Refer to: Sanazaro PJ: Medical audit, continuing medical education and quality assurance. West J Med 125:241-252, Sep 1976 Special Article Medical Audit, Continuing Medical Education and Quality Assurance PAUL J. SANAZARO, MD, Berkeley Medical audit and continuing medical education (CME) are now the mainstays of quality assurance in hospitals. Audits should address problems that have serious consequences for patients if proper treatment is not given. The single most important step is the selection of, essential or scientific criteria that relate process to outcomes. CME does less than commonly believed to improve care. Today, quality assurance increasingly means a near-guarantee to every patient of appropriate treatment and fewest possible complications. Maintenance of the public trust rests on a firm commitment of the medical staff and board to this principle, implemented through an organized program of quality assurance. Under these conditions, medical audit and CME can effectively improve care by improving physician performance. TWENTY YEARS AGO, Lembcke systematically described medical auditing by scientific methods.' Today these methods are widely used and abused in assessing the technical quality of care. Medical auditing is done in most hospitals because the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals (JCAH) and the Professional Standards Review Organization program (PSRO) both require it.2-4 Along with this, continuing medical education (CME) is universally endorsed as the principal vehicle for maintaining medical competence.5 Considering the enormous amount of time and effort devoted to these activities nationally and the public's expectations of benefit from the results, we should critically examine the effectiveness of audit and CME in improving patient care Dr. Sanazaro is a private consultant in health services research and development and Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Reprint requests to: Paul J. Sanazaro, MD, 1126 Grizzly Peak Blvd., Berkeley, CA 94708. by improving physician performance. At stake is the medical profession's continuing autonomy in assuring the quality of care.6 Medical Audit The purpose of auditing is to assure that patients with specified conditions are receiving the full benefit of medical care with the least possible number of complications. The techniques for doing this are imperfect and are not standardized, despite the seemingly clear-cut methods described in official publications.278 Being retrospective and dependent entirely on information contained in the record, auditing can only assess limited aspects of the technical quality of care. Of central importance are the procedures for selecting a topic and adopting objective criteria. The proper approach to these two steps is a necessary condition for effective auditing directed to improving physician performance. THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 241 ASSURING QUALITY IN HOSPITALS ABBREVIATIONS USED IN TEXT CME=continuing medical education JCAH=Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals PAS=Professional Activities Study PEP=Professional Evaluation Procedure PSRO = Professional Standards Review Organization QAM=Quality Assurance Monitor RCT=randomized controlled trials Selection of Topic Medical audits should only examine important areas of care as originally suggested by Williamson.9"10 The disease or condition chosen should be curable, controllable or preventable. That is, an effective treatment or preventive measure exists for that condition which produces predictable clinical results or outcomes. Also it should be an established fact that patients suffer serious consequences complications of the disease or of the treatment, or both-if that treatment is not given properly. Priorities for possible audit subjects are decided on the basis of these considerations, as well as knowledge or suspicion of a particular problem. Selecting audit topics in this way assures the validity of the results and increases the likelihood of medical staff commitment to taking any needed corrective action. Secondary requirements in selecting topics are precision of diagnosis and frequency. Audits can be best applied to precisely defined primary diagnoses-for example, bacterial pneumonia of specified bacterial origin rather than all types and causes of pijeumonitis, or, diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis. The presence and severity of each diagnosis, condition or complication should be capable of objective confirmation, preferably by quantitative data. For example, one audit committee specified a blood glucose value of 200 mg per 100 ml or more plus a serum acetone value greater than 1:4 or blood pH less than 7.32, or both, as substantiating the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus plus ketoacidosis. Subdividing a diagnosis or condition into objectively specifiable manifestations, stages of severity or complications facilitates auditing and eliminates some of the drawbacks in using criteria.'1 The trade-off between importance and frequency in selecting a topic is straightforward. The more serious the consequences for any patient receiving inadequate or inappropriate treatment, the fewer the cases needed for a worthwhile audit. 242 SEPTEMBER 1976 * 125 * 3 Adoption of Criteria More than anything else, it is the type of criteria and the method of adopting them that determine the effectiveness of an audit in documenting whether medical care in the hospital meets high contemporary standards. Some physicians still quesdion the necessity of objective, written criteria, claiming they can readily and accurately judge the quality of care by reading their colleagues' charts. To a certain extent this is true. But the implicit criteria of quality which each physician carries with him may not be widely shared. Even physicians within the same specialty can differ surprisingly in their judgments regarding the quality of care as reflected in a particular record. Richardson found that as many as 16 to 28 physicians would have to read and judge each record to be 95 percent certain that care for that patient was or was not adequate.'2 It is clearly impossible for physicians to devote this much effort to such a task, and the alternative now in general use is to specify explicit, written criteria. These criteria enable nonphysician personnel to screen large numbers of records to identify potential instances of substandard care. Only those records so identified are then subjected to peer review. Whether the audit can be relied upon for evaluating physician performance and identifying important problems in patient care depends entirely on the method of choosing criteria. As shown in Table 1, there are only three basic types of criteria: statistical, ntormative and scientific. An understanding of their source and significance for purposes of quality assurance is necessary for making effective use of the audit. TABLE 1.-The Basic Types and Sources of Criteria for Medical Audits Type of Criteria Statistical (empirical) Source Regional or national statistics on length of stay, current practices, complications, mortality Normative (consensus) Consensus of physicians on proOptimal care cedures that constitute good medi(general cal care for a particular condition consensus) Essential (critical) Consensus of experts in a particular disease or condition on efficacious treatment and achievable clinical results for that condition Scientific (validated) Clinical research that objectively establishes the efficacy of treatment and its clinical results in specific conditions ASSURING QUALITY IN HOSPITALS Statistical criteria (also called empirical criteria) are derived from statistics on actual practice. They define what physicians presently do in the care of their patients. These statistics may come from the individual hospital's records or, more commonly, from hospital data abstracting systems, like Professional Activities Study (PAS) or California Health Data Corporation. The most widely used are the PAS regional statistics on length of stay.13 According to these, the average length of stay is longest in the East (8.3 days) and shortest in the West (6.2 days). Because of this, the PSRO program permits regional variations in setting criteria for length of stay. These differences have never been adequately explained, but they apparently do not relate to variations in quality of care. When national statistics on hospital care are based on a large and reasonably representative sample of hospitals, they may be taken as representing average physician performance. Examples of these are the 25th to 75th percentiles for a number of procedures as reported by the Quality Assurance Monitor (QAM) of PAS.14 According to the QAM reports, culture and sensitivity determinations are done in 14 to 39 percent of adult patients with pneumonia; in adult patients with acute pyelonephritis, the figures are 43 to 66 percent. If audit committees accept these statistics as reference points for setting their own criteria, they are equating the existing average level of practice TABLE 2.-Optimal Care Criteria for Acute Urinary Tract Infection"' Criterion Percent Observed History: Urination frequency ......... ............. Obstructive symptoms ......... ............ Pain . ................................... Hematuria .............................. Pattern of incontinence ........ ............ Chronology .............................. Previous urologic disease ....... ........... Physical Examination: Digital rectal and/or pelvic ....... .......... Bladder examination ......... ............. Kidney area examination ........ ........... Laboratory: Urinalysis with stain sediment or culture ..... Urine culture ............................. Sensitivity ............................... Complete blood count ......... ............ Renal function test ........... ............. Intravenous pyelogram unless prostatitis ...... Antibacterial therapy within one hour ..... ... Average Percent Observed 14 26 71 29 12 86 56 37 27 59 74 70 49 87 42 36 68 56 with the desired level of quality. Adopting such statistics amounts to endorsing the status quo. It is doubtful that any specialty or professional organization would endorse the national averages as characterizing quality of care. In short, statistical criteria may be useful in initially assigning lengths of stay, but they are not suitable for auditing the technical quality of care. Normative criteria (or corsensual criteria) represent the judgment of physicians regarding what ought to be done in the care of patients with certain diagnoses. There are two varieties of these. Optimal care criteria (or general consensus) incorporate the consensus of judgments by physicians regarding the elements of good or optimal medical care for a given condition. Essential criteria are developed by experts in the diagnosis and management of the particular diseases or conditions being considered. The most widely used normative criteria are optimal care criteria, first developed by Payne in Michigan.15 These are the ones referred to as "cookbook medicine" or "laundry lists"; they cannot be used to assess the technical quality of care. For example, in Table 2 are shown optimal care criteria for acute urinary tract infection as proposed and agreed upon by a committee of physicians.'6 The items represent local consensus on the best care for that condition. The figure to the right of each item in the table is the percent of charts in which that criterion was actually observed. Not a single criterion was met in 100 percent of charts, and the average for the study was 56 percent. Similar results were found when optimal care criteria were applied to 20 other diagnoses; an overall average of 71 percent was observed. Similar discrepancies between what physicians propose as elements of good care and what those same physicians actually do in the care of patients were reported by the American Society of Internal Medicine and by the American Academy of Pediatrics.17"18 This seems to pose a serious dilemma: If committees of physicians develop criteria for good care, and if these same physicians actually abide by fewer than 100 percent of their own criteria, then, by definition, does that not mean that their care is substandard? The fact is, the dilemma is a purely semantic one: there is no way of knowing whether the care of individual patients is optimal when the audit uses so-called optimal care criteria. There are two specific reasons for this. The first is that this type of criteria evolved from a study THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 243 ASSURING QUALITY IN HOSPITALS whose primary concern was the effective use of hospitals.'5"l'9 They were actually utilization criteria, intended to make certain that third parties would not deny payment for any procedures listed for particular diagnoses. Consequently, the original sets of criteria from Michigan contain all procedures that might be necessary in diagnosing or treating all patients with a particular diagnosis. The criteria are useful to fiscal intermediaries in deciding whether or not to pay for a procedure because their only consideration is that the procedure be consistent with the diagnosis. But when such lists as shown in Table 2 are used in a medical audit, there is no way of knowing which of the listed procedures was essential for the appropriate management of a particular patient. That is why Brook found that only 1 to 2 percent of the records in his study contained all the optimal care criteria listed by faculty members as assuring quality care.20 The second reason that these criteria are not suitable for evaluating the care given individual patients is the tendency to use the audit as an educational vehicle to promote better workups and writeups. The criteria often include a number of symptoms and signs whose presence or absence "should be recorded." But because no two physicians arrive at a diagnosis in the same way, audits which include such educationallyoriented items only show what everyone already knows: There is less in the record than should be there ideally. The fundamental shortcoming of optimal care criteria is their lack of relationship to outcomes.20 No matter how many or how few of the criteria are observed, there is little demonstrable relationship to the clinical results. In fact, the correlations can be negative, meaning that the larger the number of criteria met in the care of patients, the less favorable is the result.16 When adherence to a set of criteria cannot be shown to produce good results in individual patients, audits based on such criteria do little to promote quality of patient care. In contrast, essential criteria are indispensable to an effective audit. Essential criteria (also called critical criteria) apply to almost every patient with a specified condition because they stipulate elements of care known to produce the desired clinical results in patients with that condition. For this reason, essential criteria enable the medical staff to determine whether care of individual patients, and the results of that care, conform to contemporary high standards. The distinction be244 SEPTEMBER 1976 * 125 * 3 tween essential criteria and optimal care criteria was clarified by the efforts of Experimental Medical Care Review Organizations, originally those in Albemarle County (Virginia), Hawaii and Utah and, more recently, in Southern California."112123 The concept is promoted by the JCAH through the "critical management criteria" of its own audit format.2 Private Initiative in PSRO, a national project supported entirely by the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, is currently testing the applicability of essential criteria to concurrent monitoring of care.6 When used in a retrospective audit, essential criteria specify the objective data or information needed to: * substantiate the diagnosis and the presence or absence of complications or other conditions which influence treatment and prognosis; * document that each patient received treatment of established efficacy, given properly or to the proper end point; * document that each patient did not receive contraindicated treatment; * document that the expected clinical results were achieved in each patient. Essential criteria apply to "almost every patient" because they permit precise specification of a condition and incorporate only those elements of treatment known to be effective in producing the desired results for that condition. Essential criteria are based on the best available scientific evidence of efficacy in diagnosis and treatment. They may also be derived from the application of a basic principle. For example, the prerequisite for rational antibiotic therapy of a severe infection is identification of the causative organism, or, in urgent situations, taking the appropriate specimens before starting or modifying antibiotic treatment. The ideal criteria for an audit are purely scientific criteria derived from results of randomized clinical trials (RCT), but these are few and far between.24 One example is the RCT of length of stay for patients with uncomplicated myocardial infarction.25 Findings in this study showed that the clinical and functional results in patients in hospital for only 14 days are no different from those of patients in hospital for 21 days. Other examples of scientific criteria are those based on the results reported by the Veterans Administration Study Group on Antihypertensive Agents.26 Lowering the diastolic blood pressure of certain patients to specified levels significantly reduced ASSURING QUALITY IN HOSPITALS TABLE 3.-Professional Standards Review Organization Definitions of the Three Basic Types of Criteria'0 PSRO Ternm Type of Criteria Norms ... Statistical Standards . Normative, type unspecified Criteria .... Normative: general consensus or essential Scientific the incidence of serious or fatal complications in those patients. The data on reduced morbidity and mortality stand as scientific evidence of efficacy of lowering the blood pressure. Efficacy is what criteria for audits are all about. Scientific study establishes the degree of efficacy or effectiveness of drugs, treatments or operations in reducing mortality, preventing complications or objectively improving the patient's condition. Unfortunately, all this information is not assemblcd or published in a form that permits audit committees to pick out prespecified "scientific criteria." Instead, clinical experts must be relied on to identify the relatively few items that constitute essential criteria for therapy and the results of therapy.'; 10,2 Experts do this fairly quickly because they limit the criteria in their area of expertise to those that can be supported by scientific evidence. Many commonly used surgical and medical treatments have not been shown to be effective, and there is a growing challenge to the profession to submit them to clinical trials.24'28 As this is done, and biomedical and clinical research continue to yield more proven therapies, the scientific bases for criteria will grow. Medical auditing will then expedite the incorporation into hospital practice of the effective innovations and modifications derived from sound clinical research. One other consideration now enters discussions of criteria-namely, recent rulings on standards of reference in malpractice suits. Historically, courts have admitted expert testimony under the principle that a physician's performance should be compared with that of his peers in his own community. But in 1968 the Brune-Belinkoff decision established the precedent that competence be judged by national standards.29 The same standards apply to physicians in San Francisco and Baltimore alike. The basis for this ruling is the recognition that scientific criteria of care are generally applicable, without geographic variation. For example drug dosages do not show a regional variation, nor do the results of reducing diastolic blood pressure. The adoption of essential or scientific criteria makes it mandatory that the audit committee define every instance of nonadherence as an important deviation. As proposed by the JCAH, anything other than 100 percent adherence to essential treatment, in the absence of an adequate justification, calls for peer review.2 It is inappropriate to set arbitrary expected performance levels when using essential criteria. However, when criteria are selected by general consensus, the threshold for corrective action has to be set at some mutually agreed upon level below 100 percent because there is usually no objectively established relationship between the processes incorporated in the criteria and actual patient results. PSRO Definitions and Guidelines for Criteria The National Professional Standards Review Council has adopted different terms for the three types of criteria, and the accompanying definitions are potentially confusing.30 As shown in Table 3, the Council refers to statistical criteria as "norms." The QAM Report of PAS has adopted this definition and refers to the 25th to 75th percentiles of its national statistics as "norms."'14 But, as discussed above, statistical criteria are only averages. Although useful to some extent in analyzing length of stay, they cannot be construed as acceptable "norms" for purposes of evaluating quality of care. PSRO refers to normative criteria as "standards" but the manual also states that "crit_ria" are derived from professional expertise and professional literature. If the criteria are derived from expert professional judgment, they can be essential criteria, based on the best available scientific evidence of efficacy. However, "professional judgment" can also be the basis of optimal care criteria, which are not suitable for evaluating the technical quality of care. Similarly, "professional literature" may refer to results of soundly conducted clinical research (scientific criteria), or to expert opinion (essential criteria) or to general consensus. These overlapping meanings can mislead some PSRO's into adopting statistical or general consensus criteria for their audits. If so, these PSRO'S would inadvertently be maintaining and reinforcing the status quo of care even though their original intent might have been to raise the quality of care. It is therefore fortunate for the PSRO program THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 245 ASSURING QUALITY IN HOSPITALS and for medical auditing in general that the American Medical Association's Task Force on Guidelines of Care for PSRO's realized the importance of the fundamental distinction between optimal care (general consensus) and essential criteria. Its first report was illustrated by several lists of the former but it offered no clear statement on their proper use. Subsequently, the Task Force did an about-face: it endorsed critical or essential criteria and cogently defined their rationale and proper use.32 Everyone concerned with medical auditing should set aside time to study these two reports side by side. This comparison will make clear the necessity to use essential or critical criteria in medical care evaluation studies directed to quality assurance. "Process" and "Outcome" Critics of "process" criteria still argue that the only valid basis of assessing medical care is the "outcome." Three things need to be said about this. First, just about everything a physician does in the care of his patients (process) can have either the desired positive effect (that is, a beneficial outcome) or a negative effect (that is, a detrimental outcome).33 Second, essential, scientific or critical management criteria are process criteria which are predictive of outcomes that may be immediately observable or long-term and not apparent for one or more years. Examples of the former are the rapid clinical recovery from properly managed nonmalignant intestinal obstruction or from diabetes with ketoacidosis. Examples of the latter are control of diastolic blood pressure in severe hypertension and internal fixation of a hip fracture. Third, and most pertinent to this discussion, outcomes cannot properly be included in an audit unless they are directly attributable to medical care (process) received in the hospital. Viewed in this light, the tiresome arguments over "process versus outcome" are irrelevant. Any process included in an audit must be related to predictable and objectively definable outcomes, and any outcomes that are examined must be directly caused by specified procedures. Therefore, essential criteria for both process and outcome must be specifiable for any audit. In practical terms, most outcome audits address preventable or treatable complications of the disease or of its surgical or medical treatment. If such are found in a higher proportion of patients than reported in the best available clinical studies, the causes of the unacceptably high rates can then be 246 SEPTEMBER 1976 * 125 * 3 discovered by applying essential (critical management) criteria to the steps taken for the prevention and management of those complications. This approach was proposed by Williamson and subsequently adopted by the JCAH Professional Evaluation Procedure (PEP) program.2'0 Even though touted as an outcome audit, PEP must limit itself to immediate outcomes caused by efficacious medical care received in the hospital. If clinical experts cannot specify essential process criteria (that is, no effective treatment exists), the topic is not suitable for an audit whose purpose is to evaluate physician performance, no matter what the analysis of outcomes shows. With the growing awareness of patient compliance as a determinant of proper management following discharge from hospital, results of patient education are now being proposed as legitimate, immediate outcomes of hospital care. These would define how well the patient should know and understand his or her own condition and his or her own responsibilities for continuing selfcare after discharge. At present, the methods for specifying and collecting such information in a dependable, useful and acceptable manner are not yet sufficiently refined for general adoption. The importance of documenting this information in selected situations seems clear.34 Continuing Medical Education In the past 20 years, the profession's own initiatives and governmental and societal pressures have combined to firmly establish CME as the third major segment of medical education for the purpose of improving medical competence and medical care.' The State of California has joined other states in a growing trend to enact legislation which requires participation in CME as a condition for the reregistration of the medical license.3' All of the 22 specialty boards of the American Board of Medical Specialties have endorsed the principle of periodic recertification. Ten have set target dates and two already offer examinations. This is powerful voluntary peer pressure to engage in self-education in order to maintain certification. The overall situation amounts to mandatory continuing education, stemming from the belief of organized medicine and state legislatures that CME assures better medical care. This belief has an obvious justification in the fact that it is impossible to remain abreast of new knowledge and techniques without an organized effort in continuing self-education. And the litera- ASSURING QUALITY IN HOSPITALS ture does contain many reports of improvement in medical care attributable to CME or simply feedback of information indicating substandard performance. --10.1516.l 4.36.37 Donabedian has compiled some of the previously unpublished reports to this effect. <8 But careful sifting of this literature for hard data leads to the surprising discovery that CME has seldom been reported to change physician behavior promptly or substantially.'3';9-42 A national symposium in 1975 described the scope and rationale of CME at length but presented few data on its effectiveness.43 CME is now generally believed to be more effective when directed to specific problems in patient care pinpointed by the audit. This is the wellknown bi-cycle model.944'45 Both JCAH and the PSRO program endorse this approach.2"46 But here again, published reports raise questions concerning the effectiveness of the bi-cycle approach in improving physician performance. For example, Table 4 lists the results of serial medical audits in the hospital in which the bi-cycle approach was first developed and applied.36 Note that in two years, CME produced approximately 50 percent improvement in each of three deficiencies found by audit. One has to wonder how many patients who passed through that hospital during those two years continued to receive the substandard care that had been identified by the first audit. One also has to ask whether the attending staff was TABLE 4.-Improvement in Specific Deficiencies Following Application of Bi-Cycle Model in One Hospital3 Deficiency 1966 1967 1968 Percent Percent Percent Complication rate following hysterectomy .................. 25 Pathology report inconsistent with ........ 45 acute appendicitis ...... Inappropriate use of antibiotics .... 70 21 13 37 52 19 40 TABLE 5.-Initial Physician Performance Index (1968) and Changes Following Two Years of Continuing Medical Education and Other Efforts to Improve Performance (1970-1971)'I Condition 1968 1970 1971 Percent Percent Percent Acute urinary tract infection ...... Chronic urinary tract infection ..... Chronic cholecystitis ............. Acute cholecystitis ............... Cancer of breast ................. Chronic heart disease ............. 63 43 68 75 67 61 Cerebrovascular insufficiency ...... 52 Cerebrovascular accident ......... 50 Average 58 67 54 76 79 79 64 59 55 66 60 53 66 89 78 69 60 56 65 really motivated to do something about the deficiencies; they may not have considered them particularly important. Payne has described the results of his two-year effort to improve physician performance by CME and other means.'6 Shown in Table 5 are the changes in physician performance index for eight diagnoses in one hospital. The improvements are uneven and not at all impressive. Similar disappointing improvement has been described at an academic center.47 What are the possible explanations for these results which are well below expectation? Apparently, some physicians look upon CME as an educational exercise, somehow divorced from their actions in treating patients. An illustration of this occurred in a community hospital in which medical audit showed that the medical staff failed to properly followup almost 90 percent of major laboratory abnormalities.45 Having agreed that this was highly unsatisfactory, the staff requested an educational conference directed to the documented shortcomings. Most of the medical staff participated and afterwards enthusiastically rated it as one of the best CME sessions they had ever attended. But as shown in Figure 1, their level of performance did not improve following the "successful" CME conference. A second explanation is that a physician's knowledge is not necessarily related to his actual performance. In the study referred to in Table 4, most of the physicians who were prescribing antibiotics inappropriately in a large proportion of their patients showed by written test before the CME effort that they already knew how to use antibiotics appropriately.36 Another report directly compared the level of knowledge and its application.48 In this study, 133 patients were evaluated by a team of physicians using a protocol. In 18 patients they diagnosed chronic urinary, tract infection on the basis of positive urine cultures. When these same 133 patients were examined in the medical clinic by clinical faculty members and senior medical students (with neither knowing of the prior evaluation), in only eight were positive cultures found. On two objective written tests, the physicians and students who missed more than half the diagnoses showed that they had above-average knowledge of how to recognize and treat chronic urinary infection. There was no consistent relationship between the scores on the test and actual performance in identifying patients with urinary infections. THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 247 ASSURING QUALITY IN HOSPITALS In the absence of alternatives, CME must remain the foundation stone of professional commitment to maintaining competence. But we should face up to some of its serious limitations. Specifically, CME cannot be relied upon to remove deficiencies in performance when the physicians in question already possess the necessary knowledge and simply do not apply it. Also, it is possible that those physicians most in need of CME are not able to attend conferences designed specifically to assist them in better understanding the reasons why a change in their performance is desirable. Then there is the observation that many physicians who are not providing adequate care nonetheless believe they are keeping up with new developments and feel no need for CME.49 And finally, it is a well documented fact that on the average, with advancing age, physicians devote less effort to CME, demonstrate less cognitive learning and perform at a lower level.41'4549-52 Physicians under 40 years of age do more in CME and achieve better results on tests and in practice than those past 60, on the average. Taken together, these considerations support the conclusion that CME may well be least effective in those who most need it. Many physicians now hold such a view. In an opinion poll of its members by the California Medical Association, 53 percent of respondents favored the concept of recertification, but only 6 percent would base this on "credit for CME."53 In 50 - g@ 40 - g 30 - Successful CM E conference E :: 20 - I c 10 - .- I I Dec. 1963 June 1964 Dec. 1964 Figure 1.-Percent of minimum adequate responses to abnormal test results before and after continuing medical education (CME) conference.0 248 SEPTEMBER 1976 * 125 * 3 contrast, 39 percent favored objective evaluation of clinical performance as a means of determining continuing competence. Among the professional societies, the American Society of Internal Medicine has adopted the position that assessment of physician competence should be based on his day-to-day performance, not "hours of CME" or scores on a written test.54 But such assessment is as yet neither technically adequate nor logistically feasible. This brings us full circle, back to the central question: what can be done to make the audit and CME more effective in assuring the technical quality of care? Quality Assurance Despite the rapid growth of medical auditing and CME, criticisms of the adequacy of self-regulation in assuring the quality of care persist.55-60 Stories in newspapers and magazines highlight peaks and valleys in the levels of quality. The continuing publicity given total health care expenditures and the emerging social and political policy goal of equity in health care are forcing a fundamental change in perspective. No longer is it sufficient that physicians have proper credentials and that hospitals be accredited. Even documenting that "on the average" the quality of care is "good" is no longer good enough. Quality assurance is now interpreted increasingly as a near-guarantee that the actual care given every patient meets the prevailing standards of quality. This is the emerging reality within which we must judge the present adequacy of medical auditing and CME. This position conflicts with commonly stated principles that have helped overcome physician resistance to auditing. For example, hospitalbased audit is still promoted in some quarters as an "educational audit" depicting "patterns of care" by "monitoring group performance." In the minds of most physicians, the audit is not intended and should not be used to examine the performance of individual practitioners. Reassuring as they may be, these premises are losing their validity in today's climate of public accountability. And although the profession has adopted CME as the best method of improving performance -by responding to "educational needs" found by audits-an impartial critic would have to conclude that CME, in and of itself, has too little effect on practice habits to be the mainstay of professional self-regulation of quality. ASSURING QUALITY IN HOSPITALS Factors That Improve Performance To better understand how medical auditing or CME, or both, can better contribute to quality assurance, it may be instructive to consider four circumstances under which the technical quality of care has been shown to improve impressively. These observations point to specific steps that can be taken to raise the level of performance. In England, surgeons at one hospital were asked to provide certain items of diagnostic clinical information to a team of investigators studying computer-assisted diagnosis.6" Examination of hospital records for the six months preceding this study showed that 40 percent of patients in whom there was a diagnosis of acute appendicitis came to operation with perforation or abscess. During the same period, in almost 30 percent of the patients with nonspecific severe abdominal pain in whom laparotomy was carried out, there were no positive findings at operation. The actual study lasted 19 months, during which time the surgeons provided the requested clinical data on each patient before deciding whether or not to operate. As shown in Figure 2, the rates for perforation or abscess and for negative findings on laparotomies decreased dramatically. The mere requirement that they provide systematic, critical clinical data apparently enabled the surgeons to improve their diagnostic skills and surgical judgment. The result was that serious, unnecessary 4- c 0 C) L. 0 Ruptured appendix CL or abscess Negative laparotomy for non-specific severe abdominal pain morbidity was prevented in most patients with acute appendicitis, and patients were spared more than half the unnecessary exploratory laparotomies for undiagnosed severe abdominal pain. But even more remarkably, four months after the study ended the rates had begun to revert toward the initial unnecessarily and undesirably high levels. The failure to sustain the much improved level of quality of care was not explained. It was established that there had been no change in policy, procedures, staff or equipment. Another factor shown to improve performance was the preparation of a protocol to guide physician's assistants and nurse practitioners in diagnosing and treating in patients presenting with acute sore throat.62 Unexpectedly, when the protocol was put into use, the performance of physicians also changed greatly in the desired direction, as shown in Table 6. Both the rigorous exercise of developing essential process criteria for the protocol and its continuing availability influenced the physicians to improve their recording habits and their treatment patterns substantially. TABLE 6.-Physician Performance Before and After Introduction of Protocol for Evaluation and Management of Patients with Acute Sore Throat" Items of Performance Before Protocol Percent Essential history recorded rheumatic fever ................. 1 drug allergy .................... 7 dysphagia ...................... 8 Throat culture performed ...... ..... 79 Complete blood count ordered ....... 27 Antibiotics given .................. 57 After Protocol Percent 97 94 100 90 14 18 TABLE 7.-Effect of a Computer Alert on Physician Performance' Indicated Change and Reason _7r] Start of study 19 months End of 4 months After study Study Figure 2.-Changes in frequency of ruptured appendix or abscess and of negative laparotomies during and after study of computer-assisted diagnosis.6" Proportion of Indicated Changes Made by Physicians Physicians Alerted by Using Regular Printout Records Reduce aspirin because possible cause of bleeding ....... ....... 2/5 Reduce triamterene, KCl because serum K>5 mEq/liter ..... .... 2/3 Adjust cardiac glycosides and K-wasting diuretics because serum K<3.5 mEq/liter ........ 4/8 Increase antihypertensives because of undertreatment ...... 8/14 Reduce thiazides because uric acid>9 mg/dl ...... ....... 2/7 Percent of indicated changes made by physicians ........ 49 THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 1/5 0/6 0/6 0/7 4 249 ASSURING QUALITY IN HOSPITALS Similar observations were reported when protocols were prepared for determining whether treatment prescribed in a clinic was insufficient, excessive or dangerous.' One group of clinicians received computer printouts that alerted them to the possible existence of these situations and suggested the appropriate responses, as defined by the protocols. The changes in treatment made by these clinicians were compared with those of a control group who received no such warnings while caring for similar patients. As seen in Table 7, a much higher proportion of indicated changes was made by those who received computer alerts. The explanation offered is that these warnings focused the clinicians' attention on a particular problem, forcing an explicit decision to continue the treatment or modify it, if in his judgment the situation so warranted. In the absence of such a warning system, many of those using the usual record apparently overlooked the potential danger signals. Assuming that the protocols for the suggested changes were valid, their use substantially improved the care of patients, increasing the likelihood of therapeutic benefit and reducing the risks of serious complications. A third documentation of sharp change in staff performance was provided by Lembcke in his classic report.' Conducting a medical audit at regular intervals in a hospital, he analyzed records to ascertain the number of unnecessary or un180 150 Interviews with surgeons - Criteria distributed - C - 0 z 60 - 30 - t Audit begun 13-week intervals Figure 3.-Effect of interviews and of distributing criteria on the number of cases of unnecessary operations.' 250 surance. A fourth factor known to be associated with a higher quality of care as reflected in physician performance is a teaching environment.64-8 The precise mechanisms which lead to better results have not been documented, but it seems that the teaching environment sets and maintains high expectations for the level of actual performance. For example, Stapleton observed that physicians ordered critical tests more frequently on the teaching than on the nonteaching wards of a hospital.6' In the New York studies, there was no real difference in quality of care attributable to certification or noncertification of the physicians, but care was superior in hospitals affiliated with a medical school.65'66 One obvious common denominator in the studies described above is a professionally acceptable form of surveillance or monitoring. Each of the techniques for monitoring achieved that which is impossible for CME: each influenced the physician at the time and place he was actually providing care to an individual patient. Acting directly or through enhanced awareness and motivation, each of these assisted the physician in applying more fully the information and skills that he already possessed. 120 0 c 90 justified pelvic operations. The results were reported in summary form to a joint liaison committee representing the medical staff, board, and administration, but the identities of various surgeons were not given. The "president of the medical staff, assisted by the physician members of the joint liaison committee, interviewed the surgeons with poor individual records and sought their compliance." As shown in Figure 3, there was prompt and striking reduction in the number of unnecessary operations. The criteria were then distributed to the staff near the end of the fourth audit period, and further improvement occurred. This illustrates the impact of a unified, genuine commitment of the staff, administration and board to improve the quality of care, once the precise deficiency and those responsible for it have been objectively and systematically identified by audits based on essential criteria. This conmmitment is clearly the sufficient condition for transforming audits, with or without CME, into powerful and effective instruments of quality as- SEPTEMBER 1976 * 125 * 3 The Public Trust and Quality Assurance It is natural for physicians to look at auditing primarily from the standpoint of its possible im- ASSURING QUALITY IN HOSPITALS plications for the physicians' status in that hospital, rather than its implications for patients' welfare. Yet, a hospital's obligation is to its patients. Its corporate legal responsibility calls for much more than passive concern over those patients about to be admitted to the hospital who will suffer unnecessary complications or deprivation of full benefit unless measures are taken to eliminate the deficiencies identified by audit.29'58 Corporate responsibility requires active and prompt correction of those deficiencies, followed by a suitable form and frequency of monitoring to assure that all patients are actually receiving the proper treatment and the expected results.2 This is the quality assurance cycle. The extent to which audit and CME will be judged to serve the public trust adequately will be in direct proportion to their proven effectiveness in making that cycle a reality. understanding of the scope and sources of deficiencies that are to be remedied. In less urgent situations, CME, if properly prescribed, may suffice. Depending on local resources and interests, other approaches as described above can be initiated to raise to standard levels some specific aspect of the quality of care. The continuing upsurge in public demand for accountability in quality is probably irreversible. In responding, the medical staff and hospital administration have one unassailable professional position: commitment to assuring every patient of full achievable benefit at least possible risk. This commitment is the cardinal prerequisite for quality assurance in its fullest contemporary meaning. In such settings properly designed medical audits and CME will be effective in improving physician performance. An Organized Program of Quality Assurance The present review of the medical audit indicates that it is not an all-purpose technique for assessing all important aspects of the technical quality of care. The present state of medical science is such that rigorous auditing can only be applied to a narrow segment of patient care. Therefore the full burden of professional monitoring should not rest on the medical audit committee(s) alone. Quality assurance requires an organized program encompassing the activities of all hospital and staff committees that bear on quality. These include departmental review committees, plus transfusion, infection, tissue, death and complications, emergency room, pharmacy or drug, and record committees, in addition to the audit and utilization review committees. There are advantages in coordinating all such 1. Lembcke PA: Medical auditing by scientific methods, illustrated by major female pelvic surgery. JAMA 162:646-655, 1956 2. The PEP Primer. Professional Evaluation Procedure for Auditing and Improving Patient Care. Chicago, Illinois, Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals, 1974 3. Goran MJ, Roberts JS, Kellogg M, et al: The PSRO hospital review system. Med Care 13:No. 4 (supplement), 1975 4. Goran MJ: The future of quality assurance in health care: Next steps from the perspective of the federal government. Bull NY Acad Med 52:177-184, 1976 5. Ruhe CHW: Governmental and societal pressures for programs of continuing medical education. Bull NY Acad Med 51: 707-718, 1975 6. Sanazaro PJ: Private Initiative in PSRO. N Engl J Med 293: 1023-1028, 1975 7. QRB. Quality Review Bulletin 1 :Nos. 1-12, 1974-5 and 2: Nos. 1-2, 1976 8. Educational Patient Care Workshop Program. California Medical Association/California Hospital Association, 1975 9. Williamson JW, Alexander M, Miller GE: Priorities in patient care research and continuing medical education. JAMA 204: 303-308, 1968 10. Williamson JW: Evaluating quality of patient care: A strategy relating outcome and process assessment. JAMA 218:564-569, REFERENCES quality-related committee work. 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