1 6 Warning Signs of Aging

6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
6 Warning
Signs of Aging
And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex K1
Table of Contents:
Warning Sign #1..................................................................................................................03
Warning Sign #2..................................................................................................................03
Warning Sign #3..................................................................................................................04
Warning Sign #4..................................................................................................................05
Warning Sign #5..................................................................................................................06
Testimonials ........................................................................................................................08
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
It’s easy to see how aging changes a person, just look
to your immediate family and loved ones, the grand
parents, great grandparents ,etc. With the exception a
rare few who practice healthy living their entire lives,
most people past the age of 60 start to experience accelerated aging.
But what is aging and what are it’s warning signs?
There are seven definitive warning signs of aging that
you must know about so you can prevent and even
reverse them. Whole body vibration and the Noblerex
K1 addresses and helps ALL SIX. Of course we also recommend an organic and healthy diet, clean energized
and ionized water, clean air, full spectrum light, and
plenty of rest.
tually repairs and heals itself along with symptomatically reducing the pain? And without side effects.
The Noblerex K1 is medically approved to help with
joint health, flexibility and mobility AND it increases
circulation in both the cardiovascular and lymphatic
system. And the Nobblerex K1 vibration machine
reduces cortisol and increase endorphins (your bodies NATURAL pain killers). So you will give immediate
symptomatic relief PLUS the joints and areas of pain
will begin to heal and regenerate.
So let’s get right into it.
Warning Sign #1
Aches and Pains
The first telltale sign of aging is overall body aches and
pains, arthritis, back , neck and joint pain and a whole
plethora of pain related issues.
1 in 3 americans affected by more than 100 types of
arthritis that can result in severe pain. Low Back pain
affects 80% of all americans and at any given time 10%
are actually experiencing pain. Fibromylagia affects 12
million americans, most of which are women.
Pain is definitely one of the scourges of aging and
there are countless millions of Americans taking pain
medications by the handful.
Warning Sign #2
Osteoporosis and
We have 206 bones that comprise our entire skeletal
system that gives our body form, and structure and
with the help of the muscles, movement. Healthy
bones are one the most important keys to living a
long, healthy and “active” life.
Unfortunately, pain can be your friend, like a bright
red engine light in your car telling you something is
wrong. Just turning off the light won’t “really” fix the
problem. Suppressing symptoms with pain medications is not only is a temporary band-aid, ALL PAIN
Medications are inherently TOXIC to the body. Toxic in
the sense that they stress your liver and kidneys.
Osteoporosis is a condition that affects countless
individuals. A disease that targets the skeletal system,
this illness causes a loss of bone density through the
deterioration of tissue. As a result of this decrease in
bone mass, many individuals suffer from an increased
risk of fractures, particularly within their hips, wrists,
and spines. As such, this is a dangerous condition that
has the potential to cause a great deal of pain.
Wouldn’t you like to learn a natural and effective way
to reduce and fix pain in such a way that your body actually repairs and heals itself along with symptomati-
For example, according to JAMA (July 25, 2007 edition) more than 30,000 hip fractures occur every year.
And it is these hip fractures that are one of the main
reasons why people end up in a nursing home. What
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
most people don’t’ realize is, people don’t suddenly
fall and then break a bone. The break a bone and “then
fall”. Osteoporosis is a “life crippling” accident waiting
to happen.
of therapy increases bone mass in the same way
that traditional exercise routines do.
D. Whole body vibrations create the same physical
side effects as short-term resistance activities.
E. Circulation to the muscles and bones is enhanced,
allowing bones to benefit from a surge in the nutrients needed to improve bone density.
Whole body vibration, especially a medically approved
machine like the Noblerex K1 has been shown to assist
individuals in building their bone mass. In fact, this
form of therapy was first developed to help Russian
cosmonauts maintain their bone density while in
space. The exact way in which whole body vibration
achieves this goal is, as of yet, unknown; however,
there are several hypotheses that have been asserted
in an effort to explain the success of this form of treatment. Some of these hypotheses include:
While the benefits of whole body vibration in terms of
its treatment of osteoporosis have yet to be confirmed,
the use of whole body vibration has been recommended by several noteworthy organizations and
individuals. Most notably, the International Society of
Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions has encouraged individuals to seek vibration therapy when
looking to increase bone density or decrease their risk
of fracture.
Warning Sign #3
Muscle Weakness.
Poor Mobility and lack of
As we age, our muscle mass tends to decrease and
our fat and “gut” tends to increase. Even if we eat the
“same” diet with the “same” number of calories, most
people tend to STILL gain weight as they age. We’ll
get to the “weight” issue in the next section, but it’s
important to realize that it’s related to muscle, muscle
tone and strength.
A. Vibrations are amplified throughout the tissue of
the bone, thereby activating mechanosensors.
B. Bone-building activity, also called anabolic activity,
is increased, resulting in a higher degree of bone
C. The effects of whole body vibration mirror those of
weight-bearing exercise, indicating that this form
The cause for this decline in muscle tone, strength
and even sense of balance is due to a few factors that
result from aging. This can become crippling to the
point where weakness in the legs or other areas makes
it difficult to even get around.
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
On top of that it becomes increasingly difficult to
exercise (which improves strength) and a downward
spiral proceeds whereby most elderly get weaker and
weaker and it becomes more and more difficult to
The other reason for the decline in strength and
muscle tone is hormonal. As we age, our HGH (human growth hormone), testosterone in men (and also
women), levels decline and cortisol, adrenaline and
stress hormones increase. These youthful hormones
are ANABOLIC meaning they naturally increase muscle
tone. These hormones also keep us lean and our
metabolism high. Cortisol and stress hormones on the
other hand are CATABOLIC and they break down and
destroy muscle tissue (which destroys your strength).
These healthy hormones ALSO give you YOUR SEX
DRIVE (or lack of it if you are deficient).
Whole body vibration (especially a medically approved device like the Noblerex K1 is a gentle, fun
AND EASY way to give your body full hours worth of
exercise in just 10 minutes. The Noblerex K1 stimulates
upwards to 96 to 97%t versus maybe 50% with traditional exercise because it recruits and strengthens
involuntary muscles as well.
When we’re talking to others about the Noblerex K1)
and say ‘whole body vibration’, that’s just exactly what
it is. It’s total-body or full-body vibration. With most
exercise, you’re only stimulating the skeletal muscles,
or the muscles you can control with your mind. For
example, when you work out with weights, you’re
working out your skeletal muscles.
However, there are actually many more muscles in
your body that are involuntary, smooth muscles. That’s
why urinary incontinence and many other conditions
are helped, because almost every muscle in your body
is getting stimulated.
Don’t forget about the increases in strength. Even for
elderly people that can’t move around – it increases
their strength up to 50% in as little as three weeks.
Some people can hardly get out of a chair as they get
older, let alone get around very well. We wish every
nursing home in this country could have a K-1 Platinum because people would be walking out of the
nursing homes! Some people would if they used it,
because they’d be getting stronger.
Warning Sign #4
Obesity and diabetes
Along with decreased strength, we tend to lose muscle and gain fat as we age. This is definetely one of the
most difficult aspects of aging. It becomes more and
more difficult to stay lean and fit because our anabolic
hormones (HGH and Testosterone) decline. So we can
gain weight by even eating the same diet.
Obesity is the leading marker for having a heart attack,
cancer, type 2 diabetes along with
many other joint and mobility issues and many other
problems. By simply losing weight and getting fit, you
many other joint and mobility issues and many other
problems. By simply losing weight and getting fit, you
reduce the risk of getting MOST known diseases and
health problems.
Whole body vibration (especially a medically approved
device like the Noblerex K1), has been proven to assist
in weight loss in at least 7 ways:
A. Boosts Calories Burned
Whole body vibration exercise burns a massive
amount of calories in a relatively short period of
time compared to traditional rotational exercise.
Depending on your size, metabolism, and what you
do on the machine, you can burn up to 500 calories
in 10 minutes! This is because of A) an extremely
rapid muscle contraction is attained (up to 28 times
per second) and B) about 97% of your muscle fibers
are utilized compared to about 45% of your muscle
fibers with conventional resistance training. These
two factors cause a calorie burn that is unmatched
off the vibration machine.
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
B. Boosts Metabolism
Whole body vibration has been shown to boost
resting metabolism–this your metabolism as you’re
sitting down or sleeping. Increased metabolism is
absolutely crucial to weight loss success, especially
if you’ve been in a calorie deficit type of diet for a
while or already have a sluggish metabolism. Having a slow metabolism makes weight loss extremely difficult even with good diet and exercise.
C. Supports fat loss, not just weight loss
When people say “I want to lose weight,” what they
really mean is “I want to lose fat.” They don’t really
want to lose any muscle because muscle helps our
body not only look shapely and toned but because
muscles burn more calories than fat, they help
us stay trim and lean. In any weight loss program
where you’re eating and/or exercising less, there
lies the risk of loosing valuable muscle mass. The
rapid vibrations of the vibration machine ensure
you’re using all of your muscles every day so muscle loss will therefore be at an absolute minimum.
using all of your muscles every day so muscle loss
will therefore be at an absolute minimum.
D. Boosts Human Growth Hormone
It was found by Carmelo Bosco, renowned biomedical and exercise scientist, that whole body vibration
exercise boosts Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
secretion by about 361%. HGH is a youthing hormone that the Hollywood stars pay big bucks for
get in order to stay looking and feeling young. We
generally make less HGH when we get older and
this decrease plays a large part in muscle loss and
increased weight gain. The Noblerex K1 vibration
trainer naturally raises your HGH levels and therefore helps create a more lean, trim, and strong body
as well provides you with the many other benefits
of HGH.
E. Decreases cortisol
Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone.
Research has found that it promotes weight gain
particularly around the belly and so it is commonly
the culprit behind stubborn belly fat. Stress could
very well be the one of the reasons we experience
weight gain. Vibration exercise has been found to
reduce cortisol levels by up to 30%, making this
type of workout an important component to a
long-term weight loss (and belly-loss) program.
F. Improves Blood Oxygenation and
Improved blood health significantly helps you shed
and reduce the appearance of cellulite and varicose
veins. Oxygen is great fuel for your muscles and
brain too!
G. Improves lymphatic health
Most people don’t pay too much attention to their
lymphatic system although this system plays a
huge role in detoxification. Over time, lymph nodes
around the body can accumulate fat deposits, toxins, and metabolic waste that needs to be moved
out. This waste can create excess weight for you.
The lymph system does not have a built-in pump
like the heart does so it relies entirely up to us to
move and exercise to get it moving. Oscillating/pivotal whole body vibration is one of the easiest and
most efficient ways to exercise the lymph and get
that material out.
Warning Sign #5
Poor circulation , numbness and neuropathy
The primary function of the circulatory system is to
deliver oxygen and nutrients TO THE CELLS and remove waste products FROM THE CELLS to the organs
of elimination. The cardiovascular and respiratory
systems are intimately intertwined and are literally the
“heart” and center of our life and health.
Poor circulation, a weak heart and numbness, tingling
and conditions like restless leg syndrome all stem for
a bad circulation and blockages to the flow of blood,
oxygen and nutrients to the cells. This crippling aspect
of agin also gives rise to wrinkles, varicose veins, baldness and an overall look of feeling and looking old.
Even lack of libido and sex drive stems from bad circulation to those “important areas”.
The key elements of whole body vibration research
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
shows how devices like the Noblerex K1 assist in better
circulation in 3 Key ways.
resulting vasodilatation and increased blood flow.
Because of this it enhances the function of the heart
(lowers blood pressure and improves circulation),
increases libido, and oxygenates the cells. Whole body
vibration helps with the release of Nitric Oxide which
is one of the REAL KEYS to good circulation.
3. Improved Oxygenation
Whole body vibration therapy helps on many levels
to improve oxygenation of the cells. The key is the
enhanced vascularity and microcirculation which
helps the body to better deliver oxygen to the cells for
increased health and energy.
Warning Sign #6
Lack of sleep and fatigue
1. Angiogenesis
Angiogenesis research (seen with doppler studies)
shows how whole body vibration helps with the
formation of new blood vessels and improved microcirculation at the capillary level. Angiogenesis is the
physiological process involving the growth of new
blood vessels from pre-existing vessels. This is one of
the most exciting facets of whole body vibration because improved circulation lies at the heart of healing,
regeneration and overall health and wellness.
2. Increased Nitric Oxide (NO)
NO is an important biological regulator and is a fundamental component in the fields of Neuroscience,
physiology and immunology with discovery of its
key roles leading to Nobel Prize winning research in
these areas. It was proclaimed “Molecule of the Year” in
Nitric Oxide is a gaseous messenger molecule formed
in the inner lining of the blood and lymph vessels. It
signals surrounding smooth muscles to relax, thus
It is estimated that 60% of Americans have trouble
falling asleep according to National Sleep Foundation
(stress, apnea, stimulation, complications medication,
etc). Even healthy people can have intermittent nights
of restless and lack of deep sleep.
It is important to EMPHASIZE that the body HEALS, REPAIRS and REGENERATES itself during deep sleep. You
need at least 6-7 hours of sleep a night, ideally around
8. HGH and Melatonin are produced during deep sleep
and both these hormones are KNOWN for their antiaging and youthing properties.
Also, an obvious problem with lack of deep sleep is
fatigue and lethargy. Just not having enough energy
to really do anything.
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
Along with increases the beneficials mouthing hormones like HGH (which help with sleep), Whole body
vibration helps to improve lymphatic movement
which relaxes the muscles and body. This is one of the
primary reasons massages are so relaxing and rejuvenating. Using a medically proven whole body vibration
machine like the Noblerex K1 is like giving your body a
See How the Noblerex K1 has helped
People with the Following Conditions
been using a treadmill for about 45 minutes at a
time every other day or so. So, I was in good physical shape, but the exercise exacerbated the situation. My husband and I pondered whether or not
to spend the $$ on a questionable machine, but we
did and I am glad we did. Now, I am virtually pain
free and I can still use the treadmill.”
Thanks, Anne A, NC
will be 62 years old in January 2007, and have
“ Ibeen
ill since I was six weeks old. My doctors have
Testimonials - Body Pain
said I had little to no immunity.
used chiropractic adjustment over the years
“ Itohave
re-balance my body when neck, back or hips
In 1981 found out I was allergic to potatoes and
many other foods. At eleven years old, I injured my
lower spine with spinal nerve damage (had paralysis for awhile). And since that injury (until I used the
vibration machine) had severe sciatic pain (down
both legs) and low back pain. I had been hospitalized many times, saw many doctors, [and] was on
cortisone for twenty-five years.
were in pain and needed an alignment. I am very
familiar with the process of going for multiple
treatments if the “outage” is severe.
For over a week prior to using the K-1 machine
for the first time, the entire right side of my body
had been in pain, in my shoulder and upper back,
and from my hip to my ankle. I almost booked an
appointment with my chiropractor, when Silas
(Tara) suggested I try the K-1 machine. After only
10 minutes of low-level oscillation, the lower body
readjusted and I was no longer in pain. A couple
of days later, I returned and worked specifically on
the upper body areas, and, amazingly, my shoulder
realigned itself and I was good as new. Plus, my
lymph system was well-drained in the process.
Needless to say I was a mess and the doctors
couldn’t help me. So I suffered with extreme itching
(due to the cortisone) and general muscle-skeletal
pain. I also had frequent problems with my balance;
having been treated by at least ten chiropractors.
I now only see holistic/naturopathic doctors and
have learned to be very in tuned with what is good
for my body. I think now that I have my machine I
will no longer need to see my massage therapist or
I recommend the regular use of the K-1 machine
as a part of your foundational health and wellness program. When I think of all the money I have
spent on chiropractic treatments over the years,
the cost of the machine is more than justified.
Alia C
cannot tell you how much this machine has
“ “Ihelped
me. I have had hip/sciatic pain for many
years and have been using chiropractors to help
alleviate the pain. Chiropractors have helped, but
the irritation returns shortly and so does another
trip to the doctor. Before your Noblerex came, I had
After the first time on my friend’s K-1 machine, I
had immediate improvement in my equilibrium.
My friend could not believe it. I knew then I had to
have one.
Connie B
The K1 Changed My Life in Only 4 Days - Unbearable Back Pain Reversed
If I had to sum up the Noblerex K-1 Platinum
Whole Body Vibration Exercise Machine in one
sentence I would say...Do Not Live Without It!!!! I
have MS and Fibromyalgia. Before I started using
the K-1 Machine I also had 5 bulging discs, con-
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
firmed by MRI reports. The back pain I endured
was horrific. I could not stand straight for months
and within 4 days of using the K-1 machine I was
walking around straight up with no pain!! I cannot explain the difference in my body from using
the K-1 machine but no worries, I have no complaints. 10 minutes, two times a day, who doesn’t
have time for that? And to feel human again is
the most incredible gift I have ever received. My
whole hearted thank you to Dr. Gilles and her
wonderful staff!
I definitely recommend the K-1 Whole Body
Vibration Machine.
Thanks, Anne A, NC
“ Goes From Wheelchair to Walking & Working!
Before I received my machine I could not walk any
distance without my cane and even very short
distances, and with a lot of hurt. When going to a
store I would have to use a wheelchair. I could not
get up from a sitting position without help. I had
so much constant pain in my neck that I had used
heat to relieve the pain. I could not turn my head
without painful cracking. No pills or heat helped. I
could not even bend over to tie my shoes or pick
up anything from the floor.
Now I have this machine for five weeks and all
this is gone. I can walk without my cane, I have
cancelled a nerve block for my neck, I am all over
my yard and house. I even loaded a wheelbarrow
with firewood and pushed to outside fire and then
built a fire. I can do my vacuuming. The changes in
my life are so amazing that any one who saw me
a month ago cannot believe how I am today, but
the changes began after the first use. My husband
could not believe what he was seeing. The improvements keep on daily. I am now pain free, and
never go without this machine.
Very sincerely and truthfully yours,
Jan Fish
Gone, White Hair Turns Black and
“ Cramping
Bones as Strong as Steel
“The K-1 exerciser has been phenomenal. The
amazing benefits started the first week. For four
years, I had $200 special massages to break up the
blockages in my body and also stop my feet from
cramping and the toes from contorting every time I
was in my exercise class, but the cramping was getting worse. The cramping finally disappeared the
first week on the K-1, and I no longer have to stop
while exercising to release the toes. For the past 29
years, I have had back and hip problems due to a
freak accident. I had a big lump on the side of my
neck which the massages and chiropractics never
took away for long. The lump also disappeared in
the first week. I’ve also had a vertebra between my
shoulder blades that always felt as though it was
popped backwards out of alignment. When I was
told how to sit on the machine, this problem disappeared in a couple of days.
Within a month, the white hair became less noticeable. I was told impossible, but five months later
the one-inch wide distinctive stripe is gone and my
hair is getting darker. A friend who has been trying
to get me to shape up for fifteen years said that this
is the first time I’m developing muscles in the abs
area and that I have more curves where I should
and losing where I should. Also I noticed that
briefly laying on my stomach on the K-1 is great for
the bowels.
The best news is that when I took a couple of falls,
my hips and back didn’t go badly out leaving me in
excruciating pain like it had in the past. The one accident is unbelievable. I slipped off the top of some
wet stairs (5 stairs up) with a heavy door pushing
me. Instead of bumping down on my rear end, I
somehow was turned face up and was propelled
through the railing and time seemed to stop as I
looked at the sky while floating on my back before being dumped on the ground. When I was
younger, my hips and entire spine would severely
go out of alignment with each fall, often taking a
year or more to recover. Fourteen years ago when
I flipped on my back in a skating accident, my upper tailbone split and separated. Although I finally
have a great chiropractor, I know that the combination of the K-1 and my daily raw super green/fruit
smoothie concoctions also helped to save the day
by making my bones stronger.
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
able. I was told impossible, but five months later
the one-inch wide distinctive stripe is gone and
my hair is getting darker. A friend who has been
trying to get me to shape up for fifteen years said
that this is the first time I’m developing muscles
in the abs area and that I have more curves where
I should and losing where I should. Also I noticed
that briefly laying on my stomach on the K-1 is
great for the bowels.
Although I was exercising and having plenty of
nutritious raw food, prior to the K-1 I didn’t seem
to have the results I should have had. The K-1 has
simply made everything good I was doing work so
much better!”
Thanks, Anne A, NC
Testimonials - Osteoporosis
The best news is that when I took a couple of falls,
my hips and back didn’t go badly out leaving me in
excruciating pain like it had in the past. The one accident is unbelievable. I slipped off the top of some
wet stairs (5 stairs up) with a heavy door pushing
me. Instead of bumping down on my rear end, I
somehow was turned face up and was propelled
through the railing and time seemed to stop as I
looked at the sky while floating on my back before being dumped on the ground. When I was
younger, my hips and entire spine would severely
go out of alignment with each fall, often taking a
year or more to recover. Fourteen years ago when
I flipped on my back in a skating accident, my upper tailbone split and separated. Although I finally
have a great chiropractor, I know that the combination of the K-1 and my daily raw super green/fruit
smoothie concoctions also helped to save the day
by making my bones stronger.
From Dropping Bone Density to Normal
“ Goes
and Spinal Condition Straightens Out!
I’m 45 years old and have a family history of Osteoporosis and I’ve been taking medication for a
period of time and got concerned about the health
issues. So we went online and purchased the vibrator machine about a year ago and I just had a bone
density scan and my spine has straightened up
completely and I have not dropped in my percentage with my bone density I’m still the same I was
without any mediction except calcium!
Kathy Williamson
Gone, White Hair Turns Black and
“ Cramping
Bones as Strong as Steel
“The K-1 exerciser has been phenomenal. The
amazing benefits started the first week. For four
years, I had $200 special massages to break up the
blockages in my body and also stop my feet from
cramping and the toes from contorting every time I
was in my exercise class, but the cramping was getting worse. The cramping finally disappeared the
first week on the K-1, and I no longer have to stop
while exercising to release the toes. For the past 29
years, I have had back and hip problems due to a
freak accident. I had a big lump on the side of my
neck which the massages and chiropractics never
took away for long. The lump also disappeared in
the first week. I’ve also had a vertebra between my
shoulder blades that always felt as though it was
popped backwards out of alignment. When I was
told how to sit on the machine, this problem disappeared in a couple of days.
Within a month, the white hair became less notice-
Although I was exercising and having plenty of
nutritious raw food, prior to the K-1 I didn’t seem
to have the results I should have had. The K-1 has
simply made everything good I was doing work so
much better!”
Naomi Moy
Testimonials - Strength
Gained 12 lbs of Pure Muscle
and Was Lifting 1 ½ Times More
Weight in His First 3 ½ Months!
“In 3 months, I’ve gained more
than I have in 10 years at my racquetball club! I am
about one and one half times as strong as I was
before the K-1. 10 minutes on the K-1 in the morn-
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
maybe ever in my 57 years. I have walked many
miles a day for years, and since the K-1 I’ve noted
my legs and arms are more fluid and stronger and
have more swing to them. I walk up hills with much
more ease. My sleep is deeper. I was back country
skiing the other night and started to fall forward, I
found myself in a crouched position almost sitting,
flying down a meadow saying to myself in wonder
“My legs have never held me up like this before”.
In the past it would have been a crash and snow.
And the positive compliments I gotten from friends
about my posture and color, it’s all good. I’ve
reaped many befits in a very short time. Wonderful!
I wonder what am I going to be like after a year’s
time on this machine? Superman?
ing enhances my entire day and makes everything
easier for me. It enhances everything that I do and
makes those things almost effortless! I see people
using the K-1 looking younger, stronger, and better.
They become more motivated, happier, more creative, and more productive. It’s awesome. I’ve never
seen anything like it.”
Jon Shalomar, Mount Shasta, CA
customer service has just been over-the“ “The
“I got my Noblerex K1 about 10 days ago and I
LOVE IT. 10 days ago and I LOVE IT. (I kind of had
to back off a little because I over did it the first few
days since it was just so darned fun to feel the vibes
go through different muscles in my body!) Now I
am only doing it once a day and can feel a difference in my over all body strength and energy levels. I can feel what it is doing to my lymph system
and you just can’t get this kind of activation any
other way! As a holistic health consultant and body
worker, I consider this a major breakthrough for the
future of holistic healing modalities. (Now I am just
waiting to see what it does for my waistline. (I am
waiting to see what it does for my waistline , so I
will get back to you on that one :)
“One thing that pleasantly surprised me was the
“over the top” extreme customer service. I have had
many phone calls and e-mails first letting me know
when I would receive my machine and helping me
get it from the main road to my house because
there was a road restriction on my road, and then
after it arrived, were there to help with any questions I might have. I have never seen a company
that was so in touch with the customers and really
there for support. (And to my surprise, they all
speak English and I could understand them!) You’re
the Best!”
LauraLee M, WA
“ Stronger at 57 than Ever Before
I have been on my new K-1 Platinum all of 3 week
now, twice a day, and I do say I am twice a day,
amazing benefits and I do say I am stronger than
Great product. Thanks
Rowen Montpelier, Vermont
to be careful of my lower back as I have an
“ Ioldneed
injury in that area. I never lift heavy objects.
But recently, I went to a sewing seminar and had a
very heavy sewing machine in a heavy case. The
seminar was on the second floor, and there
were no elevators. Because my arms and legs
are now so much stronger thanks to the Noblerex K-1 Platinum, I was able to lift and carry
the sewing machine myself. No problem. Lorraine Ashland
Lorraine Ashland,
Gains Rock-Hard Muscles and
Big Increases in Strength
“The K1 is the most amazing fitness tool I have ever used! Within
3 weeks of using it I noticed a big
increase in muscle strength and size. The muscles
in my upper body, much to my surprise became
almost rock hard. Everyone who knows me is
shocked at the difference that one month has
made. Every single person who has tried my K1 has
been blown away by what just 10 minutes can do.”
Seth Pruzansky, Bowdoinham, ME
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
I’ve only been using the machine for 45 days
“ “Wow!
and I already have seen a huge improvement! I’ve
now for about three weeks, however it sat in the
box for about a week before I could put it together;
It wasn’t that it was difficult, it was just heavy. When
I opened the box for the base, it was standing up,
and it fell on my front of my ankle and it bruised
black and blue immediately. I was shocked, but as
you already know, the base is very heavy.
been carrying around quite a few extra pounds
for the past few years. Since beginning using the
Noblerex 4-5 times per week, I’ve already lost 12
pounds! I’ve shed fat and definitely put on muscle.
I’ve been working out in gyms since I was a teenager – lifting weights to build muscle. I can tell you
from experience, that I am putting on the kind of
muscle in only 10-20 minutes on the Noblerex,
where I used to spend an hour or two in the gym
pumping iron. In fact, I would say I’m getting better
results with the Noblerex because it doesn’t hurt
my joints the way that traditional weight lifting
does. There were times when I would have to stop
going to the gym altogether because my shoulder
joints hurt so badly. I have not had this problem
at all using the Noblerex. I have never in my life
written a testimonial for someone or something
… but because I am so impressed by this machine
I wanted to let others know that it really does
work!!!! So that’s it folks — you’ll build muscle, lose
fat, and get healthier in the amount of time in takes
to get in the car and drive to the gym!”
Tim Allen, Santa Cruz, CA
more popping or cracking in my joints
“ “No
first thing in the morning! Overall muscle tone
stayed good and strong in the winter.”
From Tony K., OR
Testimonials - Circulation
on the Noblerex and after ten minutes,
“ “Ithegotbruising
was completely gone.”
Gloria, 86, was practically “wheelchair bound” due to lack of circulation and sensory feeling below
her knees. Over a period of several
months, she went from her chair
to her walker and then to a cane.
she went from her chair to her walker and then
to a cane. After 6 months, she now uses a treadmill along with the Noblerex K1 almost daily. Her
circulation in her legs and feet has gone from “dark
discoloration” to a normal pink.
everyone who wishes a strong body and very
“ Higood
general health.
“Hi this is Cathy from Chicago. I’ve had my Noblerex
Cathy from Chicago
Gloria, Age 86
“10 minutes on this machine is = to 4 miles jogging…and it makes a world of difference in the
way you feel – you are more energized, better
circulation..I could go on and on!!”
Avans Tracey
To my surprise, after I put it together, I got on the
Noblerex and after ten minutes, the bruising was
completely gone. All that was left behind was red
spider veins. It was still sore to touch but there was
no visible bruising. I used it again the following
day and the spider veins were gone. I was totally
amazed at the disappearance of the bruise. Other
than that, I absolutely love my Noblerex.
One other perk I get from it is I get frequent visits
from family members; now they want to come
over and use my Noblerex! Thank you, I am looking
forward to all the other results and my improved
Thank you.”
I am a woman of seventy-eight years and I use my
K-1 machine almost daily. I miss it if I don’t. I believe it has given me a feeling of over-all vitality. It
feels like it awakens all areas of my body to a more
youthful state. I’ve had poor circulation in my lower
legs & feet and that condition has definitely improved significantly. I’ve had two hip replacements
in the last eight years (one last November) from ac-
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
cidents with horses and I have no problems using
my K-1 even on the high speed much of the time. It
has helped me in other ways such as improving my
flexibility and importantly, with my sense of balance!
Sincerely, Lucretia S
“ Immediately Noticed Circulation Improvement
For the first time in years, I feel like I fit into my
body! I immediately noticed circulation improvement, and I feel more toned and physically stronger
than I have in a long time. Its Amazing, thanks for
letting me know about this new find.
Nini Hill, Fayetteville GA
wish this vibration weight loss machine was
“ “…I
advertised more! I’m a senior and it has really has
Karen K., Chester, CA
Dr. Lenny Coco Shares His Experience Using the Noblerex K1
“I have had both my hips replaced
and the K1 has really strengthened all the muscles around my
my hip so I can walk and stand for long hours
again. The second thing the K1 has done for me is
that I lost 10% body fat, and my muscle mass has
increased and flab and fat all over my body has
decreased significantly. This has been the best all
around machine I have ever used!”
Dr. Lenny Coco
helped everywhere. I’ve lost about 5 pounds (in the
first month). My whole body just feels a lot better!”
Testimonials - Weight Loss
other exercise methods. The Noblerex has allowed
me to think more clearly, move with more flexibility, and make my butt look cuter! The support from
the company has been excellent as well. I would
encourage everyone, if your health permits, to use
this wonderful machine for easy and convenient
benefits — you only need ten minutes per day to
shape your new body. I feel great after using the K1
machine after a long day at work, and my husband
likes to use it first thing in the morning for energy
to wake-up. There is no need to push sales — the
machine stands on it own. Many places try to sell
you their product…this product sells itself!”
Noblerex has allowed me to think more
“ “The
clearly, move with more flexibility, and make my
butt look cuter!”
“Last year I used the Noblerex K1 for the first time
at a doctor’s office. I purchased the Noblerex for
myself because I wanted to feel better about myself
and experience the fun of toning my body without
having to go to a boring gym. After a few weeks, I
noticed myself feeling healthier and more toned in
areas of my body that are difficult to tone by using
“ Lady Goes From a Size 12 to a Size 6!
“When I began using the Noblerexk1 I was into a
size 12 and when I looked into a mirror I felt like I
was in someone else’s body. I am now comfortably
in a size 6 and my friends and family say that I look
healthier than they have ever seen me look. I hold
a B.S. in Holistic Nutrition, and understand the vital
importance of lymph drainage and bone densityespecially at my age- so I use the NoblerexK1 for
these extraordinary benefits as well. And the icing
on the cake for me is that I can also get a massage.
So these days I enjoy a healthy diet and I know I
am taking care of my body on a multitude of levels
with minimal effort in a few minutes a day. I wholeheartedly recommend the Noblerexk1 to all who
now ask “what is your secret?”
Karen K., Chester, CA
“ “I’m Ordering a Second K1 for My daughter!”
“What an amazing continuing transformation of
my health and body shape after purchasing the
Platinum Noblerex K-1 Whole Body Vibration Ma-
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
chine. I have used it for 9 months. I also changed to
healthy eating habits. To date I have lost 24 lbs and
am wearing 3 sizes smaller. Using the K-1 for 1 hour
a day has strengthened my muscles, my knees quit
aching and my back is stronger. I am almost 67 and
have great energy. I still run my business and feel
wonderful. Another great benefit is having a health
professional to call for assistance at any time you
have a question. I am ordering a second one for
my daughter.This will be the best gift for her future
health and well being. YOU GOTTA GET ONE!!!!!
Kathy Houg
“ “…My Clothes Are Literally Hanging Off Me!”
Testimonials - Better Sleep
“ Stronger at 57 than Ever Before
I have been on my new K-1 Platinum all of 3 week
now, twice a day, and I do say I am stronger than
maybe ever in my 57 years. I have walked many
miles a day for years, and since the K-1 I’ve noted
my legs and arms are more fluid and stronger and
have more swing to them. I walk up hills with much
more ease. My sleep is deeper. I was back country
skiing the other night and started to fall forward, I
found myself in a crouched position almost sitting,
flying down a meadow saying to myself in wonder
“My legs have never held me up like this before”. In
the past it would have been a crash and snow. And
the positive compliments I gotten from friends
about my posture and color, it’s all good. I’ve
reaped many befits in a very short time. Wonderful!
I wonder what am I going to be like after a year’s
time on this machine? Superman?
Great product. Thanks
Click the Play Button Now to Hear Sharon’s Shocking 2 Minute Interview!
Sharon Hale, WI
I’ve only been using the machine for 45 days
“ “Wow!
and I already have seen a huge improvement! I’ve
been carrying around quite a few extra pounds
for the past few years. Since beginning using the
Noblerex 4-5 times per week, I’ve already lost 12
pounds! I’ve shed fat and definitely put on muscle.
I’ve been working out in gyms since I was a teenager – lifting weights to build muscle.
I can tell you from experience, that I am putting on
the kind of muscle in only 10-20 minutes on the
Noblerex, where I used to spend an hour or two
in the gym pumping iron. In fact, I would say I’m
getting better results with the Noblerex because
it doesn’t hurt my joints the way that traditional
weight lifting does. There were times when I would
have to stop going to the gym altogether because
my shoulder joints hurt so badly. I have not had
this problem at all using the Noblerex. I have never
in my life written a testimonial for someone or
something … but because I am so impressed by
this machine I wanted to let others know that it
really does work!!!! So that’s it folks — you’ll build
muscle, lose fat, and get healthier in the amount
of time in takes to get in the car and drive to the
Tim Allen, Santa Cruz, CA
Rowen Montpelier, Vermont
“After just one week of using
the Noblerex K1, I started sleeping better”
“My friend, Terri has a Noblerex K1
and I tried it at her office. I was so
impressed about the deep healing that happened
in my body in only 10 minutes. The third time I
tried it, I was fighting a head cold and I was feeling
really bad. My balance and eyesight were impaired
and I had a lot of pain in my head. One hour after I
used the Noblerex K1, it was ALL gone. Pain in my
head, lack of energy, everything. I had more energy
that I normally had. That moment, I realized I had
to get one. I had no idea how but I was sure it was
going happen.
Three weeks ago, the Noblerex K1 arrived! I use it
almost every day, about 6 times a week.
I was pretty healthy and in good shape before - I
am 41, I take good care of my body, nutrition wise
and exercise. Using the Noblerex K1, my core muscles are stronger than ever, I have younger looking
6 Warning Signs of Aging - And How to Prevent and Reverse Them with the Noblerex
skin, less wrinkles, my gray hair is going away. If
something falls, I catch it very fast. I feel happier
and my mind is sharper. My spider veins are fading
away. But the thing that I am most happier about
is that I am sleeping better. After my divorce, a year
and a half ago, I was not able to get a good night
sleep. After just one week of using the Noblerex K1,
I started sleeping better. I am so grateful for that.
Also it helped me get ride of a sinus infection and
helps me with allergies. I feel 10 years younger! I
am so excited and looking forward to seeing what I
will feel next.
I had my land lady on it (almost 80 years old). She
had a pain in her leg when she came in. In 7 minutes of the lowest vibration (1 to 3) she was walking better and had no pain left. We both couldn’t
believe it! I love the team support I received and
I will definitely recommend it to my friends. I am
even thinking how can I send one to Romania to
my mother.”
Ioana Grigore, Los Altos, Ca
have been using my machine for 2 weeks and I
“ Ifeel
an increase in energy and sleep better at night.
I no longer have to spend 1 hour working out to
get results. I no longer have discomfort from my
workouts and I do not get as tired with the long
hours I work each day. As a nurse my day maybe
14-16 hours a day and now I can get my workouts
done and still complete my work day. Thanks to
Diane Gohr RN
Gia Gets Some Sleep!
“It’s only been just a few days
that I’ve been using the Noblerex
K1 and one thing I’ve immediately noticed is that I am sleeping
immediately noticed is that I am sleeping well (LIKE
A ROCK) which is something I’m SO GRATEFUL for.
I’ve been battling insomnia since 2005.... it’s been
an on and off battle to stay well rested and asleep
through this night.
I used to wake up and stay up at LEAST once a
night for between an hour -- up to 5 hours - basically just sleeping 2-4 hrs a night was normal when
I was at my worst....
Since using the Noblerex I am sleeping like a baby
--- and I KNOW it’s the vibrational exercise --- nothing else in my life has changed. I am soooooo
happy about getting good rest for a change... It’s
really been incredible.
I’ve had three SOLID nights of 7 hours STRAIGHT.
THANK YOU THANK YOU Noblerex K1! It’s awesome!”
Gia from Australia
all the wrinkles are gone from my neck...
“ “Now
My legs are much stronger...I actually sleep a lot
My name is Stan Saloff I’m from Longpoke, California. I’ve had my machine about 3 weeks. I love
it. I’m only on the second automatic level. The first
thing I noticed when I was on the first level was my
neck muscles were sore, because I never exercised
my neck. And now all the wrinkles are gone from
my neck. And I figure women would love something like that.
My legs are much stronger. I can walk up and
down steps without any problems. I just feel better,
and sleep better. I actually sleep a lot better. I’m
surprised to see that happen, I didn’t expect that
to happen. So I’m sleeping better, I’m just feeling
I’m all excited. I’m ready to go to the third level
now and see what that does, And then start looking into specific exercise. And I’m 69 years old, so
I’m no spring chicken as they say, But everything is
just really fine. I just want to say thanks for a great
Stan S. From Lompoc, CA