How to create SmartSystems XML config files Although you can start from scratch to create a xml config file for the SmartSystems agent on intermec devices, I will describe how you can do this with the help of a xml dump file. Tools needed • A Windows PC • A text editor of your choice (here I used TextPad, the free PsPad is also a good choice) • Optional: the free very recommended xml editor 'XML marker' by 'Symbol Click' • A dump of the current settings of an intermec device Creating xml dump file First you have to create a dump of the settings of a ready-to-use configured device. Intermec Settings (ICCU.exe) on the device can be started with an option to dump all settings into a file. First you need to know, where ICCU.exe is located. Normally this is \Windows\ICCU.exe. You have to specify the data model file, the IP, the help file location and the dump option. You can create a link file (ie 'dumpxml.lnk') to ICCU.exe on the device with the options with a simple text editor and use this lnk file to start the dump. Please ensure that you exit Intermec Settings and that Intermec Settings is not already running in the background. Otherwise using the dump option will fail. Here is a sample lnk file (all in ONE line and NO line break at the end!): 255#:\Windows\iccu.exe "/P\Windows\itcReaderDataModel.xml" /ip= "/H\Windows\IntermecSettingsHelp.htm" "/B=\iccu-dump.xml" Using this lnk file you will get a dump file named iccu-dump.xml in the root dir of your device. You can also use a little tool I wrote, which gets the right file locations and stops running ICCU before it is started with the dump options. The ARMv4 version of the tool The ARMv4i version of the tool 2005/6.1) ICCUdumpXML.exe ICCUdumpXML.exe (use this for devices with Mobile 2003) (use this for devices with Windows CE 4/5 or Mobile After you start the tool or the dump it takes a while and finally you will get all settings dumped into one xml file. With actual SmartSystems agents you can advise the agent to start the dump. Use this xml file and put it in \SmartSystems\SSConfigDir: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <DevInfo Action="Set"> <Subsystem Name="SS_Client"> <Group Name="FileSystem"> <Group Name="StartProcess"> <Field Name="File">\windows\iccu.exe</Field> <Field Name="Parameters">/P\windows\ITCReaderDataModel.xml /ip= /B=\myLocalSettings.xml</Field> </Group> </Group> </Subsystem> </DevInfo> When you got the dump, then copy the xml dump file to your PC. The new xml file Start your favourite text editor and enter some general lines: Cut and paste settings Now start XML marker and open the xml dump file. You will see one node at the left called DevInfo As we don't want to overwrite ALL settings with our settings xml file, we have to identify and extract only those settings that we really want to change. Here we look at the SubSystem "FunkSecurity" to get the current settings of the WLAN Funk Security client. Click on the plus sign left off DevInfo on the left and than browse the subsystem nodes for the subsystem "Funk Security". Click the subsystem with the right mouse key and select [Editor Select]. XML Marker will now select the right part of the xml file and you will see the highlighted text in the right part of the window. Do a right click on the marked text in the text window and then select "copy" to copy the text to the clipboard. Now switch to your text editor and insert the copied text before the line "</DevInfo>". As we only to setup Funk profile "Profile_1", we will delete all unnecessary lines from the new xml settings file now. Look for the line <Field Name="ActiveProfile">Profile_1</Field> <Group Name="Profile" Instance="Profile_1"> then scroll down and until you find the next line starting with </Group> The lines </Group> <Group Name="Profile" Instance="Profile_2"> mark the start of the next profile definition. Now you can delete everything starting with line <Group Name="Profile" Instance="Profile_2"> until the line </Subsystem> We now have shrinked the settings xml to only provide settings for Profile_1. Save this file, for example as WLANset.xml. Now copy the file into the \SmartSystems\SSConfigDir on another intermec device. The file will be taken by the background smartsystems agent process and the settings will be applied to the device. Last word Although you can change xml files also with your favourite text editor, you should try to work with XML marker as it cares about the structure of the file.
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