THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF ANAESTHETISTS ADVICE ON HOW TO COMPLETE THE FINAL MCQ EXAMINATION The question paper consists of 90 MCQs in three hours: 60 Multiple True/False (MTF) plus 30 x Single Best Answers (SBA) questions in three hours, comprising approximately: 20 MTF in advanced sciences to underpin anaesthetic practise, 20 MTF in General duties, 17 MTF in Specialist (essential units) , 3 MTF for optional units, 15 SBA in General duties (essential units), and 15 SBA in Specialist (essential units)/optional units MULTIPLE TRUE/FALSE SECTION (60 QUESTIONS) Each question consists of an initial statement followed by five items marked A to E. Each item may be true or false; it is possible for the five items in any one question to be all true, or all false, or any intermediate combination. First you should decide whether each item is true or false. To avoid frequent erasures on the Answer Sheet which may affect the scanning process you are strongly advised to mark your answers in the Question Booklet first. When you are satisfied with your choices you must transfer them to the Answer Sheet in the manner detailed below. Use only the pencil provided. Do not use pen or ballpoint For each question number on the Answer Sheet, there is a box labelled [ T ] TRUE, a box labelled [ F ] FALSE. If you believe an item to be true, mark the [ T ] box. If you believe a choice to be false, mark the [ F ] box. DO NOT make any mark outside the boxes. For example, if you decide that item D is true, that items A, B, C and E are false, you record this by making horizontal marks on the Answer Sheet with your pencil as shown below. A B C D E 7 [ T ] [F] [ T ] [F ] [ T ] [F ] [T] [F] [T] [F] Only make ONE MARK for each item (True or False). If you change your mind about an answer that you have marked on your sheet, you should rub out the mark with the eraser provided and mark the other box appropriately. You must erase all unwanted marks. 1 mark will be awarded for each correct answer. NO marks are subtracted for an incorrect answer. Ensure that you allow sufficient time to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet. SINGLE BEST ANSWER SECTION (30 QUESTIONS) Each question consists of an initial clinical scenario followed by five options marked A to E. For all the questions, the Single Best Answer is the response sought. Only mark one response to each question. More than one response to a question will result in a mark of zero for that question. To avoid frequent erasures on the Answer Sheet you are strongly advised to mark your answers in the Question Booklet first. When you are satisfied with your choices you must transfer them to the Answer Sheet in the manner detailed below. Use only the pencil provided. Do not use pen or ballpoint For each question number on the Answer Sheet, there is a box labelled [ A ], a box labelled [ B ], a box labelled [ C ], a box labelled [ D ] and a box labelled [ E ]. You can only select one option from the five available. If you believe an item to be the best possible answer from the 5 given, mark the appropriate box. Leave the other four boxes blank. DO NOT make any mark outside the boxes. You record your choice by making horizontal marks on the Answer Sheet with your pencil as shown below. If you change your mind about an answer that you have marked on your sheet, you should rub out the mark with the eraser provided and mark the other box appropriately. Failure to do so means that the scanner is likely to pick up the erased answer. You must erase all unwanted marks. Four marks will be awarded for each correct answer. NO marks are subtracted for an incorrect answer. Ensure that you allow sufficient time to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet. 18. [ A ] [B] [C] Copyright Reserved [D] [E] THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF ANAESTHETISTS Final FRCA Examination Advice on the Short Answer Question Paper The Short Answer Question paper consists of 12 compulsory questions. Candidates MUST answer all 12 questions. Candidates who do not do so will fail the written examination. Questions will be printed within the appropriate coloured book: Questions 1 & 2 Questions 3 & 4 Questions 5 & 6 Questions 7 & 8 Questions 9 & 10 Questions 11 & 12 Scrap paper/notes Book A (blue) Book B (pink) Book C (green) Book D (yellow) Book E (orange) Book F (grey) Book G (White) One question will be printed on the first page and the second question will be printed half-way through the book. Candidates must write their answer underneath the question in each of their six books. Candidate’s answers must not stray into the ‘examiner only’ area at the bottom of each page. Script written in the ‘examiner only’ area will not be considered as part of the answer given. A printed A4 list of the questions will also be provided alongside the question books as a check list/aid memoir for candidates. A separate booklet (Book G) will be provided to make notes, please ensure that you do not answer questions in this booklet. Continuation sheets will be available on demand and when these are used they must be incorporated into the appropriate place in the answer book and secured with the treasury tag provided. If a candidate realises they have written their answer(s) in the wrong book(s) before the end of the exam it is their responsibility to remedy the situation within the time allowed. Answers entered into the wrong book will not normally be marked but a candidate will not automatically be failed where they can be seen to have answered all 12 questions. Each question carries an equal number of marks but for the multipart questions there may be a different weighting (as a percentage) for each part. This is shown on the question paper to guide the candidates in their time management. Copyright Reserved
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