London MLE ­ Fronter – Waltham Forest Fronter User Level 1  How to login to Fronter Administrator

London MLE ­ Fronter – Waltham Forest Fronter User Level 1 How to login to Fronter To login to Fronter you will need to know your username and password. If you do not know your username or password then you must contact the ICT System Administrator. From the WSFG school network 1. Click on Start and then MLE Login or alternatively click on the MLE Login icon on the desktop or alternatively open Internet Explorer and from the school website home page click on MLE Login. 2. Now enter your username and password this will take you to your Today Page. NB: Be aware of security – logoff if you are not using Fronter – especially if you are in an area accessible to pupils. From any other location ­ Use these instructions if you are not in school 1. Open your web browser (This is probably Internet Explorer; Firefox or Safari) 2. In the address window type in­forest/login . The login page will open. 3. Add this address to your list of favourites or bookmarks so that next time you will not need to type in the address. 4. Now enter your username and password this will take you to your Today page. The Personal Toolbar – This toolbar will always remain at the top of the page Click here to get back to your Today Page. Click here to send an internal message using a Sticky. Click here to send or check staff email. Click here to send or check Groupwise email 1 Click here to search for a person, a class or a room. Click here to open your calendar. Click here to open your online My Documents.
London MLE ­ Fronter – Waltham Forest How to change your password It is important that you change your password. 1. Once you have successfully logged in, click on your name (it is in the centre of the page just below the personal tool bar). 2. Your profile will appear, select Login info. 3. Enter your existing password and then your new password twice (It maybe wise to make your Fronter password the same as your network login password). 4. When you have finished click on Save (Bottom right­hand corner of the screen). How to view the Today page Click on the Today icon to view the today page (top left of the screen). This is the page that you will see every time you login. It is possible to personalise the Today Page according to your needs. For example you may want to have the staff bulletin; school calendar and a news feed from the BBC. You can customise your Today Page by clicking on Customise today (bottom right hand corner of the page). More on this in the Level 2 course. How to send internal messages – Stickies You can send a message using Internal Messages to any member of the school community. 1. Click on Internal Messages (This is in the personal toolbar) 2. Now choose New sticky 3. Select Add recipient 4. Type in the person’s name (the first name is usually enough) and then Search. 5. Select the person from the list (tick the box) and click on Add recipient.
2 London MLE ­ Fronter – Waltham Forest 6. Write your message in the box and then click on Send sticky 7. You can add an internal link using ­ Add internal link You can attach a link to any type of document, but it must be a document that has been uploaded to Fronter – This could be used to provide a link to minutes of meetings. 8. You can add an external link using ­ Add external link This can be used to attach a link to an external website How to add appointments to My Calendar If you click on My Calendar it will display any appointments that you make and it will also display items from the school calendar. School calendar items will appear as blue appointments and your own appointments will be green. 1. To make an appointment click on the appropriate part of the calendar. In the window that appears enter the title for the appointment and appropriate times. 2. Click on Save. Your appointment has now been saved. 3. To delete an appointment that you have made click on the appointment and then select More options. A new window will appear – at the bottom of the window click on Delete appointment.
3 London MLE ­ Fronter – Waltham Forest How to access rooms Fronter is built upon the idea of the virtual school being organised into buildings, corridors and rooms. As a user you will only see rooms that you have been given access to. Initially these rooms are:
ÿ A room for each of your classes
ÿ An Online Staff Resources room
ÿ An Online Student Resources room
ÿ A School Calendar room
ÿ A Staff Bulletin room
ÿ A Student Bulletin room How to view Online Staff Resources 1. Underneath the icons at the top of the screen you will find the room selector. 2. Select Display all rooms. 3. From the list of rooms choose Online Staff Resources. 4. You are able to select any of the folders and view any of the documents. 5. The Online Staff Resources room is designed to store any staff resources that are fairly fixed e.g. Staff handbook; class lists; performance management documents. NB: This resource library can only be accessed by staff – it is invisible to students. Summary Once you have completed Fronter User Level 1 you will be able to:
Login to Fronter
Change your password
Use the personal toolbar
Select a room
Add appointments to your calendar
Send an internal message (Sticky)
View online resources Fronter User Level 1 Test 1. Use the room selector to select the room Fronter User Level 1 2. You can review the materials online or go straight to the test.