LOS ANGELES HERALD: SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20, 1894. IN SOUTCAHLIEFRONRNIA located in his neighborhood, and he thinks of going in for fattening sheep on the beet pulp. Mr. E. Stanton, of the Baginaw Lumber company of Williams, A. T., who teenred the contract to furnish 100,000 orange boxes for tbe orcbardists of the county, was in town on Tuesday, and went out to Brooksburst to be tbe guest He went to Riverside of Mr. Cargill. yesterday. Tbe supervisors have determined to expend $1000 in graveling tbe county road between Anaheim and Santa Ana, an advertisement elsewhere informing us of this important fact. A long suffering traveling public willrise up and refinery will probably be call them blessed. SANTA ANA. Conrt Notes?Tho Fizzle of the Grand Jury?Anaheim Notes. 19.?Your correspondstrolled into tbe Acme iron workß and found all the hands at work like beavers. Tbe shop can boast of something that few shops can: they have manufactured a dynamo from Santa Ana, Jan. ent today . which tbey light their whole machine shop and run an electrio motor in a bicycle repair Bbop two blocks away, making one ol tbe finest pieces of workmanship ever gotten up in the city. A number of crack shots, together with the medicine company who are giving free Bbows in, our city, are out in a four-horse 'bus to shoot duck and such other birds aa cannot get out of their way. Marco Forster of San Juan by the Sea is in our city today and reports everything in his part of the county in a flourishing condition. Louis Waldon's little boy is quite sick with typhoid fever. The little girl of A. Goodwins, who was reported Bick with the scarlet fever, is out today and getting along nicely. It was a very mild form. F. H. Corlla oi Oorlis Brothers livery stable haa gone over to Anaheim to make preparations to put in 50 acres of sugar beets. G. T. Corlis says he can run the livery and feed stable alone for a while, and says he will get there just the same. The funeral tbis morning of Homer Edwards was very largely attended|anda great many followed the remains to tbe cemetery. It ia doubly sad to see a young man cut down in the prime of life, when the gfnture looks so bright and hopeful before bim. Leonard Parker was granted a divorce today from Eva A. Parker. City Marshal Nichols, who has beentrying to get some clue tdN the thieves who robbed Mrs. Lyons' residence the other day, has run across a sausage sandwich that iB likely to lead to the discovery of tbe burglars. Tbe supervisors have advertised for bids for hauling gravel from the Santiago creek to gravel tbe road west of the Fifth street bridge; also for graveling the road lying north of the Orangs bridge towards Anaheim. Bids to state price per cubic yard for the delivery of the gravel on the roads at different points. For further information see J. W. Hawkins, S. Armor or L. Schorn. SITHKIOR COUST. Estate and guardianship of Paddock minors; account allowed. Estate of Truman, deceased; petition for probate of will taken nnder advisement. Estate of Parker, deceased; final account allowed and petition for distribution continued to February 2d. Estate of Whitson, deceased; petition of D. L>. Whitson for letters taken under advisement. EBtate and guardianship of Miguel Erreca; Bale of personal property ordered, family allowance of $30 per month and $15 perl month for the support of Erreca while in tbe insane asylum. Coppeot et al. vs. Smith et al.; demurrer continued to January 26th. Orange County Savings bank vs. B. F. Pritchard et al.; demurrer overruled for want of presentation. Yoch vs. Home Mutual Insurance company; demurrer to complaint taken under advisement. Yaugn vs. Knowlton et al.; demurrer to defendant McCheeney continued to January 26tb. Halverson vs. Nugent etal.; demurrer of defendants Lacy and Schneider sustained, witb leave to amend in 20 days. Parker vs. Parker; decree ordered as prayed for. In the matter of Preble vs. Orange county for services as constable, tbe suit came off today :u Judge Freeman's court, J. W. Landel acting. Preble got judgment for tbe amount claimed and costs, less $1.50 tbat the board cut him down when tbe bill was presented. Tbis trial cost tbe people nearly $50, and the taxpayers bave it to pay. Mr. J. A. Gaywood and family, recently from' Colorado, bave located on the corner of Olive and Third streets of tbis city. C. R. Candle, who' jb Buffered from a severe attack of' pneumonia, is sufficently recovered to be able to be around again. Elmer Atwood has made several extensive improvements on his place in tbe western part of the city. Tbe county clerk issued tbe following marriage licenses today: John Rudolph, aged 28, of Los Angeleß, and Ida Eummelen, aged 22, et Santa Ana; Charles B. Branch, aged and Fannie M. Gilmor, aged 20, both of San Jacinto. ANAHEIM. The Gazette of yesterday says: Mr. R. A. Oilman haa located temporarily at Upper Lake, Lake county, in ibe northern portion of tbe elate, and ie not expected home before next sum- mer. Miss Bertha Campbell of lowa and Miss Hattie Baker visited with friends in Orangethorpe during the week, the guests of Misses Lulu and Edith Loveing. > A mulatto known by the name of Charley, who has been hanging about the town for some weeks past, and wbo has been under the surveillance of the police as belonging to the light-fingered gentry, was seen abont Joseph Backs' furniture store a few evenings ago, shortly after which a large rockingchair that had been left on the sidewalk for dieplay waa missed. Deputy Marshal Bentz was notified, and went down to the houee on Center Btreet, below Clementina, where the fellow lived, but on making known his mission the head of the house refused him admittance. He returned for a search warrant, and on going to the house again had no trouble in finding tbe chair, which was returned to its owner. The mulatto escaped, having left town (be evening before the officers were notified of tbe theft. He is suspected of being implicated in the barber shop burglary, and officers are alter him. The grand jury, which ended its existence in such a blaze of red fire, and scattered consternation in the breasts of evil-doers throughout the connty, seems not to have been such a bad body of men after all, as the following would seem to show. Fred Goldthwaite, indicted for burglary; acquitted. and the water came down with great large numforce tearing np a ber of youn< orange trees and burying others in the mod and sand. A field of grain which waa just coming np was almost totally destroyed, part of it being washed np and the rest buried. The tracks of the Terminal were washed out for a considerable distance, although it is almost a mile away from the reservoir, showing the force of tbe water even at that distance. The break occurred in the sooth side of the reservoir and was about 15 feet wide, extending to the entire depth of the reservoir. The whole piece must have fallen out at once causing a frightful rush of water. The reservoir is a new one, being bnilt only last summer for tbe purpose of furnishing irrigating water for the many young orange orchards in the vicinity, and it is a myßtery what caused it to give away. The recent rains, however, must have injured the earth embankment, wbich was perhaps not properly made in the firat place, which, combined with the large amonnt of water, caused the accident. Tbe ranches of Messrs. McNally and Randall were the largest sufferers, both losing a large number of orange tress. TWENTY-EIGHT SHOW TIP. Only 28 men who are willing to work six hours a day In return for food and shelter have ao far shown up at the headquarters opened by the city for the This is benefit of the nnemployed. quite a difference from the 100 odd tramps wbicb made headquarters at the Gospel Union when tbat hospitable institution waa furnishing free accommoda Koala The scheme so far is working admirably, and the city is being rapidly freed from tbe crowd of tramps and hobos which have been infesting it. Only a few days ago a gang of 75 arrived here, having heard that a free soup house had been opened. When informed by tha marshal that there were six hours' work a day attached to the soup a general howl went around and the procession struck out for greener pastures. A policeman is on duty both day and Plez James, indicted for embezzle- night at the headquarters, who keeps a strict register of all applicants and see ment; acquitted. J. G. Marks, indicted on a similar that they are put to work at something. Most of tbem seem to be honest worksays acquitted. he willbe charge; Judge Freeman, indicted for horn- ingmen out of employment, only one swoggling the county treasury; says be being found begging later and he is in will be alive and well when many of the tbe lockup awaiting trial for vagrancy. Two meals a day are served, ene of the grand jurors are dead. And so on probably to tbe end of the men acting as cook. The establishment is being managed chapter. Tbe grand jury cost nearly $1000, and many taxpayers are asking very economically, and the plan promthemselves whether the game waa worth ises to be a success. the candle. ANNUAL V, M. C. A. LYCEUM MEETING. The firat annual meeting of the Y. M. PASADENA. 0. A. Lyceum league waa held at the The Tokom Incident ?A Reservoir rooma of the association last evening. Bnrst. Officers for the ensuing year were Pasadena, Jan. 19.?The finding of elected as follows: Prof. A. 8. Hamilton, president; J. Captain Yocum on South Raymond avenue last evening with a deep gash in his D. Habbick, vice-president; John M. recording secretary; A. M. Strong, throat, which came near terminating York, treasurer; George Taylor, corresponding his life, has been the chief topic of dis- secretary. Executive committee?J. G. cussion on the streets today. Rossiter, W. N. Campbell, William F. The fullaccount of the matter which Pascoe. Membership committee ?R. appeared in this morning's Herald was Collingwood, jr., J. H. Caldwell, Wm. read with much interest, and various A. Ward. Entertainment committee? H. Turner, Walter L. Froat, Joaeph theoriea advanced as to how the wound L. Grinnell. waa made. Reports were received from the variThe moßt probable one advanced, ous officers and committees showing however, is that tbe cut was tbe result the league to be in an excellent condiof an accident, and it ia understood tion. tbat the captain admits that this must FOOTBALL AT ALHAHBBA. instrument, a have been tbe case. The A lively game of football will be belonged to the sharp budding knife, wounded man, and be wae in the habit played on the Alhambra grounds tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 between tbe Paaof walking picking his teeth with it. ItiB now thought tbat in attempting adena high school team and the Alhamto get upon the sidewalk from the street bra club. while holding tbe knife in hie hand, he A number will go from this city to see stumbled and fell, running the sharp the game, which promises to be a good aB tbe teams one, blade into hia neck. are very evenly The location and nature of the wound matched. Much interest iB being taken all point to thia theory. The position in tbe game among the boys here, both on the right side of tbe neck would have in the high school and Throop Polytechmads it extremely difficult for him to nic, and some good games are promised on the home grounds soon. The team have done it himself. Tbe story first told, when in a half iB composed of the following playbeing condition, dazed about held up ers : Lee, c.; Randall, r.g.; Groesbeck, by three men is not now believed by the r.t.; Ned. Mey re, r.e.; Bandle, 1.g.; Walbridge, I.i ; Strong, 1.c.; Hart, h.b.; wonnded man himself. Late last evening he was removed to Freeman, h.b.; Buchanan, f '?. ; substibis home on North Lincoln avenne, and tutes, Yore and Hadley. has been resting fairly well ever since, NOTES. in charge of Dr. Rosenburger. meeting of the midwinter fair comA Today he waa extremely weak from loss of blood and bad some fever, but if mittee was held this morning and a plan of action marked out. there is no unfavorable turn hia recovTbe funeral of John Jacobs, wbo died ery willbe but a matter of time. at South Pasadena last night, will take A RESERVOIR. BREAKS. place Sunday at 2 p.m. at Reynolds & Last night one of che large reservora Van Nuys' parlors. All members of belonging to the Pasadena Improve- Kearny Camp, S. of V., are requested ment company, located in Altadena, to be preaent. about a mile north of the Terminal A surprise party waa given Mr. and track broke, tbe water rushing down in Mrs. Frank Sparrow, at their home on a perfect torrent cutting a ditch 200 feet Lincoln avenue, last evening, by a numwide and over a mile long in its course ber of friends. and doing considerable damage. Tbe Reserved seats for the performance of reservoir was one of the largest on the Fanny Rice in tbe new Jolly Surprise, held an immense amount at tbe opera house next Wednesday highlands and of water. Fortunately there were no evening, willbe on sale at the Pasadena bouses directly in the path of the flood musio store, Saturday morning at 10 and no buildinga were injured. The o'clock. Miss Rice will be greeted by a loss to fruit trees, grain, etc, is con- crowded house. Mr. O. H. Hanley is down from the siderable and willamount in the aggregate to a large sum. Where the resermountains for a few days. He iB at tbe very steep grade voir is located the ia bead of a company which is putting in a water system back of Old Baldy for the purpose of furnishing water to some 17,000 acres in Antelope valley, and has been directing the work for some months. Tbe snow, which is between 3 and 4 feet deep, interfered some with the work. Unlike the Dutch Process <|l No Alkalies Other Chemicals m fl 'V:VS\ ! Itt are used in the preparation of Baler & Go.'s Breakfast Cocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than, three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and basil* F. A. Jones, traveling freight agent of the Southern California railway, waa in town Tuesday on business connected with his road. Recorder Bowers, Deputy Clerk Beckett and Harry Jessen were among the Santa Ana delegation of Odd Fellows in attendance at the public installation of DIGESTED. officers Tuesday evening. Sold by Crocera everywhere. Mr. W. O. Pottei wis in from his Central ranch at ia on Monday and made ? pleasant call at this office. The sag&r W. Baker & Go., Dorchester, Mass. POMONA. or Winery. 19.?The sale ol the Rose estate property at auction in front Tha Sale of the Itose Property?Knd the Pomona, Jan. of the postofnce, at 2 o'clock this afternoon, failed again. It will now be sold at private sale. Some Lob Angelenos, Messrs. Stimpson and Dan Freeman, midwinter fair commissioners, were in our town today, and it was reported tbat the board of trade would meet some time tbis afternoon in reference to Pomona's exhibit at San Francisco. There was a very heavy fall of hail yesterday in tbe foothill region north of Pomona; it was small and did no injury ?melting away soon after it bad covered the ground. Pomona stands a chance of getting up some more squabbling over the liquor question, it seems, as two or three complaints bave been made against one of the saloons, and will,of course, bave to -*w ..?,..,.. be :not. Bind concert next Thursday evening, aad the dance. Another Demorest medal contest aoon ?thie time at the Methodist church. Pomona Progress: A carload shipment of dismantled casks from the Pomona winery, in a few days willcomplete for a time the work of demolition of tbe winery on Ellen street in this It means that tbe institution place. for wine-making in Pomona is a thing The property came into of tbe past. the possession of J. A. Packard of the Evergreen ranch, at Lordtburg, and the Pomona wine company, aa was said, long ago, watdiseolved. During the last tour months Mr. Packard bas been selling off the available assets about the winery property. The barrels, casks, cooper sbope, brandy house, engines, boilers and pumps have been removed and sold, and now immense casks that cost $12,000 in 1888 have been sold for onethird tbat sum. There are still several casks, tubs and puncheons in the building, but tbe great brick atructure is pretty well cleared out. The wine industry in California bas been a failure for seven years. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been lost in tbe remarkable falling off of prices in every form of wine and brandy in this atate, and, notwithstanding tbe cheerful predictione each year tbat the demand for California wine at good pricea would again become extenaive, tbe price of all vinoua products bas gone steadily down. In the famous wine districts of France and Germany the same atate of affaira obtains. The big brick building on the corner of Libbie and Ellen streets is to be converted into an olive and lemon curing establishment, and for tbis purpose a better-arranged and more carefully-built structure could hardly be erected. The walls, roof and floors are admirably adapted to oold storage purposes. Tbe large and growing acreage of lemons in Pomona valley makes auch an institution here a necessity. Mr. Packard himself willbave use for a cold storage and packing house for hia own lemon crop from his very large acreage in a few years more. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Snedaker died last evening of pneumonia. The funeral takes place tomorrow at 2p. m. from the residence on Phillips boulevard, eaat of Geary ave- | eaid Watts, bnt modem ethics Food 35 has some Rivera, Jan. 19.?The late cold anap did no damage here, Bave to some of the Tbe oranges are young nnrsery stock. uninjured and we will soon begin ship- ping. A nurseryman from Duarte brought dpwn a pretty fine specimen of a 2-yearold walnnt tree the other day, measuring 10 feet in height, and set it up alongside the drug store aa an object lesson to tbe walnut growers of tbis vicinity. Next day Mr. Dunton of Rivera brought one measuring 14 feet and placed it alongside the Duarte man's Mr. Fuller, who owns the epecimen. old Gate place, noticing the exhibition, sent one of his young trees out, measuring 19 feet 1 Thia ia a gennine growth? 2 years old next April?and remains on exhibition for all wbo wish to inspect it. The Duarte man should remove his tree, as it Buffers very much by comparison. The foothills are net in it when it comes to walnuts or walnut stock. The health of thia community ia very good. Rev. G. W. Maxson ia laid up from the effects of a bad cut on the anklejoint by an ax. Tbe little 4 year-old son of Mr. William Lively, near Santa Fe Springs, was brought in ior surgical treatment several days ago with a bad cut over the eye, resulting from undue familiarity with a recalcitrant colt. But he is running about aa lively as ever. Court Rivera 881, I. O. F., installed the following as officers for the ensuing year: C. R., J. L. Russell; V. C. R., F. W. Ford; secretary, Matt Moss; F. 8., L. 8. Purdy; treasurer, W. W.Wood; chaplain, Joel Standlee; S. W., John Sigrist; J. W., 8. Parsona; S. 8., Wm. M. Ralston; J. 8., W. D. Spencer; C. D., F. W. Guthrie; O. Phye., Wm. D. Groton. Rivera is becoming quite a lively town ?two revivals and a nightly dancing school in full blast. The revival services are being conducted by Rev. H. M. Bell in the Baptist church, and by the Holiness people in the Bryant building. _ HEAD OFFICE, 30 MONTGOMERY ST., BAN FRANCISCO. BUBRORIBED CAPITAL CAPITALPAID UP ? 9> < ?HJJ in this respect.therefore those «!j parents who wonld build np the physique oftheir children pay strict attention to their diet. Children are all fond of pastry; for this to be health?*| fully prepared, jj tI WENDELL EASTON. EASTON, ELDRIDGE & CO., Managers, v. J I-2Q P* A Cash on band and ln Dank United States bond* Demand loans Regular loans Pchool bonds and other Furniture and fixtures ._ Real estate J Recommended by the best Cooks. «gi r> jjj Made only by |fc> N.K. FAIRBANKS CO., ST. LOUIS and F W\\ CUPUMUffK m,jrTT\ cures Lost Man- jVfjUt L\ hood, Loss of Brain Power, Con1) sumption of the liraiu (pareises), Bleeplessness, Lack of Power,diz. J zincss Pains in tlie Back. Nervous J Prostration, Nervous Debility. ffc«tt||iV Varicocele, Constipation aiid will surely bring back the lost power cJtJ f* of mail. Prostatitis carries ofT our young and middle-aged men. I Enlarged prostate glund needs \m\j a >iuietiugyet powerful remeHuch is CUPIdial agent. DENE. Use CUPIDENE and vo (i dangerous operation. v <' \/M "* MfV / six IgJ / * in writing pi veil miller \ \'M * I money returned if perSw /vav*M \VI ftr maneut. cure is uot effected by O w boxes, Guarantee sent with mail orders jUBt trio the same. 411.00 a box, tt boxen for VS.OO hy mall. 6,000 Testimonials. Send for free circularsand testimonials. Address all mail orders to / / DA VOL MEDICINE CO. P. ©. Wf.tr Frnnrffycfl, ?nl SAr.M BY *. H. Hance, agent, 177-179 N. Hprfugst, FOR .... 159,500 00 113,522 93 195,497 24 20,40105 6,015 00 27,954 20 Capital stock paid ln in coin Surplus Undivided profit*. Circulation Depoaita $250,000 OO 6,000 00 5.177 00 ISR 000 00 260,22 Vao DIRECTORS O. H. CHURCHILL, W. L. GRAVES, W. S. DkVAN, |]> NEW YORK, BOSTON. $120,183 38 $643,403 «? $643,403 SO The National Bank o! California is cne oi tbe few banks that saccesifuily stood tfcosneck of the lste panic, and maintained full coin payments right through. The National Bank of Callforpla pays no interest on deposits in any form, offers ao tpesial inducements for business other than reliability when the customers exercise their rtajhttod* mand their money. ln the matter of loans it looks more to reliability than high rates of Interest, and desires aa loans except from good and reliable parties, and then exacts good security, bellaTlttt that \u25a0? bank Is better or more reliable than Its loans. Consult your physician up* J}»> on its healthfuluess. ).,, Bend three cents in stnmpstoN.K. Lw flgaw Falrbank A Co., OMcoco, for hand- I? Cottolene Cook Book, contain- Ijl;^ ««fll Home i!ig Bix hundred recipes, prepared by Jlf^ gjjrtj nine cmtnentaothorities ou cooking, Cottoleno is sold by al 1 grocers. <J] Benin all substitutes. j|> <M <3i Report for Year Endiucr Dec. 30, 1893. LIABILITIES. j RESOURCES. must be used as a shortening. Itis JOHN WOLFSKILL, GEORGE IRVINE, HADLHY. O.T.JOHNSON. E. F. C. KLOKKE, T. E. NHWI.IN, A. M. H SHERMAN, X. N. MCDONALD. JOHN M ,C^d^*Mj* QTATE LOAN AND TRUST CO. IF* N. W. Corner Second and Spring; Sts., Los Angeles, Cal. PAID-UP CAPITAL, $700,000. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $1,000,000. Interest at Five Per Cent Paid on Tim* Deposits. A General Banking Business Transacted. , ORIGINAL Geo. H. Bonebrake, P. M. Green, H. J Woollacott, MEDICAL&SURGICAL fee until not ; Cal. The leading SPECIALISTS in the West, and 9-'J4-dAW-6ml OLDEST SPECIALISTS on the Coast. Many years of practice in Europe and America. TO THE UNFORTUNATE. \u25a0fefem Ooner ol Commercial, 8m Francisco, o*l. Be- o! Sexual and iSnominal cllaeaaei, saok Bjs* Oonorrhea, Gleet, , , * KEELEY CURE IS LOCATED AT RIVERSIDE. omcE, ANGELES NATIONAL BANK, UNITED STATES \ Xti JI Ok aro tna^e atJ d now 0 av °id sickness ILvU H WV ant disease. Museum enlarged with \u25a0» ' thousands of new objects. cts. 750.000 91,280,000 officers 1 President Vice-President Caahier Assistant Cashier directors: W. H. Perry, Ozro W. Childs, J. B. Lancershim, C. B. Thorn, C. Ducommnn, H. W. Hellman, T. L. Dnqne, A. Glassell, I. W. Hellataa. Exchange for sale on all the principal,!pities of the United States, Europe, China and Japan. $600,000 57,500 557,500 Capital Surplus IlllllliaSl JOHN B. PLATER ROBT. S. BAKBR GEO* H. STEWART directors President Vlee-Pre*ld»nt ..Cashier : Jotham Bixby, Chas. Framan, L. T, Oarniey, Lewellyn Blxey, B. S, Baker, John E. Plater, Geo. H. Stewart, NATIONALBANK 101 S. Spring St., Nadeau block. Pret'dept L. N. BRBED WM. E. BOSBYSHSLL Vice-President C. N. FLINT Cashier W. H. HuLLIDAY Assistant Cashier S<OUTHERNCALIFORNIA > $200,000 25,000 600,000 Capital paid ln gold coin Surplus and undivided profits Authorized capital directors. T. Newell. Wm. H. Avery, H. Holllday, B. c. oosbyFrank Hader, D. Renting, 7-1 tf F. Bosbyshall. BANK OF LOS ANGBLEi, HEUNIVBR3ITY Broadway. corner ol and southeast First Capital stock, fully paid $100,000 75,000 Surplus WtDNEY, R. M. President. D. O. MILTIMORE, Vlce-Pres't. GEO. L. ARNOLD, Cashier, DIRECTORS: R. M. Wldney, D. 0. Mlltlmore, W. Little, 8. McKinlay, aJohn McArthur, J. H. Norton, L. J. P. Morrill. General banking business and loans on firstclass real estate ro'.icited. Buy and sell firstclass stocks, bonds and warrants. Parties wishing to invest in first-class securities, on either long or short time, can be accommodate!. NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGELEB jpiRST $400,000 CAPITALSTOCK 200,000 SURPLUS J. M. ELLIOTT, President. W. li. KERCHHOFF, V.-Pres. FRANK A. GIBSON, Cashier. G. B. SUAFPBR, Ass't Cashier. J. M. Elliott, J. D. Bloknell, H. Jevne, B. H. Mott, W. 0. Patterson, J. D. Hooker, Wm. G. Kerckhon* AVING3 BANK OF SOUTHERN NIA, S. B. Cor. cpring and Court its., Los Angeles, Cat $100,000 Capital stock 10,000 Surplus.. OFFICERS: Braly, H. President. J. Frank A. Gibson, V. Pres't. John M. Hall, Cashier. Arthur H. Braly, Ass't Cashier. Directors-H. Jevne. J. M. Elliott c. W. Has son, Hiram Maburv, frank A. Gibson, J. H. Braly, R. W. Poindexter, W. G. P&t.erson, H. U Drow, Simon Maicr. 11-29 tt Interest paid on all depoiits. rnZBNS' BANK, Stimson Block, Third and Spring T. W. Brotherton, President. T. 8. C. Lowe, Vice Pres't. F. D. Hall, Cashier. OALIFOst- GEORGE H. BONEBRAKE, President. F. 0. HOWES, Cashier. E. W. COE, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS. George H. Bonebrake, Warren Gillelen, P. M. Green, Chas. A. Marrlner, W. C. Brown, A. W. Francisco, I. P. Johnson, M. T, Allen, F. C. 9-15 tf Howes. $300,000. Capital stock paid np DIRECiORS; DEPOSITORY. Total ~l§ A 65 New Wilson Block Beware of dangerous Imitations, 10-31 to thsat 3m ie? Booms 1,3,5 and 7. $ 500,000 IIAIABW. HELLMAN... HERMAN W. HELLMAN JOHN MILNER H. J. FLEISHMAN L. N. Breed. H. Silas Holman, W. shell. M. Hagtn, Thomas Goss. Wm. The Only Genuine PROMISE nothID T^ltTT^ 1rVTT3T?T? WE mgthatwe can not IVJrMViIMVIOIi,X\., T i T\TT7C Who may be suffering from any of the ills peculiar to I A I IIr.N AJn.ls IUiJ their sex will do well to call and consult the doctors. COME AND BE HEALED. It matters not what your trouble may be, come and let the doctors examine your ca» -. If it is curable they will tell you so. Call and satisfy yourself that the doctors understand your case. Total _ LOB ANGELES COUNTT BABE, Temple Blook, i'JSHMStrioture, Syphilis la iM forms, Seminal Weakness, Impotenoy an* Lost Manhood per. manently cured. The sick aad afflicted should not fail to call upon bins. The Doctor has tray* eled extensively in Europe aad inspected thoroughly the various hospitals there, obtaining a great deal of valuable Information, w"lich noli competent to Impart te thaeuls need nf his tarvices. The Doctor cures where others fail. Try him. Da;, GIBBON will make no charge TTT> TTVT A 13 V KIDNEYABL.ADDKR unless he effects a oara Persons at a disUnos U Ivl.lvAX. I troubles, Weak Back, In- CURED AT HOME. All communications continence, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture and strictly confldentiaL All letters answered la Varicocele are quicklyand perfectly cured. Slain envelopes. Call or write. Andres* CONSULT US in person or by letter FIRST, DR. J. V. GIBBON. and time will be gained, money saved, and Box 1857. San Francisco, CaL years of suffering averted. ?tsatlea Lsa Angelas HaaAU. ia-17 iv guarantee, and that age, intogrity an d 111e-iong experience do not justify. Medicines sent anywhere by mail or express secure from observation. Consultation free and invite 1. Office hours 9 to 4, 7to H; Sunday 10 to 12. _ Capital (paid up) Surplus and profits AMERICA, BANK OF Formerly DISEASES of the BLOOD and SKIN, As Scrofula, Rheumatism. Eczema, BVcmi.is, etc., causing ulcers, ernptions, pain in bones, swelling of joints, enlarged glands, mucous patches in mouth, lullinghair and many other symptoms, are quickly removed, and ail poison thoroughly and permanently eradicated Irom the system by purely Vegetable Treatment. Impotency, Nervoas Spermatorrhoea, Debility, etc., resulting from youthful indiscretion, excesses ln matured years, and otner causes, inducing some of the iollowingsymptoms, as dizziness, confusion of Ideas, defective memory, aversion to soclutv, blotches, emissions, exhaustion, etc., etc are permanently cured. »-9 U AND MERCHANTS BANK Of Loa Angeles, Cal. Oldest and Largest Bank la Beathern California. FARMERS cured.) sion' 25 * Office?same Private 1051 Market Street?Diseases O, T. Johnson, B. F. Ball. A. A. Hubbard, W. 8. Cochran. James F. Towell. W. H. Crocker, Telfair Creighton, W P. Gardiner. \. V 241 8. Main St., Loa Angeles, JAS. V. TO WELL. See**. DIRECTORS. euro with my PAINLtSS PLASTEA 1 » J J iraHHiHBaK -Beat remedy otj jM|-B^^^Ml*'ltii earth 110 P»y niitil well. Book lent free with addresses of 300 % cured in Southern California ? most in breasts. women's venrs experience. mV^m^^SSLX^mW^ Mil S.R.CHAMLEY.M.D m Cm W Mi\ \V. Firstst., LOS ANGELES,CA U tvloaso send this to some one with, canceir INSTITUTE, (No OFFICERS. H. J. WOLLACOTT,V.-Pretft. "W. G. COCHRAN, Pres't. LOS ANGELES 1 mWB VW There aro hundreds of young and middle aged men whose nerve force declining, »ra who Buffer from debilitating dreams aud tliose Ills which follows from, excesses and over indulgences in early life. CJIIPIDEXE will give you back your life. You will be as powerfully strong after its use as you are now puriently weak. Are you In a premature oonflitiouf CUPIDRISR will stop this waste in a fortnight or three weeks. Impotency, sterility, -mental i ~ flliV/i "\i.B- incapacities are quickly cured jf mVf au<l speedily removed by tho use 3 21 S. Broa d war, Lo» AnCTleg. tf |i> DR. JORDAN & CO.'S GREAT MUSEUM OF AKATOMi ffgm IsHraa 1051 Market St., San Francisco Is the Great Life Giver. 6 «JLfc 1 (Betwi en Gih and 7th fits.) you Go and learn how wonderfully JJ DEPARTMENT, THE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA NATIONAL BANK, DEPOSITORY b> 241 - : DIRECTORS jP.OnOLEHE ;> THE NATIONAL BANK OF CALIFORNIA tend. $* > 1> R XE builds up. refreshes, invigorates all exhausted organs of tbo body. It is the great vegetable vitaiizer that destroyi tho germs of that insidious disease tvhi oh has wasted the SOO^M G. W. FRINK, 0. 8. BENEDICT, W. C. MURDOCH, GEORGE IABTQW. SOUTHERN lilt* Los Angeles Medical &Surgical Institute MW&fijrr jSW V/ f JY fa6»>y~Z?-iJL JWI Aly&r \u25a0SJLrA - *i,OO0.O»0 bexs or shareholders who desire to borrow lor tbe purpose of building homes, paying off existIng mortgages or any other legitimate purpose. All earnings are apportioned saml-aanaally among its shareholders. jif> claims Eye, Ear, Nose CUPIDENE CO spsrst'TS Ul Rev. David Tatum, a preacher and evangelist in the Quaker church of Denn 1 m CURED by our own ver, Colo., will lecture in tbe Union- I. A I fl1 T"iTsTT method, the KKH special only true way. Call avenue M. E. church Sunday evening, tininiUlll and investigate our treatment. It oosts you the 21st, at 7:30 o'clock, on Intemperance, the Home and Saloon and How to nothing. DISEASES OF Save tbe Boya. Rev. Tatum cornea well endorsed by the Quaker church, Miss t at Millard and others as a very logical and SCIENTIFICALLY TREATED. interesting speaker of more than 40 years' experience, preaching and lecturing through this country and Great Britain. The public is invited to atS. MAIN ST, TtTTT'S PILLS effective in results. Treasures. PACIFIC COAST SAVINGS SOCIETY, RIVERA. of ANGLO CALBAiljtji Mau.ger. Vice-President. PACiriU COAST SAVINftS SOCIETY "««T!«»f *»»*.- rejf" THF. * mutual ceiving deposits for specified term or subject to cheek. These fends, tofither with aaentfely installments on shares or subscriptions to Us paid np capital stock, are loaned only to Hs sasaa- deny this, and give the credit to the tailor. Itis questionable, however, if either are right. <J| BANKING nOVUKtI. WENDELLHBASTONi President. E J3 themakesmindthe tbat maa," ti Cw, nue. No Damise From Frost?Specimens Tonne Walnnt Trees. 8 Adniia- Building of men: stricture, loss of manhood, diseases of the skin and kidneys quickly cured without the use ot mercury. Treatment personally or by letter. Send C~ for book. When visiting the Midwinter Fair be sure and see Jordan's Museum. J. H Griffith, Pres'T J. T. Griffith, V.-Pres't. T. fl. Nichols, Secy and Treas. K. L Chandler, Superintendent. DIRECTORS I L. W. Blinn, T. D. Stimson, Andrew Mullea, J. M. Hale, J. Perclval. B. J. Waters, » Incubators, Bone Mills. Alfalfa Cutter!. Robert Hale. 10- 7tt JOHN D. MERCER, T OB ANGELES SAVINGS BANK. 117 East Second strait, No. 236 N. Main st, Los Angele*. 1j 9-1 6m CAPITAL STOCK $100,000 35,600 SURPLUS Hellman. Pres't. Plater, H. W. J. E. V-Pres't. Pilllug. Fine Gold W. M. Caswell, Cashier. Crown and Bridge Directors?l. W. Hellman, R. d. Baker, H. W. Hellman, J. E. Plater. I. W. Hellman. jr. Interest paid on deposits. Money to loan oa AllOperations first-class ieal es-ate. 11-1 tt Painless, J. M. Griffith Company, LUMBER DEALERS Painless Dentistry Manufacturers of And DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS A STAIRS Description. Every Mill Work of 16 tf 934 N. Alameda St.. Los Angeles. LAND FOR SALE. BY THE LOT OR ACRE, in Coiegrove, Cahuenga valley, a western suburb of Los Angeles, on the L. A. AP.R. R. do place like it lor a home. Location beautiful. The best of soil, water, ollmat?, scenery, aud frostless. Go and see lor yourself; a short drive out; or. take the Cahueuga dummy railroad. For further Information apply to C. COLE, 232 N. Main street, Los Angeles, or to SEWARD COLE 11-19 tl at Coiegrove. Kerekhoff-Cuzner , COMPANY MILLAND LUMBERBETAIL WHOLESALE AND Main Office: LOS ANBELSS. Wholesale Yard at SAN PEDRO. Branch Yards?Pomona. Pasadena, Laatanda, Asnsa, Burbank Planing Mills?Lea Angelas sad Pomona. Cargoes furnished to order. ESTABLISHED 1986 'Ik set TSETH ' 8- * UNION BANKOFSAVINGS SON?, STEVENS ft Zsuißftf* W\ io7Rn.°spr?ng'st. "wagon" material, *t HARD WOODS. CAPITALSTOCK, $200,000 223 S. Spring St., FREE EYES EXAMINED 6ir. l-ai : M. W. Stimson Wm.Fsrguson W. E. Ms¥ir Fint. Vln-rrot. Cutter C. 6. Harrison S. H. Matt R. M. Baker A. E. Pomarsy I RON, STEEL, QBCUBITY SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST ~ CO., 148-8. Main st. Horseshoes and Nails, Capital stock $200,000 Pre,. Blacksmith's Coal. Tools, Eta, F. N. T.Myers, M. 8. Hellman. V.-Pretn W. Pheips, Cashier. U7, IU and JOHN WIOMORE, 121 South Loa Angola* bSsrats W. D. Lcngyear, Ass't Cashier. Directors. T. L. Dnqne, Maurice a Hellmaa, J. M. r. Marble, J. A. Graves, H. L. Ptaney, J, F. Surtori, C. H, Sessions, J. R. Harris, J. H. Siiaukland, K. N. Myers, T.W. Phelps. 11-16 gsa STBKBT SAVINGS BANK ABtB Trust Comfanv- LIHKLETtER & WILUAKS7 DR. B. G. COLLINS, New Grocery Store MAIN428". OPTHALMIC OPTICIAN, with Los Angeles Optical Institute, 1-3 s. Spring St., in Wsaaesls laaaaerly, Lcs '""'h LOS ANGELES. OrFICKRQ AND DIRECTOR* . Capiial WBtwtdt. Mam st., Los Angelea, o*l. J. B. IMSKKKiihId Pits 11 sat 8.1;. HUBBKI.L Vlce-Presldaat We ffus-mniee tn sell nr>t-clas* groceries as J V. t\ ACH I'BL CuhlS ;cha«od .-y ahywhan In L.cr. a» ih r»n H. W. Mailman. If Cohn, 1. V.. Jonas. O T. Johnson, W. U. Kerckaoff, H. W. O'MelTea**, paid deposit*. 000 US DKIIVEttfeD ?.'»««. 12 21 lm Interest ou all 10 23 tl. Cor. Hoover St and Forrester Aye.
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