30. ___________ . ___________ Annette Chapter #184 meets the second Thursday of every month at 7:30, at the Saco Masonic Hall on Main St. They will be meeting on May 10th at 7:30. __________ . ____________ "Aurora Chapter #190 meets the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00 PM at Arundel Lodge in Kennebunkport. Their next meeting is May 2nd. ___________ .___________ Ruth #14 Meets in Springvale on the first Friday of the month and their Meeting will be May 4th at 7:30. ___________ .___________ Madonna’s next stated meeting is May 22nd , at 7:00 PM. We will be recognizing our Life Members and 25 Year Members. Please bring a life member who perchance doesn’t manage to attend often and your name and theirs will be put in for a raffle. The new officers will be doing their work for the first time for some of you so please look over your parts as we will be doing long form.. For those who are new officers: If you are unable to attend as an officer it is your responsibility to try and ask someone else to replace you and to let me know. It makes for a much smoother start to our meetings if it is known in advance who will be at the meeting. Thank you for attending to this in advance. REHEARSAL For our May meeting Will be held on Sunday May 20th at 2 PM Those of us who are taking stations for the ensuing term are requested to come for this rehearsal. We will be going over parts and marching so we start the new term confident in our work. We will be doing a special Memoriam service at our next meeting in memory of our beloved Brother Robert Boston, Sr. SUNSHINE NOTES May Birthdays: Christina Boston Marilyn Mitchell Helen Moger Frances A. Wentworth We wish you all a wonderful birthday and an outstanding year ahead! Please let us know when your birthday is and we will remember you! Prayers go out to our Sister Heidi Porter who is now at Hyder Family Hospice House, at 285 County Farm Road, Dover, NH 03820. Our Brother John Staley could use calls and loves letter writing. Special prayers of sympathies are extended to Sister Michele Boston for the loss of her husband Brother Robert Boston, Sr. After being ill for a long time he lost the battle and won the war. Sister Roma Pelletier is still on the road to recovery from her second surgery. Let’s keep her in our prayers and I’m sure cards or calls would be appreciated. Sister Pamela Precourt’s dad Curtis Dinsmore passed away April 20th and was buried 4/26/12 at a lovely graveside service in Lyman. Please remember Pam and Marc in your prayers during this very difficult time. Apologies to those of you who were going to participate in our installation only to find that the April 7th installation had to be rescheduled. My Error! WM SCHOLARSHIP RAFFLE The raffle for the lovely ecru hand crochet keepsake bedspread will be ending at the installation. It is queen size spread and on display at the upcoming installation. We will be pulling the winning ticket at this event. Please buy a raffle ticket. You can let us know if you’d like to buy a ticket for it even if you cannot attend by contacting Nancy Eldredge, Carrie or Marc to obtain tickets. They are $1 each or 6 for $5. Please support this most worthy cause. The winner of the bedspread will be drawn at during collation after installation. Good luck and thank you for supporting this endeavor. INSTALLATION MADONNA #144 OES th April 28 2012 at 7 PM An open installation for the officers of Madonna will be taking place on this Saturday Evening. Those of us retiring from our stations at the upcoming installation on April 28th and those continuing on or taking new stations would very much appreciate your attendance at this important event. We have three new members taking stations. We will be starting at 7 PM with refreshments afterwards being prepared by the Past Worthy Matrons and Patrons of Madonna. Many Thanks. Please bring a friend and join our celebration. MADONNA CHAPTER No. 144 ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR WEST KENNEBUNK, MAINE Instituted October 7, 1908 Stated Meetings: Third Tuesday of Each Month 7:00 PM With the exception of May meeting on the 4th Tuesday Masonic Temple Alfred Road (West) Kennebunk, Maine 04043 April/May 2012 West Kennebunk Star Newsletter Worthy Matron: Carrie L. Tracy Worthy Patron: Edward (Ted) Eldredge, PM Marc Precourt, PP, Secretary Carrie Tracy, Newsletter Editor Madonna #144 is on Facebook! Check us out! SNIPPETS FROM THE 4/17 MEETING &&& It has been a tumultuous time of it for Madonna what with having to redo some of the work we thought was accomplished at our annual meeting held in March. We had to reelect our officers and reschedule our installation. We waded through recommendations by the finance committee with regards to the points made. Here are a few highlights from the meeting. 1. The Sunshine Sister will continue to receive $200 towards cards and communications. (cutting this figure in half was recommended) 2. The by-laws committee will review the cost of rituals and the expense of a new member joining and will make recommendations back to the chapter. 3. A committee was appointed to review how we proved the newsletter to our members with the committee being made up of Sister Lori Matthews, Sister Suellen Goodman and Brother Marc Precourt. 4. The current budget will be reviewed by the finance committee, the treasurer and secretary with the intention of making recommendations on modifications, if any, to the chapter. 5. Our year was ended with the chapter having more than $6000 in our collective accounts to go forward with. 6. No bills were submitted. 7. A motion was made and accepted to change the policy concerning disposition of the profits from any nonbean suppers put on by the chapter from the Scholarship Fund to being split between the general funds of the chapter and the Scholarship fund effective immediately. The scholarship fund has close to $2000 in it after the most recent suppers and prior to the gifting of this years scholarship which will actually take place after Jan. of 2013. 8. A new finance member was elected on a 3 year rotation making this years finance committee of Sister Mary Saucier 3 years, Sister Pam Precourt 2 years, and Sister Naomi Smith 1 year. 9. By-laws committee for the ensuing term will consist of Sister Kandis Hayes, Sister Suellen Goodman, and Brother Marc Precourt as appointed by the worthy matron. 10. The supper put on by Madonna for the Masons of High Pine, in Wells, for their Wood Choppers Degree was a resounding success with in excess of $225 being earned after expenses. Thank you to the ladies and of course Marc for putting on that supper. Way to go. 11. Sister Nancy and Brother Ted Eldredge will be presenting Sister Emily Butler with her 25 year pin. Musings from your Worthy Matron Sisters and Brothers, As I complete this newsletter on the fly…. I am pleased to see the end of our term finally arrive and am sorry that the year ended on such notes of discord. However, we go forward bonded together by difficulties worked through and smarter for the process that was used. Many thanks to Laurie Works, our DDGM who was most helpful keeping us on task and in protocol at the meeting on the 17th of April Your assistance was invaluable! We are grateful for your presence and support over the past two years Laurie. Thank you very much for being there for us. We arrived at the other side after much ado and reelected our new slate of officers. Many thanks are extended to those willing to serve this term. Your chapter will be a stronger and more welcoming place because of your willingness to participate and contribute. As always your thoughts and input are much appreciated and welcome. I would like to dedicate a part of the newsletter to information from the members regarding what is happening in their lives. So, please contact me with items to share. A list of members addresses will be at the meetings for you so that keeping in touch will be a bit easier. Donations for printing would be appreciated. With gratitude for all the support received this year I end the term humbled. See you in chapter! Respectfully submitted, Carrie L. Tracy, WM NEWSLETTERS once again if you please. It is time for us to ask if you personally want to continue receiving our newsletters. We try to keep you informed about the happenings of the chapter and of our members but there is a cost involved. If you have an email address please let me know and we will save the stamp and printing fees. If the newsletter is of no interest to you anymore please let us know and we will remove you from the list. On the other hand, if you know a friend of Madonna’s that would really like to be kept up to date with our happenings, please let me know. We also extend to you the opportunity to insert items of interest into the newsletter or information about each other or ourselves that you would like to share. Contact Carrie at 207-468-2965 or [email protected] NOTABLE HAPPENINGS Still in the works We at Madonna were requested to do a theme basket for Grand Chapter and Sister Helen Newton offered to coordinate the basket. The theme is birds. If you want to contribute to this basket please contact Helen at 9851223. Contributions can still be brought to the installation on the 28th and will still make it to the Grand Chapter in May. There are a few members who have yet to send in dues. If you have not sent in your dues for 2012, please do so as soon as possible. If there is some reason you are unable to pay your dues, please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you. Marc Precourt, Secretary, 207-6767962." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOTTLE DRIVE FOR RAINBOW GIRLS Please keep in mind that Heidi & Catey will be collecting your bags of bottles to support Rainbow, Sanford Assembly #7. As a reminder…….. Officers cannot be installed without paying their dues!!! Thanks for supporting their recent fundraiser at Applebee’s in Sanford. Yum! SHINING STAR GRAND CHAPTER May 13-16, 2012 Lewiston ~ Kora Shrine Temple Grand Chapter is coming up soon. How quickly Sister Stephanie and Brother John’s Grand Term has gone past. They have graciously visited us often and have been very supportive to our chapter. Quite a few members from Madonna #144 are planning on attending Grand Chapter this year. Our chapter is supporting it’s Secretary and Treasurer by paying their Grand Chapter membership dues and the Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron’s Banquet. Our new district deputy Sister Mary Zimmerman will be installed for the ensuing term at grand chapter. Our Sisters Pam Precourt and Nancy Eldredge will be recognized as Grand Representatives at Grand Chapter too!!!! Way to go ladies. Our Rainbow/Eastern Star Sisters Heidi Hammerle and Caitlin Dalrymple will be at Grand Chapter as Grand Officers and will be introduced and will participate in a ceremony as well. Let’s go and show our support of our Sisters and Brothers at the Grand Chapter in Lewiston. It’s close enough for a day trip this year. See you there! Carrie INSTALLING SUITE OF OFFICERS Susan A. Gaines, PGM Annette # 184 INSTALLING OFFICER Bernie Gaines Annette # 184 INSTALLING PATRON Mary Zimmerman Sarah Orne Jewett # 176 INSTALLING CHAPLAIN Riley Greenwood, PP Ruth # 14 ~ Springvale, ME INSTALLING MARSHALL John Moulton Sarah Orne Jewett # 176 INSTALLING ORGANIST OFFICERS FOR 2012-2013 Madonna #144 Worthy Matron Worthy Patron Associate Matron Associate Patron Secretary Treasurer Marshall Chaplain Adah Ruth Esther Martha Electa Conductress Associate Cond. Warder Sentinel Carrie L Tracy, PM Edward Eldredge, PP Suellen Goodman, PM Wayne Smith, PP Marc Precourt, PP Lori Matthews Patti Hammerle Nancy Eldredge, PM Patricia Casey Jane Remilliard Heidi Hammerle Mary Saucier Pamela Precourt, PM Kandis Hayes Sonya Macleod Naomi Smith Ronald Newton, PP Madonna #144 Order of the Eastern Star % Carrie L. Tracy, WM ~ Newsletter Editor 209 Webber Hill Road Kennebunk, ME 04043
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