Peak Energy: How to Play the Biggest Global Trend of... Next 100 Years… Ahead of the Coming $289 Billion Windfall

Special Research Report
Peak Energy: How to Play the Biggest Global Trend of the
Next 100 Years… Ahead of the Coming $289 Billion Windfall
Pinpointing Gains With Computer-Like Accuracy ............................1
The Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity ..............................................2
The Sad State of Energy and Infrastructure ....................................4
The Great Energy Paradigm Shift....................................................4
How Do We Get From Here to There?..............................................5
Why Natural Gas? ..........................................................................5
Greasing the Skids ........................................................................6
“Fracturing” Old Rocks ..................................................................7
Gathering and Distributing the Transition Fuel ................................9
Energy Infrastructure: Fueling the Shift ........................................11
America the LNG Exporter? ..........................................................11
Venture Capital Shoveling Money into Electric Vehicles......................12
EV Projected Sales Growth: Fasten Your Seatbelt ..........................13
Lithium: The South American Connection ....................................16
Welcome aboard Peak Energy Strategist. Our research team has begun using a
powerful concept called an “algorithm” to track where stocks are headed.
Since testing began last year, this exciting technology has handed them the chance at
more than 1,300% gains. Even more impressive, the "algorithm" has generated a
100% win rate.
Until now, it's been kept under lock and key. But the testing phase is over. Now that
the technology‘s finally “going public” for the first time, it’s about to hand some
serious investors as much as 2,600% gains.
This special report contains the first new recommendations from our system. I think
you’ll find it interesting, and exciting reading.
We’re sitting in the catbird seat of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for profits from
investing in energy, energy infrastructure and the technology making it possible.
To find those opportunities, my research team has been using an amazing tool. We call
it the “Peak Energy Indicator” or PEI for short.
The PEI is based on a special predictive formula called an “algorithm”. It works the
same way as a GPS navigation system. A GPS crunches millions of pieces of data, maps
out your route, and tells you where to turn next.
The algorithm I’ve developed crunches huge quantities of data and give me the future
trajectory of individual stocks, essentially predicting where they’re headed next.
Since testing began last year, the team has chalked up more than 1,300% gains. Even
more impressive, our proprietary algorithm has generated a 100% win rate for months on
Until now, we’ve kept the technology under lock and key. But the testing phase is over.
We’ve finally decided the time is perfect to “go public” with it for the first time.
So how exactly does this technology work? And how could it soon be handing you a
steady stream of gains with computer-like accuracy… month after month? Let’s take a
Pinpointing Gains With Computer-Like Accuracy…
As a 30-year veteran of the markets – and the engineering and energy world – I’ve
never seen a technology this powerful.
And it’s simple, too.
We apply our PEI algorithm to the entire energy sector. When all the number-crunching
is complete, we end up with an exceptional group of stocks.
The algorithm also gives us an easy-to-read roadmap of where these stocks will likely
be 24 hours from now… seven days from now… or even seven years now.
And it’s time to get started. In this report we’ve detailed the first sectors and stocks
we’ve identified with the PEI. They’re the ones we’re initially adding to the Peak Energy
Strategist portfolio.
We’ll go through each in great detail. But first, let me describe the incredible set of
events that’s led us to this fantastic investment opportunity.
The Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity
America is just beginning to claw its way out from under the most serious recession
since the Great Depression.
With company earnings and markets heading higher, the worst is behind us. But we’re
not completely out of the woods yet. There’s no question our return to pre-recession
prosperity still lies ahead. But there’s every reason to be optimistic. History has shown that
Americans have perhaps the greatest capacity of any country to engineer solutions to life’s
biggest problems.
I’m convinced that not only is that capacity still very much intact, but that it’s rising to
the occasion once again.
This time it’s to solve the most dire need we’ve ever had: weaning us off of fossil
fuels… permanently.
The United States – and the rest of the world – is beginning an exciting journey down
the long path to global energy resource sustainability. The socio-economic implications of
this journey are unprecedented… and so, too, will be the investment opportunities.
It matters little that we’re still in a recession. Among the millions of out-of-work
Americans are talented engineers, laborers, and factory workers.
New companies will form, and existing ones will expand. The American worker is the
“intellectual fuel” that will help us regain our economic strength.
All three sectors – energy, energy infrastructure and energy technology – will play
integral roles in the coming decades to effectively end our dependence on fossil fuels.
The recommendations of companies we’ll be sending your way – starting with those
contained in this special report – have the very real potential to chalk up gains of historic
We’re going to cover the hottest energy and infrastructure stories making headlines…
and the companies behind them making it happen.
I’m excited about having the opportunity to provide you with a regular, focused review
of all the areas I’m actively following.
Electric vehicles, natural gas, oil, geothermal, solar, wind, smart grid initiatives and just
about everything in between are on my radar screen.
This special report will you give you – as a new Peak Energy Strategist subscriber –
the lay of the land. More importantly, it will allow us to set the stage for what lies ahead.
Rest assured: There will be plenty of investment opportunities in both conventional
fossil fuels and alternatives.
In the energy sector, the journey to alternatives must be undertaken. Countries all over
the globe need cheap, sustainable sources of energy. It’s a crucial element in order for
economies to be able to grow and prosper.
Our present energy sources – oil… coal… uranium… all finite resources – are being
depleted at alarming rates.
That’s not to say there won’t be compelling investment opportunities that present
themselves with fossil fuels. There most definitely will be, and our Peak Energy Indicator
will flag them for us.
But better to be harnessing the heat of the Earth’s depths… the wind blowing across the
plains… and the powerful rays of the sun. For these are all free, and readily available for the
Regardless of your feelings about global warming, the climate-change argument simply
disappears with renewables. They contribute nothing in the way of pollution or global
Energy infrastructure is seeing unprecedented investments as well: oil and gas
pipelines… electrical transmission lines and substations… water and sewer lines… LNG
terminals… the list is endless.
And so are the opportunities, if you can sort through the myriad of companies involved.
That’s where my proprietary Peak Energy Indicator comes in.
It sorts the “wheat from the chaff” in the complex and fast-moving area of energy.
Energy technology is the catalyst that brings it all together. New technologies are
emerging daily in solar, wind, the smart grid, energy storage and about every other area in
the energy sector.
You’ll learn about a lot of that new technology right here. More importantly, we’ll track
the absolute best investment opportunities for profits.
Our goal is to bring you the best ideas that rise to the top of our research pile. So let’s
get started.
The Sad State of Energy and Infrastructure
“May you live in interesting times.” It sounds like a complement. It’s actually an
ancient Chinese curse.
“May you live in difficult times,” is how a Chinese recipient would take it.
And the times we are living in are certainly nothing if not interesting… and extremely
difficult for many.
Failing banks, soaring healthcare costs and an ineffectual political system. All are
serious issues without equal in modern history.
Those aren’t the biggest problems we face, however. The largest headaches are aging infrastructure and the lack of energy self-sufficiency. Why are they the biggest?
Because if we don’t do something about them – and fast – the United States will cease
to be a tier-one economy.
Only countries with good sources of low-cost, sustainable energy – combined with
modern, efficient infrastructure – can be economic powerhouses.
It’s the main reason the United States has been the largest economy in the world for so
But alas, the opposite is also true. Our infrastructure is crumbling around us, and we’re
beholden to rogue nations for much of our oil.
That costs roughly $500 billion a year… money flowing out of America… lining the
pockets of people who hate us.
It gets even worse: At current rates of fossil fuel consumption, we’re pumping nearly
9.1 billion tons of CO2 greenhouse gas annually into the Earth’s atmosphere. That’s costing
us untold hundreds of billions more in inefficiencies and wasted energy.
China’s bringing a new coal-burning power plant on-line every week. India’s selling
$2,000 gasoline cars. If nothing’s done – and done soon – greenhouse gas output is only
going to skyrocket. Perhaps with dire consequences.
We know fossil fuels are a limited resource. There’s much debate about when oil,
natural gas, coal and uranium will peak. Some scientists believe oil already has. One thing
is certain… they all eventually will.
The Great Energy Paradigm Shift
The great economist, Herbert Stein – in what is now known as Stein’s Law – put it quite
simply, “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” Clearly for the future, we have to
look to alternatives… especially to oil and coal.
The “great energy paradigm shift” – as I like to call it – has already begun. It’s a
transition from a fossil fuel-based existence to one based on renewable, sustainable and
clean sources of energy.
There’s no question it’s a huge undertaking. It will ultimately cost many trillions of
dollars. How long will it take?
Decades at a minimum. Perhaps as long as 100 years. But there’s no question that the
shift is getting underway. World sentiment increasingly favors green forms of energy.
Not transitioning really isn’t an option. That could have grave consequences, resulting
in the possible formation of an “energy gap.”
Most developed countries around the world recognize this and have passed initiatives of
their own.
Somewhat ironically, it’s been the United States – the world’s most powerful nation and
its greatest innovator – that’s been late to the energy shift party.
But the United States is doing its best to catch up. In the last 18 months, the amount of
legislation and money that’s being directed towards the energy sector has been unprecedented.
How Do We Get From Here to There?
Clearly, solar, wind – and to a lesser extent, geothermal – have been getting a lot of
press in recent months, particularly since there are now Federal – and increasingly, state tax
incentives to invest in them.
But government bribes aside, there are fundamental reasons to greatly expand alternatives as energy supplies. They’re free, renewable, sustainable and non-polluting. Perhaps
most importantly, we have an abundant supply of them right here in the good ol’ USA.
But to get from here to there we need a transition plan. More importantly, we need a
transition fuel. In the United States, and increasingly around the world, we’re talking about
natural gas.
Natural gas is the first sector our Peak Energy Indicator flagged for investment.
Why Natural Gas?
Unlike crude oil, we’re awash in natural gas. Last year, the Potential Gas Committee the
nation’s authority on natural gas supplies issued a report that shows a substantial increase
in natural gas reserves here in the United States.
This was the largest increase in the 44-year history of the committee, and its language
was reflective of that: “[The report] shows an exceptionally strong and optimistic gas
supply picture for the nation.”
Our natural gas windfall couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. The PGC’s
findings point to natural gas as the transition fuel as we move from coal and oil to solar,
wind, geothermal and other non-carbon sources of power.
At 2030 projected U.S. consumption rates of about 25 Tcf (Trillion cubic feet), we have
nearly a 100-year supply. That makes U.S. reserves the largest in the world.
And you can bet those estimates are going higher: Technological improvements are
happening weekly in the oil and gas exploration and production sector. I fully expect the
Potential Gas Committee’s estimate will double in the next three to five years.
John B. Curtis, a geology professor at the Colorado School of Mines and the report’s
principal author, said, “New and advanced exploration, well drilling and completion technologies are allowing us increasingly better access to domestic gas resources especially unconventional gas which, not that long ago, were considered impractical or uneconomical to
How much gas do we need to get around? One Tcf is enough to run 12 million cars per
year. Replace 75% of the fleet (190 million vehicles) and we’re still only talking 15 Tcf per
Electric cars might be the ultimate alternative to fossil fuels. (We’ll talk about them
later in this report.) But switching to natural gas -powered vehicles gets us a long way down
the road toward energy independence.
More importantly for the long run, it buys us valuable time to replace power generation
with alternatives, further reducing our dependence on fossil fuels.
The increase in supply is clearly good news. It reinforces the choice of natural gas as
our energy transition fuel.
Will the federal government finally recognize it as our best alternative and legislate to
promote its increased use? We’re starting to see the beginnings of legislation in that
Greasing the Skids
H.R. 1835, known as the “New Alternative Transportation to Give Americans Solutions
Act of 2009,” amends the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to create jobs and encourage
alternative energy investments.
Now before I get a dozen e-mails pointing out that natural gas is just a different fossil
fuel, let me head them off. There’s no argument there.
However, it’s much cleaner burning, produces less carbon emissions and, most
importantly, it’s found here in abundance. It’s a walk in the park to produce new cars and
trucks that run on it, and convert older ones as well.
It will free us of the ”oil grip” of rogue nations around the world in 10 years or less.
We’ll all be better off economically. But even better, we’ll have greater piece of mind and
increased flexibility when it comes to our choices for energy.
We have so much natural gas, it could turn into one of our greatest exports. It would be
a terrible paradox, though, if we end up exporting natural gas while still paying to import
oil from Middle East oil barons.
That could happen if Congress doesn’t pass legislation promoting the significant use of
natural gas.
In the meantime, a number of LNG import terminals are being reworked with an eye
toward exporting natural gas, as well as importing it.
With that as a backdrop, our Peak Energy Indicator identified three players all of
whom are positioned for strong growth as the natural gas transition fuel strategy builds a
head of steam over the next 12 to 24 months.
Fracturing Old Rocks
In order to use our newfound wealth of natural gas, we first have to get it out of the
ground. There’s nobody in the business who’s better at it than Range Resources Corp.
(NYSE: RRC). *Important stock update on page 20.
Range Resources is one of the largest independent natural gas companies. It’s engaged
in the exploration, development and production of natural gas. And it has operations in
West Texas, East Texas, mid-continent, the Gulf Coast and the Appalachian regions of the
United States.
As of December 31, 2009, the company had proven reserves totaling 3.1 Trillion cubic
feet of natural gas equivalent (Tcfe). This is an increase of 13% over 2008. Its proven
reserve life is currently estimated to be nearly 20 years.
Range was one of the early players in the Marcellus Shale, and has been increasing its
acreage and reserves there every year.
The company now owns 1.3 million acres of leasehold in the Marcellus area. Its multiyear drilling inventory consists of over 11,500 drill sites.
The company continues to make outstanding, industry-leading progress in its
exploration of the Marcellus Shale.
John Pinkerton, Range’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, had this to say in a
press release in early April: “Our technical team continues to do an outstanding job in the
Marcellus Shale. The results of our longer lateral wells are very encouraging. We will
continue to evaluate longer laterals and more completion stages.
“Optimizing our well designs is critical, as it will allow us to continue to drive down our
unit cost and increase our returns. Early in the life of the play we developed a significant
acreage position in the wet gas area of the southwest portion of the play.
“Given that a significant portion of our development over the next several years will be
in the southwest, the impact of the high-value liquids component of the product stream will
significantly increase our returns.
“The high liquids component combined with the favorable gas basis differential due to
proximity of the play to the northeast gas market helps make the Marcellus Shale play
economics extremely attractive even in a low gas price environment.”
In the Southwest portion of the play, Range has about 600,000 acres in the “fairway.”
The fairway is the part of the field that has the highest concentrations of natural gas.
It’s been the pioneer of longer horizontally drilled lateral wells, drilling them nearly
twice as long as its competitors. The result is a more expensive well, with each costing in
the neighborhood of $4 million.
But it’s well worth the extra expense. Range has been able to increase the amount of
recoverable gas it gets from each well, more than offsetting the additional drilling costs.
The Colorado School of Mines has estimated that the Marcellus Shale formation contains
489 Tcf of natural gas, making it the second-largest natural gas deposit in the world.
In 2009, Range Resources drilled more wells in the Marcellus than any other
operator. Each of its wells now averages upwards of 13 Mcf (million cubic feet)/day. It
doubled production in 2009 and it plans to do it again in 2010.
Its share price has been on a tear: up 200% in the last five years and 2,500% in the last
10. But don’t be fooled: There’s plenty more upside here.
Its formidable acreage in the Marcellus is only one of the advantages Range has over its
competition. Range’s wells are close to existing gathering lines. This means it has some of
the lowest production costs in the industry.
One final point: Unlike many of its competitors, Range isn’t diversifying into oil plays.
It’s sticking with what it knows: natural gas exploration, drilling and production.
That strategy has been and will continue to pay off in spades for the company. With a
performance much more compelling than any of its competitors, Range could easily be the
first triple-digit winner recorded in the Peak Energy Strategist portfolio.
Action to Take: Buy Range Resources, Inc. (NYSE:RRC) at market. Due to the
cyclical and sometimes volatile nature of the energy markets, I recommend you use a 35%
trailing stop to protect your principal and your profits.
Gathering and Distributing the Transition Fuel
Once we’ve found the gas, it has to be gathered and distributed to the markets that use
it. There are 210 natural gas pipeline systems in the United States. They span 305,000 miles
and can deliver gas just about anywhere in the country.
Some of the largest systems belong to the Williams Companies, Inc. (NYSE: WMB).
Williams finds, produces, gathers, processes and transports natural gas.
Williams is the leading natural gas service provider in the United States, delivering 12%
of the nation’s daily supply. In addition to transporting gas for other companies, Williams
boasts 4.5 Tcf of natural gas reserves of its own.
It’s ramping up its drilling activity at its Piceance Basin operations in northwestern
Colorado. This is a low-cost, high-return basin for Williams.
It plans to spend nearly $1 billion over the next to years to further develop and enhance
its production capabilities in the region.
Its mid-stream operation includes gathering and processing natural gas. Most natural
gas can’t be used as it comes from the well. Heavier hydrocarbon liquids must be separated
from the natural gas stream.
Natural gas liquids (NGLs) are typically worth more than the natural gas itself. NGLs
are used by the plastics industry as refinery feedstock, as well as for home heating.
Williams owns more than 15,000 miles of interstate natural gas pipelines. The company
operates three of the nation’s largest gas transmission pipeline systems.
And it’s expanding its massive network even further. Over the next two years, Williams
is spending over $1.2 billion to increase its gathering lines and processing capabilities in
the Marcellus shale, the Rockies and in deepwater Gulf of Mexico.
Capable of transporting 12 billion cubic feet per day, Williams’ pipelines move enough
gas to heat over 30 million homes.
With Williams’ massive, natural gas gathering and transmission pipeline systems, it’s in
the perfect position to take advantage of the coming increase in natural gas use.
The company expects its 2011 earnings per share performance to be double that of 2009.
It’s why we’re making Williams Companies, Inc. the second core holding of our Peak
Energy Strategist portfolio.
Action to Take: Buy Williams Companies, Inc. (NYSE: WMB) at market. Due to the
cyclical and sometimes volatile nature of the energy markets, I recommend you use a 35%
trailing stop to protect your principal and your profits.
Energy Infrastructure: Fueling the Shift
The gas is out of the ground; it’s processed and on its way. But to where? One place
will be the transportation sector.
When Congress finally passes HR 1835 – or something like it – natural gas will see a
huge increase in use as a transportation fuel. After all, it’s the fastest way to reduce our
dependence on foreign oil.
(Recall we have over 2,100 trillion cubic feet of natural gas reserves.) It would only
take about 15 Tcf annually to run all of our cars and trucks.
We are tracking several companies involved in the natural gas transportation sector.
(None have tripped our Peak Energy Indicator yet.) Congressional action will be an
important catalyst.
America the LNG Exporter?
We’ve talked at length about the glut of natural gas in this country: 2,100 Tcf and
counting. By 2020, that estimate stands a good chance of increasing by an order of
That’s right. With new technologies for finding it – as well as extracting it from
formations previously thought impermeable – a decade from now, our natural gas supply
could be 10 times what it is today.
As a result, an amazing transformation is about to take place in the energy infrastructure sector here in the United States. And it has to do with Liquid Natural Gas (LNG).
Why is LNG so attractive? In its liquid state, natural gas takes up 1/600 of the volume it
does in a gaseous state. It’s odorless, non-corrosive and non-toxic.
The huge reduction in volume results in a cost-effective way to transport natural gas
where there aren’t any pipelines.
Currently, there are nine LNG import facilities in the United States. Eight in the lower
48 and one in Puerto Rico. There are eight more on the drawing boards.
The reason is that up until a few years ago, it was estimated that the natural gas supply
in the United States was in decline, just like crude oil.
Now, with reserve estimates 10 times what they were a decade ago, many LNG
importers are rethinking their business models.
Increasingly, they are thinking about exporting LNG. As demand from emerging
economies like China and India remains all but insatiable, the need for LNG is on the rise.
The United States has the potential to be a big LNG export player. It has some of the
lowest natural gas production costs of any country, along with one of the best pipeline
delivery systems.
We’re tracking several potential LNG infrastructure companies and will cover the sector
in more detail in future Peak Energy Strategist issues.
Venture Capital Shoveling Money into Electric Vehicles
Green Technology or “Green-Tech,” as it’s more commonly referred to, is going to be
the place to be for the next several decades.
And one of the hottest Green-Tech sectors out there is Electric Vehicles.
If you think electric vehicles will only carve out a small “niche” of the $653 billion
worldwide automotive market, think again.
Electric Vehicles (EVs) and Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs) are no longer a
novelty. They’re on the verge of mass introduction both here and around the world.
Venture capital funds are literally flooding into the sector. In 2009, there were 65 VC
deals totaling over $1 billion in electric vehicle and related companies. Only solar garnered
more venture capital money than the electric vehicle sector.
Just look at some of the money VCs are throwing at electric vehicle companies:
• Tesla Motors – makers of a high-end electric sports car – received $82.5 million from
Fjord Capital and Daimler Motors. It’s also raising another $100 million in the equity
• Fisker Automotive – a California startup designing a $48,000 family hybrid electric –
snagged $85 million from Kleiner Perkins.
But what is, perhaps, the biggest vote of confidence in the nascent electric vehicle
industry? A group of investors led by HSBC anted up $350 million for Better Place.
That investment, combined with previous funding, values Better Place at $1.25 billion.
It also leaves HSBC with a 10% ownership stake in the company.
Coulomb Technologies, a provider of electric charging stations for plug-in vehicles, just
bagged $14 million in a second round of financing.
The list goes on and on.
The EV boom is largely being driven by concerns over dwindling oil reserves and corresponding increase in oil prices. Forty-eight car manufacturers are introducing PHEVs or
full EVs in the next year or two. Some are slated to hit dealer showrooms in early 2011.
The stakes are high… but the opportunities are just immense.
EV Projected Sales Growth: Fasten Your Seatbelt
As you can see from the chart, EV sales are poised to triple in the next five years.
But depending on government incentives, the geo-political uncertainty regarding oil
supplies and customer acceptance, this forecast could turn out to be very conservative.
There’s an excellent chance it’s off by a factor of two or even three. Mainstream
acceptance will spur even greater sales. But it all hinges on one gating item... and it’s a
really, really big one.
Building a reliable EV is relatively easy. The real challenge is getting EV driving ranges
to approach those of its gasoline-powered cousin.
Most gasoline vehicles have gas tanks sized to the engine, which allows drivers to travel
anywhere from 200-400 miles between fill-ups.
In an EV, the stored energy in the battery replaces the gasoline in the tank.
So the more energy you can fit in, the farther you can go before you need to recharge.
This is called the “power density” of the battery. It’s measured in watt-hours per
kilogram of battery weight.
Plenty of EV-capable battery technologies exist today, as seen in the chart above. It
shows their power densities today and their future potentials based on ongoing research.
Lithium-ion packs nearly twice the energy per kilogram as Nickel-Metal Hydride
(NiMH). It’s nearly four times more powerful than Lead-Acid or Nickel-Cadmium
For an HEV, the battery technology of choice has been NiMH technology. It has a
Electrified Vehicles: Global Market Growth
Electrified Vehicles (millions/year)
Battery Technology: It’s About “Power Density”
reasonably good power density. Many portable power tool manufacturers utilize NiMH
technology for their batteries.
But weight (or the lack thereof) and power are only part of the story when it comes to
EV batteries.
Both must be achieved at a cost that enables EVs to be sold in a price range similar to
current gasoline automobiles. Only then will EVs become part of the mass automobile
Battery Technology: It’s Also About “Cost”
One look at the graph to the right tells us that right now, lithium-ion is twice as
expensive as any other technology.
But like everything else, mass production brings cost reduction. When that happens – in
the not too distant future – widespread adoption of EVs will become a reality.
Who’s going to buy all these EVs and where do they live? There’s no question that EV
sales will be brisk in the United States.
Nissan has already received 85,000 pre-orders for its EV entry, the LEAF.
But the real volumes will be in Asia. Sales in Japan and China are projected to be twice
as big as those in the United States.
The best way to invest in the EV battery sector is to invest in a company that produces
something all the battery makers need.
Lithium: The South American Connection
To make a lithium-ion battery, you start with lithium carbonate. It’s the form of the
Lithium-ion Batteries
Projected Worldwide Sales 2010-2015
Africa/Middle East
Asia Pacific
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
Latin America
North America
metal that’s used in lithium EV batteries.
Half of all the known lithium in the world is located in Bolivia but there’s just one
problem: The Bolivian government is fairly hostile to foreign investment. The leftist
government is building a pilot plant, but it’s questionable that it will ever get off the
Much of the current lithium carbonate production is centered in Argentina, Chile, the
United States and Australia. (Today, Chile is the leading lithium producer, followed by
Australia and Argentina.)
Deposits of lithium are found all over the world, but some of the largest are located in
South America, in the Andes Mountains. High in the mountains of Chile, Argentina and
Bolivia are dry lakebeds known as Salars.
A few dozen feet below the surface of the Salars are brine pools containing lithium
carbonate and a number of other dissolved chemicals. The brine is pumped into large
shallow pools where the water is allowed to evaporate.
The lithium carbonate is then separated from the other chemicals, purified and
packaged for shipment.
Half of the world’s proven reserves are in Bolivia’s Uyuni Desert. It is estimated to
contain about 5.4 million tons. As shown in the chart below, Argentina’s proven reserves
are the world’s largest. This estimate hasn’t been verified by USGS, so it remains suspect.
The Bolivian government is negotiating with Japanese, French and Korean companies
to build extraction plants to exploit its valuable resource.
In the not-to-distant future, China may become an important supplier of brine-source
lithium carbonate. China has plans for manufacturing facilities that would produce as much
as 55,000 tons of lithium per year.
Estimates of total recoverable lithium from known and unknown world reserves are
roughly 35 million tons. Currently, there are about 10 million tons of proven reserves.
The world’s largest producer of lithium carbonate is Sociedad Quimica y Minera de
Chile SA (NYSE: SQM). But it’s only a small part of SQM’s revenue stream.
SQM is a Chilean producer of specialty plant nutrients and chemicals. Historically,
most of its revenue and profit has come from its fertilizer business.
The company is the largest producer of iodine in the world. Iodine is used in numerous
Lithium Mine Production and Reserves
Proven Reserves
Probable Reserves
Not Available
Not Available
United States
World Totals
All figures in Metric Tons
medical applications, LCD displays and other products. But all those busineses will pale in
comparison to what’s about to happen to SQM’s lithium business. It’s SQM’s lithium
business that will ultimately be the crown jewel of the company.
The EV industry’s demand for lithium batteries is about to skyrocket, shooting up
hundreds of percentage points by the end of this year and into 2011. Why?
The EVs are coming. Customers have pre-ordered 85,000 Nissan LEAFs. They all
need lots and lots of lithium batteries.
Right now, only 25% of the all the lithium produced is used for batteries, mostly for
portable tools, cell phones and computers. That percentage stands to increase dramatically
once the demand for EVs is factored into the demand forecasts.
Fact: The automobile industry buys several years in advance of any given model year.
It has to. In order to produce enough cars in a timely fashion, parts have to be specified,
designed, manufactured and stocked.
That includes huge numbers of lithium batteries for all of those Chevy Volts, Nissan
LEAFs and other all-electric vehicles that manufacturers are bringing to market in 2012.
Those batteries are being ordered now and will be in production in the second half of
It’s all great news for SQM.
The company produces lithium carbonate at its Salar del Carmen facilities in Chile. The
process is relatively simple: It evaporates lithium-containing brines from salt flats it owns.
The lithium carbonate is then separated from other chemicals (some of which become
fertilizers), purified and packaged for shipment.
While there are literally dozens of companies jumping into lithium mining, SQM has a
huge advantage. Its cost structure is the lowest in the specialty chemical business.
As lithium production ramps up to meet increasing demand from the battery makers,
SQM is well positioned to gain the largest share of the worldwide lithium production.
The good news for investors is that SQM has historically been considered a fertilizer
stock. After all, as we mentioned previously, that’s still where most of its revenue comes
That sector is certainly still in the doldrums, having been passed over in the most recent
stock rally. That makes SQM not only undervalued from a fertilizer sector standpoint, but
also extremely undervalued as a lithium supplier.
Once analysts connect the future growth of the all-electric vehicle with what will be a
nearly endless demand for lithium carbonate, shares of SQM will soar into the stratosphere.
That makes it the perfect time to add a few shares of SQM to the Peak Energy
Strategist portfolio – well ahead of the big jump in demand, which could start as soon as
the end of 2010.
Action to Take: Buy Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA (NYSE: SQM) at market. I
recommend you use a 25% trailing stop to protect your principal and your profits.
About the Author:
David Fessler is the energy and infrastructure expert for
The Oxford Club, one of the world’s most exclusive and prestigious
networks of private investors.
A prolific writer, David writes Hot Stacked, a focused overview
of the energy and infrastructure markets appearing monthly in
The Communiqué.
He’s also the managing editor of Peak Energy Strategist,
The Oxford Club’s premium energy research service.
In addition, he’s a weekly contributor to Investment U, the Club’s free investment
education division with more than 355,000 active subscribers. His articles are syndicated
widely. Seeking Alpha has listed Dave in the group of the top 100 fastest growing authors
by readership.
David has appeared on the Glenn Beck Show on the Fox News Channel. He was one of
the first journalists to break the story on the commercial real estate crash.
Before retiring at the age of 47, David served as Vice-President for Strategic Business
at LTX Corporation. He was also Vice-President of Operations, Sales & Marketing for
Quality Telecommunications, Inc.
His success as an investor spans 35 years in the technology and energy sector. He owns
and operates two successful businesses.
He’s a degreed Electrical Engineer, and is a renowned specialist in the semiconductor,
telecommunications, energy and infrastructure sectors.
David, his wife Anne and their two sons, Jared and Noah, live in a 200-year-old stone
farmhouse in northeastern Pennsylvania. An avid cyclist, David also enjoys fly-fishing with
his sons, gardening with Anne and woodworking.
*IMPORTANT STOCK UPDATE: since this report was printed/written, Range
Resources Corp. hit our trailing stop and we were stopped out of the position. As a
result, we are no longer officially tracking it in the Peak Energy Portfolio. However, I
am still a big believer in the Natural Gas Sector and the future prospect of Range
Resources. If and when market conditions warrant I will consider re-entering a
position in Range Resources or a similiar company.
From time to time, The Oxford Club will recommend stock investments that will not be included in the VIP Trading Circle or in the
Communiqué’s Portfolios. There are certain situations where we feel a company may be an extraordinary value but may not necessarily fit
within the selection guidelines of these existing portfolios. In these cases, the recommendations are to be considered as speculative and
should not be considered as part of the Club’s more conservative Communiqué portfolio.
Also, by the time you receive this report, there is a chance that we may have exited a recommendation previously included in a VIP or
Communiqué portfolio. Occasionally, this happens because we use a disciplined “trailing stop” philosophy with our investments, meaning
that any time a company’s share price falls 25% from its high, we sell the stock.
NOTE: The Oxford Club is not a broker, dealer or licensed investment advisor. No person listed here should be
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Phone: 410.223.2643
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Special Research Report
Peak Energy: How to Play the Biggest Global
Trend of the Next 100 Years… Ahead of the
Coming $289 Billion Windfall
The year 1856 marked the beginning of the “Age of Oil.” For the last 154 years, it has provided
mankind with the cheapest form of energy in history.
But only a finite supply exists.
In other words, the end of the Age of Oil is on the horizon. Which puts us in the midst of an unprecedented profit opportunity.
Some believe the peak for oil has already passed. And, of course, there are concerns about the
potential effects fossil fuels are having on the Earth’s climate.
After oil’s recent peak of $147 a barrel, renewables like geothermal, solar, wind and others burst onto
the energy stage and quickly gained traction. But the reality is that the transition won’t happen
Challenges and concerns litter the path to global energy resource-sustainability. The socio-economic
implications are unprecedented…
Fortunately for us, so are the profit opportunities.
The research contained inside this Peak Energy TrendWatch report has the very real potential of
logging gains of historic proportions.
Each quarter, Peak Energy TrendWatch will highlight the world’s hottest energy trends. And provide
precise recommendations for playing them for double- and triple-digit gains.
Every blockbuster report will feature institutional-quality research.
You’ll hear about the latest news and exciting advances in alternative energy, fossil fuels, energy
infrastructure and the energy technology companies that pull it all together.
But while my research team and I dig deep, we’ll always keep it simple, which means you’ll know
exactly what you’re investing in and why.
You’ll also get Peak Energy Weekly, where I’ll give you sneak peeks into what I’m researching
or the next report. The weekly will also contain updates on all our current positions. And hot new
recommendations that just can’t wait for the next quarterly report.
We’re at the beginning of what I trust will be an exciting, fascinating and most importantly –
extremely profitable adventure.
Welcome to Peak Energy Strategist.
The master portfolio – The Peak Energy Portfolio – contains all our current picks. And provides
simple buy/sell/hold recommendations for all of them.