Adding an Open House on MLXchange Residential

Adding an Open House on MLXchange Residential
The following provides steps to add an “open house” to your MLS listing on the MLXchange
Residential website.
1. Click on the TOOLS tab.
2. Click on the IMAGES section and click LISTING IMAGES.
3. Type in the MLS Number in the FIND A LISTING BY ML# field.
4. Click on the OPEN HOUSES section.
5. Click the ADD AN OPEN HOUSE button.
6. Enter in the open house date and times in their respective fields.
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Copyright REBGV
Revised Feb/2007
7. Select the respective type of open house from the drop down list.
PUBLIC – open houses for the public (will be posted on and overnight)
OFFICE ONLY – open houses for your office only.
MLS WIDE – open houses for agents.
8. Indicate if the open house will have refreshments available.
9. Click the SUBMIT button.
10. Your open house should then show up on the list similar to what’s shown below:
Computer Support
Monday to Friday (except holidays) 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Email us: [email protected]
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Copyright REBGV
Revised Feb/2007